diff --git a/Fltk/statisticsWindow.cpp b/Fltk/statisticsWindow.cpp
index 71ebfbc725bf32c27bdd12b74c90679f16603382..78167989a72703e3f11e2bea41aa2b2ce32bddd3 100644
--- a/Fltk/statisticsWindow.cpp
+++ b/Fltk/statisticsWindow.cpp
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ void statisticsWindow::compute(bool elementQuality)
     Field *f = fields->get(fields->background_field);
     int nbEdges = edges.size();
     printf("nb edges =%d \n", nbEdges);
-    system("rm qualEdges.txt");
+    if(system("rm qualEdges.txt"));
     FILE *fp = fopen("qualEdges.txt", "w");
     std::vector<int> qualE;
     int nbS = 50;
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ void statisticsWindow::compute(bool elementQuality)
     FieldManager *fields = GModel::current()->getFields();
     Field *f = fields->get(fields.getBackgroundField());
     int nbEdges = edges.size();
-    system("rm qualEdges.txt");
+    if(system("rm qualEdges.txt"));
     FILE *fp = fopen("qualEdges.txt", "w");
     std::vector<int> qualE;
     int nbS = 50;
diff --git a/Plugin/Curl.cpp b/Plugin/Curl.cpp
index bec30666b9dbd5736d9613eb4fbd2279e4db3553..e10c5e3fda8510ec45535950f8aa02da0e7e017a 100644
--- a/Plugin/Curl.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/Curl.cpp
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ PView *GMSH_CurlPlugin::execute(PView *v)
       int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele);
       if(numComp != 3) continue;
       int type = data1->getType(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele);
-      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(3, type);
-      if(!out) continue;
       int numNodes = data1->getNumNodes(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele);
+      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(3, type, numNodes);
+      if(!out) continue;
       double x[8], y[8], z[8], val[8 * 3];
       for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
         data1->getNode(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
diff --git a/Plugin/Distance.cpp b/Plugin/Distance.cpp
index fdf557d39085538e7a5a2dc7978331894287e38a..f0b79894884fae3bdc3349e74e614293cf94946a 100644
--- a/Plugin/Distance.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/Distance.cpp
@@ -114,19 +114,28 @@ void GMSH_DistancePlugin::printView(std::vector<GEntity*> _entities,
     if(_entities[ii]->dim() == _maxDim) {
       for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _entities[ii]->getNumMeshElements(); i++){ 
 	MElement *e = _entities[ii]->getMeshElement(i);
 	int numNodes = e->getNumVertices();
+        if(e->getNumChildren()) numNodes = e->getNumChildren() * e->getChild(0)->getNumVertices();
 	std::vector<double> x(numNodes), y(numNodes), z(numNodes);
-	std::vector<double> *out = _data->incrementList(1, e->getType());
-	for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back((e->getVertex(nod))->x()); 
-	for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back((e->getVertex(nod))->y()); 
-	for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back((e->getVertex(nod))->z()); 
+	std::vector<double> *out = _data->incrementList(1, e->getType(), numNodes);
+        std::vector<MVertex*> nods;
+        if(!e->getNumChildren())
+          for(int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
+            nods.push_back(e->getVertex(i));
+        else
+          for(int i = 0; i < e->getNumChildren(); i++)
+            for(int j = 0; j < e->getChild(i)->getNumVertices(); j++)
+              nods.push_back(e->getChild(i)->getVertex(j));
+	for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back((nods[nod])->x());
+	for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back((nods[nod])->y());
+	for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back((nods[nod])->z());
 	if (_maxDim == 3) fprintf(fName,"SS(");
 	else if (_maxDim == 2) fprintf(fName,"ST(");
 	std::vector<double> dist;
 	for(int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {
-	  MVertex *v =  e->getVertex(j);
+	  MVertex *v =  nods[j];
 	  if(j) fprintf(fName,",%.16g,%.16g,%.16g",v->x(),v->y(), v->z());
 	  else fprintf(fName,"%.16g,%.16g,%.16g", v->x(),v->y(), v->z());
 	  std::map<MVertex*, double>::iterator it = _distance_map.find(v);
@@ -157,7 +166,7 @@ PView *GMSH_DistancePlugin::execute(PView *v)
   int id_face =   (int) DistanceOptions_Number[2].def;
   double type =   (double) DistanceOptions_Number[3].def;
   int  ortho =   (int) DistanceOptions_Number[6].def;
   PView *view = new PView();
   _data = getDataList(view);
 #if defined(HAVE_SOLVER)
@@ -190,7 +199,7 @@ PView *GMSH_DistancePlugin::execute(PView *v)
     Msg::Error("This plugin needs a mesh !");
     return view;
   std::vector<SPoint3> pts;
   std::vector<double> distances;
   std::vector<MVertex* > pt2Vertex;
@@ -285,13 +294,13 @@ PView *GMSH_DistancePlugin::execute(PView *v)
   printView(_entities, _distance_map);    
   // Compute PDE for distance function
   else if (type > 0.0){
 #if defined(HAVE_SOLVER)
     bool existEntity = false;
     SBoundingBox3d bbox;
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _entities.size(); i++){
@@ -339,24 +348,24 @@ PView *GMSH_DistancePlugin::execute(PView *v)
     double L = norm(SVector3(bbox.max(), bbox.min())); 
     double mu = type*L;
     simpleFunction<double> DIFF(mu*mu), ONE(1.0);
     distanceTerm distance(GModel::current(), 1, &DIFF, &ONE);
     for (std::vector<MElement* >::iterator it = allElems.begin(); it != allElems.end(); it++){
       SElement se((*it));
       distance.addToMatrix(*dofView, &se);
     groupOfElements gr(allElems);
     distance.addToRightHandSide(*dofView, gr);
     Msg::Info("Distance Computation: Assembly done");
     Msg::Info("Distance Computation: System solved");
     for(std::map<MVertex*,double >::iterator itv = _distance_map.begin(); 
 	itv != _distance_map.end() ; ++itv){
       MVertex *v = itv->first;
@@ -366,9 +375,9 @@ PView *GMSH_DistancePlugin::execute(PView *v)
       double dist = -mu * log(1. - value);
       itv->second = dist;
     printView(_entities, _distance_map);
@@ -376,14 +385,14 @@ PView *GMSH_DistancePlugin::execute(PView *v)
   //compute also orthogonal vector to distance field
   // A Uortho = -C DIST 
   if (ortho > 0){
 #if defined(HAVE_SOLVER)
 #ifdef HAVE_TAUCS
   linearSystemCSRTaucs<double> *lsys2 = new linearSystemCSRTaucs<double>;
@@ -394,9 +403,9 @@ PView *GMSH_DistancePlugin::execute(PView *v)
   dofManager<double> myAssembler(lsys2);
   simpleFunction<double> ONE(1.0);
   double dMax = 1.0; //EMI TO CHANGE
   std::vector<MElement *> allElems;
   for(unsigned int ii = 0; ii < _entities.size(); ii++){
     if(_entities[ii]->dim() == _maxDim) {
@@ -418,53 +427,62 @@ PView *GMSH_DistancePlugin::execute(PView *v)
   MElement *e = allElems[mid];
   MVertex *vFIX = e->getVertex(0);
   myAssembler.fixVertex(vFIX, 0, 1, 0.0);
   for (std::vector<MElement* >::iterator it = allElems.begin(); it != allElems.end(); it++){
     MElement *t = *it;
     for(int k = 0; k < t->getNumVertices(); k++)
       myAssembler.numberVertex(t->getVertex(k), 0, 1);
   orthogonalTerm *ortho;
   ortho  = new orthogonalTerm(GModel::current(), 1, &ONE, &_distance_map);
   // if (type  < 0)
   //   ortho  = new orthogonalTerm(GModel::current(), 1, &ONE, view);
   // else
   //   ortho  = new orthogonalTerm(GModel::current(), 1, &ONE, dofView);
   for (std::vector<MElement* >::iterator it = allElems.begin(); it != allElems.end(); it++){
     SElement se((*it));
     ortho->addToMatrix(myAssembler, &se);
   groupOfElements gr(allElems);
   ortho->addToRightHandSide(myAssembler, gr);
   Msg::Info("Orthogonal Computation: Assembly done");
   Msg::Info("Orthogonal Computation: System solved");
   PView *view2 = new PView();
   PViewDataList *data2 = getDataList(view2);
   data2->setName("ortogonal field");
   Msg::Info("Writing  orthogonal.pos");
   FILE * f5 = fopen("orthogonal.pos","w");
   fprintf(f5,"View \"orthogonal\"{\n");
   for (std::vector<MElement* >::iterator it = allElems.begin(); it != allElems.end(); it++){
     MElement *e = *it;
     int numNodes = e->getNumVertices();
+    if(e->getType() == TYPE_POLYG) numNodes = e->getNumChildren() * e->getChild(0)->getNumVertices();
     std::vector<double> x(numNodes), y(numNodes), z(numNodes);
-    std::vector<double> *out2 = data2->incrementList(1, e->getType());
-    for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out2->push_back((e->getVertex(nod))->x()); 
-    for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out2->push_back((e->getVertex(nod))->y()); 
-    for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out2->push_back((e->getVertex(nod))->z()); 
+    std::vector<double> *out2 = data2->incrementList(1, e->getType(), numNodes);
+    std::vector<MVertex*> nods;
+    if(!e->getNumChildren())
+      for(int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
+        nods.push_back(e->getVertex(i));
+    else
+      for(int i = 0; i < e->getNumChildren(); i++)
+        for(int j = 0; j < e->getChild(i)->getNumVertices(); j++)
+          nods.push_back(e->getChild(i)->getVertex(j));
+    for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out2->push_back((nods[nod])->x()); 
+    for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out2->push_back((nods[nod])->y()); 
+    for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out2->push_back((nods[nod])->z()); 
     if (_maxDim == 3) fprintf(f5,"SS(");
     else if (_maxDim == 2) fprintf(f5,"ST(");
     std::vector<double> orth;
     for(int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {
-      MVertex *v =  e->getVertex(j);
+      MVertex *v =  nods[j];
       if(j) fprintf(f5,",%g,%g,%g",v->x(),v->y(), v->z());
       else fprintf(f5,"%g,%g,%g", v->x(),v->y(), v->z());
       double value;
@@ -488,9 +506,9 @@ PView *GMSH_DistancePlugin::execute(PView *v)
   return view;
diff --git a/Plugin/Divergence.cpp b/Plugin/Divergence.cpp
index ffabf5a367b97227a25f7d7f6307665f4a7dc131..77719944946854e8bc58732f42c7b13296ec0d3c 100644
--- a/Plugin/Divergence.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/Divergence.cpp
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ PView *GMSH_DivergencePlugin::execute(PView *v)
       int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele);
       if(numComp != 3) continue;
       int type = data1->getType(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele);
-      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(1, type);
-      if(!out) continue;
       int numNodes = data1->getNumNodes(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele);
+      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(1, type, numNodes);
+      if(!out) continue;
       double x[8], y[8], z[8], val[8 * 3];
       for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
         data1->getNode(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
diff --git a/Plugin/Eigenvalues.cpp b/Plugin/Eigenvalues.cpp
index 559c53128e6fd4bb5ede78ae118bea8bfa531c79..f65f9859b7eb71b6b994d9fc14a09e151f2690f0 100644
--- a/Plugin/Eigenvalues.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/Eigenvalues.cpp
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ PView *GMSH_EigenvaluesPlugin::execute(PView *v)
       int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(0, ent, ele);
       if(numComp != 9) continue;
       int type = data1->getType(0, ent, ele);
-      std::vector<double> *outmin = dmin->incrementList(1, type);
-      std::vector<double> *outmid = dmid->incrementList(1, type);
-      std::vector<double> *outmax = dmax->incrementList(1, type);
-      if(!outmin || !outmid || !outmax) continue;
       int numNodes = data1->getNumNodes(0, ent, ele);
+      std::vector<double> *outmin = dmin->incrementList(1, type, numNodes);
+      std::vector<double> *outmid = dmid->incrementList(1, type, numNodes);
+      std::vector<double> *outmax = dmax->incrementList(1, type, numNodes);
+      if(!outmin || !outmid || !outmax) continue;
       double xyz[3][8];
       for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
         data1->getNode(0, ent, ele, nod, xyz[0][nod], xyz[1][nod], xyz[2][nod]);
diff --git a/Plugin/Eigenvectors.cpp b/Plugin/Eigenvectors.cpp
index 70ce1b22f26e4692f0653f479925673b00ec9ac2..4172e427e1bcb18128fcf205c1afcec5fb3afe3e 100644
--- a/Plugin/Eigenvectors.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/Eigenvectors.cpp
@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ PView *GMSH_EigenvectorsPlugin::execute(PView *v)
       int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(0, ent, ele);
       if(numComp != 9) continue;
       int type = data1->getType(0, ent, ele);
-      std::vector<double> *outmin = dmin->incrementList(3, type);
-      std::vector<double> *outmid = dmid->incrementList(3, type);
-      std::vector<double> *outmax = dmax->incrementList(3, type);
-      if(!outmin || !outmid || !outmax) continue;
       int numNodes = data1->getNumNodes(0, ent, ele);
+      std::vector<double> *outmin = dmin->incrementList(3, type, numNodes);
+      std::vector<double> *outmid = dmid->incrementList(3, type, numNodes);
+      std::vector<double> *outmax = dmax->incrementList(3, type, numNodes);
+      if(!outmin || !outmid || !outmax) continue;
       double xyz[3][8];
       for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
         data1->getNode(0, ent, ele, nod, xyz[0][nod], xyz[1][nod], xyz[2][nod]);
diff --git a/Plugin/ExtractElements.cpp b/Plugin/ExtractElements.cpp
index a957962534be0f52f7a8fd04f168af677201cba8..44537ae6d9782f864380354c001db63f2f0cc7e5 100644
--- a/Plugin/ExtractElements.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/ExtractElements.cpp
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ PView *GMSH_ExtractElementsPlugin::execute(PView *v)
       int type = data1->getType(step, ent, ele);
       int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(step, ent, ele);
-      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(numComp, type);
+      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(numComp, type, numNodes);
       std::vector<double> x(numNodes), y(numNodes), z(numNodes);
       std::vector<double> v(numNodes * numComp);
       for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++){
diff --git a/Plugin/Gradient.cpp b/Plugin/Gradient.cpp
index 98fe67a2985aca278c06d95099032f29be3428b7..a9fe9077a574b58492d73ba3f428f1dedb54d4de 100644
--- a/Plugin/Gradient.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/Gradient.cpp
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ PView *GMSH_GradientPlugin::execute(PView *v)
       int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele);
       if(numComp != 1 && numComp != 3) continue;
       int type = data1->getType(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele);
-      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList((numComp == 1) ? 3 : 9, type);
-      if(!out) continue;
       int numNodes = data1->getNumNodes(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele);
+      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList((numComp == 1) ? 3 : 9, type, numNodes);
+      if(!out) continue;
       double x[8], y[8], z[8], val[8 * 3];
       for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
         data1->getNode(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
diff --git a/Plugin/HarmonicToTime.cpp b/Plugin/HarmonicToTime.cpp
index 2cfcc6270f3b56d4ecdef3cf7b750c4c5acaf11e..fa5cfb8f736ef7f28e7640c6285d7df378c563c5 100644
--- a/Plugin/HarmonicToTime.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/HarmonicToTime.cpp
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ PView *GMSH_HarmonicToTimePlugin::execute(PView * v)
       int numNodes = data1->getNumNodes(0, ent, ele);
       int type = data1->getType(0, ent, ele);
       int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(0, ent, ele);
-      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(numComp, type);
+      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(numComp, type, numNodes);
       std::vector<double> x(numNodes), y(numNodes), z(numNodes);
       std::vector<double> vr(numNodes * numComp), vi(numNodes * numComp);
       for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++){
diff --git a/Plugin/MathEval.cpp b/Plugin/MathEval.cpp
index 492392b58b136bfe1486268713e1a7aa2e3144d9..548c06542a8a97a21984614cb9209fa5c4693050 100644
--- a/Plugin/MathEval.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/MathEval.cpp
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ PView *GMSH_MathEvalPlugin::execute(PView *view)
       int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(timeBeg, ent, ele);
       int otherNumComp = (!otherData || octree) ? 9 :
         otherData->getNumComponents(timeBeg, ent, ele);
-      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(numComp2, type);
+      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(numComp2, type, numNodes);
       std::vector<double> w(std::max(9, otherNumComp), 0.);
       std::vector<double> x(numNodes), y(numNodes), z(numNodes);
       for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
diff --git a/Plugin/Scal2Vec.cpp b/Plugin/Scal2Vec.cpp
index e7ecf449bbffb8e4b20e57a5deadb659c0014a60..5d68c68d561ca13bdb57e9ec077942051b93750b 100644
--- a/Plugin/Scal2Vec.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/Scal2Vec.cpp
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ PView *GMSH_Scal2VecPlugin::execute(PView *v)
       if(dataRef->skipElement(0, ent, ele)) continue;
       int numComp = 3; // The 3 components of the new view: x,y,z
       int type = dataRef->getType(0, ent, ele);
-      std::vector<double> *out = dataNew->incrementList(numComp, type); // Pointer in data of the new view
-      if(!out) continue;
       int numNodes = dataRef->getNumNodes(0, ent, ele);
+      std::vector<double> *out = dataNew->incrementList(numComp, type, numNodes); // Pointer in data of the new view
+      if(!out) continue;
       double x[8], y[8], z[8], valX, valY, valZ;
       for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
         dataRef->getNode(0, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
diff --git a/Post/PViewDataList.cpp b/Post/PViewDataList.cpp
index 80e3360757cdbc18f7019aa63bbce11d3b80d1ef..5516811652de4050992e7414e04556bf3c9dd86b 100644
--- a/Post/PViewDataList.cpp
+++ b/Post/PViewDataList.cpp
@@ -15,14 +15,17 @@ PViewDataList::PViewDataList(bool isAdapted)
   : PViewData(), NbTimeStep(0), Min(VAL_INF), Max(-VAL_INF),
     NbSP(0), NbVP(0), NbTP(0), NbSL(0), NbVL(0), NbTL(0),
     NbST(0), NbVT(0), NbTT(0), NbSQ(0), NbVQ(0), NbTQ(0),
+    NbSG(0), NbVG(0), NbTG(0),
     NbSS(0), NbVS(0), NbTS(0), NbSH(0), NbVH(0), NbTH(0),
     NbSI(0), NbVI(0), NbTI(0), NbSY(0), NbVY(0), NbTY(0),
-    NbT2(0), NbT3(0), _lastElement(-1), _lastDimension(-1),
-    _lastNumNodes(-1), _lastNumComponents(-1), _lastNumValues(-1),
-    _lastNumEdges(-1), _lastType(-1), _lastXYZ(0), _lastVal(0),
-    _isAdapted(isAdapted)
+    NbSD(0), NbVD(0), NbTD(0), NbT2(0), NbT3(0),
+    _lastElement(-1), _lastDimension(-1), _lastNumNodes(-1), 
+    _lastNumComponents(-1), _lastNumValues(-1), _lastNumEdges(-1),
+    _lastType(-1), _lastXYZ(0), _lastVal(0), _isAdapted(isAdapted)
-  for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++) _index[i] = 0;
+  for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) _index[i] = 0;
+  polyTotNumNodes[0] = 0.; polyTotNumNodes[1] = 0.;
+  polyAgNumNodes[0].push_back(0.); polyAgNumNodes[1].push_back(0.);
 void PViewDataList::setXY(std::vector<double> &x, std::vector<double> &y)
@@ -69,6 +72,10 @@ bool PViewDataList::finalize(bool computeMinMax, const std::string &interpolatio
   _stat(TI, 9, NbTI, 6, TYPE_PRI);
   _stat(SY, 1, NbSY, 5, TYPE_PYR); _stat(VY, 3, NbVY, 5, TYPE_PYR);
   _stat(TY, 9, NbTY, 5, TYPE_PYR);
+  _stat(SG, 1, NbSG, 3, TYPE_POLYG); _stat(VG, 3, NbVG, 3, TYPE_POLYG);
+  _stat(TG, 9, NbTG, 3, TYPE_POLYG);
+  _stat(SD, 1, NbSD, 4, TYPE_POLYH); _stat(VD, 3, NbVD, 4, TYPE_POLYH);
+  _stat(TD, 9, NbTD, 4, TYPE_POLYH);
   // add dummy time values if none (or too few) time values are
   // provided (e.g. using the old parsed format)
@@ -78,10 +85,11 @@ bool PViewDataList::finalize(bool computeMinMax, const std::string &interpolatio
   // compute starting element indices
-  int nb[24] = {NbSP, NbVP, NbTP,  NbSL, NbVL, NbTL,  NbST, NbVT, NbTT,
+  int nb[30] = {NbSP, NbVP, NbTP,  NbSL, NbVL, NbTL,  NbST, NbVT, NbTT,
                 NbSQ, NbVQ, NbTQ,  NbSS, NbVS, NbTS,  NbSH, NbVH, NbTH,
-                NbSI, NbVI, NbTI,  NbSY, NbVY, NbTY};
-  for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++){
+                NbSI, NbVI, NbTI,  NbSY, NbVY, NbTY,  NbSG, NbVG, NbTG,
+                NbSD, NbVD, NbTD};
+  for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++){
     _index[i] = 0;
     for(int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
       _index[i] += nb[j];
@@ -93,18 +101,18 @@ bool PViewDataList::finalize(bool computeMinMax, const std::string &interpolatio
 int PViewDataList::getNumScalars(int step)
-  return NbSP + NbSL + NbST + NbSQ + NbSS + NbSH + NbSI + NbSY;
+  return NbSP + NbSL + NbST + NbSQ + NbSS + NbSH + NbSI + NbSY + NbSG + NbSD;
 int PViewDataList::getNumVectors(int step)
-  return NbVP + NbVL + NbVT + NbVQ + NbVS + NbVH + NbVI + NbVY;
+  return NbVP + NbVL + NbVT + NbVQ + NbVS + NbVH + NbVI + NbVY + NbVG + NbVD; 
 int PViewDataList::getNumTensors(int step)
-  return NbTP + NbTL + NbTT + NbTQ + NbTS + NbTH + NbTI + NbTY;
+  return NbTP + NbTL + NbTT + NbTQ + NbTS + NbTH + NbTI + NbTY + NbTG + NbTD; 
 int PViewDataList::getNumElements(int step, int ent)
@@ -207,7 +215,15 @@ void PViewDataList::_stat(std::vector<double> &list, int nbcomp, int nbelm,
   int nb = list.size() / nbelm;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < list.size(); i += nb){
+  for(unsigned int ele = 0; ele < nbelm; ele ++){
+    int i = ele * nb;
+    if(type == TYPE_POLYG || type ==  TYPE_POLYH){
+      int t = (type == TYPE_POLYG) ? 0 : 1;
+      nbnod = polyNumNodes[t][ele];
+      nb = list.size() / polyTotNumNodes[t] * nbnod;
+      i = polyAgNumNodes[t][ele] * nb / nbnod;
+      nbval = nbcomp * nbnod;
+    }
     int N = nb - 3 * nbnod;
     double *X = &list[i];
     double *Y = &list[i + 1 * nbnod];
@@ -261,10 +277,16 @@ void PViewDataList::_setLast(int ele, int dim, int nbnod, int nbcomp, int nbedg,
   _lastNumComponents = nbcomp;
   _lastNumEdges = nbedg;
   _lastType = type;
-  int nb = list.size() / nblist;
-  _lastXYZ = &list[ele * nb];
-  _lastVal = &list[ele * nb + 3 * _lastNumNodes];
+  int nb = list.size() / nblist; // number of coords and values for the element
+  int nbAg = ele * nb; // number of coords and values before the ones of the element
+  if(type == TYPE_POLYG || type ==  TYPE_POLYH){
+    int t = (type == TYPE_POLYG) ? 0 : 1;
+    nb = list.size() / polyTotNumNodes[t] * nbnod;
+    nbAg = polyAgNumNodes[t][ele] * nb / nbnod;
+  }
   _lastNumValues = (nb - 3 * nbnod) / NbTimeStep;
+  _lastXYZ = &list[nbAg];
+  _lastVal = &list[nbAg + 3 * _lastNumNodes];
 void PViewDataList::_setLast(int ele)
@@ -305,11 +327,23 @@ void PViewDataList::_setLast(int ele)
     else if(ele < _index[19]) _setLast(ele - _index[18], 3, 6, 3, 9, TYPE_PRI, VI, NbVI);
     else _setLast(ele - _index[19], 3, 6, 9, 9, TYPE_PRI, TI, NbTI);
-  else{ // pyramids
+  else if(ele < _index[23]){ // pyramids
     if(ele < _index[21]) _setLast(ele - _index[20], 3, 5, 1, 8, TYPE_PYR, SY, NbSY);
     else if(ele < _index[22]) _setLast(ele - _index[21], 3, 5, 3, 8, TYPE_PYR, VY, NbVY);
     else _setLast(ele - _index[22], 3, 5, 9, 8, TYPE_PYR, TY, NbTY);
+  else if(ele < _index[26]){ // polygons
+    int nN = polyNumNodes[0][ele - _index[23]];
+    if(ele < _index[24]) _setLast(ele - _index[23], 2, nN, 1, nN, TYPE_POLYG, SG, NbSG);
+    else if(ele < _index[25]) _setLast(ele - _index[24], 2, nN, 3, nN, TYPE_POLYG, VG, NbVG);
+    else _setLast(ele - _index[25], 2, nN, 9, nN, TYPE_POLYG, TG, NbTG);
+  }
+  else if(ele < _index[29]){ // polyhedra
+    int nN = polyNumNodes[1][ele - _index[26]];
+    if(ele < _index[27]) _setLast(ele - _index[26], 3, nN, 1, nN*1.5, TYPE_POLYH, SD, NbSD);
+    else if(ele < _index[28]) _setLast(ele - _index[27], 3, nN, 3, nN*1.5, TYPE_POLYH, VD, NbVD);
+    else _setLast(ele - _index[28], 3, nN, 9, nN*1.5, TYPE_POLYH, TD, NbTD);
+  }
 int PViewDataList::getDimension(int step, int ent, int ele)
@@ -794,6 +828,9 @@ int PViewDataList::_getRawData(int idxtype, std::vector<double> **l, int **ne,
                                 int *nc, int *nn)
   int type = 0;
+  // No constant nn for polygons!
+  if(idxtype > 23 && idxtype < 30)
+    Msg::Warning("No constant number of nodes for polygons and polyhedra.");
   case 0 : *l = &SP; *ne = &NbSP; *nc = 1; *nn = 1; type = TYPE_PNT; break;
   case 1 : *l = &VP; *ne = &NbVP; *nc = 3; *nn = 1; type = TYPE_PNT; break;
@@ -819,6 +856,12 @@ int PViewDataList::_getRawData(int idxtype, std::vector<double> **l, int **ne,
   case 21: *l = &SY; *ne = &NbSY; *nc = 1; *nn = 5; type = TYPE_PYR; break;
   case 22: *l = &VY; *ne = &NbVY; *nc = 3; *nn = 5; type = TYPE_PYR; break;
   case 23: *l = &TY; *ne = &NbTY; *nc = 9; *nn = 5; type = TYPE_PYR; break;
+  case 24: *l = &SG; *ne = &NbSG; *nc = 1; *nn = 3; type = TYPE_POLYG; break;
+  case 25: *l = &VG; *ne = &NbVG; *nc = 3; *nn = 3; type = TYPE_POLYG; break;
+  case 26: *l = &TG; *ne = &NbTG; *nc = 9; *nn = 3; type = TYPE_POLYG; break;
+  case 27: *l = &SD; *ne = &NbSD; *nc = 1; *nn = 4; type = TYPE_POLYH; break;
+  case 28: *l = &VD; *ne = &NbVD; *nc = 3; *nn = 4; type = TYPE_POLYH; break;
+  case 29: *l = &TD; *ne = &NbTD; *nc = 9; *nn = 4; type = TYPE_POLYH; break;
   default: Msg::Error("Wrong type in PViewDataList"); break;
@@ -851,8 +894,9 @@ void PViewDataList::setOrder2(int type)
                            fs->coefficients, fs->monomials);
-std::vector<double> *PViewDataList::incrementList(int numComp, int type)
+std::vector<double> *PViewDataList::incrementList(int numComp, int type, int numNodes)
+  int nb;
   case TYPE_PNT:
     if     (numComp == 1){ NbSP++; return &SP; }
@@ -894,6 +938,24 @@ std::vector<double> *PViewDataList::incrementList(int numComp, int type)
     else if(numComp == 3){ NbVY++; return &VY; }
     else if(numComp == 9){ NbTY++; return &TY; }
+  case TYPE_POLYG:
+    polyNumNodes[0].push_back(numNodes);
+    nb = (polyAgNumNodes[0].size()) ? polyAgNumNodes[0].back() : 0;
+    polyAgNumNodes[0].push_back(numNodes + nb);
+    polyTotNumNodes[0] += numNodes;
+    if     (numComp == 1){ NbSG++; return &SG; }
+    else if(numComp == 3){ NbVG++; return &VG; }
+    else if(numComp == 9){ NbTG++; return &TG; }
+    break;
+  case TYPE_POLYH:
+    polyNumNodes[1].push_back(numNodes);
+    nb = (polyAgNumNodes[1].size()) ? polyAgNumNodes[1].back() : 0;
+    polyAgNumNodes[1].push_back(numNodes + nb);
+    polyTotNumNodes[1] += numNodes;
+    if     (numComp == 1){ NbSD++; return &SD; }
+    else if(numComp == 3){ NbVD++; return &VD; }
+    else if(numComp == 9){ NbTD++; return &TD; }
+    break;
   return 0;
diff --git a/Post/PViewDataList.h b/Post/PViewDataList.h
index 593285819f62152bcef901aadcabe7df7727c225..a15b4dfe266d9796923e39d33d49beef3541e520 100644
--- a/Post/PViewDataList.h
+++ b/Post/PViewDataList.h
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ class PViewDataList : public PViewData {
   std::vector<double> ST, VT, TT; // triangles
   int NbSQ, NbVQ, NbTQ;
   std::vector<double> SQ, VQ, TQ; // quadrangles
+  int NbSG, NbVG, NbTG;
+  std::vector<double> SG, VG, TG; // polygons
   int NbSS, NbVS, NbTS;
   std::vector<double> SS, VS, TS; // tetrahedra
   int NbSH, NbVH, NbTH;
@@ -39,11 +41,16 @@ class PViewDataList : public PViewData {
   std::vector<double> SI, VI, TI; // prisms
   int NbSY, NbVY, NbTY;
   std::vector<double> SY, VY, TY; // pyramids
+  int NbSD, NbVD, NbTD;
+  std::vector<double> SD, VD, TD; // polyhedra
   int NbT2, NbT3;
   std::vector<double> T2D, T3D; // 2D and 3D text strings
   std::vector<char> T2C, T3C;
+  std::vector<int> polyNumNodes[2];
+  std::vector<int> polyAgNumNodes[2];
+  int polyTotNumNodes[2];
-  int _index[24];
+  int _index[30];
   int _lastElement, _lastDimension;
   int _lastNumNodes, _lastNumComponents, _lastNumValues, _lastNumEdges, _lastType;
   double *_lastXYZ, *_lastVal;
@@ -78,10 +85,12 @@ class PViewDataList : public PViewData {
   int getNumLines(int step=-1){ return NbSL + NbVL + NbTL; }
   int getNumTriangles(int step=-1){ return NbST + NbVT + NbTT; }
   int getNumQuadrangles(int step=-1){ return NbSQ + NbVQ + NbTQ; }
+  int getNumPolygons(int step=-1){ return NbSG + NbVG + NbTG; }
   int getNumTetrahedra(int step=-1){ return NbSS + NbVS + NbTS; }
   int getNumHexahedra(int step=-1){ return NbSH + NbVH + NbTH; }
   int getNumPrisms(int step=-1){ return NbSI + NbVI + NbTI; }
   int getNumPyramids(int step=-1){ return NbSY + NbVY + NbTY; }
+  int getNumPolyhedra(int step=-1){ return NbSD + NbVD + NbTD; }
   int getNumEntities(int step=-1){ return 1; }
   int getNumElements(int step=-1, int ent=-1);
   int getDimension(int step, int ent, int ele);
@@ -109,7 +118,7 @@ class PViewDataList : public PViewData {
   // specific to list-based data sets
   void setOrder2(int type);
-  std::vector<double> *incrementList(int numComp, int type);
+  std::vector<double> *incrementList(int numComp, int type, int numNodes = 0);
   // I/O routines
   bool readPOS(FILE *fp, double version, bool binary);