diff --git a/Mesh/meshGEdge.cpp b/Mesh/meshGEdge.cpp
index 93e07a95fffd930f306dbe026aac3e04ef112e7c..297ea37e93d76ce8d1430c2170148397ac25bc82 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGEdge.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGEdge.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: meshGEdge.cpp,v 1.40 2007-09-04 13:47:02 remacle Exp $
+// $Id: meshGEdge.cpp,v 1.41 2007-09-12 14:28:29 geuzaine Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2007 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -32,91 +32,82 @@ typedef struct{
   double t, lc, p;
 struct xi2lc
-  double xi,lc;
-  xi2lc (const double &_xi,const double _lc)
-    :xi(_xi),lc(_lc)
-  { }
-  bool operator < ( const xi2lc &other)
+  double xi, lc;
+  xi2lc(const double &_xi,const double _lc)
+    : xi(_xi), lc(_lc)
+  { 
+  }
+  bool operator < (const xi2lc &other)
     return xi < other.xi; 
-std::vector<xi2lc> interpLc;
+static std::vector<xi2lc> interpLc;
-void smoothInterpLc (bool periodic, int nbSmooth)
+void smoothInterpLc(bool periodic, int nbSmooth)
-  if (periodic)
-    {
-      for (int i=0 ; i<interpLc.size()*nbSmooth; i++)
-	{	  	  
-	  xi2lc &left  = interpLc[(i-1)%interpLc.size()];
-	  xi2lc &mid   = interpLc[i%interpLc.size()];
-	  xi2lc &right = interpLc[(i+1)%interpLc.size()];
-	  if (1./mid.lc > 1.1 * 1./left.lc)mid.lc = left.lc/1.1;
-	  if (1./mid.lc > 1.1 * 1./right.lc)mid.lc = right.lc/1.1;
-	}
-    } 
-  else
-    {
-      for (int j=0 ; j<nbSmooth; j++)
-	{
-	  for (int i=0 ; i<interpLc.size(); i++)
-	    {	  	  
-	      xi2lc &left  = (i==0)?interpLc[0]:interpLc[i-1];
-	      xi2lc &mid   = interpLc[i];
-	      xi2lc &right = (i==interpLc.size()-1)?interpLc[interpLc.size()-1]:interpLc[i+1];
-	      if (1./mid.lc > 1.1 * 1./left.lc)mid.lc = left.lc/1.1;
-	      if (1./mid.lc > 1.1 * 1./right.lc)mid.lc = right.lc/1.1;
-	    }
-	} 
+  if(periodic){
+    for(int i = 0; i < interpLc.size() * nbSmooth; i++){	  	  
+      xi2lc &left = interpLc[(i - 1) % interpLc.size()];
+      xi2lc &mid = interpLc[i % interpLc.size()];
+      xi2lc &right = interpLc[(i + 1) % interpLc.size()];
+      if(1. / mid.lc > 1.1 * 1. / left.lc) mid.lc = left.lc/ 1.1;
+      if(1. / mid.lc > 1.1 * 1. / right.lc) mid.lc = right.lc/ 1.1;
+  } 
+  else{
+    for(int j = 0; j < nbSmooth; j++){
+      for(int i = 0 ; i < interpLc.size(); i++){	  	  
+	xi2lc &left = (i == 0) ? interpLc[0] : interpLc[i - 1];
+	xi2lc &mid = interpLc[i];
+	xi2lc &right = (i == interpLc.size() - 1) ?
+	  interpLc[interpLc.size() - 1] : interpLc[i+1];
+	if(1. / mid.lc > 1.1 * 1. / left.lc) mid.lc = left.lc / 1.1;
+	if(1. / mid.lc > 1.1 * 1. / right.lc) mid.lc = right.lc / 1.1;
+      }
+    } 
+  }
-void printInterpLc (const char *name)
+void printInterpLc(const char *name)
-  FILE *f = fopen (name,"w");
-  for (int i=0 ; i<interpLc.size(); i++)
-    {	  	  
-      xi2lc &interp  = interpLc[i];
-      fprintf(f,"%12.5E %12.5E\n",interp.xi,1/interp.lc);
-    }
+  FILE *f = fopen(name,"w");
+  for(int i = 0; i < interpLc.size(); i++){	  	  
+    xi2lc &interp = interpLc[i];
+    fprintf(f,"%12.5E %12.5E\n", interp.xi, 1 / interp.lc);
+  }
-void buildInterpLc (List_T *lcPoints)
+void buildInterpLc(List_T *lcPoints)
   IntPoint p;
-  for (int i=0;i<List_Nbr(lcPoints);i++)
-    {
-      List_Read(lcPoints, i, &p);
-      interpLc.push_back(xi2lc ( p.t,p.lc));
-    }
-  //  printf("interpLc with %d points\n",interpLc.size());
+  for(int i = 0; i < List_Nbr(lcPoints); i++){
+    List_Read(lcPoints, i, &p);
+    interpLc.push_back(xi2lc( p.t, p.lc));
+  }
 double F_Lc_usingInterpLc(GEdge *ge, double t)
-  std::vector<xi2lc>::iterator it = std::lower_bound (interpLc.begin(),interpLc.end(),xi2lc(t,0));
+  std::vector<xi2lc>::iterator it = std::lower_bound(interpLc.begin(),
+						     interpLc.end(), xi2lc(t, 0));
   double t1 = it->xi;
   double l1 = it->lc;
   SVector3 der = ge->firstDer(t);
   const double d = norm(der);
-  if (it == interpLc.end())return d*l1;
+  if(it == interpLc.end()) return d * l1;
   double t2 = it->xi;
   double l2 = it->lc;
-  double l  = l1 + ((t-t1)/(t2-t1)) * (l2-l1);
-  return d*l;
+  double l = l1 + ((t - t1) / (t2 - t1)) * (l2 - l1);
+  return d * l;
 double F_Lc_usingInterpLcBis(GEdge *ge, double t)
   GPoint p = ge->point(t);
@@ -136,7 +127,6 @@ double F_Lc_usingInterpLcBis(GEdge *ge, double t)
   return 1 / lc_here;
 double F_Lc(GEdge *ge, double t)
   GPoint p = ge->point(t);
@@ -319,9 +309,6 @@ void meshGEdge::operator() (GEdge *ge)
   // first compute the length of the curve by integrating one
   double length = Integration(ge, t_begin, t_end, F_One, Points, 1.e-8);
-  //  printf("%d points for the length\n",List_Nbr(Points));
@@ -334,29 +321,26 @@ void meshGEdge::operator() (GEdge *ge)
     N = ge->meshAttributes.nbPointsTransfinite;
-    if (CTX.mesh.lc_integration_precision > 1.e-8)
-      {
-	Integration(ge, t_begin, t_end, F_Lc_usingInterpLcBis, lcPoints, CTX.mesh.lc_integration_precision);
-	buildInterpLc (lcPoints);
-	printInterpLc ("toto1.dat");
-	smoothInterpLc (ge->periodic(),20);
-	printInterpLc ("toto2.dat");
-	a = Integration(ge, t_begin, t_end, F_Lc_usingInterpLc, Points, 1.e-8);
-	//	printf("%d points for LC , %d points for the distribution interpLc %d\n",List_Nbr(lcPoints),List_Nbr(Points),interpLc.size());
-      }
-    else
-      {
-	a = Integration(ge, t_begin, t_end, F_Lc, Points, 1.e-8);
-      }
+    if(CTX.mesh.lc_integration_precision > 1.e-8){
+      Integration(ge, t_begin, t_end, F_Lc_usingInterpLcBis, lcPoints, 
+		  CTX.mesh.lc_integration_precision);
+      buildInterpLc(lcPoints);
+      printInterpLc("toto1.dat");
+      smoothInterpLc(ge->periodic(), 20);
+      printInterpLc("toto2.dat");
+      a = Integration(ge, t_begin, t_end, F_Lc_usingInterpLc, Points, 1.e-8);
+    }
+    else{
+      a = Integration(ge, t_begin, t_end, F_Lc, Points, 1.e-8);
+    }
     N = std::max(ge->minimumMeshSegments() + 1, (int)(a + 1.));
-  const double b = a / (double)(N - 1);
-  // if the curve is periodic and if the begin vertex is identical to the end vertex
-  // and if this vertex has only one model curve adjacent to it, then the vertex is
-  // not connecting any other curve. So, the mesh vertex and its associated  geom vertex
-  // are not necessary at the same location
+  // if the curve is periodic and if the begin vertex is identical to
+  // the end vertex and if this vertex has only one model curve
+  // adjacent to it, then the vertex is not connecting any other
+  // curve. So, the mesh vertex and its associated geom vertex are not
+  // necessary at the same location
   GPoint beg_p, end_p;
   if(ge->getBeginVertex() == ge->getEndVertex() && 
      ge->getBeginVertex()->edges().size() == 1){
@@ -369,44 +353,30 @@ void meshGEdge::operator() (GEdge *ge)
     end_p = GPoint(v1->x(), v1->y(), v1->z());
-  int count = 1, NUMP = 1, NUMP2 = 1;
-  IntPoint P1, P2;
   // do not consider the first and the last vertex (those are not
   // classified on this mesh edge)
   if(N > 1){
+    const double b = a / (double)(N - 1);
+    int count = 1, NUMP = 1;
+    IntPoint P1, P2;
     ge->mesh_vertices.resize(N - 2);
-    GPoint last_p = beg_p;
     while(NUMP < N - 1) {
       List_Read(Points, count - 1, &P1);
       List_Read(Points, count, &P2);
-      const double d = (double)NUMP *b;
+      const double d = (double)NUMP * b;
       if((fabs(P2.p) >= fabs(d)) && (fabs(P1.p) < fabs(d))) {
         double dt = P2.t - P1.t;
         double dp = P2.p - P1.p;
         double t  = P1.t + dt / dp * (d - P1.p);
         GPoint V = ge->point(t);
-	if(1 || ge->meshAttributes.Method == TRANSFINI){
-	  ge->mesh_vertices[NUMP2 - 1] = new MEdgeVertex(V.x(), V.y(), V.z(), ge, t);
-	  NUMP2++;
-	}
-	else{
-	  double lc = BGM_MeshSize(ge, t, 0, V.x(), V.y(), V.z());
-	  if(V.distance(last_p) > 0.7 * lc && 
-	     !(NUMP == N - 2 && V.distance(end_p) < 0.7 * lc)){
-	    last_p = V;
-	    ge->mesh_vertices[NUMP2 - 1] = new MEdgeVertex(V.x(), V.y(), V.z(), ge, t);
-	    NUMP2++;
-	  }
-	}
+	ge->mesh_vertices[NUMP - 1] = new MEdgeVertex(V.x(), V.y(), V.z(), ge, t);
       else {
-    ge->mesh_vertices.resize(NUMP2 - 1);
+    ge->mesh_vertices.resize(NUMP - 1);
@@ -426,6 +396,4 @@ void meshGEdge::operator() (GEdge *ge)
     v0->y() = beg_p.y();
     v0->z() = beg_p.z();
diff --git a/benchmarks/3d/core_coil.geo b/benchmarks/3d/core_coil.geo
index c45163022fb1a555737cdb44141ffa568aa7b655..32bc06332eeb506883e9e92ae248d67bf76c49bd 100644
--- a/benchmarks/3d/core_coil.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/3d/core_coil.geo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFactor = 0.7; // 32,000 tets
+//Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFactor = 0.7; // 32,000 tets
 //Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFactor = 0.5; // 91,000 tets
 //Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFactor = 0.4; // 163,000 tets
 //Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFactor = 0.3; // 340,000 tets
diff --git a/benchmarks/misc/faraway/coque.geo b/benchmarks/misc/faraway/coque.geo
index fc0d07c5a191cd378e32cde1b858dd1381f7942c..3e7bb9f3e03c5550809baac167d3d9faa9410269 100644
--- a/benchmarks/misc/faraway/coque.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/misc/faraway/coque.geo
@@ -33,32 +33,32 @@ a=8.976-8.916436 ;
 b=(9.006-8.976) ;
 c = 0.139564 -a-b ;
-Extrude Line {1308,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{7000},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1308,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1309,{0,0,h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{7003,7004,7005},{a/h,(a+b)/h,1}};};
+Extrude Line {1309,{0,0,h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{a/h,(a+b)/h,1}};};
-Extrude Line {1310,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{7006},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1310,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1311,{0,0,h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{7009,7010,7011},{a/h,(a+b)/h,1}};};
+Extrude Line {1311,{0,0,h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{a/h,(a+b)/h,1}};};
-Extrude Line {1312,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{7012},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1312,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1313,{0,0,h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{7015,7016,7017},{a/h,(a+b)/h,1}};};
+Extrude Line {1313,{0,0,h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{a/h,(a+b)/h,1}};};
-Extrude Line {1314,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{7018},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1314,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1315,{0,0,h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{7021,7022,7023},{a/h,(a+b)/h,1}};};
+Extrude Line {1315,{0,0,h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{a/h,(a+b)/h,1}};};
-Extrude Line {1316,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{7001},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1324,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{7007},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1332,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{7013},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1340,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{7019},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1316,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1324,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1332,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1340,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1348,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{7002},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1352,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{7008},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1356,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{7014},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1360,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{7020},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1348,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1352,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1356,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1360,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
@@ -91,32 +91,32 @@ a=9.006-9.056 ;
 b=(8.976-9.006) ;
 c = -0.139564 -a-b ;
-Extrude Line {1408,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{8000},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1408,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1409,{0,0,-h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{8003,8004,8005},{-a/h,-(a+b)/h,1}};};
+Extrude Line {1409,{0,0,-h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{-a/h,-(a+b)/h,1}};};
-Extrude Line {1410,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{8006},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1410,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1411,{0,0,-h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{8009,8010,8011},{-a/h,-(a+b)/h,1}};};
+Extrude Line {1411,{0,0,-h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{-a/h,-(a+b)/h,1}};};
-Extrude Line {1412,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{8012},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1412,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1413,{0,0,-h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{8015,8016,8017},{-a/h,-(a+b)/h,1}};};
+Extrude Line {1413,{0,0,-h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{-a/h,-(a+b)/h,1}};};
-Extrude Line {1414,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{8018},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1414,{0,0,a}}{Recombine;Layers{{3},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1415,{0,0,-h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{8021,8022,8023},{-a/h,-(a+b)/h,1}};};
+Extrude Line {1415,{0,0,-h}}{Recombine;Layers{{3,4,4},{-a/h,-(a+b)/h,1}};};
-Extrude Line {1416,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{8001},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1424,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{8007},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1432,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{8013},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1440,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{8019},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1416,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1424,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1432,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1440,{0,0,b}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1448,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{8002},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1452,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{8008},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1456,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{8014},{1}};};
-Extrude Line {1460,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{8020},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1448,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1452,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1456,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
+Extrude Line {1460,{0,0,c}}{Recombine;Layers{{4},{1}};};
diff --git a/benchmarks/misc/faraway/faraway.geo b/benchmarks/misc/faraway/faraway.geo
index 9601396c94d857103b7c95ed85decfcf77a8d2d4..0cfe9470792a8aa277f8e176596b23465de88c4f 100644
--- a/benchmarks/misc/faraway/faraway.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/misc/faraway/faraway.geo
@@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ Recombine Surface (2048)  ;
 //5ème étape  : extrusion
-Extrude Surface {2038,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{{4},{9000},{1}};Recombine;};
-Extrude Surface {2040,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{{4},{9001},{1}};Recombine;};
-Extrude Surface {2042,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{{4},{9002},{1}};Recombine;};
-Extrude Surface {2044,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{{4},{9003},{1}};Recombine;};
-Extrude Surface {2048,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{{4},{9004},{1}};Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {2038,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{4};Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {2040,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{4};Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {2042,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{4};Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {2044,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{4};Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {2048,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{4};Recombine;};
@@ -241,11 +241,11 @@ Ruled Surface(5048) = {5045,5047};
 //5ème étape  : extrusion
-Extrude Surface {5038,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{{4},{10000},{1}};Recombine;};
-Extrude Surface {5040,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{{4},{10001},{1}};Recombine;};
-Extrude Surface {5042,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{{4},{10002},{1}};Recombine;};
-Extrude Surface {5044,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{{4},{10003},{1}};Recombine;};
-Extrude Surface {5048,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{{4},{10004},{1}};Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {5038,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{4};Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {5040,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{4};Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {5042,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{4};Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {5044,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{4};Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {5048,{0,0,0.03}}{Layers{4};Recombine;};