From aa2cff582a381316a42ec3bec958a2b4c8bd239d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christophe Geuzaine <>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:29:29 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] added some comments

 Post/PViewData.cpp    |  4 ++--
 Post/PViewData.h      | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++----
 Post/adaptiveData.cpp | 10 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Post/PViewData.cpp b/Post/PViewData.cpp
index 524491bc5e..1db74af407 100644
--- a/Post/PViewData.cpp
+++ b/Post/PViewData.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: PViewData.cpp,v 1.18 2008-04-22 07:37:16 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: PViewData.cpp,v 1.19 2008-04-22 09:29:29 geuzaine Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2008 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ PViewData::~PViewData()
 bool PViewData::finalize()
   if(!_adaptive && _interpolation.size()){
-    Msg(INFO, "Initializing adaptive data %p interp size= %d",
+    Msg(INFO, "Initializing adaptive data %p interp size=%d",
 	this, _interpolation.size());
     _adaptive = new adaptiveData(this);
diff --git a/Post/PViewData.h b/Post/PViewData.h
index c0fc853e36..9b9bdddb5d 100644
--- a/Post/PViewData.h
+++ b/Post/PViewData.h
@@ -101,10 +101,11 @@ class PViewData {
   // Returns the number of values available for the ele-th element
   // in the ent-th entity
   virtual int getNumValues(int step, int ent, int ele) = 0;
+  // Gets the idx'th value for the ele-th element in the ent-th entity
+  virtual void getValue(int step, int ent, int ele, int idx, double &val) = 0;
   // Gets/sets the comp-th component (at the step-th time step)
   // associated with the node-th node from the ele-th element in the
   // ent-th entity
-  virtual void getValue(int step, int ent, int ele, int idx, double &val) = 0;
   virtual void getValue(int step, int ent, int ele, int nod, int comp, double &val) = 0;
   virtual void setValue(int step, int ent, int ele, int nod, int comp, double val);
   // Returns a scalar value (same as value for scalars, norm for
@@ -114,32 +115,47 @@ class PViewData {
   // Returns the number of edges of the ele-th element in the ent-th
   // entity
   virtual int getNumEdges(int step, int ent, int ele) = 0;
+  // Returns the number of 2D/3D strings in the view
   virtual int getNumStrings2D(){ return 0; }
   virtual int getNumStrings3D(){ return 0; }
+  // Returns the i-th 2D/3D string in the view
   virtual void getString2D(int i, int step, std::string &str, 
                            double &x, double &y, double &style){}
   virtual void getString3D(int i, int step, std::string &str, 
                            double &x, double &y, double &z, double &style){}
+  // Change the orientation of the ele-th element
   virtual void revertElement(int step, int ent, int ele){}
+  // Cheks if the view is empty
   virtual bool empty();
-  virtual void smooth(){}
-  virtual bool combineTime(nameData &nd){ return false; }
-  virtual bool combineSpace(nameData &nd){ return false; }
+  // Cheks if we should skip the ent-th entity
   virtual bool skipEntity(int step, int ent){ return false; }
+  // Cheks if we should skip the ele-th entity
   virtual bool skipElement(int step, int ent, int ele,
 			   bool checkVisibility=false){ return false; }
   virtual bool hasTimeStep(int step){ return step < getNumTimeSteps(); }
   virtual bool hasPartition(int part){ return false; }
   virtual bool hasMultipleMeshes(){ return false; }
   virtual bool hasModel(GModel *model, int step=-1){ return false; }
   virtual bool useGaussPoints(){ return false; }
+  // check if the view is adaptive
   bool isAdaptive(){ return _adaptive ? true : false; }
+  // return the adaptive data
   adaptiveData *getAdaptiveData(){ return _adaptive; }
+  // set/get the interpolation matrices for elements with "type"
+  // number of edges
   void setInterpolationScheme(int type, List_T *coef, List_T *pol, 
 			      List_T *coefGeo=0, List_T *polGeo=0);
   int getInterpolationScheme(int type, std::vector<List_T*> &p);
+  // Smoothes the data in the view (makes it C0)
+  virtual void smooth(){}
+  virtual bool combineTime(nameData &nd){ return false; }
+  virtual bool combineSpace(nameData &nd){ return false; }
   // I/O routines
   virtual bool writeSTL(std::string fileName);
   virtual bool writeTXT(std::string fileName);
diff --git a/Post/adaptiveData.cpp b/Post/adaptiveData.cpp
index 69a10fe8c5..032af26d2a 100644
--- a/Post/adaptiveData.cpp
+++ b/Post/adaptiveData.cpp
@@ -897,9 +897,10 @@ void adaptiveElements<T>::initWithLowResolution(PViewData *data, int step)
 template <class T>
 void adaptiveElements<T>::changeResolution(int level, double tol, GMSH_Post_Plugin *plug)
-  if(!_val) return; // error
-  //if(level == _resolutionLevel && tol == _tolerance && !plug) return;
+  if(!_val){
+    Msg(GERROR, "Trying to change resolution in wrong state");
+    return;
+  }
   _resolutionLevel = level;
   _tolerance = tol;
@@ -1026,11 +1027,10 @@ int adaptiveElements<T>::_zoomElement(int ielem, int level, GMSH_Post_Plugin *pl
       return 0;
-  adaptivePoint **p;
   for(typename std::list<T*>::iterator it = T::all.begin(); 
       it != T::all.end(); it++){
-      p = (*it)->p;
+      adaptivePoint **p = (*it)->p;
       for(int k = 0; k < T::numNodes; ++k) List_Add(_listEle, &p[k]->X);
       for(int k = 0; k < T::numNodes; ++k) List_Add(_listEle, &p[k]->Y);
       for(int k = 0; k < T::numNodes; ++k) List_Add(_listEle, &p[k]->Z);