diff --git a/Plugin/CutMap.cpp b/Plugin/CutMap.cpp
index 2361fee279680ba408bdfd5609e69d9fe0620ec0..83d9bf971efe06d98f12b7491dc9052be10877aa 100644
--- a/Plugin/CutMap.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/CutMap.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: CutMap.cpp,v 1.21 2001-08-09 20:53:23 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: CutMap.cpp,v 1.22 2001-08-11 23:25:50 geuzaine Exp $
 #include "CutMap.h"
 #include "List.h"
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ Post_View *GMSH_CutMapPlugin::execute (Post_View *v)
   int iView = (int)CutMapOptions_Number[1].def;
   _ith_field_to_draw_on_the_iso = (int)CutMapOptions_Number[2].def;
+  _orientation = ORIENT_MAP;
   if(v && iView < 0)
     vv = v;
diff --git a/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp b/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp
index 825bc61209fbbb8a33e6f3a54cc8db415c476302..468231196ca777a5c132eb9380cb38b25903d367 100644
--- a/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: CutPlane.cpp,v 1.17 2001-08-09 20:53:23 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: CutPlane.cpp,v 1.18 2001-08-11 23:25:50 geuzaine Exp $
 #include "CutPlane.h"
 #include "List.h"
@@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ Post_View *GMSH_CutPlanePlugin::execute (Post_View *v)
   Post_View *vv;
   int iView = (int)CutPlaneOptions_Number[4].def;
+  _orientation = ORIENT_PLANE;
+  _ref[0] = CutPlaneOptions_Number[0].def;
+  _ref[1] = CutPlaneOptions_Number[1].def;
+  _ref[2] = CutPlaneOptions_Number[2].def;
   if(v && iView < 0)
     vv = v;
diff --git a/Plugin/CutSphere.cpp b/Plugin/CutSphere.cpp
index bd60ccd59ccd06f129aada9fc26dff57dc4c8577..493b3c186a969f6ad28f39678964000b45d13113 100644
--- a/Plugin/CutSphere.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/CutSphere.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: CutSphere.cpp,v 1.16 2001-08-09 20:53:23 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: CutSphere.cpp,v 1.17 2001-08-11 23:25:50 geuzaine Exp $
 #include <string.h>
 #include "CutSphere.h"
@@ -69,7 +69,12 @@ extern List_T *Post_ViewList;
 Post_View *GMSH_CutSpherePlugin::execute (Post_View *v)
   Post_View *vv;
   int iView = (int)CutSphereOptions_Number[4].def;
+  _orientation = ORIENT_SPHERE;
+  _ref[0] = CutSphereOptions_Number[0].def;
+  _ref[1] = CutSphereOptions_Number[1].def;
+  _ref[2] = CutSphereOptions_Number[2].def;
   if(v && iView < 0)
     vv = v;
diff --git a/Plugin/LevelsetPlugin.cpp b/Plugin/LevelsetPlugin.cpp
index 5d50855246310d6802f95b8a70327778c60bfaf0..b4cabc8c0535c9d25bf7f3e7eb8365367c8c9f8d 100644
--- a/Plugin/LevelsetPlugin.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/LevelsetPlugin.cpp
@@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
-// $Id: LevelsetPlugin.cpp,v 1.15 2001-08-09 22:05:51 remacle Exp $
+// $Id: LevelsetPlugin.cpp,v 1.16 2001-08-11 23:25:50 geuzaine Exp $
 #include "LevelsetPlugin.h"
 #include "List.h"
 #include "Views.h"
 #include "Iso.h"
-/// Includes are basdly designed, i prefer forward decls.
-void prodve (double a[3], double b[3], double c[3]);
-void prosca (double a[3], double b[3], double *c);
-void norme (double a[3]);
-int sys3x3 (double mat[3][3], double b[3], double res[3], double *det);
+#include "Numeric.h"
   processed = 0;
   _ith_field_to_draw_on_the_iso = 0;
+  _orientation = ORIENT_NONE; 
+  _ref[0] = _ref[1] = _ref[2] = 0.;
   strcpy (OutputFileName,"levelset.pos");
@@ -39,122 +36,130 @@ Post_View *GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::execute (Post_View *v)
     This plugin creates a new view which is the result of
     a cut of the actual view with a levelset.
-  int k,i,nb,edtet[6][2] = {{0,1},{0,2},{0,3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}};
-  double Xpi[6],Ypi[6],Zpi[6],myValsi[6];
+  int    k,i,j,nb,edtet[6][2] = {{0,1},{0,2},{0,3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}};
+  double *X, *Y, *Z, *Vals, levels[6], coef;
+  double Xp[6], Yp[6], Zp[6], myVals[6];
+  double Xpi[6], Ypi[6], Zpi[6], myValsi[6];
   Post_View *View;
-  //   for all scalar simplices 
-  if(v->NbSS)
-    {
-      View = BeginView(1);
-      nb = List_Nbr(v->SS) / v->NbSS ;
-      for(i = 0 ; i < List_Nbr(v->SS) ; i+=nb)
-	{
-	  double levels[6],Xp[6],Yp[6],Zp[6],myVals[6];
-	  double *X   = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(v->SS,i);
-	  double *Y   = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(v->SS,i+4);
-	  double *Z   = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(v->SS,i+8);
-	  double *VAL = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(v->SS,i+12);
-	  for(int j=0;j<4;j++)levels[j] = levelset(X[j],Y[j],Z[j],VAL[j]);
-	  int nx = 0;
-	  for(k=0;k<6;k++)
-	    {
-	      if(levels[edtet[k][0]] * levels[edtet[k][1]] <= 0.0)
-		{		  
-		  double coef = InterpolateIso(X,Y,Z,levels,0.0,
-					       edtet[k][0],edtet[k][1],
-					       &Xp[nx],&Yp[nx],&Zp[nx]); 
-		  myVals[nx] = what_to_draw (Xp[nx],Yp[nx],Zp[nx],edtet[k][0],edtet[k][1],coef,VAL);
-		  nx++;
-		}
-	    }
-	  if(nx == 4)
-	    {
-	      double xx =  Xp[3];
-	      double yy =  Yp[3];
-	      double zz =  Zp[3];
-	      double vv =  myVals[3];
-	      Xp[3] = Xp[2]; 
-	      Yp[3] = Yp[2]; 
-	      Zp[3] = Zp[2];
-	      myVals[3] = myVals[2];
-	      Xp[2] = xx;
-	      Yp[2] = yy;
-	      Zp[2] = zz;
-	      myVals[2] = vv;
-	    }
-	  double v1[3] = {Xp[2]-Xp[0],Yp[2]-Yp[0],Zp[2]-Zp[0]};
-	  double v2[3] = {Xp[1]-Xp[0],Yp[1]-Yp[0],Zp[1]-Zp[0]};
-	  double gr[3];
-	  double n[3],xx;
-	  prodve(v1,v2,n);
-	  norme(n);
-	  gradSimplex(X,Y,Z,VAL,gr);      
-	  prosca(gr,n,&xx);
-	  if(n[0] + n[1] + n[2] > 0){
-	    for(k=0;k<nx;k++){
-	      Xpi[k] = Xp[k];
-	      Ypi[k] = Yp[k];
-	      Zpi[k] = Zp[k];
-	      myValsi[k] = myVals[k];
-	    }
-	    for(k=0;k<nx;k++){
-	      Xp[k] = Xpi[nx-k-1];
-	      Yp[k] = Ypi[nx-k-1];
-	      Zp[k] = Zpi[nx-k-1];	      
-	      myVals[k] = myValsi[nx-k-1];	      
-	    }
-	  }
-	  if(nx == 3 || nx == 4)
-	    {
-	      for(k=0;k<3;k++)List_Add(View->ST, &Xp[k]);
-	      for(k=0;k<3;k++)List_Add(View->ST, &Yp[k]);
-	      for(k=0;k<3;k++)List_Add(View->ST, &Zp[k]);
-	      for(k=0;k<3;k++)List_Add(View->ST, &myVals[k]);
-	      View->NbST++;
-	    }
-	  if(nx == 4)
-	    {	  
-	      for(k=2;k<5;k++)List_Add(View->ST, &Xp[k %4]);
-	      for(k=2;k<5;k++)List_Add(View->ST, &Yp[k % 4]);
-	      for(k=2;k<5;k++)List_Add(View->ST, &Zp[k % 4]);
-	      for(k=2;k<5;k++)List_Add(View->ST, &myVals[k %4]);
-	      View->NbST++;
-	    }
+  // for all scalar tets
+  if(v->NbSS){
+    View = BeginView(1);
+    nb = List_Nbr(v->SS) / v->NbSS ;
+    for(i=0 ; i<List_Nbr(v->SS) ; i+=nb){
+      X = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(v->SS,i);
+      Y = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(v->SS,i+4);
+      Z = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(v->SS,i+8);
+      Vals = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(v->SS,i+12);
+      for(j=0 ; j<4 ; j++)
+	levels[j] = levelset(X[j],Y[j],Z[j],Vals[j]);
+      int nx = 0;
+      for(k=0 ; k<6 ; k++){
+	if(levels[edtet[k][0]] * levels[edtet[k][1]] <= 0.0){		  
+	  coef = InterpolateIso(X,Y,Z,levels,0.0,
+				edtet[k][0],edtet[k][1],
+				&Xp[nx],&Yp[nx],&Zp[nx]); 
+	  myVals[nx] = what_to_draw (Xp[nx],Yp[nx],Zp[nx],
+				     edtet[k][0],edtet[k][1],coef,Vals);
+	  nx++;
-      char name[1024],filename[1024];
-      sprintf(name,"cut-%s",v->Name);
-      sprintf(filename,"cut-%s",v->FileName);
-      EndView(1, filename, name);
+      }
+      if(nx == 4){
+	double xx = Xp[3];
+	double yy = Yp[3];
+	double zz = Zp[3];
+	double vv = myVals[3];
+	Xp[3] = Xp[2]; 
+	Yp[3] = Yp[2]; 
+	Zp[3] = Zp[2];
+	myVals[3] = myVals[2];
+	Xp[2] = xx;
+	Yp[2] = yy;
+	Zp[2] = zz;
+	myVals[2] = vv;
+      }
+      double v1[3] = {Xp[2]-Xp[0],Yp[2]-Yp[0],Zp[2]-Zp[0]};
+      double v2[3] = {Xp[1]-Xp[0],Yp[1]-Yp[0],Zp[1]-Zp[0]};
+      double gr[3];
+      double n[3],test;
+      prodve(v1,v2,n);
+      switch(_orientation){
+      case ORIENT_MAP:
+	gradSimplex(X,Y,Z,Vals,gr);      
+	prosca(gr,n,&test);
+	break;
+      case ORIENT_PLANE:
+	prosca(n,_ref,&test);
+	break;
+      case ORIENT_SPHERE:
+	gr[0] = _ref[0]-Xp[0];
+	gr[1] = _ref[1]-Yp[0];
+	gr[2] = _ref[2]-Zp[0];
+	prosca(gr,n,&test);
+	break;
+      default:
+	test = 0.;
+	break;
+      }
-      Msg(INFO, "Created view '%s' (%d triangles)", name, View->NbST);
-      processed = View;
-      return View;
+      if(test<0){
+	for(k=0;k<nx;k++){
+	  Xpi[k] = Xp[k];
+	  Ypi[k] = Yp[k];
+	  Zpi[k] = Zp[k];
+	  myValsi[k] = myVals[k];
+	}
+	for(k=0;k<nx;k++){
+	  Xp[k] = Xpi[nx-k-1];
+	  Yp[k] = Ypi[nx-k-1];
+	  Zp[k] = Zpi[nx-k-1];	      
+	  myVals[k] = myValsi[nx-k-1];	      
+	}
+      }
+      if(nx == 3 || nx == 4){
+	for(k=0 ; k<3 ; k++) List_Add(View->ST, &Xp[k]);
+	for(k=0 ; k<3 ; k++) List_Add(View->ST, &Yp[k]);
+	for(k=0 ; k<3 ; k++) List_Add(View->ST, &Zp[k]);
+	for(k=0 ; k<3 ; k++) List_Add(View->ST, &myVals[k]);
+	View->NbST++;
+      }
+      if(nx == 4){	  
+	for(k=2 ; k<5 ; k++) List_Add(View->ST, &Xp[k % 4]);
+	for(k=2 ; k<5 ; k++) List_Add(View->ST, &Yp[k % 4]);
+	for(k=2 ; k<5 ; k++) List_Add(View->ST, &Zp[k % 4]);
+	for(k=2 ; k<5 ; k++) List_Add(View->ST, &myVals[k % 4]);
+	View->NbST++;
+      }
+    char name[1024],filename[1024];
+    sprintf(name,"cut-%s",v->Name);
+    sprintf(filename,"cut-%s",v->FileName);
+    EndView(View, 1, filename, name);
+    Msg(INFO, "Created view '%s' (%d triangles)", name, View->NbST);
+    processed = View;
+    return View;
+  }
   return 0;
-double  GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::what_to_draw (double x, 
-					   double y, 
-					   double z, 
-					   int p1, 
-					   int p2, 
-					   double coef, 
-					   double *VAL) const
+double  GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::what_to_draw (double x, double y, double z, 
+					   int p1, int p2, 
+					   double coef, double *Vals) const
   int offset =  _ith_field_to_draw_on_the_iso * 4;
   // TEST JF, this would draw y coord on the iso
   //  return y;
   p2 += offset;
   p1 += offset;
-  return coef * (VAL[p2] - VAL[p1]) + VAL[p1]; 
+  return coef * (Vals[p2] - Vals[p1]) + Vals[p1]; 
diff --git a/Plugin/LevelsetPlugin.h b/Plugin/LevelsetPlugin.h
index f25ec33104c1fd52415d713af806e54a67e6c8d0..b2f5f16322f9eae6ddc5d93f68ff344f37642535 100644
--- a/Plugin/LevelsetPlugin.h
+++ b/Plugin/LevelsetPlugin.h
@@ -2,10 +2,17 @@
 #include "Plugin.h"
+#define ORIENT_NONE   0
+#define ORIENT_MAP    1
+#define ORIENT_PLANE  2
+#define ORIENT_SPHERE 3
 class GMSH_LevelsetPlugin : public GMSH_Post_Plugin
   int _ith_field_to_draw_on_the_iso;
+  int _orientation;
+  double _ref[3];
   virtual double levelset     (double x, double y, double z, double val) const = 0;
   virtual double what_to_draw (double x, double y, double z, 
diff --git a/Plugin/Skin.cpp b/Plugin/Skin.cpp
index 32e2e2ec2966a79f421e5fcaa68523167ce118b8..045def54c6c03abf5b5619b61c3930ba777fe305 100644
--- a/Plugin/Skin.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/Skin.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: Skin.cpp,v 1.7 2001-08-06 12:26:26 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: Skin.cpp,v 1.8 2001-08-11 23:25:50 geuzaine Exp $
 #include "Plugin.h"
 #include "Skin.h"
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include "Tree.h"
 #include "Views.h"
 #include "Context.h"
+#include "Malloc.h"
 extern Context_T CTX;
@@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ extern "C"
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ void GMSH_SkinPlugin::getInfos(char *author, char *copyright, char *help_text) c
   strcpy(author, "C. Geuzaine (geuz@geuz.org)");
   strcpy(copyright, "DGR (www.multiphysics.com)");
-	 "Gets the skin of a 3D view (eliminates all interior drawing).\n"
-	 "Script name: Plugin(Skin).");
+	 "Gets the skin (i.e. the boundary) of a view,\n"
+	 "eliminating all interior drawing).\n"
+	 "Script name: Plugin(Skin).\n");
 int GMSH_SkinPlugin::getNbOptions() const
@@ -55,63 +56,89 @@ void GMSH_SkinPlugin::CatchErrorMessage (char *errorMessage) const
   strcpy(errorMessage,"Skin failed...");
-extern List_T *Post_ViewList;
-struct elm{
-  int nbnod;
-  double coord[9];
-  double val[3];
+static List_T * List;
+static int    * NbList, NbNod, NbComp, NbTime;
+typedef struct{
+  double Coord[9];
+  double *Val;
+} Elm;
-int fcmp_elm(const void *a, const void *b){
-  struct elm *e1, *e2 ;
-  double s1, s2, TOL=CTX.lc*1.e-6 ;
+static int fcmpElm(const void *a, const void *b){
+  Elm *e1=(Elm*)a, *e2=(Elm*)b;
+  double s1, s2, TOL=CTX.lc*1.e-6;
   int i;
-  e1 = (struct elm*)a; e2 = (struct elm*)b;
   s1 = s2 = 0.0 ;  
-  for(i=0;i<e1->nbnod;i++){ s1 += e1->coord[i]; s2 += e2->coord[i]; }
+  for(i=0;i<NbNod-1;i++){ s1 += e1->Coord[i]; s2 += e2->Coord[i]; }
   if(s1-s2 > TOL) return 1; else if(s1-s2 < -TOL) return -1;
   s1 = s2 = 0.0 ;
-  for(i=0;i<e1->nbnod;i++){ s1 += e1->coord[e1->nbnod+i]; s2 += e2->coord[e1->nbnod+i]; }
+  for(i=0;i<NbNod-1;i++){ s1 += e1->Coord[NbNod-1+i]; s2 += e2->Coord[NbNod-1+i]; }
   if(s1-s2 > TOL) return 1; else if(s1-s2 < -TOL) return -1;
   s1 = s2 = 0.0 ;
-  for(i=0;i<e1->nbnod;i++){ s1 += e1->coord[2*e1->nbnod+i]; s2 += e2->coord[2*e1->nbnod+i]; }
+  for(i=0;i<NbNod-1;i++){ s1 += e1->Coord[2*(NbNod-1)+i]; s2 += e2->Coord[2*(NbNod-1)+i]; }
   if(s1-s2 > TOL) return 1; else if(s1-s2 < -TOL) return -1;
   return 0;
-void get_face(int *nod, int nbnod, int nbcomp, 
-	      double *C, double *V, double Cp[9], double Vp[3]){
-  int i, j;
-  for(i=0; i<nbnod; i++) Cp[i] = C[nod[i]]; //x
-  for(i=0; i<nbnod; i++) Cp[nbnod+i] = C[(nbnod+1) + nod[i]]; //y
-  for(i=0; i<nbnod; i++) Cp[2*nbnod+i] = C[2*(nbnod+1) + nod[i]]; //z
-  for(i=0; i<nbnod; i++) 
-    for(j=0; j<nbcomp; j++) Vp[nbcomp*i+j] = V[nbcomp*nod[i]+j]; //vals
+static void getElm(int *Nod, double *Coord, double *Val, Elm *Elm){
+  int i, j, k;
+  Elm->Val = (double*)Malloc((NbNod-1)*NbComp*NbTime*sizeof(double));
+  for(i=0; i<NbNod-1; i++) Elm->Coord[i] = Coord[Nod[i]]; //x
+  for(i=0; i<NbNod-1; i++) Elm->Coord[NbNod-1+i] = Coord[NbNod + Nod[i]]; //y
+  for(i=0; i<NbNod-1; i++) Elm->Coord[2*(NbNod-1)+i] = Coord[2*NbNod + Nod[i]]; //z
+  for(i=0; i<NbTime; i++)
+    for(j=0; j<NbNod-1; j++) 
+      for(k=0; k<NbComp; k++)
+	Elm->Val[(NbNod-1)*NbComp*i+NbComp*j+k] = 
+	  Val[NbNod*NbComp*i+NbComp*Nod[j]+k];
-static Post_View *View;
+static void addInView(void *a, void *b){
+  int i, k;
+  Elm *e = (Elm*)a;
+  for(i=0; i<3*(NbNod-1); i++) List_Add(List, &e->Coord[i]);
+  for(i=0; i<NbTime; i++)
+    for(k=0;k<(NbNod-1)*NbComp;k++)
+      List_Add(List, &e->Val[(NbNod-1)*NbComp*i+k]);
+  Free(e->Val);
+  (*NbList)++;
-void addSTinView(void *a, void *b){
-  int k;
-  struct elm *elm = (struct elm*)a;
-  for(k=0;k<9;k++)List_Add(View->ST, &elm->coord[k]);
-  for(k=0;k<3;k++)List_Add(View->ST, &elm->val[k]);
-  View->NbST++;
+static void skinSimplex(List_T *Simp, int NbSimp){
+  double *Coords, *Vals;
+  int i, j;
+  int FacesTet[4][3] = {{0,1,2},{0,1,3},{0,2,3},{1,2,3}};
+  int EdgesTri[3][2] = {{0,1},{1,2},{2,0}};
+  Elm e, *pe;
+  Tree_T * Skin = Tree_Create(sizeof(Elm), fcmpElm);
+  for(i = 0 ; i < List_Nbr(Simp) ; i+=NbSimp){
+    Coords = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(Simp,i);
+    Vals = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(Simp,i+3*NbNod);
+    for(j=0 ; j<NbNod ; j++){
+      getElm(NbNod == 4 ? FacesTet[j] : EdgesTri[j],Coords,Vals,&e);
+      if(!(pe=(Elm*)Tree_PQuery(Skin, &e)))
+	Tree_Add(Skin, &e);
+      else{
+	Free(pe->Val);
+	Free(e.Val);
+	Tree_Suppress(Skin, &e);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Tree_Action(Skin, addInView);
+  Tree_Delete(Skin);
+extern List_T * Post_ViewList;
 Post_View *GMSH_SkinPlugin::execute (Post_View *v)
-  Post_View *vv;
-  double *C, *V;
-  int faces_tet[4][3] = {{0,1,2},{0,1,3},{0,2,3},{1,2,3}};
-  int i, j, nb;
-  struct elm elm;
+  Post_View *vv, *View;
   int iView = (int)SkinOptions_Number[0].def;
   if(v && iView < 0)
@@ -124,34 +151,35 @@ Post_View *GMSH_SkinPlugin::execute (Post_View *v)
-  if(vv->NbSS){
+  if(vv->NbSS || vv->NbVS || vv->NbST || vv->NbVT){
     View = BeginView(1);
-    Tree_T * skin = Tree_Create(sizeof(struct elm), fcmp_elm);
-    nb = List_Nbr(vv->SS) / vv->NbSS ;
-    for(i = 0 ; i < List_Nbr(vv->SS) ; i+=nb){
-      C = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(vv->SS,i);
-      V = (double*)List_Pointer_Fast(vv->SS,i+12);
-      for(j=0 ; j<4 ; j++){//for each face
-	get_face(faces_tet[j],3,1,C,V,elm.coord,elm.val);
-	elm.nbnod = 3;
-	if(!Tree_PQuery(skin, &elm))
-	  Tree_Add(skin, &elm);
-	else
-	  Tree_Suppress(skin, &elm);
-      }
+    NbTime = vv->NbTimeStep;
+    if(vv->NbSS){
+      List = View->ST; NbList = &View->NbST; NbNod = 4; NbComp = 1;
+      skinSimplex(vv->SS, List_Nbr(vv->SS) / vv->NbSS);
-    Tree_Action(skin, addSTinView);
-    Tree_Delete(skin);
-    char name[1024], filename[1024];
-    sprintf(name,"skin-%s",vv->Name);
-    sprintf(filename,"skin-%s",vv->FileName);
-    EndView(1, filename, name);
-    Msg(INFO, "Created view '%s' (%d triangles)", name, View->NbST);
-    return View;
+    if(vv->NbVS){
+      List = View->VT; NbList = &View->NbVT; NbNod = 4; NbComp = 3;
+      skinSimplex(vv->VS, List_Nbr(vv->VS) / vv->NbVS) ;
+    }
+    if(vv->NbST){
+      List = View->SL; NbList = &View->NbSL; NbNod = 3; NbComp = 1;
+      skinSimplex(vv->ST, List_Nbr(vv->ST) / vv->NbST);
+    }
+    if(vv->NbVT){
+      List = View->VL; NbList = &View->NbVL; NbNod = 3; NbComp = 3;
+      skinSimplex(vv->VT, List_Nbr(vv->VT) / vv->NbVT) ;
+    }
+    if(View->NbST || View->NbVT || View->NbSL || View->NbVL){
+      char name[1024], filename[1024];
+      sprintf(name,"skin-%s",vv->Name);
+      sprintf(filename,"skin-%s",vv->FileName);
+      EndView(View, 1, filename, name);
+      Msg(INFO, "Created view '%s'", name);
+      return View;
+    }
+    else
+      FreeView(View->Index);
   return 0;