diff --git a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
index 07ffc98953805acd2e117a9dfe048dc2b0236beb..f703d10c682c5f7701bbfb0eeacbe409db1f72cc 100644
--- a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
     int variableEps = 0;
     int radFunInd = 1; //MQ RBF
     double delta = 0.33*getDistMin();
-    double epsilon = 0.15*(allNodes.size()/150.0)/delta; //max(2.5, 0.5*(nbNodes/150.0)/dist_min);
+    double epsilon = 0.5/getDistMin(); //0.15*(allNodes.size()/150.0)/delta; //max(2.5, 0.5*(nbNodes/150.0)/dist_min);
     double radius= 3.*getSizeH()/sqrt(allNodes.size());   
@@ -685,8 +685,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
     _rbf->solveHarmonicMap(Oper, _ordered, _coords, coordinates);
-    exit(1);
@@ -780,18 +779,18 @@ double GFaceCompound::getSizeH() const
 double GFaceCompound::getDistMin() const
-    double dist_min = 1.e6;
-    for(std::set<MVertex *>::iterator itv = allNodes.begin(); itv !=allNodes.end() ; itv++){
-      for(std::set<MVertex *>::iterator itv2 = allNodes.begin(); itv2 !=allNodes.end() ; itv2++){
-	MVertex *v1 = *itv;
-	MVertex *v2 = *itv2;
-	double dist = sqrt((v1->x()-v2->x())*(v1->x()-v2->x())+(v1->y()-v2->y())*(v1->y()-v2->y())
-			   +(v1->z()-v2->z())*(v1->z()-v2->z()));
-	if (dist<dist_min && dist != 0.0) dist_min = dist;
-      }
+  double dist_min = 1.e6;
+  double tol = 1.e-8;
+  for(std::set<MVertex *>::iterator itv = allNodes.begin(); itv !=allNodes.end() ; itv++){
+    for(std::set<MVertex *>::iterator itv2 = allNodes.begin(); itv2 !=allNodes.end() ; itv2++){
+      MVertex *v1 = *itv;
+      MVertex *v2 = *itv2;
+      double dist = sqrt((v1->x()-v2->x())*(v1->x()-v2->x())+(v1->y()-v2->y())*(v1->y()-v2->y())
+			 +(v1->z()-v2->z())*(v1->z()-v2->z()));
+      if (dist<dist_min && dist > tol) dist_min = dist;
-    return dist_min;
+  }
+  return dist_min;
 double GFaceCompound::getSizeBB(const std::list<GEdge* > &elist) const
@@ -1446,11 +1445,15 @@ GPoint GFaceCompound::point(double par1, double par2) const
   if(!oct) parametrize();
   if (_mapping == RBF){
+    if (fabs(par1) > 1 || fabs(par2) > 1){
+      GPoint gp (3,3,0,this);
+      gp.setNoSuccess();
+      return gp;
+    } 
     double x, y, z;
     SVector3 dXdu, dXdv;
-    _rbf->UVStoXYZ(par1, par2,x,y,z, dXdu, dXdv);
-    //printf("XYZ =%g %g %g \n", x,y,z);
-    //exit(1);
+    bool conv = _rbf->UVStoXYZ(par1, par2,x,y,z, dXdu, dXdv);
+    if (!conv) printf("UV=%g %g \n", par1, par2);
     return GPoint(x,y,z);
@@ -1543,7 +1546,7 @@ Pair<SVector3,SVector3> GFaceCompound::firstDer(const SPoint2 &param) const
    if (_mapping == RBF){
      double x, y, z;
      SVector3 dXdu, dXdv  ;
-     _rbf->UVStoXYZ(param.x(), param.y(), x,y,z, dXdu, dXdv);
+     bool conv = _rbf->UVStoXYZ(param.x(), param.y(), x,y,z, dXdu, dXdv);
     return Pair<SVector3, SVector3>(dXdu,dXdv);
@@ -1892,6 +1895,8 @@ double GFaceCompound::checkAspectRatio() const
 void GFaceCompound::coherencePatches() const
+  if (_mapping == RBF) return;
   Msg::Info("Re-orient all %d compound patches normals coherently", _compound.size());
   std::map<MEdge, std::set<MElement*>, Less_Edge > edge2elems;
@@ -2033,7 +2038,7 @@ int GFaceCompound::genusGeom() const
 void GFaceCompound::printStuff(int iNewton) const
-  if( !CTX::instance()->mesh.saveAll) return;  
+  //if( !CTX::instance()->mesh.saveAll) return;  
   std::list<GFace*>::const_iterator it = _compound.begin();
diff --git a/Geo/GRbf.cpp b/Geo/GRbf.cpp
index 4c6da4899ba470fe3d9c929774c76215eb796e96..0f55aa5ba079151b59162ff01f46ffe9293bab72 100644
--- a/Geo/GRbf.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GRbf.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ static int SphereInEle(void *a, double*c){
 GRbf::GRbf (double eps, double del, double rad, int variableEps, int rbfFun, 
 	    std::map<MVertex*, SVector3> _normals, std::set<MVertex *> allNodes) 
-  :  ep_scalar(eps), delta(del),  radius (rad), variableShapeParam(variableEps), 
+  :  epsilonXYZ(eps), epsilonUV(eps), delta(del),  radius (rad), variableShapeParam(variableEps), 
      radialFunctionIndex (rbfFun),  XYZkdtree(0)
@@ -230,20 +230,23 @@ double GRbf::evalRadialFnDer (int p, double dx, double dy, double dz, double ep)
 fullMatrix<double> GRbf::generateRbfMat(int p, 
-				       const fullMatrix<double> &nodes1,
-				       const fullMatrix<double> &nodes2) {
+					const fullMatrix<double> &nodes1,
+					const fullMatrix<double> &nodes2, 
+					int inUV) {
   int m = nodes2.size1();
   int n = nodes1.size1();
   fullMatrix<double> rbfMat(m,n);
-  fullVector<double > epsilon;
-  computeEpsilon(nodes1, epsilon);
+  //fullVector<double > epsilon;
+  //computeEpsilon(nodes1, epsilon, inUN);
+  double eps = epsilonXYZ;
+  if (inUV) eps = epsilonUV;
   for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
     for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
       double dx = -nodes2(i,0)+nodes1(j,0);
       double dy = -nodes2(i,1)+nodes1(j,1);
       double dz = -nodes2(i,2)+nodes1(j,2);
-      rbfMat(i,j) = evalRadialFnDer(p,dx,dy,dz,epsilon(j));
+      rbfMat(i,j) = evalRadialFnDer(p,dx,dy,dz,eps);
@@ -254,28 +257,28 @@ fullMatrix<double> GRbf::generateRbfMat(int p,
 void GRbf::RbfOp(int p,
 		const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs,
 		const fullMatrix<double> &nodes, 
-		fullMatrix<double> &D) {
+		 fullMatrix<double> &D, int inUV) {
   fullMatrix<double> rbfInvA, rbfMatB; 
   D.resize(nodes.size1(), cntrs.size1());
   if (isLocal){
-    rbfInvA = generateRbfMat(0,cntrs,cntrs);
+    rbfInvA = generateRbfMat(0,cntrs,cntrs, inUV);
-     if (cntrs.size1() == nbNodes )
+     if (cntrs.size1() == nbNodes && !inUV)
        rbfInvA = matAInv;
-     else if (cntrs.size1() == 3*nbNodes )
+     else if (cntrs.size1() == 3*nbNodes && !inUV)
        rbfInvA  = matAInv_nn;
-       rbfInvA = generateRbfMat(0,cntrs,cntrs);
+       rbfInvA = generateRbfMat(0,cntrs,cntrs, inUV);
-  rbfMatB = generateRbfMat(p,cntrs,nodes);
+  rbfMatB = generateRbfMat(p,cntrs,nodes, inUV);
   D.gemm(rbfMatB, rbfInvA, 1.0, 0.0);
@@ -284,19 +287,22 @@ void GRbf::evalRbfDer(int p,
 		     const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs,
 		     const fullMatrix<double> &nodes,
 		     const fullMatrix<double> &fValues, 
-		     fullMatrix<double> &fApprox) {
+		      fullMatrix<double> &fApprox, 
+		      int inUV) {
   fullMatrix<double> D;
-  RbfOp(p,cntrs,nodes,D);
+  RbfOp(p,cntrs,nodes,D, inUV);
   fApprox.gemm(D,fValues, 1.0, 0.0);
-void GRbf::computeEpsilon(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs, fullVector<double> &epsilon){
+void GRbf::computeEpsilon(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs, fullVector<double> &epsilon, 
+			  int inUV){
-  epsilon.setAll(ep_scalar);
+  if (inUV) epsilon.setAll(epsilonUV);
+  epsilon.setAll(epsilonXYZ);
   if (variableShapeParam) {
@@ -342,7 +348,7 @@ void GRbf::setup_level_set(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs,
     for (int j=0;j<3 ; ++j){
       level_set_nodes(i,j) = cntrs(i,j);
       level_set_nodes(i+numNodes,j) = cntrs(i,j)-delta*normals(i,j);
-      level_set_nodes(i+2*numNodes,j) = cntrs(i,j)+delta*normals(i,j);
+      level_set_nodes(i+2*numNodes,j) = cntrs(i,j)+delta*normals(i,j);  
     level_set_funvals(i,0) = 0.0;
     level_set_funvals(i+numNodes,0) = -1;
@@ -603,20 +609,12 @@ void GRbf::solveHarmonicMap(fullMatrix<double> Oper,
   int nb = Oper.size2(); 
-  fullMatrix<double> dirichletBC(ordered.size(),2);
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ordered.size(); i++){
-    MVertex *v = ordered[i];
-    std::map<MVertex*, int>::iterator itm = _mapV.find(v);
-    const double theta = 2 * M_PI * coords[i];
-    dirichletBC(i,0) = itm->second;
-    dirichletBC(i,1) = theta;
-  }
   fullMatrix<double> F(nb,2);
   for (int i=0; i < ordered.size(); i++){
-    int iFix = (int)dirichletBC(i,0);
-    double theta = dirichletBC(i,1);
+    std::map<MVertex*, int>::iterator itm = _mapV.find(ordered[i]);
+    double theta = 2 * M_PI * coords[i];
+    int iFix = itm->second;
     for (int j=0;j<nb ; ++j) Oper(iFix,j) = 0.0;
     Oper(iFix,iFix) = 1.0;
     F(iFix,0) = cos(theta);
@@ -626,17 +624,26 @@ void GRbf::solveHarmonicMap(fullMatrix<double> Oper,
+  //ANN UVtree + dist_min
+ double dist_min = 1.e6;
 #if defined (HAVE_ANN)
   UVnodes = annAllocPts(nbNodes, 3);
   for(int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++){
     UVnodes[i][0] = UV(i,0); 
     UVnodes[i][1] = UV(i,1); 
     UVnodes[i][2] = 0.0; 
+    for(int j = i+1; j < nbNodes; j++){
+      double dist = sqrt((UV(i,0)-UV(j,0))*(UV(i,0)-UV(j,0))+
+			 (UV(i,1)-UV(j,1))*(UV(i,1)-UV(j,1)));
+      if (dist<dist_min) dist_min = dist;
+    }
   UVkdtree = new ANNkd_tree(UVnodes, nbNodes, 3);
   index = new ANNidx[num_neighbours];
   dist = new ANNdist[num_neighbours];
+  epsilonUV = 0.5/dist_min;
+  deltaUV = 0.6*dist_min;
   //fill rbf_param
   std::map<MVertex*, int>::iterator itm = _mapV.begin();
@@ -728,7 +735,7 @@ void GRbf::UVStoXYZ_global(const double  u_eval, const double v_eval,
-void GRbf::UVStoXYZ(const double  u_eval, const double v_eval,
+bool GRbf::UVStoXYZ(const double  u_eval, const double v_eval,
 		   double &XX, double &YY, double &ZZ, 
 		   SVector3 &dXdu, SVector3& dXdv){
@@ -736,6 +743,7 @@ void GRbf::UVStoXYZ(const double  u_eval, const double v_eval,
   //Thus in total, we're working with '3*num_neighbours' nodes
   //Say that the vector 'index' gives us the indices of the closest points
+  bool converged = true;
 #if defined (HAVE_ANN)
    double uvw[3] = { u_eval, v_eval, 0.0 };
@@ -753,15 +761,16 @@ void GRbf::UVStoXYZ(const double  u_eval, const double v_eval,
     u_vec(i,0) = UV(index[i],0);
     u_vec(i,1) = UV(index[i],1);
-    u_vec(i,2) = surfInterp(index[i],0);
+    u_vec(i,2) = 0.0;
     u_vec(i+num_neighbours,0) = UV(index[i]+nbNodes,0);
     u_vec(i+num_neighbours,1) = UV(index[i]+nbNodes,1);
-    u_vec(i+num_neighbours,2) = surfInterp(index[i]+nbNodes,0);
+    u_vec(i+num_neighbours,2) = surfInterp(index[i]+nbNodes,0)*deltaUV;
     u_vec(i+2*num_neighbours,0) = UV(index[i]+2*nbNodes,0);
     u_vec(i+2*num_neighbours,1) = UV(index[i]+2*nbNodes,1);
-    u_vec(i+2*num_neighbours,2) = surfInterp(index[i]+2*nbNodes,0);
+    u_vec(i+2*num_neighbours,2) = surfInterp(index[i]+2*nbNodes,0)*deltaUV;
     xyz_local(i,0) = extendedX(index[i],0);
@@ -784,7 +793,13 @@ void GRbf::UVStoXYZ(const double  u_eval, const double v_eval,
   u_vec_eval(0,2) = 0.0;
   //we will use a local interpolation to find the corresponding XYZ point to (u_eval,v_eval).
-  evalRbfDer(0, u_vec, u_vec_eval,xyz_local, nodes_eval);
+  evalRbfDer(0, u_vec, u_vec_eval,xyz_local, nodes_eval, 1);
+  //printf("nodes eval =%g %g %g \n", nodes_eval(0,0), nodes_eval(0,1), nodes_eval(0,2));
+  //exit(1);
+  // nodes_eval(0,0) = extendedX(index[0],0); 
+  // nodes_eval(0,1) = extendedX(index[0],1); 
+  // nodes_eval(0,2) = extendedX(index[0],2);
   u_temp(0,0)  = u_eval;
   u_temp(0,1)  = v_eval;
@@ -793,7 +808,7 @@ void GRbf::UVStoXYZ(const double  u_eval, const double v_eval,
   int incr = 0;
   double norm_s = 0.0;
   fullMatrix<double> Jac(3,3);
-  while(norm_s <5 && incr < 5){
+  while(norm_s <5 && incr < 10){
     // Find the entries of the m Jacobians
@@ -822,14 +837,16 @@ void GRbf::UVStoXYZ(const double  u_eval, const double v_eval,
-  if (norm_s < 5 )
-    printf("Newton not converged for point (uv)=(%g,%g -> norm_s =%g )\n", u_eval, v_eval, norm_s);
+  if (norm_s < 5 ){
+    printf("Newton not converged for point (uv)=(%g,%g -> norm_s =%g ) XYZ =%g %g %g \n", u_eval, v_eval, norm_s, nodes_eval(0,0), nodes_eval(0,1), nodes_eval(0,2));
+    converged = false;
+  }
   XX = nodes_eval(0,0);
   YY = nodes_eval(0,1);
   ZZ = nodes_eval(0,2);
   dXdu = SVector3(Jac(0,0), Jac(1,0), Jac(2,0));
   dXdv = SVector3(Jac(0,1), Jac(1,1), Jac(2,1));
+  return converged;
diff --git a/Geo/GRbf.h b/Geo/GRbf.h
index dc5ecf776a31586d7f488746916aa50f14c12344..cad135e2b427ede1cd9945311537157929cf6220 100644
--- a/Geo/GRbf.h
+++ b/Geo/GRbf.h
@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ class GRbf {
   int nn;
   int num_neighbours;
-  double ep_scalar; // Shape parameter
+  double epsilonXYZ; // Shape parameter
+  double epsilonUV; // Shape parameter
   double delta; //offset level set
+  double deltaUV; //offset level set
   double radius;
   int variableShapeParam; // 1 if one chooses epsilon to vary spatially, 0 if one chooses it to be constant
   int radialFunctionIndex; // Index corresponding to the radial function used (0 - GA,1 - MQ, ... )
@@ -79,22 +81,23 @@ class GRbf {
   //(p)th derivative of the radial function w.r.t. the (q)th variable
   fullMatrix<double> generateRbfMat(int p,
 				    const fullMatrix<double> &nodes1,
-				    const fullMatrix<double> &nodes2);
+				    const fullMatrix<double> &nodes2, 
+				    int inUV=0);
   // Computes the interpolation(p==0) or the derivative (p!=0) operator(mxn) (n:number of centers, m: number of evaluation nodes)
   void RbfOp(int p, // (p)th derivatives
 	     const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs,
 	     const fullMatrix<double> &nodes, 
-	     fullMatrix<double> &D);
+	     fullMatrix<double> &D, int inUV=0);
   // Computes the interpolant(p==0) or the derivative (p!=0) of the function values entered and evaluates it at the new nodes
   void evalRbfDer(int p, // (p)th derivatives
 		  const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs,
 		  const fullMatrix<double> &nodes,
 		  const fullMatrix<double> &fValues, 
-		  fullMatrix<double> &fApprox);
+		  fullMatrix<double> &fApprox, int inUV=0);
-  void computeEpsilon(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs, fullVector<double> &epsilon);
+  void computeEpsilon(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs, fullVector<double> &epsilon, int inUV=0);
   // Finds surface differentiation matrix using the LOCAL projection method
   void RbfLapSurface_local_projection(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs,
@@ -129,12 +132,11 @@ class GRbf {
 		 const fullMatrix<double> &node,
 		 fullMatrix<double> &curvature);
- virtual void UVStoXYZ_global(const double u_eval,
-			      const double v_eval,
-			      double &XX, double &YY, double &ZZ, 
-			       SVector3 &dXdu, SVector3& dxdv);
- virtual void UVStoXYZ(const double u_eval,
-		       const double v_eval,
+ void UVStoXYZ_global(const double u_eval, const double v_eval,
+		      double &XX, double &YY, double &ZZ, 
+		      SVector3 &dXdu, SVector3& dxdv);
+ bool UVStoXYZ(const double u_eval, const double v_eval,
 		       double &XX, double &YY, double &ZZ,
 		       SVector3 &dXdu, SVector3& dxdv);