From 6a56611116c2ec1f515958ed2507aaa37fa5d0b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Francois Remacle <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 09:35:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] *** empty log message ***

 Common/Makefile             |  18 +-
 Geo/Makefile                |  23 +-
 Mesh/Makefile               |  49 +++--
 Numeric/Numeric.cpp         |   6 +-
 Plugin/CutGrid.cpp          | 237 ++++++++++++++++++++
 Plugin/CutGrid.h            |  50 +++++
 Plugin/Makefile             |  11 +-
 Plugin/Octree.h             |  23 ++
 Plugin/OctreePost.cpp       | 426 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Plugin/OctreePost.h         |  52 +++++
 Plugin/OctreeSrc.cpp        | 102 +++++++++
 Plugin/Plugin.cpp           |   8 +-
 Plugin/StreamLines.cpp      | 217 ++++++++++++++++++
 Plugin/StreamLines.h        |  50 +++++
 doc/texinfo/opt_plugin.texi |  22 ++
 15 files changed, 1251 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Plugin/CutGrid.cpp
 create mode 100644 Plugin/CutGrid.h
 create mode 100644 Plugin/Octree.h
 create mode 100644 Plugin/OctreePost.cpp
 create mode 100644 Plugin/OctreePost.h
 create mode 100644 Plugin/OctreeSrc.cpp
 create mode 100644 Plugin/StreamLines.cpp
 create mode 100644 Plugin/StreamLines.h

diff --git a/Common/Makefile b/Common/Makefile
index 4f2bbbb7c1..511cfb7ee8 100644
--- a/Common/Makefile
+++ b/Common/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.53 2004-04-18 03:36:06 geuzaine Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.54 2004-04-22 09:35:01 remacle Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 1997-2004 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -65,19 +65,19 @@ Context.o: Context.cpp Gmsh.h Message.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h \
   ../Mesh/Element.h ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h \
   ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
   ../Graphics/Draw.h ../Common/Views.h ../Common/ColorTable.h Context.h \
-  Options.h DefaultOptions.h Trackball.h
+  Options.h DefaultOptions.h Views.h Trackball.h
 Views.o: Views.cpp Gmsh.h Message.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h \
   ../DataStr/Tree.h ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h \
   ../Numeric/Numeric.h Views.h ColorTable.h Context.h Options.h
 Options.o: Options.cpp ../Plugin/PluginManager.h ../Plugin/Plugin.h \
   ../Common/Options.h ../Common/Message.h ../Common/Views.h \
-  ../Common/ColorTable.h ../DataStr/List.h Gmsh.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h \
-  ../DataStr/Tree.h ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h GmshUI.h \
-  ../Geo/Geo.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
-  ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h \
-  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h ../Graphics/Draw.h Context.h \
-  ../Fltk/Solvers.h ../Fltk/GUI.h ../Fltk/Opengl_Window.h \
-  ../Fltk/Colorbar_Window.h
+  ../Common/ColorTable.h ../DataStr/List.h Gmsh.h Message.h \
+  ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/Tree.h ../DataStr/avl.h \
+  ../DataStr/Tools.h GmshUI.h ../Geo/Geo.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h \
+  ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h \
+  ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
+  ../Graphics/Draw.h Context.h Options.h ../Fltk/Solvers.h ../Fltk/GUI.h \
+  ../Fltk/Opengl_Window.h ../Fltk/Colorbar_Window.h ../Common/GmshUI.h
 CommandLine.o: CommandLine.cpp Gmsh.h Message.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h \
   ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h \
   GmshUI.h GmshVersion.h CommandLine.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h Context.h \
diff --git a/Geo/Makefile b/Geo/Makefile
index 38d1834b82..0f4b53000c 100644
--- a/Geo/Makefile
+++ b/Geo/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.46 2004-04-18 03:36:06 geuzaine Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.47 2004-04-22 09:35:01 remacle Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 1997-2004 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ CAD.o: CAD.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h \
   ../Numeric/Numeric.h Geo.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h \
   ../Mesh/Element.h ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h \
   ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
-  ../Mesh/Interpolation.h ../Mesh/Create.h CAD.h ../Common/Visibility.h \
-  ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Mesh/Interpolation.h ../Mesh/Create.h CAD.h ExtrudeParams.h \
+  ../Common/Visibility.h ../Common/Context.h
 MinMax.o: MinMax.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h \
@@ -73,34 +73,37 @@ ExtrudeParams.o: ExtrudeParams.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h Geo.h CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h \
   ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h \
-  ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h
+  ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
+  ExtrudeParams.h
 Geo.o: Geo.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h \
   ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h \
   ../Numeric/Numeric.h Geo.h CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h \
   ../Mesh/Element.h ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h \
   ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
-  ../Parser/Parser.h ../Common/Context.h
+  ExtrudeParams.h ../Parser/Parser.h ../Common/Context.h
 GeoUtils.o: GeoUtils.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h Geo.h CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h \
   ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h \
-  ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h
+  ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
+  ExtrudeParams.h
 StepGeomDatabase.o: StepGeomDatabase.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h \
   ../Common/Message.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h \
   ../DataStr/Tree.h ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h \
   ../Numeric/Numeric.h Geo.h GeoUtils.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h \
   ../Mesh/Element.h ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h \
   ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
-  ../Mesh/Nurbs.h CAD.h StepGeomDatabase.h ../Mesh/Create.h \
-  ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Mesh/Nurbs.h CAD.h ExtrudeParams.h StepGeomDatabase.h \
+  ../Mesh/Create.h ../Common/Context.h
 ExtractContour.o: ExtractContour.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h Geo.h CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h \
   ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h \
-  ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h
+  ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
+  ExtrudeParams.h
 Print_Geo.o: Print_Geo.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h Geo.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h \
   ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h \
   ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h \
-  CAD.h ../Common/Context.h
+  CAD.h ExtrudeParams.h ../Common/Context.h
diff --git a/Mesh/Makefile b/Mesh/Makefile
index ce3d60d9a7..ce3a78bd3f 100644
--- a/Mesh/Makefile
+++ b/Mesh/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.59 2004-04-18 03:36:07 geuzaine Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.60 2004-04-22 09:35:01 remacle Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 1997-2004 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ depend:
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h \
-  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Utils.h Create.h 2D_Mesh.h \
-  ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h Utils.h Vertex.h Create.h \
+  2D_Mesh.h ../Common/Context.h
 2D_SMesh.o: 2D_SMesh.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Geo/Geo.h Mesh.h Vertex.h \
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ depend:
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h \
-  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h
+  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h
 2D_BGMesh.o: 2D_BGMesh.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h Mesh.h \
@@ -174,15 +174,15 @@ depend:
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h \
-  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Interpolation.h 2D_Mesh.h Create.h \
-  ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Interpolation.h Vertex.h Mesh.h \
+  2D_Mesh.h Create.h ../Common/Context.h
 2D_Mesh_Aniso.o: 2D_Mesh_Aniso.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h \
-  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Interpolation.h Create.h \
-  ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h Interpolation.h Vertex.h \
+  Create.h ../Common/Context.h
 2D_Mesh_Triangle.o: 2D_Mesh_Triangle.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h \
   ../Common/Message.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h \
   ../DataStr/Tree.h ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h Mesh.h Vertex.h \
@@ -209,13 +209,15 @@ depend:
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h \
-  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h ../Common/Context.h Create.h
+  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h ../Common/Context.h Create.h \
+  Vertex.h
 3D_Extrude_Old.o: 3D_Extrude_Old.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h \
-  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h ../Common/Context.h Create.h
+  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h ../Common/Context.h Create.h \
+  Vertex.h
 3D_Coherence.o: 3D_Coherence.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
@@ -241,7 +243,8 @@ Create.o: Create.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h \
-  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Utils.h ../Common/Context.h Create.h
+  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h Utils.h Vertex.h \
+  ../Common/Context.h Create.h
 Generator.o: Generator.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h Mesh.h \
@@ -252,23 +255,26 @@ Print_Mesh.o: Print_Mesh.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h \
-  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Create.h ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h Create.h Vertex.h \
+  ../Common/Context.h
 Read_Mesh.o: Read_Mesh.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Geo/Geo.h ../Geo/CAD.h \
   ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h ../Mesh/Simplex.h \
   ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h ../Mesh/Metric.h \
-  ../Mesh/Matrix.h 3D_Mesh.h Create.h ../Geo/MinMax.h ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h 3D_Mesh.h Create.h Vertex.h ../Geo/MinMax.h \
+  ../Common/Context.h
 STL.o: STL.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h \
   ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h \
   ../Numeric/Numeric.h Mesh.h Vertex.h Element.h Simplex.h Edge.h \
   ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h STL.h Metric.h Matrix.h ../Geo/CAD.h \
-  ../Geo/Geo.h Create.h Interpolation.h ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Geo/Geo.h Create.h Interpolation.h \
+  ../Common/Context.h
 SMS.o: SMS.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h ../DataStr/Malloc.h \
   ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h \
   ../Geo/Geo.h Mesh.h Vertex.h Element.h Simplex.h Edge.h \
   ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h STL.h Metric.h Matrix.h Create.h ../Geo/MinMax.h \
-  ../Geo/CAD.h ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Common/Context.h
 SwapEdge.o: SwapEdge.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h Mesh.h \
@@ -279,24 +285,27 @@ Utils.o: Utils.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h \
-  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Interpolation.h ../Common/Context.h
+  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h Interpolation.h Vertex.h \
+  ../Common/Context.h
 Metric.o: Metric.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   ../Geo/CAD.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h ../Mesh/Element.h \
   ../Mesh/Simplex.h ../Mesh/Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h ../Mesh/STL.h \
-  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Interpolation.h
+  ../Mesh/Metric.h ../Mesh/Matrix.h Mesh.h Matrix.h Interpolation.h \
+  Vertex.h
 Nurbs.o: Nurbs.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h Nurbs.h Vertex.h Mesh.h Element.h \
   Simplex.h Edge.h ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h STL.h Metric.h Matrix.h \
-  ../Geo/Geo.h ../Geo/GeoUtils.h Create.h ../Geo/CAD.h
+  ../Geo/Geo.h ../Geo/GeoUtils.h ../Mesh/Mesh.h Create.h ../Geo/CAD.h \
+  ../Mesh/Vertex.h
 Interpolation.o: Interpolation.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Numeric/Numeric.h ../Geo/Geo.h \
   Nurbs.h Vertex.h Mesh.h Element.h Simplex.h Edge.h \
-  ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h STL.h Metric.h Matrix.h ../Geo/CAD.h Utils.h \
-  Interpolation.h
+  ../Geo/ExtrudeParams.h STL.h Metric.h Matrix.h ../Geo/CAD.h \
+  ../Mesh/Mesh.h ../Mesh/Vertex.h Utils.h Interpolation.h
 SecondOrder.o: SecondOrder.cpp ../Common/Gmsh.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../DataStr/Malloc.h ../DataStr/List.h ../DataStr/Tree.h \
   ../DataStr/avl.h ../DataStr/Tools.h ../Geo/Geo.h Mesh.h Vertex.h \
diff --git a/Numeric/Numeric.cpp b/Numeric/Numeric.cpp
index 96a51c2704..e9e3bd7d2f 100644
--- a/Numeric/Numeric.cpp
+++ b/Numeric/Numeric.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: Numeric.cpp,v 1.13 2004-04-13 19:27:09 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: Numeric.cpp,v 1.14 2004-04-22 09:35:01 remacle Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2004 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -126,10 +126,11 @@ int sys2x2(double mat[2][2], double b[2], double res[2])
     DSQR(mat[0][0]) + DSQR(mat[1][1]) + DSQR(mat[0][1]) + DSQR(mat[1][0]);
   det = mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[1][0] * mat[0][1];
   if(norm == 0.0 || fabs(det) / norm < 1.e-12) {
-      Msg(DEBUG, "Assuming 2x2 matrix is singular (det/norm == %g)",
+      Msg(WARNING, "Assuming 2x2 matrix is singular (det/norm == %g)",
           fabs(det) / norm);
     res[0] = res[1] = 0.0;
     return 0;
@@ -141,6 +142,7 @@ int sys2x2(double mat[2][2], double b[2], double res[2])
   for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
     res[i] *= ud;
   return (1);
diff --git a/Plugin/CutGrid.cpp b/Plugin/CutGrid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7ed560145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/CutGrid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// $Id: CutGrid.cpp,v 1.1 2004-04-22 09:35:01 remacle Exp $
+// Copyright (C) 1997-2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+// USA.
+// Please report all bugs and problems to "".
+#include "OctreePost.h"
+#include "CutGrid.h"
+#include "List.h"
+#include "Context.h"
+#include "Views.h"
+#include "Message.h"
+extern Context_T CTX;
+StringXNumber CutGridOptions_Number[] = {
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "X0", NULL, -1.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Y0", NULL, -1.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Z0", NULL, 0.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "X1", NULL, -1.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Y1", NULL, 0.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Z1", NULL, 0.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "X2", NULL, 0.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Y2", NULL, -1.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Z2", NULL, 0.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "nPoints", NULL, 20},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "iView", NULL, -1.}
+extern "C"
+  GMSH_Plugin *GMSH_RegisterCutGridPlugin()
+  {
+    return new GMSH_CutGridPlugin();
+  }
+  ;
+void GMSH_CutGridPlugin::getName(char *name) const
+  strcpy(name, "Cut grid");
+void GMSH_CutGridPlugin::getInfos(char *author, char *copyright,
+                                   char *help_text) const
+  strcpy(author, "J.-F. Remacle (");
+  strcpy(copyright, "DGR (");
+  strcpy(help_text,
+         "Cuts a 3D view with a rectangular {X0,Y0,Z0}-{X1,Y1,Z1} grid\n"
+         "using nbPoints x nbPoints\n" "Script name: Plugin(CutGrid).");
+int GMSH_CutGridPlugin::getNbOptions() const
+  return sizeof(CutGridOptions_Number) / sizeof(StringXNumber);
+StringXNumber *GMSH_CutGridPlugin::getOption(int iopt)
+  return &CutGridOptions_Number[iopt];
+void GMSH_CutGridPlugin::catchErrorMessage(char *errorMessage) const
+  strcpy(errorMessage, "CutGrid failed...");
+int GMSH_CutGridPlugin::getNbU()const 
+  return   (int)CutGridOptions_Number[9].def;
+int GMSH_CutGridPlugin::getNbV()const 
+  return   (int)CutGridOptions_Number[9].def;
+void GMSH_CutGridPlugin::getPoint(int iU, int iV, double *X )const 
+  double u = (double)iU / (double)(getNbU () - 1.);
+  double v = (double)iV / (double)(getNbV () - 1.);
+  X[0] = CutGridOptions_Number[0].def + 
+    u  * (CutGridOptions_Number[3].def-CutGridOptions_Number[0].def) +
+    v  * (CutGridOptions_Number[6].def-CutGridOptions_Number[0].def) ;
+  X[1] = CutGridOptions_Number[1].def + 
+    u  * (CutGridOptions_Number[4].def-CutGridOptions_Number[1].def) +
+    v  * (CutGridOptions_Number[7].def-CutGridOptions_Number[1].def) ;
+  X[2] = CutGridOptions_Number[2].def + 
+    u  * (CutGridOptions_Number[5].def-CutGridOptions_Number[2].def) +
+    v  * (CutGridOptions_Number[8].def-CutGridOptions_Number[2].def) ;
+Post_View * GMSH_CutGridPlugin::GenerateView (Post_View * v) const 
+  Post_View * View = BeginView (1);
+  double X1[3],X2[3],X3[3],X4[3];
+  double *VALUES1 = new double [9*v->NbTimeStep];
+  double *VALUES2 = new double [9*v->NbTimeStep];
+  double *VALUES3 = new double [9*v->NbTimeStep];
+  double *VALUES4 = new double [9*v->NbTimeStep];
+  OctreePost o ( v );
+  for (int i=0 ; i < getNbU ()-1 ; ++i )
+    {
+      for (int j=0 ; j < getNbV ()-1;++j )
+	{
+	  getPoint ( i  ,j  ,X1  );
+	  getPoint ( i+1,j  ,X2  );
+	  getPoint ( i+1,j+1,X3  );
+	  getPoint ( i  ,j+1,X4  );
+	  if ( v->NbSS || v->NbSH)
+	    {
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X1[0]);
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X2[0]);
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X3[0]);
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X4[0]);
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X1[1]);
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X2[1]);
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X3[1]);
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X4[1]);
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X1[2]);
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X2[2]);
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X3[2]);
+	      List_Add(View->SQ, &X4[2]);
+	      View->NbSQ ++;
+	      o.searchScalar ( X1[0],X1[1],X1[2] , VALUES1 );
+	      o.searchScalar ( X2[0],X2[1],X2[2] , VALUES2 );
+	      o.searchScalar ( X3[0],X3[1],X3[2] , VALUES3 );
+	      o.searchScalar ( X4[0],X4[1],X4[2] , VALUES4 );
+	      for (int k=0;k<v->NbTimeStep;++k)
+		{
+		  List_Add(View->SQ, &VALUES1[k]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->SQ, &VALUES2[k]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->SQ, &VALUES3[k]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->SQ, &VALUES4[k]);	      
+		}
+	    }
+	  if ( v->NbVS || v->NbVH)
+	    {
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X1[0]);
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X2[0]);
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X3[0]);
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X4[0]);
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X1[1]);
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X2[1]);
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X3[1]);
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X4[1]);
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X1[2]);
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X2[2]);
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X3[2]);
+	      List_Add(View->VQ, &X4[2]);
+	      View->NbVQ ++;
+	      double sizeElem;
+	      o.searchVector ( X1[0],X1[1],X1[2] , &sizeElem,VALUES1 );
+	      o.searchVector ( X2[0],X2[1],X2[2] , &sizeElem,VALUES2 );
+	      o.searchVector ( X3[0],X3[1],X3[2] , &sizeElem,VALUES3 );
+	      o.searchVector ( X4[0],X4[1],X4[2] , &sizeElem,VALUES4 );
+	      for (int k=0;k<v->NbTimeStep;++k)
+		{
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES1[3*i]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES1[3*i+1]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES1[3*i+2]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES2[3*i]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES2[3*i+1]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES2[3*i+2]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES3[3*i]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES3[3*i+1]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES3[3*i+2]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES4[3*i]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES4[3*i+1]);	      
+		  List_Add(View->VQ, &VALUES4[3*i+2]);	      
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+  char name[1024], filename[1024];
+  sprintf(name, "cut-%s", v->Name);
+  sprintf(filename, "cut-%s", v->FileName);
+  EndView(View, v->NbTimeStep, filename, name);
+  delete [] VALUES1;
+  delete [] VALUES2;
+  delete [] VALUES3;
+  delete [] VALUES4;
+Post_View *GMSH_CutGridPlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
+  Post_View *vv;
+  int iView = (int)CutGridOptions_Number[10].def;
+  if(v && iView < 0)
+    vv = v;
+  else {
+    if(!v && iView < 0)
+      iView = 0;
+    if(!(vv = (Post_View *) List_Pointer_Test(, iView))) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+ Post_View * newView = GenerateView (vv);
+ return newView;
+void GMSH_CutGridPlugin::Run()
+  execute(0);
+void GMSH_CutGridPlugin::Save()
diff --git a/Plugin/CutGrid.h b/Plugin/CutGrid.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1940c5584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/CutGrid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#ifndef _CUTGRID_H_
+#define _CUTGRID_H
+// Copyright (C) 1997-2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+// USA.
+// Please report all bugs and problems to "".
+#include "Plugin.h"
+extern "C"
+  GMSH_Plugin *GMSH_RegisterCutGridPlugin ();
+class GMSH_CutGridPlugin : public GMSH_Post_Plugin
+  GMSH_CutGridPlugin();
+  void getName  (char *name) const;
+  void getInfos (char *author, 
+  		 char *copyright,
+  		 char *help_text) const;
+  void catchErrorMessage (char *errorMessage) const;
+  int getNbOptions() const;
+  StringXNumber *getOption (int iopt);  
+  Post_View *execute (Post_View *);
+  virtual void Run();
+  virtual void Save();
+  virtual int getNbU () const ;
+  virtual int getNbV () const ;
+  virtual void getPoint(int iU, int iV, double *X ) const  ;
+  virtual Post_View * GenerateView (Post_View * v) const ;
diff --git a/Plugin/Makefile b/Plugin/Makefile
index 2effb48212..3bfd961609 100644
--- a/Plugin/Makefile
+++ b/Plugin/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.44 2004-04-18 03:36:07 geuzaine Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.45 2004-04-22 09:35:01 remacle Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 1997-2004 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ SRC = Plugin.cpp\
           CutPlane.cpp CutSphere.cpp CutMap.cpp\
+	CutGrid.cpp OctreeSrc.cpp o_internals.cpp OctreePost.cpp StreamLines.cpp\
@@ -85,6 +86,14 @@ CutMap.o: CutMap.cpp CutMap.h Levelset.h Plugin.h ../Common/Options.h \
 Smooth.o: Smooth.cpp Plugin.h ../Common/Options.h ../Common/Message.h \
   ../Common/Views.h ../Common/ColorTable.h ../DataStr/List.h Smooth.h \
+CutGrid.o: CutGrid.cpp OctreePost.h Octree.h o_internals.h CutGrid.h \
+  Plugin.h ../Common/Options.h ../Common/Message.h ../Common/Views.h \
+  ../Common/ColorTable.h ../DataStr/List.h ../Common/Context.h
+OctreeSrc.o: OctreeSrc.cpp o_internals.h Octree.h
+o_internals.o: o_internals.cpp o_internals.h
+OctreePost.o: OctreePost.cpp Octree.h o_internals.h OctreePost.h \
+  ../DataStr/List.h ../Common/Views.h ../Common/ColorTable.h \
+  ../Numeric/Numeric.h
 Transform.o: Transform.cpp Plugin.h ../Common/Options.h \
   ../Common/Message.h ../Common/Views.h ../Common/ColorTable.h \
   ../DataStr/List.h Transform.h ../Common/Context.h
diff --git a/Plugin/Octree.h b/Plugin/Octree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..848f0942e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/Octree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#ifndef _OCTREEH_
+#define _OCTREEH_
+#include <list>
+#include "o_internals.h"
+using std::list;
+/*class Octree; */
+Octree* Octree_Create (int, /* max. number of elements allowed in an octant */
+		       double *origin,   /* smallest x,y, z of model's bounding box */ 
+		       double *size,    /* size in x, y, z of model bounding box */
+		       void  (*BB)(void *, double*, double*),
+		       void  (*Centroid)(void *, double *),
+		       int   (*InEle)(void *, double *));
+void  Octree_Delete  (Octree *);  
+void  Octree_Insert  (void *, Octree *);
+void  Octree_Arrange(Octree *);
+void * Octree_Search  (double *, Octree *);
+void  Octree_SearchAll (double *, Octree *, list<void *> * );
diff --git a/Plugin/OctreePost.cpp b/Plugin/OctreePost.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5090ef6f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/OctreePost.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+#include "Octree.h"
+#include "OctreePost.h"
+#include "List.h"
+#include "Views.h"
+#include "Numeric.h"
+#include "Message.h"
+static double computeBarycentricTriangle ( double *X , double *Y, double *Z, double *P, double *U )      
+  double mat[2][2],b[2];
+  U[2] = 0.0;
+  mat[0][0] = X[1]-X[0];
+  mat[0][1] = X[2]-X[0];
+  mat[1][0] = Y[1]-Y[0];
+  mat[1][1] = Y[2]-Y[0];
+  b[0] = P[0] -X[0];
+  b[1] = P[1] -Y[0];
+  //  Msg(WARNING, "louloutte %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",P[0],P[1],X[0],Y[0]);
+  sys2x2 ( mat,b,U);
+  return 0.5 * ( mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[1][0] *mat[0][1]);
+static void computeBarycentricSimplex ( double *X , double *Y, double *Z, double *P, double *U )      
+  double mat[3][3],b[3];
+  mat[0][0] = X[1]-X[0];
+  mat[0][1] = X[2]-X[0];
+  mat[0][2] = X[3]-X[0];
+  mat[1][0] = Y[1]-Y[0];
+  mat[1][1] = Y[2]-Y[0];
+  mat[1][2] = Y[3]-Y[0];
+  mat[2][0] = Z[1]-Z[0];
+  mat[2][1] = Z[2]-Z[0];
+  mat[2][2] = Z[3]-Z[0];
+  b[0] = P[0] -X[0];
+  b[1] = P[1] -Y[0];
+  b[2] = P[2] -Z[0];
+  double det;
+  sys3x3 ( mat,b,U,&det);
+static void minmax ( int n , 
+		     double *X , 
+		     double *Y , 
+		     double *Z ,
+		     double *min,
+		     double *max)
+  min[0] = X[0];
+  min[1] = Y[0];
+  min[2] = Z[0];
+  max[0] = X[0];
+  max[1] = Y[0];
+  max[2] = Z[0];
+  for (int i=1;i<n;++i)
+    {
+      min[0] = (X[i] < min[0]) ? X[i]:min[0];
+      min[1] = (Y[i] < min[1]) ? Y[i]:min[1];
+      min[2] = (Z[i] < min[2]) ? Z[i]:min[2];
+      max[0] = (X[i] > max[0]) ? X[i]:max[0];
+      max[1] = (Y[i] > max[1]) ? Y[i]:max[1];
+      max[2] = (Z[i] > max[2]) ? Z[i]:max[2];
+    }
+static void centroid ( int n , 
+		     double *X , 
+		     double *Y , 
+		     double *Z ,
+		     double *c)
+  const double oc = 1./(double)n;
+  c[0] = X[0];
+  c[1] = Y[0];
+  c[2] = Z[0];
+  for (int i=1;i<n;++i)
+    {
+      c[0] += X[i];
+      c[1] += Y[i];
+      c[2] += Z[i];
+    }
+  c[0] *= oc;
+  c[1] *= oc;
+  c[2] *= oc;
+void PostTriangleBB ( void *a , double *min, double *max)
+  double *X = (double*) a;
+  double *Y = &X[3];
+  double *Z = &X[6];
+  minmax(3,X,Y,Z,min,max);
+  min[2] = -1;
+  max[2] =  1;
+int PostTriangleInEle ( void *a , double *x)
+  const double eps = 1.e-3;
+  double U[3];
+  double *X = (double*) a;
+  double *Y = &X[3];
+  double *Z = &X[6];
+  computeBarycentricTriangle ( X,Y,Z,x,U);
+  double W = 1.-U[0]-U[1];
+  if (U[0] < -eps || U[0] > 1+eps || 
+      U[1] < -eps || U[1] > 1+eps ||
+      W    < -eps || W    > 1+eps ) return 0;
+  return 1;
+void PostTriangleCentroid ( void *a , double *x)
+  double *X = (double*) a;
+  double *Y = &X[3];
+  double *Z = &X[6];
+  centroid ( 3, X,Y,Z,x);
+void PostSimplexBB ( void *a , double *min, double *max)
+  double *X = (double*) a;
+  double *Y = &X[4];
+  double *Z = &X[8];
+  minmax(4,X,Y,Z,min,max);
+int PostSimplexInEle ( void *a , double *x)
+  const double eps = 1.e-5;
+  double U[3];
+  double *X = (double*) a;
+  double *Y = &X[4];
+  double *Z = &X[8];
+  computeBarycentricSimplex ( X,Y,Z,x,U);
+  double W = 1.-U[0]-U[1]-U[2];
+  if (U[0] < -eps || U[0] > 1+eps || 
+      U[1] < -eps || U[1] > 1+eps ||
+      U[2] < -eps || U[2] > 1+eps ||
+      W    < -eps || W    > 1+eps ) return 0;
+  return 1;
+void PostSimplexCentroid ( void *a , double *x)
+  double *X = (double*) a;
+  double *Y = &X[4];
+  double *Z = &X[8];
+  centroid ( 4, X,Y,Z,x);
+static void addListOfStuff ( Octree *o, 
+			     List_T *l , 
+			     int nbelm )
+  if (!l)return;
+  for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(l); i += nbelm) 
+    {
+      double * X = (double *)List_Pointer_Fast(l, i);
+      //      Msg(WARNING, "Add in view : %lf %lf %lf %d %d %d", X[0],X[1],X[2],i,List_Nbr(l),nbelm);
+      Octree_Insert ( X , o );
+    }
+OctreePost::~OctreePost () 
+  Octree_Delete ( ST );
+  Octree_Delete ( VT );
+  Octree_Delete ( TT );
+  Octree_Delete ( SS );
+  Octree_Delete ( VS );
+OctreePost::OctreePost ( Post_View *v ) 
+  : theView (v)
+  double min [3] = {v->BBox[0],v->BBox[2],v->BBox[4]};
+  double size[3] = {v->BBox[1]-v->BBox[0],
+		    v->BBox[3]-v->BBox[2],
+		    v->BBox[5]-v->BBox[4]};		    
+  ST = Octree_Create ( 2 , min, size, 
+		       PostTriangleBB,
+		       PostTriangleCentroid,
+		       PostTriangleInEle);
+  addListOfStuff ( ST , v->ST , 9 + 3* v->NbTimeStep);
+  VT = Octree_Create ( 1000 , min, size, 
+		       PostTriangleBB,
+		       PostTriangleCentroid,
+		       PostTriangleInEle);
+  addListOfStuff ( VT , v->VT , 9 + 9 * v->NbTimeStep);
+  TT = Octree_Create ( 2 , min, size, 
+		       PostTriangleBB,
+		       PostTriangleCentroid,
+		       PostTriangleInEle);
+  addListOfStuff ( TT , v->TT , 9 + 27 * v->NbTimeStep);
+  SS = Octree_Create ( 1000 , min, size, 
+		       PostSimplexBB,
+		       PostSimplexCentroid,
+		       PostSimplexInEle);
+  addListOfStuff ( SS , v->SS , 12 + 4 * v->NbTimeStep);
+  VS = Octree_Create ( 1000 , min, size, 
+		       PostSimplexBB,
+		       PostSimplexCentroid,
+		       PostSimplexInEle);
+  addListOfStuff ( VS , v->VS , 12 + 12 * v->NbTimeStep );
+  Octree_Arrange (ST);
+  Octree_Arrange (VT);
+  Octree_Arrange (TT);
+  Octree_Arrange (SS);
+  Octree_Arrange (VS);
+bool OctreePost::searchVector ( double x , 
+				double y , 
+				double z,
+				double * values , 
+				double * size_elem,
+				int timestep)
+  double P[3] = {x,y,z};
+  for (int i=0;i<3*theView->NbTimeStep;++i)
+    values[i] = 0.0; 
+  void * inVT = Octree_Search ( P , VT );
+  //  values[0] = -0.5*y;
+  //  values[1] = 0.5*x;
+  //  values[2] = 1;
+  //  return true;
+  if (inVT)
+    {
+      double U[3];
+      double *X = (double*) inVT;
+      double *Y = &X[3];
+      double *Z = &X[6];
+      double *V = &X[9];
+      *size_elem = fabs(computeBarycentricTriangle ( X ,Y, Z, P, U ));      
+      // bof
+      *size_elem = sqrt (*size_elem);
+      if (timestep < 0)
+	{
+	  for (int i=0;i<theView->NbTimeStep;++i)
+	    {
+	      values[3*i] = 
+		V[9*i  ]   * U[0] + 
+		V[9*i+3]   * U[1] + 
+		V[9*i+6]   * (1-U[0]-U[1]); 
+	      values[3*i+1] = 
+		V[9*i+1]   * U[0] + 
+		V[9*i+4]   * U[1] + 
+		V[9*i+7]   * (1-U[0]-U[1]); 
+	      values[3*i+2] = 
+		V[9*i+2]   * U[0] + 
+		V[9*i+5]   * U[1] + 
+		V[9*i+8]   * (1-U[0]-U[1]); 
+	    }
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  values[0] = 
+	    V[9*timestep  ] * U[0] + 
+	    V[9*timestep+3] * U[1] + 
+	    V[9*timestep+6] * (1-U[0]-U[1]); 
+	  values[1] = 
+	    V[9*timestep+1] * U[0] + 
+	    V[9*timestep+4] * U[1] + 
+	    V[9*timestep+7] * (1-U[0]-U[1]); 
+	  values[2] = 
+	    V[9*timestep+2] * U[0] + 
+	    V[9*timestep+5] * U[1] + 
+	    V[9*timestep+8] * (1-U[0]-U[1]); 
+	  /*	  Msg(WARNING, "found %lf %lf %lf %lf  %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",
+	      values[0],values[1],values[2],
+	      U[0],U[1],
+	      X[0],X[1],X[2],
+	      Y[0],Y[1],Y[2],
+	      Z[0],Z[1],Z[2]);*/
+	}
+      return true;
+    } 
+  void * inVS = Octree_Search ( P , VS );
+  if (inVS)
+    {
+      double U[3];
+      double *X = (double*) inVS;
+      double *Y = &X[4];
+      double *Z = &X[8];
+      double *V = &X[12];
+      computeBarycentricSimplex ( X ,Y, Z, P, U );      
+      // bof
+      *size_elem = .1;
+      if (timestep < 0)
+	{
+	  for (int i=0;i<theView->NbTimeStep;++i)
+	    {
+	      values[3*i] = 
+		V[12*i  ]   * U[0] + 
+		V[12*i+3]   * U[1] + 
+		V[12*i+6]   * U[2] + 
+		V[12*i+9]   * (1-U[0]-U[1]-U[2]); 
+	      values[3*i+1] = 
+		V[12*i+1]   * U[0] + 
+		V[12*i+4]   * U[1] + 
+		V[12*i+9]   * U[2] + 
+		V[12*i+10]   * (1-U[0]-U[1]-U[2]); 
+	      values[3*i+2] = 
+		V[12*i+2]   * U[0] + 
+		V[12*i+5]   * U[1] + 
+		V[12*i+7]   * U[2] + 
+		V[12*i+11]   * (1-U[0]-U[1]-U[2]); 
+	    }
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  values[0] = 
+	    V[12*timestep  ]   * U[0] + 
+	    V[12*timestep+3]   * U[1] + 
+	    V[12*timestep+6]   * U[2] + 
+	    V[12*timestep+9]   * (1-U[0]-U[1]-U[2]); 
+	  values[1] = 
+	    V[12*timestep+1]   * U[0] + 
+	    V[12*timestep+4]   * U[1] + 
+	    V[12*timestep+7]   * U[2] + 
+	    V[12*timestep+10]   * (1-U[0]-U[1]-U[2]); 
+	  values[2] = 
+	    V[12*timestep+2]   * U[0] + 
+	    V[12*timestep+5]   * U[1] + 
+	    V[12*timestep+8]   * U[2] + 
+	    V[12*timestep+11]   * (1-U[0]-U[1]-U[2]); 
+	}
+      return true;
+    } 
+  return false;
+bool OctreePost::searchScalar ( double x , 
+				double y , 
+				double z,
+				double * values , 
+				int timestep)
+  double P[3] = {x,y,z};
+  void * inST = Octree_Search ( P , ST );
+  for (int i=0;i<theView->NbTimeStep;++i)
+    values[i] = 0.0; 
+  if (inST)
+    {
+      double U[3];
+      double *X = (double*) inST;
+      double *Y = &X[3];
+      double *Z = &X[6];
+      double *V = &X[9];
+      computeBarycentricTriangle ( X ,Y, Z, P, U );      
+      if (timestep < 0)
+	{
+	  for (int i=0;i<theView->NbTimeStep;++i)
+	    {
+	      values[i] = V[3*i] * U[0] + 
+		V[3*i+1] * U[1] + 
+		V[3*i+2] * (1-U[0]-U[1]); 
+	    }
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  values[0] = V[3*timestep] * U[0] + 
+	    V[3*timestep+1] * U[1] + 
+	    V[3*timestep+2] * (1-U[0]-U[1]); 
+	}
+      return true;
+    } 
+  void * inSS = Octree_Search ( P , SS );
+  if (inSS)
+    {
+      double U[3];
+      double *X = (double*) inSS;
+      double *Y = &X[4];
+      double *Z = &X[8];
+      double *V = &X[12];
+      computeBarycentricSimplex ( X ,Y, Z, P, U );      
+      if (timestep < 0)
+	{
+	  for (int i=0;i<theView->NbTimeStep;++i)
+	    {
+	      values[i] = 
+		V[3*i  ] * U[0] + 
+		V[3*i+1] * U[1] + 
+		V[3*i+2] * U[2] + 
+		V[3*i+3] * (1.-U[0]-U[1]-U[2]); 
+	    }
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  values[0] = 
+	    V[3*timestep]   * U[0] + 
+	    V[3*timestep+1] * U[1] + 
+	    V[3*timestep+2] * U[2] + 
+	    V[3*timestep+3] * (1-U[0]-U[1]-U[2]); 
+	}
+      return true;
+    } 
+  return false;
diff --git a/Plugin/OctreePost.h b/Plugin/OctreePost.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7bee8833d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/OctreePost.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#ifndef _OCTREE_POST_H_
+#define _OCTREE_POST_H_
+// Copyright (C) 1997-2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+// USA.
+// Please report all bugs and problems to "".
+#include "Octree.h"
+class  Post_View;
+class OctreePost 
+  Octree    *ST,*VT,*TT;
+  Octree    *SS,*VS,*TS;
+  Post_View *theView;
+public :
+  OctreePost ( Post_View * );
+  ~OctreePost ();
+  /// search for the value of the View at point
+  /// x, y, z. Values is interpolated linearly in
+  /// the post element. If several time steps
+  /// are present, they are all interpolated unless
+  /// time step is set to a different value than -1.
+  bool searchScalar ( double x , 
+		      double y , 
+		      double z, 
+		      double * values , 
+		      int timestep = -1);		
+  bool searchVector ( double x , 
+		      double y , 
+		      double z, 
+		      double * values , 
+		      double * size_elem , 
+		      int timestep = -1);		
diff --git a/Plugin/OctreeSrc.cpp b/Plugin/OctreeSrc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e59ab3c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/OctreeSrc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <list>
+#include "o_internals.h"
+#include "Octree.h"
+using std::list;
+void free_buckets(octantBucket *);
+Octree* Octree_Create (int maxElements, double origin[3], double size[3],   
+                       void  (*BB)(void *, double*, double*),
+                       void  (*Centroid)(void *, double *),
+                       int   (*InEle)(void *, double *))
+  Octree *myOctree = new Octree;
+  initializeOctantBuckets (origin, size, maxElements,
+                           &(myOctree->root), &(myOctree->info));  	
+  myOctree->function_BB = BB;
+  myOctree->function_centroid = Centroid;
+  myOctree->function_inElement = InEle;
+  return myOctree;
+void Octree_Delete(Octree *myOctree)
+  delete myOctree->info;
+  free_buckets(myOctree->root);
+  delete myOctree->root;
+  return;
+void Octree_Insert(void * element, Octree *myOctree)
+  double minBB[3], maxBB[3], centroid[3];
+  octantBucket *bucket;
+  (*(myOctree->function_BB))(element, minBB, maxBB);
+  (*(myOctree->function_centroid))(element, centroid);
+// for test 
+/* printf("The centroid of the insert element is %f, %f, %f\n",centroid[0], centroid[1], centroid[2]); */
+//end of test
+  bucket = findElementBucket(myOctree->root, centroid);
+  addElement2Bucket (bucket, element, minBB, maxBB,
+                            centroid,myOctree->info);	
+   // printf("Ready to return from Octree_Insert\n");
+  return;
+void Octree_Arrange(Octree *myOctree)
+  std::list<void *>::iterator iter;
+  double minPt[3], maxPt[3];
+  for(iter = myOctree->info->listAllElements.begin(); iter!= 
+      myOctree->info->listAllElements.end(); iter++) {
+    (*(myOctree->function_BB))(*iter, minPt, maxPt);
+    insertOneBB(*iter, minPt, maxPt, myOctree->root);
+  }
+  myOctree->info->listAllElements.clear();
+  return;
+void * Octree_Search(double *pt, Octree *myOctree)
+  return searchElement(myOctree->root, pt, myOctree->info, 
+		       myOctree->function_BB, myOctree->function_inElement);
+void free_buckets(octantBucket * bucket)
+  int i, numBuck = 8;
+  ELink ptr1, ptr2;
+  if(bucket->next == NULL) {
+    ptr1 = bucket->lhead;
+    while(ptr1 != NULL) {
+      ptr2 = ptr1;
+      ptr1 = ptr1->next;
+      delete ptr2;
+    }
+    bucket->listBB.clear(); 
+    return;
+  }
+  for(i = numBuck-1; i >= 0; i--) 
+    free_buckets((bucket->next)+i);	    
+  delete []bucket->next;
+  return;
+void  Octree_SearchAll (double * pt, Octree * myOctree, list<void *> * output)
+  searchAllElements(myOctree->root, pt, myOctree->info, myOctree->function_BB,
+                    myOctree->function_inElement, output);	
diff --git a/Plugin/Plugin.cpp b/Plugin/Plugin.cpp
index ee27ac580b..2431e2f578 100644
--- a/Plugin/Plugin.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/Plugin.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: Plugin.cpp,v 1.49 2004-03-13 21:00:19 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: Plugin.cpp,v 1.50 2004-04-22 09:35:01 remacle Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2004 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
 #include "Plugin.h"
 #include "PluginManager.h"
 #include "CutMap.h"
+#include "CutGrid.h"
+#include "StreamLines.h"
 #include "CutPlane.h"
 #include "CutSphere.h"
 #include "Skin.h"
@@ -130,6 +132,10 @@ GMSH_PluginManager *GMSH_PluginManager::instance()
 void GMSH_PluginManager::registerDefaultPlugins()
+  allPlugins.insert(std::pair < char *, GMSH_Plugin * >
+		    ("StreamLines", GMSH_RegisterStreamLinesPlugin()));
+  allPlugins.insert(std::pair < char *, GMSH_Plugin * >
+		    ("CutGrid", GMSH_RegisterCutGridPlugin()));
   allPlugins.insert(std::pair < char *, GMSH_Plugin * >
 		    ("CutMap", GMSH_RegisterCutMapPlugin()));
   allPlugins.insert(std::pair < char *, GMSH_Plugin * >
diff --git a/Plugin/StreamLines.cpp b/Plugin/StreamLines.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae7460fc95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/StreamLines.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+// $Id: StreamLines.cpp,v 1.1 2004-04-22 09:35:01 remacle Exp $
+// Copyright (C) 1997-2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+// USA.
+// Please report all bugs and problems to "".
+#include <math.h>
+#include "OctreePost.h"
+#include "StreamLines.h"
+#include "List.h"
+#include "Context.h"
+#include "Views.h"
+#include "Message.h"
+extern Context_T CTX;
+StringXNumber StreamLinesOptions_Number[] = {
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "X0", NULL, 2.39},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Y0", NULL, .445},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Z0", NULL, 0.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "X1", NULL, 2.39},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Y1", NULL, 0.94},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Z1", NULL, 0.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "X2", NULL, 2.39},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Y2", NULL, .445},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "Z2", NULL, 1.},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "nPointsU", NULL, 20},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "nPointsV", NULL, 1},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "MaxIter", NULL, 100},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "DT", NULL, .1},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "iView", NULL, -1.}
+extern "C"
+  GMSH_Plugin *GMSH_RegisterStreamLinesPlugin()
+  {
+    return new GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin();
+  }
+  ;
+void GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::getName(char *name) const
+  strcpy(name, "Stream Lines");
+void GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::getInfos(char *author, char *copyright,
+                                   char *help_text) const
+  strcpy(author, "J.-F. Remacle (");
+  strcpy(copyright, "DGR (");
+  strcpy(help_text,
+         "Compute stream lines from a vector view. As input, give\n"
+         "a rectangular {X0,Y0,Z0}-{X1,Y1,Z1} grid\n"
+         "using nbPoints x nbPoints and propagate those points\n" 
+         "Script name: Plugin(StreamLines).");
+int GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::getNbOptions() const
+  return sizeof(StreamLinesOptions_Number) / sizeof(StringXNumber);
+StringXNumber *GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::getOption(int iopt)
+  return &StreamLinesOptions_Number[iopt];
+void GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::catchErrorMessage(char *errorMessage) const
+  strcpy(errorMessage, "StreamLines failed...");
+int GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::getNbU()const 
+  return   (int)StreamLinesOptions_Number[9].def;
+int GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::getNbV()const 
+  return   (int)StreamLinesOptions_Number[10].def;
+void GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::getPoint(int iU, int iV, double *X )const 
+  double u = (double)iU / (double)(getNbU ());
+  double v = (double)iV / (double)(getNbV ());
+  X[0] = StreamLinesOptions_Number[0].def + 
+    u  * (StreamLinesOptions_Number[3].def-StreamLinesOptions_Number[0].def) +
+    v  * (StreamLinesOptions_Number[6].def-StreamLinesOptions_Number[0].def) ;
+  X[1] = StreamLinesOptions_Number[1].def + 
+    u  * (StreamLinesOptions_Number[4].def-StreamLinesOptions_Number[1].def) +
+    v  * (StreamLinesOptions_Number[7].def-StreamLinesOptions_Number[1].def) ;
+  X[2] = StreamLinesOptions_Number[2].def + 
+    u  * (StreamLinesOptions_Number[5].def-StreamLinesOptions_Number[2].def) +
+    v  * (StreamLinesOptions_Number[8].def-StreamLinesOptions_Number[2].def) ;
+Post_View * GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::GenerateView (Post_View * v) const 
+  Post_View * View = BeginView (1);
+  View->NbTimeStep = (int) StreamLinesOptions_Number[11].def;
+  double XINIT[3];
+  double X[3],DX[3];
+  double X1[3];
+  double X2[3];
+  double X3[3];
+  double X4[3];
+  double VALUES [24];
+  const double b1=1./3.,b2=2./3.,b3=1./3.,b4=1./6.,a1=0.5,a2=0.5,a3=1.0,a4=1.0;
+  OctreePost o ( v );
+  const double DT  = StreamLinesOptions_Number[12].def;
+  for (int i=0 ; i < getNbU () ; ++i )
+    {
+      for (int j=0 ; j < getNbV ();++j )
+	{
+	  getPoint ( i  ,j , XINIT  );
+	  getPoint ( i  ,j , X  );
+	  int ITER = 0;
+	  View->NbVP++;
+	  List_Add(View->VP, &X[0]);
+	  List_Add(View->VP, &X[1]);
+	  List_Add(View->VP, &X[2]);	      
+	  while ( ITER++ < (int) StreamLinesOptions_Number[11].def )
+	    {
+	      /// dX/dt = V
+	      /// X1 = X + a1 * DT * V ( X  )
+	      /// X2 = X + a2 * DT * V ( X1 )
+	      /// X3 = X + a3 * DT * V ( X2 )
+	      /// X4 = X + a4 * DT * V ( X3 )
+	      /// X = X + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + b3 X3 + b4 x4
+	      double sizeElem = 0.033;
+	      o.searchVector ( X[0],X[1],X[2] , VALUES , &sizeElem, 0 );	      
+	      //	      sizeElem = 0.1;
+	      double normV = sqrt (VALUES[0]*VALUES[0]+
+				   VALUES[1]*VALUES[1]+
+				   VALUES[2]*VALUES[2]);	     
+	      //	      if (normV==0.0) normV = 1.0;
+	      //	      double DT = sizeElem / normV ; /// CFL = 1 ==> secure 
+	      for (int k=0;k<3;k++) X1[k] = X[k] + DT * VALUES[k] * a1;
+	      o.searchVector ( X1[0],X1[1],X1[2] , VALUES , &sizeElem,0 );
+	      for (int k=0;k<3;k++) X2[k] = X[k] + DT * VALUES[k] * a2;
+	      o.searchVector ( X2[0],X2[1],X2[2] , VALUES , &sizeElem,0 );
+	      for (int k=0;k<3;k++) X3[k] = X[k] + DT * VALUES[k] * a3;
+	      o.searchVector ( X3[0],X3[1],X3[2] , VALUES , &sizeElem,0);
+	      for (int k=0;k<3;k++) X4[k] = X[k] + DT * VALUES[k] * a4;
+	      for (int k=0;k<3;k++) X[k] += (b1*(X1[k]-X[k]) + b2*(X2[k]-X[k]) + b3*(X3[k]-X[k]) + b4*(X4[k]-X[k])) ;
+	      for (int k=0;k<3;k++) DX[k] = X[k] - XINIT[k];
+	      List_Add(View->VP, &DX[0]);
+	      List_Add(View->VP, &DX[1]);
+	      List_Add(View->VP, &DX[2]);	      
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+  char name[1024], filename[1024];
+  sprintf(name, "streamlines-%s", v->Name);
+  sprintf(filename, "streamlines-%s", v->FileName);
+  EndView(View, 1 , filename, name);
+Post_View *GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
+  Post_View *vv;
+  int iView = (int)StreamLinesOptions_Number[13].def;
+  if(v && iView < 0)
+    vv = v;
+  else {
+    if(!v && iView < 0)
+      iView = 0;
+    if(!(vv = (Post_View *) List_Pointer_Test(, iView))) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+ Post_View * newView = GenerateView (vv);
+ return newView;
+void GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::Run()
+  execute(0);
+void GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin::Save()
diff --git a/Plugin/StreamLines.h b/Plugin/StreamLines.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25bf134b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugin/StreamLines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#ifndef _STREAMLINES_H_
+// Copyright (C) 1997-2003 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+// USA.
+// Please report all bugs and problems to "".
+#include "Plugin.h"
+extern "C"
+  GMSH_Plugin *GMSH_RegisterStreamLinesPlugin ();
+class GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin : public GMSH_Post_Plugin
+  GMSH_StreamLinesPlugin();
+  void getName  (char *name) const;
+  void getInfos (char *author, 
+  		 char *copyright,
+  		 char *help_text) const;
+  void catchErrorMessage (char *errorMessage) const;
+  int getNbOptions() const;
+  StringXNumber *getOption (int iopt);  
+  Post_View *execute (Post_View *);
+  virtual void Run();
+  virtual void Save();
+  virtual int getNbU () const ;
+  virtual int getNbV () const ;
+  virtual void getPoint(int iU, int iV, double *X ) const  ;
+  virtual Post_View * GenerateView (Post_View * v) const ;
diff --git a/doc/texinfo/opt_plugin.texi b/doc/texinfo/opt_plugin.texi
index 2b05591064..31052d041b 100644
--- a/doc/texinfo/opt_plugin.texi
+++ b/doc/texinfo/opt_plugin.texi
@@ -215,6 +215,28 @@ Default value: 1
 Default value: -1
 @end table
+@item Plugin(Streamlines)
+Plugin(Streamlines) computes streamlines
+from a vector view 'iView' . It takes as input
+a grid of points defined by 3 points XYZ0 (origin)
+XYZ1 (axis of U) and XYZ2 (axis of V). The user
+can choose how many points are going to be 
+transported along U and V. Then, we solve 
+the equation DX(t)/dt = V (x,y,z) with X(0)
+chosen on the grid and V(x,y,z) interpolated on the
+vector view. The user has to choose the timestep as
+well as the maximum number of iterations. The time
+stepping scheme is a RK44.
+If `iView' < 0, the plugin is
+run on the current view. 
+Plugin(Streamlines) creates one new view. It is
+nice to choose the displacement mode to see vectors
+and to animate the view ;-)
 @item Plugin(Triangulate)
 Plugin(Triangulate) triangulates the points
 in the scalar view `iView', assuming that all