diff --git a/Common/Options.cpp b/Common/Options.cpp
index 619c83a576194f6205fd159aa21481b0897b77d3..67d26d1faa411f13a2a424b94fda8fcf2222bd99 100644
--- a/Common/Options.cpp
+++ b/Common/Options.cpp
@@ -5640,7 +5640,7 @@ double opt_mesh_remesh_algo(OPT_ARGS_NUM)
     CTX::instance()->mesh.remeshAlgo = (int)val;
     if(CTX::instance()->mesh.remeshAlgo < 0 && 
        CTX::instance()->mesh.remeshAlgo > 2)
-      CTX::instance()->mesh.remeshAlgo = 1;
+      CTX::instance()->mesh.remeshAlgo = 0;
 #if defined(HAVE_FLTK)
   if(FlGui::available() && (action & GMSH_GUI)) {
diff --git a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
index 7721a61c35482d20dc028b136d4caacaa2f748a8..ee14cf5c7f9feee62a62d2bd7571690a4c2d34e7 100644
--- a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
@@ -343,9 +343,10 @@ void GFaceCompound::fillNeumannBCS() const
     std::list<MTriangle*> loopfillTris;
     std::list<GEdge*> loop = *iloop;
     if (loop != _U0 ){
-      std::vector<MVertex*> ordered;
-      std::vector<double> coords;  
-      bool success = orderVertices(*iloop, ordered, coords);
+      std::vector<MVertex*> orderedLoop;
+      std::vector<double> coordsLoop;  
+      bool success = orderVertices(*iloop, orderedLoop, coordsLoop);
+      int nbLoop = orderedLoop.size();
       //--- center of Neumann interior loop
       int nb = 0;
@@ -354,9 +355,9 @@ void GFaceCompound::fillNeumannBCS() const
       double z=0.;
-      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ordered.size(); ++i){
-	MVertex *v0 = ordered[i];
-	MVertex *v1 = (i==ordered.size()-1) ? ordered[0]: ordered[i+1];
+      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nbLoop; ++i){
+	MVertex *v0 = orderedLoop[i];
+	MVertex *v1 = (i==nbLoop-1) ? orderedLoop[0]: orderedLoop[i+1];
 	x += .5*(v0->x() + v1->x()); 
 	y += .5*(v0->y() + v1->y()); 
 	z += .5*(v0->z() + v1->z()); 
@@ -366,9 +367,9 @@ void GFaceCompound::fillNeumannBCS() const
       MVertex *c = new MVertex(x, y, z);
       //--- create new triangles
-      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ordered.size(); ++i){
-	MVertex *v0 = ordered[i];
-	MVertex *v1 = (i==ordered.size()-1) ? ordered[0]: ordered[i+1];
+      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nbLoop; ++i){
+	MVertex *v0 = orderedLoop[i];
+	MVertex *v1 = (i==nbLoop-1) ? orderedLoop[0]: orderedLoop[i+1];
 	//loopfillTris.push_back(new MTriangle(v0,v1, c));
@@ -483,24 +484,29 @@ bool GFaceCompound::trivial() const
 //For the conformal map the linear system cannot guarantee there is no overlapping
 //of triangles
-bool GFaceCompound::checkOverlap(std::vector<MVertex*> &ordered) const
+bool GFaceCompound::checkOverlap() const
   bool has_no_overlap = true;
   for(std::list<std::list<GEdge*> >::const_iterator iloop = _interior_loops.begin(); 
       iloop != _interior_loops.end(); iloop++){
-    std::vector<MVertex*> ordered;
-    std::vector<double> coords;  
-    bool success = orderVertices(*iloop, ordered, coords);
+    std::list<GEdge*> loop = *iloop;
+    std::vector<MVertex*> orderedLoop;
+    if (loop != _U0 ){ 
+      std::vector<double> coordsLoop;  
+      bool success = orderVertices(*iloop, orderedLoop, coordsLoop);
+    }
+    else orderedLoop = _ordered;
+    int nbLoop = orderedLoop.size();
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ordered.size()-1; ++i){
-      SPoint3 p1 = coordinates[ordered[i]];
-      SPoint3 p2 = coordinates[ordered[i+1]];
-      int maxSize = (i==0) ? ordered.size()-2: ordered.size()-1;
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nbLoop-1; ++i){
+      SPoint3 p1 = coordinates[orderedLoop[i]];
+      SPoint3 p2 = coordinates[orderedLoop[i+1]];
+      int maxSize = (i==0) ? nbLoop-2: nbLoop-1;
       for(int k = i+2; k < maxSize; ++k){
-	SPoint3 q1 = coordinates[ordered[k]];
-	SPoint3 q2 = coordinates[ordered[k+1]];
+	SPoint3 q1 = coordinates[orderedLoop[k]];
+	SPoint3 q2 = coordinates[orderedLoop[k+1]];
 	double x[2];
 	int inters = intersection_segments (p1,p2,q1,q2,x);
 	if (inters > 0){
@@ -527,7 +533,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::checkOrientation(int iter) const
   //Only check orientation for stl files (1 patch)
-  //  if(_compound.size() > 1.0) return true;
+  //if(_compound.size() > 1.0) return true;
   std::list<GFace*>::const_iterator it = _compound.begin();
   double a_old = 0.0, a_new=0.0;
@@ -560,7 +566,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::checkOrientation(int iter) const
   int iterMax = 15;
   if(!oriented && iter < iterMax){
-    if (iter == 0) Msg::Warning("--- Flipping : applying cavity checks.");
+    //if (iter == 0) Msg::Warning("--- Flipping : applying cavity checks.");
     Msg::Debug("--- Cavity Check - iter %d -",iter);
     return checkOrientation(iter+1);
@@ -619,7 +625,9 @@ void GFaceCompound::one2OneMap() const
 bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
+ if (_compound.size() > 1) coherencePatches();
   bool paramOK = true;
   if(oct) return paramOK; 
   if(trivial()) return paramOK;
@@ -629,7 +637,9 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
   if(allNodes.empty()) buildAllNodes();
+  bool success = orderVertices(_U0, _ordered, _coords);
+  if(!success) Msg::Error("Could not order vertices on boundary");
   //Laplace parametrization
   if (_mapping == HARMONIC){
@@ -654,6 +664,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
     bool noOverlap = parametrize_conformal_spectral() ;
     if (!noOverlap){
+      //buildOct(); exit(1);
       Msg::Warning("!!! Overlap: parametrization switched to 'FE conformal' map");
       noOverlap = parametrize_conformal();
@@ -1069,39 +1080,14 @@ void GFaceCompound::parametrize(iterationStep step, typeOfMapping tom) const
   dofManager<double> myAssembler(_lsys);
   if(_type == UNITCIRCLE){
-    // maps the boundary onto a circle
-    std::vector<MVertex*> ordered;
-    std::vector<double> coords;  
-    bool success = orderVertices(_U0, ordered, coords);
-    if(!success){
-      Msg::Error("Could not order vertices on boundary");
-      return;
-    }
     //map to a unit circle
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ordered.size(); i++){
-      MVertex *v = ordered[i];
-      const double theta = 2 * M_PI * coords[i];
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _ordered.size(); i++){
+      MVertex *v = _ordered[i];
+      const double theta = 2 * M_PI * _coords[i];
       if(step == ITERU) myAssembler.fixVertex(v, 0, 1, cos(theta));
       else if(step == ITERV) myAssembler.fixVertex(v, 0, 1, sin(theta));    
-    //pin down two vertices
-    // MVertex *v1  = ordered[0];
-    // MVertex *v2  = ordered[(int)ceil((double)ordered.size()/2.)];
-    // if(step == ITERU){
-    //   myAssembler.fixVertex(v1, 0, 1, 0.);
-    //   myAssembler.fixVertex(v2, 0, 1, 1.);
-    // }
-    // else if(step == ITERV){
-    //   myAssembler.fixVertex(v1, 0, 1, 0.);
-    //   myAssembler.fixVertex(v2, 0, 1, 0.);
-    // }
-    // printf("Pinned vertex  %g %g %g / %g %g %g \n", v1->x(), v1->y(), v1->z(), v2->x(), v2->y(), v2->z());
-    //exit(1);
   else if(_type == SQUARE){
     if(step == ITERU){
@@ -1155,7 +1141,7 @@ void GFaceCompound::parametrize(iterationStep step, typeOfMapping tom) const
   femTerm<double> *mapping;
   if (tom == HARMONIC)
     mapping = new laplaceTerm(0, 1, ONE);
-  else // tom == CONVEXCOMBINATION
+  else 
     mapping = new convexCombinationTerm(0, 1, ONE);
   it = _compound.begin();
@@ -1242,31 +1228,31 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_nonLinear() const
   //--create dofManager
   linearSystem<double>* lsysNL;
-  lsysNL = new linearSystemFull<double>;
+  //lsysNL = new linearSystemFull<double>;
   //lsysNL = new linearSystemPETSc<double>;
-  //lsysNL = new linearSystemCSRTaucs<double>;
+  lsysNL = new linearSystemCSRTaucs<double>;
   dofManager<double> myAssembler(lsysNL);
   //--- first compute mapping harmonic
-  parametrize(ITERU,HARMONIC); 
-  parametrize(ITERV,HARMONIC);
+  //parametrize(ITERU,HARMONIC); 
+  //parametrize(ITERV,HARMONIC);
   //---order boundary vertices
-  std::vector<MVertex*> ordered;
-  std::vector<double> coords;  
-  bool success = orderVertices(_U0, ordered, coords);
-  int nb = ordered.size();
+  // std::vector<MVertex*> ordered;
+  // std::vector<double> coords;  
+  // bool success = orderVertices(_U0, ordered, coords);
+  // int nb = ordered.size();
   //--fix vertex for du=0 and dv=0
-  MVertex *v1  = ordered[0];
-  MVertex *v2  = ordered[1]; //(int)ceil((double)ordered.size()/2.)];
+  MVertex *v1  = _ordered[0];
+  MVertex *v2  = _ordered[1]; //(int)ceil((double)_ordered.size()/2.)];
   myAssembler.fixVertex(v1, 0, 1, 0.);
   myAssembler.fixVertex(v1, 0, 2, 0.);
   myAssembler.fixVertex(v2, 0, 1, 0.);
   myAssembler.fixVertex(v2, 0, 2, 0.);
   //--Assemble linear system 
   for(std::set<MVertex *>::iterator itv = allNodes.begin(); itv !=allNodes.end() ; ++itv){
     MVertex *v = *itv;
@@ -1275,13 +1261,13 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_nonLinear() const
   MVertex *lag = new MVertex(0.,0.,0.);
   myAssembler.numberVertex(lag, 0, 3);//ghost vertex for lagrange multiplier
   //--- newton Loop
   int nbNewton = 5;
-  double lambda  = 1.e5;
-  double fac = 1.e7;
+  double lambda  = 1.e6;
+  double fac = 1.0; //1.e7;
   for (int iNewton = 0; iNewton < nbNewton; iNewton++){
     //-- assemble conformal matrix
     std::vector<MElement *> allElems;
     laplaceTerm laplace1(model(), 1, ONE, &coordinates);
@@ -1308,10 +1294,11 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_nonLinear() const
     //-- compute all boundary angles
     double sumTheta = 0.0;
+    int nb = _ordered.size();
     for (int i=0; i< nb; i++){
-      MVertex *prev = (i!=0) ? ordered[i-1] : ordered[nb-1];
-      MVertex *curr = ordered[i];
-      MVertex *next = (i+1!=nb) ? ordered[i+1] : ordered[0];
+      MVertex *prev = (i!=0) ? _ordered[i-1] : _ordered[nb-1];
+      MVertex *curr = _ordered[i];
+      MVertex *next = (i+1!=nb) ? _ordered[i+1] : _ordered[0];
       SPoint2 p1 = getCoordinates(prev);
       SPoint2 p2 = getCoordinates(curr);
       SPoint2 p3 = getCoordinates(next);
@@ -1362,7 +1349,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_nonLinear() const
     //--- compute constraint
     double G = sumTheta - (nb-2)*M_PI;
     printf("**NL** Sum of angles G = %g \n", G );
-    myAssembler.assemble(lag, 0, 3, lag, 0, 3,  0.0);
+    myAssembler.assemble(lag, 0, 3, lag, 0, 3,  1.e-7);
     myAssembler.assemble(lag, 0, 3, fac*G);
     //--- solve linear system
@@ -1401,7 +1388,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_nonLinear() const
     //-- exit newton criteria
-    bool noOverlap = checkOverlap(ordered);
+    bool noOverlap = checkOverlap();
     printf("**NL** ---- iNewton %d --- \n", iNewton);
     printf("**NL** System solved: du=%g, dv=%g dL=%g \n", meandu, meandv, dLambda);  
     if (noOverlap) {
@@ -1438,14 +1425,6 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_spectral() const
-    std::vector<MVertex*> ordered;
-    std::vector<double> coords;  
-    bool success = orderVertices(_U0, ordered, coords);
-    if(!success){
-      Msg::Error("Could not order vertices on boundary");
-      return false;
-    }
     linearSystem <double> *lsysA  = new linearSystemPETSc<double>;
     linearSystem <double> *lsysB  = new linearSystemPETSc<double>;
     dofManager<double> myAssembler(lsysA, lsysB);
@@ -1491,14 +1470,14 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_spectral() const
     double epsilon = 1.e-7;
     for(std::set<MVertex *>::iterator itv = allNodes.begin(); itv !=allNodes.end() ; ++itv){
       MVertex *v = *itv;
-      if (std::find(ordered.begin(), ordered.end(), v) == ordered.end() ){
+      if (std::find(_ordered.begin(), _ordered.end(), v) == _ordered.end() ){
         myAssembler.assemble(v, 0, 1, v, 0, 1,  epsilon);
         myAssembler.assemble(v, 0, 2, v, 0, 2,  epsilon);
     for(std::set<MVertex *>::iterator itv = fillNodes.begin(); itv !=fillNodes.end() ; ++itv){
       MVertex *v = *itv;
-      if (std::find(ordered.begin(), ordered.end(), v) == ordered.end() ){
+      if (std::find(_ordered.begin(), _ordered.end(), v) == _ordered.end() ){
         myAssembler.assemble(v, 0, 1, v, 0, 1,  epsilon);
         myAssembler.assemble(v, 0, 2, v, 0, 2,  epsilon);
@@ -1508,17 +1487,17 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_spectral() const
     //mettre max NC contraintes par bord
-    int NB = ordered.size();
+    int NB = _ordered.size();
     int NC = std::min(70,NB);
     int jump = (int) NB/NC;
     int nbLoop = (int) NB/jump ;
     //printf("nb bound nodes=%d jump =%d \n", NB, jump);
     for (int i = 0; i< nbLoop; i++){
-      MVertex *v1 = ordered[i*jump];
+      MVertex *v1 = _ordered[i*jump];
       myAssembler.assemble(v1, 0, 1, v1, 0, 1,  1.0);
       myAssembler.assemble(v1, 0, 2, v1, 0, 2,  1.0);
       for (int j = 0; j< nbLoop; j++){
-	MVertex *v2 = ordered[j*jump];
+	MVertex *v2 = _ordered[j*jump];
 	myAssembler.assemble(v1, 0, 1, v2, 0, 1,  -1./NC);
 	myAssembler.assemble(v1, 0, 2, v2, 0, 2,  -1./NC);
@@ -1551,7 +1530,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_spectral() const
-      return checkOverlap(ordered);
+      return checkOverlap();
     else return false;
@@ -1564,31 +1543,12 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal() const
   dofManager<double> myAssembler(_lsys);
-  std::vector<MVertex*> ordered;
-  std::vector<double> coords;  
-  bool success = orderVertices(_U0, ordered, coords);
-  if(!success){
-    Msg::Error("Could not order vertices on boundary");
-    return false;
-  }
-  MVertex *v1  = ordered[0];
-  MVertex *v2  = ordered[(int)ceil((double)ordered.size()/2.)];
+  MVertex *v1  = _ordered[0];
+  MVertex *v2  = _ordered[(int)ceil((double)_ordered.size()/2.)];
   myAssembler.fixVertex(v1, 0, 1, 1.);
   myAssembler.fixVertex(v1, 0, 2, 0.);
   myAssembler.fixVertex(v2, 0, 1, -1.);
   myAssembler.fixVertex(v2, 0, 2, 0.);
-  //   MVertex *v2 ;  
-  //   double maxSize = 0.0;
-  //   for (int i=1; i< ordered.size(); i++){
-  //     MVertex *vi= ordered[i];
-  //     double dist = vi->distance(v1);
-  //     if (dist > maxSize){
-  //       v2 = vi;
-  //       maxSize = dist;
-  //     }
-  //   }
   std::list<GFace*>::const_iterator it = _compound.begin();
   for( ; it != _compound.end(); ++it){
@@ -1649,7 +1609,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal() const
   //check for overlapping triangles
-  return checkOverlap(ordered);
+  return checkOverlap();
@@ -2143,6 +2103,11 @@ bool GFaceCompound::checkTopology() const
       Msg::Info("--- Split surface %d in %d parts with Multilevel Mesh partitioner", tag(), nbSplit);
+    else{
+      Msg::Error("For remeshing your geometry, you should enable the automatic remeshing algorithm.");
+      Msg::Error("Add 'Mesh.RemeshAlgorithm=1;' in your geo file or through the Fltk window (Options > Mesh > General)");
+      Msg::Exit(0);
+    }
   else if (G == 0 && AR > AR_MAX){
     correctTopo = false;
@@ -2157,6 +2122,11 @@ bool GFaceCompound::checkTopology() const
       Msg::Info("--- Split surface %d in %d parts with Multilevel Mesh partitioner", tag(), nbSplit);
+    else if (_allowPartition == 0){
+      Msg::Warning("The geometrical aspect ratio of your geometry is quite high.");
+      Msg::Warning("You should enable partitioning of the mesh by activating the automatic remeshin algorithm.");
+      Msg::Warning("Add 'Mesh.RemeshAlgorithm=1;' in your geo file or through the Fltk window (Options > Mesh > General)");
+    }
     Msg::Debug("Correct topology: Genus=%d and Nb boundaries=%d, AR=%g", G, Nb, H/D);
@@ -2228,6 +2198,64 @@ double GFaceCompound::checkAspectRatio() const
+void GFaceCompound::coherencePatches() const
+  Msg::Info("Re-orient all %d compound patches normals coherently", _compound.size());
+  std::map<MEdge, std::set<MElement*>, Less_Edge > edge2elems;
+  std::vector<MElement*> allElems;
+  std::list<GFace*>::const_iterator it = _compound.begin();
+  for( ; it != _compound.end() ; ++it){
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->getNumMeshElements(); ++i){
+      MElement *t =  (*it)->getMeshElement(i);
+      allElems.push_back(t);
+      for (int j = 0; j <  t->getNumEdges(); j++){
+	MEdge me = t->getEdge(j);
+	std::map<MEdge, std::set<MElement*, std::less<MElement*> >, Less_Edge >::iterator it = edge2elems.find(me);
+	if (it == edge2elems.end()) {
+	  std::set<MElement*, std::less<MElement*> > mySet;
+	  mySet.insert(t);
+	  edge2elems.insert(std::make_pair(me, mySet));
+	}
+	else{
+	  std::set<MElement*, std::less<MElement*> > mySet = it->second;
+	  mySet.insert(t);
+	  it->second = mySet;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  std::set<MElement* , std::less<MElement*> > touched;
+  int iE, si, iE2, si2;
+  touched.insert(allElems[0]);
+  while(touched.size() != allElems.size()){
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < allElems.size(); i++){
+      MElement *t = allElems[i];
+      std::set<MElement*, std::less<MElement*> >::iterator it2 = touched.find(t);
+      if(it2 != touched.end()){
+        for (int j = 0; j <  t->getNumEdges(); j++){
+          MEdge me = t->getEdge(j);
+          t->getEdgeInfo(me, iE,si);
+          std::map<MEdge, std::set<MElement*>, Less_Edge >::iterator it = edge2elems.find(me);
+          std::set<MElement*, std::less<MElement*> > mySet = it->second;
+          for(std::set<MElement*, std::less<MElement*> >::iterator itt = mySet.begin(); itt != mySet.end(); itt++){
+            if (*itt != t){
+              (*itt)->getEdgeInfo(me,iE2,si2);
+              if(si == si2)  (*itt)->revert();
+              touched.insert(*itt);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return;
 void GFaceCompound::coherenceNormals()
diff --git a/Geo/GFaceCompound.h b/Geo/GFaceCompound.h
index ca838a4cdacc65dbfe465cf0b966a931a14efc09..47304e85e72b5c53240a2f7b12563798d7dff90b 100644
--- a/Geo/GFaceCompound.h
+++ b/Geo/GFaceCompound.h
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ class GFaceCompound : public GFace {
   mutable std::map<MVertex*, SVector3> _normals;
   mutable std::list<MTriangle*> fillTris;
   mutable std::set<MVertex*> fillNodes;
+  mutable std::vector<MVertex*> _ordered;
+  mutable std::vector<double> _coords;
   void buildOct() const ;
   void buildAllNodes() const; 
   void parametrize(iterationStep, typeOfMapping) const;
@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ class GFaceCompound : public GFace {
   bool parametrize_conformal_nonLinear() const;
   void compute_distance() const;
   bool checkOrientation(int iter) const;
-  bool checkOverlap(std::vector<MVertex*> &ordered) const;
+  bool checkOverlap() const;
   void one2OneMap() const;
   double checkAspectRatio() const;
   void computeNormals () const;
@@ -128,6 +130,7 @@ class GFaceCompound : public GFace {
   virtual bool checkTopology() const;
   bool parametrize() const ;
   void coherenceNormals();
+  void coherencePatches() const;
   void partitionFaceCM();
   virtual std::list<GFace*> getCompounds() const { return _compound; }
   mutable int nbSplit;
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp
index 7596e9b9debefab1a0d50e99c466bdda92419237..dbf4610d1e322fa9de5a0cacb0c5a38da5c2fc4c 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp
@@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ static int _recombineIntoQuads(GFace *gf, int recur_level, bool cubicGraph = 1)
     int ncount = gf->triangles.size();
     if (ncount % 2 == 0) {
       int ecount =  cubicGraph ? pairs.size() + makeGraphPeriodic.size() : pairs.size();
-      printf("%d internal %d closed\n",(int)pairs.size(), (int)makeGraphPeriodic.size());
+      Msg::Info("Blossom: %d internal %d closed",(int)pairs.size(), (int)makeGraphPeriodic.size());
       //      Msg::Info("Cubic Graph should have ne (%d) = 3 x nv (%d) ",ecount,ncount);
       Msg::Debug("Perfect Match Starts %d edges %d nodes",ecount,ncount);
       std::map<MElement*,int> t2n;
diff --git a/benchmarks/step/capot.geo b/benchmarks/step/capot.geo
index e8fc292ce5a52b4752e33cb4620fd6298f1afb98..d2ba4152d72f4340b39c3ae541c3b9a44c4722a6 100644
--- a/benchmarks/step/capot.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/step/capot.geo
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ Compound Line(1001) = {44,46};
 Compound Surface(100) = {1, 8, 15, 17, 16, 18, 9, 2, 3, 10, 7, 14, 11, 4, 12, 5, 6, 13} ;
+Physical Surface(100)={100};