From c03d82fbc9cf9de7b60697b497dfaf7bd51a0433 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Francois Remacle <>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 12:33:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed surface meshing when singular parametrizations are

TODO : avoid topological unconsistencies for (e.g.) cones when
delaunay meshing is involved.
 Common/CommandLine.cpp              |   2 -
 Common/GmshDefines.h                |   1 -
 Geo/boundaryLayersData.cpp          | 182 ++++++++++++++++++-
 Geo/boundaryLayersData.h            |   2 +-
 Mesh/meshGFace.cpp                  |   6 -
 Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp | 262 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
 Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.h   |   3 -
 Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp          | 218 ++++++++++++++++-------
 Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.h            |   1 +
 benchmarks/2d/Square-01.geo         |   6 +-
 benchmarks/2d/conge.geo             |   4 +-
 11 files changed, 531 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Common/CommandLine.cpp b/Common/CommandLine.cpp
index 0cb5506c66..925e484edc 100644
--- a/Common/CommandLine.cpp
+++ b/Common/CommandLine.cpp
@@ -792,8 +792,6 @@ void GetOptions(int argc, char *argv[])
             CTX::instance()->mesh.algo2d = ALGO_2D_FRONTAL_QUAD;
           else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "pack", 4))
             CTX::instance()->mesh.algo2d = ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS;
-          else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "ruppert", 7))
-            CTX::instance()->mesh.algo2d = ALGO_2D_RUPPERT;
           else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "front2d", 7) || !strncmp(argv[i], "frontal", 7))
             CTX::instance()->mesh.algo2d = ALGO_2D_FRONTAL;
           else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "bamg",4))
diff --git a/Common/GmshDefines.h b/Common/GmshDefines.h
index 6226ccd540..6d1cf9eff7 100644
--- a/Common/GmshDefines.h
+++ b/Common/GmshDefines.h
@@ -229,7 +229,6 @@
 #define ALGO_2D_BAMG           7
 #define ALGO_2D_FRONTAL_QUAD   8
 #define ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS   9
-#define ALGO_2D_RUPPERT       10
 // 3D meshing algorithms (numbers should not be changed)
 #define ALGO_3D_DELAUNAY       1
diff --git a/Geo/boundaryLayersData.cpp b/Geo/boundaryLayersData.cpp
index 8b1bfd9a80..9adc9e9557 100644
--- a/Geo/boundaryLayersData.cpp
+++ b/Geo/boundaryLayersData.cpp
@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
 #include "MEdge.h"
 #include "boundaryLayersData.h"
 #include "OS.h"
+#include "BackgroundMesh.h"
+#if defined(HAVE_RTREE)
+#include "rtree.h"
 #if !defined(HAVE_MESH) || !defined(HAVE_ANN)
@@ -777,6 +782,8 @@ bool buildAdditionalPoints2D(GFace *gf)
+  _columns->filterPoints(gf,0.21);
   char name[256];
   FILE *f = Fopen (name,"w");
@@ -1087,9 +1094,9 @@ BoundaryLayerColumns *buildAdditionalPoints3D(GRegion *gr)
-    else
+    else {
       createColumnsBetweenFaces (gr,*it,blf,_columns,_allGFaces,_faces,_normals,_treshold);
+    }
@@ -1114,4 +1121,175 @@ BoundaryLayerColumns *buildAdditionalPoints3D(GRegion *gr)
   return _columns;
+struct blPoint_wrapper 
+  bool _tooclose;
+  MVertex *_v; 
+  std::map<MVertex*,MVertex*> &_v2v;
+  blPoint_wrapper (MVertex *v, std::map<MVertex*,MVertex*> &v2v)
+    : _tooclose(false), _v(v), _v2v(v2v) {}
+struct blPoint_rtree 
+  MVertex *_v;  
+  double _size;
+  blPoint_rtree (MVertex *v, double size) :
+    _v(v), _size(size) {}
+  bool inExclusionZone (MVertex *v){
+    double d = _v->distance(v);
+    //printf("d = %12.5E\n",d);
+    if (d <= _size) return true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  void minmax (double min[3], double max[3]){
+    min[0] = _v->x() - _size; 
+    min[1] = _v->y() - _size; 
+    min[2] = _v->z() - _size; 
+    max[0] = _v->x() + _size; 
+    max[1] = _v->y() + _size; 
+    max[2] = _v->z() + _size; 
+  }
+bool rtree_callback(blPoint_rtree *neighbour,void* point){
+  blPoint_wrapper *w = static_cast<blPoint_wrapper*>(point);
+  const MVertex *from_1 = w->_v2v[neighbour->_v];
+  const MVertex *from_2 = w->_v2v[w->_v];
+  //  printf("%p %p\n",from_1,from_2);
+  if (from_1 == from_2) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (neighbour->inExclusionZone(w->_v)){
+    w->_tooclose = true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool inExclusionZone_filter (MVertex* p,
+			     std::map <MVertex*, MVertex*> &v2v,
+			     RTree< blPoint_rtree *,double,3,double> &rtree){
+  // should assert that the point is inside the domain
+  {
+    double u, v;
+    p->getParameter(0,u);
+    p->getParameter(1,v);
+    if (!backgroundMesh::current()->inDomain(u,v,0)) return true;
+  }
+  blPoint_wrapper w (p,v2v);
+  double _min[3] = {p->x()-1.e-1, p->y()-1.e-1,p->z()-1.e-1};
+  double _max[3] = {p->x()+1.e-1, p->y()+1.e-1,p->z()+1.e-1};
+  rtree.Search(_min,_max,rtree_callback,&w);
+  return w._tooclose;
+void BoundaryLayerColumns::filterPoints(GEntity *ge, double factor)
+#if defined(HAVE_RTREE)
+  //  return;
+  //  compute the element sizes
+  std::map<MVertex*,double> sizes;
+  if (ge->dim() == 2){
+    backgroundMesh::set((GFace *)ge);
+    std::list<GEdge*> edges = ge->edges();
+    std::list<GEdge*>::iterator it = edges.begin();
+    for ( ; it != edges.end() ; ++it){
+      GEdge *ged = *it;
+      for (unsigned int i=0;i<ged->lines.size();i++){
+	MLine *e = ged->lines[i];
+	MVertex *v0 = e->getVertex(0);
+	MVertex *v1 = e->getVertex(1);
+	double d = v0->distance(v1);
+	std::map<MVertex*,double>::iterator it0 = sizes.find(v0);
+	if (it0 == sizes.end()) sizes[v0] = d;
+	else it0->second = std::max(d, it0->second);
+	std::map<MVertex*,double>::iterator it1 = sizes.find(v1);
+	if (it1 == sizes.end()) sizes[v1] = d;
+	else it1->second = std::max(d, it1->second);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else    {
+    Msg::Fatal("code ce truc JF !");
+  }
+  // a RTREE data structure that enables to verify if
+  // points are too close 
+  RTree<blPoint_rtree*,double,3,double> rtree;
+  // stores the info "where the new vertex comes form"
+  std::map <MVertex*, MVertex*> v2v;
+  // compute maximum column size
+  // initialize the RTREE with points on the boundary
+  unsigned int MAXCOLSIZE = 0;
+  BoundaryLayerColumns::iter it = _data.begin();
+  for ( ; it != _data.end() ; ++it) {
+    BoundaryLayerData & d = it->second;    
+    MAXCOLSIZE = MAXCOLSIZE > d._column.size() ? MAXCOLSIZE : d._column.size();
+    MVertex * v = it->first;
+    double largeMeshSize = factor*sizes[v];
+    blPoint_rtree *p = new blPoint_rtree(v,largeMeshSize);
+    double _min[3],_max[3];
+    p->minmax (_min,_max);
+    rtree.Insert(_min,_max,p);	    
+    v2v[v] = v;
+    for (unsigned int k = 0 ; k < d._column.size() ; k++) 
+      v2v[d._column[k]] = v;
+  }
+  // go layer by layer
+  for (unsigned int LAYER = 0 ; LAYER < MAXCOLSIZE ; LAYER++){
+    // store accepted points that will be inserted in the rtree
+    // afterwards
+    std::set<MVertex*> accepted;
+    it = _data.begin();
+    for ( ; it != _data.end() ; ++it) {
+      MVertex * v = it->first;
+      double largeMeshSize = sizes[v];
+      BoundaryLayerData & d = it->second;
+      // take the point if the number of layers is 
+      // large enough
+      if (d._column.size() > LAYER){
+	// check if the vertex in the column at position LAYER
+	// isn't too close to another vertex
+	MVertex *toCheck = d._column[LAYER];
+	if (LAYER){
+	  double DD = toCheck->distance ( d._column[LAYER-1] );
+	  // do not allow to have elements that are stretched the 
+	  // other way around !
+	  if (DD > largeMeshSize) largeMeshSize *= 100;
+	  largeMeshSize = std::max (largeMeshSize, DD);
+	}
+	largeMeshSize *= factor;
+	bool exclude = inExclusionZone_filter (toCheck,v2v,rtree);	
+	if (!exclude){
+	  v2v [toCheck] = v;
+	  blPoint_rtree *p = new blPoint_rtree(toCheck,largeMeshSize);
+	  double _min[3],_max[3];
+	  p->minmax (_min,_max);
+	  rtree.Insert(_min,_max,p);
+	}
+	else {
+	  std::vector<MVertex*> newColumn;
+	  for (unsigned int k = 0 ; k < LAYER ; k++) newColumn.push_back(d._column[k]);
+	  for (unsigned int k = LAYER ; k < d._column.size() ; k++) delete  d._column[k];
+	  d._column = newColumn;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Msg::Warning ("Boundary Layer Points cannot be filtered without compiling gmsh with the rtree library");
diff --git a/Geo/boundaryLayersData.h b/Geo/boundaryLayersData.h
index 261ac7b058..ee02ed8516 100644
--- a/Geo/boundaryLayersData.h
+++ b/Geo/boundaryLayersData.h
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public:
     static BoundaryLayerData error;
     return error;
-  void filterPoints();
+  void filterPoints(GEntity *ge, double factor);
 BoundaryLayerField* getBLField(GModel *gm);
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
index 2fad6b8759..91ee53ec0b 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
@@ -452,7 +452,6 @@ static bool algoDelaunay2D(GFace *gf)
   if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_DELAUNAY ||
      gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_BAMG ||
      gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_FRONTAL ||
-     gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_RUPPERT ||
      gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_FRONTAL_QUAD ||
      gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS ||
      gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_BAMG)
@@ -1297,8 +1296,6 @@ bool meshGenerator(GFace *gf, int RECUR_ITER,
     else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_DELAUNAY ||
             gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_AUTO)
-    else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_RUPPERT)
-      gmshRuppert(gf,.5);
     else {
@@ -2031,8 +2028,6 @@ static bool meshGeneratorPeriodic(GFace *gf, bool debug = true)
     else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_DELAUNAY ||
             gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_AUTO)
       bowyerWatson(gf,1000000000, &equivalence, &parametricCoordinates);
-    else if(gf->getMeshingAlgo() == ALGO_2D_RUPPERT)
-      gmshRuppert(gf,.4,10000, &equivalence, &parametricCoordinates);
     if (!infty || !(CTX::instance()->mesh.recombineAll || gf->meshAttributes.recombine))
@@ -2114,7 +2109,6 @@ void meshGFace::operator() (GFace *gf, bool print)
   case ALGO_2D_DELAUNAY : algo = "Delaunay"; break;
   case ALGO_2D_MESHADAPT_OLD : algo = "MeshAdapt (old)"; break;
   case ALGO_2D_BAMG : algo = "Bamg"; break;
-  case ALGO_2D_RUPPERT : algo = "Ruppert"; break;
   case ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS : algo = "Square Packing"; break;
   case ALGO_2D_AUTO :
     algo = (gf->geomType() == GEntity::Plane) ? "Delaunay" : "MeshAdapt";
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp
index 19b59aa852..6103fe15bf 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,30 @@ static bool isBoundary(MTri3 *t, double limit_, int &active)
   return false;
+struct equivalentTriangle {
+  MTri3 *_t;
+  MVertex *_v[3];
+  equivalentTriangle (MTri3 *t,  std::map<MVertex* , MVertex*>* equivalence)
+    :_t(t) {
+    for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
+      MVertex *v = t->tri()->getVertex(i);
+      std::map<MVertex* , MVertex*>::iterator it = equivalence->find(v);
+      if (it == equivalence->end())_v[i] = v;
+      else _v[i] = it->second;
+    }
+    std::sort (_v,_v+3);
+  }
+  bool operator < (const equivalentTriangle &other) const{
+    for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
+      if (other._v[i] > _v[i])return true;
+      if (other._v[i] < _v[i])return false;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
 template <class ITERATOR>
 void _printTris(char *name, ITERATOR it,  ITERATOR end, bidimMeshData & data, bool param=true)
@@ -227,6 +251,7 @@ void buildMetric(GFace *gf, double *uv, double *metric)
   metric[0] = dot(der.first(), der.first());
   metric[1] = dot(der.second(), der.first());
   metric[2] = dot(der.second(), der.second());
 // m 3x3
@@ -460,6 +485,102 @@ void connectTriangles(std::set<MTri3*, compareTri3Ptr> &l)
   connectTris(l.begin(), l.end());
+int inCircumCircleTangentPlane(MTriangle *t,
+			       SPoint3 &p, SVector3 &t1, SVector3 &t2)
+  double p1[2],p2[2],p3[2], pp[2] = {0,0};
+  MVertex *v1 = t->getVertex(0);
+  MVertex *v2 = t->getVertex(1);
+  MVertex *v3 = t->getVertex(2);
+  SVector3 pmx1 (v1->x()-p.x(),v1->y()-p.y(),v1->z()-p.z());
+  p1[0] = dot(pmx1,t1);p1[1] = dot(pmx1,t2);
+  SVector3 pmx2 (v2->x()-p.x(),v2->y()-p.y(),v2->z()-p.z());
+  p2[0] = dot(pmx2,t1);p2[1] = dot(pmx2,t2);
+  SVector3 pmx3 (v3->x()-p.x(),v3->y()-p.y(),v3->z()-p.z());
+  p3[0] = dot(pmx3,t1);p3[1] = dot(pmx3,t2);  
+  double result = robustPredicates::incircle(p1, p2, p3, pp) *
+    robustPredicates::orient2d(p1, p2, p3);
+  return (result > 0) ? 1 : 0;
+void recurFindCavityTangentPlane(std::list<edgeXface> &shell, 
+				 std::list<MTri3*> &cavity,
+				 MTri3 *t,  
+				 SPoint3 &p, SVector3 &t1, SVector3 &t2)
+  t->setDeleted(true);
+  cavity.push_back(t);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
+    MTri3 *neigh =  t->getNeigh(i) ;
+    if (!neigh)
+      shell.push_back(edgeXface(t, i));
+    else if (!neigh->isDeleted()){
+      int circ =  inCircumCircleTangentPlane(neigh->tri(), p, t1, t2);
+      if (circ)
+        recurFindCavityTangentPlane(shell, cavity, neigh, p, t1, t2);
+      else
+        shell.push_back(edgeXface(t, i));
+    }
+  }
+/// T E S T : project the cavity on the tangent plane in case of bad mapping
+static void computeTangentPlane (GFace *gf, double center[2], SPoint3 &p, SVector3 &t1, SVector3 &t2)
+  GPoint gp = gf->point(SPoint2(center[0],center[1]));
+  p = SPoint3(gp.x(),gp.y(),gp.z());
+  Pair<SVector3, SVector3> der = gf->firstDer(SPoint2(center[0], center[1]));
+  SVector3 n = crossprod(der.first(),der.second());
+  t1 = der.first();
+  t2 = crossprod(n,der.first());
+  t1.normalize();
+  t2.normalize();
+  //  printf("%g %g %g :: %g %g %g\n",t1.x(),t1.y(),t1.z(),t2.x(),t2.y(),t2.z());
+bool findCavityTangentPlane(GFace *gf, double *center,
+			    std::list<edgeXface> &shell, 
+			    std::list<MTri3*> &cavity,
+			    MTri3 *t)
+  return false;
+  SPoint3 p; SVector3 t1,t2;
+  computeTangentPlane (gf,center, p,t1,t2);    
+  SVector3 N = crossprod(t2,t1);
+  N.normalize();
+  const double d = -(N.x()*p.x()+N.y()*p.y()+N.z()*p.z());
+  recurFindCavityTangentPlane(shell, cavity, t, p, t1, t2);
+  //  double AMIN = 1;
+  double DMAX = 0.0;
+  for (std::list<MTri3*>::iterator i=cavity.begin();i!=cavity.end();i++){
+    t = *i;
+    SPoint3 b = t->tri()->getFace(0).barycenter();    
+    //    SVector3 n = t->tri()->getFace(0).normal();    
+    //    double a = fabs(dot(N,n));
+    double dist = fabs(N.x()*b.x()+N.y()*b.y()+N.z()*b.z() + d);
+    DMAX = std::max(DMAX,dist);
+    //    AMIN = std::min(a,AMIN);
+    //    printf("%g %g %g -- %g %g %g\n",N.x(),N.y(),N.z(),n.x(),n.y(),n.z());
+  }
+  if (DMAX > 30 || cavity.size() < 2){
+    printf("%d elements in the cavity DMAX %g\n",cavity.size(),DMAX);
+    for (std::list<MTri3*>::iterator i=cavity.begin();i!=cavity.end();i++){
+      t = *i;
+      t->setDeleted(false);
+    }
+    cavity.clear();
+    shell.clear();
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
 void recurFindCavity(std::list<edgeXface> &shell, std::list<MTri3*> &cavity,
                      double *v, double *param, MTri3 *t,  bidimMeshData & data)
@@ -585,7 +706,7 @@ bool insertVertexB (std::list<edgeXface> &shell,
 		    double *metric,
 		    MTri3 **oneNewTriangle)
-  if (shell.size() <= 3 || shell.size() != cavity.size() + 2) return false;
+  if (shell.size() != cavity.size() + 2) return false;
   std::list<MTri3*> new_cavity;
@@ -773,15 +894,20 @@ static MTri3* search4Triangle (MTri3 *t, double pt[2], bidimMeshData & data,
   return 0;
-//double __DT1;
-static bool insertAPoint(GFace *gf, std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr>::iterator it,
-                         double center[2], double metric[3], bidimMeshData & data,
+static bool insertAPoint(GFace *gf, 
+			 std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr>::iterator it,
+                         double center[2], 
+			 double metric[3], 
+			 bidimMeshData & data,
                          std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr> &AllTris,
                          std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr> *ActiveTris = 0,
-                         MTri3 *worst = 0,  MTri3 **oneNewTriangle = 0)
+                         MTri3 *worst = 0,  
+			 MTri3 **oneNewTriangle = 0)
   if (worst){
     it = AllTris.find(worst);
     if (worst != *it){
@@ -796,11 +922,11 @@ static bool insertAPoint(GFace *gf, std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr>::iterator it
   std::list<MTri3*> cavity;
   double uv[2];
+  // TEST
   // if the point is able to break the bad triangle "worst"
   if (inCircumCircleAniso(gf, worst->tri(), center, metric, data)){
-    //      double t1 = Cpu();
-    recurFindCavityAniso(gf, shell, cavity, metric, center, worst, data);
-    //      __DT1 += Cpu() - t1 ;
+    if (!findCavityTangentPlane(gf,center,shell, cavity, worst))
+      recurFindCavityAniso(gf, shell, cavity, metric, center, worst, data);
     for (std::list<MTri3*>::iterator itc = cavity.begin(); itc != cavity.end(); ++itc){
       if (invMapUV((*itc)->tri(), center, data, uv, 1.e-8)) {
 	ptin = *itc;
@@ -808,13 +934,14 @@ static bool insertAPoint(GFace *gf, std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr>::iterator it
-  // else look for it
-  else {
-    //      printf("cocuou\n");
+  else {    
     ptin = search4Triangle (worst, center, data, AllTris,uv, oneNewTriangle ? true : false);
-      if (ptin) {
+    //    printf("what's this %g %g\n",center[0],center[1]);
+    if (ptin) {
+      if (!findCavityTangentPlane(gf,center,shell, cavity, ptin))
 	recurFindCavityAniso(gf, shell, cavity, metric, center, ptin, data);
-      }
+    }
   if (ptin) {
@@ -870,55 +997,38 @@ static bool insertAPoint(GFace *gf, std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr>::iterator it
-void gmshRuppert(GFace *gf,  double minqual, int MAXPNT,
-		 std::map<MVertex* , MVertex*>* equivalence,
-		 std::map<MVertex*, SPoint2> * parametricCoordinates){
-  MTri3::radiusNorm =3;
-  std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr> AllTris;
-  bidimMeshData DATA(equivalence,parametricCoordinates);
-  buildMeshGenerationDataStructures(gf, AllTris, DATA);
-  int nbSwaps = edgeSwapPass(gf, AllTris, SWCR_DEL, DATA);
-  Msg::Debug("Delaunization of the initial mesh done (%d swaps)", nbSwaps);
-  if(AllTris.empty()){
-    Msg::Error("No triangles in initial mesh");
-    return;
-  }
-  int NBDELETED = 0;
-  while (1){
-    MTri3 *worst = *AllTris.begin();
-    if (worst->isDeleted()){
-      delete worst->tri();
-      delete worst;
-      AllTris.erase(AllTris.begin());
-      NBDELETED ++;
+bool computeEquivalentTriangles (std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr> &AllTris,
+				 std::map<MVertex* , MVertex*>* equivalence) {
+  std::vector<MTri3*> WTF;
+  if (!equivalence)return false;
+  std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr>::iterator it = AllTris.begin();
+  std::set<equivalentTriangle> eqTs;  
+  int COUNT = 0;
+  for ( ; it!=AllTris.end();++it){
+    if (!(*it)->isDeleted()){
+      COUNT++;
+      equivalentTriangle et ((*it),equivalence);
+      std::set<equivalentTriangle>::iterator iteq = eqTs.find(et);
+      if (iteq == eqTs.end())eqTs.insert(et);
+      else {
+	WTF.push_back(iteq->_t);
+	WTF.push_back(*it);
+      }
-    else{
-      double center[2],metric[3],r2;
-      //      printf("%12.5E\n",worst->getRadius() );
-      if (1./worst->getRadius() > minqual || (int) DATA.vSizes.size() > MAXPNT) break;
-      circUV(worst->tri(), DATA, center, gf);
-      MTriangle *base = worst->tri();
-      int index0 = DATA.getIndex( base->getVertex(0) );
-      int index1 = DATA.getIndex( base->getVertex(1) );
-      int index2 = DATA.getIndex( base->getVertex(2) );
-      double pa[2] = {(DATA.Us[index0] + DATA.Us[index1] + DATA.Us[index2])/ 3.,
-                      (DATA.Vs[index0] + DATA.Vs[index1] + DATA.Vs[index2])/ 3.};
-      buildMetric(gf, pa,  metric);
-      circumCenterMetric(worst->tri(), metric, DATA, center, r2);
-      insertAPoint(gf, AllTris.begin(), center, metric, DATA, AllTris);
+  }
+  if (WTF.size()){
+    for (int i=0;i<WTF.size();i++){
+      std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr>::iterator it = AllTris.find(WTF[i]);
+      AllTris.erase(it);
+      WTF[i]->forceRadius(100);
+      AllTris.insert(WTF[i]);
+    return true;
-  MTri3::radiusNorm =2;
-  transferDataStructure(gf, AllTris, DATA);
+  return false;
 void bowyerWatson(GFace *gf, int MAXPNT,
 		  std::map<MVertex* , MVertex*>* equivalence,
 		  std::map<MVertex*, SPoint2> * parametricCoordinates)
@@ -937,7 +1047,7 @@ void bowyerWatson(GFace *gf, int MAXPNT,
     Msg::Error("No triangles in initial mesh");
   int ITER = 0;
   int NBDELETED = 0;
   //  double DT1 = 0 , DT2=0, DT3=0;
@@ -963,8 +1073,12 @@ void bowyerWatson(GFace *gf, int MAXPNT,
                    DATA.vSizes.size(), worst->getRadius());
 	//	printf("%d %d %d\n",vSizes.size(), AllTris.size(),NBDELETED);
+      //  VERIFY STOP !!!
+      if (worst->getRadius() < 0.5 * sqrt(2.0) || (int) DATA.vSizes.size() > MAXPNT) {
+	break;
+      }
       double center[2],metric[3],r2;
-      if (worst->getRadius() < 0.5 * sqrt(2.0) || (int) DATA.vSizes.size() > MAXPNT) break;
       circUV(worst->tri(), DATA, center, gf);
       MTriangle *base = worst->tri();
       int index0 = DATA.getIndex( base->getVertex(0) );
@@ -972,14 +1086,15 @@ void bowyerWatson(GFace *gf, int MAXPNT,
       int index2 = DATA.getIndex( base->getVertex(2) );
       double pa[2] = {(DATA.Us[index0] + DATA.Us[index1] + DATA.Us[index2])/ 3.,
                       (DATA.Vs[index0] + DATA.Vs[index1] + DATA.Vs[index2])/ 3.};
       buildMetric(gf, pa,  metric);
       circumCenterMetric(worst->tri(), metric, DATA, center, r2);
       //      DT2 += (Cpu() - t2) ;
       //      double t3 = Cpu() ;
       insertAPoint(gf, AllTris.begin(), center, metric, DATA, AllTris);
-      //      DT3 += (Cpu() - t3) ;
+  nbSwaps = edgeSwapPass(gf, AllTris, SWCR_QUAL, DATA);
   //  printf("%12.5E %12.5E %12.5E %12.5E %12.5E\n",DT1,DT2,DT3,__DT1,__DT2);
   //  printf("%12.5E \n",__DT2);
 #if defined(HAVE_ANN)
@@ -994,6 +1109,7 @@ void bowyerWatson(GFace *gf, int MAXPNT,
   transferDataStructure(gf, AllTris, DATA);
+  removeThreeTrianglesNodes(gf);
@@ -1206,8 +1322,8 @@ void optimalPointFrontalB (GFace *gf,
 void bowyerWatsonFrontal(GFace *gf,
-		  std::map<MVertex* , MVertex*>* equivalence,
-		  std::map<MVertex*, SPoint2> * parametricCoordinates)
+			 std::map<MVertex* , MVertex*>* equivalence,
+			 std::map<MVertex*, SPoint2> * parametricCoordinates)
   std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr> AllTris;
   std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr> ActiveTris;
@@ -1232,13 +1348,13 @@ void bowyerWatsonFrontal(GFace *gf,
   int ITERATION = 0;
   while (1){
-    //    if(ITERATION % 10== 0 && CTX::instance()->mesh.saveAll){
-    //      char name[245];
-    //      sprintf(name,"delFrontal_GFace_%d_Layer_%d.pos",gf->tag(),ITERATION);
-    //      _printTris (name, AllTris.begin(), AllTris.end(), DATA,true);
-    //      sprintf(name,"delFrontal_GFace_%d_Layer_%d_Active.pos",gf->tag(),ITERATION);
-    //      _printTris (name, ActiveTris.begin(), ActiveTris.end(), DATA,true);
-    //    }
+    if(ITERATION % 10== 0 && CTX::instance()->mesh.saveAll){
+      char name[245];
+      sprintf(name,"delFrontal_GFace_%d_Layer_%d.pos",gf->tag(),ITERATION);
+      _printTris (name, AllTris.begin(), AllTris.end(), DATA,true);
+      sprintf(name,"delFrontal_GFace_%d_Layer_%d_Active.pos",gf->tag(),ITERATION);
+      _printTris (name, ActiveTris.begin(), ActiveTris.end(), DATA,true);
+    }
     /* if(ITER % 100== 0){
           char name[245];
@@ -1276,7 +1392,9 @@ void bowyerWatsonFrontal(GFace *gf,
   // _printTris (name, AllTris, Us, Vs,false);
   // sprintf(name,"frontal%d-param.pos", gf->tag());
   // _printTris (name, AllTris, Us, Vs,true);
+  nbSwaps = edgeSwapPass(gf, AllTris, SWCR_QUAL, DATA);
   transferDataStructure(gf, AllTris, DATA);
+  removeThreeTrianglesNodes(gf);
   // in case of boundary layer meshing
 #if defined(HAVE_ANN)
@@ -1411,7 +1529,7 @@ void buildBackGroundMesh (GFace *gf,
     int CurvControl = CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromCurvature;
     CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromCurvature = 0;
     //  Do a background mesh
-    gmshRuppert(gf,0.3,4000, equivalence,parametricCoordinates);
+    bowyerWatson(gf,4000, equivalence,parametricCoordinates);
     //  Re-enable curv control if asked
     CTX::instance()->mesh.lcFromCurvature = CurvControl;
     // apply this to the BGM
@@ -1612,7 +1730,7 @@ void bowyerWatsonParallelograms(GFace *gf,
       //      buildMetric(gf, newPoint, metrics[i], metric);
       buildMetric(gf, newPoint, metric);
-      bool success = insertAPoint( gf, AllTris.begin(), newPoint, metric, DATA , AllTris, 0, oneNewTriangle, &oneNewTriangle);
+      bool success = insertAPoint(gf, AllTris.begin(), newPoint, metric, DATA , AllTris, 0, oneNewTriangle, &oneNewTriangle);
       if (!success) oneNewTriangle = 0;
 	//      if (!success)printf("success %d %d\n",success,AllTris.size());
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.h b/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.h
index ee07a19ad3..96260fc3a5 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.h
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.h
@@ -134,9 +134,6 @@ class compareTri3Ptr
 void connectTriangles(std::list<MTri3*> &);
 void connectTriangles(std::vector<MTri3*> &);
 void connectTriangles(std::set<MTri3*,compareTri3Ptr> &AllTris);
-void gmshRuppert(GFace *gf, double minqual = 0.2, int MAXPNT= 1000000000,
-		 std::map<MVertex* , MVertex*>* equivalence = 0,  
-		 std::map<MVertex*, SPoint2> * parametricCoordinates = 0);
 void bowyerWatson(GFace *gf, int MAXPNT= 1000000000,
 		  std::map<MVertex* , MVertex*>* equivalence= 0,  
 		  std::map<MVertex*, SPoint2> * parametricCoordinates= 0);
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp
index a26fdbbb19..71cfe76607 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp
@@ -359,6 +359,63 @@ double surfaceTriangleUV(MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3,bidimMeshData & d
   return 0.5 * fabs (v12[0] * v13[1] - v12[1] * v13[0]);
+int _removeThreeTrianglesNodes(GFace *gf)
+  v2t_cont adj;
+  buildVertexToElement(gf->triangles,adj);
+  v2t_cont :: iterator it = adj.begin();
+  int n=0;
+  std::set<MElement*> touched;
+  while (it != adj.end()) {
+    bool skip = false;
+    if(it->second.size() == 3 && it->first->onWhat()->dim() == 2) {
+      const std::vector<MElement*> &lt = it->second;
+      std::set<MVertex*> vs;
+      for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        if(touched.find(lt[i])!=touched.end() || lt[i]->getNumVertices()!=3){
+          skip=true;
+          break;
+        }
+        for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+          if(lt[i]->getVertex(j) == it->first) {	    
+            vs.insert(lt[i]->getVertex((j+1)%3));
+            vs.insert(lt[i]->getVertex((j+2)%3));
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if(skip){
+        it++;
+        continue;
+      }
+      std::set<MVertex*>::iterator itt = vs.begin();
+      MVertex *v1 = *itt; ++itt;
+      MVertex *v2 = *itt; ++itt;
+      MVertex *v3 = *itt;
+      MTriangle *newt = new MTriangle(v1,v2,v3);
+      n++;
+      gf->triangles.push_back(newt);
+      for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
+	touched.insert(lt[i]);
+      }
+    }
+    it++;
+  }
+  std::vector<MTriangle*> triangles2;
+  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gf->triangles.size(); i++){
+    if(touched.find(gf->triangles[i]) == touched.end()){
+      triangles2.push_back(gf->triangles[i]);
+    }
+    else {
+      delete gf->triangles[i];
+    }
+  }
+  gf->triangles = triangles2;
+  Msg::Debug("%i three-triangles vertices removed",n);
+  return n;
 int _removeFourTrianglesNodes(GFace *gf,bool replace_by_quads)
   v2t_cont adj;
@@ -369,7 +426,7 @@ int _removeFourTrianglesNodes(GFace *gf,bool replace_by_quads)
   while (it != adj.end()) {
     bool skip = false;
     double surfaceRef = 0;
-    if(it->second.size() == 4) {
+    if(it->second.size() == 4 && it->first->onWhat()->dim() == 2) {
       const std::vector<MElement*> &lt = it->second;
       MVertex* edges[4][2];
       for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
@@ -463,11 +520,19 @@ int _removeFourTrianglesNodes(GFace *gf,bool replace_by_quads)
   return n;
 void removeFourTrianglesNodes(GFace *gf,bool replace_by_quads)
+void removeThreeTrianglesNodes(GFace *gf)
+  while(_removeThreeTrianglesNodes(gf));
@@ -2131,10 +2196,6 @@ static int _relocateVertexOpti(GFace *gf, MVertex *ver,
 void _relocateVertex(GFace *gf, MVertex *ver,
                      const std::vector<MElement*> &lt)
-  double R;
-  SPoint3 c;
-  bool isSphere = gf->isSphere(R, c);
   if(ver->onWhat()->dim() != 2) return;
   MFaceVertex *fv = dynamic_cast<MFaceVertex*>(ver);
   if(fv && fv->bl_data) return;
@@ -2142,51 +2203,60 @@ void _relocateVertex(GFace *gf, MVertex *ver,
   double initu,initv;
   ver->getParameter(0, initu);
   ver->getParameter(1, initv);
-  double cu = 0, cv = 0;
-  double XX=0,YY=0,ZZ=0;
-  double pu[4], pv[4];
-  double fact  = 0.0;
+  // compute the vertices connected to that one
+  std::map<MVertex*,SPoint2> pts;
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < lt.size(); i++){
-    parametricCoordinates(lt[i], gf, pu, pv, ver);
-    double XCG=0,YCG=0,ZCG=0;
-    for (int j=0;j<lt[i]->getNumVertices();j++){
-      XCG += lt[i]->getVertex(j)->x();
-      YCG += lt[i]->getVertex(j)->y();
-      ZCG += lt[i]->getVertex(j)->z();
-    }
-    XX += XCG;
-    YY += YCG;
-    ZZ += ZCG;
-    //    double D = 1./sqrt((XCG-ver->x())*(XCG-ver->x()) +
-    //                    (YCG-ver->y())*(YCG-ver->y()) +
-    //                    (ZCG-ver->z())*(ZCG-ver->z()) );
-    double D = 1.0;
-    for (int j=0;j<lt[i]->getNumVertices();j++){
-      cu += pu[j]*D;
-      cv += pv[j]*D;
-    }
-    fact += lt[i]->getNumVertices() * D;
-  }
-  SPoint2 newp ;
-  if(fact != 0.0){
-    SPoint2 before(initu,initv);
-    SPoint2 after(cu / fact,cv / fact);
-    if (isSphere){
-      GPoint gp = gf->closestPoint(SPoint3(XX/fact, YY/fact, ZZ/fact), after);
-      after = SPoint2(gp.u(),gp.v());
-    }
-    bool success = _isItAGoodIdeaToMoveThatVertex (gf,  lt, ver,before,after);
+    for (int j=0;j<lt[i]->getNumEdges();j++){
+      MEdge e = lt[i]->getEdge(j);
+      SPoint2 param0, param1;
+      if (e.getVertex(0) == ver){
+	reparamMeshEdgeOnFace(e.getVertex(0), e.getVertex(1), gf, param0, param1);      
+	pts[e.getVertex(1)] = param1;
+      }
+      else if (e.getVertex(1) == ver){
+	reparamMeshEdgeOnFace(e.getVertex(0), e.getVertex(1), gf, param0, param1);      
+	pts[e.getVertex(0)] = param0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  SPoint2 before(initu,initv);
+  double metric[3];
+  SPoint2 after(0,0);
+  double COUNT = 0.0;
+  //  printf("weights :");
+  for(std::map<MVertex*,SPoint2>::iterator it = pts.begin(); it != pts.end() ; ++it) {
+    SPoint2  adj = it->second;
+    SVector3 d (adj.x()-before.x(),adj.y()-before.y(),0.0);
+    d.normalize();
+    buildMetric (gf,adj,metric);
+    const double F = sqrt(metric[0]*d.x()*d.x() +
+			  2*metric[1]*d.x()*d.y() +
+			  metric[2]*d.y()*d.y());
+    //    printf("%g ",F);
+    after += adj*F;
+    COUNT += F;
+    //    //    double RATIO = lt[i]->getVolume()/pow(metric[0]*metric[2]-metric[1]*metric[1],0.5);
+  }
+  //  printf("\n");
+  after *= (1.0/COUNT);
+  double FACTOR = 1.0;
+  const int MAXITER = 5;
+  for (int ITER = 0;ITER < MAXITER; ITER ++){
+    SPoint2 trial = after * FACTOR + before * (1.-FACTOR);
+    bool success = _isItAGoodIdeaToMoveThatVertex (gf,  lt, ver,before,trial);
     if (success){
-      ver->setParameter(0, after.x());
-      ver->setParameter(1, after.y());
-      GPoint pt = gf->point(after);
+      ver->setParameter(0, trial.x());
+      ver->setParameter(1, trial.y());
+      GPoint pt = gf->point(trial);
-        ver->x() = pt.x();
-        ver->y() = pt.y();
-        ver->z() = pt.z();
+	ver->x() = pt.x();
+	ver->y() = pt.y();
+	ver->z() = pt.z();
+    FACTOR /= 1.4;
@@ -2651,6 +2721,20 @@ int postProcessExtraEdges (GFace *gf, std::vector<std::pair<MElement*,MElement*>
   return 0;
+bool edgeSwapDelProj (MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, MVertex *v4){
+  MTriangle t1(v1,v2,v3);
+  MTriangle t2(v2,v1,v4);
+  SVector3 n1 = t1.getFace(0).normal();
+  SVector3 n2 = t2.getFace(0).normal();
+  if (dot(n1,n2) <= 0) {
+    //    printf("OLA !!!\n");
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
 bool edgeSwap(std::set<swapquad> &configs, MTri3 *t1, GFace *gf, int iLocalEdge,
               std::vector<MTri3*> &newTris, const swapCriterion &cr, bidimMeshData & data)
@@ -2668,22 +2752,26 @@ bool edgeSwap(std::set<swapquad> &configs, MTri3 *t1, GFace *gf, int iLocalEdge,
   swapquad sq (v1, v2, v3, v4);
   if(configs.find(sq) != configs.end()) return false;
+  if (edgeSwapDelProj(v3,v4,v2,v1))return false;
-  const double volumeRef = surfaceTriangleUV(v1, v2, v3, data) +
-    surfaceTriangleUV(v1, v2, v4, data);
+  //  const double volumeRef = surfaceTriangleUV(v1, v2, v3, data) +
+  //    surfaceTriangleUV(v1, v2, v4, data);
   MTriangle *t1b = new MTriangle(v2, v3, v4);
   MTriangle *t2b = new MTriangle(v4, v3, v1);
-  const double v1b = surfaceTriangleUV(v2, v3, v4, data);
-  const double v2b = surfaceTriangleUV(v4, v3, v1, data);
-  const double volume = v1b + v2b;
-  if(fabs(volume - volumeRef) > 1.e-10 * (volume + volumeRef) ||
-      v1b < 1.e-8 * (volume + volumeRef) ||
-      v2b < 1.e-8 * (volume + volumeRef)){
-    delete t1b;
-    delete t2b;
-    return false;
-  }
+  //  const double v1b = surfaceTriangleUV(v2, v3, v4, data);
+  //  const double v2b = surfaceTriangleUV(v4, v3, v1, data);
+  //  const double volume = v1b + v2b;
+  //  if(fabs(volume - volumeRef) > 1.e-10 * (volume + volumeRef) ||
+  //      v1b < 1.e-8 * (volume + volumeRef) ||
+  //      v2b < 1.e-8 * (volume + volumeRef)){
+  //    delete t1b;
+  //    delete t2b;
+  //    return false;
+  //  }
   case SWCR_QUAL:
@@ -2692,11 +2780,14 @@ bool edgeSwap(std::set<swapquad> &configs, MTri3 *t1, GFace *gf, int iLocalEdge,
                                             qmTriangle(t2->tri(), QMTRI_RHO));
       const double triQuality = std::min(qmTriangle(t1b, QMTRI_RHO),
                                          qmTriangle(t2b, QMTRI_RHO));
-      if(triQuality < triQualityRef){
-        delete t1b;
-        delete t2b;
-        return false;
+      if (!edgeSwapDelProj(v1,v2,v3,v4)){
+	if(triQuality < triQualityRef){	  
+	  delete t1b;
+	  delete t2b;
+	  return false;
+	}
+      //      printf("coucou\n");
   case SWCR_DEL:
@@ -2884,9 +2975,8 @@ bool buildVertexCavity(MTri3 *t, int iLocalVertex, MVertex **v1,
-// split one triangle into 3 triangles then apply edge swop (or not)
-// will do better (faster) soon, just to test
-void _triangleSplit (GFace *gf, MElement *t, bool swop = false)
+// split one triangle into 3 triangles 
+void _triangleSplit (GFace *gf, MElement *t)
   MVertex *v1 = t->getVertex(0);
   MVertex *v2 = t->getVertex(1);
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.h b/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.h
index 3c6849f570..5d363c1917 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.h
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.h
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ int edgeSwapPass(GFace *gf,
                  std::set<MTri3*, compareTri3Ptr> &allTris, 
                  const swapCriterion &cr, bidimMeshData &DATA);
 void removeFourTrianglesNodes(GFace *gf, bool replace_by_quads);
+void removeThreeTrianglesNodes(GFace *gf);
 void buildMeshGenerationDataStructures(GFace *gf, 
                                        std::set<MTri3*, compareTri3Ptr> &AllTris,
 				       bidimMeshData & data);
diff --git a/benchmarks/2d/Square-01.geo b/benchmarks/2d/Square-01.geo
index 5078de8447..42006dad03 100644
--- a/benchmarks/2d/Square-01.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/2d/Square-01.geo
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 fact = 100;
 lc = .1 * fact;       
-Point(1) = {0.0,0.0,0,lc*.3};       
+Point(1) = {0.0,0.0,0,lc*1};       
 Point(2) = {1* fact,0.0,0,lc*1};       
 Point(3) = {1* fact,1* fact,0,lc};       
-Point(4) = {0,1* fact,0,lc*.1};       
+Point(4) = {0,1* fact,0,lc*1};       
 Line(1) = {3,2};       
 Line(2) = {2,1};       
 Line(3) = {1,4};       
 Line(4) = {4,3};       
 Line Loop(5) = {1,2,3,4};       
 Plane Surface(6) = {5};       
-Recombine Surface {6};
+//Recombine Surface {6};
diff --git a/benchmarks/2d/conge.geo b/benchmarks/2d/conge.geo
index bf9543f499..ce88526a7d 100644
--- a/benchmarks/2d/conge.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/2d/conge.geo
@@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ Physical Line(25) = {12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,10};
 Physical Surface(26) = {24,22};
 Physical Line(27) = {10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 14, 13, 12, 11};
 Physical Line(28) = {17, 16, 20, 19, 18, 15};
-Recombine Surface {24, 22};
+//Recombine Surface {24, 22};