diff --git a/Geo/MQuadrangle.h b/Geo/MQuadrangle.h
index 19591a4342706ac1ea08aaf10ab96633389dc4ab..14e3bf691e6e20196ff77ee97c4e513d0f4a0479 100644
--- a/Geo/MQuadrangle.h
+++ b/Geo/MQuadrangle.h
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ class MQuadrangle9 : public MQuadrangle {
  *   |                  |    N = total number of vertices
  * 4+3E                3+2E
  *   |                  |    Interior vertex numbers
- *  ...  4+4e to N-1   ...    for edge 0 <= i <= 3: 4+i*E to 3+(i+1)*E
+ *  ...  4+4E to N-1   ...    for edge 0 <= i <= 3: 4+i*E to 3+(i+1)*E
  *   |                  |     in volume           : 4+4*E to N-1
  * 3+4E                4+E
  *   |                  |
diff --git a/Geo/MTetrahedron.h b/Geo/MTetrahedron.h
index 5c6a7b15db716b99277f9b68a107499355380f8f..920a88bc2fcb1851e908e3a3417a3a3b9fc70a6f 100644
--- a/Geo/MTetrahedron.h
+++ b/Geo/MTetrahedron.h
@@ -275,37 +275,19 @@ class MTetrahedron10 : public MTetrahedron {
- * MTetrahedronN  FIXME: check the plot
- *
- *              2
- *            ,/|`\
- *          ,/  |  `\              E = order - 1
- *        ,/    '.   `\            C = 4 + 6*E
- *      ,/       |     `\          F = ((order - 1)*(order - 2))/2
- *    ,/         |       `\        N = total number of vertices
- *   0-----------'.--------1
- *    `\.         |      ,/        Interior vertex numbers
- *       `\.      |    ,/            for edge 0 <= i <= 5: 4+i*E to 3+(i+1)*E
- *          `\.   '. ,/              for face 0 <= j <= 3: C+j*F to C-1+(j+1)*F
- *             `\. |/                in volume           : C+4*F to N-1
- *                `3
+/* tet order 3 FIXME: check the plot
- */
-/* tet order 3
  *              2
  *            ,/|`\
- *          ,5  |  `6              E = order - 1
- *        ,/    12   `\            C = 4 + 6*E
- *      ,4       |     `7          F = ((order - 1)*(order - 2))/2
+ *          ,8  |  `7              E = order - 1
+ *        ,/    13   `\            C = 4 + 6*E
+ *      ,9       |     `6          F = ((order - 1)*(order - 2))/2
  *    ,/         |       `\        N = total number of vertices
- *   0-----9-----'.--8-----1
+ *   0-----4-----'.--5-----1
  *    `\.         |      ,/        Interior vertex numbers
- *       10.     13    ,14           for edge 0 <= i <= 5: 4+i*E to 3+(i+1)*E
- *          `\.   '. 15              for face 0 <= j <= 3: C+j*F to C-1+(j+1)*F
- *             11\.|/        in volume           : C+4*F to N-1
+ *       11.     12    ,15           for edge 0 <= i <= 5: 4+i*E to 4+(i+1)*E-1
+ *          `\.   '. 14              for face 0 <= j <= 3: C+j*F to C+(j+1)*F-1
+ *             10\.|/        in volume           : C+4*F to N-1
  *                `3
diff --git a/Numeric/nodalBasis.cpp b/Numeric/nodalBasis.cpp
index 38126f89c91b09b77e0e73ac68f6c7a2cbcdb7ea..8a2c1b3c656c8b7f56a0a8fae2f03e87612410fb 100644
--- a/Numeric/nodalBasis.cpp
+++ b/Numeric/nodalBasis.cpp
@@ -1372,9 +1372,8 @@ static void generateClosureOrder0(nodalBasis::clCont &closure, int nb)
 nodalBasis::nodalBasis(int tag)
   type = tag;
   switch (tag) {
   case MSH_PNT     : parentType = TYPE_PNT; order = 0; serendip = false; break;
   case MSH_LIN_1   : parentType = TYPE_LIN; order = 0; serendip = false; break;
diff --git a/Numeric/nodalBasis.h b/Numeric/nodalBasis.h
index 5bc687fdcb205a9705b7f630336b79c03ba57c4f..eb545bbeaa496e7dca3ea473fafd8ac791a57265 100644
--- a/Numeric/nodalBasis.h
+++ b/Numeric/nodalBasis.h
@@ -10,33 +10,26 @@
 #include "GmshDefines.h"
 class nodalBasis {
   int type, parentType, order, dimension, numFaces;
   bool serendip;
   fullMatrix<double> points;
   nodalBasis(int tag);
   virtual ~nodalBasis() {}
-  // Basis functions evaluation
-  virtual void f(double u, double v, double w, double *sf) const {Msg::Fatal("Not implemented");};
-  virtual void f(const fullMatrix<double> &coord, fullMatrix<double> &sf) const {Msg::Fatal("Not implemented");};
-  // Basis functions gradients evaluation
-  virtual void df(double u, double v, double w, double grads[][3]) const {Msg::Fatal("Not implemented");};
-  virtual void df(const fullMatrix<double> &coord, fullMatrix<double> &dfm) const {Msg::Fatal("Not implemented");};
+  virtual int getNumShapeFunctions() const = 0;
+  // Basis functions & gradients evaluation
+  virtual void f(double u, double v, double w, double *sf) const = 0;
+  virtual void f(const fullMatrix<double> &coord, fullMatrix<double> &sf) const = 0;
+  virtual void df(double u, double v, double w, double grads[][3]) const = 0;
+  virtual void df(const fullMatrix<double> &coord, fullMatrix<double> &dfm) const = 0;
   virtual void ddf(double u, double v, double w, double grads[][3][3]) const {Msg::Fatal("Not implemented");};
   virtual void dddf(double u, double v, double w, double grads[][3][3][3]) const {Msg::Fatal("Not implemented");};
-  virtual int getNumShapeFunctions() const {Msg::Fatal("Not implemented"); return -1;}
-  class closure : public std::vector<int> {
-    public:
-    int type;
-  };
-  typedef std::vector<closure> clCont;
   // closures is the list of the nodes of each face, in the order of
   // the polynomialBasis of the face; fullClosures is mapping of the
   // nodes of the element that rotates the element so that the
@@ -45,9 +38,14 @@ class nodalBasis {
   // fullCLosure[i] rotates the element so that the considered face
   // becomes the closureRef[i]-th face (the first tringle or the first
   // quad face)
+  class closure : public std::vector<int> {
+    public:
+    int type;
+  };
+  typedef std::vector<closure> clCont;
   clCont closures, fullClosures;
   std::vector<int> closureRef;
   // for a given face/edge, with both a sign and a rotation, give an
   // ordered list of nodes on this face/edge
   virtual int getClosureType(int id) const { return closures[id].type; }
@@ -55,9 +53,8 @@ class nodalBasis {
   virtual const std::vector<int> &getFullClosure(int id) const { return fullClosures[id]; }
   inline int getClosureId(int iFace, int iSign=1, int iRot=0) const;
   inline void breakClosureId(int i, int &iFace, int &iSign, int &iRot) const;
   static inline int getTag(int parentTag, int order, bool serendip = false);
diff --git a/Numeric/pointsGenerators.cpp b/Numeric/pointsGenerators.cpp
index 6c3db2a1a7be8300fbde5c54a65230da324fdd82..5b4e4221ac253acd5cd71f06281aafe99efc5efb 100644
--- a/Numeric/pointsGenerators.cpp
+++ b/Numeric/pointsGenerators.cpp
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 // bugs and problems to the public mailing list <gmsh@geuz.org>.
 #include "pointsGenerators.h"
+#include "MTriangle.h"
+#include "MQuadrangle.h"
+#include "MTetrahedron.h"
+#include "MHexahedron.h"
 /* --- Lines --- */
@@ -779,3 +783,309 @@ fullMatrix<double> gmshGeneratePointsPyramid(int order, bool serendip)
     return points;
+fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsLine(int order)
+  fullMatrix<int> monomials(order + 1, 1);
+  monomials(0,0) = 0;
+  if (order > 0) {
+    monomials(1, 0) = order;
+    for (int i = 2; i < order + 1; i++) monomials(i, 0) = i-1;
+  }
+  return monomials;
+fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsTriangle(int order, bool serendip)
+  int nbMonomials = serendip ? 3 * order : (order + 1) * (order + 2) / 2;
+  fullMatrix<int> monomials(nbMonomials, 2);
+  monomials(0, 0) = 0;
+  monomials(0, 1) = 0;
+  if (order > 0) {
+    monomials(1, 0) = order;
+    monomials(1, 1) = 0;
+    monomials(2, 0) = 0;
+    monomials(2, 1) = order;
+    if (order > 1) {
+      int index = 3;
+      for (int iedge = 0; iedge < 3; ++iedge) {
+        int i0 = MTriangle::edges_tri(iedge, 0);
+        int i1 = MTriangle::edges_tri(iedge, 1);
+        int u_0 = (monomials(i1,0)-monomials(i0,0)) / order;
+        int u_1 = (monomials(i1,1)-monomials(i0,1)) / order;
+        for (int i = 1; i < order; ++i, ++index) {
+          monomials(index, 0) = monomials(i0, 0) + u_0 * i;
+          monomials(index, 1) = monomials(i0, 1) + u_1 * i;
+        }
+      }
+      fullMatrix<int> inner = gmshGenerateMonomialsQuadrangle(order-2);
+      inner.add(1);
+      monomials.copy(inner, 0, nbMonomials - index, 0, 2, index, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  return monomials;
+fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsQuadrangle(int order)
+  int nbMonomials = (order+1)*(order+1);
+  fullMatrix<int> monomials(nbMonomials, 2);
+  monomials(0, 0) = 0;
+  monomials(0, 1) = 0;
+  if (order > 0) {
+    monomials(1, 0) = order;
+    monomials(1, 1) = 0;
+    monomials(2, 0) = order;
+    monomials(2, 1) = order;
+    monomials(3, 0) = 0;
+    monomials(3, 1) = order;
+    if (order > 1) {
+      int index = 4;
+      for (int iedge = 0; iedge < 4; ++iedge) {
+        int i0 = MQuadrangle::edges_quad(iedge, 0);
+        int i1 = MQuadrangle::edges_quad(iedge, 1);
+        int u_0 = (monomials(i1,0)-monomials(i0,0)) / order;
+        int u_1 = (monomials(i1,1)-monomials(i0,1)) / order;
+        for (int i = 1; i < order; ++i, ++index) {
+          monomials(index, 0) = monomials(i0, 0) + u_0 * i;
+          monomials(index, 1) = monomials(i0, 1) + u_1 * i;
+        }
+      }
+      fullMatrix<int> inner = gmshGenerateMonomialsQuadrangle(order-2);
+      inner.add(1);
+      monomials.copy(inner, 0, nbMonomials - index, 0, 2, index, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  return monomials;
+//KH : caveat : node coordinates are not yet coherent with node numbering associated
+//              to numbering of principal vertices of face !!!!
+fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsTetrahedron(int order, bool serendip)
+  int nbMonomials =
+    (serendip ?
+     4 +  6 * std::max(0, order - 1) + 4 * std::max(0, (order - 2) * (order - 1) / 2) :
+     (order + 1) * (order + 2) * (order + 3) / 6);
+  fullMatrix<int> monomials(nbMonomials, 3);
+  monomials(0, 0) = 0;
+  monomials(0, 1) = 0;
+  monomials(0, 2) = 0;
+  if (order > 0) {
+    monomials(1, 0) = order;
+    monomials(1, 1) = 0;
+    monomials(1, 2) = 0;
+    monomials(2, 0) = 0;
+    monomials(2, 1) = order;
+    monomials(2, 2) = 0;
+    monomials(3, 0) = 0;
+    monomials(3, 1) = 0;
+    monomials(3, 2) = order;
+    // the template has been defined in table edges_tetra and faces_tetra (MElement.h)
+    if (order > 1) {
+      int index = 4;
+      for (int iedge = 0; iedge < 6; ++iedge) {
+        int i0 = MTetrahedron::edges_tetra(iedge, 0);
+        int i1 = MTetrahedron::edges_tetra(iedge, 1);
+        int u[3];
+        u[0] = (monomials(i1,0)-monomials(i0,0)) / order;
+        u[1] = (monomials(i1,1)-monomials(i0,1)) / order;
+        u[2] = (monomials(i1,2)-monomials(i0,2)) / order;
+        for (int i = 1; i < order; ++i, ++index) {
+          monomials(index, 0) = monomials(i0, 0) + u[0] * i;
+          monomials(index, 1) = monomials(i0, 1) + u[1] * i;
+          monomials(index, 2) = monomials(i0, 2) + u[2] * i;
+        }
+      }
+      if (order > 2) {
+        fullMatrix<int> dudv = gmshGenerateMonomialsTriangle(order - 3);
+        for (int iface = 0; iface < 4; ++iface) {
+          int i0 = MTetrahedron::faces_tetra(iface, 0);
+          int i1 = MTetrahedron::faces_tetra(iface, 1);
+          int i2 = MTetrahedron::faces_tetra(iface, 2);
+          int u[3];
+          u[0] = (monomials(i1, 0) - monomials(i0, 0)) / order;
+          u[1] = (monomials(i1, 1) - monomials(i0, 1)) / order;
+          u[2] = (monomials(i1, 2) - monomials(i0, 2)) / order;
+          int v[3];
+          v[0] = (monomials(i2, 0) - monomials(i0, 0)) / order;
+          v[1] = (monomials(i2, 1) - monomials(i0, 1)) / order;
+          v[2] = (monomials(i2, 2) - monomials(i0, 2)) / order;
+          for (int i = 0; i < dudv.size1(); ++i, ++index) {
+            monomials(index, 0) = monomials(i0, 0) + u[0] * dudv(i, 0) + v[0] * dudv(i, 1);
+            monomials(index, 1) = monomials(i0, 1) + u[1] * dudv(i, 0) + v[1] * dudv(i, 1);
+            monomials(index, 2) = monomials(i0, 2) + u[2] * dudv(i, 0) + v[2] * dudv(i, 1);
+          }
+        }
+        if (!serendip && order > 3) {
+          fullMatrix<int> inner = gmshGenerateMonomialsTetrahedron(order - 4);
+          inner.add(1);
+          monomials.copy(inner, 0, nbMonomials - index, 0, 3, index, 0);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return monomials;
+fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsPrism(int order)
+  const int prism18Pts[18][3] = {
+    {0, 0, 0}, // 0
+    {2, 0, 0}, // 1
+    {0, 2, 0}, // 2
+    {0, 0, 2},  // 3
+    {2, 0, 2},  // 4
+    {0, 2, 2},  // 5
+    {1, 0, 0},  // 6
+    {0, 1, 0},  // 7
+    {0, 0, 1},  // 8
+    {1, 1, 0},  // 9
+    {2, 0, 1},  // 10
+    {0, 2, 1},  // 11
+    {1, 0, 2},  // 12
+    {0, 1, 2},  // 13
+    {1, 1, 2},  // 14
+    {1, 0, 1},  // 15
+    {0, 1, 1},  // 16
+    {1, 1, 1},  // 17
+  };
+  int nbMonomials = (order + 1)*(order + 1)*(order + 2)/2;
+  fullMatrix<int> monomials(nbMonomials, 3);
+  int index = 0;
+  fullMatrix<int> triMonomials = gmshGenerateMonomialsTriangle(order,false);
+  fullMatrix<int> lineMonomials = gmshGenerateMonomialsLine(order);
+  if (order == 2)
+    for (int i =0; i<18; i++)
+      for (int j=0; j<3;j++)
+        monomials(i,j) = prism18Pts[i][j];
+  else
+    for (int j = 0; j <lineMonomials.size1() ; j++) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < triMonomials.size1(); i++) {
+        monomials(index,0) = triMonomials(i,0);
+        monomials(index,1) = triMonomials(i,1);
+        monomials(index,2) = lineMonomials(j,0);
+        index++;
+      }
+    }
+  return monomials;
+fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsHexahedron(int order)
+  int nbMonomials = (order+1)*(order+1)*(order+1);
+  fullMatrix<int> monomials(nbMonomials, 3);
+  monomials(0, 0) = 0;
+  monomials(0, 1) = 0;
+  monomials(0, 2) = 0;
+  if (order > 0) {
+    monomials(1, 0) = order;
+    monomials(1, 1) = 0;
+    monomials(1, 2) = 0;
+    monomials(2, 0) = order;
+    monomials(2, 1) = order;
+    monomials(2, 2) = 0;
+    monomials(3, 0) = 0;
+    monomials(3, 1) = order;
+    monomials(3, 2) = 0;
+    monomials(4, 0) = 0;
+    monomials(4, 1) = 0;
+    monomials(4, 2) = order;
+    monomials(5, 0) = order;
+    monomials(5, 1) = 0;
+    monomials(5, 2) = order;
+    monomials(6, 0) = order;
+    monomials(6, 1) = order;
+    monomials(6, 2) = order;
+    monomials(7, 0) = 0;
+    monomials(7, 1) = order;
+    monomials(7, 2) = order;
+    if (order > 1) {
+      int index = 8;
+      for (int iedge = 0; iedge < 12; ++iedge) {
+        int i0 = MHexahedron::edges_hexa(iedge, 0);
+        int i1 = MHexahedron::edges_hexa(iedge, 1);
+        int u_1 = (monomials(i1,0)-monomials(i0,0)) / order;
+        int u_2 = (monomials(i1,1)-monomials(i0,1)) / order;
+        int u_3 = (monomials(i1,2)-monomials(i0,2)) / order;
+        for (int i = 1; i < order; ++i, ++index) {
+          monomials(index, 0) = monomials(i0, 0) + i * u_1;
+          monomials(index, 1) = monomials(i0, 1) + i * u_2;
+          monomials(index, 2) = monomials(i0, 2) + i * u_3;
+        }
+      }
+      fullMatrix<int> dudv = gmshGenerateMonomialsQuadrangle(order - 3);
+      for (int iface = 0; iface < 6; ++iface) {
+        int i0 = MHexahedron::faces_hexa(iface, 0);
+        int i1 = MHexahedron::faces_hexa(iface, 1);
+        int i3 = MHexahedron::faces_hexa(iface, 3);
+        int u[3];
+        u[0] = (monomials(i1, 0) - monomials(i0, 0)) / order;
+        u[1] = (monomials(i1, 1) - monomials(i0, 1)) / order;
+        u[2] = (monomials(i1, 2) - monomials(i0, 2)) / order;
+        int v[3];
+        v[0] = (monomials(i3, 0) - monomials(i0, 0)) / order;
+        v[1] = (monomials(i3, 1) - monomials(i0, 1)) / order;
+        v[2] = (monomials(i3, 2) - monomials(i0, 2)) / order;
+        for (int i = 0; i < dudv.size1(); ++i, ++index) {
+          monomials(index, 0) = monomials(i0, 0) + u[0] * dudv(i, 0) + v[0] * dudv(i, 1);
+          monomials(index, 1) = monomials(i0, 1) + u[1] * dudv(i, 0) + v[1] * dudv(i, 1);
+          monomials(index, 2) = monomials(i0, 2) + u[2] * dudv(i, 0) + v[2] * dudv(i, 1);
+        }
+      }
+      fullMatrix<int> inner = gmshGenerateMonomialsHexahedron(order - 2);
+      inner.add(1);
+      monomials.copy(inner, 0, nbMonomials - index, 0, 3, index, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  return monomials;
diff --git a/Numeric/pointsGenerators.h b/Numeric/pointsGenerators.h
index 583b874d153963621979010cc8493117b9d6d5f3..5aa57b2c7f2376b74c01a81e2fa91acbb14a1652 100644
--- a/Numeric/pointsGenerators.h
+++ b/Numeric/pointsGenerators.h
@@ -11,34 +11,36 @@
   * Functions to generate point distributions on
   * the references elements, for all orders.
+  * &
+  * Functions generating exponents of Pascal monomials
+  * in the same order than Gmsh Points.
-/* --- Lines --- */
+// Points
 fullMatrix<double> gmshGeneratePointsLine(int order);
-/* --- Triangles --- */
 fullMatrix<double> gmshGeneratePointsTriangle(int order, bool serendip);
-/* --- Quadrangles --- */
 fullMatrix<double> gmshGeneratePointsQuadrangle(int order, bool serendip);
-/* --- Tetahedra --- */
 fullMatrix<double> gmshGeneratePointsTetrahedron(int order, bool serendip);
+fullMatrix<double> gmshGeneratePointsHexahedron(int order, bool serendip);
+fullMatrix<double> gmshGeneratePointsPrism(int order, bool serendip);
-/* --- Hexahedra --- */
+fullMatrix<double> gmshGeneratePointsPyramid(int order, bool serendip);
-fullMatrix<double> gmshGeneratePointsHexahedron(int order, bool serendip);
+// Monomial exponents
+fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsLine(int order);
-/* --- Prisms --- */
+fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsTriangle(int order, bool serendip = false);
+fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsQuadrangle(int order);
+//fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsQuadSerendipity(int order);
-fullMatrix<double> gmshGeneratePointsPrism(int order, bool serendip);
+fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsTetrahedron(int order, bool serendip = false);
+fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsHexahedron(int order);
+//fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsPrism(int order);
+//fullMatrix<int> gmshGenerateMonomialsPyramid(int order, bool serendip);
-/* --- Pyramids --- */
-fullMatrix<double> gmshGeneratePointsPyramid(int order, bool serendip);
diff --git a/Numeric/polynomialBasis.h b/Numeric/polynomialBasis.h
index 0c09ef633c896f699efc23abe42a2f98e5fc49e6..395f55ada3c8e5c73a61594d3cea35f7611c721c 100644
--- a/Numeric/polynomialBasis.h
+++ b/Numeric/polynomialBasis.h
@@ -64,52 +64,33 @@ inline double pow_int(const double &a, const int &n)
-fullMatrix<double> generate1DMonomials(int order);
 class polynomialBasis : public nodalBasis
-  // integrationOrder, closureId => df/dXi
-//  mutable std::map<int,std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > > _dfAtFace;
   // for now the only implemented polynomial basis are nodal poly
   // basis, we use the type of the corresponding gmsh element as type
-  //int type, parentType, order, dimension;
-  //bool serendip;
-  //fullMatrix<double> points;
   fullMatrix<double> monomials;
   fullMatrix<double> coefficients;
   polynomialBasis(int tag);
+  virtual int getNumShapeFunctions() const;
   virtual void f(double u, double v, double w, double *sf) const;
   virtual void f(const fullMatrix<double> &coord, fullMatrix<double> &sf) const;
   virtual void df(const fullMatrix<double> &coord, fullMatrix<double> &dfm) const;
   virtual void df(double u, double v, double w, double grads[][3]) const;
   virtual void ddf(double u, double v, double w, double hess[][3][3]) const;
   virtual void dddf(double u, double v, double w, double third[][3][3][3]) const;
-  virtual int getNumShapeFunctions() const;
-  inline void evaluateMonomials(double u, double v, double w, double p[]) const;
-inline void polynomialBasis::evaluateMonomials(double u, double v, double w, double p[]) const
-  for (int j = 0; j < monomials.size1(); j++) {
-    p[j] = pow_int(u, (int)monomials(j, 0));
-    if (monomials.size2() > 1) p[j] *= pow_int(v, (int)monomials(j, 1));
-    if (monomials.size2() > 2) p[j] *= pow_int(w, (int)monomials(j, 2));
+  inline void evaluateMonomials(double u, double v, double w, double p[]) const {
+    for (int j = 0; j < monomials.size1(); j++) {
+      p[j] = pow_int(u, (int)monomials(j, 0));
+      if (monomials.size2() > 1) p[j] *= pow_int(v, (int)monomials(j, 1));
+      if (monomials.size2() > 2) p[j] *= pow_int(w, (int)monomials(j, 2));
+    }
diff --git a/contrib/voro++/examples/degenerate/degenerate2.cc b/contrib/voro++/examples/degenerate/degenerate2.cc
index 6165d605d14516390afd4ca3aaf698e75669809b..7ffe17a875e9ee01f12013e16f7b9b372502e392 100644
--- a/contrib/voro++/examples/degenerate/degenerate2.cc
+++ b/contrib/voro++/examples/degenerate/degenerate2.cc
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ using namespace voro;
 const double pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
 // The total number of points to create as degenerate vertices
-const int points=100;
+const int voro_points=100;
 // The number of planes that will be cut around each point
 const int n=64;
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ int main() {
 	// Plane cutting
-	while(n<points) {
+	while(n<voro_points) {
 		// Choose a random point