diff --git a/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.cpp b/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.cpp
index e40f04788b3a513f5e4f491424bdbd0d2259b95a..241d87bd2dbf9bab6740b796289693375b63f4cf 100644
--- a/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.cpp
+++ b/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.cpp
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ ReferenceSpace::ReferenceSpace(void){
   nEdge           = 0;
   refEdge         = NULL;
-  permutedRefEdge = NULL;
+  //permutedRefEdge = NULL;
   edge            = NULL;
   nFace           = 0;
   nNodeInFace     = NULL;
   refFace         = NULL;
-  permutedRefFace = NULL;
+  //permutedRefFace = NULL;
   face            = NULL;
   // Defining Ref Edge and Face in //
@@ -44,29 +44,29 @@ ReferenceSpace::~ReferenceSpace(void){
   // Delete Permutated Edge //
   for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nPerm; p++){
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nEdge; i++){
-      delete[] permutedRefEdge[p][i];
+      //delete[] permutedRefEdge[p][i];
       delete   (*(*edge)[p])[i];
-    delete[] permutedRefEdge[p];
+    //delete[] permutedRefEdge[p];
     delete   (*edge)[p];
-  delete[] permutedRefEdge;
+  //delete[] permutedRefEdge;
   delete   edge;
   // Delete Permutated Face //
   for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nPerm; p++){
     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nFace; i++){
-      delete[] permutedRefFace[p][i];
+      //delete[] permutedRefFace[p][i];
       delete (*(*face)[p])[i];
-    delete[] permutedRefFace[p];
+    //delete[] permutedRefFace[p];
     delete (*face)[p];
-  delete[] permutedRefFace;
+  //delete[] permutedRefFace;
   delete face;
@@ -102,30 +102,6 @@ void ReferenceSpace::init(void){
   // Get Edges & Faces //
-  for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nPerm; p++){
-    cout << "Permutation " << p << ":" << endl;
-    for(unsigned int e = 0; e < nEdge; e++){
-      cout << "  " << "Edge " << e << ": [";
-      for(unsigned int n = 0; n < 2 - 1; n++)
-        cout << permutedRefEdge[p][e][n] << ", ";
-      cout << permutedRefEdge[p][e][2 - 1] << "]"
-           << endl;
-    }
-    for(unsigned int f = 0; f < nFace; f++){
-      cout << "  " << "Face " << f << ": [";
-      for(unsigned int n = 0; n < nNodeInFace[f] - 1; n++)
-        cout << permutedRefFace[p][f][n] << ", ";
-      cout << permutedRefFace[p][f][nNodeInFace[f] - 1] << "]"
-           << endl;
-    }
-  }
 void ReferenceSpace::populate(node* pTreeRoot){
@@ -205,7 +181,7 @@ void ReferenceSpace::getEdge(void){
   // Alloc
   vector<const vector<unsigned int>*>* tmp;
   edge = new vector<const vector<const vector<unsigned int>*>*>(nPerm);
+  /*
   // All Edges have two nodes
   unsigned int* nNodeInEdge = new unsigned int[nEdge];
@@ -221,7 +197,7 @@ void ReferenceSpace::getEdge(void){
   delete[] nNodeInEdge;
+  */
   // Populate Edge
   for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nPerm; p++){
     tmp = new vector<const vector<unsigned int>*>(nEdge);
@@ -237,7 +213,7 @@ void ReferenceSpace::getFace(void){
   // Alloc
   vector<const vector<unsigned int>*>* tmp;
   face = new vector<const vector<const vector<unsigned int>*>*>(nPerm);
+  /*
   // Get Face nodes depending on the orientation
   //    (face 1 = [1 2 3 4] for orientation 1)
   //    (       = [4 1 2 3] for orientation 2)
@@ -245,7 +221,7 @@ void ReferenceSpace::getFace(void){
+  */
   // Populate Face
   for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nPerm; p++){
     tmp = new vector<const vector<unsigned int>*>(nFace);
@@ -267,7 +243,7 @@ void ReferenceSpace::getFace(void){
     (*face)[p] = tmp;
 void ReferenceSpace::getPermutedRefEntity(unsigned int**** permutedRefEntity,
                                           unsigned int**   refEntity,
                                           unsigned int*    nNodeInEntity,
@@ -282,52 +258,33 @@ void ReferenceSpace::getPermutedRefEntity(unsigned int**** permutedRefEntity,
       (*permutedRefEntity)[p][e] = new unsigned int[nNodeInEntity[e]];
-  // Alloc Idx
-  unsigned int** idx = new unsigned int*[nEntity];
-  for(unsigned int e = 0; e < nEntity; e++)
-    idx[e] = new unsigned int[nNodeInEntity[e]];
-  // Get Reference Index
-  //  Use refEntity and perm[0] as reference element
-  for(unsigned int e = 0; e < nEntity; e++)
-    getIndex(nNodeInEntity[e], refEntity[e], nVertex, perm[0], &idx[e]);
   // Generate Permuted Ref Entity
   for(unsigned int p = 0; p < nPerm; p++){
     for(unsigned int e = 0; e < nEntity; e++){
       for(unsigned int n = 0; n < nNodeInEntity[e]; n++)
-        (*permutedRefEntity)[p][e][n] = perm[p][idx[e][n]];
+        (*permutedRefEntity)[p][e][n] = perm[p][refEntity[e][n]];
-  // Delete Temp
-  for(unsigned int e = 0; e < nEntity; e++)
-    delete[] idx[e];
-  delete[] idx;
 const vector<unsigned int>* ReferenceSpace::
 getOrderedEdge(unsigned int permutation,
                unsigned int edge){
-  /*************************************************************************
-   * Let say we have we have permutedRefEdge[4][2] = [0 1].                *
-   * I want to get back to same node ID than refEdge[2] = [2 0].           *
-   * That is, I want to return [0 2].                                      *
-   *                                                                       *
-   * I need to sort permutedRefEdge and keep the index swaping.            *
-   * I can use this index swaping to get the right permutation of refEdge. *
-   *************************************************************************/
+  /**************************************************************************
+   * I want to know how I need to take the values of refEdge[edge]          *
+   * (i.e the node *index* of a given edge) so that the corresponding       *
+   * values in permutation (i.e perm[permutation][refEdge[edge]]) are going *
+   * from the smallest value to the biggest.                                *
+   **************************************************************************/
   // Alloc
   vector<unsigned int>* ordered = new vector<unsigned int>(2);
-  // Sort & Swap
-  sortAndSwap(permutedRefEdge[permutation][edge],
-              refEdge[edge],
-              *ordered);
+  // Order refEdge
+  orderRefEntityForGivenPermutation(refEdge[edge],
+                                    perm[permutation],
+                                    *ordered);
   // Return ordered
   return ordered;
@@ -337,17 +294,17 @@ const std::vector<unsigned int>* ReferenceSpace::
 getOrderedTriFace(unsigned int permutation,
                   unsigned int face){
-  /******************************************************
-   * Same as getOrderedEdge, but I need to use 3 nodes. *
-   ******************************************************/
+  /***********************************************
+   * Same as getOrderedEdge, but I with refFace. *
+   ***********************************************/
   // Alloc
   vector<unsigned int>* ordered = new vector<unsigned int>(3);
-  // Sort & Swap
-  sortAndSwap(permutedRefFace[permutation][face],
-              refFace[face],
-              *ordered);
+  // Order refFace
+  orderRefEntityForGivenPermutation(refFace[face],
+                                    perm[permutation],
+                                    *ordered);
   // Return ordered
   return ordered;
@@ -358,9 +315,9 @@ getOrderedQuadFace(unsigned int permutation,
                    unsigned int face){
-   * Same as getOrderedEdge, but I need to use 4 nodes.                *
+   * Same as getOrderedFace, but refFace has 4 nodes.                  *
    *                                                                   *
-   * Moreover,                                                         *
+   * In that case,                                                     *
    * I need node at ordered[2] to be *opposite* to node at ordered[0]. *
    *  --> If not make a permutation such                               *
    *      that node opposite at ordered[2]                             *
@@ -370,10 +327,10 @@ getOrderedQuadFace(unsigned int permutation,
   // Alloc
   vector<unsigned int>* ordered = new vector<unsigned int>(4);
-  // Sort & Swap
-  sortAndSwap(permutedRefFace[permutation][face],
-              refFace[face],
-              *ordered);
+  // Order refFace
+  orderRefEntityForGivenPermutation(refFace[face],
+                                    perm[permutation],
+                                    *ordered);
   // Get ordered[2] opposite to ordered[0]
   unsigned int opposite = ((*ordered)[0] + 2) % 4;
@@ -395,18 +352,19 @@ getOrderedQuadFace(unsigned int permutation,
   return ordered;
-void ReferenceSpace::sortAndSwap(unsigned int* srcSort,
-                                 unsigned int* srcSwap,
-                                 vector<unsigned int>& dest){
+void ReferenceSpace::
+orderRefEntityForGivenPermutation(unsigned int* refEntity,
+                                  unsigned int* permutation,
+                                  vector<unsigned int>& orderedEntity){
   // Get Size
-  const unsigned int size = dest.size();
+  const unsigned int size = orderedEntity.size();
   // Copy srcSort in sorted
   vector<pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > sorted(size);
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++){
     sorted[i].first  = i;
-    sorted[i].second = srcSort[i];
+    sorted[i].second = permutation[refEntity[i]];
   // Sort it with repsect to second entry
@@ -414,7 +372,7 @@ void ReferenceSpace::sortAndSwap(unsigned int* srcSort,
   // Swap with respect to srcSwap
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
-    dest[i] = srcSwap[sorted[i].first];
+    orderedEntity[i] = refEntity[sorted[i].first];
 unsigned int ReferenceSpace::getPermutation(const MElement& elem) const{
diff --git a/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.h b/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.h
index e4ce84e31383d49d7e2340ed4a5028b7f2d088b8..e0dafe6441ea0803c300262a2c129b13db36e2c4 100644
--- a/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.h
+++ b/FunctionSpace/ReferenceSpace.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class ReferenceSpace{
   typedef node_s node;
-  // Permutation (Tree + Leaf) //
+  // Permutation (Tree + Leaf) of Reduced IDs //
   unsigned int    nVertex;
   unsigned int nextLeafId;
@@ -45,17 +45,44 @@ class ReferenceSpace{
   node pTreeRoot;
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  // !!! CHANGE VARIABLES NAME !!!                                        //
+  //                                                                      //
+  // perm              = nodeReducedGlobalId                              //
+  // refEntity         = entityNodeIndex                                  //
+  // entity            = orientedEntityNodeIndex                          //
+  //                                                                      //
+  // !!! I'm Working on *BOTH* indexes and global IDs !!!                 //
+  //                                                                      //
+  // 16 +                                                                 //
+  //    |\        ---> NodeIndex       = [v0 v1 v2]                       //
+  //    | \       ---> GlobalID        = [17 42 16]                       //
+  //    |  \      ---> ReducedGlobalId = [1  2  0 ] ---> Permutation = 3  //
+  // 17 +---+ 42                                                          //
+  //                                                                      //
+  // *  refEdge[e][i] = ith INDEX of edge[e]                              //
+  //    For example refEdge[1] = [1 2] because edge[1]                    //
+  //                              - -                                     //
+  //                                           is made of nodes v1 and v2 //
+  //                                                             -      - //
+  //                                                                      //
+  // *  edge[p][e][i] = ith INDEX of edge[e] in orientation[p]            //
+  //          such that GlobalID[edge[p][e][0]] > GlobalId[edge[p][e][0]] //
+  //    For example edge[3][1] = [2 1] because edge[1] goes from v2 to v1 //
+  //                              - -                             -     - //
+  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   // Edge Permutation //
   unsigned int    nEdge;
   unsigned int**  refEdge;
-  unsigned int*** permutedRefEdge;
+  //unsigned int*** permutedRefEdge;
   std::vector<const std::vector<const std::vector<unsigned int>*>*>* edge;
   // Face Permutation //
   unsigned int    nFace;
   unsigned int*   nNodeInFace;
   unsigned int**  refFace;
-  unsigned int*** permutedRefFace;
+  //unsigned int*** permutedRefFace;
   std::vector<const std::vector<const std::vector<unsigned int>*>*>* face;
@@ -84,12 +111,12 @@ class ReferenceSpace{
   void getEdge(void);
   void getFace(void);
+  /*
   void getPermutedRefEntity(unsigned int**** permutedRefEntity,
                             unsigned int**   refEntity,
                             unsigned int*    nNodeInEntity,
                             unsigned int     nEntity);
+  */
   const std::vector<unsigned int>* getOrderedEdge(unsigned int permutation,
                                                   unsigned int edge);
@@ -99,19 +126,10 @@ class ReferenceSpace{
   const std::vector<unsigned int>* getOrderedQuadFace(unsigned int permutation,
                                                       unsigned int face);
-  static void sortAndSwap(unsigned int* srcSort,
-                          unsigned int* srcSwap,
-                          std::vector<unsigned int>& dest);
-  static unsigned int whereIsIncluded(unsigned int  elem,
-                                      unsigned int* vec,
-                                      unsigned int  size);
-  static void getIndex(unsigned int   sizeRef,
-                       unsigned int*  ref,
-                       unsigned int   sizeVec,
-                       unsigned int*  vec,
-                       unsigned int** idx);
+  static void
+    orderRefEntityForGivenPermutation(unsigned int* refEntity,
+                                      unsigned int* permutation,
+                                      std::vector<unsigned int>& orderedEntity);
   static bool sortPredicate(const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& a,
                             const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>& b);
@@ -204,28 +222,6 @@ ReferenceSpace::getAllFace(void) const{
   return *face;
-void ReferenceSpace::getIndex(unsigned int   sizeRef,
-                              unsigned int*  ref,
-                              unsigned int   sizeVec,
-                              unsigned int*  vec,
-                              unsigned int** idx){
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeRef; i++)
-    (*idx)[i] = whereIsIncluded(ref[i], vec, sizeVec);
-unsigned int ReferenceSpace::whereIsIncluded(unsigned int  elem,
-                                             unsigned int* vec,
-                                             unsigned int  size){
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
-    if(vec[i] == elem)
-      return i;
-  return -1;