From a5fd349a7c53cae6aebb987353e21a5c30682ff8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christophe Geuzaine <>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2003 18:45:40 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] The new levelset stuff is too powerful ;-)

- don't cut the timestep in the levelset view if the timestep is
  used to get the field value. I think this makes it less confusing
  (and matches the behaviour of JF's old 'iField' option).

- rename the 'TimeStep' option to 'dTimeStep', also to avoid
  confusing people about which view the time step refers to.
 Plugin/CutMap.cpp            | 13 +++---
 Plugin/CutPlane.cpp          |  6 +--
 Plugin/CutSphere.cpp         |  6 +--
 Plugin/DisplacementRaise.cpp | 10 ++---
 Plugin/Levelset.cpp          | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 Plugin/Levelset.h            |  2 +-
 6 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Plugin/CutMap.cpp b/Plugin/CutMap.cpp
index 482f687dd0..b546d7e2b0 100644
--- a/Plugin/CutMap.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/CutMap.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: CutMap.cpp,v 1.32 2003-11-21 07:56:31 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: CutMap.cpp,v 1.33 2003-11-22 18:45:40 geuzaine Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ extern Context_T CTX;
 StringXNumber CutMapOptions_Number[] = {
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "A", NULL, 1.},
-  {GMSH_FULLRC, "TimeStep", NULL, -1.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "dTimeStep", NULL, -1.},
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "dView", NULL, -1.},
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "iView", NULL, -1.}
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ void GMSH_CutMapPlugin::getInfos(char *author, char *copyright,
          "Plugin(CutMap) extracts the isovalue surface of\n"
          "value 'A' from the view 'iView' and draws the\n"
-	 "'TimeStep'-th value of the view 'dView' on this\n"
+	 "'dTimeStep'-th value of the view 'dView' on this\n"
 	 "isovalue surface. If 'iView' < 0, the plugin is\n"
-	 "run on the current view. If 'TimeStep' < 0, the\n"
+	 "run on the current view. If 'dTimeStep' < 0, the\n"
 	 "plugin uses, for each time step in 'iView', the\n"
 	 "corresponding time step in 'dView'. If 'dView'\n"
 	 "< 0, the plugin uses 'iView' as the field source.\n");
@@ -95,9 +95,10 @@ Post_View *GMSH_CutMapPlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
   int iView = (int)CutMapOptions_Number[3].def;
   _valueIndependent = 0;
-  _targetView = (int)CutMapOptions_Number[2].def;
+  _valueView = (int)CutMapOptions_Number[2].def;
+  _valueTimeStep = (int)CutMapOptions_Number[1].def;
   _orientation = GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::MAP;
-  _timeStep = (int)CutMapOptions_Number[1].def;
   if(v && iView < 0)
     vv = v;
diff --git a/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp b/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp
index dbc972e225..e3a2eb6a03 100644
--- a/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: CutPlane.cpp,v 1.28 2003-11-21 07:56:31 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: CutPlane.cpp,v 1.29 2003-11-22 18:45:40 geuzaine Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ Post_View *GMSH_CutPlanePlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
   _ref[1] = CutPlaneOptions_Number[1].def;
   _ref[2] = CutPlaneOptions_Number[2].def;
   _valueIndependent = 1;
-  _targetView = -1;
+  _valueView = -1;
+  _valueTimeStep = -1;
   _orientation = GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::PLANE;
-  _timeStep = -1;
   if(v && iView < 0)
     vv = v;
diff --git a/Plugin/CutSphere.cpp b/Plugin/CutSphere.cpp
index c13efb5818..ba748c6b69 100644
--- a/Plugin/CutSphere.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/CutSphere.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: CutSphere.cpp,v 1.27 2003-11-21 07:56:32 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: CutSphere.cpp,v 1.28 2003-11-22 18:45:40 geuzaine Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ Post_View *GMSH_CutSpherePlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
   _ref[1] = CutSphereOptions_Number[1].def;
   _ref[2] = CutSphereOptions_Number[2].def;
   _valueIndependent = 1;
-  _targetView = -1;
+  _valueView = -1;
+  _valueTimeStep = -1;
   _orientation = GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::SPHERE;
-  _timeStep = -1;
   if(v && iView < 0)
     vv = v;
diff --git a/Plugin/DisplacementRaise.cpp b/Plugin/DisplacementRaise.cpp
index b220af3f6e..bbed035a51 100644
--- a/Plugin/DisplacementRaise.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/DisplacementRaise.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: DisplacementRaise.cpp,v 1.8 2003-11-21 07:56:32 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: DisplacementRaise.cpp,v 1.9 2003-11-22 18:45:40 geuzaine Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ extern Context_T CTX;
 StringXNumber DisplacementRaiseOptions_Number[] = {
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "Factor", NULL, 1.},
-  {GMSH_FULLRC, "TimeStep", NULL, 0.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "dTimeStep", NULL, 0.},
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "dView", NULL, -1.},
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "iView", NULL, -1.}
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ void GMSH_DisplacementRaisePlugin::getInfos(char *author, char *copyright,
          "Plugin(DisplacementRaise) transforms the\n"
          "coordinates of the elements in the view 'iView'\n"
          "using the vectorial values (the displacements)\n"
-         "stored in the 'TimeStep'-th time step of the\n"
+         "stored in the 'dTimeStep'-th time step of the\n"
 	 "view 'dView'. If 'iView' < 0, the plugin is\n"
 	 "run on the current view. If 'dView' < 0, the\n"
 	 "plugin looks for the displacements in the\n"
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ Post_View *GMSH_DisplacementRaisePlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
   Post_View *vv, *ww;
   double factor = DisplacementRaiseOptions_Number[0].def;
-  int timeStep = (int)DisplacementRaiseOptions_Number[1].def;
+  int dTimeStep = (int)DisplacementRaiseOptions_Number[1].def;
   int dView = (int)DisplacementRaiseOptions_Number[2].def;
   int iView = (int)DisplacementRaiseOptions_Number[3].def;
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Post_View *GMSH_DisplacementRaisePlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
     return 0;
-  displacementRaise(vv, ww, factor, timeStep);
+  displacementRaise(vv, ww, factor, dTimeStep);
   return vv;
diff --git a/Plugin/Levelset.cpp b/Plugin/Levelset.cpp
index 25e6a3a985..e97cdcf9a4 100644
--- a/Plugin/Levelset.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/Levelset.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: Levelset.cpp,v 1.4 2003-11-22 05:12:36 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: Levelset.cpp,v 1.5 2003-11-22 18:45:40 geuzaine Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::GMSH_LevelsetPlugin()
   _invert = 0.;
   _ref[0] = _ref[1] = _ref[2] = 0.;
   _valueIndependent = 0; // "moving" levelset
-  _targetView = -1; // use same view for levelset and field data
-  _timeStep = -1; // use same time step in levelset and field data views
+  _valueView = -1; // use same view for levelset and field data
+  _valueTimeStep = -1; // use same time step in levelset and field data views
   _orientation = GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::NONE;
@@ -259,13 +259,16 @@ void GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::executeList(Post_View * iView, List_T * iList,
     if(nbVert == 2 || nbVert == 3 || (nbVert == 4 && nbEdg == 6)) {
       // easy for simplices: at most one element is created per time step 
       for(int iTS = 0; iTS < iView->NbTimeStep; iTS++) {
-	int dTS = getTimeStep(_timeStep, iTS, dView);
-	double *iVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(iList, i + 3 * nbVert + 
-						   iNbComp * nbVert * iTS); 
-	double *dVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(dList, j + 3 * nbVert + 
-						   dNbComp * nbVert * dTS);
-	zeroLevelset(iTS, nbVert, nbEdg, exn, x, y, z, 
-		     iVal, iNbComp, dVal, dNbComp, out);
+	int dTS = getTimeStep(_valueTimeStep, iTS, dView);
+	// don't compute the zero levelset of the value view
+	if(_valueTimeStep < 0 || iView != dView || dTS != iTS){
+	  double *iVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(iList, i + 3 * nbVert + 
+						     iNbComp * nbVert * iTS); 
+	  double *dVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(dList, j + 3 * nbVert + 
+						     dNbComp * nbVert * dTS);
+	  zeroLevelset(iTS, nbVert, nbEdg, exn, x, y, z, 
+		       iVal, iNbComp, dVal, dNbComp, out);
+	}
@@ -290,15 +293,18 @@ void GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::executeList(Post_View * iView, List_T * iList,
 			NULL, 0, out)) {
 	  for(int k = 0; k < iDec.numSimplices(); k++) {
 	    for(int iTS = 0; iTS < iView->NbTimeStep; iTS++) {
-	      int dTS = getTimeStep(_timeStep, iTS, dView);
-	      double *iVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(iList, i + 3 * nbVert + 
-							 iNbComp * nbVert * iTS); 
-	      double *dVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(dList, j + 3 * nbVert + 
-							 dNbComp * nbVert * dTS);
-	      iDec.decompose(k, x, y, z, iVal, xNew, yNew, zNew, iValNew);
-	      dDec.decompose(k, x, y, z, dVal, xNew, yNew, zNew, dValNew);
-	      zeroLevelset(iTS, nbVertNew, nbEdgNew, (nbVertNew == 4) ? exnTet : exnTri, 
-			   xNew, yNew, zNew, iValNew, iNbComp, dValNew, dNbComp, out);
+	      int dTS = getTimeStep(_valueTimeStep, iTS, dView);
+	      // don't compute the zero levelset of the value view
+	      if(_valueTimeStep < 0 || iView != dView || dTS != iTS){
+		double *iVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(iList, i + 3 * nbVert + 
+							   iNbComp * nbVert * iTS); 
+		double *dVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(dList, j + 3 * nbVert + 
+							   dNbComp * nbVert * dTS);
+		iDec.decompose(k, x, y, z, iVal, xNew, yNew, zNew, iValNew);
+		dDec.decompose(k, x, y, z, dVal, xNew, yNew, zNew, dValNew);
+		zeroLevelset(iTS, nbVertNew, nbEdgNew, (nbVertNew == 4) ? exnTet : exnTri, 
+			     xNew, yNew, zNew, iValNew, iNbComp, dValNew, dNbComp, out);
+	      }
@@ -307,18 +313,21 @@ void GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::executeList(Post_View * iView, List_T * iList,
 	// since we generate one view for each time step, we can
 	// generate multiple elements per time step without problem.
 	for(int iTS = 0; iTS < iView->NbTimeStep; iTS++) {
-	  double *iVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(iList, i + 3 * nbVert +
-						     iNbComp * nbVert * iTS); 
-	  if(zeroLevelset(iTS, nbVert, nbEdg, exn, x, y, z, iVal, iNbComp, 
-			  NULL, 0, out)) {
-	    int dTS = getTimeStep(_timeStep, iTS, dView);
-	    double *dVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(dList, j + 3 * nbVert +
-						       dNbComp * nbVert * dTS);
-	    for(int k = 0; k < iDec.numSimplices(); k++) {
-	      iDec.decompose(k, x, y, z, iVal, xNew, yNew, zNew, iValNew);
-	      dDec.decompose(k, x, y, z, dVal, xNew, yNew, zNew, dValNew);
-	      zeroLevelset(iTS, nbVertNew, nbEdgNew, (nbVertNew == 4) ? exnTet : exnTri, 
-			   xNew, yNew, zNew, iValNew, iNbComp, dValNew, dNbComp, out);
+	  int dTS = getTimeStep(_valueTimeStep, iTS, dView);
+	  // don't compute the zero levelset of the value view
+	  if(_valueTimeStep < 0 || iView != dView || dTS != iTS){
+	    double *iVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(iList, i + 3 * nbVert +
+						       iNbComp * nbVert * iTS); 
+	    if(zeroLevelset(iTS, nbVert, nbEdg, exn, x, y, z, iVal, iNbComp, 
+			    NULL, 0, out)) {
+	      double *dVal = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(dList, j + 3 * nbVert +
+							 dNbComp * nbVert * dTS);
+	      for(int k = 0; k < iDec.numSimplices(); k++) {
+		iDec.decompose(k, x, y, z, iVal, xNew, yNew, zNew, iValNew);
+		dDec.decompose(k, x, y, z, dVal, xNew, yNew, zNew, dValNew);
+		zeroLevelset(iTS, nbVertNew, nbEdgNew, (nbVertNew == 4) ? exnTet : exnTri, 
+			     xNew, yNew, zNew, iValNew, iNbComp, dValNew, dNbComp, out);
+	      }
@@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ Post_View *GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
   Post_View *w;
   vector<Post_View *> out;
-  if(_targetView < 0) {
+  if(_valueView < 0) {
     w = v;
-  else if(!(w = (Post_View *)List_Pointer_Test(, _targetView))) {
-    Msg(GERROR, "View[%d] does not exist: reverting to View[%d]", _targetView, 
+  else if(!(w = (Post_View *)List_Pointer_Test(, _valueView))) {
+    Msg(GERROR, "View[%d] does not exist: reverting to View[%d]", _valueView, 
     w = v;
diff --git a/Plugin/Levelset.h b/Plugin/Levelset.h
index 6440629b96..78b805d041 100644
--- a/Plugin/Levelset.h
+++ b/Plugin/Levelset.h
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public:
   double _ref[3];
-  int _timeStep, _targetView, _valueIndependent;
+  int _valueTimeStep, _valueView, _valueIndependent;
   ORIENTATION _orientation;
   double _invert;