From 166d82ee90076634725a19b99825654bb9b319f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Emilie Marchandise <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 16:40:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] type SQUARE + mesh Metric cleaning

 Geo/Curvature.cpp                             |   4 +-
 Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp                         |  83 +++++++-------
 Geo/GModel.cpp                                |   5 +-
 Mesh/CenterlineField.cpp                      |   3 +-
 Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp           |   1 +
 Mesh/meshMetric.cpp                           | 104 ++++++------------
 Mesh/meshMetric.h                             |   1 -
 Solver/multiscaleLaplace.cpp                  |   4 +-
 benchmarks/3d/CubeAniso.geo                   |   2 +-
 benchmarks/curvature/test.geo                 |  22 +++-
 benchmarks/stl/BifurcationRemeshCurvature.geo |  25 ++---
 11 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Geo/Curvature.cpp b/Geo/Curvature.cpp
index f77eeb18a3..beaf161506 100644
--- a/Geo/Curvature.cpp
+++ b/Geo/Curvature.cpp
@@ -884,9 +884,9 @@ void Curvature::computeCurvature(GModel* model, typeOfCurvature typ)
   double t1 = Cpu();
   Msg::StatusBar(2, true, "(C) Done Computing Curvature (%g s)", t1-t0);
-  writeToMshFile("curvature.msh");
+  //writeToMshFile("curvature.msh");
-  writeToVtkFile("curvature.vtk");
+  //writeToVtkFile("curvature.vtk");
diff --git a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
index 1e2680c76f..59d308f5b1 100644
--- a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
@@ -804,21 +804,21 @@ void GFaceCompound::convexBoundary(double nTot) const
-    // char name[256];
-    // sprintf(name, "myBC-%d.pos", kk);
-    // FILE * f2 = fopen(name,"w");
-    // fprintf(f2, "View \"\"{\n");
-    // for (int i = 0; i< oVert.size()-1; i++){
-    //   SPoint3 uv0 = coordinates[oVert[i]];
-    //   SPoint3 uv1 = coordinates[oVert[i+1]];
-    //   fprintf(f2, "SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){%g,%g};\n",
-    // 	      uv0.x(),uv0.y(), uv0.z(),
-    // 	      uv1.x(),uv1.y(), uv1.z(),
-    // 	      (double)i, (double)i+1);
-    // }
-    // fprintf(f2,"};\n");
-    // fclose(f2);  
-    // kk++;
+    char name[256];
+    sprintf(name, "myBC-%d.pos", kk);
+    FILE * f2 = fopen(name,"w");
+    fprintf(f2, "View \"\"{\n");
+    for (int i = 0; i< oVert.size()-1; i++){
+      SPoint3 uv0 = coordinates[oVert[i]];
+      SPoint3 uv1 = coordinates[oVert[i+1]];
+      fprintf(f2, "SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){%g,%g};\n",
+    	      uv0.x(),uv0.y(), uv0.z(),
+    	      uv1.x(),uv1.y(), uv1.z(),
+    	      (double)i, (double)i+1);
+    }
+    fprintf(f2,"};\n");
+    fclose(f2);  
+    kk++;
@@ -889,16 +889,17 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
   if(allNodes.empty()) buildAllNodes();
-  bool success = orderVertices(_U0, _ordered, _coords);
-  if(!success) {Msg::Error("Could not order vertices on boundary");exit(1);}
+  if (_type != SQUARE){
+    bool success = orderVertices(_U0, _ordered, _coords);
+    if(!success) {Msg::Error("Could not order vertices on boundary");exit(1);}
+  }
   // Convex parametrization
   if (_mapping == CONVEX){
     Msg::Info("Parametrizing surface %d with 'convex map'", tag()); 
-    printStuff(11);
     if (_type==MEANPLANE){
       checkOrientation(0, true);
       // printStuff(22);
@@ -906,45 +907,45 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
       // parametrize(ITERU,CONVEX); 
       // parametrize(ITERV,CONVEX);
       // checkOrientation(0, true);
-      // printStuff(33);
-    printStuff(44);
   // Laplace parametrization
   else if (_mapping == HARMONIC){
     Msg::Info("Parametrizing surface %d with 'harmonic map'", tag()); 
-    parametrize(ITERV,HARMONIC);
-    printStuff(111); 
+    parametrize(ITERV,HARMONIC); 
     if (_type == MEANPLANE) checkOrientation(0, true);
-    printStuff(222);
   // Conformal map parametrization
   else if (_mapping == CONFORMAL){
     std::vector<MVertex *> vert;
     bool oriented, hasOverlap;
     if (_type == SPECTRAL){
       Msg::Info("Parametrizing surface %d with 'spectral conformal map'", tag());
-      hasOverlap = parametrize_conformal_spectral();
+      parametrize_conformal_spectral();
     else if (_type == FE){
       Msg::Info("Parametrizing surface %d with 'FE conformal map'", tag());
       parametrize_conformal(0, NULL, NULL);
+    printStuff(55);
     oriented =  checkOrientation(0);
+    printStuff(66);
     if (!oriented)  oriented = checkOrientation(0, true);
+    printStuff(77);
     if (_type==SPECTRAL &&  (!oriented  || checkOverlap(vert)) ){
       Msg::Warning("!!! parametrization switched to 'FE conformal' map");
       parametrize_conformal(0, NULL, NULL);
       oriented = checkOrientation(0, true);
     if (!oriented || checkOverlap(vert)){
-      Msg::Warning("$$$ parametrization switched to 'harmonic' map");
-      parametrize(ITERU,HARMONIC); 
-      parametrize(ITERV,HARMONIC);
+      Msg::Warning("$$$ parametrization switched to 'convex' map");
+      _type  = UNITCIRCLE;
+      parametrize(ITERU,CONVEX); 
+      parametrize(ITERV,CONVEX);
   // Radial-Basis Function parametrization
@@ -953,15 +954,9 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
     int variableEps = 0;
     int radFunInd = 1; // 1 MQ RBF , 0 GA
     double sizeBox = getSizeH();
     fullMatrix<double> Oper(3*allNodes.size(),3*allNodes.size());
     _rbf = new GRbf(sizeBox, variableEps, radFunInd, _normals, allNodes, _ordered);
-    //_rbf->RbfLapSurface_global_CPM_low(_rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(), Oper);
-    //_rbf->RbfLapSurface_local_CPM(true, _rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(), Oper);
     _rbf->RbfLapSurface_global_CPM_high_2(_rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(), Oper);
-    //_rbf->RbfLapSurface_local_CPM(false, _rbf->getXYZ(), _rbf->getN(),  Oper);
     _rbf->solveHarmonicMap(Oper, _ordered, _coords, coordinates);
@@ -1725,15 +1720,15 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal(int iter, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2) co
   // vertices
   std::vector<MVertex *> vert;
   bool hasOverlap = checkOverlap(vert);
-  if ( hasOverlap && iter < 3){
-    Msg::Info("Loop FE conformal iter (%d) v1=%d v2=%d", iter, 
-              vert[0]->getNum(), vert[1]->getNum());
-    printStuff(100+iter);
-    return hasOverlap = parametrize_conformal(iter+1, vert[0],vert[1]);
-  }
-  else{
-    return hasOverlap;
-  }
+  // if ( hasOverlap && iter < 3){
+  //   Msg::Info("Loop FE conformal iter (%d) v1=%d v2=%d", iter, 
+  //             vert[0]->getNum(), vert[1]->getNum());
+  //   printStuff(100+iter);
+  //   return hasOverlap = parametrize_conformal(iter+1, vert[0],vert[1]);
+  // }
+  // else{
+  //   return hasOverlap;
+  // }
 void GFaceCompound::computeNormals(std::map<MVertex*,SVector3> &normals) const
diff --git a/Geo/GModel.cpp b/Geo/GModel.cpp
index bd87dc2215..29f4a8b202 100644
--- a/Geo/GModel.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GModel.cpp
@@ -553,9 +553,6 @@ int GModel::adaptMesh(std::vector<int> technique, std::vector<simpleFunction<dou
         metric->addMetric(technique[imetric], f[imetric], parameters[imetric]);
-      // int id = fields->newId();
-      // (*fields)[id] = new meshMetric(this, technique, f, parameters);
-      // fields->background_field = id;
       opt_mesh_lc_integration_precision(0, GMSH_SET, 1.e-4);
       opt_mesh_algo2d(0, GMSH_SET, 7.0); //bamg
@@ -572,7 +569,7 @@ int GModel::adaptMesh(std::vector<int> technique, std::vector<simpleFunction<dou
       char name[256];
       sprintf(name, "meshAdapt-%d.msh", ITER);
-      //metric->exportInfo(name);
+      metric->exportInfo(name);
       if (ITER++ >= niter)  break;
       if (ITER > 3 && fabs((double)(nbElems - nbElemsOld)) < 0.01 * nbElemsOld) break;
diff --git a/Mesh/CenterlineField.cpp b/Mesh/CenterlineField.cpp
index ab3b5ebf24..040bafa1b3 100644
--- a/Mesh/CenterlineField.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/CenterlineField.cpp
@@ -634,7 +634,8 @@ void Centerline::createSplitCompounds(){
     int num_gfc = NF+i+1;
     Msg::Info("Parametrize Compound Surface (%d) = %d discrete face",
               num_gfc, pf->tag());
-    GFaceCompound::typeOfCompound typ = GFaceCompound::HARMONIC_PLANE; 
+    GFaceCompound::typeOfCompound typ = GFaceCompound::CONVEX_CIRCLE; 
+    //GFaceCompound::typeOfCompound typ = GFaceCompound::HARMONIC_PLANE; 
     //GFaceCompound::typeOfMapping typ = GFaceCompound::CONFORMAL_SPECTRAL; 
     GFaceCompound *gfc = new GFaceCompound(current, num_gfc, f_compound, U0,
 					   typ, 0);
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp
index 913d36d456..f02382dc20 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp
@@ -1181,6 +1181,7 @@ void bowyerWatsonFrontal(GFace *gf)
         Msg::Debug("%7d points created -- Worst tri radius is %8.3f",
                    vSizes.size(), worst->getRadius());
       double newPoint[2], metric[3];
+      //optimalPointFrontal (gf,worst,active_edge,Us,Vs,vSizes,vSizesBGM,newPoint,metric);
       optimalPointFrontalB (gf,worst,active_edge,Us,Vs,vSizes,vSizesBGM,newPoint,metric);
       insertAPoint(gf, AllTris.end(), newPoint, metric, Us, Vs, vSizes,
                    vSizesBGM, vMetricsBGM, AllTris, &ActiveTris, worst);
diff --git a/Mesh/meshMetric.cpp b/Mesh/meshMetric.cpp
index b1fa1ad386..dc3d537c46 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshMetric.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshMetric.cpp
@@ -109,17 +109,26 @@ void meshMetric::intersectMetrics(){
 void meshMetric::exportInfo(const char * fileendname){
+  printf("printing metric \n");
+  if (_technique == meshMetric::HESSIAN) printf("HESSIANS \n");
+  else if (_technique == meshMetric::LEVELSET) printf("LEVELSETS \n");
+  else if (_technique == meshMetric::EIGENDIRECTIONS) printf("EIGEN \n");
   if (needMetricUpdate) intersectMetrics();
-  std::stringstream sg,sm,sl;
-  sg << "meshmetric_gradients" << fileendname;
-  sm << "meshmetric_metric" << fileendname;
-  sl << "meshmetric_levelset" << fileendname;
+  std::stringstream sg,sm,sl,sh;
+  sg << "meshmetric_gradients_" << fileendname;
+  sm << "meshmetric_metric_" << fileendname;
+  sl << "meshmetric_levelset_" << fileendname;
+  sh << "meshmetric_hessian_" << fileendname;
   std::ofstream out_grad(sg.str().c_str());
   std::ofstream out_metric(sm.str().c_str());
   std::ofstream out_ls(sl.str().c_str());
+  std::ofstream out_hess(sh.str().c_str());
   out_grad << "View \"ls_gradient\"{" << std::endl;
   out_metric << "View \"metric\"{" << std::endl;
   out_ls << "View \"ls\"{" << std::endl;
+  out_hess << "View \"hessian\"{" << std::endl;
   std::vector<MElement*>::iterator itelem = _elements.begin();
   std::vector<MElement*>::iterator itelemen = _elements.end();
   for (;itelem!=itelemen;itelem++){
@@ -127,27 +136,41 @@ void meshMetric::exportInfo(const char * fileendname){
     out_metric << "TT(";
     out_grad << "VT(";
     out_ls << "ST(";
+    out_hess << "ST(";
     for ( int i = 0; i < e->getNumVertices(); i++) {
       MVertex *ver = e->getVertex(i);
       out_metric << ver->x() << "," << ver->y() << "," << ver->z();
       out_grad << ver->x() << "," << ver->y() << "," << ver->z();
       out_ls << ver->x() << "," << ver->y() << "," << ver->z();
+      out_hess << ver->x() << "," << ver->y() << "," << ver->z();
       if (i!=e->getNumVertices()-1){
         out_metric << ",";
         out_grad << ",";
         out_ls << ",";
+        out_hess << ",";
         out_metric << "){";
         out_grad << "){";
         out_ls << "){";
+	out_hess << "){";
     for ( int i = 0; i < e->getNumVertices(); i++) {
       MVertex *ver = e->getVertex(i);
       out_ls << vals[ver];
-      if ((i==(e->getNumVertices()-1))) out_ls << "};" << std::endl;
-      else out_ls << ",";
+      SVector3 gradudx = dgrads[0][ver];
+      SVector3 gradudy = dgrads[1][ver];
+      SVector3 gradudz = dgrads[2][ver];
+      out_hess << (gradudx(0)+gradudy(1)+gradudz(2));
+      if ((i==(e->getNumVertices()-1))){
+	out_ls << "};" << std::endl;
+	out_hess << "};" << std::endl;
+      }
+      else {
+	out_ls << ",";
+	out_hess << ",";
+      }
       for (int k=0;k<3;k++){
         out_grad << grads[ver](k);
         if ((k==2)&&(i==(e->getNumVertices()-1)))  out_grad << "};" << std::endl;
@@ -163,9 +186,13 @@ void meshMetric::exportInfo(const char * fileendname){
   out_grad << "};" << std::endl;
   out_metric << "};" << std::endl;
   out_ls << "};" << std::endl;
+  out_hess << "};" << std::endl;
+  out_hess.close();
+  //exit(1);
@@ -329,21 +356,7 @@ void meshMetric::computeMetric(){
         hfrey(1,0) = hfrey(0,1) = C*gr(1)*gr(0)/(norm) + hessian(1,0)/epsGeom;
         hfrey(2,0) = hfrey(0,2) = C*gr(2)*gr(0)/(norm) + hessian(2,0)/epsGeom;
         hfrey(2,1) = hfrey(1,2) = C*gr(2)*gr(1)/(norm) + hessian(2,1)/epsGeom;
-        // hfrey(0,0) += C*gr(0)*gr(0)/norm;
-        // hfrey(1,1) += C*gr(1)*gr(1)/norm;
-        // hfrey(2,2) += C*gr(2)*gr(2)/norm;
-        // hfrey(1,0) = hfrey(0,1) = gr(1)*gr(0)/(norm) ;
-        // hfrey(2,0) = hfrey(0,2) = gr(2)*gr(0)/(norm) ;
-        // hfrey(2,1) = hfrey(1,2) = gr(2)*gr(1)/(norm) ;
-      // SMetric3 sss=hessian;
-      // sss *= divEps;
-      // sss(0,0) += 1/(hmax*hmax);
-      // sss(1,1) += 1/(hmax*hmax);
-      // sss(2,2) += 1/(hmax*hmax);
-      // H = intersection(sss,hfrey);
-      // if (dist < _E) H = intersection(sss,hfrey);
-      // else H = hfrey;
       H = hfrey;
     else if ((_technique == meshMetric::EIGENDIRECTIONS )||(_technique == meshMetric::EIGENDIRECTIONS_LINEARINTERP_H )){
@@ -396,16 +409,11 @@ void meshMetric::computeMetric(){
         std::vector<int> ti_index;
         for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
           if (i!=grad_index) ti_index.push_back(i);
-//        std::cout << "gr tgr t1 t2 dots_tgr_gr_t1_t2 (" << gr(0) << "," << gr(1) << "," << gr(2) << ") (" <<  ti[grad_index](0) << "," << ti[grad_index](1) << "," << ti[grad_index](2) << ") (" <<  ti[ti_index[0]](0) << "," << ti[ti_index[0]](1) << "," << ti[ti_index[0]](2) << ") (" <<  ti[ti_index[1]](0) << "," << ti[ti_index[1]](1) << "," << ti[ti_index[1]](2) << ") " << fabs(dot(ti[grad_index],gr)) << " " << (dot(ti[grad_index],ti[ti_index[0]])) << " " << (dot(ti[grad_index],ti[ti_index[1]])) << std::endl;
         // finally, creating the metric
         std::vector<double> eigenvals;
         eigenvals.push_back(std::min(std::max(eigenval_direction,metric_value_hmax),metric_value_hmin));// in gradient direction
-//        eigenvals.push_back(std::min(std::max(metric_value_hmax,metric_value_hmax),metric_value_hmin));
-//        eigenvals.push_back(std::min(std::max(metric_value_hmax,metric_value_hmax),metric_value_hmin));
         metric = SMetric3(eigenvals[0],eigenvals[1],eigenvals[2],gr,ti[ti_index[0]],ti[ti_index[1]]);
         setOfSizes[metricNumber].insert(std::make_pair(ver, std::min(std::min(1/sqrt(eigenvals[0]),1/sqrt(eigenvals[1])),1/sqrt(eigenvals[2]))));
@@ -432,23 +440,9 @@ void meshMetric::computeMetric(){
       double lambda1, lambda2, lambda3;
-      // if (dist < _E && _technique == meshMetric::FREY){
-      //   fullMatrix<double> Vhess(3,3);
-      //   fullVector<double> Shess(3);
-      //   hessian.eig(Vhess,Shess);
-      //   double h = hmin*(hmax/hmin-1)*dist/_E + hmin;
-      //   double lam1 = Shess(0);
-      //   double lam2 = Shess(1);
-      //   double lam3 = (_dim == 3)? Shess(2) : 1.;
-      //   lambda1 = lam1;
-      //   lambda2 = lam2/lambda1;
-      //   lambda3 = (_dim == 3)? lam3/lambda1: 1.0;
-      // }
-      // else{
       lambda1 = S(0);
       lambda2 = S(1);
       lambda3 = (_dim == 3)? S(2) : 1.;
-      //}
       if (_technique == meshMetric::HESSIAN || (dist < _E && _technique == meshMetric::FREY)){
         lambda1 = std::min(std::max(fabs(S(0))/_epsilon,1./(hmax*hmax)),1./(hmin*hmin));
@@ -471,6 +465,8 @@ void meshMetric::computeMetric(){
+  //exportInfo("EMI");
   //Adapt epsilon
@@ -553,36 +549,6 @@ void meshMetric::operator() (double x, double y, double z, SMetric3 &metr, GEnti
-void meshMetric::printMetric(const char* n){
-  if (needMetricUpdate) intersectMetrics();
-  if (!setOfMetrics.size()){
-    std::cout  << "meshMetric::printMetric : No metric defined ! " << std::endl;
-    throw;
-  }
-  FILE *f = fopen (n,"w");
-  fprintf(f,"View \"\"{\n");
-  //std::map<MVertex*,SMetric3 >::const_iterator it = _hessian.begin();
-  std::map<MVertex*,SMetric3>::const_iterator it= _nodalMetrics.begin();
-  //for (; it != _nodalMetrics.end(); ++it){
-  for (; it != _hessian.end(); ++it){
-    MVertex *v =  it->first;
-    SMetric3 h = it->second;
-    double lapl = h(0,0)+h(1,1)+h(2,2);
-    //fprintf(f, "SP(%g,%g,%g){%g};\n",  it->first->x(),it->first->y(),it->first->z(),lapl);
-    fprintf(f,"TP(%g,%g,%g){%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g};\n",
-        it->first->x(),it->first->y(),it->first->z(),
-        h(0,0),h(0,1),h(0,2),
-        h(1,0),h(1,1),h(1,2),
-        h(2,0),h(2,1),h(2,2)
-        );
-  }
-  fprintf(f,"};\n");
-  fclose (f);
 double meshMetric::getLaplacian (MVertex *v) {
   MVertex *vNew = _vertexMap[v->getNum()];
   std::map<MVertex*, SMetric3 >::const_iterator it = _hessian.find(vNew);
diff --git a/Mesh/meshMetric.h b/Mesh/meshMetric.h
index 262f418716..bd166dcabd 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshMetric.h
+++ b/Mesh/meshMetric.h
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ class meshMetric: public Field {
   virtual double operator() (double x, double y, double z, GEntity *ge=0) ;
   virtual void operator() (double x, double y, double z, SMetric3 &metr, GEntity *ge=0);
-  void printMetric(const char* n);
   // export pos files of fct, fct gradients (fct is the lattest fct passed to meshMetric !!) and resulting metric (intersection of all computed metrics)
   void exportInfo(const char *fileendname);
diff --git a/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.cpp b/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.cpp
index aaaf4ec24e..a0a5c9b2a6 100644
--- a/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.cpp
+++ b/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.cpp
@@ -876,8 +876,8 @@ multiscaleLaplace::multiscaleLaplace (std::vector<MElement *> &elements,
   //Split the mesh in left and right
   //or Cut the mesh in left and right
-  splitElems(elements);
-  //cutElems(elements);
+  //splitElems(elements);
+  cutElems(elements);
diff --git a/benchmarks/3d/CubeAniso.geo b/benchmarks/3d/CubeAniso.geo
index 03ca0392a9..ea3963d7f8 100644
--- a/benchmarks/3d/CubeAniso.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/3d/CubeAniso.geo
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Field[2] = MathEvalAniso;
 Field[2].m11 = "1./(0.1)^2";
 Field[2].m12 = "0";
 Field[2].m13 = "0";
-Field[2].m22 = "y+1/(0.001)^2";
+Field[2].m22 = "y+1/(0.005)^2";
 Field[2].m23 = "0";
 Field[2].m33 = "1/(0.1)^2";
 Background Field = 2;
diff --git a/benchmarks/curvature/test.geo b/benchmarks/curvature/test.geo
index 6135e8eab3..2e8167cd6d 100644
--- a/benchmarks/curvature/test.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/curvature/test.geo
@@ -4,25 +4,39 @@
  Mesh.Algorithm=1; //(1=MeshAdapt, 2=Automatic, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal, 7=bamg, 8=delquad)
  //Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFactor= 0.1;
+ Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromCurvature=1; //-clcurv
  Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromPoints = 0;
  Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin = 0.001;
- Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = 10.00;
+ Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = 3.00;
  Merge "Sphere.stl";
  //Merge "TorusInput.stl";
  //Merge "DistanceFromOrigin.bgm";
  //Merge "hop.bgm";
  //Background Mesh View[0];
  //Field[1] = MathEval;	
  //Field[1].F = "0.1*sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)";
  //Background Field = 1;
- Compound Surface(20) = {1};
- Physical Surface("Wall") = {20};
+ll[] = Line "*";
+For j In {0 : #ll[]-1}
+  Compound Line(newl) = ll[j];
+ss[] = Surface "*";
+s = news;
+For i In {0 : #ss[]-1}
+  Compound Surface(s+i) = ss[i];
+Physical Surface(1) = {s : s + #ss[]-1};
diff --git a/benchmarks/stl/BifurcationRemeshCurvature.geo b/benchmarks/stl/BifurcationRemeshCurvature.geo
index 02515267cd..fb8dc04fe3 100644
--- a/benchmarks/stl/BifurcationRemeshCurvature.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/stl/BifurcationRemeshCurvature.geo
@@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
-//Mesh.Algorithm=7; //1=MeshAdapt, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal, 7=BAMG
-Mesh.RemeshParametrization=0; //0) harmonic (1) conformal 
-Mesh.RemeshAlgorithm=0; //(0) nosplit (1) automatic 
+Mesh.Algorithm=7; //1=MeshAdapt, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal, 7=BAMG
-//Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromCurvature=1; //-clcurv
-//Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin = 0.02; //-clmin 0.05
-//Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = 4.00; //-clmax 4.0
-//Mesh.LcIntegrationPrecision=1.e-5; //-epslc1d
-//Mesh.MinimumCirclePoints=30; //default=7
-//Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromPoints = 0;
+Mesh.RemeshParametrization=1;  //(0=harmonic_circle, 1=conformal_spectral, 2=rbf, 3=harmonic_plane, 4=convex_circle, 5=convex_plane, 6=harmonic square, 7=spectral_fe
+Mesh.RemeshAlgorithm=1; //(0) nosplit (1) automatic 
+Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromCurvature=1; //-clcurv
+Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin = 0.02; //-clmin 0.05
+Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = 4.00; //-clmax 4.0
+Mesh.LcIntegrationPrecision=1.e-5; //-epslc1d
+Mesh.MinimumCirclePoints=30; //default=7
+Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromPoints = 0;
 Merge "bifurcation.stl";
 Compound Surface(20) = {1};
 Physical Surface("Wall") = {20};