From 1aaad4fab5ed0c1c87bd8e98c99b71a9bde26243 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Emilie Marchandise <>
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 13:37:32 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] multDXiDXJRight  unrolled for dPsiPsi fixed ! bubble
 benchmark for level set !

 Geo/Curvature.cpp                             |  82 ++++++++++---
 Geo/Curvature.h                               |   2 +
 Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp                         |  19 +--
 Geo/GRbf.cpp                                  | 114 ++++++++++++------
 Geo/GRbf.h                                    |  12 +-
 Geo/discreteEdge.cpp                          |   7 +-
 benchmarks/curvature/test.geo                 |   3 +-
 benchmarks/stl/reparam.geo                    |   6 +-
 .../{reparam_input.msh => reparamINPUT.msh}   |   0
 9 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
 rename benchmarks/stl/{reparam_input.msh => reparamINPUT.msh} (100%)

diff --git a/Geo/Curvature.cpp b/Geo/Curvature.cpp
index 83689d1e3f..a7538e7399 100644
--- a/Geo/Curvature.cpp
+++ b/Geo/Curvature.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 #include "GEntity.h"
 #include "GFaceCompound.h"
 #include "MLine.h"
+#include "GRbf.h"
+#include "SBoundingBox3d.h"
@@ -121,20 +123,12 @@ void Curvature::initializeMap()
   for (int i = 0; i< _ptFinalEntityList.size(); ++i)
-    // face is a pointer to one surface of the group "FinalEntityList"
     GFace* face = _ptFinalEntityList[i];
-//    std::cout << "Face " << i << " has " << face->getNumMeshElements() << " elements" << std::endl;
-    // Loop over the element all the element of the "myTag"-surface
     for (int iElem = 0; iElem < face->getNumMeshElements(); iElem++)
-      // Pointer to one element
       MElement *e = face->getMeshElement(iElem);
-      // Tag of the corresponding element
       const int E = e->getNum();
-      // std::cout << "We are now looking at element Nr: " << E << std::endl;
       _ElementToInt[E] = 1;
       const int A = e->getVertex(0)->getNum();   //Pointer to 1st vertex of the triangle
@@ -847,6 +841,62 @@ void Curvature::computeCurvature_Rusinkiewicz(int isMax){
 } //End of the "computeCurvature_Rusinkiewicz" method
+void Curvature::computeCurvature_RBF(){
+  retrieveCompounds();
+  initializeMap();
+  std::cout << "Computing Curvature RBF ..." << std::endl;
+  //fill set of MVertex
+  std::set<MVertex*> allNodes;
+  for (int i = 0; i< _ptFinalEntityList.size(); ++i)  {
+    GFaceCompound* face = (GFaceCompound*)_ptFinalEntityList[i];
+    for (int iElem = 0; iElem < face->getNumMeshElements(); iElem++) {
+      MElement *e = face->getMeshElement(iElem);
+      for(int j = 0; j < e->getNumVertices(); j++){
+        allNodes.insert(e->getVertex(j));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //bounding box
+  SBoundingBox3d bb;
+  std::vector<SPoint3> vertices;
+  for(std::set<MVertex *>::iterator itv = allNodes.begin(); itv !=allNodes.end() ; ++itv){
+    SPoint3 pt((*itv)->x(),(*itv)->y(), (*itv)->z());
+    vertices.push_back(pt);
+    bb +=pt;
+  }
+  double sizeBox = norm(SVector3(bb.max(), bb.min()));
+  printf("allNodes := %d sizeBox = %g \n", allNodes.size(), sizeBox);
+  //compure curvature RBF
+  std::map<MVertex*, SVector3> _normals;
+  std::vector<MVertex*> _ordered;
+  std::map<MVertex*, double> curvRBF;
+  GRbf *_rbf = new GRbf(sizeBox, 0, 1, _normals, allNodes, _ordered); //, true);
+  _rbf->computeCurvature(_rbf->getXYZ(),curvRBF);
+  // _rbf->computeLocalCurvature(_rbf->getXYZ(),curvRBF);
+  std::cout << "Done" << std::endl;
+  //fill vertex curve
+  _VertexCurve.resize( _VertexToInt.size() );
+  for(std::set<MVertex *>::iterator itv = allNodes.begin(); itv !=allNodes.end() ; ++itv){
+    MVertex *v = *itv;
+    std::map<int,int>::iterator vertexIterator;
+    int V0;
+    vertexIterator = _VertexToInt.find( v->getNum() );
+    if ( vertexIterator != _VertexToInt.end() )  V0 = (*vertexIterator).second;
+    _VertexCurve[V0] = curvRBF[v];
+   }
+ _alreadyComputedCurvature = true;
+} //End of the "computeCurvature_RBF" method
 void Curvature::triangleNodalValues(MTriangle* triangle, double& c0, double& c1, double& c2, int isAbs)
@@ -1007,15 +1057,12 @@ void Curvature::writeToPosFile( const std::string & filename)
   int idxelem = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i< _ptFinalEntityList.size(); ++i)
-  {
-    GFace* face = _ptFinalEntityList[i]; //face is a pointer to one surface of the group "FinalEntityList"
-    for (int iElem = 0; iElem < face->getNumMeshElements(); iElem++) //Loop over the element all the element of the "myTag"-surface
-    {
-      MElement *e = face->getMeshElement(iElem);  //Pointer to one element
-      const int E = _ElementToInt[e->getNum()]; //The NEW tag of the corresponding element
+  for (int i = 0; i< _ptFinalEntityList.size(); ++i) {
+    GFace* face = _ptFinalEntityList[i]; 
+    for (int iElem = 0; iElem < face->getNumMeshElements(); iElem++){
+      MElement *e = face->getMeshElement(iElem);  
+      const int E = _ElementToInt[e->getNum()]; 
       //std::cout << "We are now looking at element Nr: " << E << std::endl;
       MVertex* A = e->getVertex(0);  //Pointers to vertices of triangle
@@ -1051,8 +1098,7 @@ void Curvature::writeToPosFile( const std::string & filename)
   } //Loop over elements
-    std::cout << "The Total Number of triangle is: " << idxelem << std::endl;
 } // Loop over ptFinalEntityList
 outfile << "};" << std::endl;
diff --git a/Geo/Curvature.h b/Geo/Curvature.h
index 07a024a412..349626ac34 100644
--- a/Geo/Curvature.h
+++ b/Geo/Curvature.h
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ public:
   /// Code taken from Rusinkiewicz' 'trimesh2' library
   void computeCurvature_Rusinkiewicz(int isMax=0);
+  void computeCurvature_RBF();
   void triangleNodalValues(MTriangle* triangle, double& c0, double& c1, double& c2, int isAbs=0);
   void triangleNodalValuesAndDirections(MTriangle* triangle, SVector3* dMax, SVector3* dMin, double* cMax, double* cMin, int isAbs=0);
diff --git a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
index fc00182526..935ff58135 100644
--- a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
@@ -612,7 +612,6 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
   if(allNodes.empty()) buildAllNodes();
   bool success = orderVertices(_U0, _ordered, _coords);
-  printBound(_ordered, this->tag());
   if(!success) {Msg::Error("Could not order vertices on boundary");exit(1);}
   // Laplace parametrization
@@ -659,17 +658,18 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
     _rbf = new GRbf(sizeBox, variableEps, radFunInd, _normals, allNodes, _ordered);
     //_rbf->RbfLapSurface_global_CPM_low(_rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(), Oper);
-    //_rbf->RbfLapSurface_local_CPM(true, _rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(), Oper);
+    //_rbf->RbfLapSurface_local_CPM(true, _rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(), Oper, true);
     _rbf->RbfLapSurface_global_CPM_high(_rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(), Oper);
-    //_rbf->RbfLapSurface_local_CPM(false, _rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(),  Oper);
+    //_rbf->RbfLapSurface_local_CPM(false, _rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(),  Oper, true);
     //_rbf->RbfLapSurface_global_projection(_rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(), Oper);
-    //_rbf->RbfLapSurface_local_projection(_rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(), Oper);
+    //_rbf->RbfLapSurface_local_projection(_rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(), Oper, true);
     _rbf->solveHarmonicMap(Oper, _ordered, _coords, coordinates);
     double t2 = Cpu();
     printf("param RBF in %g sec \n", t2-t1);
@@ -1144,6 +1144,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_spectral() const
   Msg::Error("Switch to harmonic map or see doc on the wiki for installing petsc and slepc:");
   Msg::Error(" (username:gmsh,passwd:gmsh)");
   return false;
+  parametrize_conformal();
   linearSystem <double> *lsysA  = new linearSystemPETSc<double>;
   linearSystem <double> *lsysB  = new linearSystemPETSc<double>;
@@ -1383,11 +1384,12 @@ double GFaceCompound::curvatureMax(const SPoint2 &param) const
     if( !Curvature::valueAlreadyComputed() ) {
       Msg::Info("Need to compute discrete curvature for isotropic remesh");
-      Msg::Info("Getting instance of curvature");
+      Msg::Info("Getting instance of curvature!");
       curvature.setGModel( model() );
       int computeMax = 0;
+      //curvature.computeCurvature_RBF();
       Msg::Info(" ... computing curvature finished");
@@ -1439,13 +1441,14 @@ double GFaceCompound::curvatures(const SPoint2 &param, SVector3 *dirMax, SVector
       curvature.setGModel( model() );
       int computeMax = 0;
+      //curvature.computeCurvature_RBF();
-      curvature.writeToVtkFile("curvature.vtk");
-      curvature.writeDirectionsToPosFile("curvature_directions.pos");
+      //curvature.writeToVtkFile("curvature.vtk");
+      //curvature.writeDirectionsToPosFile("curvature_directions.pos");
       Msg::Info(" ... computing curvature finished");
-    //std::cout << "I'm using curvatures in GFaceCompound.cpp" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "I'm using curvatures in GFaceCompound.cpp" << std::endl;
     double cMin[3];
     double cMax[3];
     SVector3 dMin[3];
diff --git a/Geo/GRbf.cpp b/Geo/GRbf.cpp
index 52f9610d75..ffaa761cd9 100644
--- a/Geo/GRbf.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GRbf.cpp
@@ -69,12 +69,13 @@ static void exportParametrizedMesh(fullMatrix<double> &UV, int nbNodes){
 GRbf::GRbf (double sizeBox, int variableEps, int rbfFun, std::map<MVertex*, SVector3> _normals, 
-	    std::set<MVertex *> allNodes, std::vector<MVertex*> bcNodes) 
-  :  sBox(sizeBox), variableShapeParam(variableEps), radialFunctionIndex (rbfFun),  XYZkdtree(0), _inUV(0)
+	    std::set<MVertex *> allNodes, std::vector<MVertex*> bcNodes, bool _isLocal) 
+  :  sBox(sizeBox), variableShapeParam(variableEps), radialFunctionIndex (rbfFun),  XYZkdtree(0), _inUV(0), isLocal(_isLocal)
-  double tol =  6.e-2*sBox;
+  double tol =  6.e-1*sBox;
+  if (isLocal) tol = 1.e-15;
   //remove duplicate vertices
   //add bc nodes
@@ -111,9 +112,11 @@ GRbf::GRbf (double sizeBox, int variableEps, int rbfFun, std::map<MVertex*, SVec
     centers(index,1) = v1->y()/sBox;
     centers(index,2) = v1->z()/sBox;
     std::map<MVertex*, SVector3>::iterator itn = _normals.find(v1);
-    normals(index,0) = itn->second.x();
-    normals(index,1) = itn->second.y();
-    normals(index,2) = itn->second.z();
+    if (itn != _normals.end()){
+      normals(index,0) = itn->second.x();
+      normals(index,1) = itn->second.y();
+      normals(index,2) = itn->second.z();
+    }
     _mapV.insert(std::make_pair(v1, index));
     for(std::set<MVertex *>::iterator itv2 = myNodes.begin(); itv2 !=myNodes.end() ; itv2++){
       MVertex *v2 = *itv2;
@@ -125,13 +128,7 @@ GRbf::GRbf (double sizeBox, int variableEps, int rbfFun, std::map<MVertex*, SVec
   delta = 0.33*dist_min;//0.33
-  radius= nbNodes/10.;   
-  matAInv.resize(nbNodes, nbNodes);
-  matAInv = generateRbfMat(0,centers,centers);
-  matAInv.invertInPlace();
-  isLocal = false;
-  extendedX.resize(3*nbNodes,3);
+  radius= 1.0/6.0; //size 1 is non dim size   
   Msg::Info("*** RBF nbNodes=%d (all=%d) ", myNodes.size(), allNodes.size());
@@ -139,7 +136,14 @@ GRbf::GRbf (double sizeBox, int variableEps, int rbfFun, std::map<MVertex*, SVec
-  //exit(1);
+  if (!isLocal){
+    matAInv.resize(nbNodes, nbNodes);
+    matAInv = generateRbfMat(0,centers,centers);
+    matAInv.invertInPlace();
+  }
+  extendedX.resize(3*nbNodes,3);
@@ -166,6 +170,7 @@ void GRbf::buildXYZkdtree(){
 void GRbf::buildOctree(double radius){
+  printf("building octree radius = %g \n", radius);
   SBoundingBox3d bb;
   for (int i= 0; i< nbNodes; i++)
     bb += SPoint3(centers(i,0),centers(i,1), centers(i,2));
@@ -197,6 +202,7 @@ void GRbf::buildOctree(double radius){
       std::vector<int> &pts = nodesInSphere[i];
       if (sph->index != i)  nodesInSphere[i].push_back(sph->index);
+    printf("size node i =%d = %d \n", i , nodesInSphere[i].size());
@@ -205,46 +211,84 @@ void GRbf::buildOctree(double radius){
 //compute curvature from level set
-void GRbf::computeCurvature(std::map<MVertex*, SPoint3> &rbf_curv){
+void GRbf::curvatureRBF(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs,
+		     fullMatrix<double> &curvature){
   fullMatrix<double> extX, surf, sx,sy,sz, sxx,syy,szz, sxy,sxz,syz,sLap;
+  setup_level_set(cntrs,normals,extX, surf);
-  isLocal = true;
-  fullMatrix<double> curvature(centers.size1(), 1);
-  setup_level_set(centers,normals,extX, surf);
-  evalRbfDer(1,extX,centers,surf,sx);
-  evalRbfDer(2,extX,centers,surf,sy);
-  evalRbfDer(3,extX,centers,surf,sz);
-  evalRbfDer(11,extX,centers,surf,sxx);
-  evalRbfDer(12,extX,centers,surf,sxy);
-  evalRbfDer(13,extX,centers,surf,sxz);
-  evalRbfDer(22,extX,centers,surf,syy);
-  evalRbfDer(23,extX,centers,surf,syz);
-  evalRbfDer(33,extX,centers,surf,szz);
-  evalRbfDer(222,extX,centers,surf,sLap);
-  for (int i = 0; i < centers.size1(); i++) {
+  evalRbfDer(1,extX,cntrs,surf,sx);
+  evalRbfDer(2,extX,cntrs,surf,sy);
+  evalRbfDer(3,extX,cntrs,surf,sz);
+  //evalRbfDer(11,extX,cntrs,surf,sxx);
+  //evalRbfDer(12,extX,cntrs,surf,sxy);
+  //evalRbfDer(13,extX,cntrs,surf,sxz);
+  //evalRbfDer(22,extX,cntrs,surf,syy);
+  //evalRbfDer(23,extX,cntrs,surf,syz);
+  //evalRbfDer(33,extX,cntrs,surf,szz);
+  evalRbfDer(222,extX,cntrs,surf,sLap);
+  for (int i = 0; i < cntrs.size1(); i++) {
     double norm_grad_s = sqrt(sx(i,0)*sx(i,0)+sy(i,0)*sy(i,0)+sz(i,0)*sz(i,0));
     double curv = -sLap(i,0)/norm_grad_s; //+(sx(i,0)*sx(i,0)*sxx(i,0)+sy(i,0)*sy(i,0)*syy(i,0)+sz(i,0)*sz(i,0)*szz(i,0)+2*sx(i,0)*sy(i,0)*sxy(i,0)+2*sy(i,0)*sz(i,0)*syz(i,0)+2*sx(i,0)*sz(i,0)*sxz(i,0))/ (norm_grad_s*norm_grad_s*norm_grad_s);
     curvature(i,0) = fabs(curv)/sBox;
+void GRbf::computeCurvature(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs,
+			    std::map<MVertex*, double> &rbf_curv){
+  fullMatrix<double> curvature(cntrs.size1(), 1);
+  curvatureRBF(cntrs, curvature);
   fullMatrix<double> curvatureAll(allCenters.size1(), 1);
-  evalRbfDer(0,centers,allCenters,curvature,curvatureAll);
+  evalRbfDer(0,cntrs,allCenters,curvature,curvatureAll);
   //fill rbf_curv
   std::map<MVertex*, int>::iterator itm = _mapAllV.begin();
   for (; itm != _mapAllV.end(); itm++){
     int index = itm->second;
-    SPoint3 coords(curvatureAll(index,0), 0.0, 0.0);
-    rbf_curv.insert(std::make_pair(itm->first,coords));
+    rbf_curv.insert(std::make_pair(itm->first,curvatureAll(index,0)));
+void GRbf::computeLocalCurvature(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs,
+				 std::map<MVertex*, double> &rbf_curv) {
+  int numNodes = cntrs.size1();
+  if(nodesInSphere.size() == 0) buildOctree(radius);
+  fullMatrix<double> curvature(cntrs.size1(), 1);
+  for (int i=0;i<numNodes ; ++i){
+    std::vector<int> &pts = nodesInSphere[i];
+    fullMatrix<double> nodes_in_sph(pts.size(),3);
+    fullMatrix<double> LocalOper;
+    for (int k=0; k< pts.size(); k++){
+      nodes_in_sph(k,0) = cntrs(pts[k],0);
+      nodes_in_sph(k,1) = cntrs(pts[k],1);
+      nodes_in_sph(k,2) = cntrs(pts[k],2);
+    }
+    fullMatrix<double> curv(pts.size(), 1);
+    curvatureRBF(nodes_in_sph,curv);
+    printf("curv(0,0) = %g \n", curv(0,0));
+    curvature(i,0) = curv(0,0);  
+  }
+  std::map<MVertex*, int>::iterator itm = _mapAllV.begin();
+  for (; itm != _mapAllV.end(); itm++){
+    int index = itm->second;
+    rbf_curv.insert(std::make_pair(itm->first,curvature(index,0)));
+  }
 double GRbf::evalRadialFnDer (int p, double dx, double dy, double dz, double ep){
   double r2 = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz; //r^2 
diff --git a/Geo/GRbf.h b/Geo/GRbf.h
index e849b725d8..c3a565e77f 100644
--- a/Geo/GRbf.h
+++ b/Geo/GRbf.h
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class GRbf {
   GRbf (double sizeBox, int variableEps, int rbfFun, 
 	std::map<MVertex*, SVector3> normals, 
-	std::set<MVertex *> allNodes, std::vector<MVertex*> bcNodes);
+	std::set<MVertex *> allNodes, std::vector<MVertex*> bcNodes, bool isLocal = false);
   //build octree
@@ -135,7 +135,15 @@ class GRbf {
 				     fullMatrix<double> &D);
   // Calculates the curvature of a surface at centers
-  void computeCurvature(std::map<MVertex*, SPoint3> &rbf_curv);
+  void curvatureRBF(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs,
+		    fullMatrix<double> &curvature);
+  void computeCurvature(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs, 
+			std::map<MVertex*, double>&rbf_curv);
+  void computeLocalCurvature(const fullMatrix<double> &cntrs, 
+		       std::map<MVertex*, double>&rbf_curv);
   //Finds the U,V,S (in the 0-level set) that are the 'num_neighbours' closest to u_eval and v_eval.
   //Thus in total, we're working with '3*num_neighbours' nodes
diff --git a/Geo/discreteEdge.cpp b/Geo/discreteEdge.cpp
index 38eff4782a..c46aed378d 100644
--- a/Geo/discreteEdge.cpp
+++ b/Geo/discreteEdge.cpp
@@ -503,15 +503,16 @@ double discreteEdge::curvature(double par) const{
   Curvature& curvature  = Curvature::getInstance();
   if( !Curvature::valueAlreadyComputed() ) {
-    std::cout << "Need to compute discrete curvature" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Need to compute discrete curvature (in Edge)" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Getting instance of curvature" << std::endl;
     curvature.setGModel( model() );
     int computeMax = 0;
+    //curvature.computeCurvature_RBF();
-    curvature.writeDirectionsToPosFile("curvature_directions.pos");
-    curvature.writeToVtkFile("curvature.vtk");
+    //curvature.writeDirectionsToPosFile("curvature_directions.pos");
+    //curvature.writeToVtkFile("curvature.vtk");
     std::cout << " ... computing curvature finished" << std::endl;
diff --git a/benchmarks/curvature/test.geo b/benchmarks/curvature/test.geo
index 2099a02566..6135e8eab3 100644
--- a/benchmarks/curvature/test.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/curvature/test.geo
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
  //Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFactor= 0.1;
  Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromPoints = 0;
- Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromPoints = 0;
- Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin = 0.01;
+ Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin = 0.001;
  Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = 10.00;
diff --git a/benchmarks/stl/reparam.geo b/benchmarks/stl/reparam.geo
index 72d11c19d9..200571d5b4 100644
--- a/benchmarks/stl/reparam.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/stl/reparam.geo
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+Mesh.RemeshParametrization=0; //(0) harmonic (1) conformal 
+Mesh.RemeshAlgorithm=1; //(0) nosplit (1) automatic (2) split metis
+//Mesh.Algorithm = 6; //(1=MeshAdapt, 2=Automatic, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal, 7=bamg) 
-//Geometry.Lines = 0;
-Merge "reparam_input.msh";
+Merge "reparamINPUT.msh";
 Compound Line(10)={1};
diff --git a/benchmarks/stl/reparam_input.msh b/benchmarks/stl/reparamINPUT.msh
similarity index 100%
rename from benchmarks/stl/reparam_input.msh
rename to benchmarks/stl/reparamINPUT.msh