diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 2a88e8959205d0c03e0f6a3d2cd034c2eb7b8717..e9078711ecc7634139e86ed9a62150dcb8ed69a0 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ option(ENABLE_MPEG_ENCODE "Enable built-in MPEG encoder" ON)
 option(ENABLE_MPI "Enable MPI parallelization" OFF)
 option(ENABLE_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME "Use static Visual C++ runtime" OFF)
 option(ENABLE_NATIVE_FILE_CHOOSER "Enable native file chooser in GUI" ON)
-option(ENABLE_NUMPY "Enable Numpy function in solvers (requires SWIG)" ON)
 option(ENABLE_NETGEN "Enable Netgen mesh generator" ON)
 option(ENABLE_OCC "Enable Open CASCADE geometrical models" ON)
 option(ENABLE_OSMESA "Use OSMesa for offscreen rendering" OFF)
@@ -810,12 +809,6 @@ if(ENABLE_SWIG)
       message("WARNING: Python bindings require SWIG >= 2: disabling Python")
       set_config_option(HAVE_SWIG "Swig")
-      if(ENABLE_NUMPY)
-        find_path(NUMPY_INC "numpyconfig.h" PATH_SUFFIXES include/numpy)
-        if(NUMPY_INC)
-          set_config_option(HAVE_NUMPY "Numpy")
-        endif(NUMPY_INC)
-      endif(ENABLE_NUMPY)
diff --git a/Common/GmshConfig.h.in b/Common/GmshConfig.h.in
index edc5de2f8e3e284bcd51651218259b640c39a3e5..30771075fba98347d1ae18c1e9db43bca4e53ec5 100644
--- a/Common/GmshConfig.h.in
+++ b/Common/GmshConfig.h.in
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
 #cmakedefine HAVE_NETGEN
 #cmakedefine HAVE_NO_SOCKLEN_T
 #cmakedefine HAVE_NO_VSNPRINTF
-#cmakedefine HAVE_NUMPY
 #cmakedefine HAVE_OCC
 #cmakedefine HAVE_OPENGL
 #cmakedefine HAVE_OSMESA
diff --git a/Solver/CMakeLists.txt b/Solver/CMakeLists.txt
index dd798487d2196b1ede192068fba68646a81553f6..bd74ac25eabdedb8d7d01294e6cc6221ec90a2a0 100644
--- a/Solver/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Solver/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ set(SRC
-  function.cpp
-  functionDerivator.cpp
diff --git a/Solver/elasticitySolver.cpp b/Solver/elasticitySolver.cpp
index 4eda845f761184246efd502e6278206e6f94cb36..6da24682378d648457a044348f0581df96db9764 100644
--- a/Solver/elasticitySolver.cpp
+++ b/Solver/elasticitySolver.cpp
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 #if defined(HAVE_POST)
 #include "PView.h"
 #include "PViewData.h"
-#include "function.h"
 static void printLinearSystem(linearSystemCSRTaucs<double> *lsys)
diff --git a/Solver/elasticitySolver.h b/Solver/elasticitySolver.h
index 2155966b5a8e707fbb486dae13502e5d7883740e..f555f6be78882300cb3fe8af3d6fdce1c8f35fd3 100644
--- a/Solver/elasticitySolver.h
+++ b/Solver/elasticitySolver.h
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 #include "dofManager.h"
 #include "simpleFunction.h"
 #include "functionSpace.h"
-#include "function.h"
 class GModel;
 class PView;
diff --git a/Solver/function.cpp b/Solver/function.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cb6c51bfb7a81681740c7f0f74848e060d6e79a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Solver/function.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,874 +0,0 @@
-#include "GmshConfig.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include "function.h"
-#include "SPoint3.h"
-#include "MElement.h"
-#include "GModel.h"
-#include "OS.h"
-#if defined(HAVE_DLOPEN)
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-// function
-void function::addFunctionReplace(functionReplace &fr) 
-  fr._master = this;
-  _functionReplaces.push_back(&fr);
-void function::setArgument(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *f, int iMap)
-  if (f == NULL)
-    throw;
-  arguments.push_back(argument(v, iMap, f));
-  dependencies.insert(dependency(iMap, f));
-  for (std::set<dependency>::const_iterator it = f->dependencies.begin(); 
-       it != f->dependencies.end(); it++) {
-    if (it->iMap > 0 && iMap > 0)
-      Msg::Error("Consecutive secondary caches");
-    dependencies.insert(dependency(iMap + it->iMap, it->f));
-  }
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _functionReplaces.size(); i++) {
-    functionReplace &replace = *_functionReplaces[i];
-    for (std::set<dependency>::iterator it = replace._fromParent.begin(); 
-         it != replace._fromParent.end(); it++) {
-      if (it->iMap > 0 && iMap > 0)
-        Msg::Error("Consecutive secondary caches");
-      dependencies.insert(dependency(iMap + it->iMap, it->f));
-    }
-  }
-void function::setArgumentWrapped(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *f, int expectedNbCol, std::string funcName, int iMap)
-  if(f != function::getSolution() && f != function::getSolutionGradient() && f != function::getNormals())
-    if(f->getNbCol() != expectedNbCol)
-      Msg::Fatal("Wrong number of expected outputs in %s (%d, expected %d)", funcName.c_str(), f->getNbCol(), expectedNbCol);
-  setArgument(v, f, iMap);
-functionConstant *function::_timeFunction = NULL;
-functionConstant *function::_dtFunction = NULL;
-functionConstant *function::_dtSubFunction = NULL;
-functionConstant *function::getTime()
-  if (! _timeFunction)
-    _timeFunction = new functionConstant(0.);
-  return _timeFunction;
-functionConstant *function::getDT()
-  if (! _dtFunction)
-    _dtFunction = new functionConstant(0.);
-  return _dtFunction;
-functionConstant *function::getSubDT()
-  if (! _dtSubFunction)
-    _dtSubFunction = new functionConstant(0.);
-  return _dtSubFunction;
-functionSolution *functionSolution::_instance = NULL;
-function *function::getSolution() 
-  return functionSolution::get();
-// Get Solution Gradient + Additionnal class
-void functionSolutionGradient::call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &sol)
-  Msg::Error("a function requires the gradient of the solution but "
-      "this algorithm does not provide the gradient of the solution");
-  throw;
-function *functionSolutionGradient::get()
-  if(!_instance)
-    _instance = new functionSolutionGradient();
-  return _instance;
-functionSolutionGradient *functionSolutionGradient::_instance = NULL;
-function *function::getSolutionGradient() 
-  return functionSolutionGradient::get();
-// Get Normals + Additionnal class
-class functionNormals : public function {
-  static functionNormals *_instance;
-  // constructor is private only 1 instance can exists, call get to
-  // access the instance
-  functionNormals() : function(3){} //TODO TOFIX : set to zero, but not display the error (in function.h)
- public:
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &sol) 
-  {
-    Msg::Error("a function requires the normals coordinates but this "
-               "algorithm does not provide the normals");
-  }
-  static function *get() 
-  {
-    if(!_instance)
-      _instance = new functionNormals();
-    return _instance;
-  }
-functionNormals *functionNormals::_instance = NULL;
-function *function::getNormals() 
-  return functionNormals::get();
-// functionReplace
-  _nChildren = 0;
-void functionReplace::get(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *f, int iMap) 
-  bool allDepFromParent = true;
-  for (std::set<function::dependency>::const_iterator itDep = f->dependencies.begin();
-       itDep != f->dependencies.end(); itDep++){
-    bool depFromParent = (_replaced.count(*itDep) == 0);
-    for (std::set<function::dependency>::const_iterator itDep2 = itDep->f->dependencies.begin(); 
-         itDep2 != itDep->f->dependencies.end() && depFromParent; itDep2++)
-      depFromParent &= (_replaced.count(*itDep2) == 0);
-    if(depFromParent)
-      _master->dependencies.insert(*itDep);
-    else
-      allDepFromParent = false;
-  }
-  function::dependency asDep(iMap, f);
-  if (allDepFromParent && _replaced.count(asDep) == 0)
-    _master->dependencies.insert(asDep);
-  _toCompute.push_back(function::argument(v, iMap, f));
-void functionReplace::replace(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *f, int iMap) 
-  _replaced.insert(function::dependency(iMap, f));
-  _toReplace.push_back(function::argument(v, iMap, f));
-void functionReplace::addChild() 
-  _nChildren++;
-void functionReplace::compute() 
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _toReplace.size(); i++)
-    currentCache->toReplace[i]->set();
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _toCompute.size(); i++)
-    _toCompute[i].val->setAsProxy(currentCache->toCompute[i]->get());
-// dataCacheDouble 
-dataCacheDouble::dataCacheDouble(dataCacheMap *m, function *f):
-  _cacheMap(*m), _value(m->getNbEvaluationPoints(), f->getNbCol()), _function(f)
-  m->addDataCacheDouble(this, f->isInvalitedOnElement());
-  _valid = false;
-void dataCacheDouble::resize(int nrow) 
-  _value.resize(nrow, _value.size2());
-  _valid = false;
-void dataCacheDouble::_eval() 
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _directDependencies.size(); i++){
-    _function->arguments[i].val->setAsProxy(_directDependencies[i]->get());
-  }
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < _function->_functionReplaces.size(); i++) {
-    _function->_functionReplaces[i]->currentCache = &functionReplaceCaches[i];
-    for (unsigned j = 0; j < functionReplaceCaches[i].toReplace.size(); j++){
-      _function->_functionReplaces[i]->_toReplace[j].val->setAsProxy
-        ((*functionReplaceCaches[i].toReplace[j])._value);
-    }
-  }
-  _function->call(&_cacheMap, _value);
-  _valid = true;
-const function * dataCacheMap::_translate(const function *f) const 
-  //special case
-  if (f == function::getSolution() || f == _containerSolution) {
-    f = _functionSolution;
-    if (f == NULL) {
-      dataCacheMap *parent = _parent;
-      while (parent) {
-        f = parent->_functionSolution;
-        if (f) break;
-        parent = parent->_parent;
-      }
-      if (f == NULL) 
-        Msg::Error ("solution function has not been set");
-    }
-  } else if (f == function::getSolutionGradient() || f == _containerSolutionGradient) {
-    f = _functionSolutionGradient;
-    if (f == NULL) {
-      dataCacheMap *parent = _parent;
-      while (parent) {
-        f = parent->_functionSolutionGradient;
-        if (f) break;
-        parent = parent->_parent;
-      }
-      if (f == NULL) 
-      Msg::Error ("solution function gradient has not been set");
-    }
-  }
-  if (f == function::getCoordinates()) {
-    f = _functionCoordinates;
-    if (f == NULL) {
-      dataCacheMap *parent = _parent;
-      while (parent) {
-        f = parent->_functionCoordinates;
-        if (f) break;
-        parent = parent->_parent;
-      }
-      if (f == NULL) 
-        Msg::Error ("function coordinates has not been set");
-    }
-  }
-  return f;
-dataCacheDouble *dataCacheMap::get(const function *f, dataCacheDouble *caller, bool createIfNotPresent)
-  f = _translate(f);
-  // do I have a cache for this function ?
-  dataCacheDouble *&r = _cacheDoubleMap[f];
-  // can I use the cache of my parent ?
-  if(_parent && r == NULL) {
-    bool okFromParent = true;
-    for (std::set<function::dependency>::const_iterator it = f->dependencies.begin(); 
-         it != f->dependencies.end(); it++) {
-      if (it->iMap > _parent->_secondaryCaches.size())
-        okFromParent = false;
-      dataCacheMap *m = getSecondaryCache(it->iMap);
-      if (m->_cacheDoubleMap.find(_translate(it->f)) != m->_cacheDoubleMap.end()) {
-        okFromParent = false;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (okFromParent)
-      r = _parent->get (f, caller);
-  }
-  // no cache found, create a new one
-  if (r == NULL) {
-    if (!createIfNotPresent) 
-      return NULL;
-    r = new dataCacheDouble (this, (function*)(f));
-    r->_directDependencies.resize (f->arguments.size());
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < f->arguments.size(); i++) {
-      r->_directDependencies[i] = 
-        getSecondaryCache(f->arguments[i].iMap)->get(f->arguments[i].f, r);
-    }
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < f->_functionReplaces.size(); i++) {
-      functionReplaceCache replaceCache;
-      functionReplace *replace = f->_functionReplaces[i];
-      dataCacheMap *rMap = newChild();
-      for (unsigned i = 0; i < _secondaryCaches.size(); i++)
-        rMap->addSecondaryCache (getSecondaryCache(i+1)->newChild());
-      for (int i = 0; i < replace->_nChildren; i++)
-        rMap->addSecondaryCache (rMap->newChild());
-      for (std::vector<function::argument>::iterator it = replace->_toReplace.begin();
-           it!= replace->_toReplace.end(); it++) {
-        dataCacheMap *m = rMap->getSecondaryCache(it->iMap);
-        dataCacheDouble *s = new dataCacheDouble(m, (function*)_translate(it->f));
-        m->_cacheDoubleMap[_translate(it->f)] = s;
-        replaceCache.toReplace.push_back(s);
-      }
-      for (std::vector<function::argument>::iterator it = replace->_toCompute.begin();
-           it!= replace->_toCompute.end(); it++ ) {
-        replaceCache.toCompute.push_back(rMap->getSecondaryCache(it->iMap)->get(it->f, r));
-      }
-      replaceCache.map = rMap;
-      r->functionReplaceCaches.push_back (replaceCache); 
-    }
-    ((function*)f)->registerInDataCacheMap(this, r); // set if dofFunction(Gradient) as neededDof in dgDataCM
-  }
-  // update the dependency tree
-  if (caller) {
-    r->_dependOnMe.insert(caller);
-    caller->_iDependOn.insert(r);
-    for(std::set<dataCacheDouble*>::iterator it = r->_iDependOn.begin();
-        it != r->_iDependOn.end(); it++) {
-      (*it)->_dependOnMe.insert(caller);
-      caller->_iDependOn.insert(*it);
-    }
-  }
-  return r;
-// dataCacheMap
-  for (std::set<dataCacheDouble*>::iterator it = _allDataCaches.begin();
-      it!=_allDataCaches.end(); it++) {
-    delete *it;
-  }
-  for (std::list<dataCacheMap*>::iterator it = _children.begin();
-       it != _children.end(); it++) {
-    delete *it;
-  }
-void dataCacheMap::setNbEvaluationPoints(int nbEvaluationPoints) 
-  for(std::list<dataCacheMap*>::iterator it = _children.begin(); it != _children.end(); it++) {
-    (*it)->setNbEvaluationPoints(nbEvaluationPoints);
-  }
-  for(std::vector<dataCacheMap*>::iterator it = _secondaryCaches.begin(); it != _secondaryCaches.end(); it++) {
-    (*it)->setNbEvaluationPoints(nbEvaluationPoints);
-  }
-  if (_nbEvaluationPoints == nbEvaluationPoints) {
-    for(std::set<dataCacheDouble*>::iterator it = _allDataCaches.begin(); it != _allDataCaches.end(); it++)
-      (*it)->_valid = false;
-    return;
-  }
-  _nbEvaluationPoints = nbEvaluationPoints;
-  for(std::set<dataCacheDouble*>::iterator it = _allDataCaches.begin();
-      it != _allDataCaches.end(); it++){
-    (*it)->resize(nbEvaluationPoints);
-  }
-// Some examples of functions
-// functionConstant (constant values copied over each line)
-void functionConstant::set(double val) 
-  if(getNbCol() != 1)
-    Msg::Error ("set scalar value on a vectorial constant function");
-  _source(0, 0) = val;
-void functionConstant::call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val)
-  for (int i = 0; i < val.size1(); i++)
-    for (int j = 0; j < _source.size1(); j++)
-      val(i, j)=_source(j, 0);
-functionConstant::functionConstant(std::vector<double> source) : function(source.size(), false)
-  _source = fullMatrix<double>(source.size(), 1);
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < source.size(); i++)
-    _source(i, 0) = source[i];
-functionConstant::functionConstant(double source) : function(1, false)
-  _source.resize(1, 1);
-  _source(0, 0) = source;
-// functionSum
-class functionSum : public function {
- public:
-  fullMatrix<double> _f0, _f1;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) 
-  {
-    for (int i = 0; i < val.size1(); i++)
-      for (int j = 0; j < val.size2(); j++)
-        val(i, j)= _f0(i, j) + _f1(i, j);
-  }
-  functionSum(const function *f0, const function *f1) : function(f0->getNbCol()) 
-  {
-    if (f0->getNbCol() != f1->getNbCol()) {
-      Msg::Error("trying to sum 2 functions of different sizes: %d %d\n",
-                 f0->getNbCol(), f1->getNbCol());
-      throw;
-    }
-    setArgument (_f0, f0);
-    setArgument (_f1, f1);
-  }
-function *functionSumNew(const function *f0, const function *f1) 
-  return new functionSum (f0, f1);
-// functionMinus
-class functionMinus : public function {
- public:
-  fullMatrix<double> _f0, _f1;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) 
-  {
-    if (_f0.size2() != _f1.size2()) {
-      Msg::Error("trying to substract 2 functions of different sizes: %d - %d\n",
-                 _f0.size2(), _f1.size2());
-      throw;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < val.size1(); i++)
-      for (int j = 0; j < val.size2(); j++)
-        val(i, j)= _f0(i, j) - _f1(i, j);
-  }
-  functionMinus(const function *f0, const function *f1) : function(f0->getNbCol()) 
-  {
-/*    if (f0->getNbCol() != f1->getNbCol()) {
-      Msg::Error("trying to substract 2 functions of different sizes: %d - %d\n",
-                 f0->getNbCol(), f1->getNbCol());
-      throw;
-    }*/
-    setArgument (_f0, f0);
-    setArgument (_f1, f1);
-  }
-function *functionMinusNew(const function *f0, const function *f1) 
-  return new functionMinus (f0, f1);
-// functionLevelset
-class functionLevelset : public function {
- public:
-  fullMatrix<double> _f0;
-  double _valMin, _valPlus;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) 
-  {
-    for (int i = 0; i < val.size1(); i++)
-      for (int j = 0; j < val.size2(); j++){
-	val(i, j)= _valPlus;
-	if (_f0(i,j) < 0.0)
-	  val(i,j) = _valMin;
-      }
-  }
-  functionLevelset(const function *f0, const double valMin, const double valPlus) : function(f0->getNbCol()) 
-  {
-    setArgument (_f0, f0);
-    _valMin  = valMin;
-    _valPlus = valPlus;
-  }
-function *functionLevelsetNew(const function *f0, const double valMin, const double valPlus) 
-  return new functionLevelset (f0, valMin, valPlus);
-class functionLevelsetSmooth : public function {
- public:
-  fullMatrix<double> _f0;
-  double _valMin, _valPlus, _E;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) 
-  {
-    double ivalPlus = 1./_valPlus;
-    double ivalMin = 1./_valMin;
-    for (int i = 0; i < val.size1(); i++)
-      for (int j = 0; j < val.size2(); j++){
-        double phi = _f0(i,j);
-        //double Heps = 0.5 * (1 + phi / _E + 1. / M_PI * sin(M_PI * phi / _E));
-	//double Heps = 0.5 + 1./32.*(45.*phi/_E - 50.*pow(phi/_E,3.) + 21.*pow(phi/_E,5.)  );
-	double Heps = 0.5*(1+tanh(M_PI*phi/_E));
-	//double Heps = 0.75 * (phi/_E - 0.33*pow(phi/_E,3.0)) + 0.5;
-        //if (fabs(phi) < _E)  val(i, j) = 1./(Heps * ivalPlus + (1 - Heps) * ivalMin);
-        //else if (phi >  _E)  val(i, j) = 1./ivalPlus;
-        //else if (phi < -_E)  val(i, j) = 1./ivalMin;
-        if (fabs(phi) < _E)  val(i, j) = (Heps * _valPlus + (1 - Heps) * _valMin);
-        else if (phi >  _E)  val(i, j) = _valPlus;
-        else if (phi < -_E)  val(i, j) = _valMin;
-      }
-  }
-  functionLevelsetSmooth(const function *f0, const double valMin, const double valPlus, const double E) : function(f0->getNbCol()) 
-  {
-    //printf("Levelset bandwidth is E = %g \n", E);
-    setArgument (_f0, f0);
-    _valMin  = valMin;
-    _valPlus = valPlus;
-    _E = E;
-  }
-function *functionLevelsetSmoothNew(const function *f0, const double valMin, const double valPlus, const double E) 
-  return new functionLevelsetSmooth (f0, valMin, valPlus, E);
-// functionProd
-class functionProd : public function {
- public:
-  fullMatrix<double> _f0, _f1;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) 
-  {
-    for (int i = 0; i < val.size1(); i++)
-      for (int j = 0; j < val.size2(); j++)
-        val(i, j)= _f0(i, j) * _f1(i, j);
-  }
-  functionProd(const function *f0, const function *f1) : function(f0->getNbCol()) 
-  {
-    if (f0->getNbCol() != f1->getNbCol()) {
-      Msg::Error("trying to compute product of 2 functions of different sizes: %d %d\n",
-                 f0->getNbCol(), f1->getNbCol());
-      throw;
-    }
-    setArgument (_f0, f0);
-    setArgument (_f1, f1);
-  }
-function *functionProdNew(const function *f0, const function *f1) 
-  return new functionProd (f0, f1);
-// functionQuotient
-class functionQuotient : public function {
- public:
-  fullMatrix<double> _f0, _f1;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) 
-  {
-    for (int i = 0; i < val.size1(); i++)
-      for (int j = 0; j < val.size2(); j++)
-        val(i, j)= _f0(i, j) / _f1(i, j);
-  }
-  functionQuotient(const function *f0, const function *f1) : function(f0->getNbCol()) 
-  {
-    if (f0->getNbCol() != f1->getNbCol()) {
-      Msg::Error("trying to compute product of 2 functions of different sizes: %d %d\n",
-                 f0->getNbCol(), f1->getNbCol());
-      throw;
-    }
-    setArgument (_f0, f0);
-    setArgument (_f1, f1);
-  }
-function *functionQuotientNew (const function *f0, const function *f1)
-  return new functionQuotient (f0, f1);
-// functionExtractComp
-class functionExtractComp : public function {
-  public:
-  fullMatrix<double> _f0;
-  int _iComp;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) 
-  {
-    for (int i = 0; i < val.size1(); i++)
-        val(i, 0) = _f0(i, _iComp);
-  }
-  functionExtractComp(const function *f0, const int iComp) : function(1) 
-  {
-    setArgument (_f0, f0);
-    _iComp = iComp;
-  }
-function *functionExtractCompNew(const function *f0, const int iComp) 
-  return new functionExtractComp (f0, iComp);
-// functionCatComp
-class functionCatComp : public function {
-  public:
-  int _nComp;
-  std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > _fMatrix;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val)
-  {
-    for (int i = 0; i<val.size1(); i++)
-      for (int comp = 0; comp < _nComp; comp++)
-        val(i,comp) = _fMatrix[comp](i, 0);
-  }
-  functionCatComp(std::vector<const function *> fArray) : function(fArray.size())
-  {
-    _nComp = fArray.size();
-    _fMatrix.resize(_nComp);
-    for (int i = 0; i < _nComp; i++)
-      setArgument (_fMatrix[i], fArray[i]);
-  }
-function *functionCatCompNew(std::vector<const function *> fArray)
-  return new functionCatComp (fArray);
-// functionScale
-class functionScale : public function {
- public:
-  fullMatrix<double> _f0;
-  double _s;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) 
-  {
-    for(int i = 0; i < val.size1(); i++)
-      for(int j = 0; j < val.size2(); j++)
-        val(i, j) = _f0(i, j)*_s;
-  }
-  functionScale(const function *f0, const double s) : function(f0->getNbCol()) 
-  {
-    setArgument (_f0, f0);
-    _s = s;
-  }
-function *functionScaleNew(const function *f0, const double s) {
-  return new functionScale (f0, s);
-// functionAbs
-class functionAbs : public function {
- public:
-  fullMatrix<double> _f0;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) 
-  {
-    for(int i = 0; i < val.size1(); i++)
-      for(int j = 0; j < val.size2(); j++)
-        val(i, j) = fabs(_f0(i, j));
-  }
-  functionAbs(const function *f0) : function(f0->getNbCol())
-  {
-    setArgument (_f0, f0);
-  }
-function *functionAbsNew (const function *f0) {
-  return new functionAbs (f0);
-// functionMean
-class functionMeanP1 : public function {
-  fullMatrix<double> _f, _df, _xyz;
-  functionMeanP1(const function *f, const function *df) : function(f->getNbCol()) {
-    setArgument (_f, f);
-    setArgument (_df, df);
-    setArgument (_xyz, function::getCoordinates());
-  }
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val)
-  {
-    SPoint3 center = m->getElement()->barycenter();
-    for(int j = 0; j < val.size2(); j++)
-      for(int i = 0; i < val.size1(); i++)
-        val(i, j) = _f(i, j)
-                  + _df(i, 3 * j + 0) * ( center.x() - _xyz(i, 0) )
-                  + _df(i, 3 * j + 1) * ( center.y() - _xyz(i, 1) )
-                  + _df(i, 3 * j + 2) * ( center.z() - _xyz(i, 2) );
-  }
-function *functionMeanP1New(const function *f, const function *df) {
-  return new functionMeanP1 (f, df);
-// functionStructuredGridFile
-class functionStructuredGridFile : public function {
-  fullMatrix<double> coord;
- public:
-  int n[3];
-  double d[3], o[3];
-  double get(int i, int j, int k) 
-  {
-    return v[(i * n[1] + j) * n[2] + k];
-  }
-  double *v;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) 
-  {
-    for (int pt = 0; pt < val.size1(); pt++) {
-      double xi[3];
-      int id[3];
-      for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
-        id[i] = (int)((coord(pt, i) - o[i]) / d[i]);
-        int a = id[i];
-        id[i] = std::max(0, std::min(n[i] - 1, id[i]));
-        xi[i] = (coord(pt,i) - o[i] - id[i] * d[i]) / d[i];
-        xi[i] = std::min(1., std::max(0., xi[i]));
-      }
-      val(pt, 0) =
-        get(id[0]  , id[1]  , id[2]   ) * (1-xi[0]) * (1-xi[1]) * (1-xi[2]) +
-        get(id[0]  , id[1]  , id[2]+1 ) * (1-xi[0]) * (1-xi[1]) * (  xi[2]) +
-        get(id[0]  , id[1]+1, id[2]   ) * (1-xi[0]) * (  xi[1]) * (1-xi[2]) +
-        get(id[0]  , id[1]+1, id[2]+1 ) * (1-xi[0]) * (  xi[1]) * (  xi[2]) +
-        get(id[0]+1, id[1]  , id[2]   ) * (  xi[0]) * (1-xi[1]) * (1-xi[2]) +
-        get(id[0]+1, id[1]  , id[2]+1 ) * (  xi[0]) * (1-xi[1]) * (  xi[2]) +
-        get(id[0]+1, id[1]+1, id[2]   ) * (  xi[0]) * (  xi[1]) * (1-xi[2]) +
-        get(id[0]+1, id[1]+1, id[2]+1 ) * (  xi[0]) * (  xi[1]) * (  xi[2]);
-    }
-  }
-  functionStructuredGridFile(const std::string filename, const function *coordFunction)
-    : function(1) 
-  {
-    setArgument(coord, coordFunction);
-    std::ifstream input(filename.c_str());
-    if(!input)
-      Msg::Error("cannot open file : %s",filename.c_str());
-    if(filename.substr(filename.size()-4, 4) != ".bin") {
-      input >> o[0] >> o[1] >> o[2] >> d[0] >> d[1] >> d[2] >> n[0] >> n[1] >> n[2];
-      int nt = n[0] * n[1] * n[2];
-      v = new double [nt];
-      for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++)
-        input >> v[i];
-    } else {
-      input.read((char *)o, 3 * sizeof(double));
-      input.read((char *)d, 3 * sizeof(double));
-      input.read((char *)n, 3 * sizeof(int));
-      int nt = n[0] * n[1] * n[2];
-      v = new double[nt];
-      input.read((char *)v, nt * sizeof(double));
-    }
-  }
-  ~functionStructuredGridFile() 
-  {
-    delete []v;
-  }
-// functionC
-void functionC::buildLibraryFromFile(const std::string cfilename, const std::string libfilename) {
-  FILE *tmpMake = fopen("_tmpMake", "w");
-  fprintf(tmpMake, 
-      "include $(DG_BUILD_DIR)/CMakeFiles/dgshared.dir/flags.make\n"
-      "%s : %s\n"
-      "\tg++ -fPIC -shared -o $@ $(CXX_FLAGS) $(CXX_DEFINES) $<\n",
-      libfilename.c_str(), cfilename.c_str());
-  fclose(tmpMake);
-  if(system("make -f _tmpMake"))
-    Msg::Fatal("make command failed\n");
-  UnlinkFile("_tmpMake.cpp");
-void functionC::buildLibrary(std::string code, std::string filename) 
-  FILE *tmpSrc = fopen("_tmpSrc.cpp", "w");
-  fprintf(tmpSrc, "%s\n",code.c_str());
-  fclose(tmpSrc);
-  buildLibraryFromFile("_tmpSrc.cpp", filename);
-  UnlinkFile("_tmpSrc.cpp");
-void functionC::call (dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) 
-  switch (args.size()) {
-    case 0 : 
-      ((void (*)(dataCacheMap*, fullMatrix<double> &))(callback))(m, val);
-      break;
-    case 1 : 
-      ((void (*)(dataCacheMap*, fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&))
-       (callback)) (m, val, args[0]);
-      break;
-    case 2 : 
-      ((void (*)(dataCacheMap*, fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&, 
-                 const fullMatrix<double> &))
-       (callback)) (m, val, args[0], args[1]);
-      break;
-    case 3 : 
-      ((void (*)(dataCacheMap*, fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&, 
-                 const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&))
-       (callback)) (m, val, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
-      break;
-    case 4 : 
-      ((void (*)(dataCacheMap*, fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&,
-                 const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&,
-                 const fullMatrix<double>&))
-       (callback)) (m, val, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
-      break;
-    case 5 : 
-      ((void (*)(dataCacheMap*, fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&, 
-                 const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&,
-                 const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&))
-       (callback)) (m, val, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
-      break;
-    case 6 : 
-      ((void (*)(dataCacheMap*, fullMatrix<double> &, const fullMatrix<double>&,
-                 const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&,
-                 const fullMatrix<double>&, const fullMatrix<double>&, 
-                 const fullMatrix<double>&))
-       (callback)) (m, val, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]);
-      break;
-    default :
-      Msg::Error("C callback not implemented for %i argurments", args.size());
-  }
-functionC::functionC (std::string file, std::string symbol, int nbCol, 
-    std::vector<const function *> dependencies):
-  function(nbCol)
-#if defined(HAVE_DLOPEN)
-  args.resize(dependencies.size());
-  for(int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++) {
-    setArgument(args[i], dependencies[i]);
-  }
-  void *dlHandler;
-  dlHandler = dlopen(file.c_str(), RTLD_NOW);
-  callback = (void(*)(void))dlsym(dlHandler, symbol.c_str());
-  if(!callback)
-    Msg::Error("Cannot get the callback to the compiled C function: %s", symbol.c_str());
-  Msg::Error("Cannot construct functionC without dlopen");
-class functionCoordinates : public function {
-  static functionCoordinates *_instance;
-  functionCoordinates() : function(3) {}; 
- public:
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &sol)
-  {
-    Msg::Error("A function requires the coordinates but this algorithm does "
-               "not provide the coordinates");
-    throw;
-  }
-  static functionCoordinates *get()
-  {
-    if(!_instance)
-      _instance = new functionCoordinates();
-    return _instance;
-  }
-functionCoordinates *functionCoordinates::_instance = NULL;
-function *function::getCoordinates() 
-  return functionCoordinates::get();
diff --git a/Solver/function.h b/Solver/function.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 400076189c8ad183b9c4cfa10fd527e448dc3710..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Solver/function.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _FUNCTION_H_
-#define _FUNCTION_H_
-#include "fullMatrix.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-class dataCacheDouble;
-class dataCacheMap;
-class dgDataCacheMap;
-class function;
-class functionConstant;
-class functionReplace;
-class functionReplaceCache;
-class MElement;
-// An abstract interface to functions
-class function {
- public:
-  // additionnal types
-  class dependency {
-   public:
-    unsigned iMap;
-    const function *f;
-    dependency(int iMap_, const function *f_) {
-       iMap = iMap_;
-       f = f_;
-    }
-    bool operator < (const dependency &d) const {
-      return (d.iMap <iMap || d.f < f);
-    }
-  };
-  class argument {
-   public:
-    int iMap; // id of the dataCacheMap, e.g. on interfaces
-    const function *f;
-    fullMatrix<double> *val;
-    argument(fullMatrix<double> &v, int iMap_, const function *f_) {
-      val = &v;
-      iMap = iMap_;
-      f = f_;
-    }
-  };
-  // data
-  int _nbCol;
-  bool _invalidatedOnElement;
-  std::vector<functionReplace*> _functionReplaces;
-  std::vector<argument> arguments;
-  std::set<dependency> dependencies;
- private:
-  static functionConstant *_timeFunction;
-  static functionConstant *_dtFunction;  
-  static functionConstant *_dtSubFunction;  
- public:
-  function(int nbCol, bool invalidatedOnElement = true)
-    : _nbCol(nbCol), _invalidatedOnElement(invalidatedOnElement) {}
-  virtual ~function(){}
-  void addFunctionReplace(functionReplace &fr);
-  void setArgument(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *f, int iMap = 0);
-  void setArgumentWrapped(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *f, int expectedNbCol, std::string funcName="a function", int iMap=0);
-  virtual void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &res) = 0;
-  virtual void registerInDataCacheMap(dataCacheMap *m, dataCacheDouble *d) {}
-  // get or print information
-  inline bool isInvalitedOnElement() { return _invalidatedOnElement; }
-  inline int getNbCol() const        {if(_nbCol ==0) Msg::Error("Cannot ask nbCol of functionSolution"); return _nbCol; }
-  static functionConstant *getTime();
-  static functionConstant *getDT();
-  static functionConstant *getSubDT();
-  static function *getSolution();
-  static function *getCoordinates();
-  static function *getSolutionGradient();
-  static function *getNormals();
-  void printDep()
-  {
-    for (std::set<dependency>::iterator it = dependencies.begin();
-         it != dependencies.end(); it++)
-      printf("%i %p\n", it->iMap, it->f);
-  }
-// Additionnal class to get solution
-class functionSolution : public function {
-  static functionSolution *_instance;
-  // constructor is private only 1 instance can exists, call get to
-  // access the instance
-  functionSolution() : function(0) {}; 
- public:
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &sol)
-  {
-    Msg::Error("A function requires the solution but this algorithm does "
-               "not provide the solution");
-    throw;
-  }
-  void setNbFields(int nbFields){ _nbCol = nbFields; }
-  static functionSolution *get()
-  {
-    if(!_instance)
-      _instance = new functionSolution();
-    return _instance;
-  }
-class functionSolutionGradient : public function {
-  static functionSolutionGradient *_instance;
-  // constructor is private only 1 instance can exists, call get to
-  // access the instance
-  functionSolutionGradient();
- public:
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &sol);
-  static function *get();
-class functionReplaceCache {
-  public:
-  dataCacheMap *map;
-  std::vector <dataCacheDouble*> toReplace;
-  std::vector <dataCacheDouble*> toCompute;
-class functionReplace {
-  friend class dataCacheMap;
-  friend class dataCacheDouble;
- public:
-  int _nChildren;
-  function *_master;
-  functionReplaceCache *currentCache;
-  std::set <function::dependency> _replaced;
-  std::set <function::dependency> _fromParent;
-  std::vector <function::argument> _toReplace;
-  std::vector <function::argument> _toCompute;
-  functionReplace();
-  void get(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *, int iMap = 0);
-  void replace(fullMatrix<double> &v, const function *, int iMap = 0);
-  void compute();
-  void addChild();
-// A dataCache when the value is a matrix of double. The user should
-// provide the number of rows by evaluating points and the number of
-// columns; then the size of the matrix is automatically adjusted
-class dataCacheDouble {
-  friend class dataCacheMap;
-  friend class dgDataCacheMap;
-  friend class functionReplace;
-  std::vector<dataCacheDouble*> _directDependencies;
-  function *_function;
-  dataCacheMap &_cacheMap;
-  std::vector<functionReplaceCache> functionReplaceCaches;
- protected:
-  // pointers to all of the dataCache depending on me
-  std::set<dataCacheDouble*> _dependOnMe;
-  std::set<dataCacheDouble*> _iDependOn;
-  fullMatrix<double> _value;
-  bool _valid;
-  dataCacheDouble(dataCacheMap *,function *f);
-  // do the actual computation and put the result into _value
-  void _eval();
-  void resize(int nrow);
- public:
-  inline function * getFunction() {return _function;}
-  //set the value (without computing it by _eval) and invalidate the
-  // dependencies this function is needed to be able to pass the
-  // _value to functions like gemm or mult but you cannot keep the
-  // reference to the _value, you should always use the set function
-  // to modify the _value take care if you use this to set a proxy you
-  // must ensure that the value pointed to are not modified without
-  // further call to set because the dependencies won't be invalidate
-  inline fullMatrix<double> &set()
-  {
-    if(_valid) {
-      for(std::set<dataCacheDouble*>::iterator it = _dependOnMe.begin();
-          it!=_dependOnMe.end(); it++)
-        (*it)->_valid=false;
-    }
-    _valid = true;
-    return _value;
-  }
-  // access _value and compute it if necessary
-  inline const fullMatrix<double> &get()
-  {
-    if(!_valid)
-      _eval();
-    return _value;
-  }
-  // dataCacheMap is the only one supposed to call this
-  inline bool somethingDependOnMe() { return !_dependOnMe.empty(); }
-  inline bool doIDependOn(dataCacheDouble &other)
-  {
-    return (_iDependOn.find(&other)!=_iDependOn.end());
-  }
-  inline std::vector<dataCacheDouble*> & getDirectDependencies() { return _directDependencies; }
-class dataCacheMap {
-  const function *_functionSolution, *_functionSolutionGradient, *_functionCoordinates, *_containerSolution, *_containerSolutionGradient;
-  //handle function solution and funciton solution gradient
-  const function * _translate (const function *) const;
- public:
-  dataCacheMap  *_parent;
-  std::list<dataCacheMap*> _children;
-  std::vector<dataCacheMap*> _secondaryCaches;
-  int _nbEvaluationPoints;
-  std::map<const function*, dataCacheDouble*> _cacheDoubleMap;
-  std::set<dataCacheDouble*> _allDataCaches;
-  std::vector<dataCacheDouble*> _toInvalidateOnElement;
-  MElement *_element;
-  dataCacheMap() {
-    _functionSolution = _functionSolutionGradient = _functionCoordinates = _containerSolution = _containerSolutionGradient = NULL;
-    _nbEvaluationPoints = 0;
-    _parent = NULL;
-  }
-  ~dataCacheMap();
-  void addDataCacheDouble(dataCacheDouble *data, bool invalidatedOnElement)
-  {
-    _allDataCaches.insert(data);
-    if(invalidatedOnElement)
-      _toInvalidateOnElement.push_back(data);
-  }
-  virtual dgDataCacheMap *asDgDataCacheMap() 
-  {
-    Msg::Error("I'm not a dgDataCacheMap");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  dataCacheMap *getSecondaryCache(int i)
-  {
-    if (i==0)
-      return this;
-    return _secondaryCaches[i-1];
-  }
-  void addSecondaryCache(dataCacheMap *s)
-  {
-    _secondaryCaches.push_back(s);
-  }
-  dataCacheDouble *get(const function *f, dataCacheDouble *caller=0, bool createIfNotPresent = true);
-  virtual void setElement(MElement *element)
-  {
-    _element=element;
-    for(std::vector<dataCacheDouble*>::iterator it=_toInvalidateOnElement.begin(); 
-        it!= _toInvalidateOnElement.end(); it++) {
-      (*it)->_valid=false;
-    }
-    for(std::list<dataCacheMap*>::iterator it=_children.begin(); it!=_children.end(); it++) {
-      (*it)->setElement(element);
-    }
-  }
-  inline MElement *getElement() { return _element; }
-  virtual dataCacheMap *newChild()
-  {
-    dataCacheMap *m = new dataCacheMap();
-    m->_parent = this;
-    _children.push_back(m);
-    m->_nbEvaluationPoints = 0;
-    return m;
-  }
-  inline void setFunctionCoordinates(const function *functionCoordinates) {
-    _functionCoordinates = functionCoordinates;
-  }
-  inline void setSolutionFunction(const function *functionSolution, const function *functionSolutionGradient) {
-    _functionSolution = functionSolution;
-    _functionSolutionGradient = functionSolutionGradient;
-    for(std::vector<dataCacheMap*>::iterator it = _secondaryCaches.begin(); it != _secondaryCaches.end(); it++) {
-      (*it)->setSolutionFunction(functionSolution, functionSolutionGradient);
-    }
-  }
-  inline void setReferenceSolutionFunction(const function *functionSolution, const function *functionSolutionGradient) {
-    _containerSolution = functionSolution;
-    _containerSolutionGradient = functionSolutionGradient;
-    for(std::list<dataCacheMap*>::iterator it = _children.begin(); it != _children.end(); it++) {
-      (*it)->setReferenceSolutionFunction(functionSolution, functionSolutionGradient);
-    }
-    for(std::vector<dataCacheMap*>::iterator it = _secondaryCaches.begin(); it != _secondaryCaches.end(); it++) {
-      (*it)->setReferenceSolutionFunction(functionSolution, functionSolutionGradient);
-    }
-  }
-  void setNbEvaluationPoints(int nbEvaluationPoints);
-  inline int getNbEvaluationPoints() { return _nbEvaluationPoints; }
-// functionConstant (constant values copied over each line)
-class functionConstant : public function {
- public:
-  fullMatrix<double> _source;
-  void call(dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val);
-  functionConstant(std::vector<double> source);
-  functionConstant(double source);
-  void set(double val); 
-class functionC : public function {
-  std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > args;
-  void (*callback)(void);
-  public:
-  static void buildLibrary(std::string code, std::string filename) ;
-	static void buildLibraryFromFile(const std::string cfilename, const std::string libfilename);
-  void call (dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &val) ;
-  functionC (std::string file, std::string symbol, int nbCol, 
-             std::vector<const function *> dependencies);
-function *functionLevelsetNew (const function *f0, const double valMin, const double valPlus);
-function *functionLevelsetSmoothNew (const function *f0, const double valMin, const double valPlus, const double E);
-function *functionSumNew (const function *f0, const function *f1);
-function *functionMinusNew (const function *f0, const function *f1);
-function *functionProdNew (const function *f0, const function *f1);
-function *functionQuotientNew (const function *f0, const function *f1);
-function *functionScaleNew (const function *f0, const double s);
-function *functionAbsNew (const function *f0);
-function *functionExtractCompNew (const function *f0, const int iComp);
-function *functionCatCompNew(std::vector<const function *> fArray);
-function *functionMeanP1New(const function *f, const function *df);
diff --git a/Solver/functionDerivator.cpp b/Solver/functionDerivator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4133c1bc712a668ceebb135e79a3b3f0442f4219..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Solver/functionDerivator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#include "functionDerivator.h"
-#include "function.h"
-const fullMatrix<double> &functionDerivator::compute() {
-  const int nbColX = _x.get().size2();
-  const double o_eps = 1. / _epsilon;
-  _fRef = _f.get();
-  _dfdx.resize(_fRef.size1(),_fRef.size2() * nbColX, false);
-  for (int j = 0; j < nbColX; ++j) {
-    fullMatrix<double> &x =_x.set();
-    for (int i=0;i<_fRef.size1();i++)
-      x(i,j) += _epsilon;
-    const fullMatrix<double> &f = _f.get();
-    for (int k=0; k<_fRef.size2(); k++) 
-      for (int i=0; i<_fRef.size1(); i++) 
-        _dfdx(i, k * nbColX + j) = (f(i,k)-_fRef(i,k)) * o_eps;
-    for (int i=0;i<_fRef.size1();i++)
-      x(i,j) -= _epsilon;
-  }
-  _x.set();
-  return _dfdx;
diff --git a/Solver/functionDerivator.h b/Solver/functionDerivator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1793a31930bea5936e2c00ead516200b3c32c737..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Solver/functionDerivator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#include "fullMatrix.h"
-#include "function.h"
-class functionDerivator {
-  dataCacheDouble &_f,&_x;
-  fullMatrix<double> _fRef, _xRef, _dfdx;
-  double _epsilon;
-  public:
-  functionDerivator (dataCacheDouble &f, dataCacheDouble &x, double epsilon):
-    _f(f),
-    _x(x),
-    _epsilon(epsilon)
-    {}
-  const fullMatrix<double> &compute();
-  inline double get(int iQP, int iF, int iX) 
-  {
-    return _dfdx(iQP, iF*_xRef.size2()+iX);
-  }
diff --git a/Solver/functionNumpy.h b/Solver/functionNumpy.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bfce74bc37a441b628ac629bb25dec3f6e001f06..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Solver/functionNumpy.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#include "GmshConfig.h"
-#ifdef HAVE_NUMPY
-#include "Python.h"
-#include "numpy/arrayobject.h"
-class functionNumpy : public function {
-  PyObject *_pycallback;
-  std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > args;
-  static PyObject *pyArrayFromFullMatrix(fullMatrix<double> &m) {
-    long int n[2] = {m.size1(), m.size2()};
-    return PyArray_New(&PyArray_Type, 2, n, NPY_DOUBLE, NULL, &m(0, 0), 0, NPY_FARRAY, NULL);
-  }
-  void call (dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &res) 
-  {
-    PyObject *swigR;
-    PyObject *pyargs;
-    std::vector<PyObject*> swigA(args.size());
-    swigR = pyArrayFromFullMatrix(res);
-    for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
-      swigA[i] = pyArrayFromFullMatrix(args[i]);
-    }
-    switch(args.size()) {
-      case 0 : pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(N)", swigR); break;
-      case 1 : pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(NN)", swigR, swigA[0]); break;
-      case 2 : pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(NNN)", swigR, swigA[0], swigA[1]); break;
-      case 3 : pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(NNNN)", swigR, swigA[0], swigA[1], swigA[2]); break;
-      case 4 : pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(NNNNN)", swigR, swigA[0], swigA[1], swigA[2], swigA[3]); break;
-      case 5 : pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(NNNNNN)", swigR, swigA[0], swigA[1], swigA[2], swigA[3], swigA[4]); break;
-      case 6 : pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(NNNNNNN)", swigR, swigA[0], swigA[1], swigA[2], swigA[3], swigA[4], swigA[5]); break;
-      case 7 : pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(NNNNNNNN)", swigR, swigA[0], swigA[1], swigA[2], swigA[3], swigA[4], swigA[5], swigA[6]); break;
-      case 8 : pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(NNNNNNNNN)", swigR, swigA[0], swigA[1], swigA[2], swigA[3], swigA[4], swigA[5], swigA[6], swigA[7]); break;
-      default:Msg::Error("python function not implemented for more than 8 arguments");
-    }
-    PyObject *result = PyEval_CallObject(_pycallback, pyargs);
-    if (result) {
-      Py_DECREF(result);
-    }
-    else {
-      PyErr_Print();
-      Msg::Fatal("An error occurs in the python function.");
-    }
-/*    for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
-      Py_DECREF(swigA[i]);
-    }
-    Py_DECREF(swigR);*/
-  }
-  functionNumpy (int nbCol, PyObject *callback, std::vector<const function*> dependencies)
-    : function(nbCol), _pycallback(callback)
-  {
-    args.resize(dependencies.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++) {
-      setArgument(args[i], dependencies[i]);
-    }
-    static bool _arrayImported = false;
-    if (! _arrayImported){
-      _import_array();
-      _arrayImported = true;
-    }
-  }
-  functionNumpy (int nbCol, PyObject *callback, std::vector<std::pair<const function*, int> > dependencies)
-    : function(nbCol), _pycallback(callback)
-  {
-    args.resize(dependencies.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++) {
-      setArgument(args[i], dependencies[i].first, dependencies[i].second);
-    }
-    printf("import array !!!\n");
-    static bool _arrayImported = false;
-    if (! _arrayImported) {
-      printf("import array !!!\n");
-      _import_array();
-      _arrayImported = true;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/Solver/functionPython.h b/Solver/functionPython.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 179d5d2d72390f00402ea54d1cdcd9de1042d07a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Solver/functionPython.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#include "Python.h"
-class functionPythonReturnMatrix : public fullMatrix<double> {
-  dataCacheMap *_cacheMap;
-  public:
-  void setDataCacheMap(dataCacheMap *cacheMap) {_cacheMap = cacheMap;}
-  dataCacheMap *getDataCacheMap() const {return _cacheMap;}
-class functionPython : public function {
-  PyObject *_pycallback, *_pyargs;
-  PyObject *_swigR, *_swigCacheMap;
-  std::vector<PyObject*> _swigA;
-  std::string _luaFunctionName;
-  std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > args;
-  functionPythonReturnMatrix R;
-  void _init() {
-    _swigA.resize(args.size());
-    _swigR = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*)&R,SWIGTYPE_p_functionPythonReturnMatrix, 0);
-    for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
-      _swigA[i] = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void*)&args[i],SWIGTYPE_p_fullMatrixT_double_t, 0);
-    }
-    switch(args.size()) {
-      case 0 : _pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(O)", _swigR); break;
-      case 1 : _pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(OO)", _swigR, _swigA[0]); break;
-      case 2 : _pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(OOO)", _swigR, _swigA[0], _swigA[1]); break;
-      case 3 : _pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(OOOO)", _swigR, _swigA[0], _swigA[1], _swigA[2]); break;
-      case 4 : _pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(OOOOO)", _swigR, _swigA[0], _swigA[1], _swigA[2], _swigA[3]); break;
-      case 5 : _pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(OOOOOO)", _swigR, _swigA[0], _swigA[1], _swigA[2], _swigA[3], _swigA[4]); break;
-      case 6 : _pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(OOOOOOO)", _swigR, _swigA[0], _swigA[1], _swigA[2], _swigA[3], _swigA[4], _swigA[5]); break;
-      case 7 : _pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(OOOOOOOO)", _swigR, _swigA[0], _swigA[1], _swigA[2], _swigA[3], _swigA[4], _swigA[5], _swigA[6]); break;
-      case 8 : _pyargs = Py_BuildValue("(OOOOOOOOO)", _swigR, _swigA[0], _swigA[1], _swigA[2], _swigA[3], _swigA[4], _swigA[5], _swigA[6], _swigA[7]); break;
-      default:Msg::Error("python function not implemented for more than 8 arguments");
-    }
-  }
- public:
-  void call (dataCacheMap *m, fullMatrix<double> &res) 
-  {
-    R.setAsProxy(res); 
-    R.setDataCacheMap(m);
-    PyObject *result = PyEval_CallObject(_pycallback, _pyargs);
-    if (result) {
-      Py_DECREF(result);
-    }
-    else {
-      PyErr_Print();
-      Msg::Fatal("An error occurs in the python function.");
-    }
-  }
-  functionPython (int nbCol, PyObject *callback, std::vector<const function*> dependencies)
-    : function(nbCol), _pycallback(callback)
-  {
-    args.resize(dependencies.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++) {
-      setArgument(args[i], dependencies[i]);
-    }
-    _init();
-  }
-  functionPython (int nbCol, PyObject *callback, std::vector<std::pair<const function*, int> > dependencies)
-    : function(nbCol), _pycallback(callback)
-  {
-    args.resize(dependencies.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++) {
-      setArgument(args[i], dependencies[i].first, dependencies[i].second);
-    }
-    _init();
-  }
diff --git a/gmshpy/CMakeLists.txt b/gmshpy/CMakeLists.txt
index 436155784f8c805e9a42c97fca5c59c6cee0250f..3bf96b4627d2745be073f26e1e8c2a3028876390 100644
--- a/gmshpy/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gmshpy/CMakeLists.txt
 option(ENABLE_PYTHON_LIB_API "Export all C header files needed to build the python library" OFF)
-  set(GMSH_API ${GMSH_API} Geo/Curvature.h Mesh/Generator.h Mesh/highOrderTools.h Mesh/meshGFaceLloyd.h Numeric/DivideAndConquer.h Post/PViewFactory.h Solver/function.h Solver/functionDerivator.h Solver/functionPython.h Solver/functionNumpy.h Solver/linearSystemPETSc.h Fltk/FlGui.h Solver/functionSpace.h Solver/STensor43.h Solver/sparsityPattern.h Solver/SElement.h Solver/groupOfElements.h PARENT_SCOPE)
+  set(GMSH_API ${GMSH_API} Geo/Curvature.h Mesh/Generator.h Mesh/highOrderTools.h Mesh/meshGFaceLloyd.h Numeric/DivideAndConquer.h Post/PViewFactory.h Solver/linearSystemPETSc.h Fltk/FlGui.h Solver/functionSpace.h Solver/STensor43.h Solver/sparsityPattern.h Solver/SElement.h Solver/groupOfElements.h PARENT_SCOPE)
-    include_directories(${NUMPY_INC})
-    add_definitions(-DHAVE_NUMPY)
-  endif(HAVE_NUMPY)
   foreach(module ${SWIG_MODULES})
     set_source_files_properties(${module}.i PROPERTIES CPLUSPLUS ON)
diff --git a/gmshpy/gmshSolver.i b/gmshpy/gmshSolver.i
index e0aaa6982e780ab08a2ce1de907b9ba828476628..244f7909e24c7c8ee657b0200df88c444d9a7540 100644
--- a/gmshpy/gmshSolver.i
+++ b/gmshpy/gmshSolver.i
@@ -7,32 +7,19 @@
   #include "GmshConfig.h"
   #include "dofManager.h"
   #include "elasticitySolver.h"
-  #include "function.h"
-  #include "functionDerivator.h"
-  #include "functionPython.h"
-  #include "functionNumpy.h"
   #include "linearSystem.h"
   #include "linearSystemCSR.h"
   #include "linearSystemFull.h"
   #include "linearSystemPETSc.h"
-namespace std {
-  %template(VectorFunctionConst) vector<const function*, std::allocator<const function*> >;
 %include "GmshConfig.h"
 %include "dofManager.h"
 %template(dofManagerDouble) dofManager<double>;
 %include "elasticitySolver.h"
-%include "function.h"
-%include "functionDerivator.h"
-%include "functionPython.h"
-%include "functionNumpy.h"
 %include "linearSystem.h"
 %template(linearSystemDouble) linearSystem<double>;
 %template(linearSystemFullMatrixDouble) linearSystem<fullMatrix<double> >;