diff --git a/Mesh/BDS.cpp b/Mesh/BDS.cpp
index dac13f771607c7cb907d5a76f10927c5e442a595..d5dd529e7eac696b1ceaf7107dd1af3e27e09a24 100644
--- a/Mesh/BDS.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/BDS.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: BDS.cpp,v 1.54 2006-07-25 12:08:23 remacle Exp $
+// $Id: BDS.cpp,v 1.55 2006-07-25 13:00:07 remacle Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2006 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -2445,6 +2445,8 @@ bool BDS_Mesh::smooth_point(BDS_Point * p, BDS_Mesh * geom_mesh)
     X += op->X;
     Y += op->Y;
     Z += op->Z;
+    // lengths are wrong;
+    (*eit)->target_length = -1;
diff --git a/Mesh/BDS.h b/Mesh/BDS.h
index 2f8710cc886d983b79b9ae76b36607c76ac10660..b9bdac72ea8272638e243e3e2e02cd2b0359f296 100644
--- a/Mesh/BDS.h
+++ b/Mesh/BDS.h
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ public:
   void oppositeof(BDS_Point * oface[2]) const; 
   BDS_Edge(BDS_Point *A, BDS_Point *B)
-    : deleted(false), status(0),partition(0),target_length(1.0),g(0)
+    : deleted(false), status(0),partition(0),target_length(-1.0),g(0)
     if(*A < *B){
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..709f7252e6a2d724fbe26e94f8219b368e24fc37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+#include "meshGFace.h"
+#include "GVertex.h"
+#include "2D_Mesh.h"
+#include "GEdge.h"
+#include "GFace.h"
+#include "MVertex.h"
+#include "Context.h"
+#include "Utils.h"
+#include "GPoint.h"
+#include "Message.h"
+#include "Numeric.h"
+#include "BDS.h"
+#if defined(HAVE_GSL)
+#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
+#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
+#define NRANSI
+#include "nrutil.h"
+void dsvdcmp(double **a, int m, int n, double w[], double **v);
+  Le concept d'un plan moyen calcule au sens des moidres carres n'est
+  pas le bon pour les surfaces non-planes : imagine un quart de cercle
+  extrude d'une faible hauteur. Le plan moyen sera dans le plan du
+  cercle! En attendant mieux, il y a donc un test de coherence
+  supplementaire pour les surfaces non-planes. */
+int Orientation (std::vector<MVertex*> &cu)
+  int N, i, a, b, c;
+  double cosa, sina, sum, v[3], w[3], u[3];
+  MVertex *ver[3];
+  double n[3] = {0,0,1};
+  N = cu.size();
+  sum = 0.0;
+  for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+    if(i == N - 1) {
+      a = N - 1;
+      b = 1;
+      c = 2;
+    }
+    else if(i == N - 2) {
+      a = N - 2;
+      b = N - 1;
+      c = 1;
+    }
+    else {
+      a = i;
+      b = i + 1;
+      c = i + 2;
+    }
+    ver[0] = cu[a];
+    ver[1] = cu[b];
+    ver[2] = cu[c];
+    u[0] = ver[1]->x() - ver[0]->x();
+    u[1] = ver[1]->y() - ver[0]->y();
+    u[2] = ver[1]->z() - ver[0]->z();
+    v[0] = ver[2]->x() - ver[1]->x();
+    v[1] = ver[2]->y() - ver[1]->y();
+    v[2] = ver[2]->z() - ver[1]->z();
+    norme(u);
+    norme(v);
+    prodve(u, v, w);
+    prosca(w, n, &sina);
+    prosca(u, v, &cosa);
+    sum += myatan2(sina, cosa);
+  }
+  if(sum < 0)
+    return (1);
+  else
+    return (0);
+extern Context_T CTX;
+class fromCartesianToParametric
+  GFace *gf;
+public :
+  fromCartesianToParametric ( GFace *_gf )  
+    : gf(_gf){}
+  void operator () (MVertex * v)
+  {
+    SPoint2 param =  gf->parFromPoint (SPoint3(v->x(),v->y(),v->z()));
+    v->x() = param.x();  
+    v->y() = param.y();
+    v->z() = 0.0;
+  }
+class fromParametricToCartesian
+  GFace *gf;
+public :
+  fromParametricToCartesian ( GFace *_gf )  
+    : gf(_gf){}
+  void operator () (MVertex * v)
+  {
+    GPoint coords =  gf->point (SPoint2(v->x(),v->y()));
+    v->x() = coords.x();  
+    v->y() = coords.y();
+    v->z() = coords.z();
+  } 
+void computeEdgeLoops (const GFace *gf,
+		       std::vector<MVertex*> & all_mvertices,
+		       std::vector<int> &indices)
+  {
+    std::list<GEdge*> edges = gf->edges();
+    std::list<int> ori   = gf->orientations();
+    std::list<GEdge*>::iterator it = edges.begin();
+    std::list<int>::iterator ito    = ori.begin();
+    indices.push_back(0);
+    GVertex *start = ((*ito) == 1) ? (*it)->getBeginVertex() : (*it)->getEndVertex();
+    GVertex *v_end = ((*ito) != 1) ? (*it)->getBeginVertex() : (*it)->getEndVertex();
+    all_mvertices.push_back(start->mesh_vertices[0]);
+    if (*ito == 1)
+      for (int i=0;i<(*it)->mesh_vertices.size();i++)
+	all_mvertices.push_back((*it)->mesh_vertices[i]);
+    else
+      for (int i=(*it)->mesh_vertices.size()-1;i>=0;i--)
+	all_mvertices.push_back((*it)->mesh_vertices[i]);
+    GVertex *v_start = start;
+    while(1)
+      {		
+	++it;
+	++ito;
+	if (v_end == start)
+	  {
+	    indices.push_back(all_mvertices.size());
+	    if (it == edges.end ())break;
+	    start = ((*ito) == 1) ? (*it)->getBeginVertex() : (*it)->getEndVertex();
+	    v_end = ((*ito) != 1) ? (*it)->getBeginVertex() : (*it)->getEndVertex();
+	    v_start = start;
+	  }
+	else
+	  {	
+	    if (it == edges.end ())throw;
+	    v_start = ((*ito) == 1) ? (*it)->getBeginVertex() : (*it)->getEndVertex();
+	    if(v_start != v_end)throw;
+	    v_end = ((*ito) != 1) ? (*it)->getBeginVertex() : (*it)->getEndVertex();
+	  }
+	all_mvertices.push_back(v_start->mesh_vertices[0]);
+	if (*ito == 1)
+	  for (int i=0;i<(*it)->mesh_vertices.size();i++)
+	    all_mvertices.push_back((*it)->mesh_vertices[i]);
+	else
+	  for (int i=(*it)->mesh_vertices.size()-1;i>=0;i--)
+	    all_mvertices.push_back((*it)->mesh_vertices[i]);
+      }
+  }  
+void MeanPlane_bis(GFace *gf, const std::vector<MVertex*> &points)
+  int i, j, min, ndata, na;
+  double res[4], ex[3], t1[3], t2[3], svd[3];
+  Vertex *v;
+  double xm = 0., ym = 0., zm = 0.;
+  ndata = points.size();
+  na = 3;
+  for(i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {
+    xm += points[i]->x();
+    ym += points[i]->y();
+    zm += points[i]->z();
+  }
+  xm /= (double)ndata;
+  ym /= (double)ndata;
+  zm /= (double)ndata;
+#if defined(HAVE_GSL)
+  gsl_matrix *U = gsl_matrix_alloc(ndata, na);
+  gsl_matrix *V = gsl_matrix_alloc(na, na);
+  gsl_vector *W = gsl_vector_alloc(na);
+  gsl_vector *TMPVEC = gsl_vector_alloc(na);
+  for(i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {
+    gsl_matrix_set(U, i, 0, points[i]->x() - xm);
+    gsl_matrix_set(U, i, 1, points[i]->y() - ym);
+    gsl_matrix_set(U, i, 2, points[i]->z() - zm);
+  }
+  gsl_linalg_SV_decomp(U, V, W, TMPVEC);
+  svd[0] = gsl_vector_get(W, 0);
+  svd[1] = gsl_vector_get(W, 1);
+  svd[2] = gsl_vector_get(W, 2);
+  if(fabs(svd[0]) < fabs(svd[1]) && fabs(svd[0]) < fabs(svd[2]))
+    min = 0;
+  else if(fabs(svd[1]) < fabs(svd[0]) && fabs(svd[1]) < fabs(svd[2]))
+    min = 1;
+  else
+    min = 2;
+  res[0] = gsl_matrix_get(V, 0, min);
+  res[1] = gsl_matrix_get(V, 1, min);
+  res[2] = gsl_matrix_get(V, 2, min);
+  norme(res);
+  gsl_matrix_free(U);
+  gsl_matrix_free(V);
+  gsl_vector_free(W);
+  gsl_vector_free(TMPVEC);
+  double **U = dmatrix(1, ndata, 1, na);
+  double **V = dmatrix(1, na, 1, na);
+  double *W = dvector(1, na);
+  for(i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {
+    U[i + 1][1] = points[i]->x() - xm;
+    U[i + 1][2] = points[i]->y() - ym;
+    U[i + 1][3] = points[i]->z() - zm;
+  }
+  dsvdcmp(U, ndata, na, W, V);
+  if(fabs(W[1]) < fabs(W[2]) && fabs(W[1]) < fabs(W[3]))
+    min = 1;
+  else if(fabs(W[2]) < fabs(W[1]) && fabs(W[2]) < fabs(W[3]))
+    min = 2;
+  else
+    min = 3;
+  svd[0] = W[1];
+  svd[1] = W[2];
+  svd[2] = W[3];
+  res[0] = V[1][min];
+  res[1] = V[2][min];
+  res[2] = V[3][min];
+  norme(res);
+  free_dmatrix(U, 1, ndata, 1, na);
+  free_dmatrix(V, 1, na, 1, na);
+  free_dvector(W, 1, na);
+  // check coherence of results for non-plane surfaces
+  if(gf->geomType() != GEntity::Plane) {
+    double res2[3], c[3], cosc, sinc, angplan;
+    double eps = 1.e-3;
+    GPoint v1 = gf->point( 0.5, 0.5);
+    GPoint v2 = gf->point( 0.5 + eps, 0.5);
+    GPoint v3 = gf->point( 0.5, 0.5 + eps);
+    t1[0] = v2.x() - v1.x();
+    t1[1] = v2.y() - v1.y();
+    t1[2] = v2.z() - v1.z();
+    t2[0] = v3.x() - v1.x();
+    t2[1] = v3.y() - v1.y();
+    t2[2] = v3.z() - v1.z();
+    norme(t1);
+    norme(t2);
+    // prodve(t1, t2, res2);
+    // Warning: the rest of the code assumes res = t2 x t1, not t1 x t2 (WTF?)
+    prodve(t2, t1, res2); 
+    norme(res2);
+    prodve(res, res2, c);
+    prosca(res, res2, &cosc);
+    sinc = sqrt(c[0] * c[0] + c[1] * c[1] + c[2] * c[2]);
+    angplan = myatan2(sinc, cosc);
+    angplan = angle_02pi(angplan) * 180. / Pi;
+    if((angplan > 70 && angplan < 110) || (angplan > 260 && angplan < 280)) {
+      Msg(INFO, "SVD failed (angle=%g): using rough algo...", angplan);
+      res[0] = res2[0];
+      res[1] = res2[1];
+      res[2] = res2[2];
+      goto end;
+    }
+  }
+  ex[0] = ex[1] = ex[2] = 0.0;
+  if(res[0] == 0.)
+    ex[0] = 1.0;
+  else if(res[1] == 0.)
+    ex[1] = 1.0;
+  else
+    ex[2] = 1.0;
+  prodve(res, ex, t1);
+  norme(t1);
+  prodve(t1, res, t2);
+  norme(t2);
+  res[3] = (xm * res[0] + ym * res[1] + zm * res[2]);
+  for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+    gf->mp.plan[0][i] = t1[i];
+  for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+    gf->mp.plan[1][i] = t2[i];
+  for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+    gf->mp.plan[2][i] = res[i];
+  gf->mp.a = res[0];
+  gf->mp.b = res[1];
+  gf->mp.c = res[2];
+  gf->mp.d = res[3];
+  gf->mp.x=gf->mp.y=gf->mp.z=0;
+  if (fabs(gf->mp.a) >= fabs(gf->mp.b) && fabs(gf->mp.a) >= fabs(gf->mp.c) )
+    {
+      gf->mp.x = gf->mp.d/gf->mp.a;
+    }
+  else if (fabs(gf->mp.b) >= fabs(gf->mp.a) && fabs(gf->mp.b) >= fabs(gf->mp.c) )
+    {
+      gf->mp.y = gf->mp.d/gf->mp.b;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      gf->mp.z = gf->mp.d/gf->mp.c;
+    }
+  Msg(DEBUG1, "Surface: %d", gf->tag());
+  Msg(DEBUG2, "SVD    : %g,%g,%g (min=%d)", svd[0], svd[1], svd[2], min);
+  Msg(DEBUG2, "Plane  : (%g x + %g y + %g z = %g)", gf->mp.a, gf->mp.b, gf->mp.c, gf->mp.d);
+  Msg(DEBUG2, "Normal : (%g , %g , %g )", gf->mp.a, gf->mp.b, gf->mp.c);
+  Msg(DEBUG3, "t1     : (%g , %g , %g )", t1[0], t1[1], t1[2]);
+  Msg(DEBUG3, "t2     : (%g , %g , %g )", t2[0], t2[1], t2[2]);
+  Msg(DEBUG3, "pt     : (%g , %g , %g )", gf->mp.x, gf->mp.y, gf->mp.z);
+  //check coherence for plane surfaces
+  if(gf->geomType() == GEntity::Plane) {
+    std::list<GVertex*> verts = gf->vertices();
+    std::list<GVertex*>::const_iterator itv = verts.begin();
+    for (;itv!=verts.end();itv++)
+      {
+	const GVertex *v = *itv; 
+	double d =
+	  gf->mp.a * v->x() + gf->mp.b * v->y() + gf->mp.c * v->z() - gf->mp.d;
+	if(fabs(d) > CTX.lc * 1.e-3) {
+	  Msg(GERROR1, "Plane surface %d (%gx+%gy+%gz+%g=0) is not plane!",
+	      v->tag(), gf->mp.a, gf->mp.b, gf->mp.c, gf->mp.d);
+	  Msg(GERROR3, "Control point %d = (%g,%g,%g), val=%g",
+	      v->tag(), v->x(), v->y(), v->z(), d);
+	  return;
+	}
+      }
+  }
+void computeEdgeParameters ( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, GFace *gf , const int numberOfTestPoints, double &coordMiddle, double &edgeLength )
+  std::vector<GPoint> pts;
+  for (int i=0;i<numberOfTestPoints;++i)
+    {
+      double xi = (double)i/(double)(numberOfTestPoints-1);
+      double u = x1 * (1-xi) + x2 * xi;
+      double v = y1 * (1-xi) + y2 * xi;
+      pts.push_back(gf->point(u,v));      
+    } 
+  edgeLength = 0;
+  for (int i=1;i<numberOfTestPoints;++i)
+    {
+      GPoint p1 = pts[i-1];
+      GPoint p2 = pts[i];
+      edgeLength += sqrt ( (p1.x() - p2.x())*(p1.x() - p2.x()) +
+			   (p1.y() - p2.y())*(p1.y() - p2.y()) +
+			   (p1.z() - p2.z())*(p1.z() - p2.z()) );			   
+    }
+  double ll = 0;
+  for (int i=1;i<numberOfTestPoints;++i)
+    {
+      double xi = (double)(i-1)/(double)(numberOfTestPoints-1);
+      GPoint p1 = pts[i-1];
+      GPoint p2 = pts[i];
+      double oldll = ll;
+      ll += sqrt ( (p1.x() - p2.x())*(p1.x() - p2.x()) +
+		   (p1.y() - p2.y())*(p1.y() - p2.y()) +
+		   (p1.z() - p2.z())*(p1.z() - p2.z()) );			   
+      if (oldll <= 0.5*edgeLength && ll >= 0.5*edgeLength)
+	{
+	  double xi2 = (0.5*edgeLength - oldll)/(ll-oldll);
+	  coordMiddle = xi + xi2/ (double)(numberOfTestPoints-1);
+	  return;
+	}  
+    }  
+double computeEdgeLinearLength ( BDS_Edge*e, BDS_Point *p1,BDS_Point *p2, std::map<BDS_Point*,BDS_Pos> &realCoordinates)
+  if (e && e->target_length > 0) return e->target_length;
+  const BDS_Pos & x1 = realCoordinates [p1]; 
+  const BDS_Pos & x2 = realCoordinates [p2];
+  const double l = sqrt ((x1.X-x2.X)*(x1.X-x2.X) +(x1.Y-x2.Y)*(x1.Y-x2.Y) +(x1.Z-x2.Z)*(x1.Z-x2.Z));
+  if (e) e->target_length = l;
+  return l;
+bool edgeSwapTest(BDS_Edge *e, GFace *gf, std::map<BDS_Point*,BDS_Pos> &realCoordinates)
+  BDS_Point *op[2];
+  if (e->numfaces() != 2)return false;
+  e->oppositeof (op);
+  double coordMiddle, edgeLength1, edgeLength2;
+  edgeLength1 = computeEdgeLinearLength ( e,e->p1,e->p2,realCoordinates);
+  edgeLength2 = computeEdgeLinearLength ( 0,op[0],op[1],realCoordinates);
+   /*
+  computeEdgeParameters ( e->p1->X,
+			  e->p1->Y,
+			  e->p2->X,
+			  e->p2->Y,
+			  gf , 2, coordMiddle, edgeLength1 );
+  computeEdgeParameters ( op[0]->X,
+			  op[0]->Y,
+			  op[1]->X,
+			  op[1]->Y,
+			  gf , 2, coordMiddle, edgeLength2 );
+   */
+  double el1 = 2*edgeLength1 / ( e->p1->radius_of_curvature +e->p2->radius_of_curvature );
+  double el2 = 2*edgeLength2 / ( op[0]->radius_of_curvature + op[1]->radius_of_curvature );
+  double q1  = fabs (1-el1);
+  double q2  = fabs (1-el2);
+  return q2 < 0.5*q1;
+void NewMeshGenerator ( GFace *gf,
+			const std::vector<MVertex*> &points,
+			const std::vector<int> &indices)
+  BDS_Mesh m;
+  std::map<MVertex*,int> numPoints;
+  std::map<BDS_Point*,BDS_Pos> realCoordinates;
+  int NUMP = 0;
+  // fill the initial BDS Structure
+  int nbEdgeLoops = indices.size()-1;
+  for(int i = 0; i < nbEdgeLoops; i++) {
+    int nbPtsOnEdgeLoop = indices[i+1] -indices[i];
+    for(int j = indices[i]; j < indices[i+1]; j++) {
+      MVertex *here     = points[j];
+      MVertex *previous = (j == indices[i])?points[indices[i+1]-1] : points[j-1]; 
+      MVertex *next     = (j == indices[i+1]-1)?points[indices[i]] : points[j+1];
+      double coordMiddle, edgeLength1, edgeLength2;
+      computeEdgeParameters ( here->x(),here->y(), previous->x(),previous->y() , gf , 2, coordMiddle, edgeLength1 );
+      computeEdgeParameters ( here->x(),here->y(), next->x(), next->y(), gf, 2, coordMiddle, edgeLength2 );
+      double lc = 0.5 * (edgeLength1+edgeLength2);
+      BDS_Point *bds_p = m.add_point ( NUMP, here->x(), here->y(), here->z());
+      GPoint gp = gf->point (here->x(), here->y());
+      realCoordinates[bds_p] = BDS_Pos(gp.x(),gp.y(),gp.z());
+      numPoints[here]=NUMP++;
+      bds_p->radius_of_curvature = lc;
+    }
+  }
+  // will not work correctly if points are present initially inside
+  // the domain.
+  for (int i=0;i<gf->mesh_vertices.size();++i)
+    {
+      MVertex *p = gf->mesh_vertices[i];
+      m.add_point ( NUMP, p->x(), p->y(), p->z());
+      numPoints[p]=NUMP++;
+    }
+  for (int i=0;i<gf->triangles.size();i+=3)
+    {
+      MVertex *p0 = gf->triangles[i];
+      MVertex *p1 = gf->triangles[i+1];
+      MVertex *p2 = gf->triangles[i+2];
+      m.add_triangle ( numPoints[p0], numPoints[p1], numPoints[p2] );
+    }
+  // add points to the surface ...
+  const double  errGeomTresh  = 0.02;
+  int IT =0;
+  while (1)
+    {
+      std::list<BDS_Edge *> temp (m.edges);
+      std::list<BDS_Edge*>::iterator it = temp.begin();
+      int NB_MODIF = 0;
+      while (it != temp.end())
+	{
+	  const int numberOfTestPoints = 8;
+	  double coordMiddle=0.5, trueLength,linearLength;
+	  /*	  computeEdgeParameters ( (*it)->p1->X,
+				  (*it)->p1->Y,
+				  (*it)->p2->X,
+				  (*it)->p2->Y,
+				  gf , numberOfTestPoints, coordMiddle, trueLength );*/
+	  linearLength = computeEdgeLinearLength ( (*it),(*it)->p1,
+						   (*it)->p2,realCoordinates);
+	  double l_wanted = 0.5*((*it)->p1->radius_of_curvature + (*it)->p2->radius_of_curvature);
+	  //double errGeom = fabs(trueLength - linearLength)/linearLength;
+	  double errGeom = 0;
+	  //	  Msg(INFO,"le = %g lex = %g err %g",linearLength,trueLength,errGeom);
+	  //	  if ((*it)->numfaces() == 2 && (  > 1000 || edgeLength > 1.4 * l_wanted))
+	  if ((*it)->numfaces() == 2 && (linearLength > 1.4 * l_wanted || errGeom > errGeomTresh *1.4))
+	    {
+	      BDS_Point *ppp = m.split_edge ( *it, coordMiddle );
+	      ppp->radius_of_curvature = l_wanted;
+	      GPoint gp = gf->point (ppp->X,ppp->Y);
+	      realCoordinates[ppp] = BDS_Pos(gp.x(),gp.y(),gp.z());	      
+	      if(linearLength > 2.4 * l_wanted) NB_MODIF++;	      
+	    } 
+	  ++it;
+	}
+      temp = m.edges;
+      it = temp.begin();
+      while (it != temp.end())
+	{
+	  const int numberOfTestPoints = 8;
+	  double coordMiddle=0.5, trueLength,linearLength;
+	  /*	  computeEdgeParameters ( (*it)->p1->X,
+				  (*it)->p1->Y,
+				  (*it)->p2->X,
+				  (*it)->p2->Y,
+				  gf ,numberOfTestPoints, coordMiddle, trueLength );*/
+	  linearLength = computeEdgeLinearLength ( (*it),(*it)->p1,
+						   (*it)->p2,realCoordinates);
+	  double l_wanted = 0.5*((*it)->p1->radius_of_curvature + (*it)->p2->radius_of_curvature);
+	  double errGeom = 0;
+	  //	  Msg(INFO,"colll le = %g lex = %g err %g",linearLength,trueLength,errGeom);
+	  if ((*it)->numfaces() == 2 && linearLength < 0.7 * l_wanted && errGeom < errGeomTresh * 0.7)
+	    {
+	      if ( (*it)->p1->iD >= points.size() )
+		m.collapse_edge ( *it, (*it)->p1, 0);
+	      else if ( (*it)->p2->iD >= points.size() )
+		m.collapse_edge ( *it, (*it)->p2, 0);
+	      if(linearLength < 0.35 * l_wanted) NB_MODIF++;	      
+	    }
+	  ++it;
+	}
+      temp = m.edges;
+      it = temp.begin();
+      while (it != temp.end())
+	{
+	  if (!(*it)->deleted && edgeSwapTest(*it,gf,realCoordinates))
+	    m.swap_edge ( *it , BDS_SwapEdgeTestPlanar()); 
+	  ++it;
+	}
+      std::set<BDS_Point*,PointLessThan> PTS (m.points);
+      std::set<BDS_Point*,PointLessThan>::iterator itp = PTS.begin();
+      while (itp != PTS.end())
+	{
+	  m.smooth_point(*itp);
+	  GPoint gp = gf->point ((*itp)->X,(*itp)->Y);
+	  realCoordinates[(*itp)] = BDS_Pos(gp.x(),gp.y(),gp.z());
+	  std::list < BDS_Triangle * >t;
+	  (*itp)->getTriangles(t);
+	  if ((t.size()==3 && (*itp)->edges.size() == 3)||
+	      (t.size()==4 && (*itp)->edges.size() == 4))
+	      m.collapse_edge ( *(*itp)->edges.begin(), (*itp), 0);
+	  ++itp;
+	}
+      Msg(INFO,"surf %d NB_MODIF = %d EDGES=%d",gf->tag(),NB_MODIF,m.edges.size());
+      if (IT++ > 25 || (double)(NB_MODIF) < .003*(double)m.edges.size())break;
+    }
+  for (int i=0;i<gf->mesh_vertices.size();++i)
+    {
+      MVertex *p = gf->mesh_vertices[i];
+      delete p;
+    }
+  gf->mesh_vertices.clear();
+  std::map<int,MVertex*> verts_;
+  {
+    std::set<BDS_Point*,PointLessThan>::iterator it = m.points.begin();
+    while (it != m.points.end())
+      {
+	if ( (*it)->iD >= points.size() )
+	  {
+	    MFaceVertex *v = new MFaceVertex ( (*it)->X,(*it)->Y, 0.0, gf, 0,0);           
+	    gf->mesh_vertices.push_back(v);
+	    verts_[(*it)->iD]  = v; 
+	  }
+	++it;
+      }
+  }
+  {
+    gf->triangles.clear();
+    std::list<BDS_Triangle*>::iterator it = m.triangles.begin();
+    while (it != m.triangles.end())
+      {
+	if (!(*it)->deleted)
+	  {
+	    BDS_Point *n[3];
+	    (*it)->getNodes (n);
+	    for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
+	      {
+		if (n[i]->iD >= points.size())
+		  {
+		    gf->triangles.push_back(verts_[n[i]->iD]);
+		  }
+		else
+		  {
+		    gf->triangles.push_back(points[n[i]->iD]);
+		  }
+	      }
+	  }
+	++it;
+      }
+  }
+void OldMeshGenerator ( GFace *gf,
+			std::vector<MVertex*> &points,
+			std::vector<int> &indices, int initialOnly)
+  // put the loops on the right sense, cause this stupid cannot
+  // handle non oriented loops
+  int nbEdgeLoops = indices.size()-1;
+  for(int i = 0; i < nbEdgeLoops; i++) {
+    int nbPtsOnEdgeLoop = indices[i+1] -indices[i];
+    std::vector<MVertex*> loop;
+    for(int j = indices[i]; j < indices[i+1]; j++)loop.push_back(points[j]);
+    //    Msg(INFO, " %d %d %d %d",i,indices[i],indices[i+1],Orientation(loop));
+    int k = 0;
+    int ori = Orientation(loop);
+    if (i == 0 && !ori)
+      for(int j = indices[i]; j < indices[i+1]; j++)points[j] = loop [nbPtsOnEdgeLoop-k++-1];
+    else if (i != 0 && ori)
+      for(int j = indices[i]; j < indices[i+1]; j++)points[j] = loop [nbPtsOnEdgeLoop-k++-1];
+  }
+  extern PointRecord *gPointArray;
+  // FIX THAT !!
+  double LC2D = 1;
+  if (gf->geomType () == GEntity::Plane)
+    {
+      SBoundingBox3d bb = gf->bounds();
+      SPoint3 _min = bb.min();
+      SPoint3 _max = bb.max();
+      SVector3 diam (_min,_max);
+      LC2D = norm(diam);
+    }
+  //  Msg(INFO, "LC = %g",LC2D);
+  maillage M;
+  ContourRecord *cp, **liste;
+  liste = (ContourPeek *) malloc(nbEdgeLoops * sizeof(ContourPeek));
+  for(int i = 0; i < nbEdgeLoops; i++) {
+    cp = (ContourRecord *) malloc(sizeof(ContourRecord));
+    int nbPtsOnEdgeLoop = indices[i+1] -indices[i];
+    cp->oriented_points =
+      (PointRecord *) malloc(nbPtsOnEdgeLoop * sizeof(PointRecord));
+    cp->perturbations = (MPoint *) malloc( nbPtsOnEdgeLoop * sizeof(MPoint));
+    cp->numerocontour = i;
+    int k=0;
+    //    Msg(INFO, " %d %d %d ",i,indices[i],indices[i+1]);
+    for(int j = indices[i]; j < indices[i+1]; j++) {
+      MVertex *here     = points[j];
+      cp->oriented_points[k].where.h = here->x();
+      cp->oriented_points[k].where.v = here->y();
+      cp->perturbations[k].h = CTX.mesh.rand_factor * LC2D *
+        (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;
+      cp->perturbations[k].v = CTX.mesh.rand_factor * LC2D *
+        (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;      
+      cp->oriented_points[k].numcontour = i;
+      MVertex *previous = (j == indices[i])?points[indices[i+1]-1] : points[j-1]; 
+      MVertex *next     = (j == indices[i+1]-1)?points[indices[i]] : points[j+1];
+      double lc = 0.5 * ( sqrt ( (here->x() - previous->x())*(here->x() - previous->x()) +
+				 (here->y() - previous->y())*(here->y() - previous->y()) ) +
+			  sqrt ( (here->x() - next->x())*(here->x() - next->x()) +
+				 (here->y() - next->y())*(here->y() - next->y()) ) );		   
+      //            Msg(INFO, " %g %g %g ",here->x(),here->y(),lc);
+      cp->oriented_points[k].quality = lc;
+      cp->oriented_points[k].permu = j;
+      cp->oriented_points[k].initial = j;
+      k++;
+    }
+    cp->numpoints = nbPtsOnEdgeLoop;
+    liste[i] = cp;
+  }
+  int N;
+  int res_mesh_domain = mesh_domain(liste, nbEdgeLoops, &M, &N,initialOnly);
+  //  Msg(INFO, "result is %d",res_mesh_domain);
+  MVertex ** verts_ = new MVertex* [M.numpoints];
+  for(int i = 0; i < M.numpoints; i++) {
+    //    Msg(INFO, "gpa[%d] = %g %g",i,gPointArray[i].where.h,gPointArray[i].where.v);
+    if(gPointArray[i].initial < 0) {
+      verts_[i]  = new MFaceVertex ( gPointArray[i].where.h,
+				     gPointArray[i].where.v, 0.0, gf, 
+				     0,0);           
+      gf->mesh_vertices.push_back(verts_[i]);
+    }
+    else
+      {
+	verts_[i]  = points[gPointArray[i].initial];
+      }
+  }  
+  for(int i = 0; i < M.numtriangles; i++) 
+    {
+      int a = M.listdel[i]->t.a;
+      int b = M.listdel[i]->t.b;
+      int c = M.listdel[i]->t.c;
+      //      Msg(INFO, "tri[%d] = %d %d %d",i,a,b,c);
+      gf->triangles.push_back(verts_[a]);
+      gf->triangles.push_back(verts_[b]);
+      gf->triangles.push_back(verts_[c]);
+    }
+  delete [] verts_;
+  if(res_mesh_domain >= 0)
+    free(M.listdel);
+  free(gPointArray);
+  for(int i = 0; i < nbEdgeLoops; i++) {
+    free(liste[i]->perturbations);
+    free(liste[i]->oriented_points);
+    free(liste[i]);
+  }
+  free(liste);
+void deMeshGFace :: operator() (GFace *gf) 
+  for (int i=0;i<gf->mesh_vertices.size();i++) delete gf->mesh_vertices[i];
+  gf->mesh_vertices.clear();
+void meshGFace :: operator() (GFace *gf) 
+  // destroy the mesh if it exists
+  deMeshGFace dem;
+  dem(gf);
+  // Only apply this technique to unknown surfaces or planar surfaces
+  // when it is unknown, try your best ...
+  std::vector<MVertex*> points;
+  std::vector<int> indices;
+  // compute loops on the fly
+  // indices indicate start and end points of a loop
+  // loops are not yet oriented
+  computeEdgeLoops(gf,points,indices);
+  //compute the mean plane, this is sometimes useful 
+  MeanPlane_bis(gf,points);
+  Msg(DEBUG1, "Face %d type %d with %d edge loops and %d points", gf->tag(),gf->geomType(),indices.size()-1,points.size());
+  fromCartesianToParametric c2p ( gf );
+  std::for_each (points.begin(),points.end(),c2p);    
+  Msg(DEBUG1, "points were put in parametric coords ...");
+  if (gf->geomType() == GEntity::Plane )
+    {
+      OldMeshGenerator ( gf,
+			 points,
+			 indices,0);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      OldMeshGenerator ( gf,
+			 points,
+			 indices,1);
+      NewMeshGenerator ( gf, points, indices );
+    }
+  Msg(DEBUG1, "type %d %d triangles generated, %d internal vertices", gf->geomType(),gf->triangles.size()/3,gf->mesh_vertices.size());
+  if(0){
+    char name[256];
+    sprintf(name,"view%d-N.pos",gf->tag());
+    FILE *fff = fopen (name,"w");
+    fprintf(fff,"View \" \" {\n");
+    std::vector<MVertex*> &triangles = gf->triangles;
+    for (int i=0;i<gf->triangles.size();i+=3)
+      {
+	fprintf(fff,"ST(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){1,1,1};\n",
+		triangles[i]->x(),triangles[i]->y(),triangles[i]->z(),
+		triangles[i+1]->x(),triangles[i+1]->y(),triangles[i+1]->z(),
+		triangles[i+2]->x(),triangles[i+2]->y(),triangles[i+2]->z());
+      }
+    fprintf(fff,"};\n");
+    fclose(fff);
+  }
+  fromParametricToCartesian p2c ( gf );
+  std::for_each (points.begin(),points.end(),p2c);    
+  std::for_each (gf->mesh_vertices.begin(),gf->mesh_vertices.end(),p2c);    
+  if(1){
+    char name[256];
+    sprintf(name,"view%d.pos",gf->tag());
+    FILE *fff = fopen (name,"w");
+    fprintf(fff,"View \" \" {\n");
+    std::vector<MVertex*> &triangles = gf->triangles;
+    for (int i=0;i<gf->triangles.size();i+=3)
+      {
+	fprintf(fff,"ST(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){1,1,1};\n",
+		triangles[i]->x(),triangles[i]->y(),triangles[i]->z(),
+		triangles[i+1]->x(),triangles[i+1]->y(),triangles[i+1]->z(),
+		triangles[i+2]->x(),triangles[i+2]->y(),triangles[i+2]->z());
+      }
+    fprintf(fff,"};\n");
+    fclose(fff);
+  }
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFace.h b/Mesh/meshGFace.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff781657296ee92ec25ef8df5e2640a453ad2842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#ifndef _MESH_GFACE_H_
+#define _MESH_GFACE_H_
+#include <map>
+#include "SPoint2.h"
+class MVertex;
+class GFace;
+// Create the mesh of the face
+class meshGFace 
+  public :
+  void operator () ( GFace * );
+// destroy the mesh of the face
+class deMeshGFace 
+ public :
+  void operator () ( GFace * );