diff --git a/Geo/GFace.cpp b/Geo/GFace.cpp
index 51969a9b653a65fc04f2ca0093d57ecc73be2a83..56a7378bac874abe5e2f9f786acbd9f23b2a61c9 100644
--- a/Geo/GFace.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GFace.cpp
@@ -446,8 +446,15 @@ double GFace::curvature(const SPoint2 &param) const
   SVector3 dndu = 500 * (n2 - n1);
   SVector3 dndv = 500 * (n4 - n3);
-  double c = fabs(dot(dndu, du) +  dot(dndv, dv)) / detJ;
+  // double c = fabs(dot(dndu, du) +  dot(dndv, dv)) / detJ;
+  double ddu = dot(dndu,du);
+  double ddv = dot(dndv,dv);
+  double c = std::max(fabs(ddu),fabs(ddv))/detJ;
   // Msg::Info("c = %g detJ %g", c, detJ);
   return c;
@@ -729,6 +736,7 @@ SPoint2 GFace::geodesic(const SPoint2 &pt1 , const SPoint2 &pt2 , double t)
 // length of a curve drawn on a surface
 // S = (X(u,v), Y(u,v), Z(u,v) );
 // u = u(t) , v = v(t)
diff --git a/Geo/MElement.cpp b/Geo/MElement.cpp
index 62e51f709ebedebf5130a8bef3042b6b4420fc8f..d58c857965fd0a9986be6bad026e7143738b4b11 100644
--- a/Geo/MElement.cpp
+++ b/Geo/MElement.cpp
@@ -98,6 +98,23 @@ void MElement::getIntegrationPoints(int pOrder, int *npts, IntPt **pts) const
   Msg::Error("No integration points defined for this type of element");
+void MElement::getShapeFunction(int num,double u,double v,double w,double &s) {
+#if !defined(HAVE_GMSH_EMBEDDED)
+  double sf[256];
+  getFunctionSpace()->f(u,v,w,sf);
+  s = sf[num];
+void MElement::getGradShapeFunction(int num,double uu,double vv,double ww,double s[3]) {
+#if !defined(HAVE_GMSH_EMBEDDED)
+  double sf[256][3];
+  getFunctionSpace()->df(uu, vv, ww, sf);
+  for (int i=0;i<3;i++) s[i] = sf[num][i];
 SPoint3 MTriangle::circumcenter()
 #if defined(HAVE_GMSH_EMBEDDED)
@@ -152,6 +169,35 @@ double MTriangle::gammaShapeMeasure()
+const gmshFunctionSpace* MTriangle::getFunctionSpace(int o) const {
+  int order = (o == -1) ? getPolynomialOrder() : o;
+  int nf = getNumFaceVertices();  
+  if ((nf ==0) && (o == -1)) {
+    switch (order) {
+    case 1: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_3); break;
+    case 2: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_6); break;
+    case 3: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_9); break;
+    case 4: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_12); break;
+    case 5: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_15I); break;
+    default: Msg::Error("Order %d triangle function space not implemented", order); break;
+    }
+  }
+  else { 
+    switch (order) {
+    case 1: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_3); break;
+    case 2: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_6); break;
+    case 3: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_10); break;
+    case 4: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_15); break;
+    case 5: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_21); break;
+    default: Msg::Error("Order %d triangle function space implemented", order); break;
+    }
+  }
+  return NULL;
 double MTetrahedron::gammaShapeMeasure()
 #if defined(HAVE_GMSH_EMBEDDED)
@@ -162,6 +208,7 @@ double MTetrahedron::gammaShapeMeasure()
 double MTetrahedron::etaShapeMeasure()
 #if defined(HAVE_GMSH_EMBEDDED)
@@ -189,6 +236,39 @@ void MTetrahedron::xyz2uvw(double xyz[3], double uvw[3])
   sys3x3(mat, b, uvw, &det);
+const gmshFunctionSpace* MTetrahedron::getFunctionSpace(int o) const {
+  int order = (o == -1) ? getPolynomialOrder() : o;
+  int nv = getNumVolumeVertices();
+  if ((nv == 0) && (o == -1)) {
+    switch (order) {
+    case 1: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_4); break;
+    case 2: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_10); break;
+    case 3: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_20); break;
+    case 4: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_34); break;
+    case 5: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_52); break;
+    default: Msg::Error("Order %d tetrahedron function space not implemented", order); break;
+    }
+  }
+  else { 
+    switch (order) {
+    case 1: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_4); break;
+    case 2: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_10); break;
+    case 3: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_20); break;
+    case 4: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_35); break;
+    case 5: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_56); break;
+    default: Msg::Error("Order %d tetrahedron function space implemented", order); break;
+    }
+  }
+  return NULL;
 int MHexahedron::getVolumeSign()
   double mat[3][3];
@@ -259,70 +339,160 @@ std::string MElement::getInfoString()
 double MElement::getJacobian(double u, double v, double w, double jac[3][3])
+  const gmshFunctionSpace* fs = getFunctionSpace();
   jac[0][0] = jac[0][1] = jac[0][2] = 0.;
   jac[1][0] = jac[1][1] = jac[1][2] = 0.;
   jac[2][0] = jac[2][1] = jac[2][2] = 0.;
-  double s[3];
-  switch(getDim()){
-  case 3 :
-    for(int i = 0; i < getNumVertices(); i++) {
-      getGradShapeFunction(i, u, v, w, s);
-      MVertex *p = getVertex(i);
-      jac[0][0] += p->x() * s[0]; jac[0][1] += p->y() * s[0]; jac[0][2] += p->z() * s[0];
-      jac[1][0] += p->x() * s[1]; jac[1][1] += p->y() * s[1]; jac[1][2] += p->z() * s[1];
-      jac[2][0] += p->x() * s[2]; jac[2][1] += p->y() * s[2]; jac[2][2] += p->z() * s[2];
+  double gsf[256][3];
+  fs->df(u,v,w,gsf);
+  for (int i=0;i<getNumVertices();i++) {
+    const MVertex* v = getVertex(i);
+    double* gg = gsf[i];
+    for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
+      jac[j][0] += v->x() * gg[j];
+      jac[j][1] += v->y() * gg[j];
+      jac[j][2] += v->z() * gg[j];
+    }
+  }
+  double dJ = 0;
+  switch (fs->monomials.size2()) {
+  case 1: 
+    {
+      dJ = sqrt(jac[0][0] * jac[0][0] + jac[1][1] * jac[0][0] + jac[2][2] * jac[2][2]);
+      break;
-    return fabs(jac[0][0] * jac[1][1] * jac[2][2] + jac[0][2] * jac[1][0] * jac[2][1] +
+  case 2:
+    {
+      dJ = sqrt(SQU(jac[0][0] * jac[1][1] - jac[0][1] * jac[1][0]) +
+                SQU(jac[0][2] * jac[1][0] - jac[0][0] * jac[1][2]) +
+                SQU(jac[0][1] * jac[1][2] - jac[0][2] * jac[1][1]));
+      break;
+    }
+  case 3:
+    {
+      dJ = fabs(jac[0][0] * jac[1][1] * jac[2][2] + jac[0][2] * jac[1][0] * jac[2][1] +
                 jac[0][1] * jac[1][2] * jac[2][0] - jac[0][2] * jac[1][1] * jac[2][0] -
                 jac[0][0] * jac[1][2] * jac[2][1] - jac[0][1] * jac[1][0] * jac[2][2]);
-  case 2 :
-    for(int i = 0; i < getNumVertices(); i++) {
-      getGradShapeFunction(i, u, v, w, s);
-      MVertex *p = getVertex(i);
-      jac[0][0] += p->x() * s[0]; jac[0][1] += p->y() * s[0]; jac[0][2] += p->z() * s[0];
-      jac[1][0] += p->x() * s[1]; jac[1][1] += p->y() * s[1]; jac[1][2] += p->z() * s[1];
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return dJ; 
+double MElement::getPrimaryJacobian(double u, double v, double w, double jac[3][3])
+  const gmshFunctionSpace* fs = getFunctionSpace(1);
+  jac[0][0] = jac[0][1] = jac[0][2] = 0.;
+  jac[1][0] = jac[1][1] = jac[1][2] = 0.;
+  jac[2][0] = jac[2][1] = jac[2][2] = 0.;
+  double gsf[256][3];
+  fs->df(u,v,w,gsf);
+  for (int i=0;i<getNumPrimaryVertices();i++) {
+    const MVertex* v = getVertex(i);
+    double* gg = gsf[i];
+    for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
+      jac[j][0] += v->x() * gg[j];
+      jac[j][1] += v->y() * gg[j];
+      jac[j][2] += v->z() * gg[j];
+  }
+  double dJ = 0;
+  switch (fs->monomials.size2()) {
+  case 1: 
-      double a[3], b[3], c[3];
-      a[0] = jac[0][0];
-      a[1] = jac[0][1];
-      a[2] = jac[0][2];
-      b[0] = jac[1][0];
-      b[1] = jac[1][1];
-      b[2] = jac[1][2];
-      prodve(a, b, c);
-      norme(c);
-      jac[2][0] = c[0]; jac[2][1] = c[1]; jac[2][2] = c[2]; 
+      dJ = sqrt(jac[0][0] * jac[0][0] + jac[0][0] * jac[0][0] + jac[0][0] * jac[0][0]);
+      break;
-    return sqrt(SQU(jac[0][0] * jac[1][1] - jac[0][1] * jac[1][0]) +
+  case 2:
+    {
+      dJ = sqrt(SQU(jac[0][0] * jac[1][1] - jac[0][1] * jac[1][0]) +
                 SQU(jac[0][2] * jac[1][0] - jac[0][0] * jac[1][2]) +
                 SQU(jac[0][1] * jac[1][2] - jac[0][2] * jac[1][1]));
-  case 1:
-    for(int i = 0; i < getNumVertices(); i++) {
-      getGradShapeFunction(i, u, v, w, s);
-      MVertex *p = getVertex(i);
-      jac[0][0] += p->x() * s[0]; jac[0][1] += p->y() * s[0]; jac[0][2] += p->z() * s[0];
+      break;
+  case 3:
-      double a[3], b[3], c[3];
-      a[0] = getVertex(1)->x() - getVertex(0)->x(); 
-      a[1] = getVertex(1)->y() - getVertex(0)->y();
-      a[2] = getVertex(1)->z() - getVertex(0)->z();     
-      if((fabs(a[0]) >= fabs(a[1]) && fabs(a[0]) >= fabs(a[2])) ||
-         (fabs(a[1]) >= fabs(a[0]) && fabs(a[1]) >= fabs(a[2]))) {
-        b[0] = a[1]; b[1] = -a[0]; b[2] = 0.;
-      }
-      else {
-        b[0] = 0.; b[1] = a[2]; b[2] = -a[1];
-      }
-      prodve(a, b, c);
-      jac[1][0] = b[0]; jac[1][1] = b[1]; jac[1][2] = b[2]; 
-      jac[2][0] = c[0]; jac[2][1] = c[1]; jac[2][2] = c[2]; 
+      dJ = fabs(jac[0][0] * jac[1][1] * jac[2][2] + jac[0][2] * jac[1][0] * jac[2][1] +
+                jac[0][1] * jac[1][2] * jac[2][0] - jac[0][2] * jac[1][1] * jac[2][0] -
+                jac[0][0] * jac[1][2] * jac[2][1] - jac[0][1] * jac[1][0] * jac[2][2]);
+      break;
-    return sqrt(SQU(jac[0][0]) + SQU(jac[0][1]) + SQU(jac[0][2]));
-  default:
-    return 1.;
+  return dJ; 
+void MElement::pnt(double uu, double vv, double ww, SPoint3 &p) {
+  double x=0.;
+  double y=0.;
+  double z=0.;
+  const gmshFunctionSpace* fs = getFunctionSpace();
+  if (fs) {
+    double sf[256];
+    fs->f(uu,vv,ww,sf);
+    for (int j=0;j<getNumVertices();j++) {
+      const MVertex* v = getVertex(j);
+      x += sf[j] * v->x();
+      y += sf[j] * v->y();
+      z += sf[j] * v->z();
+    } 
+  }
+  else Msg::Fatal("Could not find function space\n");
+  p = SPoint3(x,y,z);
+void MElement::primaryPnt(double uu, double vv, double ww, SPoint3 &p) {
+  double x=0.;
+  double y=0.;
+  double z=0.;
+  const gmshFunctionSpace* fs = getFunctionSpace(1);
+  if (fs) {
+    double sf[256];
+    fs->f(uu,vv,ww,sf);
+    if (getNumPrimaryVertices() != 4) printf("Incorrect number of vertices %d\n",getNumPrimaryVertices()
+                                             );
+    for (int j=0;j<getNumPrimaryVertices();j++) {
+      const MVertex* v = getVertex(j);
+      x += sf[j] * v->x();
+      y += sf[j] * v->y();
+      z += sf[j] * v->z();
+    } 
+  }
+  p = SPoint3(x,y,z);
 void MElement::xyz2uvw(double xyz[3], double uvw[3])
@@ -424,21 +594,6 @@ double MElement::interpolateDiv(double val[], double u, double v, double w, int
   return fx[0] + fy[1] + fz[2];
-// Expensive, generic version   
-void MElement::pnt(double u, double v, double w, SPoint3 &p)
-  double x(0), y(0), z(0);
-  for (int i = 0; i < getNumVertices(); i++) {
-    double s;
-    getShapeFunction(i, u, v, w, s);
-    MVertex* v = getVertex(i);
-    x += v->x() * s;
-    y += v->y() * s;
-    z += v->z() * s;
-  }
-  p = SPoint3(x, y, z);
 void MElement::writeMSH(FILE *fp, double version, bool binary, int num, 
                         int elementary, int physical)
@@ -737,339 +892,19 @@ int MElement::getInfoMSH(const int typeMSH, const char **const name)
-void MLine::pnt(double u,double v,double w,SPoint3& p)
-  double f1, f2;
-  getShapeFunction(0, u, v, w, f1);
-  getShapeFunction(1, u, v, w, f2);
-  double x = f1 * _v[0]->x() + f2 * _v[1]->x();
-  double y = f1 * _v[0]->y() + f2 * _v[1]->y();
-  double z = f1 * _v[0]->z() + f2 * _v[1]->z();
-  p = SPoint3(x, y, z);
-void MLine3::pnt(double u, double v, double w, SPoint3 &p)
-  double sf[3];
-  gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_3).f(u, v, w, sf);
-  double x = sf[0] * _v[0]->x() + sf[1] * _v[1]->x() + sf[2] * _vs[0]->x();
-  double y = sf[0] * _v[0]->y() + sf[1] * _v[1]->y() + sf[2] * _vs[0]->y();
-  double z = sf[0] * _v[0]->z() + sf[1] * _v[1]->z() + sf[2] * _vs[0]->z();
-  p = SPoint3(x,y,z);
-void MLine3::getShapeFunction(int num,double uu, double vv,double ww,double& s)
-  if (num > 2) s = 0.;
-  double sf[3];
-  gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_3).f(uu, vv, ww, sf);
-  s = sf[num];
-void MLine3::getGradShapeFunction(int num,double uu,double vv,double ww,double s[3])
-  if (num > 2) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) s[i] = 0.;
-  double sf[3][3];
-  gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_3).df(uu, vv, ww, sf);
-  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) s[i] = sf[num][i];
-void MLineN::pnt(double uu, double vv, double ww, SPoint3 &p)
-  double sf[6];
-  switch (getPolynomialOrder()) {
-  case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_2).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_3).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_4).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_5).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_6).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  default: 
-    Msg::Error("Order %d line point interpolation not implemented", 
-	       getPolynomialOrder()); 
-    break;
-  }
-  double x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) x += sf[i] * _v[i]->x();
-  double y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) y += sf[i] * _v[i]->y();
-  double z = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) z += sf[i] * _v[i]->z();
-  for (int i = 0; i < _vs.size(); i++) x += sf[i+2] * _vs[i]->x();
-  for (int i = 0; i < _vs.size(); i++) y += sf[i+2] * _vs[i]->y();
-  for (int i = 0; i < _vs.size(); i++) z += sf[i+2] * _vs[i]->z();
-  p = SPoint3(x, y, z);
-void MLineN::getShapeFunction(int num, double uu, double vv, double ww, double &s)
-  double sf[6];
-  switch (getPolynomialOrder()) {
-  case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_2).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_3).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_4).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_5).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_6).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  default: 
-    Msg::Error("Order %d line shape function not provided", 
-	       getPolynomialOrder()); 
-    break;
-  }
-  s = sf[num];
-void MLineN::getGradShapeFunction(int num, double uu, double vv, double ww, double s[3])
-  double sf[6][3];
-  switch (getPolynomialOrder()) {
-  case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_2).df(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_3).df(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_4).df(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_5).df(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_6).df(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-  default: 
-    Msg::Error("Order %d line shape function gradient not implemented",
-	       getPolynomialOrder());
-    break;
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) s[i] = sf[num][i];
-void MTriangle::getShapeFunction(int num, double uu, double vv, double ww, double &s)
-  int nf = getNumFaceVertices();
-  double fv[256];
-  if (!nf){
-    switch(getPolynomialOrder()){
-    case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_3).f(uu, vv, fv); break;
-    case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_6).f(uu, vv, fv); break;
-    case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_9).f(uu, vv, fv); break;
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_12).f(uu, vv, fv); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_15I).f(uu, vv, fv); break;
-    default: 
-      Msg::Error("Order %d triangle shape function not implemented", 
-		 getPolynomialOrder());
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    switch(getPolynomialOrder()){
-    case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_3).f(uu, vv, fv); break;
-    case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_6).f(uu, vv, fv); break;
-    case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_10).f(uu, vv, fv); break;
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_15).f(uu, vv, fv); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_21).f(uu, vv, fv); break;
-    default: 
-      Msg::Error("Order %d triangle shape function not implemented", 
-		 getPolynomialOrder());
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  s = fv[num];
-void MTriangle::getGradShapeFunction(int num, double uu, double vv, double ww, double s[3])
-  double grads[256][2];
-  int nf = getNumFaceVertices();  
-  if (!nf){
-    switch(getPolynomialOrder()){
-    case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_3).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_6).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_9).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_12).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_15I).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    default: 
-      Msg::Error("Order %d triangle shape function gradient not implemented",
-		 getPolynomialOrder());
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    switch(getPolynomialOrder()){
-    case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_3).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_6).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_10).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_15).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_21).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    default: 
-      Msg::Error("Order %d triangle shape function gradient not implemented",
-		 getPolynomialOrder()); 
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) s[i] = grads[num][i];
-  s[2] = 0;
-void MTriangle::jac(int ord, MVertex *vs[], double uu, double vv, double ww,
-		    double j[2][3])
-  double grads[256][2];
-  int nf = getNumFaceVertices();
-  if (!nf){
-    switch(ord){
-    case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_3).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_6).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_9).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_12).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_15I).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    default: Msg::Error("Order %d triangle jac not implemented", ord); break;
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    switch(ord){
-    case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_3).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_6).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_10).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_15).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_21).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-    default: Msg::Error("Order %d triangle jac not implemented", ord); break;
-    }
-  }
-  j[0][0] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) j[0][0] += grads [i][0] * _v[i]->x();
-  j[1][0] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) j[1][0] += grads [i][1] * _v[i]->x();
-  j[0][1] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) j[0][1] += grads [i][0] * _v[i]->y();
-  j[1][1] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) j[1][1] += grads [i][1] * _v[i]->y();
-  j[0][2] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) j[0][2] += grads [i][0] * _v[i]->z();
-  j[1][2] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) j[1][2] += grads [i][1] * _v[i]->z();
-  if (ord == 1) return;
-  for(int i = 3; i < 3 * ord + nf; i++) j[0][0] += grads[i][0] * vs[i - 3]->x();
-  for(int i = 3; i < 3 * ord + nf; i++) j[1][0] += grads[i][1] * vs[i - 3]->x();
-  for(int i = 3; i < 3 * ord + nf; i++) j[0][1] += grads[i][0] * vs[i - 3]->y();
-  for(int i = 3; i < 3 * ord + nf; i++) j[1][1] += grads[i][1] * vs[i - 3]->y();
-  for(int i = 3; i < 3 * ord + nf; i++) j[0][2] += grads[i][0] * vs[i - 3]->z();
-  for(int i = 3; i < 3 * ord + nf; i++) j[1][2] += grads[i][1] * vs[i - 3]->z();
-void MTriangle::pnt(int ord, MVertex *vs[], double uu, double vv, double ww,
-		    SPoint3 &p)
-  double sf[256];
-  int nf = getNumFaceVertices();
-  if (!nf){
-    switch(ord){
-    case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_3).f(uu, vv, sf); break;
-    case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_6).f(uu, vv, sf); break;
-    case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_9).f(uu, vv, sf); break;
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_12).f(uu, vv, sf); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_15I).f(uu, vv, sf); break;
-    default: Msg::Error("Order %d triangle pnt not implemented", ord); break;
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    switch(ord){
-    case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_3).f(uu, vv, sf); break;
-    case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_6).f(uu, vv, sf); break;
-    case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_10).f(uu, vv, sf); break;
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_15).f(uu, vv, sf); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TRI_21).f(uu, vv, sf); break;
-    default: Msg::Error("Order %d triangle pnt not implemented", ord); break;
-    }
-  }
-  double x = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) x += sf[i] * _v[i]->x();
-  double y = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) y += sf[i] * _v[i]->y();
-  double z = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) z += sf[i] * _v[i]->z();
-  for(int i = 3; i < 3 * ord + nf; i++) x += sf[i] * vs[i - 3]->x();
-  for(int i = 3; i < 3 * ord + nf; i++) y += sf[i] * vs[i - 3]->y();
-  for(int i = 3; i < 3 * ord + nf; i++) z += sf[i] * vs[i - 3]->z();
-  p = SPoint3(x, y, z);
+const gmshFunctionSpace* MLine::getFunctionSpace(int o) const {
-void MTetrahedron::jac(int ord, MVertex *vs[], double uu, double vv, double ww,
-		       double j[3][3])
-  double grads[256][3];
-  switch(ord){
-  case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_4) .df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-  case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_10).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-  case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_20).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-  case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_35).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-  case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_56).df(uu, vv, ww, grads); break;
-  default: Msg::Error("Order %d tetrahedron jac not implemented", ord); break;
-  }
-  j[0][0] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) j[0][0] += grads [i][0] * _v[i]->x();
-  j[1][0] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) j[1][0] += grads [i][1] * _v[i]->x();
-  j[2][0] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) j[2][0] += grads [i][2] * _v[i]->x();
-  j[0][1] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) j[0][1] += grads [i][0] * _v[i]->y();
-  j[1][1] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) j[1][1] += grads [i][1] * _v[i]->y();
-  j[2][1] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) j[2][1] += grads [i][2] * _v[i]->y();
-  j[0][2] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) j[0][2] += grads [i][0] * _v[i]->z();
-  j[1][2] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) j[1][2] += grads [i][1] * _v[i]->z();
-  j[2][2] = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) j[2][2] += grads [i][2] * _v[i]->z();
+  int order = o == -1 ? getPolynomialOrder() : o;
-  if (ord == 1) return;
-  const int N = (ord+1)*(ord+2)*(ord+3)/6;
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) j[0][0] += grads[i][0] * vs[i - 4]->x();
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) j[1][0] += grads[i][1] * vs[i - 4]->x();
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) j[2][0] += grads[i][2] * vs[i - 4]->x();
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) j[0][1] += grads[i][0] * vs[i - 4]->y();
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) j[1][1] += grads[i][1] * vs[i - 4]->y();
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) j[2][1] += grads[i][2] * vs[i - 4]->y();
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) j[0][2] += grads[i][0] * vs[i - 4]->z();
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) j[1][2] += grads[i][1] * vs[i - 4]->z();
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) j[2][2] += grads[i][2] * vs[i - 4]->z();
-void MTetrahedron::pnt(int ord, MVertex *vs[], double uu, double vv, double ww,
-		       SPoint3 &p)
-  double sf[256];
-  int nv = getNumVolumeVertices();
-  if (!nv){
-    switch(ord){
-    case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_4).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_10).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_20).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_34).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_52).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    default: Msg::Error("Order %d tetrahedron pnt not implemented", ord); break;
-    }
+  switch (order) {
+  case 1: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_2); break;
+  case 2: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_3); break;
+  case 3: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_4); break;
+  case 4: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_5); break;
+  case 5: return &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_LIN_6); break;
+  default: Msg::Error("Order %d line point interpolation not implemented", getPolynomialOrder()); break;
-  else{
-    switch(ord){
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_35).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_56).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    default: Msg::Error("Order %d tetrahedron pnt not implemented", ord); break;
-    }
-  }
-  double x = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) x += sf[i] * _v[i]->x();
-  double y = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) y += sf[i] * _v[i]->y();
-  double z = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) z += sf[i] * _v[i]->z();
-  int nbComplete = (ord + 1) * (ord + 2) * (ord + 3) / 6;
-  int nbInterior = (ord - 3) * (ord - 2) * (ord - 1) / 6;
-  const int N = nv ? nbComplete : nbComplete - nbInterior;
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) x += sf[i] * vs[i - 4]->x();
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) y += sf[i] * vs[i - 4]->y();
-  for(int i = 4; i < N; i++) z += sf[i] * vs[i - 4]->z();
-  p = SPoint3(x, y, z);
+  return NULL;
 const int numSubEdges = 6;
@@ -1096,22 +931,22 @@ void MTriangleN::getFaceRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *
   const double d = 1. / numSubEdges;
   SPoint3 pnt1, pnt2, pnt3;
-  double J1[2][3], J2[2][3], J3[2][3];
+  double J1[3][3], J2[3][3], J3[3][3];
   if (ix % 2 == 0){
     pnt(ix / 2 * d, iy * d, 0, pnt1);
     pnt((ix / 2 + 1) * d, iy * d, 0, pnt2);
     pnt(ix / 2 * d, (iy + 1) * d, 0, pnt3);
-    jac(ix / 2 * d, iy * d, 0, J1);
-    jac((ix / 2 + 1) * d, iy * d, 0, J2);
-    jac(ix / 2 * d, (iy + 1) * d, 0, J3);
+    getJacobian(ix / 2 * d, iy * d, 0, J1);
+    getJacobian((ix / 2 + 1) * d, iy * d, 0, J2);
+    getJacobian(ix / 2 * d, (iy + 1) * d, 0, J3);
     pnt((ix / 2 + 1) * d, iy * d, 0, pnt1);
     pnt((ix / 2 + 1) * d, (iy + 1) * d, 0, pnt2);
     pnt(ix / 2 * d, (iy + 1) * d, 0, pnt3);
-    jac((ix / 2 + 1) * d, iy * d, 0, J1);
-    jac((ix / 2 + 1) * d, (iy + 1) * d, 0, J2);
-    jac(ix / 2 * d, (iy + 1) * d, 0, J3);
+    getJacobian((ix / 2 + 1) * d, iy * d, 0, J1);
+    getJacobian((ix / 2 + 1) * d, (iy + 1) * d, 0, J2);
+    getJacobian(ix / 2 * d, (iy + 1) * d, 0, J3);
     SVector3 d1(J1[0][0], J1[0][1], J1[0][2]);
@@ -1141,11 +976,11 @@ int MTriangleN::getNumEdgesRep(){ return 3 * numSubEdges; }
 void MTriangleN::getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
-  n[0] = n[1] = getFace(0).normal();
+  n[0] = n[1] = n[2] = getFace(0).normal();
   int N = getNumEdgesRep() / 3;
   if (num < N){
     SPoint3 pnt1, pnt2;
-    pnt((double)num / N, 0., 0,pnt1);
+    pnt((double)num / N, 0., 0.,pnt1);
     pnt((double)(num + 1) / N, 0., 0, pnt2);
     x[0] = pnt1.x(); x[1] = pnt2.x();
     y[0] = pnt1.y(); y[1] = pnt2.y();
@@ -1173,83 +1008,6 @@ void MTriangleN::getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *
-void MTetrahedron10::getShapeFunction(int num, double uu, double vv, double ww, double &s)
-  double sf[256];
-  gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_10).f(uu, vv, ww, sf);
-  s = sf[num];
-void MTetrahedron10::getGradShapeFunction(int num, double uu, double vv, double ww,
-					  double gs[3])
-  double gsf[256][3];
-  gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_10).df(uu, vv, ww, gsf);
-  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) gs[i] = gsf[num][i];
-void MTetrahedronN::getShapeFunction(int num, double uu, double vv, double ww, double &s)
-  double sf[256];
-  int nv = getNumVolumeVertices();
-  if (!nv){
-    switch(getPolynomialOrder()){
-    case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_4).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_10).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_20).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_34).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_52).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    default:
-      Msg::Error("Order %d tetrahedron pnt not implemented", getPolynomialOrder()); 
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    switch(getPolynomialOrder()){
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_35).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_56).f(uu, vv, ww, sf); break;
-    default:
-      Msg::Error("Order %d tetrahedron pnt not implemented", getPolynomialOrder());
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  s = sf[num];
-void MTetrahedronN::getGradShapeFunction(int num, double uu, double vv, double ww, 
-					 double gs[3])
-  double gsf[256][3];
-  int nv = getNumVolumeVertices();
-  if (!nv){
-    switch(getPolynomialOrder()){
-    case 1: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_4) .df(uu, vv, ww, gsf); break;
-    case 2: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_10).df(uu, vv, ww, gsf); break;
-    case 3: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_20).df(uu, vv, ww, gsf); break;
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_34).df(uu, vv, ww, gsf); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_52).df(uu, vv, ww, gsf); break;
-    default: 
-      Msg::Error("Order %d tetrahedron pnt not implemented", getPolynomialOrder());
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    switch(getPolynomialOrder()){
-    case 4: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_35).df(uu, vv, ww, gsf); break;
-    case 5: gmshFunctionSpaces::find(MSH_TET_56).df(uu, vv, ww, gsf); break;
-    default: 
-      Msg::Error("Order %d tetrahedron pnt not implemented", getPolynomialOrder());
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) gs[i] = gsf[num][i];
 int MTetrahedronN::getNumEdgesRep(){ return 6 * numSubEdges; }
 void MTetrahedronN::getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -1300,7 +1058,7 @@ void MTetrahedronN::getFaceRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector
     0 1 2 3
     0 1 2 3 4
     0 1 2 3 4 5
-   */
+  */
   //  on the first layer, we have (numSubEdges-1) * 2 + 1 triangles
   //  on the second layer, we have (numSubEdges-2) * 2 + 1 triangles
diff --git a/Geo/MElement.h b/Geo/MElement.h
index 1c5d2111c1d0bb1ec3960c92a6f36782835025b2..785e14ec06808a61c0f5e867d062df64021d54d1 100644
--- a/Geo/MElement.h
+++ b/Geo/MElement.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "MEdge.h"
 #include "MFace.h"
 #include "Message.h"
+#include "FunctionSpace.h"
 struct IntPt{
   double pt[3];
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ class MElement
   virtual int getDim() = 0;
   // return the polynomial order the element
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 1; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 1; }
   // get/set the partition to which the element belongs
   virtual int getPartition(){ return _partition; }
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ class MElement
   virtual void setVisibility(char val){ _visible = val; }
   // get the vertices
-  virtual int getNumVertices() = 0;
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const = 0;
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num) = 0;
   // get the vertex using the I-deas UNV ordering
@@ -94,15 +95,17 @@ class MElement
   // get the number of vertices associated with edges, faces and
   // volumes (nonzero only for higher order elements)
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 0; }
-  virtual int getNumFaceVertices(){ return 0; }
-  virtual int getNumVolumeVertices(){ return 0; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 0; }
+  virtual int getNumFaceVertices() const { return 0; }
+  virtual int getNumVolumeVertices() const { return 0; }
   // get the number of primary vertices (first-order element)
   int getNumPrimaryVertices()
-    return getNumVertices() - getNumEdgeVertices() - 
-      getNumFaceVertices() - getNumVolumeVertices();
+    return getNumVertices() -
+      getNumEdgeVertices() - 
+      getNumFaceVertices() -
+      getNumVolumeVertices();
   // get the edges
@@ -138,6 +141,7 @@ class MElement
   virtual double minEdge();
   // get the quality measures
   virtual double rhoShapeMeasure();
   virtual double gammaShapeMeasure(){ return 0.; }
   virtual double etaShapeMeasure(){ return 0.; }
@@ -154,26 +158,32 @@ class MElement
   virtual double getVolume(){ return 0.; }
   virtual int getVolumeSign(){ return 1; }
   virtual void setVolumePositive(){ if(getVolumeSign() < 0) revert(); }
   // return an information string for the element
   virtual std::string getInfoString();
+  virtual const gmshFunctionSpace* getFunctionSpace(int ord = -1) const {
+    Msg::Fatal("Function space not implemented for element %s",getStringForPOS());
+    return NULL;
+  }
   // return the interpolating nodal shape function associated with
   // node num, evaluated at point (u,v,w) in parametric coordinates
-  virtual void getShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w,
-                                double &s) = 0;
+  virtual void getShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w,double &s);
   // return the gradient of of the nodal shape function associated
   // with node num, evaluated at point (u,v,w) in parametric
   // coordinates
-  virtual void getGradShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w,
-                                    double s[3]) = 0;
+  virtual void getGradShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w,double s[3]);
   // return the Jacobian of the element evaluated at point (u,v,w) in
   // parametric coordinates
   double getJacobian(double u, double v, double w, double jac[3][3]);
-  virtual void pnt(double u, double v, double w, SPoint3 &p);
+  double getPrimaryJacobian(double u, double v, double w, double jac[3][3]);
+  virtual void pnt       (double u,double v,double w,SPoint3 &p);
+  virtual void primaryPnt(double u,double v,double w,SPoint3 &p);
   // invert the parametrisation
   virtual void xyz2uvw(double xyz[3], double uvw[3]);
@@ -209,11 +219,11 @@ class MElement
   // info for specific IO formats (returning 0 means that the element
   // is not implemented in that format)
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return 0; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 0; }
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 0; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return 0; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return 0; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return 0; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 0; }
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 0; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return 0; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return 0; }
   // return the number of vertices, as well as the element name if
   // 'name' != 0
@@ -261,7 +271,7 @@ class MPoint : public MElement {
   virtual int getDim(){ return 0; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 1; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 1; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return _v[0]; }
   virtual int getNumEdges(){ return 0; }
   virtual MEdge getEdge(int num){ return MEdge(); }
@@ -271,8 +281,8 @@ class MPoint : public MElement {
   virtual MFace getFace(int num){ return MFace(); }
   virtual int getNumFacesRep(){ return 0; }
   virtual void getFaceRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n){}
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_PNT; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SP"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_PNT; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SP"; }
   virtual void getShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double &s) 
     s = 1.;
@@ -314,7 +324,7 @@ class MLine : public MElement {
   virtual int getDim(){ return 1; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 2; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return _v[num]; }
   virtual int getNumEdges(){ return 1; }
   virtual MEdge getEdge(int num){ return MEdge(_v[0], _v[1]); }
@@ -332,38 +342,26 @@ class MLine : public MElement {
   virtual MFace getFace(int num){ return MFace(); }
   virtual int getNumFacesRep(){ return 0; }
   virtual void getFaceRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n){}
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_LIN_2; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 21; } // linear beam
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 3; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SL"; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CBAR"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_LIN_2; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 21; } // linear beam
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 3; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SL"; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CBAR"; }
   virtual void revert() 
     MVertex *tmp = _v[0]; _v[0] = _v[1]; _v[1] = tmp;
-  virtual void getShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double &s) 
-  {
-    switch(num) {
-    case 0  : s = 0.5 * (1. - u); break;
-    case 1  : s = 0.5 * (1. + u); break;
-    default : s = 0.; break;
-    }
-  }
-  virtual void getGradShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double s[3]) 
-  {
-    switch(num) {
-    case 0  : s[0] = -0.5; s[1] = 0.; s[2] = 0.; break;
-    case 1  : s[0] =  0.5; s[1] = 0.; s[2] = 0.; break;
-    default : s[0] = s[1] = s[2] = 0.; break;
-    }
-  }
-  virtual void pnt(double u, double v, double w, SPoint3 &p);
+  virtual const gmshFunctionSpace* getFunctionSpace(int=-1) const;
   virtual bool isInside(double u, double v, double w, double tol=1.e-8)
     if(u < -(1. + tol) || u > (1. + tol))
       return false;
     return true;
   virtual void getIntegrationPoints(int pOrder, int *npts, IntPt **pts) const;
@@ -390,15 +388,15 @@ class MLine3 : public MLine {
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 3; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 3; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 2 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 2]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexUNV(int num)
     static const int map[3] = {0, 2, 1};
     return getVertex(map[num]); 
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 1; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 1; }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return 2; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -414,13 +412,11 @@ class MLine3 : public MLine {
     v[2] = _vs[0];
-  virtual void getShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double &s);
-  virtual void getGradShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double s[3]);
-  virtual void pnt(double u, double v, double w, SPoint3 &p);
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_LIN_3; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 24; } // parabolic beam
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 21; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SL2"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_LIN_3; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 24; } // parabolic beam
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 21; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SL2"; }
@@ -448,10 +444,10 @@ class MLineN : public MLine {
       _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(_vs.size() + 1);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return _vs.size() + 1; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return _vs.size() + 2; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return _vs.size() + 1; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return _vs.size() + 2; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 2 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 2]; }
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return _vs.size(); }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return _vs.size(); }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return _vs.size() + 1; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -465,10 +461,7 @@ class MLineN : public MLine {
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i != _vs.size(); ++i) v[i+2] = _vs[i];
-  virtual void getShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double &s);
-  virtual void getGradShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double s[3]);
-  virtual void pnt(double u, double v, double w, SPoint3 &p);
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH()
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const 
     if(_vs.size() == 2) return MSH_LIN_4; 
     if(_vs.size() == 3) return MSH_LIN_5; 
@@ -521,7 +514,7 @@ class MTriangle : public MElement {
   virtual int getDim(){ return 2; }
   virtual double gammaShapeMeasure();
   virtual double distoShapeMeasure();
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 3; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 3; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return _v[num]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexMED(int num)
@@ -566,35 +559,26 @@ class MTriangle : public MElement {
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_TRI_3; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 91; } // thin shell linear triangle
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 5; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "ST"; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CTRIA3"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_TRI_3; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 91; } // thin shell linear triangle
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 5; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "ST"; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CTRIA3"; }
   virtual void revert() 
     MVertex *tmp = _v[1]; _v[1] = _v[2]; _v[2] = tmp;
-  virtual void getShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double &s);
-  virtual void getGradShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double s[3]);
-  virtual void jac(int order, MVertex *verts[], double u, double v, double w, 
-		   double j[2][3]);
-  virtual void jac(double u, double v, double w, double j[2][3])
-  {
-    jac(1, 0, u, v, w, j);
-  }
-  virtual void pnt(int order, MVertex *verts[], double u, double v, double w, 
-		   SPoint3 &p);
-  virtual void pnt(double u, double v, double w, SPoint3 &p)
-  {
-    pnt(1, 0, u, v, w, p);
-  }
+  virtual const gmshFunctionSpace* getFunctionSpace(int=-1) const;
   virtual bool isInside(double u, double v, double w, double tol=1.e-8)
     if(u < (-tol) || v < (-tol) || u > ((1. + tol) - v))
       return false; 
     return true;
   virtual void getIntegrationPoints(int pOrder, int *npts, IntPt **pts) const;
   virtual SPoint3 circumcenter();
@@ -639,8 +623,8 @@ class MTriangle6 : public MTriangle {
     for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(2);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 6; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 6; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 3 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 3]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexUNV(int num)
@@ -652,7 +636,7 @@ class MTriangle6 : public MTriangle {
     static const int map[6] = {0, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3};
     return getVertex(map[num]); 
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 3; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 3; }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return 6; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -686,25 +670,17 @@ class MTriangle6 : public MTriangle {
     v[4] = _vs[1];
     v[5] = _vs[2];
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_TRI_6; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 92; } // thin shell parabolic triangle
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 22; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "ST2"; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CTRIA6"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_TRI_6; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 92; } // thin shell parabolic triangle
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 22; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "ST2"; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CTRIA6"; }
   virtual void revert() 
     MVertex *tmp;
     tmp = _v[1]; _v[1] = _v[2]; _v[2] = tmp;
     tmp = _vs[0]; _vs[0] = _vs[2]; _vs[2] = tmp;
-  virtual void jac(double u, double v, double w, double j[2][3])
-  {
-    MTriangle::jac(2, _vs, u, v, w, j);
-  }
-  virtual void pnt(double u, double v, double w, SPoint3 &p)
-  {
-    MTriangle::pnt(2, _vs, u, v, w, p);
-  }
@@ -750,10 +726,10 @@ class MTriangleN : public MTriangle {
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _vs.size(); i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(_order);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return _order; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 3 + _vs.size(); }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return _order; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 3 + _vs.size(); }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 3 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 3]; }
-  virtual int getNumFaceVertices()
+  virtual int getNumFaceVertices() const 
     if(_order == 3 && _vs.size() == 6) return 0;
     if(_order == 3 && _vs.size() == 7) return 1;
@@ -763,17 +739,17 @@ class MTriangleN : public MTriangle {
     if(_order == 5 && _vs.size() == 18) return 6;
     return 0;
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return _order - 1; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 3 * (_order - 1); }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep();
   virtual int getNumFacesRep();
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n);
   virtual void getEdgeVertices(const int num, std::vector<MVertex*> &v) const
-    v.resize(2 + getNumEdgeVertices());
+    v.resize(_order + 1);
     MTriangle::_getEdgeVertices(num, v);
     int j = 2;
-    const int ie = (num + 1) * getNumEdgeVertices();
-    for(int i = num*getNumEdgeVertices(); i != ie; ++i) v[j++] = _vs[i];
+    const int ie = (num + 1) * (_order - 1);
+    for(int i = num * (_order-1); i != ie; ++i) v[j++] = _vs[i];
   virtual void getFaceRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n);
   virtual void getFaceVertices(const int num, std::vector<MVertex*> &v) const
@@ -782,7 +758,7 @@ class MTriangleN : public MTriangle {
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i != _vs.size(); ++i) v[i + 3] = _vs[i];
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH()
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const
     if(_order == 3 && _vs.size() == 6) return MSH_TRI_9; 
     if(_order == 3 && _vs.size() == 7) return MSH_TRI_10; 
@@ -800,14 +776,6 @@ class MTriangleN : public MTriangle {
     inv.insert(inv.begin(), _vs.rbegin(), _vs.rend());
     _vs = inv;
-  virtual void jac(double u, double v, double w, double j[2][3])
-  {
-    MTriangle::jac(_order, &_vs[0], u, v, w, j);
-  }
-  virtual void pnt(double u, double v, double w, SPoint3 &p)
-  {
-    MTriangle::pnt(_order, &_vs[0], u, v, w, p);
-  }
@@ -853,7 +821,7 @@ class MQuadrangle : public MElement {
   virtual int getDim(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 4; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 4; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return _v[num]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexMED(int num)
@@ -892,35 +860,15 @@ class MQuadrangle : public MElement {
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_QUA_4; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 94; } // thin shell linear quadrilateral
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 8; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SQ"; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CQUAD4"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_QUA_4; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 94; } // thin shell linear quadrilateral
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 8; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SQ"; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CQUAD4"; }
   virtual void revert() 
     MVertex *tmp = _v[1]; _v[1] = _v[3]; _v[3] = tmp;
-  virtual void getShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double &s) 
-  {
-    switch(num) {
-    case 0  : s = 0.25 * (1. - u) * (1. - v); break;
-    case 1  : s = 0.25 * (1. + u) * (1. - v); break;
-    case 2  : s = 0.25 * (1. + u) * (1. + v); break;
-    case 3  : s = 0.25 * (1. - u) * (1. + v); break;
-    default : s = 0.; break;
-    }
-  }
-  virtual void getGradShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double s[3]) 
-  {
-    switch(num) {
-    case 0  : s[0] = -0.25 * (1. - v); s[1] = -0.25 * (1. - u); s[2] = 0.; break;
-    case 1  : s[0] =  0.25 * (1. - v); s[1] = -0.25 * (1. + u); s[2] = 0.; break;
-    case 2  : s[0] =  0.25 * (1. + v); s[1] =  0.25 * (1. + u); s[2] = 0.; break;
-    case 3  : s[0] = -0.25 * (1. + v); s[1] =  0.25 * (1. - u); s[2] = 0.; break;
-    default : s[0] = s[1] = s[2] = 0.; break;
-    }
-  }
   virtual bool isInside(double u, double v, double w, double tol=1.e-8)
     if(u < -(1. + tol) || v < -(1. + tol) || u > (1. + tol) || v > (1. + tol))
@@ -971,8 +919,8 @@ class MQuadrangle8 : public MQuadrangle {
     for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(2);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 8; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 8; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 4 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 4]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexUNV(int num)
@@ -984,7 +932,7 @@ class MQuadrangle8 : public MQuadrangle {
     static const int map[8] = {0, 3, 2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4};
     return getVertex(map[num]); 
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 4; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 4; }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return 8; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -1020,10 +968,10 @@ class MQuadrangle8 : public MQuadrangle {
     v[6] = _vs[2];
     v[7] = _vs[3];
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_QUA_8; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 95; } // shell parabolic quadrilateral
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 23; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CQUAD8"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_QUA_8; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 95; } // shell parabolic quadrilateral
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 23; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CQUAD8"; }
   virtual void revert() 
     MVertex *tmp;
@@ -1063,11 +1011,11 @@ class MQuadrangle9 : public MQuadrangle {
     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(2);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 9; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 9; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 4 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 4]; }
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 4; }
-  virtual int getNumFaceVertices(){ return 1; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 4; }
+  virtual int getNumFaceVertices() const { return 6; }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return 8; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -1105,8 +1053,8 @@ class MQuadrangle9 : public MQuadrangle {
     v[7] = _vs[3];
     v[8] = _vs[4];
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_QUA_9; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SQ2"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_QUA_9; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SQ2"; }
   virtual void revert() 
     MVertex *tmp;
@@ -1166,7 +1114,7 @@ class MTetrahedron : public MElement {
   virtual int getDim(){ return 3; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 4; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 4; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return _v[num]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexMED(int num)
@@ -1208,11 +1156,11 @@ class MTetrahedron : public MElement {
     _getFaceVertices(num, v);
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_TET_4; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 111; } // solid linear tetrahedron
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 10; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SS"; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CTETRA"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_TET_4; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 111; } // solid linear tetrahedron
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 10; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SS"; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CTETRA"; }
   virtual void revert()
     MVertex *tmp = _v[0]; _v[0] = _v[1]; _v[1] = tmp;
@@ -1235,54 +1183,16 @@ class MTetrahedron : public MElement {
   virtual double distoShapeMeasure();
   virtual double etaShapeMeasure();
   void xyz2uvw(double xyz[3], double uvw[3]);
-  virtual void getShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double &s) 
-  {
-    switch(num) {
-    case 0  : s = 1. - u - v - w; break;
-    case 1  : s =      u        ; break;
-    case 2  : s =          v    ; break;
-    case 3  : s =              w; break;
-    default : s = 0.; break;
-    }
-  }
-  virtual void getGradShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double s[3]) 
-  {
-    switch(num) {
-    case 0  : s[0] = -1.; s[1] = -1.; s[2] = -1.; break;
-    case 1  : s[0] =  1.; s[1] =  0.; s[2] =  0.; break;
-    case 2  : s[0] =  0.; s[1] =  1.; s[2] =  0.; break;
-    case 3  : s[0] =  0.; s[1] =  0.; s[2] =  1.; break;
-    default : s[0] = s[1] = s[2] = 0.; break;
-    }
-  }
+  virtual const gmshFunctionSpace* getFunctionSpace(int=-1) const;
   virtual bool isInside(double u, double v, double w, double tol=1.e-8)
     if(u < (-tol) || v < (-tol) || w < (-tol) || u > ((1. + tol) - v - w))
       return false;
     return true;
-  virtual void jac(int order, MVertex *verts[], double u, double v, double w,
-		   double j[3][3]);
-  virtual void jac(int order, std::vector<MVertex*>& verts, double u, double v, double w,
-		   double j[3][3])
-  {
-    jac(order, &verts[0], u, v, w, j);
-  }
-  virtual void jac(double u, double v, double w, double j[3][3])
-  {
-    jac(1, 0, u, v, w, j);
-  }
-  virtual void pnt(int order, MVertex *verts[], double u, double v, double w,
-		   SPoint3 &p);
-  virtual void pnt(int order, std::vector<MVertex*> &verts, double u, double v, double w,
-		   SPoint3 &p)
-  {
-    pnt(order, &verts[0], u, v, w, p);
-  }
-  virtual void pnt(double u, double v, double w, SPoint3 &p)
-  {
-    pnt(1, 0, u, v, w, p);
-  }
   virtual void getIntegrationPoints(int pOrder, int *npts, IntPt **pts) const;
   virtual SPoint3 circumcenter();
@@ -1346,8 +1256,8 @@ class MTetrahedron10 : public MTetrahedron {
     for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(2);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 10; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 10; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 4 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 4]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexUNV(int num)
@@ -1364,7 +1274,7 @@ class MTetrahedron10 : public MTetrahedron {
     static const int map[10] = {0, 2, 1, 3, 6, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9};
     return getVertex(map[num]); 
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 6; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 6; }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return 12; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -1411,11 +1321,11 @@ class MTetrahedron10 : public MTetrahedron {
     v[4] = _vs[f[num][1]];
     v[5] = _vs[f[num][2]];
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_TET_10; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 118; } // solid parabolic tetrahedron
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 24; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SS2"; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CTETRA"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_TET_10; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 118; } // solid parabolic tetrahedron
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 24; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SS2"; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CTETRA"; }
   virtual void revert()
     MVertex *tmp;
@@ -1423,19 +1333,6 @@ class MTetrahedron10 : public MTetrahedron {
     tmp = _vs[1]; _vs[1] = _vs[2]; _vs[2] = tmp;
     tmp = _vs[5]; _vs[5] = _vs[3]; _vs[3] = tmp;
-  virtual void getShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double &s);
-  virtual void getGradShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double s[3]);
-  virtual void jac(double u,double v,double w, double jac[3][3])
-  {
-    MTetrahedron::jac(2,_vs,u,v,w,jac);
-  }
-  virtual void pnt(double u,double v,double w, SPoint3& p)
-  {
-    MTetrahedron::pnt(2, _vs, u, v, w, p);
-  }
@@ -1531,31 +1428,32 @@ class MTetrahedronN : public MTetrahedron {
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _vs.size(); i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(_order);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return _order; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 4 + _vs.size(); }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return _order; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 4 + _vs.size(); }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 4 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 4]; }
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return _order - 1; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 6*(_order - 1); }
   virtual int getNumFaceVertices() const
-    return ((_order - 1) * (_order - 2)) / 2;
+    return 4 * ((_order - 1) * (_order - 2)) / 2;
   virtual void getEdgeVertices(const int num, std::vector<MVertex*> &v) const
-    v.resize(2 + getNumEdgeVertices());
+    v.resize(_order + 1);
     MTetrahedron::_getEdgeVertices(num, v);
     int j = 2;
-    const int ie = (num + 1) * getNumEdgeVertices();
-    for(int i = num * getNumEdgeVertices(); i != ie; ++i) v[j++] = _vs[i];
+    const int ie = (num + 1) * (_order -1);
+    for(int i = num * (_order -1); i != ie; ++i) v[j++] = _vs[i];
   virtual void getFaceVertices(const int num, std::vector<MVertex*> &v) const
-    v.resize(3 + getNumFaceVertices());
+    v.resize(3 + 3 * (_order - 1) + (_order-1) * (_order - 2) /2);
     MTetrahedron::_getFaceVertices(num, v);
     int j = 3;
-    const int ie = (num+1)*getNumFaceVertices();
-    for(int i = num*getNumFaceVertices(); i != ie; ++i) v[j++] = _vs[i];
+    int nbV = (_order - 1) * (_order - 2) / 2;
+    const int ie = (num+1)*nbV;
+    for(int i = num*nbV; i != ie; ++i) v[j++] = _vs[i];
-  virtual int getNumVolumeVertices()
+  virtual int getNumVolumeVertices() const 
     case MSH_TET_35 : return 1;
@@ -1563,8 +1461,7 @@ class MTetrahedronN : public MTetrahedron {
     default : return 0;
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return _order - 1; }
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH()
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const 
     // (p+1)*(p+2)*(p+3)/6
     if(_order == 3 && _vs.size() + 4 == 20) return MSH_TET_20; 
@@ -1608,20 +1505,10 @@ class MTetrahedronN : public MTetrahedron {
-  virtual void getShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double &s);
-  virtual void getGradShapeFunction(int num, double u, double v, double w, double s[3]);
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n);
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep();
   virtual void getFaceRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n);
   virtual int getNumFacesRep();
-  virtual void jac(double u, double v, double w, double j[3][3])
-  {
-    MTetrahedron::jac(_order, _vs , u, v, w, j);
-  }
-  virtual void pnt(double u, double v, double w, SPoint3 &p)
-  {
-    MTetrahedron::pnt(_order, _vs, u, v, w, p);
-  }
@@ -1671,7 +1558,7 @@ class MHexahedron : public MElement {
   virtual int getDim(){ return 3; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 8; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 8; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return _v[num]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexMED(int num)
@@ -1722,11 +1609,11 @@ class MHexahedron : public MElement {
     _getFaceVertices(num, v);
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_HEX_8; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 115; } // solid linear brick
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 12; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SH"; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CHEXA"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_HEX_8; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 115; } // solid linear brick
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 12; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SH"; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CHEXA"; }
   virtual void revert()
     MVertex *tmp;
@@ -1858,8 +1745,8 @@ class MHexahedron20 : public MHexahedron {
     for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(2);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 20; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 20; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 8 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 8]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexUNV(int num)
@@ -1879,7 +1766,7 @@ class MHexahedron20 : public MHexahedron {
 				8, 17, 19, 18, 16, 10, 15, 14, 12};
     return getVertex(map[num]); 
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 12; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 12; }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return 24; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -1937,10 +1824,10 @@ class MHexahedron20 : public MHexahedron {
     v[6] = _vs[f[num][2]];
     v[7] = _vs[f[num][3]];
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_HEX_20; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 116; } // solid parabolic brick
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 25; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CHEXA"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_HEX_20; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 116; } // solid parabolic brick
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 25; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CHEXA"; }
   virtual void revert()
     MVertex *tmp;
@@ -1997,12 +1884,12 @@ class MHexahedron27 : public MHexahedron {
     for(int i = 0; i < 19; i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(2);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 27; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 27; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 8 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 8]; }
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 12; }
-  virtual int getNumFaceVertices(){ return 6; }
-  virtual int getNumVolumeVertices(){ return 1; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 12; }
+  virtual int getNumFaceVertices() const { return 6; }
+  virtual int getNumVolumeVertices() const { return 1; }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return 24; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -2067,8 +1954,8 @@ class MHexahedron27 : public MHexahedron {
     v[7] = _vs[f[num][3]];
     v[8] = _vs[12+num];
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_HEX_27; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SH2"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_HEX_27; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SH2"; }
   virtual void revert()
     MVertex *tmp;
@@ -2141,7 +2028,7 @@ class MPrism : public MElement {
   virtual int getDim(){ return 3; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 6; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 6; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return _v[num]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexMED(int num)
@@ -2196,11 +2083,11 @@ class MPrism : public MElement {
     v.resize((num < 2) ? 3 : 4);
     _getFaceVertices(num, v);
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_PRI_6; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 112; } // solid linear wedge
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 13; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SI"; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CPENTA"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_PRI_6; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 112; } // solid linear wedge
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 13; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SI"; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CPENTA"; }
   virtual void revert()
     MVertex *tmp;
@@ -2321,8 +2208,8 @@ class MPrism15 : public MPrism {
     for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(2);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 15; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 15; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 6 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 6]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexUNV(int num)
@@ -2339,7 +2226,7 @@ class MPrism15 : public MPrism {
     static const int map[15] = {0, 2, 1, 3, 5, 4, 7, 9, 6, 13, 14, 12, 8, 11, 10};
     return getVertex(map[num]); 
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 9; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 9; }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return 18; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -2393,9 +2280,9 @@ class MPrism15 : public MPrism {
     v[i+2] = _vs[f[num][2]];
     if (num >= 2) v[7] = _vs[f[num][3]];
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_PRI_15; }
-  virtual int getTypeForUNV(){ return 113; } // solid parabolic wedge
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CPENTA"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_PRI_15; }
+  virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 113; } // solid parabolic wedge
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CPENTA"; }
   virtual void revert()
     MVertex *tmp;
@@ -2449,11 +2336,11 @@ class MPrism18 : public MPrism {
     for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(2);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 18; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 18; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 6 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 6]; }
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 9; }
-  virtual int getNumFaceVertices(){ return 3; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 9; }
+  virtual int getNumFaceVertices() const { return 3; }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return 18; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -2513,8 +2400,8 @@ class MPrism18 : public MPrism {
       v[8] = _vs[7+num];
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_PRI_18; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SI2"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_PRI_18; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SI2"; }
   virtual void revert()
     MVertex *tmp;
@@ -2586,7 +2473,7 @@ class MPyramid : public MElement {
   virtual int getDim(){ return 3; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 5; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 5; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return _v[num]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexMED(int num)
@@ -2638,10 +2525,10 @@ class MPyramid : public MElement {
     v.resize((num < 4) ? 3 : 4);
     _getFaceVertices(num, v);
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_PYR_5; }
-  virtual int getTypeForVTK(){ return 14; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SY"; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForBDF(){ return "CPYRAM"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_PYR_5; }
+  virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 14; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SY"; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForBDF() const { return "CPYRAM"; }
   virtual void revert()
     MVertex *tmp = _v[0]; _v[0] = _v[2]; _v[2] = tmp;
@@ -2762,15 +2649,15 @@ class MPyramid13 : public MPyramid {
     for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(2);
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 13; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 13; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 5 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 5]; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertexMED(int num)
     static const int map[13] = {0, 3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 10, 8, 5, 7, 12, 11, 9};
     return getVertex(map[num]); 
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 8; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 8; }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return 16; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -2828,7 +2715,7 @@ class MPyramid13 : public MPyramid {
       v[7] = _vs[0];
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_PYR_13; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_PYR_13; }
   virtual void revert()
     MVertex *tmp;
@@ -2879,11 +2766,11 @@ class MPyramid14 : public MPyramid {
     for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) _vs[i]->setPolynomialOrder(2);   
-  virtual int getPolynomialOrder(){ return 2; }
-  virtual int getNumVertices(){ return 14; }
+  virtual int getPolynomialOrder() const { return 2; }
+  virtual int getNumVertices() const { return 14; }
   virtual MVertex *getVertex(int num){ return num < 5 ? _v[num] : _vs[num - 5]; }
-  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices(){ return 8; }
-  virtual int getNumFaceVertices(){ return 1; }
+  virtual int getNumEdgeVertices() const { return 8; }
+  virtual int getNumFaceVertices() const { return 1; }
   virtual int getNumEdgesRep(){ return 16; }
   virtual void getEdgeRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n)
@@ -2943,8 +2830,8 @@ class MPyramid14 : public MPyramid {
       v[8] = _vs[8];
-  virtual int getTypeForMSH(){ return MSH_PYR_14; }
-  virtual const char *getStringForPOS(){ return "SY2"; }
+  virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_PYR_14; }
+  virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SY2"; }
   virtual void revert()
     MVertex *tmp;
diff --git a/Mesh/HighOrder.cpp b/Mesh/HighOrder.cpp
index da2a62726ff8c19e27b3dbcfa843bc3b0a3a265b..54793e1b86f187c73626f36a6772a20573820b85 100644
--- a/Mesh/HighOrder.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/HighOrder.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,294 @@ typedef std::map<std::pair<MVertex*,MVertex*>, std::vector<MVertex*> > edgeConta
 // typedef std::map<std::vector<MVertex*>, std::vector<MVertex*>> faceContainer;
 typedef std::map<MFace, std::vector<MVertex*>,Less_Face>       faceContainer;
+bool mappingIsInvertible (MTetrahedron *e)
+  if (e->getPolynomialOrder() == 1)return 1.0;
+  double mat[3][3];
+  e->getPrimaryJacobian(0.,0.,0., mat);  
+  double det0 = det3x3(mat);
+  IntPt *pts;
+  int npts;
+  e->getIntegrationPoints(e->getPolynomialOrder(),&npts, &pts);
+  for (int i=0;i<npts;i++){
+    const double u = pts[i].pt[0];
+    const double v = pts[i].pt[1];
+    const double w = pts[i].pt[2];
+    e->getJacobian(u, v, w, mat);
+    double detN = det3x3(mat);
+    if (det0 * detN <= 0.) return false;
+  }
+  const Double_Matrix& points = e->getFunctionSpace()->points;
+  for (int i=0;i<e->getNumPrimaryVertices();i++) {
+    const double u = points(i,0);
+    const double v = points(i,1);
+    const double w = points(i,2);
+    e->getJacobian(u,v,w,mat);
+    double detN = det3x3(mat);
+    if (det0 * detN <= 0.) return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool deformElement(MElement *ele,GEntity* ge,const std::set<MVertex*>& blocked) {
+  int nbNodes = ele->getNumVertices();  
+  double _E = 1.;
+  double _nu = 0.1;
+  double FACT = _E / (1. + _nu) / (1. - 2. * _nu);  
+  double C11 = FACT * (1. - _nu);
+  double C12 = FACT * _nu;
+  double C44 = (C11 - C12) / 2; 
+  Double_Matrix stiffness(3*nbNodes,3*nbNodes);
+  Double_Vector rhs(3*nbNodes);
+  int npts;
+  IntPt *pts;
+  ele->getIntegrationPoints(2*ele->getPolynomialOrder(),&npts, &pts);
+  double d0;
+  const gmshFunctionSpace* fs = ele->getFunctionSpace();
+  const Double_Matrix& points = fs->points;
+  double jac[3][3];
+  ele->getPrimaryJacobian(0,0,0,jac);
+  double invjac[3][3];
+  inv3x3(jac,invjac);
+  double gsf[256][3];
+  // cheaper version : quadrature only used for parametric stiffness
+  // paramGrads should be stored in functionspace.
+//   for (int j=0;j<nbNodes;j++) {
+//     for (int k=0;k<nbNodes;k++) {
+//       double xx = 0;
+//       double xy = 0;
+//       double xz = 0;
+//       double yx = 0;
+//       double yy = 0;
+//       double yz = 0;
+//       double zx = 0;
+//       double zy = 0;
+//       double zz = 0;
+//       for (int m=0;m<3;m++) {
+//         for (int n=0;n<3;n++) {
+//           double dd = paramGrads[m][n](j,k);
+//           xx += dd * invJac[0][m] * invJac[0][n];
+//           xy += dd * invJac[0][m] * invJac[1][n];
+//           xz += dd * invJac[0][m] * invJac[2][n];
+//           yx += dd * invJac[1][m] * invJac[0][n];
+//           yy += dd * invJac[1][m] * invJac[1][n];
+//           yz += dd * invJac[1][m] * invJac[2][n];
+//           zx += dd * invJac[2][m] * invJac[0][n];
+//           zy += dd * invJac[2][m] * invJac[1][n];
+//           zz += dd * invJac[2][m] * invJac[2][n];
+//         }
+//       }
+//       stiffness(3*j,3*k)     += (C11 * xx +  // dphidx . tauxx
+//                                  C44 * yy +  // dphidy . tauxy
+//                                  C44 * zz);  // dphidz . tauxz
+//       stiffness(3*j,3*k+1)   += (C12 * xy +  // dphidx . tauxx 
+//                                  C44 * yx);  // dphidy . tauxy
+//       stiffness(3*j,3*k+2)   += (C12 * xz +  // dphidx . tauxx
+//                                  C44 * zx);  // dphidz . tauxz
+//       stiffness(3*j+1,3*k)   += (C44 * xy +  // dphidx . tauxy
+//                                  C12 * yx);  // dphidy . tauyy
+//       stiffness(3*j+1,3*k+1) += (C44 * xx +  // dphidx . tauxy 
+//                                  C11 * yy +  // dphidy . tauyy
+//                                  C44 * zz ); // dphidz . tauzy
+//       stiffness(3*j+1,3*k+2) += (C12 * yz +  // dphidy . tauyy
+//                                  C44 * zy);  // dphidz . tauzy
+//       stiffness(3*j+2,3*k)   += (C44 * xz +  // dphidx . tauxz
+//                                  C12 * zx);  // dphidz . tauzz
+//       stiffness(3*j+2,3*k+1) += (C44 * yz +  // dphidy . tauyz
+//                                  C12 * zy);  // dphidz . tauzz
+//       stiffness(3*j+2,3*k+2) += (C44 * xx +  // dphidx . tauxz
+//                                  C44 * yy +  // dphidy . tauyz
+//                                  C11 * zz);  // dphidz . tauzz
+//     }
+//   }
+  // more expensive version
+  double Grads[256][3];
+  stiffness.scale(0.);
+  for (int i=0;i<npts;i++){
+    const double u = pts[i].pt[0];
+    const double v = pts[i].pt[1];
+    const double w = pts[i].pt[2];
+    const double weight = pts[i].weight;
+    fs->df(u,v,w,gsf);
+    for (int j=0;j<nbNodes;j++) {
+      Grads[j][0] = invjac[0][0] * gsf[j][0] + invjac[0][1] * gsf[j][1] + invjac[0][2] * gsf[j][2];
+      Grads[j][1] = invjac[1][0] * gsf[j][0] + invjac[1][1] * gsf[j][1] + invjac[1][2] * gsf[j][2];
+      Grads[j][2] = invjac[2][0] * gsf[j][0] + invjac[2][1] * gsf[j][1] + invjac[2][2] * gsf[j][2];
+    }
+    for (int j=0;j<nbNodes;j++) {
+      for (int k=0;k<nbNodes;k++) {
+        // R_x = dphidx . tauxx + dphidy . tauxy + dphidz . tauxz
+        // tau_xx = C11 . e_xx + C12 . (e_yy + e_zz)
+        // tau_xy = C44 . e_xy 
+        // e_xy = 0.5 * (dX/dx + dY/dy)
+        double xx = Grads[j][0] * Grads[k][0];
+        double xy = Grads[j][0] * Grads[k][1];
+        double xz = Grads[j][0] * Grads[k][2];
+        double yx = Grads[j][1] * Grads[k][0];
+        double yy = Grads[j][1] * Grads[k][1];
+        double yz = Grads[j][1] * Grads[k][2];
+        double zx = Grads[j][2] * Grads[k][0];
+        double zy = Grads[j][2] * Grads[k][1];
+        double zz = Grads[j][2] * Grads[k][2];
+        // Poisson
+        stiffness(3*j,3*k)     += weight * (xx + yy + zz);
+        stiffness(3*j+1,3*k+1) += weight * (xx + yy + zz);
+        stiffness(3*j+2,3*k+2) += weight * (xx + yy + zz);
+        // Elasticity
+        // stiffness(3*j  ,3*k  ) += weight * (C11 * xx + C44 * yy + C44 * zz);
+//         stiffness(3*j  ,3*k+1) += weight * (C12 * xy + C44 * yx);
+//         stiffness(3*j  ,3*k+2) += weight * (C12 * xz + C44 * zx);
+//         stiffness(3*j+1,3*k  ) += weight * (C12 * yx + C44 * xy);
+//         stiffness(3*j+1,3*k+1) += weight * (C44 * xx + C11 * yy + C44 * zz);
+//         stiffness(3*j+1,3*k+2) += weight * (C12 * yz + C44 * zy);
+//         stiffness(3*j+2,3*k  ) += weight * (C12 * zx + C44 * xz);
+//         stiffness(3*j+2,3*k+1) += weight * (C12 * zy + C44 * yz);
+//         stiffness(3*j+2,3*k+2) += weight * (C44 * xx + C44 * yy + C11 * zz);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  int nbDirichlet = 0;
+  Double_Vector original(nbNodes*3);
+  for (int i=0;i<nbNodes;i++) {
+    MVertex* v = ele->getVertex(i);
+    SPoint3 primary;
+    ele->primaryPnt(points(i,0),points(i,1),points(i,2),primary);
+    original(3*i  ) = primary.x();
+    original(3*i+1) = primary.y();
+    original(3*i+2) = primary.z();
+    MFaceVertex* vf = dynamic_cast<MFaceVertex*> (v);
+    MFaceVertex* ve = dynamic_cast<MFaceVertex*> (v);
+    if (v->onWhat() != ge || blocked.find(v) != blocked.end()) {
+      nbDirichlet++;
+      double dx = v->x() - original(3*i  );
+      double dy = v->y() - original(3*i+1);
+      double dz = v->z() - original(3*i+2);
+      for (int j=0;j<3*nbNodes;j++) {
+        stiffness(3*i  ,j) = 0;
+        stiffness(3*i+1,j) = 0;
+        stiffness(3*i+2,j) = 0;
+      }
+      for (int k=0;k<3;k++) stiffness(i*3+k,i*3+k) = 1.;
+      rhs(i*3  ) = dx;
+      rhs(i*3+1) = dy;
+      rhs(i*3+2) = dz;
+    }
+    else {
+      rhs(i*3  ) = 0.;
+      rhs(i*3+1) = 0.;
+      rhs(i*3+2) = 0.;
+    }
+  }
+  if (nbDirichlet < 3) {
+    Msg::Warning("Could not deform element due to lack of constraints\n");
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (nbDirichlet == nbNodes) {
+    Msg::Warning("Could not deform element because fully constrained\n");
+    return false;
+  }
+  Msg::Warning("Deforming element - have %d constrained points of which %d from previous positioning",nbDirichlet,(int) blocked.size());
+  Double_Vector displacement(nbNodes*3);
+  stiffness.lu_solve(rhs,displacement);
+  for (int i=0;i<nbNodes;i++) {
+    MVertex* v = ele->getVertex(i);
+    v->x() = original(3*i)   + displacement(3*i  );
+    v->y() = original(3*i+1) + displacement(3*i+1);
+    v->z() = original(3*i+2) + displacement(3*i+2);
+  }
+  return true;
 bool reparamOnFace(MVertex *v, GFace *gf, SPoint2 &param)
   if(v->onWhat()->dim() == 0){
@@ -364,8 +652,11 @@ void getEdgeVertices(GFace *gf, MElement *ele, std::vector<MVertex*> &ve,
-void getEdgeVertices(GRegion *gr, MElement *ele, std::vector<MVertex*> &ve,
-                     edgeContainer &edgeVertices, bool linear, int nPts = 1)
+void getEdgeVertices(GRegion *gr, MElement *ele,
+                     std::vector<MVertex*> &ve,
+                     std::set<MVertex*>& blocked,
+                     edgeContainer &edgeVertices, bool linear,
+                     int nPts = 1)
   for(int i = 0; i < ele->getNumEdges(); i++){
     MEdge edge = ele->getEdge(i);
@@ -375,6 +666,9 @@ void getEdgeVertices(GRegion *gr, MElement *ele, std::vector<MVertex*> &ve,
         ve.insert(ve.end(), edgeVertices[p].begin(), edgeVertices[p].end());
         ve.insert(ve.end(), edgeVertices[p].rbegin(), edgeVertices[p].rend());
+      blocked.insert(edgeVertices[p].begin(),edgeVertices[p].end());
+      blocked.insert(edge.getMinVertex());
+      blocked.insert(edge.getMaxVertex());
       std::vector<MVertex*> temp;
@@ -689,7 +983,9 @@ void reorientTrianglePoints(std::vector<MVertex*>& vtcs,int orientation,bool swa
 // KH: check face orientation wrt element ... 
-void getFaceVertices(GRegion *gr, MElement *ele, std::vector<MVertex*> &vf,
+void getFaceVertices(GRegion *gr, MElement *ele,
+                     std::vector<MVertex*> &vf,
+                     std::set<MVertex*>& blocked,
                      faceContainer &faceVertices,
                      edgeContainer& edgeVertices,
                      bool linear, int nPts = 1)
@@ -734,6 +1030,11 @@ void getFaceVertices(GRegion *gr, MElement *ele, std::vector<MVertex*> &vf,
       else Msg::Error("Error in face lookup for recuperation of high order face nodes");
       vf.insert(vf.end(), vtcs.begin(), vtcs.end());
+      blocked.insert(vtcs.begin(),vtcs.end());
+      blocked.insert(face.getVertex(0));
+      blocked.insert(face.getVertex(1));
+      blocked.insert(face.getVertex(2));
       std::vector<MVertex*>& vtcs = faceVertices[face];        
@@ -981,36 +1282,68 @@ void setHighOrder(GRegion *gr, edgeContainer &edgeVertices,
                   faceContainer &faceVertices, bool linear, bool incomplete,
                   int nPts = 1)
+  int nbCorr = 0;
   std::vector<MTetrahedron*> tetrahedra2;
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gr->tetrahedra.size(); i++){
     MTetrahedron *t = gr->tetrahedra[i];
+    std::set<MVertex*> blocked;
     std::vector<MVertex*> ve,vf,vr;
-    getEdgeVertices(gr, t, ve, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
+    getEdgeVertices(gr, t, ve, blocked, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
     if (nPts == 1){
 	(new MTetrahedron10(t->getVertex(0), t->getVertex(1), t->getVertex(2), 
 			    t->getVertex(3), ve[0], ve[1], ve[2], ve[3], ve[4], ve[5]));
-      getFaceVertices(gr, t, vf, faceVertices, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
+      getFaceVertices(gr, t, vf, blocked, faceVertices, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
       ve.insert(ve.end(), vf.begin(), vf.end());     
       MTetrahedronN incpl (t->getVertex(0), t->getVertex(1), t->getVertex(2), t->getVertex(3),
 			   ve, nPts + 1);
       getRegionVertices(gr, &incpl, t, vr, linear, nPts); 
-      ve.insert(ve.end(), vr.begin(), vr.end());     
-      tetrahedra2.push_back
-	(new MTetrahedronN(t->getVertex(0), t->getVertex(1), t->getVertex(2), t->getVertex(3),
-			   ve, nPts + 1));
+      ve.insert(ve.end(), vr.begin(), vr.end());
+      MTetrahedron* n = new MTetrahedronN(t->getVertex(0), t->getVertex(1), t->getVertex(2), t->getVertex(3),ve, nPts + 1);
+      if (!mappingIsInvertible(n)) {
+        Msg::Warning("Found invalid curved volume element (# %d in list) ",i);
+        // if (deformElement(n,gr,blocked)) {
+//           if (mappingIsInvertible(n)) printf(" - corrected using Poisson smoothing\n");
+//           else                        printf(" - could not correct the mapping\n");
+//           nbCorr++;
+//         }
+      }
+      tetrahedra2.push_back (n);
     delete t;
   gr->tetrahedra = tetrahedra2;
+  std::vector<int> invalid;
+  if (nbCorr != 0) {
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gr->tetrahedra.size(); i++){
+      if (!mappingIsInvertible(gr->tetrahedra[i])) invalid.push_back(i);
+    }
+    if (invalid.size()!=0) {
+      Msg::Warning("We have %d invalid elements remaining\n",(int) invalid.size());
+      std::vector<int>::iterator iIter = invalid.begin();
+      for (;iIter!=invalid.end();++iIter) printf("%d ",*iIter);
+      printf("\n");
+    }
+  }
   std::vector<MHexahedron*> hexahedra2;
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gr->hexahedra.size(); i++){
     MHexahedron *h = gr->hexahedra[i];
     std::vector<MVertex*> ve, vf;
-    getEdgeVertices(gr, h, ve, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
+    std::set<MVertex*> blocked;
+    getEdgeVertices(gr, h, ve, blocked, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
         (new MHexahedron20(h->getVertex(0), h->getVertex(1), h->getVertex(2), 
@@ -1020,7 +1353,7 @@ void setHighOrder(GRegion *gr, edgeContainer &edgeVertices,
-      getFaceVertices(gr, h, vf, faceVertices, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
+      getFaceVertices(gr, h, vf, blocked, faceVertices, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
       SPoint3 pc = h->barycenter();
       MVertex *v = new MVertex(pc.x(), pc.y(), pc.z(), gr);
@@ -1039,7 +1372,8 @@ void setHighOrder(GRegion *gr, edgeContainer &edgeVertices,
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gr->prisms.size(); i++){
     MPrism *p = gr->prisms[i];
     std::vector<MVertex*> ve, vf;
-    getEdgeVertices(gr, p, ve, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
+    std::set<MVertex*> blocked;
+    getEdgeVertices(gr, p, ve, blocked,edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
         (new MPrism15(p->getVertex(0), p->getVertex(1), p->getVertex(2), 
@@ -1047,7 +1381,7 @@ void setHighOrder(GRegion *gr, edgeContainer &edgeVertices,
                       ve[0], ve[1], ve[2], ve[3], ve[4], ve[5], ve[6], ve[7], ve[8]));
-      getFaceVertices(gr, p, vf, faceVertices, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
+      getFaceVertices(gr, p, vf, blocked, faceVertices, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
         (new MPrism18(p->getVertex(0), p->getVertex(1), p->getVertex(2), 
                       p->getVertex(3), p->getVertex(4), p->getVertex(5), 
@@ -1062,7 +1396,8 @@ void setHighOrder(GRegion *gr, edgeContainer &edgeVertices,
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gr->pyramids.size(); i++){
     MPyramid *p = gr->pyramids[i];
     std::vector<MVertex*> ve, vf;
-    getEdgeVertices(gr, p, ve, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
+    std::set<MVertex*> blocked;
+    getEdgeVertices(gr, p, ve, blocked, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
         (new MPyramid13(p->getVertex(0), p->getVertex(1), p->getVertex(2), 
@@ -1070,7 +1405,7 @@ void setHighOrder(GRegion *gr, edgeContainer &edgeVertices,
                         ve[3], ve[4], ve[5], ve[6], ve[7]));
-      getFaceVertices(gr, p, vf, faceVertices, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
+      getFaceVertices(gr, p, vf, blocked, faceVertices, edgeVertices, linear, nPts);
         (new MPyramid14(p->getVertex(0), p->getVertex(1), p->getVertex(2), 
                         p->getVertex(3), p->getVertex(4), ve[0], ve[1], ve[2], 
@@ -1164,7 +1499,9 @@ static double mesh_functional_distorsion(MTriangle *t, double u, double v)
   // compute uncurved element jacobian d_u x and d_v x
   double mat[2][3];  
-  t->jac(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);
+  // t->getPrimaryJacobian(0, 0, 0, mat);
+  t->getJacobian(0, 0, 0, mat);
   double v1[3] = {mat[0][0], mat[0][1], mat[0][2]};
   double v2[3] = {mat[1][0], mat[1][1], mat[1][2]};
   double normal1[3];
@@ -1172,7 +1509,7 @@ static double mesh_functional_distorsion(MTriangle *t, double u, double v)
   double nn = sqrt(SQU(normal1[0]) + SQU(normal1[1]) + SQU(normal1[2]));
   // compute uncurved element jacobian d_u x and d_v x
-  t->jac(u, v, 0, mat);
+  t->getJacobian(u, v, 0, mat);
   double v1b[3] = {mat[0][0], mat[0][1], mat[0][2]};
   double v2b[3] = {mat[1][0], mat[1][1], mat[1][2]};
   double normal[3];
@@ -1191,7 +1528,8 @@ void getMinMaxJac (MTriangle *t, double &minJ, double &maxJ)
   double mat[2][3];  
   int n = 3;
-  t->jac(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat);
+  // t->getPrimaryJacobian(0, 0, 0, mat);
+  t->getJacobian(0, 0, 0, mat);
   double v1[3] = {mat[0][0], mat[0][1], mat[0][2]};
   double v2[3] = {mat[1][0], mat[1][1], mat[1][2]};
   double normal1[3], normal[3];
@@ -1199,7 +1537,7 @@ void getMinMaxJac (MTriangle *t, double &minJ, double &maxJ)
   double nn = sqrt(SQU(normal1[0]) + SQU(normal1[1]) + SQU(normal1[2]));
   for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
     for(int k = 0; k < n - i; k++){
-      t->jac((double)i / (n - 1), (double)k / (n - 1), 0, mat);
+      t->getJacobian((double)i / (n - 1), (double)k / (n - 1), 0, mat);
       double v1b[3] = {mat[0][0], mat[0][1], mat[0][2]};
       double v2b[3] = {mat[1][0], mat[1][1], mat[1][2]};
       prodve(v1b, v2b, normal);
diff --git a/Numeric/FunctionSpace.cpp b/Numeric/FunctionSpace.cpp
index 85647e93e8dd1d59ffddfed14385d9acbedb477f..419692981360053bc57d535e0aa4ecd07cc8753d 100644
--- a/Numeric/FunctionSpace.cpp
+++ b/Numeric/FunctionSpace.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include "GmshDefines.h"
 #include "Message.h"
 Double_Matrix generate1DMonomials(int order)
   Double_Matrix monomials(order + 1, 1);
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ Double_Matrix generate1DPoints(int order)
   line(0, 0) = -1.;
   line(1, 0) =  1.;
   double dd = 2. / order;
-  for (int i = 2; i < order; i++) line(i, 0) = -1. + dd * (i - 1);
+  for (int i = 2; i < order+1; i++) line(i, 0) = -1. + dd * (i - 1);
   return line;
@@ -585,6 +586,10 @@ const gmshFunctionSpace &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(int tag)
   gmshFunctionSpace F;
   switch (tag){
+  case MSH_PNT:
+    F.monomials = generate1DMonomials(0);
+    F.points    = generate1DPoints(0);
+    break;
   case MSH_LIN_2 :
     F.monomials = generate1DMonomials(1);
     F.points    = generate1DPoints(1);
@@ -675,3 +680,31 @@ const gmshFunctionSpace &gmshFunctionSpaces::find(int tag)
   fs.insert(std::make_pair(tag, F));
   return fs[tag];
+std::map<std::pair<int,int>, Double_Matrix> gmshFunctionSpaces::injector;
+const Double_Matrix &gmshFunctionSpaces::findInjector(int tag1,int tag2) {
+  std::pair<int,int> key(tag1,tag2);
+  std::map<std::pair<int,int>,Double_Matrix>::const_iterator it = injector.find(key);
+  if (it != injector.end()) return it->second;
+  const gmshFunctionSpace& fs1 = find(tag1);
+  const gmshFunctionSpace& fs2 = find(tag2);
+  Double_Matrix inj(fs1.points.size1(),fs2.points.size1());
+  double sf[256];
+  for (int i=0;i<fs1.points.size1();i++) {
+    fs2.f(fs1.points(i,0),fs1.points(i,1),fs1.points(i,2),sf);
+    for (int j=0;j<fs2.points.size1();j++) inj(i,j) = sf[j];
+  }
+  injector.insert(std::make_pair(key,inj));
+  return injector[key];
diff --git a/Numeric/FunctionSpace.h b/Numeric/FunctionSpace.h
index 9976604c06971346dcb800804e2137d3c0fbb428..3495e7a1ba573074d020ca5ebca858bab55421ba 100644
--- a/Numeric/FunctionSpace.h
+++ b/Numeric/FunctionSpace.h
@@ -10,85 +10,173 @@
 #include <map>
 #include "GmshMatrix.h"
 struct gmshFunctionSpace 
   Double_Matrix points;
   Double_Matrix monomials;
   Double_Matrix coefficients;
-  inline void computePows(double uu, double vv, double p[][2]) const
-  {
-    for(int j = 0; j < coefficients.size2(); j++){
-      p[j][0] = pow(uu,monomials(j, 0));
-      p[j][1] = pow(vv,monomials(j, 1));
+  inline void evaluateMonomials(double u,double v,double w,double p[]) const {    
+    for (int j=0;j<monomials.size1();j++) {
+      p[j] = pow(u,(int) monomials(j,0));
+      if (monomials.size2() > 1) p[j] *= pow(v,(int) monomials(j,1));
+      if (monomials.size2() > 2) p[j] *= pow(w,(int) monomials(j,2));
+/*   inline void evaluateMonomialDerivatives(double u,double v,double w,double p[][3]) const  */
+/*   { */
+/*     for (int j=0;j<monomials.size1();j++) { */
+/*       int expU = (int) monomials(j,0); */
+/*       double uu    = pow(u,expU); */
+/*       p[j][0] = pow(u,expU - 1) * expU; */
+/*       p[j][1] = 0.; */
+/*       p[j][2] = 0.; */
+/*       if (monomials.size2() > 1) { */
+/*         int expV = (int) monomials(j,1); */
+/*         double vv = pow(v,expV); */
+/*         p[j][0] *= vv; */
+/*         p[j][1] = uu * pow(v,expV-1) * expV; */
+/*         if (monomials.size2() > 2) { */
+/*           int expW = (int) monomials(j,2); */
+/*           double ww = pow(w,expW); */
+/*           p[j][0] *= ww; */
+/*           p[j][1] *= ww; */
+/*           p[j][2] = uu * vv * pow(w,expW-1) * expW; */
+/*         } */
+/*       }   */
+/*     } */
+/*   } */
   inline void f(double u, double v, double w, double *sf) const
-    for(int i = 0; i < coefficients.size1(); i++){
-      sf[i] = 0;
-      for(int j = 0; j < coefficients.size2(); j++){
-        sf[i] += coefficients(i, j) * pow(u, monomials(j, 0)) * 
-          pow(v, monomials(j, 1)) * pow(w, monomials(j, 2));
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  inline void f(double u, double v, double *sf) const
-  {
-    double p[256][2];
-    computePows(u, v, p);
-    for (int i = 0; i < coefficients.size1(); i++){
+    double p[256];
+    evaluateMonomials(u,v,w,p);
+    for (int i=0;i<coefficients.size1();i++) {
       sf[i] = 0;
-      for(int j = 0; j < coefficients.size2(); j++){
-        sf[i] += coefficients(i, j) * p[j][0] * p[j][1];
+      for (int j=0;j<coefficients.size2();j++) {
+        sf[i] += coefficients(i,j) * p[j];
   inline void df(double u, double v, double w, double grads[][3]) const
-    for (int i = 0; i < coefficients.size1(); i++){
-      grads[i][0] = 0;
-      grads[i][1] = 0;
-      grads[i][2] = 0;
-      for(int j = 0; j < coefficients.size2(); j++){
-        if ((monomials)(j, 0) > 0)
-          grads[i][0] += (coefficients)(i, j) * pow(u, (monomials)(j, 0) - 1) *
-            (monomials)(j, 0) * pow(v, (monomials)(j, 1)) * 
-            pow(w, (monomials)(j, 2));
-        if ((monomials)(j, 1) > 0)
-          grads[i][1] += (coefficients)(i, j) * pow(u,(monomials)(j, 0)) * 
-            pow(v, (monomials)(j, 1) - 1) * (monomials)(j, 1) * 
-            pow(w, (monomials)(j, 2));
-        if ((monomials)(j, 2) > 0)
-          grads[i][2] += (coefficients)(i, j) * pow(u, (monomials)(j, 0)) *
-            pow(v, (monomials)(j, 1)) * pow(w, (monomials)(j, 2) - 1) * 
-            (monomials)(j, 2);
+    switch (monomials.size2()) {
+    case 1:
+      {
+        for (int i = 0; i < coefficients.size1(); i++){
+          grads[i][0] = 0;
+          grads[i][1] = 0;
+          grads[i][2] = 0;
+          for(int j = 0; j < coefficients.size2(); j++){
+            if ((monomials)(j, 0) > 0)
+              grads[i][0] += (coefficients)(i, j) * pow(u, (monomials)(j, 0) - 1) * (monomials)(j, 0);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
-    }
-  }
-  inline void df(double u, double v, double w,double grads[][2]) const
-  {
-    double p[256][2];
-    computePows(u, v, p);
-    for (int i = 0; i < coefficients.size1(); i++){
-      grads[i][0] = 0;
-      grads[i][1] = 0;
-      for(int j = 0; j < coefficients.size2(); j++){
-        if ((monomials)(j, 0)  > 0)
-          grads[i][0] += (coefficients)(i, j) * 
-            pow(u, (monomials)(j, 0) - 1) * (monomials)(j, 0) * p[j][1];
-        if ((monomials)(j, 1)  > 0)
-          grads[i][1] += (coefficients)(i, j) * p[j][0] *
-            pow(v, (monomials)(j, 1) - 1) * (monomials)(j, 1);
+    case 2:
+      {
+        for (int i = 0; i < coefficients.size1(); i++){
+          grads[i][0] = 0;
+          grads[i][1] = 0;
+          grads[i][2] = 0;
+          for(int j = 0; j < coefficients.size2(); j++){
+            if ((monomials)(j, 0) > 0)
+              grads[i][0] += (coefficients)(i, j) *
+                pow(u, (monomials)(j, 0) - 1) * (monomials)(j, 0) *
+                pow(v, (monomials)(j, 1));
+            if ((monomials)(j, 1) > 0)
+              grads[i][1] += (coefficients)(i, j) *
+                pow(u, (monomials)(j, 0)) *
+                pow(v, (monomials)(j, 1) - 1) * (monomials)(j, 1);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+    case 3:
+      {
+        for (int i = 0; i < coefficients.size1(); i++){
+          grads[i][0] = 0;
+          grads[i][1] = 0;
+          grads[i][2] = 0;
+          for(int j = 0; j < coefficients.size2(); j++){
+            if ((monomials)(j, 0) > 0)
+              grads[i][0] += (coefficients)(i, j) *
+                pow(u, (monomials)(j, 0) - 1) * (monomials)(j, 0) *
+                pow(v, (monomials)(j, 1)) *
+                pow(w, (monomials)(j, 2));
+            if ((monomials)(j, 1) > 0)
+              grads[i][1] += (coefficients)(i, j) *
+                pow(u, (monomials)(j, 0)) *
+                pow(v, (monomials)(j, 1) - 1) * (monomials)(j, 1) *
+                pow(w, (monomials)(j, 2));
+            if ((monomials)(j, 2) > 0)
+              grads[i][2] += (coefficients)(i, j) *
+                pow(u, (monomials)(j, 0)) *
+                pow(v, (monomials)(j, 1)) *
+                pow(w, (monomials)(j, 2) - 1) * (monomials)(j, 2);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+/*   inline void df(double u, double v, double w, double grads[][3]) const */
+/*   { */
+/*     double p[256][3]; */
+/*     evaluateMonomialDerivatives(u,v,w,p); */
+/*     for (int i=0;i<coefficients.size1();i++) { */
+/*       grads[i][0] = 0.; */
+/*       grads[i][1] = 0.; */
+/*       grads[i][2] = 0.; */
+/*       for (int j=0;j<coefficients.size2();j++) { */
+/*         grads[i][0] += coefficients(i,j) * p[j][0]; */
+/*         grads[i][1] += coefficients(i,j) * p[j][1]; */
+/*         // grads[i][2] += coefficients(i,j) * p[j][2]; */
+/*       } */
+/*     } */
+/*   } */
 class gmshFunctionSpaces 
   static std::map<int, gmshFunctionSpace> fs;
+  static std::map<std::pair<int,int>,Double_Matrix> injector;
  public :
-  static const gmshFunctionSpace &find(int); 
+  static const gmshFunctionSpace &find(int);
+  static const Double_Matrix &findInjector(int,int);