diff --git a/Geo/GModelIO.cpp b/Geo/GModelIO.cpp
index ab871ad19b6f14dcbc5c0463340d0ddc8fc26803..95a7cbc9ce622cc1819e977a895794e0c427aea4 100644
--- a/Geo/GModelIO.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GModelIO.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ static void storeElementsInEntities(GModel *m, int type,
   std::map<int, std::vector<MElement*> >::const_iterator ite = map.end();
   for(; it != ite; ++it){
-    case LGN1:     
+    case LGN1: 
 	GEdge *e = m->edgeByTag(it->first);
@@ -245,52 +245,94 @@ int GModel::readMSH(const std::string &name)
 	int n[30];
         for(int j = 0; j < numVertices; j++) fscanf(fp, "%d", &n[j]);
 	int dim = 0;
+	std::map<int, MVertex*> &v(vertices);
         switch (type) {
         case PNT:
-	  points[elementary].push_back(vertices[n[0]]);
+	  points[elementary].push_back(v[n[0]]);
 	  dim = 0;
         case LGN1:
-	    (new MLine(vertices[n[0]], vertices[n[1]], num, partition));
+	    (new MLine(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], num, partition));
+	  dim = 1;
+          break;
+        case LGN2:
+	  elements[0][elementary].push_back
+	    (new MLine2(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], num, partition));
 	  dim = 1;
         case TRI1:
-	    (new MTriangle(vertices[n[0]], vertices[n[1]], vertices[n[2]], 
-			   num, partition));
+	    (new MTriangle(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], num, partition));
+	  dim = 2;
+          break;
+        case TRI2:
+	  elements[1][elementary].push_back
+	    (new MTriangle2(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], v[n[3]], v[n[4]], v[n[5]], 
+			    num, partition));
 	  dim = 2;
         case QUA1:
-	    (new MQuadrangle(vertices[n[0]], vertices[n[1]], vertices[n[2]], 
-			     vertices[n[3]], num, partition));
+	    (new MQuadrangle(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], v[n[3]], num, partition));
+	  dim = 2;
+          break;
+        case QUA2:
+	  elements[2][elementary].push_back
+	    (new MQuadrangle2(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], v[n[3]], v[n[4]], v[n[5]], 
+			      v[n[6]], v[n[7]], v[n[8]], num, partition));
 	  dim = 2;
 	case TET1:
-	    (new MTetrahedron(vertices[n[0]], vertices[n[1]], vertices[n[2]], 
-			      vertices[n[3]], num, partition));
+	    (new MTetrahedron(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], v[n[3]], num, partition));
+	  dim = 3; 
+	  break;
+	case TET2:
+	  elements[3][elementary].push_back
+	    (new MTetrahedron2(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], v[n[3]], v[n[4]], v[n[5]], 
+			       v[n[6]], v[n[7]], v[n[8]], v[n[9]], num, partition));
 	  dim = 3; 
 	case HEX1:
-	    (new MHexahedron(vertices[n[0]], vertices[n[1]], vertices[n[2]], 
-			     vertices[n[3]], vertices[n[4]], vertices[n[5]], 
-			     vertices[n[6]], vertices[n[7]], num, partition));
+	    (new MHexahedron(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], v[n[3]], v[n[4]], v[n[5]], 
+			     v[n[6]], v[n[7]], num, partition));
+	  dim = 3; 
+	  break;
+	case HEX2:
+	  elements[4][elementary].push_back
+	    (new MHexahedron2(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], v[n[3]], v[n[4]], v[n[5]], 
+			      v[n[6]], v[n[7]], v[n[8]], v[n[9]], v[n[10]], v[n[11]], 
+			      v[n[12]], v[n[13]], v[n[14]], v[n[15]], v[n[16]], v[n[17]], 
+			      v[n[18]], v[n[19]], v[n[20]], v[n[21]], v[n[22]], v[n[23]], 
+			      v[n[24]], v[n[25]], v[n[26]], num, partition));
 	  dim = 3; 
 	case PRI1: 
-	    (new MPrism(vertices[n[0]], vertices[n[1]], vertices[n[2]], 
-			vertices[n[3]], vertices[n[4]], vertices[n[5]], 
+	    (new MPrism(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], v[n[3]], v[n[4]], v[n[5]], 
 			num, partition));
 	  dim = 3; 
+	case PRI2: 
+	  elements[5][elementary].push_back
+	    (new MPrism2(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], v[n[3]], v[n[4]], v[n[5]], 
+			 v[n[6]], v[n[7]], v[n[8]], v[n[9]], v[n[10]], v[n[11]], 
+			 v[n[12]], v[n[13]], v[n[14]], v[n[15]], v[n[16]], v[n[17]], 
+			 num, partition));
+	  dim = 3; 
+	  break;
 	case PYR1: 
-	    (new MPyramid(vertices[n[0]], vertices[n[1]], vertices[n[2]], 
-			  vertices[n[3]], vertices[n[4]], num, partition));
+	    (new MPyramid(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], v[n[3]], v[n[4]], num, partition));
+	  dim = 3; 
+	  break;
+	case PYR2: 
+	  elements[6][elementary].push_back
+	    (new MPyramid2(v[n[0]], v[n[1]], v[n[2]], v[n[3]], v[n[4]], v[n[5]], 
+			   v[n[6]], v[n[7]], v[n[8]], v[n[9]], v[n[10]], v[n[11]], 
+			   v[n[12]], v[n[13]], num, partition));
 	  dim = 3; 
@@ -298,13 +340,12 @@ int GModel::readMSH(const std::string &name)
-	if(physical){
-	  if(!physicals[dim].count(elementary) || !physicals[dim][elementary].count(physical))
+	if(physical && (!physicals[dim].count(elementary) || 
+			!physicals[dim][elementary].count(physical)))
 	    physicals[dim][elementary][physical] = "unnamed";
-	}
 	if(partition) meshPartitions.insert(partition);
 	if(progress && (i % progress == progress - 1))
 	  Msg(PROGRESS, "Read %d elements", i + 1);
@@ -761,17 +802,11 @@ int GModel::writeUNV(const std::string &name, double scalingFactor)
     return 0;
-  // IDEAS records
-  const int NODES=2411, ELEMENTS=2412, GROUPOFNODES=790;
-  // IDEAS elements
-  const int BEAM=21, THINSHLL=91, QUAD=94, SOLIDFEM=111, WEDGE=112, BRICK=115;
-  //const int BEAM2=24, THINSHLL2=92, QUAD2=95/*?*/, SOLIDFEM2=118;
+  // IDEAS NODES record
   fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", -1);
-  fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", NODES);
+  fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", 2411);
   for(viter it = firstVertex(); it != lastVertex(); ++it)
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->mesh_vertices.size(); i++) 
       (*it)->mesh_vertices[i]->writeUNV(fp, scalingFactor);
@@ -786,25 +821,26 @@ int GModel::writeUNV(const std::string &name, double scalingFactor)
       (*it)->mesh_vertices[i]->writeUNV(fp, scalingFactor);
   fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", -1);  
+  // IDEAS ELEMENTS record
   fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", -1);
-  fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", ELEMENTS);
+  fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", 2412);
   for(eiter it = firstEdge(); it != lastEdge(); ++it){
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->lines.size(); i++)
-      (*it)->lines[i]->writeUNV(fp, BEAM, (*it)->tag());
+      (*it)->lines[i]->writeUNV(fp, (*it)->tag());
   for(fiter it = firstFace(); it != lastFace(); ++it){
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->triangles.size(); i++)
-      (*it)->triangles[i]->writeUNV(fp, THINSHLL, (*it)->tag());
+      (*it)->triangles[i]->writeUNV(fp, (*it)->tag());
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->quadrangles.size(); i++)
-      (*it)->quadrangles[i]->writeUNV(fp, QUAD, (*it)->tag());
+      (*it)->quadrangles[i]->writeUNV(fp, (*it)->tag());
   for(riter it = firstRegion(); it != lastRegion(); ++it){
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->tetrahedra.size(); i++)
-      (*it)->tetrahedra[i]->writeUNV(fp, SOLIDFEM, (*it)->tag());
+      (*it)->tetrahedra[i]->writeUNV(fp, (*it)->tag());
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->hexahedra.size(); i++)
-      (*it)->hexahedra[i]->writeUNV(fp, BRICK, (*it)->tag());
+      (*it)->hexahedra[i]->writeUNV(fp, (*it)->tag());
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->prisms.size(); i++)
-      (*it)->prisms[i]->writeUNV(fp, WEDGE, (*it)->tag());
+      (*it)->prisms[i]->writeUNV(fp, (*it)->tag());
   fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", -1);
@@ -815,8 +851,9 @@ int GModel::writeUNV(const std::string &name, double scalingFactor)
     std::map<int, std::vector<GEntity*> >::const_iterator it = physicals[dim].begin();
     std::map<int, std::vector<GEntity*> >::const_iterator ite = physicals[dim].end();
     for(; it != ite; ++it){
+      // IDEAS GROUPOFNODES record
       fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", -1);
-      fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", GROUPOFNODES);
+      fprintf(fp, "%6d\n", 790);
       fprintf(fp, "%10d%10d\n", it->first, 1);
       fprintf(fp, "LOAD SET %2d\n", 1);
       std::set<int> nodes;
diff --git a/Geo/MElement.cpp b/Geo/MElement.cpp
index dbc3231a529f8ab1c2069b26b73e1eed7891d48b..ca430e04072a67683b5688dfa13ac156a0b40538 100644
--- a/Geo/MElement.cpp
+++ b/Geo/MElement.cpp
@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ void MElement::cog(double &x, double &y, double &z)
 void MElement::writeMSH(FILE *fp, double version, int num, int elementary, 
 			int physical)
-  int n = getNumVertices();
-  int type = getTypeForMSH();
   // if necessary, change the ordering of the vertices to get positive
   // volume
+  int n = getNumVertices();
+  int type = getTypeForMSH();
   fprintf(fp, "%d %d", num ? num : _num, type);
   if(version < 2.0)
     fprintf(fp, " %d %d %d", physical, elementary, n);
@@ -200,13 +200,15 @@ void MElement::writeVRML(FILE *fp)
   fprintf(fp, "-1,\n");
-void MElement::writeUNV(FILE *fp, int type, int elementary)
+void MElement::writeUNV(FILE *fp, int elementary)
   // if necessary, change the ordering of the vertices to get positive
   // volume
   int n = getNumVertices();
+  int type = getTypeForUNV();
   fprintf(fp, "%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d\n",
 	  _num, type, elementary, elementary, 7, n);
   if(type == 21 || type == 24) // BEAM or BEAM2
diff --git a/Geo/MElement.h b/Geo/MElement.h
index c7265e8a8a8469b4c04ea601e321446234ee5777..553ed5d6b2d12f4a0a6a7c9f76f93b5358a9a444 100644
--- a/Geo/MElement.h
+++ b/Geo/MElement.h
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ class MElement
   // returns the tag of the element
   virtual int getNum(){ return _num; }
+  // returns the polynomial order the element
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 1; }
   // returns the partition to which the element belongs
   virtual int getPartition(){ return _partition; }
@@ -108,18 +111,19 @@ class MElement
 			int elementary=1);
   virtual void writeSTL(FILE *fp, double scalingFactor=1.0);
   virtual void writeVRML(FILE *fp);
-  virtual void writeUNV(FILE *fp, int type, int elementary);
+  virtual void writeUNV(FILE *fp, int elementary);
   virtual void writeMESH(FILE *fp, int elementary);
   virtual char *getStringForPOS() = 0;
   virtual int getTypeForMSH() = 0;
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() = 0;
 class MLine : public MElement {
   MVertex *_v[2];
  public :
-  MLine (MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, int num=0, int part=0) 
-    : MElement (num, part)
+  MLine(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, int num=0, int part=0) 
+    : MElement(num, part)
     _v[0] = v0; _v[1] = v1;
@@ -137,6 +141,7 @@ class MLine : public MElement {
     v[0] = v[1] = v[2] = v[3] = 0; 
   int getTypeForMSH(){ return LGN1; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 21; } // BEAM
   char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SL"; }
@@ -144,12 +149,13 @@ class MLine2 : public MLine {
   MVertex *_vs[1];
  public :
-  MLine2 (MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, int num=0, int part=0) 
+  MLine2(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, int num=0, int part=0) 
     : MLine(v0, v1, num, part)
     _vs[0] = v2;
+  inline int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
   inline int getNumVertices(){ return 3; }
   inline MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 2 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 2]; }
   inline int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 1; }
@@ -165,6 +171,7 @@ class MLine2 : public MLine {
     v[1] = i1 < 2? _v[i1] : _vs[i1 - 2];
   int getTypeForMSH(){ return LGN2; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 24; } // BEAM2
   char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SL2"; }
@@ -172,8 +179,8 @@ class MTriangle : public MElement {
   MVertex *_v[3];
  public :
-  MTriangle (MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, int num=0, int part=0) 
-    : MElement (num, part)
+  MTriangle(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, int num=0, int part=0) 
+    : MElement(num, part)
     _v[0] = v0; _v[1] = v1; _v[2] = v2;
@@ -192,6 +199,7 @@ class MTriangle : public MElement {
     v[0] = _v[0]; v[1] = _v[1]; v[2] = _v[2]; v[3] = 0;
   int getTypeForMSH(){ return TRI1; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 91; } // THINSHLL
   char *getStringForPOS(){ return "ST"; }
@@ -199,14 +207,14 @@ class MTriangle2 : public MTriangle {
   MVertex *_vs[3];
  public :
-  MTriangle2 (MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, 
-	      MVertex *v3, MVertex *v4, MVertex *v5, 
-	      int num=0, int part=0) 
+  MTriangle2(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, MVertex *v4,
+	     MVertex *v5, int num=0, int part=0) 
     : MTriangle(v0, v1, v2, num, part)
     _vs[0] = v3; _vs[1] = v4; _vs[2] = v5;
+  inline int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
   inline int getNumVertices(){ return 6; }
   inline MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 3 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 3]; }
   inline int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 3; }
@@ -244,6 +252,7 @@ class MTriangle2 : public MTriangle {
 			v[2]->x(), v[2]->y(), v[2]->y(), n);
   int getTypeForMSH(){ return TRI2; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 92; } // THINSHLL2
   char *getStringForPOS(){ return "ST2"; }
@@ -251,9 +260,8 @@ class MQuadrangle : public MElement {
   MVertex *_v[4];
  public :
-  MQuadrangle(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, 
-	      int num=0, int part=0) 
-    : MElement (num, part)
+  MQuadrangle(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, int num=0, int part=0) 
+    : MElement(num, part)
     _v[0] = v0; _v[1] = v1; _v[2] = v2; _v[3] = v3;
@@ -272,6 +280,7 @@ class MQuadrangle : public MElement {
     v[0] = _v[0]; v[1] = _v[1]; v[2] = _v[2]; v[3] = _v[3];
   int getTypeForMSH(){ return QUA1; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 94; } // QUAD
   char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SQ"; }
@@ -279,19 +288,21 @@ class MQuadrangle2 : public MQuadrangle {
   MVertex *_vs[5];
  public :
-  MQuadrangle2(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, 
-	       MVertex *v4, MVertex *v5, MVertex *v6, MVertex *v7, 
-	       MVertex *v8, int num=0, int part=0) 
+  MQuadrangle2(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, MVertex *v4, 
+	       MVertex *v5, MVertex *v6, MVertex *v7, MVertex *v8, int num=0, int part=0) 
     : MQuadrangle(v0, v1, v2, v3, num, part)
     _vs[0] = v4; _v[1] = v5; _v[2] = v6; _v[3] = v7; _v[4] = v8;
+  inline int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
   inline int getNumVertices(){ return 9; }
   inline MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 4 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 4]; }
   inline int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 4; }
   inline int getNumFaceVertices(){ return 1; }
+  // TODO: edgeRep, faceRep
   int getTypeForMSH(){ return QUA2; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 95; } // ???? QUAD2
   char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SQ2"; }
@@ -299,9 +310,8 @@ class MTetrahedron : public MElement {
   MVertex *_v[4];
  public :
-  MTetrahedron(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, 
-	       int num=0, int part=0) 
-    : MElement (num, part)
+  MTetrahedron(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, int num=0, int part=0) 
+    : MElement(num, part)
     _v[0] = v0; _v[1] = v1; _v[2] = v2; _v[3] = v3;
@@ -323,6 +333,7 @@ class MTetrahedron : public MElement {
     v[3] = 0;
   int getTypeForMSH(){ return TET1; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 111; } // SOLIDFEM
   char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SS"; }
   virtual double getVolume()
@@ -350,25 +361,44 @@ class MTetrahedron : public MElement {
   virtual double etaShapeMeasure();
-// TODO: for MTetrahedron2
-// void setVolumePositive()
-// {
-//   if(getVolumeSign() < 0){
-//     MVertex *tmp;
-//     tmp = _v[0]; _v[0] = _v[1]; _v[1] = tmp;
-//     tmp = _vs[1]; _vs[1] = _vs[2]; _vs[2] = temp;
-//     tmp = _vs[5]; _vs[5] = _vs[3]; _vs[3] = temp;
-//   }
-// }
+class MTetrahedron2 : public MTetrahedron {
+ protected:
+  MVertex *_vs[6];
+ public :
+  MTetrahedron2(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, MVertex *v4, 
+		MVertex *v5, MVertex *v6, MVertex *v7, MVertex *v8, MVertex *v9,
+		int num=0, int part=0) 
+    : MTetrahedron(v0, v1, v2, v3, num, part)
+  {
+    _vs[0] = v4; _vs[1] = v5; _vs[2] = v6; _vs[3] = v7; _vs[4] = v8; _vs[5] = v9;
+  }
+  ~MTetrahedron2(){}
+  inline int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
+  inline int getNumVertices(){ return 10; }
+  inline MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 4 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 4]; }
+  inline int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 6; }
+  // TODO: edgeRep, faceRep
+  int getTypeForMSH(){ return TET2; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 118; } // SOLIDFEM2
+  char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SS2"; }
+  void setVolumePositive()
+  {
+    if(getVolumeSign() < 0){
+      MVertex *tmp;
+      tmp = _v[0]; _v[0] = _v[1]; _v[1] = tmp;
+      tmp = _vs[1]; _vs[1] = _vs[2]; _vs[2] = tmp;
+      tmp = _vs[5]; _vs[5] = _vs[3]; _vs[3] = tmp;
+    }
+  }
 class MHexahedron : public MElement {
   MVertex *_v[8];
  public :
-  MHexahedron(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, 
-	      MVertex *v4, MVertex *v5, MVertex *v6, MVertex *v7, 
-	      int num=0, int part=0) 
-    : MElement (num, part)
+  MHexahedron(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, MVertex *v4, 
+	      MVertex *v5, MVertex *v6, MVertex *v7, int num=0, int part=0) 
+    : MElement(num, part)
     _v[0] = v0; _v[1] = v1; _v[2] = v2; _v[3] = v3;
     _v[4] = v4; _v[5] = v5; _v[6] = v6; _v[7] = v7;
@@ -391,6 +421,7 @@ class MHexahedron : public MElement {
     v[3] = _v[quadfaces_hexa[num][3]];
   int getTypeForMSH(){ return HEX1; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 115; } // BRICK
   char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SH"; }
   virtual int getVolumeSign()
@@ -416,29 +447,57 @@ class MHexahedron : public MElement {
-// TODO: for MHexahedron2
-// void setVolumePositive()
-// {
-//   if(getVolumeSign() < 0){
-//     MVertex *tmp;
-//     tmp = _v[0]; _v[0] = _v[2]; _v[2] = tmp;
-//     tmp = _v[4]; _v[4] = _v[6]; _v[6] = tmp;
-//     MVertex *old[12];
-//     for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) old[i] = _vs[i];
-//     _vs[0] = old[3]; _vs[1] = old[5]; _vs[2] = old[6];
-//     _vs[3] = old[0]; _vs[4] = old[4]; _vs[5] = old[1];
-//     _vs[6] = old[2]; _vs[7] = old[7]; _vs[8] = old[10];
-//     _vs[9] = old[11]; _vs[10] = old[8]; _vs[11] = old[9];
-//   }
-// }
+class MHexahedron2 : public MHexahedron {
+ protected:
+  MVertex *_vs[19];
+ public :
+  MHexahedron2(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, MVertex *v4, 
+	       MVertex *v5, MVertex *v6, MVertex *v7, MVertex *v8, MVertex *v9,
+	       MVertex *v10, MVertex *v11, MVertex *v12, MVertex *v13, MVertex *v14,
+	       MVertex *v15, MVertex *v16, MVertex *v17, MVertex *v18, MVertex *v19,
+	       MVertex *v20, MVertex *v21, MVertex *v22, MVertex *v23, MVertex *v24,
+	       MVertex *v25, MVertex *v26, int num=0, int part=0) 
+    : MHexahedron(v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, num, part)
+  {
+    _vs[0] = v8; _vs[1] = v9; _vs[2] = v10; _vs[3] = v11; _vs[4] = v12; 
+    _vs[5] = v13; _vs[6] = v14; _vs[7] = v15; _vs[8] = v16; _vs[9] = v17; 
+    _vs[10] = v18; _vs[11] = v19; _vs[12] = v20; _vs[13] = v21; _vs[14] = v22;
+    _vs[15] = v23; _vs[16] = v24; _vs[17] = v25; _vs[18] = v26;
+  }
+  ~MHexahedron2(){}
+  inline int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
+  inline int getNumVertices(){ return 27; }
+  inline MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 8 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 8]; }
+  inline int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 12; }
+  inline int getNumFaceVertices(){ return 6; }
+  inline int getNumVolumeVertices(){ return 1; }
+  // TODO: edgeRep, faceRep
+  int getTypeForMSH(){ return HEX2; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 116; } // ???? BRICK2
+  char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SH2"; }
+  void setVolumePositive()
+  {
+    if(getVolumeSign() < 0){
+      MVertex *tmp;
+      tmp = _v[0]; _v[0] = _v[2]; _v[2] = tmp;
+      tmp = _v[4]; _v[4] = _v[6]; _v[6] = tmp;
+      MVertex *old[12];
+      for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) old[i] = _vs[i];
+      _vs[0] = old[3]; _vs[1] = old[5]; _vs[2] = old[6];
+      _vs[3] = old[0]; _vs[4] = old[4]; _vs[5] = old[1];
+      _vs[6] = old[2]; _vs[7] = old[7]; _vs[8] = old[10];
+      _vs[9] = old[11]; _vs[10] = old[8]; _vs[11] = old[9];
+    }
+  }
 class MPrism : public MElement {
   MVertex *_v[6];
  public :
-  MPrism(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, 
-	 MVertex *v4, MVertex *v5, int num=0, int part=0) 
-    : MElement (num, part)
+  MPrism(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, MVertex *v4, 
+	 MVertex *v5, int num=0, int part=0) 
+    : MElement(num, part)
     _v[0] = v0; _v[1] = v1; _v[2] = v2; _v[3] = v3;
     _v[4] = v4; _v[5] = v5; 
@@ -469,6 +528,7 @@ class MPrism : public MElement {
   int getTypeForMSH(){ return PRI1; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 112; } // WEDGE
   char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SI"; }
   virtual int getVolumeSign()
@@ -494,26 +554,50 @@ class MPrism : public MElement {
-// TODO: for MPrism2
-// void setVolumePositive()
-// {
-//   if(getVolumeSign() < 0){
-//      MVertex *tmp;
-//      tmp = _v[0]; _v[0] = _v[1]; _v[1] = tmp;
-//      tmp = _v[3]; _v[3] = _v[4]; _v[4] = tmp;
-//      tmp = _vs[1]; _vs[1] = _vs[3]; _vs[3] = tmp;
-//      tmp = _vs[2]; _vs[2] = _vs[4]; _vs[4] = tmp;
-//      tmp = _vs[7]; _vs[7] = _vs[8]; _vs[8] = tmp;
-//   }
-// }
+class MPrism2 : public MPrism {
+ protected:
+  MVertex *_vs[12];
+ public :
+  MPrism2(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, MVertex *v4, 
+	  MVertex *v5, MVertex *v6, MVertex *v7, MVertex *v8, MVertex *v9,
+	  MVertex *v10, MVertex *v11, MVertex *v12, MVertex *v13, MVertex *v14,
+	  MVertex *v15, MVertex *v16, MVertex *v17, int num=0, int part=0) 
+    : MPrism(v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, num, part)
+  {
+    _vs[0] = v6; _vs[1] = v7; _vs[2] = v8; _vs[3] = v9; _vs[4] = v10; 
+    _vs[5] = v11; _vs[6] = v12; _vs[7] = v13; _vs[8] = v14; _vs[9] = v15; 
+    _vs[10] = v16; _vs[11] = v17; 
+  }
+  ~MPrism2(){}
+  inline int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
+  inline int getNumVertices(){ return 18; }
+  inline MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 6 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 6]; }
+  inline int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 9; }
+  inline int getNumFaceVertices(){ return 3; }
+  // TODO: edgeRep, faceRep
+  int getTypeForMSH(){ return PRI2; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ return 113; } // ???? WEDGE2
+  char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SI2"; }
+  void setVolumePositive()
+  {
+    if(getVolumeSign() < 0){
+      MVertex *tmp;
+      tmp = _v[0]; _v[0] = _v[1]; _v[1] = tmp;
+      tmp = _v[3]; _v[3] = _v[4]; _v[4] = tmp;
+      tmp = _vs[1]; _vs[1] = _vs[3]; _vs[3] = tmp;
+      tmp = _vs[2]; _vs[2] = _vs[4]; _vs[4] = tmp;
+      tmp = _vs[7]; _vs[7] = _vs[8]; _vs[8] = tmp;
+    }
+  }
 class MPyramid : public MElement {
   MVertex *_v[5];
  public :
-  MPyramid(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, 
-	   MVertex *v4, int num=0, int part=0) 
-    : MElement (num, part)
+  MPyramid(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, MVertex *v4, 
+	   int num=0, int part=0) 
+    : MElement(num, part)
     _v[0] = v0; _v[1] = v1; _v[2] = v2; _v[3] = v3; _v[4] = v4;
@@ -543,6 +627,7 @@ class MPyramid : public MElement {
   int getTypeForMSH(){ return PYR1; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ throw; }
   char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SY"; }
   virtual int getVolumeSign()
@@ -567,16 +652,39 @@ class MPyramid : public MElement {
-// TODO: for MPyramid2
-// void setVolumePositive()
-// {
-//   if(getVolumeSign() < 0){
-//      MVertex *tmp;
-//      tmp = _v[0]; _v[0] = _v[2]; _v[2] = tmp;
-//      tmp = _vs[0]; _vs[0] = _vs[3]; _vs[3] = tmp;
-//      tmp = _vs[1]; _vs[1] = _vs[5]; _vs[5] = tmp;
-//      tmp = _vs[2]; _vs[2] = _vs[6]; _vs[6] = tmp;
-//   }
-// }
+class MPyramid2 : public MPyramid {
+ protected:
+  MVertex *_vs[9];
+ public :
+  MPyramid2(MVertex *v0, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2, MVertex *v3, MVertex *v4, 
+	    MVertex *v5, MVertex *v6, MVertex *v7, MVertex *v8, MVertex *v9,
+	    MVertex *v10, MVertex *v11, MVertex *v12, MVertex *v13, 
+	    int num=0, int part=0) 
+    : MPyramid(v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, num, part)
+  {
+    _vs[0] = v5; _vs[1] = v6; _vs[2] = v7; _vs[3] = v8; _vs[4] = v9; 
+    _vs[5] = v10; _vs[6] = v11; _vs[7] = v12; _vs[8] = v13; 
+  }
+  ~MPyramid2(){}
+  inline int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
+  inline int getNumVertices(){ return 14; }
+  inline MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 5 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 5]; }
+  inline int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 8; }
+  inline int getNumFaceVertices(){ return 1; }
+  // TODO: edgeRep, faceRep
+  int getTypeForMSH(){ return PYR2; }
+  int getTypeForUNV(){ throw; }
+  char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SY2"; }
+  void setVolumePositive()
+  {
+    if(getVolumeSign() < 0){
+      MVertex *tmp;
+      tmp = _v[0]; _v[0] = _v[2]; _v[2] = tmp;
+      tmp = _vs[0]; _vs[0] = _vs[3]; _vs[3] = tmp;
+      tmp = _vs[1]; _vs[1] = _vs[5]; _vs[5] = tmp;
+      tmp = _vs[2]; _vs[2] = _vs[6]; _vs[6] = tmp;
+    }
+  }