diff --git a/Geo/MElement.h b/Geo/MElement.h
index 1d086a18a1f9618c203c6171ca82448acb510bb2..328c3adf612e6d6ad558cfcaff327f680c72f209 100644
--- a/Geo/MElement.h
+++ b/Geo/MElement.h
@@ -347,7 +347,6 @@ class MElement
   // info for specific IO formats (returning 0 means that the element
   // is not implemented in that format)
   virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return 0; }
-  virtual int getLowOrderTypeForMSH() const { return 0; }
   virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 0; }
   virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 0; }
   virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return 0; }
diff --git a/Geo/MLine.h b/Geo/MLine.h
index 28e341d59938f35f9137a702eed25e8359a4f8b9..1cb90314eb26197eb84d8ad77358abf465098a8b 100644
--- a/Geo/MLine.h
+++ b/Geo/MLine.h
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ class MLine : public MElement {
   virtual void getFaceRep(int num, double *x, double *y, double *z, SVector3 *n){}
   virtual int getType() const { return TYPE_LIN; }
   virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_LIN_2; }
-  virtual int getLowOrderTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_LIN_2; }
   virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 21; } // linear beam
   virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 3; }
   virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SL"; }
diff --git a/Geo/MQuadrangle.h b/Geo/MQuadrangle.h
index 28cdb5d515a00db2538a58f02b39877c2ed3f277..14e3bf691e6e20196ff77ee97c4e513d0f4a0479 100644
--- a/Geo/MQuadrangle.h
+++ b/Geo/MQuadrangle.h
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ class MQuadrangle : public MElement {
   virtual int getType() const { return TYPE_QUA; }
   virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_QUA_4; }
-  virtual int getLowOrderTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_QUA_4; }
   virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 94; } // thin shell linear quadrilateral
   virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 9; }
   virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SQ"; }
diff --git a/Geo/MTetrahedron.h b/Geo/MTetrahedron.h
index f09ef8a8ee1c49ce76bbb663dde78c219ab0e96b..920a88bc2fcb1851e908e3a3417a3a3b9fc70a6f 100644
--- a/Geo/MTetrahedron.h
+++ b/Geo/MTetrahedron.h
@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ class MTetrahedron : public MElement {
   virtual int getType() const { return TYPE_TET; }
   virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_TET_4; }
-  virtual int getLowOrderTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_TET_4; }
   virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 111; } // solid linear tetrahedron
   virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 10; }
   virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "SS"; }
diff --git a/Geo/MTriangle.h b/Geo/MTriangle.h
index 345fe108368fe7b634beb7c00b3d06aab7e0ca83..eaab6370c4cd3b555b3e12b267759711c6cf3c35 100644
--- a/Geo/MTriangle.h
+++ b/Geo/MTriangle.h
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ class MTriangle : public MElement {
   virtual int getType() const { return TYPE_TRI; }
   virtual int getTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_TRI_3; }
-  virtual int getLowOrderTypeForMSH() const { return MSH_TRI_3; }
   virtual int getTypeForUNV() const { return 91; } // thin shell linear triangle
   virtual int getTypeForVTK() const { return 5; }
   virtual const char *getStringForPOS() const { return "ST"; }
diff --git a/Numeric/BasisFactory.cpp b/Numeric/BasisFactory.cpp
index 6f548388ee5bb6df3e41663f70a86fa56521342a..60f8ea8aa10ea9847393232f2d583a63621fdff2 100644
--- a/Numeric/BasisFactory.cpp
+++ b/Numeric/BasisFactory.cpp
@@ -46,17 +46,9 @@ const nodalBasis* BasisFactory::getNodalBasis(int tag)
   // FIXME: check if already exists to deallocate if necessary
-  std::pair<std::map<int, nodalBasis*>::const_iterator, bool> inserted;
+  fs.insert(std::make_pair(tag, F));
-  #pragma omp critical
-    {
-      inserted = fs.insert(std::make_pair(tag, F));
-      if (!inserted.second)
-        delete F;
-    }
-  return inserted.first->second;
+  return F;
 const JacobianBasis* BasisFactory::getJacobianBasis(int tag)
diff --git a/Numeric/fullMatrix.h b/Numeric/fullMatrix.h
index 8e1f8edb0dd3534347e8f41fd82631565ada6f0e..420e6e4df5e61da96123e3e298b55e5c89d7318c 100644
--- a/Numeric/fullMatrix.h
+++ b/Numeric/fullMatrix.h
@@ -745,25 +745,6 @@ class fullMatrix
-  void printMatlab(const std::string name = "A") const
-  {
-    int ni = size1();
-    int nj = size2();
-    printf("%s = [", name.c_str());
-    for(int I = 0; I < ni; I++){
-      for(int J = 0; J < nj; J++){
-        printf("%+e,", (*this)(I, J));
-      }
-      printf(";");
-    }
-    printf("]\n");
-  }
   // specific functions for dgshell
   void mult_naiveBlock(const fullMatrix<scalar> &b, const int ncol, const int fcol,
                        const int alpha, const int beta, fullVector<scalar> &c,