diff --git a/utils/converters/matlab/load_gmsh2.m b/utils/converters/matlab/load_gmsh2.m
index 09db4bb37e60bf685750bc2a9a75314fe3b22b22..722620428538521ee91ead38c8037d1de43cd9cb 100644
--- a/utils/converters/matlab/load_gmsh2.m
+++ b/utils/converters/matlab/load_gmsh2.m
@@ -1,13 +1,26 @@
-function msh = load_gmsh2(filename)
+function msh = load_gmsh4(filename, which)
 %% Reads a mesh in msh format, version 1 or 2
+% Usage: 
+% To define all variables m.LINES, M.TRIANGLES, etc 
+% (Warning: This creates a very large structure. Do you really need it?)
+%            m = load_gmsh4('a.msh')
+% To define only certain variables (for example TETS and HEXS)
+%            m = load_gmsh4('a.msh', [ 5 6])
+% To define no variables (i.e. if you prefer to use m.ELE_INFOS(i,2))
+%            m = load_gmsh4('a.msh', -1)
+%            m = load_gmsh4('a.msh', [])
 % Copyright (C) 2007  JP Moitinho de Almeida (moitinho@civil.ist.utl.pt)
+% and  R Lorphevre(r(point)lorphevre(at)ulg(point)ac(point)be)
 % based on load_gmsh.m supplied with gmsh-2.0
-% Structure msh has the following elements:
-% msh.NODES_PER_TYPE_OF_ELEMENT - Number of nodes for each type of element
+% Structure msh always has the following elements:
 % msh.MIN, msh.MAX - Bounding box
 % msh.nbNod - Number of nodes
 % msh.nbElm - Total number of elements
@@ -20,23 +33,62 @@ function msh = load_gmsh2(filename)
 % msh.ELE_TAGS(i,j) - Tags of element i (j in 1:msh.ELE_INFOS(i,3))
 % msh.ELE_NODES(i,j) - Nodes of element i (j in 1:k, with
 %                       k = msh.NODES_PER_TYPE_OF_ELEMENT(msh.ELE_INFOS(i,2)))
-msh.MIN = [ inf; inf; inf ];
-msh.MAX = [ -inf; -inf; -inf ];
+% These elements are created if requested:
+% msh.nbLines - number of 2 node lines
+% msh.LINES(i,1:2) - nodes of line i
+% msh.LINES(i,3) - tag (WHICH ?????) of line i
+% msh.nbTriangles - number of 2 node triangles
+% msh.TRIANGLES(i,1:3) - nodes of triangle i
+% msh.TRIANGLES(i,4) - tag (WHICH ?????) of triangle i
+% Etc
 % These definitions need to be updated when new elemens types are added to gmsh
-%   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1 
-%   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 
-    2  3  4  4  8  6  5  3  6  9 10 27 18 14  1  8 20 15 13 ];
+% msh.Types{i}{1} Number of an element of type i
+% msh.Types{i}{2} Dimension (0D, 1D, 2D or 3D) of element of type i
+% msh.Types{i}{3} Name to add to the structure with elements of type i
+% msh.Types{i}{4} Name to add to the structure with the number of elements of type i
-%       0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
-%       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
-Dim = [ 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 ];
-ntypes = length(msh.NODES_PER_TYPE_OF_ELEMENT);
+nargchk(1, 2, nargin);
+msh.Types = { ...
+    { 2, 1, 'LINES', 'nbLines'}, ... % 1
+    { 3,  2, 'TRIANGLES', 'nbTriangles'}, ...
+    { 4,  2, 'QUADS', 'nbQuads'}, ...  
+    { 4,  3, 'TETS', 'nbTets'}, ...
+    { 8,  3, 'HEXAS', 'nbHexas'}, ... %5
+    { 6,  3, 'PRISMS', 'nbPrisms'}, ...
+    { 5,  3, 'PYRAMIDS', 'nbPyramids'}, ...
+    { 3,  1, 'LINES3', 'nbLines3'}, ...
+    { 6,  2, 'TRIANGLES6', 'nbTriangles6'}, ...
+    { 9,  2, 'QUADS9', 'nbQuads9'}, ... % 10
+    { 10,  3, 'TETS10', 'nbTets10'}, ...
+    { 27,  3, 'HEXAS27', 'nbHexas27'}, ...
+    { 18,  3, 'PRISMS18', 'nbPrisms18'}, ...
+    { 14,  3, 'PYRAMIDS14', 'nbPyramids14'}, ...
+    { 1,  0, 'POINTS', 'nbPoints'}, ... % 15
+    { 8,  3, 'QUADS8', 'nbQuads8'}, ...
+    { 20,  3, 'HEXAS20', 'nbHexas20'}, ...
+    { 15,  3, 'PRISMS15', 'nbPrisms15'}, ...
+    { 13,  3, 'PYRAMIDS13', 'nbPyramids13'}, ...
+ntypes = length(msh.Types);
+if (nargin==1)
+    which = 1:ntypes;
+    if isscalar(which) && which == -1
+        which = [];
+    end
+% Could check that "which" is properlly defined....
 fid = fopen(filename, 'r');
 fileformat = 0; % Assume wrong file
@@ -88,55 +140,66 @@ end
 if strcmp(tline, '$NOD') || strcmp(tline, '$Nodes')
     msh.nbNod = fscanf(fid, '%d', 1);
-    msh.POS = zeros(msh.nbNod, 3);
-    for I=1:msh.nbNod
-        % iNod =
-        fscanf(fid, '%d', 1);
-        X = fscanf(fid, '%g', 3);
-        % IDS(iNod) = I;                      % Is it safe to assume that the nodes are sequentially presented?
-        msh.MAX = max(msh.MAX, X);
-        msh.MIN = min(msh.MIN, X);
-        msh.POS(I,:) = X;
-    end
+    aux = fscanf(fid, '%g', [4 msh.nbNod]);
+    msh.POS = aux(2:4,:)';
+    numids = max(aux(1,:));
+    IDS = zeros(1, numids);
+    IDS(aux(1,:)) = 1:msh.nbNod; % This may not be an identity
+    msh.MAX = max(msh.POS);
+    msh.MIN = min(msh.POS);
     fgetl(fid); % End previous line
     fgetl(fid); % Has to be $ENDNOD $EndNodes
+    disp (sprintf('Syntax error (no $Nodes/$NOD) in: %s',  filename));
+    fileformat = 0;
 %% Read elements
 tline = fgetl(fid);
 if strcmp(tline,'$ELM') || strcmp(tline, '$Elements')
     msh.nbElm = fscanf(fid, '%d', 1);
-    msh.ELE_INFOS = zeros(msh.nbElm, 4); % 1 - id, 2 - type, 3 -tags, 4 - Dimension
-    msh.ELE_NODES = zeros(msh.nbElm,1); % i - Element, j - ElNodes
-    if eq(fileformat, 1)
+    % read all info about elements into aux (it is faster!)
+    aux = fscanf(fid, '%g', inf);
+    start = 1;
+    msh.ELE_INFOS = zeros(msh.nbElm, 4); % 1 - id, 2 - type, 3 - ntags, 4 - Dimension
+    msh.ELE_NODES = zeros(msh.nbElm,6); % i - Element, j - ElNodes
+    if (fileformat == 1)
         ntags = 2;
         ntags = 3; % just a prediction
-    msh.ELE_TAGS = zeros(msh.nbElm, ntags);
+    msh.ELE_TAGS = zeros(msh.nbElm, ntags); % format 1: 1 - physical number, 2 - geometrical number
+                                            % format 2: 1 - physical number, 2 - geometrical number, 3 - mesh partition number
     msh.nbType = zeros(ntypes,1);
     for I = 1:msh.nbElm
         if (fileformat == 2)
-            msh.ELE_INFOS(I, 1:3) = fscanf(fid, '%d', 3);
-            ntags = msh.ELE_INFOS(I,3);
-            msh.ELE_TAGS(I, 1:ntags) = fscanf(fid, '%d', ntags);
+            finnish = start + 2; 
+            msh.ELE_INFOS(I, 1:3) = aux(start:finnish); 
+            ntags = aux(finnish); 
+            start = finnish + 1;
+            finnish = start + ntags -1;
+            msh.ELE_TAGS(I, 1:ntags) = aux(start:finnish); 
+            start = finnish + 1;
-            aux = fscanf(fid, '%d', 5);
-            msh.ELE_INFOS(I, 1:2) = aux(1:2);
-            msh.ELE_INFOS(I, 3) = 2;
-            msh.ELE_TAGS(I, :) = aux(3:4);
+            finnish = start + 1;
+            msh.ELE_INFOS(I, 1:2) = aux(start:finnish); 
+            start = finnish + 1; % the third element is nnodes, which we get from the type
+            msh.ELE_INFOS(I, 3) = 2; 
+            finnish = start + 1;
+            msh.ELE_TAGS(I, 1:2) = aux(start:finnish); 
+            start = finnish + 2;
         type = msh.ELE_INFOS(I, 2);
         msh.nbType(type) = msh.nbType(type) + 1;
-        msh.ELE_INFOS(I, 4) = Dim(type);
-        nnodes = msh.NODES_PER_TYPE_OF_ELEMENT(type);
-        NODES_ELEM = fscanf(fid, '%d', nnodes);
-        msh.ELE_NODES(I, 1:nnodes) = NODES_ELEM;
+        msh.ELE_INFOS(I, 4) = msh.Types{type}{2};
+        nnodes = msh.Types{type}{1};
+        finnish = start + nnodes - 1;
+        msh.ELE_NODES(I, 1:nnodes) = IDS(aux(start:finnish));
+        start=finnish + 1;
-    fgetl(fid); % End previous line
     fgetl(fid); % Has to be $ENDELM or $EndElements
-    disp('Error reading elements');
+    disp (sprintf('Syntax error (no $Elements/$ELM) in: %s',  filename));
     fileformat = 0;
@@ -145,4 +208,31 @@ if (fileformat == 0)
+%% This is used to create the explicit lists for types of elements
+for i = which
+    if (~isempty(msh.Types{i}{3}))
+        cmd = sprintf('msh.%s=msh.nbType(%d);', msh.Types{i}{4}, i);
+        eval(cmd);
+        % Dimension
+        cmd = sprintf('msh.%s=zeros(%d,%d);', msh.Types{i}{3}, msh.nbType(i), msh.Types{i}{1}+1);
+        eval(cmd);
+        % Clear nbType for counting, next loop will recompute it
+        msh.nbType(i) = 0;
+    end
+for i = 1:msh.nbElm
+    type = msh.ELE_INFOS(i,2);
+    if (find(which == type))
+        if (~isempty(msh.Types{type}{3}))
+            msh.nbType(type) = msh.nbType(type)+1;
+            aux=[ msh.ELE_NODES(i,1:msh.Types{type}{1}), msh.ELE_TAGS(i,1) ];
+            cmd = sprintf('msh.%s(%d,:)=aux;', msh.Types{type}{3}, msh.nbType(type));
+            eval(cmd);
+        end
+    end