diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index c14671cca907f47c11e5ce2f16cad8adf2e1e73d..94d106e323408bb3924bf3eda2610b264813a9b4 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ option(ENABLE_SWIG "Enable swig" ON)
 option(ENABLE_TAUCS "Enable Taucs linear algebra solver" ON)
 option(ENABLE_TETGEN "Enable Tetgen mesh generator" ON)
 option(ENABLE_TETGEN_NEW "Enable experimental version of Tetgen" OFF)
-option(ENABLE_NON_LINEAR_SOLVER "Enable use of non linear solver" OFF)
@@ -278,21 +277,6 @@ add_subdirectory(Common)
-  add_subdirectory(NonLinearSolver)
-  include_directories(NonLinearSolver/nlsolver)
-  include_directories(NonLinearSolver/BoundaryConditions)
-  include_directories(NonLinearSolver/contact)
-  include_directories(NonLinearSolver/Domain)
-  include_directories(NonLinearSolver/field)
-  include_directories(NonLinearSolver/Interface)
-  include_directories(NonLinearSolver/internalPoints)
-  include_directories(NonLinearSolver/materialLaw)
-  include_directories(NonLinearSolver/nlTerms)
-  include_directories(NonLinearSolver/space)
-  set_config_option(HAVE_NLMECHSOL "NlMechSol")
   set_config_option(HAVE_MESH "Mesh")
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/BoundaryConditions/CMakeLists.txt b/NonLinearSolver/BoundaryConditions/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 65a1b09c13c40612566cc2ae8e768ac120e20aa5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/BoundaryConditions/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2010 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-# See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-# bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-  nonLinearBC.cpp
-append_gmsh_src(NonLinearSolver/BoundaryConditions "${SRC};${HDR}")
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/BoundaryConditions/nonLinearBC.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/BoundaryConditions/nonLinearBC.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ad2307300f1869716aa34a749561272a4692529..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/BoundaryConditions/nonLinearBC.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Description: Class to set Boundary Conditions
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "nonLinearBC.h"
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/BoundaryConditions/nonLinearBC.h b/NonLinearSolver/BoundaryConditions/nonLinearBC.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d9873b8f656db806f1472ad506f599f94e4b990..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/BoundaryConditions/nonLinearBC.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// Description: Class to set Boundary Conditions
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-// Has to be regroup with BoundaryCondition defined in elasticitySolver.h These BC have to be defined in a separated file
-// I add nonLinear above to avoid ambiguities
-#ifndef SWIG
-#include "groupOfElements.h"
-#include "simpleFunction.h"
-#include "SVector3.h"
-#include "quadratureRules.h"
-#include "timeFunction.h"
-#include "contactFunctionSpace.h"
-#include "solverAlgorithms.h" // change this
-class nonLinearBoundaryCondition
- public:
-  location onWhat; // on vertices or elements
-  int _tag; // tag for the dofManager
-  groupOfElements *g; // support for this BC
-  nonLinearBoundaryCondition() : g(0),_tag(0),onWhat(UNDEF) {};
-  nonLinearBoundaryCondition(const nonLinearBoundaryCondition &source){
-    this->onWhat = source.onWhat;
-    this->_tag = source._tag;
-    this->g = source.g;
-  }
-class nonLinearDirichletBC : public nonLinearBoundaryCondition
- public:
-  int _comp; // component
-  simpleFunctionTime<double> _f;
-  FilterDof *_filter;
-  FunctionSpaceBase *_space;
-  nonLinearDirichletBC() : nonLinearBoundaryCondition(),_comp(0),_f(0), _space(NULL), _filter(NULL){}
-  nonLinearDirichletBC(const nonLinearDirichletBC &source) : nonLinearBoundaryCondition(source){
-    this->_comp = source._comp;
-    this->_f = source._f;
-    this->_space = source._space;
-    this->_filter = source._filter;
-  }
-// group will be not used but allow to store in same vector
-// tag == Master physical number
-class rigidContactBC : public nonLinearBoundaryCondition
- public:
-  rigidContactSpaceBase *space;
-  int _comp; // component
-  simpleFunctionTime<double> _f;
-  rigidContactBC(const int physMaster) : nonLinearBoundaryCondition(){
-    _tag = physMaster;
-    onWhat = RIGIDCONTACT;
-  }
-  rigidContactBC(const rigidContactBC &source) : nonLinearBoundaryCondition(source)
-  {
-    _comp = source._comp;
-    space = source.space;
-    _f = source._f;
-  }
-  ~rigidContactBC(){}
-  void setSpace(rigidContactSpaceBase *sp){space = sp;}
-class nonLinearNeumannBC  : public nonLinearBoundaryCondition
- public:
-  simpleFunction<double> *_f;
-  QuadratureBase* integ; // given by partDomain
-  FunctionSpaceBase *_space; // given by partDomain
-  LinearTermBase<double> *_term; // given by partDomain
-  int _comp; // component x, y or z to create function space
-  nonLinearNeumannBC () : nonLinearBoundaryCondition(),_f(NULL), integ(NULL), _space(NULL), _term(NULL) {}
-  nonLinearNeumannBC (const int tag, const int ow, simpleFunction<double>* f): nonLinearBoundaryCondition(), _f(f),
-                                                                                   integ(NULL), _space(NULL), _term(NULL),
-                                                                                   _comp(0)
-  {
-    _tag = tag;
-    switch(ow){
-     case 0:
-      this->onWhat = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::UNDEF;
-      break;
-     case 1:
-      this->onWhat = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_VERTEX;
-      g = new groupOfElements(0,tag);
-      break;
-     case 2:
-      onWhat = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_EDGE;
-      g = new groupOfElements(1,tag);
-      break;
-     case 3:
-      onWhat = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_FACE;
-      g = new groupOfElements(2,tag);
-      break;
-     case 4:
-      onWhat = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_VOLUME;
-      g = new groupOfElements(3,tag);
-      break;
-     case 5:
-      onWhat = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::PRESSURE;
-      g = new groupOfElements(2,tag);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  nonLinearNeumannBC(const nonLinearNeumannBC &source) : _f(source._f), nonLinearBoundaryCondition(source),
-                                                          integ(source.integ), _space(source._space), _term(source._term),
-                                                          _comp(source._comp){}
-#ifndef SWIG
-class initialCondition : public nonLinearDirichletBC {
- public:
-  enum whichCondition{position=0, velocity=1, acceleration=2};
-  double _value;
-  whichCondition _wc;
-  initialCondition(double val, int comp, whichCondition wc) : nonLinearDirichletBC(), _value(val), _wc(wc){_comp=comp;}
-  ~initialCondition(){}
-  initialCondition(const initialCondition &source) : nonLinearDirichletBC(source){
-    _value = source._value;
-    _wc = source._wc;
-  }
-#endif // non linear Boundary Conditions
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/CMakeLists.txt b/NonLinearSolver/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c40d305ef60c827f4660267ff246facea9f7038..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2011 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-# See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-# bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-append_gmsh_src(NonLinearSolver "${SRC};${HDR}")
-#   add pragma to compile nlmechsolpy.i in gmshpy.i
-# no if because here it is sure to used NonLinearSolver
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/Domain/CMakeLists.txt b/NonLinearSolver/Domain/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cf481ee811eba93c95bf3bee7694fc5e298b0cc8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Domain/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2010 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-# See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-# bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-  partDomain.cpp
-append_gmsh_src(NonLinearSolver/Domain "${SRC};${HDR}")
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/Domain/partDomain.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/Domain/partDomain.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4db73cdf4cf058fc791fb128f565d7a994bce643..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Domain/partDomain.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: partDomain
-// Description: Interface class to used solver. Your term ha to be store in a domain
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "partDomain.h"
-partDomain::partDomain(const partDomain &source){
-  _tag = source._tag;
-  _phys = source._phys;
-  _fullDg = source._fullDg;
-  btermBulk = source.btermBulk;
-  massterm = source.massterm;
-  ltermBulk = source.ltermBulk;
-  integBulk = source.integBulk;
-  g = source.g;
-  allDirichlet = source.allDirichlet;
-  allNeumann = source.allNeumann;
-  allInitial = source.allInitial;
-  _bmbp = source._bmbp;
-  _eps= source._eps;
-  _wsp = source._wsp;
-  setmaterial = source.setmaterial;
-partDomain& partDomain::operator=(const partDomain &source)
-  _tag = source._tag;
-  _phys = source._phys;
-  _fullDg = source._fullDg;
-  btermBulk = source.btermBulk;
-  massterm = source.massterm;
-  ltermBulk = source.ltermBulk;
-  integBulk = source.integBulk;
-  g = source.g;
-  allDirichlet = source.allDirichlet;
-  allNeumann = source.allNeumann;
-  allInitial = source.allInitial;
-  _wsp = source._wsp;
-  _bmbp = source._bmbp;
-  _eps = source._eps;
-  setmaterial = source.setmaterial;
-  return *this;
-dgPartDomain::dgPartDomain(const dgPartDomain &source) : partDomain(source){
-  btermBound = source.btermBound;
-  ltermBound = source.ltermBound;
-  btermVirtBound = source.btermVirtBound;
-  ltermVirtBound = source.ltermVirtBound;
-  integBound = source.integBound;
-  gi = source.gi;
-  gib = source.gib;
-  giv = source.giv;
-  _interByPert = source._interByPert;
-  _virtByPert = source._virtByPert;
-dgPartDomain& dgPartDomain::operator=(dgPartDomain &source)
-  this->partDomain::operator=(source);
-  btermBound = source.btermBound;
-  ltermBound = source.ltermBound;
-  btermVirtBound = source.btermVirtBound;
-  ltermVirtBound = source.ltermVirtBound;
-  integBound = source.integBound;
-  gi = source.gi;
-  gib = source.gib;
-  giv = source.giv;
-  _interByPert = source._interByPert;
-  _virtByPert = source._virtByPert;
-  return *this;
-void partDomain::setBulkMatrixByPerturbation(const int i, const double eps)
-  i == 0 ? _bmbp = false : _bmbp = true;
-  _eps = eps;
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/Domain/partDomain.h b/NonLinearSolver/Domain/partDomain.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d5a2c80cab212afe0ef88434d65d9190c07250..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Domain/partDomain.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: partDomain
-// Description: Interface class to used solver. Your term ha to be store in a domain
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#ifndef PARTDOMAIN_H_
-#define PARTDOMAIN_H_
-#ifndef SWIG
-#include "mlaw.h"
-#include "SVector3.h"
-#include "MInterfaceElement.h"
-#include "groupOfElements.h"
-#include "timeFunction.h"
-#include "functionSpaceType.h"
-#include "nonLinearBC.h"
-#include "nlTerms.h"
-#include "unknownField.h"
-#include "InterfaceBuilder.h"
-// class for a domain (pure virtual class)
-class partDomain{
- public :
-  typedef std::set<nonLinearDirichletBC*> diriContainer;
-  typedef std::set<nonLinearNeumannBC*> neuContainer;
-  typedef std::set<initialCondition*> initContainer;
- protected :
-  int _tag; // tag for the dofManager
-  int _phys; // physical of interface group I don't know how to retrieve it from *g
-  bool _fullDg; // To know which formulation Cg/Dg or FullDg is used for this part
-  functionSpaceType::whichSpace _wsp;
-  BilinearTermBase* btermBulk;
-  BilinearTermBase* massterm;
-  LinearTermBase<double>* ltermBulk;
-  QuadratureBase* integBulk;
-  // for matrix by perturbation
-  bool _bmbp;
-  double _eps;
-  virtual void setBulkMatrixByPerturbation(const int i, const double eps=1e-8);
-  // To know if law is already set
-  bool setmaterial;
-  // BC are put in domain to be sure to use the good function space
-  // neumann BC
-  neuContainer allNeumann;
-  // dirichlet BC
-  diriContainer allDirichlet;
-  // initial Condition
-  initContainer allInitial;
- public :
-  // Todo protect this variable
-  groupOfElements *g; // support for this field
-#ifndef SWIG
-  // Constructors
-  partDomain(const int tag, const int phys,
-             const int ws = 0,const bool fdg=false) : g(0), _tag(tag), _phys(phys),
-                                                         _bmbp(false), _eps(1e-8), _fullDg(fdg), setmaterial(false)
-  {
-    switch(ws){
-     case 0:
-      _wsp = functionSpaceType::Lagrange;
-      break;
-     case 10000: // Allow to set space later (used for interface domain)
-      _wsp = functionSpaceType::Inter;
-      break;
-     default:
-      Msg::Error("Function space type is unknown for partDomain %d. So Lagrange by default");
-      _wsp = functionSpaceType::Lagrange;
-    }
-  }
-  partDomain(const partDomain &source);
-  partDomain& operator=(const partDomain &source);
-//  ~partDomain(){delete btermBulk; delete ltermBulk; delete integBulk;}
-  BilinearTermBase* getBilinearBulkTerm() const{return btermBulk;}
-  BilinearTermBase* getBilinearMassTerm() const{return massterm;}
-  LinearTermBase<double>* getLinearBulkTerm() const{return ltermBulk;}
-  QuadratureBase* getBulkGaussIntegrationRule() const{return integBulk;}
-  // Dimension of domain
-  virtual int getDim() const=0;
-  int getTag()const{return _tag;}
-  int getPhysical() const{return _phys;}
-  virtual void initializeTerms(unknownField *uf,IPField *ip)=0;
-  // true is domain has interface terms
-  virtual bool IsInterfaceTerms() const=0;
-  functionSpaceType::whichSpace getFunctionSpaceType() const{return _wsp;}
-  // can be return const FunctionSpaceBase if the function of this class are declarated const
-  virtual FunctionSpaceBase* getFunctionSpace() const=0;
-// some data of BC have to be set by domain
-  virtual void addDirichletBC(nonLinearDirichletBC *diri)=0; // space and filterDof
-  virtual void addNeumannBC(nonLinearNeumannBC *neu)=0; // space, integration rule and term
-  virtual void addInitialCondition(initialCondition *initC)=0; // idem as dirichlet
-  void setTimeBC(const double curtime){
-    for(neuContainer::iterator it=neuBegin(); it!=neuEnd(); ++it){
-      nonLinearNeumannBC *neu = *it;
-      simpleFunctionTime<double> *ft = dynamic_cast<simpleFunctionTime<double>*>(neu->_f);
-      ft->setTime(curtime);
-    }
-    for(diriContainer::iterator it=diriBegin(); it!=diriEnd(); ++it){
-      nonLinearDirichletBC *diri = *it;
-      diri->_f.setTime(curtime);
-    }
-  }
-  diriContainer::iterator diriBegin(){return allDirichlet.begin();}
-  diriContainer::iterator diriEnd(){return allDirichlet.end();}
-  neuContainer::iterator neuBegin(){return allNeumann.begin();}
-  neuContainer::iterator neuEnd(){return allNeumann.end();}
-  initContainer::iterator initCBegin(){return allInitial.begin();}
-  initContainer::iterator initCEnd(){return allInitial.end();}
-//  static void registerBindings(binding *b);
-  virtual void computeIPVariable(AllIPState *aips,const unknownField *ufield,const IPStateBase::whichState ws)=0;
-  virtual void computeIpv(AllIPState *aips,MElement *e, IPStateBase::whichState ws,
-                           materialLaw *mlaw,fullVector<double> &disp)=0;
-  virtual void setGaussIntegrationRule()=0;
-  virtual void inverseLinearTermSign()=0;
-  virtual bool getFormulation() const{return _fullDg;}
-  virtual void setMaterialLaw(const std::map<int,materialLaw*> maplaw)=0;
-  // No materialLaw store here but the function to give the material law exist
-  // The law has to be store in the derivated class
-  virtual materialLaw* getMaterialLaw()=0;
-  virtual const materialLaw* getMaterialLaw() const=0;
-  virtual int getLawNum() const=0;
-  // For dg formulation the stability parameters decrease the critical time step size
-  // in explicit. So this function allows to scale the time step
-  virtual double scaleTimeStep() const {return 1.;}
-  // creation of interface. At least boundary to create interface domain
-  // can be empty be not interdomain creation in this case
-  virtual void createInterface(manageInterface &maninter)=0;
-  //Iedge has to be change in IElement
-  virtual MElement* createVirtualInterface(IElement *ie) const=0;
-  virtual MElement* createInterface(IElement* ie1,IElement* ie2) const=0;
-  // Add for BC
-  virtual FilterDof* createFilterDof(const int comp) const=0;
-// class for Dg part domain (pure virtual)
-class dgPartDomain : public partDomain{
- protected :
-  BilinearTermBase* btermBound;
-  LinearTermBase<double>* ltermBound;
-  BilinearTermBase* btermVirtBound;
-  LinearTermBase<double>* ltermVirtBound;
-  QuadratureBase* integBound;
-  // For matrix by perturbation
-  bool _interByPert;
-  bool _virtByPert;
- public :
-  // TODO protect these variables
-  groupOfElements *gi; // support for the interfaceElement TODO cast to a groupOfElements
-  groupOfElements *gib; // support for the interfaceElement TODO cast to a groupOfElements
-  groupOfElements *giv; // support for the virtual interface element (used to set Neumann and Dirichlet BC)
-#ifndef SWIG
-  dgPartDomain(const int tag, const int phys, const int ws = 0,
-               const bool fdg=false) : partDomain(tag,phys,ws,fdg), _interByPert(false), _virtByPert(false)
-  {
-    gi = new groupOfElements();
-    gib = new groupOfElements();
-    giv = new groupOfElements();
-  }
-  dgPartDomain(const dgPartDomain &source);
-  dgPartDomain& operator=(dgPartDomain &source);
-//  ~dgPartDomain(){delete btermBound; delete ltermBound; delete btermVirtBound; delete ltermVirtBound;
-//                  delete integBound; delete gib; delete giv}
-  BilinearTermBase* getBilinearInterfaceTerm(){return btermBound;}
-  LinearTermBase<double>* getLinearInterfaceTerm()const{return ltermBound;}
-  BilinearTermBase* getBilinearVirtualInterfaceTerm(){return btermVirtBound;}
-  LinearTermBase<double>* getLinearVirtualInterfaceTerm(){return ltermVirtBound;}
-  QuadratureBase* getInterfaceGaussIntegrationRule() const {return integBound;}
-  virtual void computeIPVariable(AllIPState *aips,const unknownField *ufield,const IPStateBase::whichState ws)=0;
-  virtual void computeIpv(AllIPState *aips,MInterfaceElement *ie, IntPt *GP,const IPStateBase::whichState ws,
-                            partDomain* efMinus, partDomain *efPlus,materialLaw *mlawminus,
-                            materialLaw *mlawplus,fullVector<double> &dispm,
-                            fullVector<double> &dispp,const bool virt,const bool checkfrac=true)=0;
-  virtual void computeIpv(AllIPState *aips,MElement *e, IPStateBase::whichState ws,
-                            materialLaw *mlaw,fullVector<double> &disp)=0;
-  virtual void addDirichletBC(nonLinearDirichletBC *diri)=0;
-  virtual void addNeumannBC(nonLinearNeumannBC *neu)=0;
-  virtual void addInitialCondition(initialCondition *initC)=0;
-  virtual void setGaussIntegrationRule()=0;
-  virtual int getDim() const=0;
-  virtual bool IsInterfaceTerms() const{return true;}
-  virtual FunctionSpaceBase* getFunctionSpace() const=0;
-  virtual FunctionSpaceBase* getFunctionSpaceMinus() const=0;
-  virtual FunctionSpaceBase* getFunctionSpacePlus() const=0;
-  virtual void matrixByPerturbation(const int ibulk, const int iinter, const int ivirt,const double eps=1e-8)=0;
-//  static void registerBindings(binding *b);
-  virtual void setMaterialLaw(const std::map<int,materialLaw*> maplaw)=0;
-  virtual materialLaw* getMaterialLaw(){Msg::Error("The law to retrieve is not given on a dgdom"); return NULL;}
-  virtual const materialLaw* getMaterialLaw() const{Msg::Error("The law to retrieve is not given on a dgdom"); return NULL;}
-  virtual materialLaw* getMaterialLawMinus()=0;
-  virtual const materialLaw* getMaterialLawMinus() const=0;
-  virtual materialLaw* getMaterialLawPlus()=0;
-  virtual const materialLaw* getMaterialLawPlus() const=0;
-  virtual int getLawNum() const=0;
-  virtual int getMinusLawNum() const=0;
-  virtual int getPlusLawNum() const=0;
-  virtual const partDomain* getMinusDomain() const=0;
-  virtual const partDomain* getPlusDomain() const=0;
-  virtual partDomain* getMinusDomain()=0;
-  virtual partDomain* getPlusDomain()=0;
-  virtual void createInterface(manageInterface &maninter)=0;
-  virtual MElement* createVirtualInterface(IElement *ie) const=0;
-  virtual MElement* createInterface(IElement *ie1, IElement *ie2) const=0;
-  // Add for BC
-  virtual FilterDof* createFilterDof(const int comp) const=0;
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/CMakeLists.txt b/NonLinearSolver/Interface/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 295d70c457692acc8c486a12c3888479e33dcae0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2010 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-# See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-# bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-  IEdge.cpp
-  IElement.cpp
-  InterfaceBuilder.cpp
-  MInterfaceElement.cpp
-  MInterfaceLine.cpp
-append_gmsh_src(NonLinearSolver/Interface "${SRC};${HDR}")
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/IEdge.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/Interface/IEdge.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 34933710d642839cd25dea205b36afd2e130fe3c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/IEdge.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class to bluid an interface line (used at initialization)
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "IEdge.h"
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/IEdge.h b/NonLinearSolver/Interface/IEdge.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 877d1cdb5bbaa26f24ee329cb7703830a64312f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/IEdge.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class to bluid an interface line (used at initialization)
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#ifndef _IEDEGE_H_
-#define _IEDEGE_H_
-#include "IElement.h"
-#include "MVertex.h"
-#include "MElement.h"
-// Class used to build 2D interface element
-class IEdge : public IElement{
-  public :
-    IEdge(std::vector<MVertex*> &v,MElement *e, int i) : IElement(v,e,i){};
-    ~IEdge(){};
-    unsigned long int getkey() const{
-      int i1,i2,i3;
-      i1 = vertex[0]->getNum();
-      i2 = vertex[1]->getNum();
-      i1>i2 ? i3=i1*100000+i2 : i3=i2*100000+i1; // change this
-      return i3;
-    }
-    virtual IElement::IEtype getType()const{return IElement::Edge;}
-#endif // _IEDEGE_H_
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/IElement.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/Interface/IElement.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 03b145b5698d2234188bcb6677e0d3dd37bd5b77..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/IElement.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class to bluid the interface element (used at initialization)
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "IElement.h"
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index 0b90fcec0b8d168064982ed1f11f5a2b4e0aca71..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/IElement.h
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-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class to bluid the interface element (used at initialization)
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#ifndef _IELEMENT_H_
-#define _IELEMENT_H_
-#include "MVertex.h"
-#include "MElement.h"
-class IElement{
- public:
-  enum IEtype{Edge};
- protected:
-  std::vector<MVertex*> vertex;
-  MElement *elem;
-  int phys;
- public:
-  IElement(std::vector<MVertex*> &v,MElement *e, int i) : vertex(v), elem(e), phys(i){};
-  ~IElement(){};
-  virtual unsigned long int getkey() const=0;
-  virtual IEtype getType() const=0;
-  // As for now only IEdge exists I don't know if these method are virtual pure
-  // virtual or are only for IEdge
-  virtual std::vector<MVertex*> getVertices() const{return vertex;}
-  virtual MElement* getElement() const{return elem;}
-  virtual MVertex* getFirstInteriorVertex() const {return vertex[2];}
-  virtual MVertex* getLastInteriorVertex() const {return *vertex.end();}
-  virtual int getPhys() const {return phys;}
-#endif // _IELEMENT_H_
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/InterfaceBuilder.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/Interface/InterfaceBuilder.cpp
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index b58a71b49950f00cdda514d8234e02253657e706..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/InterfaceBuilder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class to manage the creation of interface
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "InterfaceBuilder.h"
-#include "partDomain.h"
-unsigned long int manageInterface::getKey(partDomain* dom1, partDomain *dom2){
-  int i1 = dom1->getPhysical();
-  int i2 = dom2->getPhysical();
-  return manageInterface::getKey(i1,i2);
-void manageInterface::insert(IElement *iele,partDomain *dom)
-  unsigned long int key = iele->getkey();
-  IelementContainer::iterator it_edge=mapinter.find(key);
-  if((it_edge == mapinter.end()) or (iele->getType() != it_edge->second->getType()))
-    mapinter.insert(IelementPart(key,iele));
-  else{ // create the interface
-    MElement *interel =  dom->createInterface(iele,it_edge->second);
-    this->createinter(interel,iele,it_edge->second->getPhys());
-  }
-void manageInterface::createinter(MElement *iele, IElement *ie, const int phys2)
-  unsigned int physkey = manageInterface::getKey(ie->getPhys(),phys2);
-  #ifdef _DEBUG
-   bool findi = false;
-  #endif
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator it = _vdom->begin(); it!=_vdom->end(); ++it){
-    partDomain *dom = *it;
-    if(dom->getPhysical() == physkey){
-      dgPartDomain *dgdom = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(dom);
-      dgdom->gi->insert(iele);
-      #ifdef _DEBUG
-       findi=true;
-      #endif
-    }
-  }
-  #ifdef _DEBUG
-   if(!findi)
-     Msg::Error("Error with the creation of interfaceelement. It seems that an Interface element is not include in any domain");
-  #endif
-  if(physkey != phys2){
-    // search domain
-    for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator it = _vdom->begin(); it!=_vdom->end(); ++it){
-      partDomain *dom = *it;
-      if(dom->getPhysical() == ie->getPhys()){
-        dgPartDomain *dgdom = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(dom);
-        MElement* interel = dgdom->createVirtualInterface(ie);
-        dgdom->giv->insert(interel);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    this->erase(ie);
-  }
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--- a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/InterfaceBuilder.h
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-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class to manage the creation of interface
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "mlaw.h"
-#include "IElement.h"
-class partDomain;
-class manageInterface{
- public:
-  typedef std::map<unsigned long int,IElement*> IelementContainer; // create IElement type and Iede derive from Iedge
-  typedef std::pair<unsigned long int,IElement*> IelementPart;
- protected:
-  IelementContainer mapinter;
-  std::vector<partDomain*> *_vdom;
- public:
-  static unsigned long int getKey(const int npdom1, const int npdom2){
-    unsigned long int i;
-    if(npdom1 == npdom2){
-      return npdom1;
-    }
-    else{
-      npdom1<npdom2 ? i = npdom2*100000+npdom1 : i = npdom1*100000+npdom2;
-      return i;
-    }
-  }
-  unsigned long int getKey(partDomain* dom1, partDomain *dom2);
-  void insert(IElement *iele,partDomain *dom);
-  // not optimal for internal interface pass current dom for more efficiency ??
-  void createinter(MElement *ele, IElement *ie, const int phys2);
-  manageInterface(std::vector<partDomain*> *vdom) : _vdom(vdom){}
-  ~manageInterface()
-  {
-    for(IelementContainer::iterator it = mapinter.begin(); it!=mapinter.end(); ++it){
-      delete it->second;
-    }
-  }
-  void erase(IElement *ie){
-    unsigned long int key = ie->getkey();
-    IelementContainer::iterator it = mapinter.find(key);
-    if(it != mapinter.end()){
-      delete it->second;
-      mapinter.erase(it);
-    }
-  }
-  void create(partDomain *dom1, partDomain *dom2, const std::map<int,materialLaw*> &maplaw,const int lawnum=0);
-  void createInterShell(partDomain *dom1, partDomain *dom2, const int lawnum,
-                        const std::map<int,materialLaw*> &maplaw,const int ipert, const double eps=1e-8);
-  IelementContainer::iterator begin(){return mapinter.begin();}
-  IelementContainer::iterator end(){return mapinter.end();}
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/MInterfaceElement.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/Interface/MInterfaceElement.cpp
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index eaa687cd157321e58bb9a5a9f4f3a5874ffe7b3c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/MInterfaceElement.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class of interface element used for DG
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-// Has to be merge with interface element defined in dg project HOW ??
-#include "MInterfaceElement.h"
-#include "quadratureRules.h"
-#include "MLine.h"
-double MInterfaceElement::characSize(MElement *e)
-  // Compute the area of the element
-  GaussQuadrature Integ_Bulk(GaussQuadrature::Grad); // which rule used for now not the same as the call function ??
-  IntPt *GP;
-  double perimeter = 0., Area = 0.;
-  double jac[3][3];
-  int npts=Integ_Bulk.getIntPoints(e,&GP);
-  // Area
-  for( int i = 0; i < npts; i++){
-    // Coordonate of Gauss' point i
-    const double u = GP[i].pt[0]; const double v = GP[i].pt[1]; const double w = GP[i].pt[2];
-    const double weight = GP[i].weight; const double detJ = e->getJacobian(u, v, w, jac); // Or compute jacobian with crossprod(phi0[0],phi0[1]) ??
-    Area += weight * detJ;
-  }
-  // perimeter
-  int nside = e->getNumEdges();
-  GaussQuadrature Integ_Bound(GaussQuadrature::ValVal);
-  std::vector<MVertex*> vver;
-  for(int i=0;i<nside;i++){
-    IntPt *GPb;
-    e->getEdgeVertices(i,vver);
-    MLineN mlin = MLineN(vver);
-    int npts = Integ_Bound.getIntPoints(&mlin,&GPb);
-    for(int j=0;j<npts; j++){
-      const double u = GPb[j].pt[0]; const double v = GPb[j].pt[1]; const double w = GPb[j].pt[2];
-      const double weight = GPb[j].weight; const double detJ = mlin.getJacobian(u, v, w, jac);
-      perimeter +=weight*detJ;
-    }
-    vver.clear();
-  }
-  return Area/perimeter;
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index 1bc3d903c8df3ba0bd1631098818baa17f19b7c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/MInterfaceElement.h
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@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class of interface element used for DG
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-// Has to be merge with interface element defined in dg project HOW ??
-#include "MElement.h"
-// MinterfaceElement is a pure virtual class whose is interace has to be derived and derived from MElement too
-// so MinterfaceElement can't not be derived from MElement
-class MInterfaceElement{
- public:
-  MInterfaceElement(){}
-  ~MInterfaceElement(){}
-  virtual MElement* getElem(const int index) const=0;
-  virtual int getEdgeOrFaceNumber(const int index) const=0;
-  virtual bool isSameDirection(const int index) const=0;
-  // should return the element number !!
-  virtual int getNumber() const=0; // {return{this->getNum();} in your derived class it derived from an MElement* too !!
-  // compute the characteritic size of one element (This function can be defined as a method of MElement) ??
-  static double characSize(MElement *e); // Area/perimeter
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/MInterfaceLine.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/Interface/MInterfaceLine.cpp
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index d015455fc4561906877d130419b3a0467f21d405..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/MInterfaceLine.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class of interface element of line used for DG
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-// Has to be merge with interface element defined in dg project HOW ??
-#include "MInterfaceLine.h"
-MInterfaceLine::MInterfaceLine(std::vector<MVertex*> &v, int num, int part,
-                               MElement *e_minus, MElement *e_plus) : MLineN(v, num, part), MInterfaceElement()
-  _numElem[0]=e_minus;
-  _numElem[1]=e_plus;
-  // Edge of element linked to interface element we identifie an interior point of the MLine (degree 2 min for shell) thus we used v[0]
-  for(int jj=0;jj<2;jj++){
-    int nopv = _numElem[jj]->getNumPrimaryVertices();
-    std::vector<MVertex*> vv;
-    for(int i = 0; i < nopv; i++){
-      _numElem[jj]->getEdgeVertices(i,vv);
-      for(int j = 2; j < vv.size(); j++){
-        if(vv[j] == v[2]){ // v[2] because it is the first interior node
-          _numEdge[jj] = i;
-          if(v[0] == vv[0]) _dir[jj] = true; // same orientation
-          else _dir[jj] = false;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void MInterfaceLine::getLocalVertexNum(const int i,std::vector<int> &vn)
-  switch(_numEdge[i]){
-  case 0 :
-    vn[0] = 0;
-    vn[1] = 1;
-    break;
-  case 1 :
-    vn[0] = 1;
-    vn[1] = 2;
-    break;
-  case 2 :
-    if(_numElem[i]->getType()==TYPE_TRI){vn[0]=2;vn[1]=0;}
-    else{vn[0]=2;vn[1]=3;}
-    break;
-  case 3 :
-    vn[0] = 3;
-    vn[1] = 0;
-    break;
-  default : Msg::Error("Impossible to get local vertex number in this case");
-  }
-  // interior edge node
-  for(int j=2;j<vn.size();j++)
-    vn[j]=_numElem[i]->getNumEdges()+_numEdge[i]*(_numElem[i]->getPolynomialOrder()-1)+(j-2);
-  // Get the u v value on element for a abscissa u on the interface element // TODO optmize by store in the class interface element the corresponding value (if many step must be compute once)??
-void MInterfaceLine::getuvOnElem(const double u, double &uem, double &vem, double &uep, double &vep)
-{  // w = 0 as no volume element are taken into account. The point is defined between u=-1 and u=1 on the interface element
-  double ue=0.,ve=0.;
-  for(int jj=0;jj<2;jj++){
-    switch(_numElem[jj]->getType()){
-    case TYPE_TRI :
-      switch(_numEdge[jj]){
-      case 0 :
-        if(_dir[jj]) {ue = 0.5 * ( 1 + u ); ve = 0.;}
-        else {ue = 0.5 * ( 1 - u ); ve = 0.;}
-        break;
-      case 1 :
-        if(_dir[jj]) {ue = 0.5 * (1 - u) ; ve = 0.5 * ( 1 + u );}
-        else {ue = 0.5 * (1 + u) ; ve = 0.5 * ( 1 - u );}
-        break;
-      case 2 :
-        if(_dir[jj]) { ue = 0; ve = 0.5 * (1 - u);}
-        else { ue = 0; ve = 0.5 * (1 + u);}
-        break;
-      }
-    break;
-    case TYPE_QUA :
-      switch(_numEdge[jj]){
-      case 0 :
-        if(_dir[jj]) {ue = u; ve = -1.;}
-        else {ue =-u; ve=-1;}
-        break;
-      case 1 :
-        if(_dir[jj]) {ue =1.; ve = u;}
-        else {ue = 1.; ve = -u;}
-        break;
-      case 2 :
-        if(_dir[jj]) {ue = -u; ve = 1;}
-        else {ue = u; ve = 1;}
-        break;
-      case 3 :
-        if(_dir[jj]) {ue = -1; ve = -u;}
-        else {ue = -1; ve = u;}
-        break;
-      }
-      break;
-      default : Msg::Error("The Method doesn't work for this type of element");
-    }
-    if(jj==0){uem=ue;vem=ve;}
-    else {uep=ue;vep=ve;}
-  }
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/MInterfaceLine.h b/NonLinearSolver/Interface/MInterfaceLine.h
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index 46b91b7bc12a8dc84d0cf64d7e6362445382a15c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/Interface/MInterfaceLine.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class of interface element of line used for DG
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-// Has to be merge with interface element defined in dg project HOW ??
-#include "MLine.h"
-#include "MVertex.h"
-#include "MInterfaceElement.h"
-class MInterfaceLine : public MLineN, public MInterfaceElement{ // or don't derivate but in this case a vector with the vertices of interface element has to be save ??
-  protected :
-    // table of pointer on the two elements linked to the interface element
-    MElement *_numElem[2];
-    // edge's number linked to interface element of minus and plus element
-    int _numEdge[2];
-    // dir = true if the edge and the interface element are defined in the same sens and dir = false otherwise
-    bool _dir[2];
-  public :
-    MInterfaceLine(std::vector<MVertex*> &v, int num = 0, int part = 0, MElement *e_minus = 0, MElement *e_plus = 0);
-    // Destructor
-    ~MInterfaceLine(){}
-    // Try to avoid this HOW
-    int getNumber() const{return this->getNum();}
-    // Give the number of minus 0 or plus 1 element
-    MElement* getElem(int index) const {return _numElem[index];}
-    void getuvOnElem(const double u, double &uem, double &vem, double &uep, double &vep);
-    // Return the edge number of element
-    int getEdgeOrFaceNumber(const int i) const {return _numEdge[i];}
-    // Return the local vertex number of interface
-    void getLocalVertexNum(const int i,std::vector<int> &vn);
-    // Compute the characteristic size of the side h_s = max_e (area_e/perimeter_e)
-    double getCharacteristicSize(){
-      double cm = this->characSize(_numElem[0]);
-      double cp = this->characSize(_numElem[1]);
-      return cm > cp ? cm : cp;
-    }
-    bool isSameDirection(const int i) const {return _dir[i];}
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/contact/CMakeLists.txt b/NonLinearSolver/contact/CMakeLists.txt
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index 7d7eafeba3bad6d97d7867371cd864e7a9e99b30..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/contact/CMakeLists.txt
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2010 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-# See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-# bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-  contactDomain.cpp
-  contactTerms.cpp
-  rigidCylinderContactTerms.cpp
- # inline
-  contactFunctionSpace.h
-  nodeStiffnessContact.h
-append_gmsh_src(NonLinearSolver/contact "${SRC};${HDR}")
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/contact/contactDomain.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/contact/contactDomain.cpp
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index 044ffc4ad3e041b7673441d0be9c68af6c2aaca2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/contact/contactDomain.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-// contact Domain
-// Description: Domain to solve contact problem
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "contactDomain.h"
-contactDomain::contactDomain(const contactDomain &source){
-  _tag = source._tag;
-  _phys = source._phys;
-  _physSlave = source._physSlave;
-  _penalty = source._penalty;
-  gSlave = source.gSlave;
-  gMaster = source.gMaster;
-  _dom = source._dom;
-  _bterm = source._bterm;
-  _massterm = source._massterm;
-  _lterm = source._lterm;
-  _contype = source._contype;
-  _rigid = source._rigid;
-  _space = source._space;
-  _integ = source._integ;
-void contactDomain::setContactType(const int ct){
-  switch(ct){
-   case 0:
-    _contype = rigidCylinder;
-    _rigid = true;
-    break;
-   case 1:
-    _contype = rigidSphere;
-    _rigid = true;
-    break;
-   default:
-    Msg::Error("No contact know for int %d",ct);
-  }
-MElement* contactDomain::getFirstElement() const {
-  groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = gSlave->begin();
-  return (*it);
-rigidCylinderContactDomain::rigidCylinderContactDomain(const int tag, const int physMaster, const int physSlave, const int physPt1,
-                                           const int physPt2, const double penalty,
-                                           const double h,const double rho) : contactDomain(tag,physMaster,physSlave,
-                                                                           penalty,rigidCylinder,true),
-                                                               _thick(h), _density(rho){
-  // void gauss integration
-  _integ = new QuadratureVoid();
-  // creation of group of elements
-  gMaster = new groupOfElements(2,physMaster);
-  gSlave = new groupOfElements(2,physSlave);
-  // use for build --> no save
-  groupOfElements gpt1 = groupOfElements(0,physPt1);
-  groupOfElements gpt2 = groupOfElements(0,physPt2);
-  // find GC and dimension of cylinder
-  // get vertex
-  groupOfElements::vertexContainer::iterator itpt1 = gpt1.vbegin();
-  groupOfElements::vertexContainer::iterator itpt2 = gpt2.vbegin();
-  MVertex *ver1 = *itpt1;
-  MVertex *ver2 = *itpt2;
-  // Vertices coordinates
-  double x1 = ver1->x(); double y1 = ver1->y(); double z1 = ver1->z();
-  double x2 = ver2->x(); double y2 = ver2->y(); double z2 = ver2->z();
-  //creation of GC vertex
-  double xgc = 0.5*(x1+x2); double ygc = 0.5*(y1+y2); double zgc = 0.5*(z1+z2);
-  _vergc = new MVertex(xgc,ygc,zgc);
-  // dimension of cylinder
-  _length = ver1->distance(ver2);
-  // Radius search for an extreme pnt (ie the point with the most distance of gc)
-  double dist=-1.; // initialization
-  MVertex *vermax;
-  for(groupOfElements::vertexContainer::iterator it=gMaster->vbegin(); it!=gMaster->vend();++it){
-    MVertex *ver = *it;
-    double d = ver->distance(_vergc);
-    if(d > dist){
-      vermax = ver;
-      dist = d;
-    }
-  }
-  // radius = smallest distance of extreme point and a center
-  double r1 = vermax->distance(ver1);
-  double r2 = vermax->distance(ver2);
-  (r1>r2) ? _radius=r2 : _radius=r1;
-  // vector director of cylinder's axis
-  _axisDirector = new SVector3(ver1->point(),ver2->point());
-  _axisDirector->normalize();
-void rigidCylinderContactDomain::initializeTerms(const unknownField *ufield){
-  rigidContactSpaceBase *sp = dynamic_cast<rigidContactSpaceBase*>(_space);
-  _massterm = new massRigidCylinder(this,sp);
-  _lterm = new forceRigidCylinderContact(this,sp,_thickContact,ufield);
-  rigidContactLinearTermBase<double> *rlterm = dynamic_cast<rigidContactLinearTermBase<double>*>(_lterm);
-  _bterm = new stiffnessRigidCylinderContact(sp,rlterm,ufield);
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--- a/NonLinearSolver/contact/contactDomain.h
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-// contact Domain
-// Description: Domain to solve contact problem
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#ifndef SWIG
-#include "groupOfElements.h"
-#include "partDomain.h"
-#include "contactTerms.h"
-#include "rigidCylinderContactTerms.h"
-#include "MVertex.h"
-#include "MElement.h"
-template<class T2> class contactBilinearTermBase;
-template<class T2> class contactLinearTermBase;
-class contactDomain{
- public:
-  enum contact{rigidCylinder, rigidSphere};
- protected:
-  int _phys;
-  int _physSlave;
-  int _tag;
-  double _penalty;
-  BilinearTermBase* _bterm;
-  BilinearTermBase* _massterm;
-  LinearTermBase<double>* _lterm;
-  partDomain *_dom;
-  contact _contype;
-  bool _rigid;
-  FunctionSpaceBase *_space;
-  QuadratureBase *_integ;
- public:
-  groupOfElements *gMaster;
-  groupOfElements *gSlave;
-#ifndef SWIG
-  contactDomain() : gMaster(0), gSlave(0), _phys(0), _physSlave(0), _tag(0), _contype(rigidCylinder), _dom(0), _penalty(0.), _rigid(true){}
-  contactDomain(const int tag, const int phys, const int physSlave, double pe,
-                contact conty,const bool rigid=false) : _tag(tag), _phys(phys), _physSlave(physSlave),
-                                                          _penalty(pe), _contype(conty),
-                                                          _rigid(rigid), _space(NULL){}
-  contactDomain(const contactDomain &source);
-  ~contactDomain(){}
-  virtual void setTag(const int t){ _tag =t;}
-  virtual void setPhys(const int p){_phys =p;}
-  virtual void setPenalty(const double pe){_penalty=pe;}
-  virtual void setContactType(const int ct);
-  virtual void setContactType(const contact ct){_contype =ct;}
-  virtual int getTag() const{return _tag;}
-  virtual int getPhys() const{return _phys;}
-  virtual int getPhysSlave() const{return _physSlave;}
-  virtual double getPenalty() const{return _penalty;}
-  virtual contact getContactType() const{return _contype;}
-  virtual partDomain* getDomain() const {return _dom;}
-  virtual MElement * getFirstElement() const;
-  virtual bool isRigid() const {return _rigid;}
-  virtual BilinearTermBase* getMassTerm(){return _massterm;}
-  virtual BilinearTermBase* getStiffnessTerm(){return _bterm;}
-  virtual LinearTermBase<double>* getForceTerm(){return _lterm;}
-  virtual FunctionSpaceBase* getSpace() {return _space;}
-  virtual const FunctionSpaceBase* getSpace() const {return _space;}
-  virtual QuadratureBase* getGaussIntegration() const{return _integ;}
-  virtual void setDomainAndFunctionSpace(partDomain *dom)=0;
-  virtual void initializeTerms(const unknownField *ufield)=0;
-//  static void registerBindings(binding *b);
-class rigidCylinderContactDomain : public contactDomain{
- protected:
-  double _length; // length of cylinder;
-  double _radius; // outer radius of cylinder;
-  double _thick;  // thickness of cylinder;
-  double _thickContact; // use for shell (contact with neutral axis of external fiber is !=0)
-  double _density; // density of cylinder Not a material law for now
-  MVertex *_vergc;  // vertex of gravity center
-  SVector3 *_axisDirector; // normalized vector director of cylinder's axis
-#ifndef SWIG
- public:
-  rigidCylinderContactDomain() : contactDomain(), _length(0.), _radius(0.), _thick(0.){
-    _contype = rigidCylinder;
-    _rigid = true;
-    _integ = new QuadratureVoid();
-  }
-  rigidCylinderContactDomain(const int tag, const int physMaster, const int physSlave, const int physpt1,
-                       const int physpt2,const double penalty,const double h,const double rho);
-  ~rigidCylinderContactDomain(){delete _axisDirector;}
-  virtual void initializeTerms(const unknownField *ufield);
-  SVector3* getAxisDirector() const{return _axisDirector;}
-  virtual void setDomainAndFunctionSpace(partDomain *dom)=0;
-  virtual MVertex* getGC() const{return _vergc;}
-  double getDensity() const{return _density;}
-  double getLength() const{return _length;}
-  double getRadius() const{return _radius;}
-  double getThickness() const{return _thick;}
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--- a/NonLinearSolver/contact/contactFunctionSpace.h
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-// functional space for contact
-// Description:
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "functionSpace.h"
-template <class T1> class ContactSpaceBase : public FunctionSpaceBase{
- protected:
-  FunctionSpace<T1> *_space; // functional space of domain where contact is computed
-  const int _id;
-  std::vector<int> _comp;
- public:
-  ContactSpaceBase(const int id, FunctionSpace<double> *sp) : FunctionSpaceBase(), _id(id), _space(sp){
-    _comp.push_back(0);
-    _comp.push_back(1);
-    _comp.push_back(2);
-  }
-  ContactSpaceBase(const int id, FunctionSpace<double> *sp, const int comp1,
-                   const int comp2 = -1, const int comp3 =-1) : FunctionSpaceBase(), _id(id), _space(sp)
-  {
-    _comp.push_back(comp1);
-    if(comp2 !=-1)
-      _comp.push_back(comp2);
-    if(comp3 != -1)
-      _comp.push_back(comp3);
-  }
-  virtual void getKeys(MElement *ele,std::vector<Dof> &keys){
-    _space->getKeys(ele,keys);
-  }
-  virtual int getNumKeys(MElement *ele){
-    return _space->getNumKeys(ele);
-  }
-class rigidContactSpaceBase : public ContactSpaceBase<double>{
- protected:
-  const MVertex *_gc; // Node of gravity center
- public:
-  rigidContactSpaceBase(const int id, FunctionSpace<double> *sp, MVertex *ver) : ContactSpaceBase<double>(id,sp), _gc(ver){}
-  rigidContactSpaceBase(const int id, FunctionSpace<double> *sp, MVertex *ver, const int comp1,
-                   const int comp2 = -1, const int comp3 =-1) : ContactSpaceBase<double>(id,sp,comp1,comp2,comp3){}
-  virtual void getKeys(MElement *ele,std::vector<Dof> &keys)=0;
-  virtual int getNumKeys(MElement *ele)=0;
-  virtual void getKeysOfGravityCenter(std::vector<Dof> &keys)=0;
-  virtual int getNumKeysOfGravityCenter()=0;
-  virtual void getKeys(MElement *ele, const int ind, std::vector<Dof> &keys)=0;
-  virtual int getNumKeys(MElement *ele, int ind)=0; // number key in one component + number of key of GC
-#endif // CONTACTSPACE_H_
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-// contact base term
-// Description: contact term
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "contactTerms.h"
-#include "unknownField.h"
-template<> void rigidContactLinearTermBase<double>::get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP,fullVector<double> &m) const
-  nbdofs = _spc->getNumKeys(ele);
-  nbdofsGC = _spc->getNumKeysOfGravityCenter();
-  m.resize(nbdofs);
-  m.setAll(0.);
-  nbvertex = ele->getNumVertices();
-  nbcomp = (nbdofs-nbdofsGC)/nbvertex;
-  nbcomptimenbvertex = nbvertex*nbcomp;
-  // get displacement of vertices (To know the current node positions)
-  disp.clear(); R.clear();
-  _spc->getKeys(ele,R);
-  _ufield->get(R,disp);
-  verdisp[3] = disp[nbcomptimenbvertex]; verdisp[4] = disp[nbcomptimenbvertex+1]; verdisp[5] = disp[nbcomptimenbvertex+2];
-  for(int i=0;i<nbvertex;i++){
-    for(int j=0;j<6;j++) mvalue[j] =0.;
-    ver = ele->getVertex(i);
-    verdisp[0] = disp[i]; verdisp[1] = disp[i+nbvertex]; verdisp[2] = disp[i+2*nbvertex];
-    this->get(ver,verdisp,mvalue);
-    // look if there is contact force
-    int jj=0;
-    while(jj<6){
-      if(mvalue[jj] != 0.){
-//        Msg::Info("Contact detected on elem %d vertex %d",ele->getNum(),ele->getVertex(i)->getNum());
-        _allcontactNode->insert(ele,i,_lastNormalContact);
-        for(int j=0;j<nbcomp;j++){
-          m(i+j*nbvertex) += mvalue[j];
-          m(nbcomptimenbvertex+j) += mvalue[j+3]; // count two times
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      jj++;
-    }
-  }
- // if(m.norm() != 0.)
-//    m.print("contact");
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--- a/NonLinearSolver/contact/contactTerms.h
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-// contact base term
-// Description: define contact terms
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "terms.h"
-#include "nodeStiffnessContact.h"
-#include "contactFunctionSpace.h"
-class unknownField;
-template<class T1=double> class contactLinearTermBase : public LinearTermBase<T1>{
- protected:
-  contactNodeStiffness *_allcontactNode; // need to compute BilinearTerm with more efficiency (compute only for nodes in contact)
- public:
-  contactLinearTermBase(){
-    _allcontactNode = new contactNodeStiffness();
-  }
-  contactLinearTermBase(const contactLinearTermBase &source){
-    _allcontactNode = source._allcontactNode;
-  }
-  virtual ~contactLinearTermBase(){delete _allcontactNode;}
-  contactNodeStiffness* getContactNode() const {return _allcontactNode;}
-  void clearContactNodes(){_allcontactNode->clear();}
-//  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullVector<T1> &v)=0;
-template <class T2=double>class  contactBilinearTermBase : public BilinearTermBase
- protected:
-  contactLinearTermBase<T2> *_lterm; // because bilinear terms is compute only for nodes
-                                 // in contact. These nodes are in the linear terms associated to bilinearTerm
- public:
-  contactBilinearTermBase(contactLinearTermBase<T2> *lterm) : _lterm(lterm){}
-  virtual ~contactBilinearTermBase(){}
-//  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullMatrix<T2> &m) const=0;
-  // same for all contact
-  contactLinearTermBase<T2>* getLterm() const{return _lterm;}
-  contactNodeStiffness * getContactNodes() const{return _lterm->getContactNode();}
-  void clearContactNodes(){_lterm->clearContactNodes();}
-template<class T2=double> class rigidContactLinearTermBase : public contactLinearTermBase<T2>{
- protected:
-  const unknownField *_ufield;
-  rigidContactSpaceBase *_spc;
-  // data for get function (Allocated once)
-  mutable SVector3 _lastNormalContact; // allow to use the normal in the 2 get functions not very elegant
-  mutable int nbdofs,nbdofsGC, nbvertex,nbcomp,nbcomptimenbvertex;
-  mutable std::vector<double> disp;
-  mutable std::vector<Dof> R;
-  mutable double verdisp[6];
-  mutable double mvalue[6];
-  mutable MVertex *ver;
- public:
-  rigidContactLinearTermBase(rigidContactSpaceBase *sp,
-                             const unknownField *ufield) : contactLinearTermBase<T2>(),
-                                                                 _ufield(ufield), _spc(sp), _lastNormalContact(0.,0.,0.),
-                                                                 nbdofs(0), nbdofsGC(0), nbvertex(0), nbcomp(0), nbcomptimenbvertex(0)
-  {
-  }
-  rigidContactLinearTermBase(const rigidContactLinearTermBase<T2> &source) : contactLinearTermBase<T2>(source){
-    _ufield = source._ufield;
-    _spc = source._spc;
-  }
-  ~rigidContactLinearTermBase(){}
-//  virtual void get(MElement *ele, fullVector<double> &m);
-  virtual void get(const MVertex *ver, const double disp[6],double mvalue[6]) const=0;
-  // same for ALL RIGID CONTACT
-  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullVector<T2> &v) const;
-#endif // CONTACTTERMS_H_
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-// contact stiffness
-// Description: Class to manage the Dof for which the stiffness must be computed
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "MElement.h"
-#include "SVector3.h"
-struct dataContactStiffnessNode{
- public:
-  MElement *_ele;
-  int _verIndex;
-  SVector3 _normal;
-  dataContactStiffnessNode() : _ele(NULL), _verIndex(0), _normal(0.,0.,0.){};
-  dataContactStiffnessNode(MElement *ele, const int ind, const SVector3 &nor) : _ele(ele), _verIndex(ind), _normal(nor){}
-  dataContactStiffnessNode(const dataContactStiffnessNode &source){
-    _ele = source._ele;
-    _verIndex = source._verIndex;
-    _normal = source._normal;
-  }
-class contactNodeStiffness{
- public:
-  typedef std::vector<dataContactStiffnessNode> nodeContainer;
- protected:
-  nodeContainer _nodeInContact;
-  groupOfElements *_g; // group with elements in contact
- public:
-  contactNodeStiffness(){_g = new groupOfElements();}
-  contactNodeStiffness(const contactNodeStiffness &source){
-    _nodeInContact = source._nodeInContact;
-    _g = source._g;
-  }
-  ~contactNodeStiffness()
-  {
-    if(_g !=NULL) delete _g;
-  };
-  void insert(MElement *ele,const int i, SVector3 &normal){
-    _nodeInContact.push_back(dataContactStiffnessNode(ele,i,normal));
-    _g->insert(ele);
-  }
-  void clear(){
-    _nodeInContact.clear();
-    if(_g != NULL) delete _g;
-    _g = new groupOfElements();
-  }
-  nodeContainer::const_iterator nBegin() const{return _nodeInContact.begin();}
-  nodeContainer::const_iterator nEnd() const{return _nodeInContact.end();}
-  groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator elemBegin() const{return _g->begin();}
-  groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator elemEnd() const{return _g->end();}
-#endif // contactNodeStiffness
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--- a/NonLinearSolver/contact/rigidCylinderContactTerms.cpp
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-// contact base term
-// Description: contact with a rigid cylinder
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "rigidCylinderContactTerms.h"
-#include "contactDomain.h"
-#include "unknownField.h"
-massRigidCylinder::massRigidCylinder(rigidCylinderContactDomain *cdom,
-                                     rigidContactSpaceBase *spc) : _length(cdom->getLength()),_radius(cdom->getRadius()),
-                                                               _thick(cdom->getThickness()),_rho(cdom->getDensity()),
-                                                               _spc(spc),nbdofs(0.), masse(0.),Rint(0.){}
-void massRigidCylinder::get(MElement *ele,int npts,IntPt *GP,fullMatrix<double> &m) const
-  // get the number of cylinder component (same mass in all direction)
-  int nbdofs = _spc->getNumKeysOfGravityCenter();
-  m.resize(nbdofs,nbdofs,true); // true --> setAll(0.)
-  if(_thick > _radius){ // full cylinder
-    masse = _rho*M_PI*_radius*_radius*_length;
-  }
-  else{ // hollow cylinder
-    Rint = _radius-_thick;
-    masse = _rho*M_PI*_thick*(_radius*_radius-Rint*Rint);
-  }
-  for(int i=0;i<nbdofs;i++)
-      m(i,i) = masse;
- forceRigidCylinderContact::forceRigidCylinderContact(const rigidCylinderContactDomain *cdom,
-                            rigidContactSpaceBase *sp,const double thick,
-                            const unknownField *ufield) : rigidContactLinearTermBase(sp,ufield), _cdom(cdom),
-                                                                _vergc(cdom->getGC()),
-                                                                _axisDirector(cdom->getAxisDirector()),
-                                                                _radius(cdom->getRadius()),
-                                                                _rcontact(cdom->getRadius() + 0.*thick),
-                                                                _halflength(0.5*cdom->getLength()),
-                                                                _GC(cdom->getGC()->point()), d(0.),
-                                                                penetration(0.), penpen(0.)
-  if(_cdom->getDomain()->IsInterfaceTerms()){
-    partDomain *dom = dynamic_cast<partDomain*>(_cdom->getDomain());
-    if(dom->getFormulation()){
-      _fdgfactor = 1.;
-      _facGC =0.5;
-    }
-    else{
-      _fdgfactor = 0.5;
-      _facGC =1.;
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    _fdgfactor = 0.5;
-    _facGC = 1.;
-  }
-  _penalty = _fdgfactor*_cdom->getPenalty();
-void forceRigidCylinderContact::get(const MVertex *ver, const double disp[6],double mvalue[6]) const
-  // B = axis' center
-  // A = vertex for which we look for contact
-  B = _GC;
-  Bdisp.setPosition(disp[3],disp[4],disp[5]);
-  B+=Bdisp;
-  // Distance between vertex and cylinder axis
-  // line BA
-  A = ver->point();
-  Adisp.setPosition(disp[0],disp[1],disp[2]);
-  A+=Adisp;
-  SVector3 BA(A,B);
-  dirAC = crossprod(BA,*_axisDirector);
-  double d = dirAC.norm();
-  // test to know if contact
-  if(d < _rcontact){
-    // check if contact occur before end of cylinder
-    dirAC.normalize();
-    _lastNormalContact = crossprod(dirAC,*_axisDirector);
-    _lastNormalContact.normalize();
-    C.setPosition(A,_lastNormalContact.point(),-d);
-      // check normal direction if C is further of B than A the direction is wrong
-      if(C.distance(B) > A.distance(B)){
-        _lastNormalContact.negate();
-        _lastNormalContact.normalize();
-        C.setPosition(A,_lastNormalContact.point(),-d);
-      }
-      if(C.distance(B) < _halflength){
-        penetration = _rcontact-d;
-        penpen = penetration*_penalty;
-        for(int j=0;j<3;j++){
-          mvalue[j]+= penpen*_lastNormalContact(j);
-          mvalue[j+3] -=_facGC*penpen*_lastNormalContact(j); // count two times
-        }
-      }
-    }
-void stiffnessRigidCylinderContact::get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullMatrix<double> &m) const
-  int nbdofs = _spc->getNumKeys(ele);
-  m.resize(nbdofs,nbdofs,true); // true --> setAll(0.)
-  // search the vertices for which the matrix has to be computed
-  contactNodeStiffness * contactNodes = _lterm->getContactNode();
-  for(contactNodeStiffness::nodeContainer::const_iterator itn = contactNodes->nBegin(); itn!= contactNodes->nEnd(); ++itn){
-    if(itn->_ele == ele){ // contact
-      this->get(ele,itn->_verIndex,m);
-    }
-  }
-// Protected can only be called by stiffnessRigidCylinderContact::get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullMatrix<double> &m)
-void stiffnessRigidCylinderContact::get(MElement *ele, const int verIndex, fullMatrix<double> &m) const
-  // perturbation numeric
-  rigidContactLinearTermBase<double>* rlterm = dynamic_cast<rigidContactLinearTermBase<double>*>(_lterm);
-  int nbdofselem = _spc->getNumKeys(ele) - _spc->getNumKeysOfGravityCenter();
-  int nbFF = ele->getNumVertices();
-  ver = ele->getVertex(verIndex);
-  disp.clear(); R.clear();
-  _spc->getKeys(ele,verIndex,R);
-  _ufield->get(R,disp);
-  for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
-    pertdisp[j] = disp[j];
-  // perturbation on each Dofs 3 for vertex and 3 for GC of cylinder
-  for(int i=0;i<6;i++){
-    // set force component to zero
-    for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
-      fp[j] = fm[j] = 0.;
-    // Force -
-    pertdisp[i] = disp[i] - _perturbation;
-    rlterm->get(ver,pertdisp,fm);
-    // Force +
-    pertdisp[i] = disp[i] + _perturbation;
-    rlterm->get(ver,pertdisp,fp);
-    // Assembly in matrix
-    if(i<3){ // perturbation on vertex
-      for(int j=0; j<3; j++){
-        m(verIndex+nbFF*j,verIndex+nbFF*i) -= (fp[j]-fm[j])*_doublepertexpm1;
-        m(nbdofselem+j,verIndex+nbFF*i) -= (fp[j+3]-fm[j+3])*_doublepertexpm1;
-      }
-    }
-    else{ // perturbation on gravity center
-      for(int j=0; j<3; j++){
-        m(verIndex+nbFF*j,nbdofselem+i-3) -= (fp[j]-fm[j])*_doublepertexpm1;
-        m(nbdofselem+j,nbdofselem+i-3) -= (fp[j+3]-fm[j+3])*_doublepertexpm1;
-      }
-    }
-    // virgin pertdisp
-    pertdisp[i] = disp[i];
-  }
-/*  int nbdofs = _spc->getNumKeys(ele);
-  int nbvertex = ele->getNumVertices();
-  int nbdofGC = _spc->getNumKeysOfGravityCenter();
-  int nbcomp = (nbdofs-nbdofGC)/nbvertex;
-  int nbcompTimesnbVertex = nbcomp*nbvertex;
-  m.resize(nbdofs,nbdofs);
-  m.setAll(0.);
-  double penalty = _fdgfactor*_cdom->getPenalty();
-  for(int i=0;i<nbvertex;i++){
-    SVector3 nor = _allcontactNode->getNormal(ele,i);
-    if(nor.norm() != 0.){ // otherwise no contact
-      double dianor[3][3];
-      diaprod(nor,nor,dianor);
-      for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
-        for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
-          dianor[j][k]*=penalty;
-      for(int j=0;j<nbcomp;j++)
-        for(int k=0;k<nbcomp;k++){
-          m(i+j*nbvertex,i+k*nbvertex) -= dianor[j][k];
-          m(nbcompTimesnbVertex+j,nbcompTimesnbVertex+k) -=0.5*dianor[j][k];
-        }
-    }
-  }
-  m.print("Contact Matrix");*/
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-// contact base term
-// Description: contact with a rigid cylinder
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "contactTerms.h"
-#include "contactFunctionSpace.h"
-class rigidCylinderContactDomain;
-class massRigidCylinder : public BilinearTermBase{
- protected:
-  double _length, _radius, _thick, _rho;
-  rigidContactSpaceBase *_spc;
-  // Data for get function (Allocated once)
-  mutable int nbdofs;
-  mutable double masse;
-  mutable double Rint;
- public:
-  massRigidCylinder(rigidCylinderContactDomain *cdom,rigidContactSpaceBase *spc);
-  massRigidCylinder(rigidContactSpaceBase *spc,double leng, double radius,
-                    double thick,double rho) : _spc(spc), _length(leng), _radius(radius),_thick(thick), _rho(rho){}
-  // Arguments are useless but it's allow to use classical assemble function
-  void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullMatrix<double> &m) const;
-  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > &mv) const
-  {
-    Msg::Error("Define me get by integration point massRigidCylinder");
-  }
-  virtual BilinearTermBase* clone () const
-  {
-    return new massRigidCylinder(_spc,_length,_radius,_thick,_rho);
-  }
-class forceRigidCylinderContact : public rigidContactLinearTermBase<double>{
- protected:
-  const rigidCylinderContactDomain *_cdom;
-  double _fdgfactor, _facGC;
-  const MVertex *_vergc;
-  const SVector3* _axisDirector;
-  const double _radius;
-  const double _rcontact;
-  const double _halflength;
-  double _penalty;
-  const SPoint3 _GC;
-  // Data of get function (Allocated once)
-  mutable SPoint3 B,Bdisp,A,Adisp,C;
-  mutable double d,penetration,penpen;
-  mutable SVector3 dirAC;
- public:
-  forceRigidCylinderContact(const rigidCylinderContactDomain *cdom,
-                            rigidContactSpaceBase *sp,const double thick,
-                            const unknownField *ufield);
-  ~forceRigidCylinderContact(){}
-//  void get(MElement *ele,int npts, IntPt *GP,fullVector<double> &m);
-  // specific function to this contact type ( put in rigidContactSpaceBase ??)
-  // This one cannot be called by Assemble function
-  void get(const MVertex *ver, const double disp[6],double mvalue[6]) const;
-  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, std::vector<fullVector<double> > &vv) const
-  {
-    Msg::Error("define me get by gauss point forceRigidCylinderContact");
-  }
-  virtual LinearTermBase<double>* clone () const
-  {
-    return new forceRigidCylinderContact(_cdom,this->_spc,_rcontact-_radius,_ufield);
-  }
-class stiffnessRigidCylinderContact : public contactBilinearTermBase<double>{
- private:
-  // can be applied only be applied by classical get function perturbation for 1 vertex
-  void get(MElement *ele, const int verIndex, fullMatrix<double> &m) const;
- protected:
-  const unknownField *_ufield;
-  rigidContactSpaceBase *_spc;
-  const double _perturbation; // numerical perturbation
-  const double _doublepertexpm1;
-  // Data for get function (Allocated Once)
-  mutable double fp[6];
-  mutable double fm[6];
-  mutable int nbdofs;
-  mutable MVertex *ver;
-  mutable std::vector<Dof> R;
-  mutable std::vector<double> disp;
-  mutable double pertdisp[6];
- public:
-  stiffnessRigidCylinderContact(rigidContactSpaceBase *space, contactLinearTermBase<double> *lterm, const unknownField *ufield) : contactBilinearTermBase(lterm),
-                                                                                                _ufield(ufield),
-                                                                                                _perturbation(1.e-10),
-                                                                                                _doublepertexpm1(1./(2.e-10)),
-                                                                                                _spc(space), nbdofs(0){}
-  ~stiffnessRigidCylinderContact(){}
-  void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullMatrix<double> &m) const;
-  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > &mv) const
-  {
-    Msg::Error("Define me get by integration point stiffnessRigidCylinderContact");
-  }
-  virtual BilinearTermBase* clone () const
-  {
-    return new stiffnessRigidCylinderContact(_spc,_lterm,_ufield);
-  }
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/field/CMakeLists.txt b/NonLinearSolver/field/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 56a906eb6f072b116b4c98b321ef39ac2ab0d027..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/field/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2010 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-# See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-# bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-  elementField.cpp
-  energyField.cpp
-append_gmsh_src(NonLinearSolver/field "${SRC};${HDR}")
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/field/elementField.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/field/elementField.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f685758e5604f4704dd07333511f8b5a016febe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/field/elementField.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Base class to manage a field on element (All field are managed by element in full Dg so displacement is also
-//                                                       considered like a field on element
-// The base class contains archiving data (which is not dependent of the field)
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "elementField.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include "partDomain.h"
-void elementField::updateFileName(){
-  // add a numero to file name
-  std::ostringstream oss;
-  oss << ++numfile;
-  std::string s = oss.str();
-  std::string snum;
-  // cut filename and its extension
-  size_t ext_pos;
-  if(numfile==1){
-    ext_pos = fileName.find_last_of('.');
-    snum = "0";
-  }
-  else{
-    oss.str("");
-    oss << numfile-1;
-    snum = oss.str();
-    ext_pos = fileName.find_last_of(snum);
-  }
-  std::string newname(fileName,0,ext_pos-(snum.size()-1));
-  ext_pos = fileName.find_last_of('.');
-  std::string ext(fileName,ext_pos+1,fileName.size());
-  fileName  = newname+s+"."+ext;
-  // create initialization of file
-  FILE *fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "w");
-  fprintf(fp, "$MeshFormat\n2.1 0 8\n$EndMeshFormat\n");
-  fclose(fp);
-void elementField::createFile(){
-  if(view){
-    // creation of file to store displacement (delete the previous one if exist)
-    size_t ext_pos = fileName.find_last_of('.');
-    std::string newname = fileName;
-    newname.resize(ext_pos);
-    std::string rfn = "rm "+newname+"*";
-    system(rfn.c_str());
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "w");
-    fprintf(fp, "$MeshFormat\n2.1 0 8\n$EndMeshFormat\n");
-    fclose(fp);
-  }
-elementField::elementField(const std::string &fnn, const uint32_t fms, const int ncomp, const dataType dt,
-                           const bool view_=true) : numfile(0), fileName(fnn), fmaxsize(fms), view(view_),
-                                                      totelem(0), numcomp(ncomp), type(dt){
-  this->createFile();
-  switch(type){
-    case ElementData :
-      dataname = "ElementData";
-      break;
-    case ElementNodeData :
-      dataname = "ElementNodeData";
-      break;
-  }
-void elementField::buildView(std::vector<partDomain*> &vdom,const double time,
-                              const int nstep, const std::string &valuename, const int cc=-1, const bool binary=false){
-  if(view){
-    // test file size (and create a new one if needed)
-    uint32_t fileSize;
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "r");
-    if(!fp){
-      Msg::Error("Unable to open file '%s'", fileName.c_str());
-      return;
-    }
-    fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END);
-    fileSize = (uint32_t) (ftell(fp));
-    if(fileSize > fmaxsize) this->updateFileName();
-    fclose(fp);
-    fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "a");
-    // compute the number of element
-    if(binary) Msg::Warning("Binary write not implemented yet");
-    fprintf(fp, "$%s\n",dataname.c_str());
-    fprintf(fp, "1\n\"%s\"\n",valuename.c_str());
-    fprintf(fp, "1\n%.16g\n", time);
-    fprintf(fp, "3\n%d\n%d\n%d\n", nstep, numcomp, totelem);
-    std::vector<double> fieldData;
-    if(type == ElementNodeData){
-//      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elasticFields.size(); ++i)
-      for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=vdom.begin(); itdom!=vdom.end(); ++itdom){
-        partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-        for (groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = dom->g->begin(); it != dom->g->end(); ++it){
-          MElement *ele = *it;
-          int numv = ele->getNumVertices();
-          this->get(dom,ele,fieldData,cc);
-          fprintf(fp, "%d %d",ele->getNum(),numv);
-          for(int i=0;i<numv;i++)
-            for(int j=0;j<numcomp;j++)
-              fprintf(fp, " %.16g",fieldData[i+j*numv]);
-          fprintf(fp,"\n");
-          fieldData.clear();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    else if(type == ElementData){
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vdom.size(); ++i)
-        for (groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = vdom[i]->g->begin(); it != vdom[i]->g->end(); ++it){
-          MElement *ele = *it;
-          fieldData.resize(numcomp);
-          this->get(vdom[i],ele,fieldData,cc);
-          fprintf(fp, "%d",ele->getNum());
-          for(int j=0;j<numcomp;j++)
-            fprintf(fp, " %.16g",fieldData[j]);
-          fprintf(fp,"\n");
-        }
-    }
-    fprintf(fp, "$End%s\n",dataname.c_str());
-    fclose(fp);
-  }
-  else Msg::Warning("No displacement view created because the variable view is set to false for this field\n");
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/field/elementField.h b/NonLinearSolver/field/elementField.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fdfa53888ff999b81b96e03f1db6f2b2c31a9cec..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/field/elementField.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Base class to manage a field on element (All field are managed by element in full Dg so displacement is also
-//                                                       considered like a field on element
-// The base class contains archiving data (which is not dependent of the field)
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include <string>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "MElement.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-class partDomain;
-#include "groupOfElements.h"
-class elementField{
- protected :
-  // data needed to archive displacement
-  // enum for chosen is ElementData or ElementNodeData more ??
-  enum dataType{ElementData, ElementNodeData};
-  dataType type;
-  bool view;
-  std::string fileName; // name of file where the displacement are store
-  long int totelem; // total number of element present in all elasticFields
-  uint32_t fmaxsize; // Size max of file in bytes (if size of file is greater a new one is created) TODO Argument for this parameter ?
-  int numfile; // numero of file
-  int numcomp;
-  std::string dataname;
-  // function to update file name
-  void updateFileName();
-  void createFile();
- public :
-  elementField(const std::string &fnn, const uint32_t fms, const int ncomp, const dataType dt,
-               const bool view_);
-  ~elementField(){};
-  void setTotElem(const int ne){totelem=ne;}
-  virtual void get(partDomain* dom, MElement *ele,std::vector<double> &fieldData,const int comp=-1)=0; // comp allow to use an enum
-                                                                                         // in derivate class to choose which component to save
-  virtual void buildView(std::vector<partDomain*> &vdom,const double time,
-                  const int nstep, const std::string &valuename, const int cc,const bool binary);
-#endif //
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/field/energyField.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/field/energyField.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 701150e554aa038c5d79c2ba0daebfe2adaa9394..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/field/energyField.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: energetic field
-// Description: Class derived from element field to manage energetic balance
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "energyField.h"
-#include "explicitHulbertChung.h"
-#include "explicitDofManager.h"
-#include "ipField.h"
-#include "SVector3.h"
-#include "unknownField.h"
-#include "unknownDynamicField.h"
-double dot(const std::vector<double> &a, const fullVector<typename dofManager<double>::dataMat> &b){
-  double c = 0.;
-  for(int i =0; i<a.size(); i++){
-    c += a[i]*b(i);
-  }
-  return c;
-double dot(const std::vector<double> &a, const std::vector<double> &b){
-  double c=0.;
-  for(int i =0; i<a.size(); i++){
-    c += a[i]*b[i];
-  }
-  return c;
-double energeticField::kineticEnergy() const {
-  explicitHCDofManager<double> *ddm = dynamic_cast<explicitHCDofManager<double>*>(_pAssembler);
-  if(ddm == NULL)  return 0.; // system is not dynamic --> kinetic energy = 0
-  else return ddm->getKineticEnergy();
-double energeticField::kineticEnergy(MElement *ele, const partDomain *dom) const{
-  explicitHulbertChung<double> * esys = dynamic_cast<explicitHulbertChung<double>*>(_lsys);
-  explicitHCDofManager<double> *ddm = dynamic_cast<explicitHCDofManager<double>*>(_pAssembler);
-  double ener=0.;
-  if(ddm != NULL){
-    // get Dof
-    std::vector<Dof> R;
-    std::vector<double> velocities;
-    std::vector<double> vmass;
-    FunctionSpaceBase *sp = dom->getFunctionSpace();
-    sp->getKeys(ele,R);
-    int nkeys = sp->getNumKeys(ele);
-    ddm->getDofValue(R,velocities,initialCondition::velocity);
-    ddm->getVertexMass(R,vmass);
-    for(int i=0; i!=nkeys; i++)
-      ener+=vmass[i]*velocities[i]*velocities[i];
-    R.clear(); velocities.clear(); vmass.clear();
-  }
-  return ener;
-double energeticField::deformationEnergy(MElement *ele, const partDomain *dom) const{
-  return _ipf->computeDeformationEnergy(ele,dom);
-double energeticField::deformationEnergy() const{
-  return _ipf->computeDeformationEnergy();
-double energeticField::externalWork(){
-  double Deltawext=0.;
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=_domvec.begin(); itdom!=_domvec.end();++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    for(partDomain::neuContainer::iterator itn=dom->neuBegin(); itn!=dom->neuEnd();++itn){
-      nonLinearNeumannBC *neu = *itn;
-      FunctionSpaceBase *neuspace = neu->_space;
-      fullVector<typename dofManager<double>::dataMat> localVector;
-      std::vector<Dof> R;
-      std::vector<double> disp;
-      std::vector<double> deltau;
-      for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = neu->g->begin(); it!=neu->g->end(); ++it){
-        MElement *e = *it;
-        R.clear(); disp.clear(); deltau.clear();
-        IntPt *GP;
-        //int npts=dom->getBulkGaussIntegrationRule()->getIntPoints(e,&GP); ?????????,
-        int npts = neu->integ->getIntPoints(e,&GP);
-        neu->_term->get(e,npts,GP,localVector);
-        fullVector<typename dofManager<double>::dataMat> fextnp1(localVector);
-        neuspace->getKeys(e,R);
-        _ufield->get(R,disp);
-        int ndofs = neuspace->getNumKeys(e);
-        // DeltaWext = 0.5*(Fn+1+Fn)*(un+1-un)
-        for(int i=0;i<ndofs;i++){
-          _fextnp1[R[i]] = localVector(i);
-          localVector(i) += _fextn[R[i]];
-          deltau.push_back(disp[i] - _dispn[R[i]]);
-          _dispnp1[R[i]] = disp[i];
-        }
-        Deltawext += dot(deltau,localVector);
-      }
-    }
- }
-  // Now compute the work of external forces due to prescribed displacement (-Wint - Winertia)
-  // ATTENTION _allaef containts -fint so no minus
-  // Do the scalar product on vector (more efficient) TO DO THE SCALAR PRODUCT WITH BLAS HOW ??
-  std::vector<double> disp;
-  std::vector<double> acc;
-  std::vector<double> _mass;
-  std::vector<double> forceval;
-//  std::vector<double> finertval;
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  for(int i=0; i<_allaef.size(); i++){
-    R.push_back(_allaef[i].D);
-    forceval.push_back(_allaef[i].val);
-  }
-  _ufield->get(R,disp);
-  // Compute inertial forces if needed
-  explicitHCDofManager<double> *ddm = dynamic_cast<explicitHCDofManager<double>*>(_pAssembler);
-  if(ddm != NULL){ // otherwise static cases and no inertial forces
-    unknownDynamicField *duf = dynamic_cast<unknownDynamicField*>(_ufield);
-    duf->get(R,acc,initialCondition::acceleration);
-    ddm->getVertexMass(R,_mass);
-    for(int i=0; i<forceval.size(); i++)
-      forceval[i] -= _mass[i]*acc[i];
-  }
-  for(int i=0;i<R.size(); i++){
-    _fextnp1[R[i]] = forceval[i];
-    forceval[i] += _fextn[R[i]];
-    _dispnp1[R[i]] = disp[i];
-    disp[i] -= _dispn[R[i]];
-  }
-  Deltawext += dot(forceval,disp);
-  // swap value (next step)
-  _fextn.swap(_fextnp1);
-  _dispn.swap(_dispnp1);
-  // New value of Wext W = 0.5*F*u
-  _wext += 0.5*Deltawext;
-  return _wext;
-void energeticField::get(partDomain *dom,MElement *ele,std::vector<double> &ener, const int cc){
-  switch(cc){
-   //case 0:
-   // ener[0] = this->kineticEnergy(ele,dom) + this->deformationEnergy(ele,dom);
-   // break;
-   case 1:
-    ener[0] = this->kineticEnergy(ele,dom);
-    break;
-   case 2:
-    ener[0] = this->deformationEnergy(ele,dom);
-    break;
-   case 3:
-    ener[0] = this->externalWork();
-   default:
-    ener[0] = this->kineticEnergy(ele,dom) + this->deformationEnergy(ele,dom);
-  }
-void energeticField::archive(const double time){
-  FILE *fp = fopen(_fname.c_str(),"a");
-  double ekin,edefo,etot,wext;
-  ekin = this->kineticEnergy();
-  edefo= this->deformationEnergy();
-  wext = this->externalWork();
-  etot = ekin + edefo;
-  fprintf(fp,"%e;%e;%e;%e;%e;\n",time,ekin,edefo,wext,etot);
-  fclose(fp);
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/field/energyField.h b/NonLinearSolver/field/energyField.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 06333e0f6b3c007b0d52071ca391bd311e16652d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/field/energyField.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: energetic field
-// Description: Class derived from element field to manage energetic balance
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "elementField.h"
-#include "nonLinearMechSolver.h"
-class energeticField : public elementField{
- protected:
-  linearSystem<double> *_lsys;
-  IPField *_ipf;
-  unknownField *_ufield;
-  dofManager<double> *_pAssembler;
-  const std::string _fname; // file to store total energy in function of time
-  std::vector<partDomain*> &_domvec;
-  std::vector<fextPrescribedDisp> &_allaef;
-  std::map<Dof,double> _fextn;
-  std::map<Dof,double> _dispn;
-  std::map<Dof,double> _fextnp1;
-  std::map<Dof,double> _dispnp1;
-  double _wext;
- public:
-  energeticField(linearSystem<double> *lsys, IPField *ipf,
-                 unknownField *ufield, dofManager<double> *pAssembler,
-                 std::vector<partDomain*> &domvec,
-                 std::vector<fextPrescribedDisp> &allaef) : elementField("energy.msh",100000000,1,elementField::ElementData,true),
-                                              _lsys(lsys), _ipf(ipf), _ufield(ufield), _pAssembler(pAssembler),
-                                              _fname("energy.csv"), _domvec(domvec), _allaef(allaef), _wext(0.){
-    // initialize file to store energy
-    FILE *fp = fopen(_fname.c_str(),"w");
-    fprintf(fp,"Time;Kinetic;Deformation;Wext;Total\n");
-    fprintf(fp,"0.;0.;0.;0;0.\n"); // false if initial deformation FIX IT HOW ??
-    fclose(fp);
-    long int nelem=0;
-    for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=_domvec.begin(); itdom!=_domvec.end();++itdom){
-      partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-      nelem+=dom->g->size();
-      for(partDomain::neuContainer::iterator itn=dom->neuBegin(); itn!=dom->neuEnd();++itn){
-        nonLinearNeumannBC *neu = *itn;
-        FunctionSpaceBase *neuspace = neu->_space;
-        std::vector<Dof> R;
-        for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = neu->g->begin(); it!=neu->g->end(); ++it){
-          MElement *e = *it;
-          R.clear();
-          neuspace->getKeys(e,R);
-          int ndofs = neuspace->getNumKeys(e);
-          for(int i=0;i<ndofs;i++){
-            _fextn.insert(std::pair<Dof,double>(R[i],0.));
-            _dispn.insert(std::pair<Dof,double>(R[i],0.));
-            _fextnp1.insert(std::pair<Dof,double>(R[i],0.));
-            _dispnp1.insert(std::pair<Dof,double>(R[i],0.));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    this->setTotElem(nelem);
-    // Wext for prescribed displacement
-    for(int i=0; i<_allaef.size(); i++){
-      _fextn.insert(std::pair<Dof,double>(_allaef[i].D,0.));
-      _dispn.insert(std::pair<Dof,double>(_allaef[i].D,0.));
-      _fextnp1.insert(std::pair<Dof,double>(_allaef[i].D,0.));
-      _dispnp1.insert(std::pair<Dof,double>(_allaef[i].D,0.));
-    }
-  }
-  ~energeticField(){}
-  // functions to compute the different parts of energy
-  double kineticEnergy() const; // More efficient than a loop on element thanks to vector operation via PETSC
-  double kineticEnergy(MElement *ele, const partDomain *dom) const;
-  double deformationEnergy(MElement *ele, const partDomain *dom) const;
-  double deformationEnergy() const;
-  double externalWork();
-  void get(partDomain *dom,MElement *ele,std::vector<double> &ener, const int cc = -1);
-  void archive(const double time);
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/CMakeLists.txt b/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 10827f32d42072ba55a55914b720086777cc356d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2011 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-# See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-# bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-  ipField.cpp
-  ipstate.cpp
-  # inline
-  ipvariable.h
-append_gmsh_src(NonLinearSolver/internalPoints "${SRC};${HDR}")
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipField.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipField.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 077254f577d2927e3e0940f7b1bdbb195675ced4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipField.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class to compute Internal point
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "ipField.h"
-#include "mlaw.h"
-#include "ipstate.h"
-#include "nonLinearMechSolver.h"
-void IPField::compute1state(IPStateBase::whichState ws){
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=_efield->begin(); itdom!=_efield->end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    dom->computeIPVariable(_AIPS,_ufield,ws);
-  }
-void IPField::initialBroken(MElement *iele, materialLaw* mlaw ){
-  Msg::Info("Interface element %d is broken at initialization",iele->getNum());
-  materialLaw2LawsInitializer * mflaw = dynamic_cast<materialLaw2LawsInitializer*>(mlaw);
-  // get ipstate
-  AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips;
-  IPStateBase *ips;
-  vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(iele->getNum());
-  for(int i=0;i<vips->size();i++){
-    ips = (*vips)[i];
-    mflaw->initialBroken(ips);
-  }
-void IPField::initialBroken(GModel* pModel, std::vector<int> &vnumphys){
-  std::vector<MVertex*> vv;
-  for(int i=0;i<vnumphys.size();i++){
-    // get the vertex associated to the physical entities
-    pModel->getMeshVerticesForPhysicalGroup(1,vnumphys[i],vv);
-    // find the InterfaceElement associated to these vertex (identify interior node as degree 2 min)
-    for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itfield = _efield->begin(); itfield != _efield->end(); ++itfield){
-      dgPartDomain *dgdom = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(*itfield);
-      for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = dgdom->gi->begin(); it!=dgdom->gi->end(); ++it)
-        for(int k=0;k<vv.size();k++)
-          if(vv[k] == (*it)->getVertex(2) ) this->initialBroken(*it, dgdom->getMaterialLaw());
-    }
-    vv.clear();
-  }
-void IPField::archive(const double time){
-  for(std::vector<ip2archive>::iterator it=viparch.begin(); it!=viparch.end(); ++it){
-    ip2archive &ipa = *it;
-    // get ip value
-    double val;
-    switch(ipa.comp){
-      case -1 :
-        val = this->getStress(ipa.domain,ipa.ele,IPStateBase::current,ipa.numgauss,-1);
-        break;
-      case 0 :
-        val = this->getStress(ipa.domain,ipa.ele,IPStateBase::current,ipa.numgauss,component::xx);
-        break;
-      case 1 :
-        val = this->getStress(ipa.domain,ipa.ele,IPStateBase::current,ipa.numgauss,component::yy);
-        break;
-      case 2 :
-        val = this->getStress(ipa.domain,ipa.ele,IPStateBase::current,ipa.numgauss,component::zz);
-        break;
-      case 3 :
-        val = this->getStress(ipa.domain,ipa.ele,IPStateBase::current,ipa.numgauss,component::xy);
-        break;
-      case 4 :
-        val = this->getStress(ipa.domain,ipa.ele,IPStateBase::current,ipa.numgauss,-1);
-    }
-    FILE *fp = fopen(ipa.fname.c_str(),"a");
-    fprintf(fp,"%e;%e\n",time,val);
-    fclose(fp);
-  }
-double IPField::computeDeformationEnergy(MElement *ele, const partDomain *dom) const
-  IntPt *GP;
-  double jac[3][3];
-  int npts = dom->getBulkGaussIntegrationRule()->getIntPoints(ele,&GP);
-  AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(ele->getNum());
-  double ener =0.;
-  for(int i=0;i<npts;i++){
-    IPStateBase* ips = (*vips)[i];
-    IPVariableMechanics *ipv = dynamic_cast<IPVariableMechanics*>(ips->getState(IPStateBase::current));
-    #ifdef DEBUG_
-     if(ipv == NULL){
-       Msg::Error("Compute defo energy on an non mechanics gauss' point");
-       return 0.;
-     }
-    #endif
-    double enerpt = ipv->defoEnergy();
-    // gauss point weight
-    double weight = GP[i].weight;
-    // Shell Only compute detJ OK
-//    IPVariableShell *ipvs = dynamic_cast<IPVariableShell*>(ipv);
-//    double detJ2 = ipvs->getLocalBasis()->getJacobian();
-    const double u = GP[i].pt[0]; const double v = GP[i].pt[1]; const double w = GP[i].pt[2];
-    const double detJ = ele->getJacobian(u, v, w, jac);
-    ener += weight*detJ*enerpt;
-  }
-  return ener;
-IPField::IPField(std::vector<partDomain*> *ef,dofManager<double>* pa,
-          GModel *pmo, unknownField* uf, std::vector<archiveIPVariable> &vaip): _efield(ef), _dm(pa),
-                                                                                     _ufield(uf),
-                                                                                     elementField("stress.msh",100000000,1,
-                                                                                                  elementField::ElementData,true){
-  // Creation of storage for IP data
-  _AIPS = new AllIPState(pmo, *_efield);
-  // compute the number of element
-  long int nelem=0;
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=_efield->begin(); itdom!=_efield->end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    nelem+= dom->g->size();
-  }
-  this->setTotElem(nelem);
-  this->buildView(*_efield,0.,0,"VonMises",-1,false);
-  this->buildView(*_efield,0.,0,"sigmaxx",0,false);
-  this->buildView(*_efield,0.,0,"sigmayy",1,false);
-  this->buildView(*_efield,0.,0,"tauxy",3,false);
-  // Initiate file
-  FILE *fp = fopen("cohesiveLaw.csv","w");
-  fprintf(fp,"time;inter num;gauss num;sc;deltac;delta;d_n;d_t;n22;m22;n21;m21\n");
-  fclose(fp);
-  fp = fopen("crackPath.csv","w");
-  fprintf(fp,"time;inter num;x0;y0;z0;x1;y1;z1\n");
-  fclose(fp);
-  // Build the viparch vector (find the nearest ipvariable to each given vertex)
-  for(std::vector<archiveIPVariable>::iterator ita=vaip.begin(); ita!=vaip.end(); ++ita){
-    archiveIPVariable &aip = *ita;
-    // get the vertex of the node
-    groupOfElements g(0,aip.numphys);
-    groupOfElements::vertexContainer::iterator itv = g.vbegin();
-    MVertex *ver = *itv;
-    bool flagfind=false;
-    MElement *elefind = NULL;
-    partDomain *domfind;
-    dgPartDomain *dgdom;
-    bool samedim = false;
-    for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=_efield->begin(); itdom!=_efield->end(); ++itdom){
-      partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-      dgdom = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(dom);
-      if(dgdom != NULL){ // otherwise the domain doesn't contain interface element
-        for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it2 = dgdom->gi->begin(); it2 != dgdom->gi->end(); ++it2 ){
-          MElement *iele = *it2; // two elements on interface
-          int numv = iele->getNumVertices();
-          for(int j=0;j<numv;j++){
-            if(ver == iele->getVertex(j)){
-              elefind = iele;
-              domfind = dom;
-              flagfind = true;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          if(flagfind) break;
-        }
-        if(!flagfind){ // the interface element are on boundary
-          for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator iti = dgdom->gib->begin(); iti!=dgdom->gib->end(); ++iti){
-            MElement *ie = *iti;
-            int numv = ie->getNumVertices();
-            for(int j=0;j<numv;j++){
-              if(ver == ie->getVertex(j)){
-                elefind = ie;
-                domfind = dom;
-                flagfind = true;
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            if(flagfind) break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if(!flagfind){ // no interface element found (Can happend on boundary)
-        for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it2 = dom->g->begin(); it2 != dom->g->end(); ++it2 ){
-          MElement *ele = *it2;
-          int numv = ele->getNumVertices();
-          for(int j=0;j<numv;j++){
-            if(ver == ele->getVertex(j)){
-              elefind = ele;
-              samedim = true;
-              flagfind = true;
-              domfind = dom;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          if(flagfind) break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Now the element where is situated the node is know find the nearest Gauss Point
-    IntPt *GP;
-    QuadratureBase *gq;
-    if(samedim){ //bulk point
-      gq = domfind->getBulkGaussIntegrationRule();
-    }
-    else{
-      dgPartDomain *dgfind = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(domfind);
-      gq = dgfind->getInterfaceGaussIntegrationRule();
-    }
-    int npts = gq->getIntPoints(elefind,&GP);
-     // coordonate in uvw of vertex
-    double uvw[3];
-    double xyz[3];
-    xyz[0] = ver->x(); xyz[1] = ver->y(); xyz[2] = ver->z();
-    elefind->xyz2uvw(xyz,uvw);
-    double distmin = 1.e100; // inf value at itnitialization
-    double dist, u,v,w;
-    int nummin;
-    for(int i=0;i<npts;i++){
-      u = GP[i].pt[0]; v = GP[i].pt[1]; w = GP[i].pt[2];
-      dist = sqrt((u-uvw[0])*(u-uvw[0]) + (v-uvw[1])*(v-uvw[1]) + (w-uvw[2])*(w-uvw[2]));
-      if(dist<distmin){
-        distmin = dist;
-        nummin = i;
-      }
-    }
-    // Store information
-    viparch.push_back(ip2archive(elefind,domfind,aip.numphys,nummin,aip.ipval));
-    // remove file LINUX ONLY ??
-    std::ostringstream oss;
-    oss << aip.numphys;
-    std::string s = oss.str();
-    oss.str("");
-    oss << aip.ipval;
-    std::string s2 = oss.str();
-    std::string rfname = "rm IP"+s+"val"+s2+".csv";
-    system(rfname.c_str());
-  }
-double IPField::getStress(const partDomain *ef,MElement *ele, const IPStateBase::whichState ws,
-                            const int num, const int cmp) const{
-  double svm =0.;
-  if(num<10000){ // value in a particular gauss point
-    IPStateBase* ips = (*_AIPS->getIPstate(ele->getNum()))[num];
-    IPVariableMechanics *ipv = dynamic_cast<IPVariableMechanics*>(ips->getState(ws));
-    #ifdef DEBUG_
-     if(ipv != NULL)
-    #endif
-      return ipv->stressComp(cmp);
-    #ifdef DEBUG_
-     else{
-      Msg::Error("Compute Von Mises stress on a non mechanical element");
-      return 0.;
-     }
-    #endif
-  }
-  else{ // loop on all IPVariable of an element and return a particular value (max, min, mean)
-    double svmp;
-    IntPt *GP;
-    int npts = ef->getBulkGaussIntegrationRule()->getIntPoints(ele,&GP);
-    AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(ele->getNum());
-    for(int i=0;i<npts;i++){
-      IPStateBase* ips = (*vips)[i];
-      IPVariableMechanics *ipv = dynamic_cast<IPVariableMechanics*>(ips->getState(ws));
-      #ifdef DEBUG_
-      if(ipv == NULL){
-        Msg::Error("Compute Von Mises stress on a non mechanical element");
-        return 0.;
-      }
-      #endif
-      svmp = ipv->stressComp(cmp);
-      if(i==0)
-        svm = svmp;
-      else{
-        switch(num){
-          case IPField::max :
-            if(svmp>svm) svm=svmp;
-            break;
-          case IPField::min :
-            if(svmp<svm) svm=svmp;
-            break;
-          case IPField::mean :
-            svm+=svmp;
-            break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if(num==IPField::mean) svm/=(double)npts;
-  }
-  return svm;
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipField.h b/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipField.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 86866f7bfda7c25e520eda0191bdcad8b526b782..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipField.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class to compute Internal point
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-# ifndef _IPFIELD_H_
-# define _IPFIELD_H_
-#include "unknownField.h"
-#include "elementField.h"
-#include "GModel.h"
-#include "ipstate.h"
-#include "partDomain.h"
-struct archiveIPVariable;
-class IPField : public elementField {
-  protected :
-    // Struct for archiving
-    struct ip2archive{
-      MElement *ele; // element where the point is situated (if node is common to several element the first one met is chosen. Normally OK continuity)
-      int numgauss; // local gauss num
-      std::string fname; // file name where archive IP
-      int comp;  // component to archive
-      const partDomain *domain; // address of domain needed to access IP
-      // constructor
-      ip2archive(MElement *e, const partDomain *dom, const int nump, const int num, const int ipval) : ele(e),
-                                                                                           domain(dom),numgauss(num), comp(ipval){
-        // build file name
-        std::ostringstream oss;
-        oss << nump;
-        std::string s = oss.str();
-        oss.str("");
-        oss << ipval;
-        std::string s2 = oss.str();
-        fname = "IP"+s+"val"+s2+".csv";
-      }
-      ip2archive(const ip2archive &source) : ele(source.ele), domain(source.domain){
-        numgauss = source.numgauss;
-        fname = source.fname;
-        comp =source.comp;
-      }
-      ~ip2archive(){}
-    };
-    std::vector<partDomain*>* _efield;
-    dofManager<double> *_dm;
-    AllIPState *_AIPS;
-    unknownField *_ufield;
-    std::vector<ip2archive> viparch;
-//    normalVariation _nvaripfield; // To avoid multiple allocation
- public :
-  enum ElemValue{mean=10001, max=10002, min=10003}; // enum to select a particular value on element
-  IPField(std::vector<partDomain*> *ef,dofManager<double>* pa,
-          GModel *pmo, unknownField* uf, std::vector<archiveIPVariable> &vaip);
-  void archive(const double time);
-  AllIPState* getAips() const {return _AIPS;}
-  ~IPField(){delete _AIPS;}
-  void compute1state(IPStateBase::whichState ws);
-  // On element only ?? Higher level to pass the associated element (pass edge num)
-  // get value with a operation
-  double getStress(const partDomain *ef,MElement *ele, const IPStateBase::whichState ws, const int num,
-                   const int cmp) const;
-  // function to archive
-  virtual void get(partDomain *dom, MElement *ele, std::vector<double> &stress, const int cc=-1){
-    switch(cc){
-      case -1 :
-        stress[0]= this->getStress(dom,ele,IPStateBase::current,mean,-1);
-        break;
-      case 0 :
-        stress[0] = this->getStress(dom,ele,IPStateBase::current,mean,component::xx);
-        break;
-      case 1 :
-        stress[0] = this->getStress(dom,ele,IPStateBase::current,mean,component::yy);
-        break;
-      case 2 :
-        stress[0] = this->getStress(dom,ele,IPStateBase::current,mean,component::zz);
-        break;
-      case 3 :
-        stress[0] = this->getStress(dom,ele,IPStateBase::current,mean,component::xy);
-        break;
-      case 4 :
-        stress[0]= this->getStress(dom,ele,IPStateBase::current,max,-1);
-    }
-  }
-  // Interaction with Aips
-  void copy(IPStateBase::whichState source, IPStateBase::whichState dest){_AIPS->copy(source,dest);}
-  void nextStep(const double time=0.){
-    _AIPS->nextStep();
-  }
-  // initial broken
-  void initialBroken(GModel* pModel, std::vector<int> &vnumphys);
-  void initialBroken(MElement *iele, materialLaw *mlaw);
-  template<class T> void getIPv(const MElement *ele,const T** vipv, const IPStateBase::whichState ws= IPStateBase::current) const
-  {
-    AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer* vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(ele->getNum());
-    for(int i=0; i<vips->size(); i++){
-      IPStateBase* ips = (*vips)[i];
-      vipv[i] = dynamic_cast<const T*>(ips->getState(ws));
-    }
-  }
-  template<class T> void getIPv(const MElement *ele,const T** vipv, const T** vipvprev) const
-  {
-    AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(ele->getNum());
-    for(int i=0; i<vips->size(); i++){
-      IPStateBase* ips = (*vips)[i];
-      vipv[i] = dynamic_cast<const T*>(ips->getState(IPStateBase::current));
-      vipvprev[i] = dynamic_cast<const T*>(ips->getState(IPStateBase::previous));
-    }
-  }
-  template<class T1,class T2> void getIPv(const MInterfaceElement *iele, const T1** vipv_m, const T2** vipv_p,
-                                          const IPStateBase::whichState ws=IPStateBase::current) const
-  {
-    AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(iele->getNumber());
-    int npts = vips->size()/2;
-    for(int i=0;i<npts;i++){
-      IPStateBase *ipsm = (*vips)[i];
-      IPStateBase *ipsp = (*vips)[i+npts];
-      vipv_m[i] = dynamic_cast<const T1*>(ipsm->getState(ws));
-      vipv_p[i] = dynamic_cast<const T2*>(ipsp->getState(ws));
-    }
-  }
-  template<class T1,class T2> void getIPv(const MInterfaceElement *iele, const T1** vipv_m, const T1** vipvprev_m,
-                                             const T2** vipv_p, const T2** vipvprev_p) const
-  {
-    AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(iele->getNumber());
-    int npts = vips->size()/2;
-    for(int i=0;i<npts;i++){
-      IPStateBase *ipsm = (*vips)[i];
-      IPStateBase *ipsp = (*vips)[i+npts];
-      vipv_m[i] = dynamic_cast<const T1*>(ipsm->getState(IPStateBase::current));
-      vipv_p[i] = dynamic_cast<const T2*>(ipsp->getState(IPStateBase::current));
-      vipvprev_m[i] = dynamic_cast<const T1*>(ipsm->getState(IPStateBase::previous));
-      vipvprev_p[i] = dynamic_cast<const T2*>(ipsp->getState(IPStateBase::previous));
-    }
-  }
-  template<class T1,class T2> void getIPv(const MInterfaceElement *iele, T1** vipv_m, T2** vipv_p,
-                                             const IPStateBase::whichState ws=IPStateBase::current) const
-  {
-    AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(iele->getNumber());
-    int npts = vips->size()/2;
-    for(int i=0;i<npts;i++){
-      IPStateBase *ipsm = (*vips)[i];
-      IPStateBase *ipsp = (*vips)[i+npts];
-      vipv_m[i] = dynamic_cast<T1*>(ipsm->getState(ws));
-      vipv_p[i] = dynamic_cast<T2*>(ipsp->getState(ws));
-    }
-  }
-  template<class T1,class T2> void getIPv(const MInterfaceElement *iele, T1** vipv_m, T2** vipvprev_m,
-                                             T2** vipv_p, T2** vipvprev_p) const
-  {
-    AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(iele->getNumber());
-    int npts = vips->size()/2;
-    for(int i=0;i<npts;i++){
-      IPStateBase *ipsm = (*vips)[i];
-      IPStateBase *ipsp = (*vips)[i+npts];
-      vipv_m[i] = dynamic_cast<T1*>(ipsm->getState(IPStateBase::current));
-      vipv_p[i] = dynamic_cast<T2*>(ipsp->getState(IPStateBase::current));
-      vipvprev_m[i] = dynamic_cast<T1*>(ipsm->getState(IPStateBase::previous));
-      vipvprev_p[i] = dynamic_cast<T2*>(ipsp->getState(IPStateBase::previous));
-    }
-  }
-  template<class T1> void getIPv(const MInterfaceElement *iele, const T1** vipv_m,
-                                   const IPStateBase::whichState ws=IPStateBase::current) const
-  {
-    AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(iele->getNumber());
-    int npts = vips->size();
-    for(int i=0;i<npts;i++){
-      IPStateBase *ipsm = (*vips)[i];
-      vipv_m[i] = dynamic_cast<const T1*>(ipsm->getState(ws));
-    }
-  }
-  template<class T1> void getIPv(const MInterfaceElement *iele, const T1** vipv_m, const T1** vipvprev_m) const
-  {
-    AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(iele->getNumber());
-    int npts = vips->size();
-    for(int i=0;i<npts;i++){
-      IPStateBase *ipsm = (*vips)[i];
-      vipv_m[i] = dynamic_cast<const T1*>(ipsm->getState(IPStateBase::current));
-      vipvprev_m[i] = dynamic_cast<const T1*>(ipsm->getState(IPStateBase::previous));
-    }
-  }
-  template<class T1> void getIPv(const MInterfaceElement *iele, T1** vipv_m,
-                                   const IPStateBase::whichState ws=IPStateBase::current) const
-  {
-    AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(iele->getNumber());
-    int npts = vips->size();
-    for(int i=0;i<npts;i++){
-      IPStateBase *ipsm = (*vips)[i];
-      vipv_m[i] = dynamic_cast<T1*>(ipsm->getState(ws));
-    }
-  }
-  template<class T1> void getIPv(const MInterfaceElement *iele, T1** vipv_m, T1** vipvprev_m) const
-  {
-    AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer *vips = _AIPS->getIPstate(iele->getNumber());
-    int npts = vips->size();
-    for(int i=0;i<npts;i++){
-      IPStateBase *ipsm = (*vips)[i];
-      vipv_m[i] = dynamic_cast<T1*>(ipsm->getState(IPStateBase::current));
-      vipvprev_m[i] = dynamic_cast<T1*>(ipsm->getState(IPStateBase::previous));
-    }
-  }
-  double computeDeformationEnergy(MElement *ele, const partDomain *dom) const;
-  double computeDeformationEnergy() const{
-//    Msg::Error("Defo energy only for shell");
-    double ener=0.;
-    for(std::vector<partDomain*>::const_iterator itdom=_efield->begin(); itdom!=_efield->end(); ++itdom){
-      partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-      for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it=dom->g->begin(); it!=dom->g->end(); ++it){
-        MElement *ele = *it;
-        ener += this->computeDeformationEnergy(ele,dom);
-      }
-    }
-    return ener;
-  }
-#endif // IPField
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipstate.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipstate.cpp
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index f2197c2253eecc407a6496f0f625729bbefb0795..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipstate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class to store internal variables at gauss point
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "ipstate.h"
-#include "partDomain.h"
-#include "MInterfaceElement.h"
-#include "MElement.h"
-  if(_initial) delete _initial;
-  if(_step2) delete _step2;
-  if(_step1) delete _step1;
-IP3State::IP3State(const IP3State &source) : IPStateBase()
-  _initial = source._initial;
-  _step1 = source._step1;
-  _step2 = source._step2;
-  _st = source._st;
-IP3State & IP3State::operator = (const IPStateBase &source){
-  IPStateBase::operator=(source);
-  const IP3State *src = dynamic_cast<const IP3State*>(&source);
-  *_initial = *src->_initial;
-  *_step1 = *src->_step1;
-  *_step2 = *src->_step2;
-  _st = src->_st;
-  return *this;
-IPVariable* IP3State::getState(const whichState wst) const
-  switch(wst){
-    case initial :
-      return _initial;
-      break;
-    case previous :
-      if(*_st) return _step1; else return _step2;
-      break;
-    case current :
-      if(*_st) return _step2; else return _step1;
-      break;
-    default : Msg::Error("Impossible to select the desired state for internal variable \n");
-  }
-AllIPState::AllIPState(GModel *pModel, std::vector<partDomain*> &vdom)
-  state = true; // at creation of object state is true
-  IntPt *GP; // needed to know the number of gauss point
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=vdom.begin(); itdom!=vdom.end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    if(dom->IsInterfaceTerms()){
-      dgPartDomain *dgdom = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(dom);
-      materialLaw *mlawMinus = dgdom->getMaterialLawMinus();
-      materialLaw *mlawPlus = dgdom->getMaterialLawPlus();
-      // loop
-      for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it=dgdom->gi->begin(); it!=dgdom->gi->end();++it){
-        MElement *ele = *it;
-        MInterfaceElement* iele = dynamic_cast<MInterfaceElement*>(ele);
- 	    // 2* because IP is duplicated for fullDg formulation
-        int npts_inter=2*dgdom->getInterfaceGaussIntegrationRule()->getIntPoints(ele,&GP);
-        ipstateElementContainer tp(npts_inter);
-        for(int i=0;i<npts_inter/2;i++){
-          mlawMinus->createIPState(tp[i],&state,ele,iele->getElem(0)->getNumVertices());
-        }
-        for(int i=npts_inter/2;i<npts_inter;i++){
-          mlawPlus->createIPState(tp[i],&state,ele,iele->getElem(1)->getNumVertices());
-        }
-        _mapall.insert(ipstatePairType(iele->getNumber(),tp));
-      }
-      // Virtual interface element (no duplication)
-      materialLaw *mlaw = dgdom->getMaterialLaw();
-      for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it=dgdom->gib->begin(); it!=dgdom->gib->end();++it){
-        MElement *ele = *it;
-        MInterfaceElement *iele = dynamic_cast<MInterfaceElement*>(ele);
-        int npts_inter=dgdom->getInterfaceGaussIntegrationRule()->getIntPoints(ele,&GP);
-        ipstateElementContainer tp(npts_inter);
-        for(int i=0;i<npts_inter;i++){
-          mlaw->createIPState(tp[i],&state,ele,iele->getElem(0)->getNumVertices());
-        }
-        _mapall.insert(ipstatePairType(iele->getNumber(),tp));
-      }
-    }
-    // bulk element
-    materialLaw *mlaw = dom->getMaterialLaw();
-    for (groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = dom->g->begin(); it != dom->g->end(); ++it){
-      MElement *ele = *it;
-      int npts_bulk=dom->getBulkGaussIntegrationRule()->getIntPoints(ele,&GP);
-      ipstateElementContainer tp(npts_bulk);
-      for(int i=0;i<npts_bulk;i++){
-        mlaw->createIPState(tp[i],&state,ele,ele->getNumVertices());
-      }
-      _mapall.insert(ipstatePairType(ele->getNum(),tp));
-    }
-  }
-  for(ipstateContainer::iterator it=_mapall.begin();it!=_mapall.end();++it){
-    ipstateElementContainer vips = (*it).second;
-    for(int i=0;i<vips.size();i++)
-	  delete vips[i];
-  }
-AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer* AllIPState::getIPstate(const long int num)
-  return &(_mapall.find(num)->second);
-AllIPState::ipstateElementContainer* AllIPState::operator[](const long int num)
-  return &(_mapall.find(num)->second);
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipstate.h b/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipstate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e6489ca1e1b3eba0dfd03ef09d5f5383b80021bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipstate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class to store internal variables at gauss point
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#ifndef IPSTATE_H_
-#define IPSTATE_H_
-#include "GModel.h"
-#include "ipvariable.h"
-// enum to access to component of stress and deformation GLOBAL ??
-struct component{
- enum enumcomp{xx,yy,zz,xy,xz,yz};
-class partDomain;
-class dgPartDomain;
-class materialLaw;
-class IPStateBase{
- public:
-  IPStateBase(){}
-  IPStateBase(const IPStateBase &source){}
-  virtual IPStateBase& operator=(const IPStateBase &source){return *this;}
-  enum whichState{initial, previous, current}; // keep previous OVERLOAD enum in daughter class ???
-  virtual IPVariable* getState(const whichState wst=IPStateBase::current) const=0;
-class IP3State : public IPStateBase{
- protected :
-  IPVariable *_initial;     // initial state t=0
-  IPVariable *_step1;    // previous step if _st = true and current step otherwise
-  IPVariable *_step2;     // current step if _st = true and previous step otherwise
-  const bool *_st; // pointer on a bool value to choice what vector is current and what vector is previous
- public :
-  IP3State(bool *st) : IPStateBase(),_st(st), _initial(NULL), _step1(NULL), _step2(NULL){}
-  IP3State(const bool *st,IPVariable *init,
-           IPVariable *st1, IPVariable *st2): _st(st), _initial(init), _step1(st1), _step2(st2){}
-  ~IP3State();
-  IP3State(const IP3State &source);
-  virtual IP3State & operator = (const IPStateBase &source);
-  IPVariable* getState(const whichState wst=IPStateBase::current) const;
-// Class to access to the IPState of all gauss point
-class AllIPState{
- public:
-  typedef std::map<long int, std::vector<IPStateBase*> > ipstateContainer;
-  typedef std::pair<long int, std::vector<IPStateBase*> > ipstatePairType;
-  typedef std::vector<IPStateBase*> ipstateElementContainer;
- protected:
-  ipstateContainer _mapall;
-  bool state; // flag to switch previous and current (change the pointer in place of copy all variables)
- public :
-  AllIPState(GModel *pModel, std::vector<partDomain*> &vdom);
-  ~AllIPState();
-  ipstateElementContainer* getIPstate(const long int num);
-  ipstateElementContainer* operator[](const long int num);
-  void nextStep() {state ? state=false : state=true;} // change boolvalue
-  void copy(const IPStateBase::whichState ws1, const IPStateBase::whichState ws2){
-    for(ipstateContainer::iterator it=_mapall.begin(); it!=_mapall.end();++it){
-      std::vector<IPStateBase*> *vips = &((*it).second);
-      for(int i=0;i<vips->size();i++){
-        IPVariable *ipv1= (*vips)[i]->getState(ws1);
-        IPVariable *ipv2= (*vips)[i]->getState(ws2);
-        *ipv2 =*ipv1;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#endif // IPSTATE_H_
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipvariable.h b/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipvariable.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ef4a9a163696a5ce4b5fb1c1f59ce41cf1e3cf6e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/internalPoints/ipvariable.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: ipvariable
-// Description: Base class for ipvariable
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-// class with the variables of IP (stress, deformation and localBasis)
-#ifndef IPVARIABLE_H_
-#define IPVARIABLE_H_
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-class IPVariable
- public :
-  IPVariable(){}
-  virtual ~IPVariable(){}
-  // copie constructor
-  IPVariable(const IPVariable &source){};
-  virtual IPVariable &operator=(const IPVariable &source){return *this;};
-class IPVariableMechanics : public IPVariable{
- public:
-  IPVariableMechanics(): IPVariable(){}
-  IPVariableMechanics(const IPVariableMechanics &source) : IPVariable(source){};
-  virtual IPVariableMechanics &operator=(const IPVariable &source){
-    IPVariable::operator=(source);
-    return *this;
-  }
-  virtual double defoEnergy() const{return 0;}
-  virtual double stressComp(const int i) const{return 0;}
-template<class Tbulk,class Tfrac> class IPVariable2ForFracture : virtual public IPVariableMechanics{
- protected:
-  Tbulk *_ipvbulk;
-  Tfrac *_ipvfrac;
-  bool _broken; // To know which law to use
- public:
-  IPVariable2ForFracture() : IPVariableMechanics(), _ipvbulk(NULL), _ipvfrac(NULL), _broken(false){}
-  IPVariable2ForFracture(const IPVariable2ForFracture &source) : IPVariableMechanics(source), _broken(source._broken)
-  {
-    (*_ipvbulk) = (*(dynamic_cast<const IPVariable*>(source._ipvbulk)));
-    if(source._ipvfrac != NULL)
-      if(_ipvfrac == NULL) _ipvfrac = new Tfrac(*(source._ipvfrac));
-      else  (*_ipvfrac) = (*(dynamic_cast<const IPVariable*>(source._ipvfrac)));
-  }
-  IPVariable2ForFracture& operator=(const IPVariable &source)
-  {
-    IPVariableMechanics::operator=(source);
-    const IPVariable2ForFracture *ipvf =dynamic_cast<const IPVariable2ForFracture *> (&source);
-    _broken = ipvf->_broken;
-    (*_ipvbulk) = (*(dynamic_cast<const IPVariableMechanics*>(ipvf->_ipvbulk)));
-    if(ipvf->_ipvfrac != NULL){
-      if(_ipvfrac == NULL) _ipvfrac = new Tfrac(*(ipvf->_ipvfrac));
-      else (*_ipvfrac) = (*(dynamic_cast<IPVariableMechanics*>(ipvf->_ipvfrac)));
-    }
-    else{
-      if(_ipvfrac != NULL) delete _ipvfrac;
-      _ipvfrac =NULL;
-    }
-    return *this;
-  }
-  ~IPVariable2ForFracture()
-  {
-    if(_ipvbulk != NULL){
-      delete _ipvbulk;
-    }
-    if(_ipvfrac != NULL){
-      delete _ipvfrac;
-    }
-  }
-  const bool broken() const{return _broken;}
-  bool isbroken(){return _broken;}
-  void broken(){_broken=true;}
-  void nobroken(){_broken=false;}
-  Tbulk* getIPvBulk(){return _ipvbulk;}
-  const Tbulk* getIPvBulk() const{return _ipvbulk;}
-  Tfrac* getIPvFrac(){return _ipvfrac;}
-  const Tfrac* getIPvFrac() const {return _ipvfrac;}
-  void setIPvBulk(IPVariable *ipv){ _ipvbulk = dynamic_cast<Tbulk*>(ipv);}
-  void setIPvFrac(IPVariable *ipv){ _ipvfrac = dynamic_cast<Tfrac*>(ipv);}
-#endif //IPVARIABLE_H_
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/materialLaw/CMakeLists.txt b/NonLinearSolver/materialLaw/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 39d2c54aa8aa6245971eee791710bec2c47b7179..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/materialLaw/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2010 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-# See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-# bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-  mlaw.cpp
-append_gmsh_src(NonLinearSolver/materialLaw "${SRC};${HDR}")
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/materialLaw/mlaw.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/materialLaw/mlaw.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 10add0ba1e5016118e96c24f3b7ea91876bf9db3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/materialLaw/mlaw.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// Description: Define material law
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "mlaw.h"
-materialLaw::materialLaw(const int num, const bool init): _num(num), _initialized(init){}
-materialLaw::materialLaw(const materialLaw &source)
-  _num = source._num;
-  _initialized = source._initialized;
-materialLaw& materialLaw::operator=(const materialLaw &source)
-  _num = source._num;
-  _initialized = source._initialized;
-  return *this;
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/materialLaw/mlaw.h b/NonLinearSolver/materialLaw/mlaw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 053eb71e845139e03e69926b72a64183e00274a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/materialLaw/mlaw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Define material law
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#ifndef _MLAW_H_
-#define _MLAW_H_
-#ifndef SWIG
-#include "ipstate.h"
-#include "MElement.h"
-class materialLaw{
- public :
-  enum matname{linearElasticPlaneStress, linearElasticPlaneStressWithDamage, linearElasticOrthotropicPlaneStress, cohesiveLaw, fracture};
- protected :
-  int _num; // number of law (must be unique !)
-  bool _initialized; // to initialize law
-#ifndef SWIG
- public:
-  // constructor
-  materialLaw(const int num, const bool init=true);
-  ~materialLaw(){}
-  materialLaw(const materialLaw &source);
-  materialLaw& operator=(const materialLaw &source);
-  virtual int getNum() const{return _num;}
-  virtual matname getType() const=0;
-  virtual void createIPState(IPStateBase* &ips,const bool* state_=NULL,const MElement *ele=NULL, const int nbFF_=0) const=0;
-  virtual void initLaws(const std::map<int,materialLaw*> &maplaw)=0;
-  virtual const bool isInitialized() {return _initialized;}
-  // for explicit scheme it must return sqrt(E/rho) adapted to your case
-  virtual double soundSpeed() const=0;
-#ifndef SWIG
-class materialLaw2LawsInitializer{
- public:
-  materialLaw2LawsInitializer(){}
-  ~materialLaw2LawsInitializer(){}
-  materialLaw2LawsInitializer(const materialLaw2LawsInitializer &source){}
-//  virtual materialLaw::matname getType() const{return materialLaw::fracture;}
-  virtual void initialBroken(IPStateBase *ips) const=0;
-// If you used two laws your class has to be derived from this one
-template<class Tbulk, class Tfrac>class fractureBy2Laws : public materialLaw2LawsInitializer{
- protected:
-  const int _nbulk;
-  const int _nfrac;
-  Tbulk *_mbulk;
-  Tfrac *_mfrac;
- public:
-  fractureBy2Laws(const int num, const int nbulk, const int nfrac) : materialLaw2LawsInitializer(),
-                                                                       _nbulk(nbulk), _nfrac(nfrac),
-                                                                       _mbulk(NULL), _mfrac(NULL){}
-  fractureBy2Laws(const fractureBy2Laws &source) : materialLaw2LawsInitializer(source), _nbulk(source._nbulk),
-                                                    _nfrac(source._nfrac),
-                                                    _mbulk(source._mbulk), _mfrac(source._mfrac){}
-  ~fractureBy2Laws(){};
-  virtual const int bulkLawNumber() const{return _nbulk;}
-  virtual const int fractureLawNumber() const{return _nfrac;}
-  virtual const Tbulk* getBulkLaw() const{return _mbulk;}
-  virtual Tbulk* getBulkLaw(){return _mbulk;}
-  virtual const Tfrac* getFractureLaw() const{return _mfrac;}
-  virtual void initLaws(const std::map<int,materialLaw*> &maplaw)
-  {
-    bool findb=false;
-    bool findc=false;
-    for(std::map<int,materialLaw*>::const_iterator it = maplaw.begin(); it != maplaw.end(); ++it)
-    {
-      int num = it->first;
-      if(num == _nbulk){
-        findb=true;
-        it->second->initLaws(maplaw);
-        _mbulk = dynamic_cast<Tbulk*>(it->second);
-      }
-      if(num == _nfrac){
-        findc=true;
-        it->second->initLaws(maplaw);
-        _mfrac = dynamic_cast<Tfrac*>(it->second);
-      }
-    }
-    if(!findb) Msg::Error("The bulk law is not initialize for shellFractureByCohesiveLaw number %d",_nbulk);
-    if(!findc) Msg::Error("The cohesive law is not initialize for shellFractureByCohesiveLaw number %d",_nfrac);
-  }
-  virtual void initialBroken(IPStateBase *ips) const=0;
-#endif // SWIG
-#endif //MLAW_H_
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index a325c8c2dc7e71cdc52dc4f1f0a440cd65388aa1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlTerms/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2010 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-# See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-# bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-  nlTerms.cpp
-append_gmsh_src(NonLinearSolver/nlTerms "${SRC};${HDR}")
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlTerms/nlTerms.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/nlTerms/nlTerms.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4969d3fd9e681c66e6118344813370f15a98d263..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlTerms/nlTerms.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Basic term for non linear solver
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "nlTerms.h"
-#include "MInterfaceElement.h"
-#include "unknownField.h"
-#include "ipField.h"
-template<> void BilinearTermPerturbation<double>::get(MElement *ele,int npts,IntPt *GP,fullMatrix<double> &m) const
-  MInterfaceElement *iele = dynamic_cast<MInterfaceElement*>(ele);
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  if(_nlterm->isData())
-    _nlterm->set(&disp);
-  if(iele == NULL){ // compute on element
-    int nbdof = space1.getNumKeys(ele);
-    m.resize(nbdof,nbdof,false); // set operation after
-    disp.resize(nbdof);
-    space1.getKeys(ele,R);
-    _ufield->get(R,disp);
-    // Size of force vector
-    fp.resize(nbdof);
-    fm.resize(nbdof);
-    for(int i=0;i<nbdof;i++){
-      // pertubation +
-      disp(i) += _eps;
-      _dom->computeIpv(_ipf->getAips(),ele,IPStateBase::current,_dom->getMaterialLaw(),disp);
-      _nlterm->get(ele,npts,GP,fp);
-      // perturbation -
-      disp(i) -=_twoeps;
-      _dom->computeIpv(_ipf->getAips(),ele,IPStateBase::current,_dom->getMaterialLaw(),disp);
-      _nlterm->get(ele,npts,GP,fm);
-      // restore dof value
-      disp(i) += _eps;
-      fp.axpy(fm,-1);
-      m.copyOneColumn(fp,i); // divide by 1/(2eps) at the end
-    }
-    _dom->computeIpv(_ipf->getAips(),ele,IPStateBase::current,_dom->getMaterialLaw(),disp);
-  }
-  else{
-    // get displacement of element
-    space1.getKeys(iele->getElem(0),R);
-    if(iele->getElem(0) != iele->getElem(1))
-      space2.getKeys(iele->getElem(1),R);
-    disp.resize(R.size());
-    _ufield->get(R,disp);
-    dgPartDomain *dgdom = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(_dom);
-    bool virt=false;
-    if(iele->getElem(0) == iele->getElem(1)) virt = true;
-    // store in dispm and dispp
-    int nbdof_m = space1.getNumKeys(iele->getElem(0));
-    int nbdof_p = 0;
-    dispm.resize(nbdof_m);
-    for(int i=0;i<nbdof_m;i++)
-      dispm(i) = disp(i);
-    if(!virt){
-      nbdof_p = space2.getNumKeys(iele->getElem(1));
-      dispp.resize(nbdof_p);
-      for(int i=0;i<nbdof_p;i++)
-        dispp(i) = disp(i+nbdof_m);
-      m.resize(nbdof_m+nbdof_p,nbdof_m+nbdof_p);
-    }
-    else
-      m.resize(nbdof_m,nbdof_m,false);
-    fp.resize(disp.size()); // use disp size to know the number of dof (here unknow if interafce or virtual interface)
-    fm.resize(disp.size());
-    // Perturbation on minus element
-    for(int i=0;i<nbdof_m;i++){
-      // dof perturbation +
-      disp(i)+=_eps;
-      dispm(i)+=_eps;
-      dgdom->computeIpv(_ipf->getAips(),iele,GP,IPStateBase::current,dgdom->getMinusDomain(),dgdom->getPlusDomain(),
-                        dgdom->getMaterialLawMinus(),dgdom->getMaterialLawPlus(),dispm,dispp,virt,false); // 0 for - elem and npts for + elem
-      _nlterm->get(ele,npts,GP,fp);
-      // dof perturbation -
-      disp(i)-=_twoeps;
-      dispm(i)-=_twoeps;
-      dgdom->computeIpv(_ipf->getAips(),iele,GP,IPStateBase::current,dgdom->getMinusDomain(),dgdom->getPlusDomain(),
-                        dgdom->getMaterialLawMinus(),dgdom->getMaterialLawPlus(),dispm,dispp,virt,false); // 0 for - elem and npts for + elem
-      _nlterm->get(ele,npts,GP,fm);
-      disp(i)+=_eps;
-      dispm(i)+=_eps;
-      fp.axpy(fm,-1);
-      m.copyOneColumn(fp,i); // divide by 1/(2eps) at the end
-    }
-    // restore ipv value
-    dgdom->computeIpv(_ipf->getAips(),iele,GP,IPStateBase::current,dgdom->getMinusDomain(), dgdom->getPlusDomain(),
-                      dgdom->getMaterialLawMinus(),dgdom->getMaterialLawPlus(),dispm,dispp,virt,false); // 0 for - elem and npts for + elem
-    if(!virt){ // Otherwise virtual interface element
-      // Perturbation on plus element
-      for(int i=0;i<nbdof_p;i++){
-        // dof perturbation +
-        disp(i+nbdof_m)+=_eps;
-        dispp(i)+=_eps;
-        dgdom->computeIpv(_ipf->getAips(),iele,GP,IPStateBase::current,dgdom->getMinusDomain(),dgdom->getPlusDomain(),
-                          dgdom->getMaterialLawMinus(),dgdom->getMaterialLawPlus(),dispm,dispp,virt,false); // 0 for - elem and npts for + elem
-        _nlterm->get(ele,npts,GP,fp);
-        // dof perturbation +
-        disp(i+nbdof_m)-=_twoeps;
-        dispp(i)-=_twoeps;
-        dgdom->computeIpv(_ipf->getAips(),iele,GP,IPStateBase::current,dgdom->getMinusDomain(),dgdom->getPlusDomain(),
-                          dgdom->getMaterialLawMinus(), dgdom->getMaterialLawPlus(),dispm,dispp,virt,false); // 0 for - elem and npts for + elem
-        _nlterm->get(ele,npts,GP,fm);
-        disp(i+nbdof_m)+=_eps;
-        dispp(i)+=_eps;
-        fp.axpy(fm,-1);
-        m.copyOneColumn(fp,i+nbdof_m); // divide by 1/(2eps) at the end
-      }
-      // restore ipv values
-      dgdom->computeIpv(_ipf->getAips(),iele,GP,IPStateBase::current,dgdom->getMinusDomain(),dgdom->getPlusDomain(),
-                        dgdom->getMaterialLawMinus(),dgdom->getMaterialLawPlus(),dispm,dispp,virt,false);
-    }
-  }
-  // divide all components by 1/2eps
-  m.scale(_onedivtwoeps);
-//  m.print("matrix by perturbation");
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlTerms/nlTerms.h b/NonLinearSolver/nlTerms/nlTerms.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 37ff76384b5435df475ae40eff906c5c5e0705dd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlTerms/nlTerms.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Basic term for non linear solver
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-// lineartermBase and Bilinear term base are not be able
-// to take easily into account a perturbation of the unknown field
-// It leads to a very poorly efficient computation of matrix by perturbation
-// I change the basis class for this reason ALL assemble functions have to be "duplicated"
-#include "terms.h"
-class unknownField;
-class IPField;
-class partDomain;
-class  BiNonLinearTermBase : public BilinearTermBase
- public :
-  virtual ~BiNonLinearTermBase() {}
-  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullMatrix<double> &m) = 0;
-  virtual void set(const fullVector<double> *datafield) = 0 ;
-  virtual const bool isData() const=0; // if true use this get function otherwise uses classical get
-// Void term to avoid segmentation fault on domain for pure interface domain (Assemble on element)
-class BilinearTermVoid : public BilinearTermBase
- public:
-  virtual ~BilinearTermVoid(){}
-  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullMatrix<double> &m){};
-  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > &mv) const{}
-  virtual BilinearTermBase* clone () const
-  {
-    return new BilinearTermVoid();
-  }
-template<class T2=double> class  nonLinearTermBase : public LinearTermBase<T2>
- protected:
-  bool inverseSign; // has to be disappeared when solver is written with fext and fint
- public:
-  nonLinearTermBase() : inverseSign(false){}
-  virtual ~nonLinearTermBase(){}
-//  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullVector<T2> &v);
-  virtual void set(const fullVector<double> *datafield) = 0;
-  virtual const bool isData() const=0; // if true use this get function otherwise uses classical get
-  void invSign(){inverseSign ? inverseSign = false : inverseSign = true;} // has to dissappear
-// Void term to avoid segmentation fault on domain for pure interface domain (Assemble on element)
-class LinearTermVoid : public LinearTermBase<double>
-  virtual ~LinearTermVoid(){}
-  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, fullVector<double> &v) const{};
-  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, std::vector<fullVector<double> > &vv) const{}
-  virtual LinearTermBase<double>* clone () const
-  {
-    return new LinearTermVoid();
-  }
-// BiNonLinear term by perturbation via nonLinearterm
-template <class T2=double> class BilinearTermPerturbation : public BilinearTermBase{
- protected:
-  nonLinearTermBase<T2> *_nlterm;
-  FunctionSpaceBase &space1;
-  FunctionSpaceBase &space2;
-  unknownField *_ufield;
-  partDomain *_dom;
-  IPField *_ipf;
-  const double _eps;
-  const double _twoeps;
-  const double _onedivtwoeps;
- private:
-  mutable fullVector<double> dispm;
-  mutable fullVector<double> dispp;
-  mutable fullVector<double> disp;
-  mutable fullVector<double> fm;
-  mutable fullVector<double> fp;
- public:
-  BilinearTermPerturbation(LinearTermBase<T2> *lterm, FunctionSpaceBase &sp1, FunctionSpaceBase &sp2,
-                       unknownField *ufield, IPField *ipf, partDomain *dom,
-                       const double pert=1e-8) : space1(sp1), space2(sp2), _nlterm(dynamic_cast<nonLinearTermBase<T2>*>(lterm)),
-                                                   _ufield(ufield), _dom(dom),
-                                                   _ipf(ipf), _eps(pert), _twoeps(pert+pert),
-                                                   _onedivtwoeps(1./(pert+pert)){}
-  ~BilinearTermPerturbation(){}
-  virtual void get(MElement *ele,int npts,IntPt *GP,fullMatrix<T2> &m) const;
-  virtual void get(MElement *ele, int npts, IntPt *GP, std::vector<fullMatrix<double> > &mv) const
-  {
-    Msg::Error("Define me ?? get without integration BilinearTermPerturbation");
-  }
-  virtual BilinearTermBase* clone () const
-  {
-    return new BilinearTermPerturbation<T2>(_nlterm,space1,space2,_ufield,_ipf,_dom,_eps);
-  }
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlmechsolpy.i b/NonLinearSolver/nlmechsolpy.i
deleted file mode 100644
index ce380dac70b4e7d7a17893e8660ba813a38061d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlmechsolpy.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-  #include "mlaw.h"
-  #include "simpleFunction.h"
-  #include "timeFunction.h"
-  #include "nonLinearBC.h"
-  #include "partDomain.h"
-  #include "contactDomain.h"
-  #include "nonLinearMechSolver.h"
-%nodefaultctor materialLaw;
-%nodefaultctor partDomain;
-%nodefaultctor dgPartDomain;
-%nodefaultctor contactDomain;
-%nodefaultctor rigidCylinderContactDomain;
-%include "mlaw.h"
-%include "simpleFunction.h"
-%include "timeFunction.h"
-%include "nonLinearBC.h"
-%include "partDomain.h"
-%include "contactDomain.h"
-%include "nonLinearMechSolver.h"
-%template(doubleSimpleFunction) simpleFunction<double>;
-%template(doubleSimpleFunctionTime) simpleFunctionTime<double>;
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/CMakeLists.txt b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ec91530b0df0de3438220b57284c8f89da3d8f3b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2010 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-# See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-# bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-  nonLinearMechSolver.cpp
-  unknownDynamicField.cpp
-  unknownField.cpp
-  unknownStaticField.cpp
-  # inline
-  explicitDofManager.h
-  explicitHulbertChung.h
-  nlsolAlgorithms.h
-  staticDofManager.h
-  timeFunction.h
-append_gmsh_src(NonLinearSolver/nlsolver "${SRC};${HDR}")
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/explicitDofManager.h b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/explicitDofManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 047cbb6e4f0207a66495f13607b36186e3f3455b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/explicitDofManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: dof manager for dynamic problems
-// Description:  derive the dofManager for a dynamic problem (access to velocities and acceleration)
-//               and contains a mass matrix
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "staticDofManager.h"
-#include "explicitHulbertChung.h"
-template<class T>
-class explicitHCDofManager : public staticDofManager<T>{
- protected:
-  // map to have the initial conditions BC for positions, velocities and acceleration
-  //std::map<Dof, std::vector<dataVec> > initial; position in dofManager.h not used ??
-  std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> _initpositions;
-  std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> _initvelocities;
-  std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> _initaccelerations;
-  // for prescribed velocities and accelerations
-  std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> _fixedpositions; // needed to compute velocities (position of last time step)
-  std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> _fixedvelocities;
-  std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> _fixedaccelerations;
-  std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> _fixedmass; // needed to compute kinetic energy
-  // pointer to an explicit system (allow to avoid multi dynamic_cast)
-  explicitHulbertChung<T> *_currentExpl;
- public:
-  explicitHCDofManager(linearSystem< typename dofManager<T>::dataMat> *l) : staticDofManager<T>(l){
-    _currentExpl = dynamic_cast<explicitHulbertChung<T>*>(l);
-  }
-  explicitHCDofManager(linearSystem< typename dofManager<T>::dataMat > *l1, linearSystem< typename dofManager<T>::dataMat > *l2){
-    _currentExpl = dynamic_cast<explicitHulbertChung<T> >(l1);
-  }
-  // Function assemble matrix is rewritten to allow to have 2 matrix stiffness and mass
-  virtual inline void assemble(std::vector<Dof> &R, const fullMatrix<typename dofManager<T>::dataMat> &m,
-                               const typename explicitHulbertChung<T>::whichMatrix wm=explicitHulbertChung<T>::stiff){
-    if (!this->_current->isAllocated()) this->_current->allocate(this->unknown.size());
-    std::vector<int> NR(R.size());
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < R.size(); i++)
-    {
-      std::map<Dof, int>::iterator itR = this->unknown.find(R[i]);
-      if (itR != this->unknown.end()) NR[i] = itR->second;
-      else NR[i] = -1;
-    }
-    if(wm == explicitHulbertChung<T>::stiff)
-    {
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < R.size(); i++)
-      {
-        if (NR[i] != -1)
-        {
-          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < R.size(); j++)
-          {
-            if (NR[j] != -1)
-            {
-              this->_current->addToMatrix(NR[i], NR[j], m(i, j));
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              typename std::map<Dof,  typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::iterator itFixed = this->fixed.find(R[j]);
-              if (itFixed == this->fixed.end())
-                assembleLinConst(R[i],R[j],m(i,j));
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < R.size(); j++){
-          assembleLinConst(R[i],R[j],m(i,j));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    else{ // mass matrix
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < R.size(); i++)
-        if (NR[i] != -1)
-          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < R.size(); j++)
-            //if (NR[j] != -1)
-              this->_currentExpl->addToMatrix(NR[i], NR[j], m(i, j),explicitHulbertChung<T>::mass);
-        else{ // store mass in _fixedmass
-          double linemass=0.;
-          // if already exist in _fixed mass retrieve value to add sum because diagonal matrix
-          typename std::map<Dof,typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::iterator itm = this->_fixedmass.find(R[i]);
-          if(itm != this->_fixedmass.end())
-            linemass+=itm->second;
-          for(unsigned int j=0; j<R.size(); j++)
-            linemass+=m(i,j);
-          this->_fixedmass[R[i]] = linemass;
-        }
-    }
-  }
-  // Function to fix dof (fix velocities and acceleration Too. Must be modified to prescribed a velocities or an acceleration)
-  inline void fixDof(Dof key, const typename dofManager<T>::dataVec &value){
-     if(this->unknown.find(key) != this->unknown.end())
-      return;
-    this->fixed[key] = value;
-    this->_fixedvelocities[key]=0.;
-    this->_fixedaccelerations[key]=0.;
-    this->RHSfixed[key]=0.;
-  }
-  // function with get operation (WARNING All getDofValue are not redifined)
-  virtual inline void getDofValue(std::vector<Dof> &keys,std::vector<typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> &Vals,
-                                    const typename initialCondition::whichCondition wv= initialCondition::position)
-  {
-    int ndofs=keys.size();
-    size_t originalSize = Vals.size();
-    Vals.resize(originalSize+ndofs);
-    for (int i=0;i<ndofs;++i) getDofValue(keys[i], Vals[originalSize+i],wv);
-  }
-  virtual inline void getDofValue(Dof key,  typename dofManager<T>::dataVec &val,
-                                  initialCondition::whichCondition wv= initialCondition::position) const
-  {
-   switch(wv){
-    case initialCondition::position:
-     {
-       typename std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::const_iterator it = this->fixed.find(key);
-       if (it != this->fixed.end()) {
-         val =  it->second;
-         return ;
-       }
-     }
-     {
-       std::map<Dof, int>::const_iterator it = this->unknown.find(key);
-       if (it != this->unknown.end()) {
-         _currentExpl->getFromSolution(it->second, val,wv);
-         return;
-       }
-     }
-     {
-       typename std::map<Dof, DofAffineConstraint< typename dofManager<T>::dataVec > >::const_iterator it = this->constraints.find(key);
-       if (it != this->constraints.end())
-       {
-          typename dofManager<T>::dataVec tmp(val);
-          val = it->second.shift;
-          for (unsigned i=0;i<(it->second).linear.size();i++)
-          {
-             std::map<Dof, int>::const_iterator itu = this->unknown.find(((it->second).linear[i]).first);
-             getDofValue(((it->second).linear[i]).first, tmp);
-             dofTraits<T>::gemm(val,((it->second).linear[i]).second, tmp, 1, 1);
-          }
-          return ;
-       }
-     }
-     break;
-     case initialCondition::velocity:
-     {
-       typename std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::const_iterator it = this->_fixedvelocities.find(key);
-       if (it != this->_fixedvelocities.end()) {
-         val =  it->second;
-         return ;
-       }
-     }
-     {
-       std::map<Dof, int>::const_iterator it = this->unknown.find(key);
-       if (it != this->unknown.end()) {
-         _currentExpl->getFromSolution(it->second, val,wv);
-         return;
-       }
-     }
-     break;
-     case initialCondition::acceleration:
-     {
-       typename std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::const_iterator it = this->_fixedaccelerations.find(key);
-       if (it != this->_fixedaccelerations.end()) {
-         val =  it->second;
-         return ;
-       }
-     }
-     {
-       std::map<Dof, int>::const_iterator it = this->unknown.find(key);
-       if (it != this->unknown.end()) {
-         _currentExpl->getFromSolution(it->second, val,wv);
-         return;
-       }
-     }
-     break;
-    }
-  }
-  // specific functions tfor initial conditions
-  // I don't use the initial vector because initial conditions are given directly
-  // to the solver
-  virtual inline void setInitialCondition(const Dof &R, const typename dofManager<T>::dataVec &value,
-                                          const typename initialCondition::whichCondition wc){
-    if (!this->_current->isAllocated()) this->_current->allocate(this->unknown.size());
-    // find the dof in map if not find -1
-    int NR=-1;
-    std::map<Dof, int>::iterator itR = this->unknown.find(R);
-    if (itR != this->unknown.end()){
-      NR = itR->second;
-      _currentExpl->setInitialCondition(NR, value,wc);
-    }
-    else{ // insert the initial conditions
-      typename std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::iterator it;
-      if(wc == initialCondition::position){
-        this->_initpositions[R] = value;
-        // Find if the two others exist. If not set to zero
-        it = this->_initvelocities.find(R);
-        if (it == this->_initvelocities.end()) _initvelocities[R] = 0.;
-        it = this->_initaccelerations.find(R);
-        if (it == this->_initaccelerations.end()) _initaccelerations[R] = 0.;
-        // set initial position in fixedpos or 0
-         _fixedpositions[R] = value;
-    }
-      else if(wc == initialCondition::velocity){
-        _initvelocities[R] = value;
-        // Find if the two others exist. If not set to zero
-        it = this->_initpositions.find(R);
-        if (it == this->_initpositions.end()) this->_initpositions[R] = 0.;
-        it = this->_initaccelerations.find(R);
-        if (it == this->_initaccelerations.end()) _initaccelerations[R] = 0.;
-         _fixedpositions[R] = 0.;
-      }
-      else if(wc == initialCondition::acceleration){
-        _initaccelerations[R] = value;
-        // Find if the two others exist. If not set to zero
-        it = this->_initpositions.find(R);
-        if (it == this->_initpositions.end()) this->_initpositions[R] = 0.;
-        it = this->_initvelocities.find(R);
-        if (it == this->_initvelocities.end()) _initvelocities[R] = 0.;
-        _fixedpositions[R] = 0.;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Function to update the fixed dof value
-  // must be rewritten to take into account a fixed velocity
-  virtual void updateFixedDof(const double timeStep){
-    // loop
-    for(typename std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::iterator it=this->fixed.begin(); it!=this->fixed.end(); ++it){
-      // watch for an initial position
-      typename std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::iterator itpos = _initpositions.find(it->first);
-      double initpos=0.;
-      typename dofManager<T>::dataVec lastpos=_fixedpositions[it->first];
-      typename dofManager<T>::dataVec lastvelo = _fixedvelocities[it->first];
-      if(itpos != _initpositions.end() ) initpos = itpos->second;
-      it->second = it->second + initpos;
-      _fixedpositions[it->first] = it->second;
-      _fixedvelocities.find(it->first)->second = (it->second - lastpos)/timeStep;
-      // update acceleration with plexus manual theory
-      //_fixedaccelerations.find(it->first)->second = (it->second/timeStep - _fixedvelocities.find(it->first)->second)/timeStep;
-      _fixedaccelerations.find(it->first)->second = 0.; //(_fixedvelocities.find(it->first)->second -lastvelo)/timeStep;
-    }
-  }
-  virtual void getVertexMass(std::vector<Dof> &R, std::vector<typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> &vmass){
-    if(this->_current->isAllocated()){
-      std::map<Dof, int>::const_iterator it;
-      double mass;
-      for(int i=0;i<R.size(); i++){
-        it = this->unknown.find(R[i]);
-        if(it != this->unknown.end()){
-          _currentExpl->getFromMatrix(it->second,it->second,mass);
-          vmass.push_back(mass);
-        }
-        else{  // find mass in _fixedmass
-          typename std::map<Dof,typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::iterator itm = this->_fixedmass.find(R[i]);
-          if(itm != _fixedmass.end()) vmass.push_back(itm->second);
-          else vmass.push_back(0.);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    else{
-      for(int i=0;i<R.size(); i++) vmass.push_back(0.);
-    }
-  }
-  // Function to get global kinetic energy. Used vector PETSC function so it's more quick
-  double getKineticEnergy() const{
-    double ener = _currentExpl->getKineticEnergy(); // energy of free dofs
-    // add energy of fixed dof
-    for(typename std::map<Dof,typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::const_iterator it = _fixedmass.begin(); it!=_fixedmass.end(); ++it){
-      double mv = it->second;
-      double v = 0.;
-      typename std::map<Dof,typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::const_iterator itv = _fixedvelocities.find(it->first);
-      if(itv != _fixedvelocities.end()) v = itv->second;
-      ener += 0.5*mv*v*v;
-    }
-    return ener;
-  }
-  // Print Right Hand Side (Use for debug)
-  void printRightHandSide() const{
-    Msg::Info("Right Hand Side");
-    for(std::map<Dof,int>::const_iterator it=this->unknown.begin(); it!=this->unknown.end(); ++it){
-      double force;
-      _currentExpl->getFromRightHandSide(it->second,force);
-      Msg::Info("Dof Ent: %d Dof Type %d value %e",it->first.getEntity(),it->first.getType(),force);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/explicitHulbertChung.h b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/explicitHulbertChung.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 60286401310ba9ce274da135354382a76945396f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/explicitHulbertChung.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-// C++ explicit Newmark scheme
-// Description: implementation of the explicit algorithms of alpha-generalized method
-//              This system is derived from linearSystem from compatibility reason (use of Assemble function and DofManager
-//              even if the system is not a no linear system FIX THIS ??
-//              for now works only this PETsc
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "GmshConfig.h"
-#include "GmshMessage.h"
-#include "linearSystem.h"
-#include "partDomain.h"
-#if defined(HAVE_PETSC)
-#include <petsc.h>
-#include <petscksp.h>
-// 4 vectors are necessary per step and two step are kept
-// current and next. Creation of a class regrouping the four vector
-template<class scalar>
-class explicitStep{
- private:
-  void _try(int ierr) const { CHKERRABORT(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, ierr); }
- public : // Direct access by the system
-  Vec _b, _x, _xdot, _xddot;
-  explicitStep(){}
-  ~explicitStep(){}
-  void clear(){
-   _try(VecDestroy(_b));
-   _try(VecDestroy(_x));
-   _try(VecDestroy(_xdot));
-   _try(VecDestroy(_xddot));
-  }
-  void allocate(int nbRows){
-    _try(VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &_x));
-    _try(VecSetSizes(_x, nbRows, PETSC_DETERMINE));
-    _try(VecSetFromOptions(_x)); // Usefull ??
-    _try(VecDuplicate(_x, &_b));
-    _try(VecDuplicate(_x, &_xdot));
-    _try(VecDuplicate(_x, &_xddot));
-  }
-template<class scalar>
-class explicitHulbertChung : public linearSystem<scalar>{
- public :
-  enum state{current, next};
-//  enum whatValue{position, velocity, acceleration};
-  enum whichMatrix{stiff, mass};
- protected:
-  int _blockSize; // for block Matrix (not used for now)
-  bool _isAllocated, _whichStep, _imassAllocated;
-  double _alpham, _beta,_gamma; // parameters of scheme
-  double _timeStep; // value of time step
-  int _nbRows; // To know the system size.
-  // values used by solve function
-  double _oneDivbyOneMinusAlpham,_minusAlphamDivbyOneMinusAlpham;
-  double _oneMinusgammaDeltat,_gammaDeltat,_Deltat2halfMinusbeta,_Deltat2beta;
-  explicitStep<scalar> *_currentStep, *_previousStep, *_step1, *_step2;
-  Vec _M; // mass matrix
-  Vec _invM; // inverse of mass matrix
-  Vec _v2; // square of velocitie (kinetic energy)
-  // function to invert mass matrix
-  void invertMassMatrix(){
-    _try(VecCopy(_M,_invM));
-    _try(VecReciprocal(_invM));
-    _imassAllocated=true;
-  }
- private:
-  void _try(int ierr) const { CHKERRABORT(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, ierr); }
- public:
-  explicitHulbertChung(double alpham=0., double beta=0.,
-                        double gamma=0.5) : _isAllocated(false), _whichStep(true), _blockSize(0),
-                                                                  _alpham(alpham), _beta(beta), _gamma(gamma),
-                                                                  _timeStep(0.), _nbRows(0), _imassAllocated(false){
-    _oneDivbyOneMinusAlpham = 1./(1.-_alpham);
-    _minusAlphamDivbyOneMinusAlpham = - _alpham * _oneDivbyOneMinusAlpham;
-    _oneMinusgammaDeltat = (1.-_gamma)*_timeStep;
-    _gammaDeltat = _gamma*_timeStep;
-    _Deltat2halfMinusbeta = _timeStep*_timeStep *(0.5-_beta);
-    _Deltat2beta = _timeStep * _timeStep * _beta;
-    _step1 = new explicitStep<scalar>();
-    _step2 = new explicitStep<scalar>();
-    _currentStep = _step1;
-    _previousStep = _step2;
-  }
-  ~explicitHulbertChung(){delete _step1; delete _step2;}
-  void nextStep(){
-    if(_whichStep){
-      _currentStep = _step2;
-      _previousStep = _step1;
-      _whichStep =false;
-    }
-    else{
-     _currentStep = _step1;
-     _previousStep = _step2;
-     _whichStep = true;
-    }
-  }
-  virtual void clear(){
-    if(_isAllocated){
-      _try(VecDestroy(_M));
-      _try(VecDestroy(_invM));
-      _try(VecDestroy(_v2));
-      _step1->clear();
-      _step2->clear();
-      _nbRows=0;
-    }
-    _isAllocated=false;
-    _imassAllocated=false;
-  }
-  // Or compute directly the time step here ??
-  virtual void setTimeStep(const double dt){
-    _timeStep = dt;
-    // update variables which depends on _timeStep
-    _oneMinusgammaDeltat = (1.-_gamma)*_timeStep;
-    _gammaDeltat = _gamma*_timeStep;
-    _Deltat2halfMinusbeta = _timeStep*_timeStep *(0.5-_beta);
-    _Deltat2beta = _timeStep * _timeStep * _beta;
-  }
-  virtual bool isAllocated() const { return _isAllocated; }
-  virtual void allocate(int nbRows){
-    clear();
-    _try(VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &_M));
-    _try(VecSetSizes(_M, nbRows, PETSC_DETERMINE));
-    _try(VecSetFromOptions(_M)); // Usefull ??
-    _try(VecDuplicate(_M, &_invM));
-    _try(VecDuplicate(_M, &_v2));
-    _step1->allocate(nbRows);
-    _step2->allocate(nbRows);
-    _isAllocated = true;
-    _nbRows=nbRows;
-  }
-  // get the value of diagonalized mass matrix col is not used
-  virtual void getFromMatrix(int row, int col, scalar &val) const{
-#if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
-    PetscScalar *tmp;
-    _try(VecGetArray(_M, &tmp));
-    PetscScalar s = tmp[row];
-    _try(VecRestoreArray(_M, &tmp));
-    // FIXME specialize this routine
-    val = s.real();
-    VecGetValues(_M, 1, &row, &val);
-  }
-  virtual void addToRightHandSide(int row, const scalar &val)
-  {
-    PetscInt i = row;
-    PetscScalar s = val;
-    _try(VecSetValues(_currentStep->_b, 1, &i, &s, ADD_VALUES));
-  }
-  virtual void getFromRightHandSide(int row, scalar &val) const
-  {
-#if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
-    PetscScalar *tmp;
-    _try(VecGetArray(_currentStep->_b, &tmp));
-    PetscScalar s = tmp[row];
-    _try(VecRestoreArray(_currentStep->_b, &tmp));
-    // FIXME specialize this routine
-    val = s.real();
-    VecGetValues(_currentStep->_b, 1, &row, &val);
-  }
-  virtual double normInfRightHandSide() const
-  {
-    PetscReal nor;
-    _try(VecNorm(_currentStep->_b, NORM_INFINITY, &nor));
-    return nor;
-  }
-  // Add to mass matrix (which is diagonalized)
-  virtual void addToMatrix(int row, int col, const scalar &val){
-    Msg::Error("No stiffness matrix for an explicit newmark scheme");
-  }
-  virtual void addToMatrix(int row, int col, const scalar &val, const whichMatrix wm)
-  {
-    if(wm == stiff){
-      this->addToMatrix(row,col,val);
-    }
-    else if( wm == mass){
-      PetscInt i = row;
-      PetscScalar s = val;
-      _try(VecSetValues(_M, 1, &i, &s, ADD_VALUES));
-    }
-    else{
-     Msg::Error("stiff and mass are the only possible matrix choice");
-    }
-  }
-  virtual void getFromSolution(int row, scalar &val) const
-  {
-#if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
-    PetscScalar *tmp;
-    _try(VecGetArray(_currentStep->_x, &tmp));
-    PetscScalar s = tmp[row];
-    _try(VecRestoreArray(_currentStep->_x, &tmp));
-    val = s.real();
-    VecGetValues(_currentStep->_x, 1, &row, &val);
-  }
-  virtual void getFromSolution(int row, scalar &val, const initialCondition::whichCondition wv) const
-  {
-    switch(wv){
-     case initialCondition::position:
-       this->getFromSolution(row,val);
-     break;
-     case initialCondition::velocity:
-#if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
-      PetscScalar *tmp;
-      _try(VecGetArray(_currentStep->_xdot, &tmp));
-      PetscScalar s = tmp[row];
-      _try(VecRestoreArray(_currentStep->_xdot, &tmp));
-      val = s.real();
-      VecGetValues(_currentStep->_xdot, 1, &row, &val);
-     break;
-     case initialCondition::acceleration:
-#if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
-      PetscScalar *tmp;
-      _try(VecGetArray(_currentStep->_xddot, &tmp));
-      PetscScalar s = tmp[row];
-      _try(VecRestoreArray(_currentStep->_xddot, &tmp));
-      val = s.real();
-      VecGetValues(_currentStep->_xddot, 1, &row, &val);
-     break;
-     default:
-       Msg::Error("Impossible to get value from solution. Only possible choices position, velocity, acceleration ");
-    }
-  }
-/*  virtual void getFromSolution(int row, scalar &val) const
-  {
-#if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
-      PetscScalar *tmp;
-      _try(VecGetArray(_currentStep->_x, &tmp));
-      PetscScalar s = tmp[row];
-      _try(VecRestoreArray(_currentStep->_x, &tmp));
-      val = s.real();
-      VecGetValues(_currentStep->_x, 1, &row, &val);
-  }*/
-  virtual void zeroMatrix(){
-    if (_isAllocated) {
-      _try(VecAssemblyBegin(_M));
-      _try(VecAssemblyEnd(_M));
-      _try(VecZeroEntries(_M));
-    }
-  }
-  virtual void zeroRightHandSide()
-  {
-    if (_isAllocated) {
-      _try(VecAssemblyBegin(_currentStep->_b));
-      _try(VecAssemblyEnd(_currentStep->_b));
-      _try(VecZeroEntries(_currentStep->_b));
-    }
-  }
-  int systemSolve(){
-#if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
-  Msg::Error("explicit Newmark resolution is not implemented for complex number\n");
-    // check if the mass matrix is computed or not
-    if(!_imassAllocated) this->invertMassMatrix();
-// The following comment are kept to explain what is done component by component
-//    double x,xdot,xddot,fextMinusfint, imasse, xddotn, xdotn, xn;
-//    for(PetscInt i=0;i<_nbRows;i++){
-      // accelerations n+1
-//      VecGetValues(_previousStep->_b, 1, &i, &fextMinusfint);
-//      VecGetValues(_invM, 1, &i, &imasse);
-//      VecGetValues(_previousStep->_xddot, 1 , &i, &xddotn);
-//      xddot = _oneDivbyOneMinusAlpham*imasse*fextMinusfint + _minusAlphamDivbyOneMinusAlpham * xddotn;
-//      _try(VecSetValues(_currentStep->_xddot, 1, &i, &xddot, INSERT_VALUES));
-      _try(VecPointwiseMult(_currentStep->_xddot,_invM,_previousStep->_b));
-      _try(VecScale(_currentStep->_xddot,_oneDivbyOneMinusAlpham));
-      _try(VecAXPY(_currentStep->_xddot,_minusAlphamDivbyOneMinusAlpham,_previousStep->_xddot));
-      // velocities n+1
-//      VecGetValues(_previousStep->_xdot, 1 , &i, &xdotn);
-//      xdot = xdotn + _oneMinusgammaDeltat*xddotn + _gammaDeltat*xddot;
-//      _try(VecSetValues(_currentStep->_xdot, 1 , &i, &xdot, INSERT_VALUES));
-      _try(VecCopy(_previousStep->_xdot,_currentStep->_xdot));
-      // Regroups the two in one operation with VecMAXPY ??
-      _try(VecAXPY(_currentStep->_xdot,_oneMinusgammaDeltat,_previousStep->_xddot));
-      _try(VecAXPY(_currentStep->_xdot,_gammaDeltat,_currentStep->_xddot));
-      // positions n+1
-//      VecGetValues(_previousStep->_x, 1 , &i, &xn);
-//      x = xn + _timeStep * xdotn + _Deltat2halfMinusbeta * xddotn + _Deltat2beta * xddot;
-//      _try(VecSetValues(_currentStep->_x, 1 , &i, &x, INSERT_VALUES));
-      _try(VecCopy(_previousStep->_x,_currentStep->_x));
-      // Regroups the three in one operation with VecMAXPY ??
-      _try(VecAXPY(_currentStep->_x,_timeStep,_previousStep->_xdot));
-      _try(VecAXPY(_currentStep->_x,_Deltat2halfMinusbeta,_previousStep->_xddot));
-      _try(VecAXPY(_currentStep->_x,_Deltat2beta,_currentStep->_xddot));
- //   }
-    return 1;
-  }
-    // Specific functions (To put initial conditions)
-    // set on current step a next step operation is necessary after the prescribtion of initial value step0->step1
-    void setInitialCondition(int row, scalar val, const typename initialCondition::whichCondition wc=initialCondition::position){ //CANNOT PASS VAL BY REF WHY ??
-      PetscInt i = row;
-      switch(wc){
-       case initialCondition::position:
-        _try(VecSetValues(_currentStep->_x, 1, &i, &val, INSERT_VALUES));
-        break;
-       case initialCondition::velocity:
-        _try(VecSetValues(_currentStep->_xdot, 1, &i, &val, INSERT_VALUES));
-        break;
-       case initialCondition::acceleration:
-        _try(VecSetValues(_currentStep->_xddot, 1 , &i, &val, INSERT_VALUES));
-        break;
-       default:
-        Msg::Warning("Invalid initial conditions");
-      }
-    }
-    // Get mass of system
-    virtual double getSystemMass(){
-      double m,mele;
-      m=0.;
-      for(PetscInt i=0;i<_nbRows;i++){
-      VecGetValues(_M, 1, &i, &mele);
-        m+=mele;
-      }
-      return m;
-    }
-  // function to get the kinetic energy
-  double getKineticEnergy(){
-    if(isAllocated()){
-      PetscScalar ener;
-      _try(VecPointwiseMult(_v2,_currentStep->_xdot,_currentStep->_xdot));
-      _try(VecDot(_M,_v2,&ener));
-      return 0.5*ener;
-    }
-    else return 0.;
-  }
-template <class scalar>
-class explicitHulbertChung : public linearSystem<scalar> {
- public :
-  explicitHulbertChung()
-  {
-    Msg::Error("PETSc is not available in this version of Gmsh and so it is impossible to use explicit alpha generalized scheme");
-  }
-  virtual bool isAllocated() const { return false; }
-  virtual void allocate(int nbRows) {}
-  virtual void clear(){}
-  virtual void addToMatrix(int row, int col, const scalar &val) {}
-  virtual void getFromMatrix(int row, int col, scalar &val) const {}
-  virtual void addToRightHandSide(int row, const scalar &val) {}
-  virtual void getFromRightHandSide(int row, scalar &val) const { return 0.; }
-  virtual void getFromSolution(int row, scalar &val) const { return 0.; }
-  virtual void zeroMatrix() {}
-  virtual void zeroRightHandSide() {}
-  virtual int systemSolve() { return 0; }
-  virtual double normInfRightHandSide() const{return 0;}
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/nlsolAlgorithms.h b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/nlsolAlgorithms.h
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index d74b712fe961ce9e9c37781e88bf88d57ff7f2bf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/nlsolAlgorithms.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: non linear assembly fonctions
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2011
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "dofManager.h"
-#include "quadratureRules.h"
-#include "MVertex.h"
-#include "MInterfaceElement.h"
-#include "functionSpace.h"
-#include "explicitHulbertChung.h"
-#include "solverAlgorithms.h"
-#include "explicitDofManager.h"
-// Assemble linear term. The field of term can be pass (compute matrix by perturbation and avoid a additional getKeys)
-// FIX THIS (use classical assemble) when field will be defined properly
-template<class Iterator, class Assembler> void Assemble(LinearTermBase<double> *term, FunctionSpaceBase &space,
-                                                        Iterator itbegin, Iterator itend,
-                                                        QuadratureBase &integrator,
-                                                        const unknownField *ufield,Assembler &assembler)
-  fullVector<typename Assembler::dataMat> localVector(0);
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  nonLinearTermBase<double> *nlterm = dynamic_cast<nonLinearTermBase<double>*>(term);
-  if( (nlterm !=NULL) and (nlterm->isData())){
-    fullVector<double> disp;
-    nlterm->set(&disp);
-    for (Iterator it = itbegin; it != itend; ++it){
-      MElement *e = *it;
-      R.clear();
-      IntPt *GP;
-      int npts = integrator.getIntPoints(e, &GP);
-      space.getKeys(e, R);
-      disp.resize(R.size());
-      ufield->get(R,disp);
-      term->get(e, npts, GP, localVector); //localVector.print();
-      assembler.assemble(R, localVector);
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    for (Iterator it = itbegin; it != itend; ++it){
-      MElement *e = *it;
-      R.clear();
-      IntPt *GP;
-      int npts = integrator.getIntPoints(e, &GP);
-      space.getKeys(e, R);
-      term->get(e, npts, GP, localVector); //localVector.print();
-      assembler.assemble(R, localVector);
-    }
-  }
-// Function Assemble for mass matrix. An other function is needed because Two matrix in the system
-template<class Iterator,class Assembler> void AssembleMass(BilinearTermBase *term,FunctionSpaceBase &space,Iterator itbegin,
-                                                           Iterator itend,QuadratureBase &integrator,Assembler &assembler) // symmetric
-  fullMatrix<typename Assembler::dataMat> localMatrix;
-  // remove the Dynamic Cast
-  explicitHCDofManager<typename Assembler::dataVec>* expAss = dynamic_cast<explicitHCDofManager<typename Assembler::dataVec>*>(&assembler);
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  for (Iterator it = itbegin;it!=itend; ++it)
-  {
-    MElement *e = *it;
-    R.clear();
-    IntPt *GP;
-    int npts=integrator.getIntPoints(e,&GP);
-    term->get(e,npts,GP,localMatrix);
-    space.getKeys(e,R);
-    expAss->assemble(R, localMatrix,explicitHulbertChung<double>::mass);
-  }
-// Assemble mass for a rigid contact space. Only ddl of GC
-template<class Assembler>
-void AssembleMass(BilinearTermBase *term, rigidContactSpaceBase *space,Assembler *assembler){
-  fullMatrix<typename Assembler::dataMat> localMatrix;
-  explicitHCDofManager<typename Assembler::dataVec>* expAss = dynamic_cast<explicitHCDofManager<typename Assembler::dataVec>*>(assembler);
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  space->getKeysOfGravityCenter(R);
-  MElement *ele;
-  IntPt *GP;
-  term->get(ele,0,GP,localMatrix);
-  expAss->assemble(R, localMatrix,explicitHulbertChung<double>::mass);
-template<class Assembler> void FixNodalDofs(FunctionSpaceBase *space,MElement *e,Assembler &assembler,simpleFunction<typename Assembler::dataVec> &fct,FilterDof &filter,bool fullDg)
-  std::vector<MVertex*> tabV;
-  int nv=e->getNumVertices();
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  space->getKeys(e,R);
-  tabV.reserve(nv);
-  for (int i=0;i<nv;++i) tabV.push_back(e->getVertex(i));
-  if(!fullDg){
-    for (std::vector<Dof>::iterator itd=R.begin();itd!=R.end();++itd)
-    {
-      Dof key=*itd;
-      if (filter(key))
-      {
-        for (int i=0;i<nv;++i)
-        {
-          if (tabV[i]->getNum()==key.getEntity())
-          {
-            //printf("Fix dof number %d comp %d\n",key.getEntity(),key.getType());
-            assembler.fixDof(key, fct(tabV[i]->x(),tabV[i]->y(),tabV[i]->z()));
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    for (std::vector<Dof>::iterator itd=R.begin();itd!=R.end();++itd)
-    {
-      Dof key=*itd;
-      if (filter(key))
-      {
-        for (int i=0;i<nv;++i)
-        {
-          assembler.fixDof(key, fct(tabV[i]->x(),tabV[i]->y(),tabV[i]->z()));
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-template<class Iterator,class Assembler> void FixNodalDofs(FunctionSpaceBase *space,Iterator itbegin,Iterator itend,Assembler &assembler,
-                                                           simpleFunction<typename Assembler::dataVec> &fct,FilterDof &filter,bool fullDg)
-  for (Iterator it=itbegin;it!=itend;++it)
-  {
-    FixNodalDofs(space,*it,assembler,fct,filter,fullDg);
-  }
-template<class Assembler>
-void FixNodalDofs(rigidContactSpaceBase *space,simpleFunction<typename Assembler::dataVec> &fct,FilterDof &filter, Assembler &assembler){
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  space->getKeysOfGravityCenter(R);
-  for(int i=0;i<R.size();i++){
-    if(filter(R[i]))
-      assembler.fixDof(R[i], fct(0.,0.,0.));
-  }
-template<class Assembler> void SetInitialDofs(FunctionSpaceBase *space,MElement *e,Assembler &assembler,
-                                            const double &value,const initialCondition::whichCondition whichC,
-                                            FilterDof &filter,bool fullDg)
-  std::vector<MVertex*> tabV;
-  int nv=e->getNumVertices();
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-//  FunctionSpace<double> *dgspace = dynamic_cast<FunctionSpace<double>*>(space);
-  space->getKeys(e,R);
-  tabV.reserve(nv);
-  explicitHCDofManager<double> *dynass= dynamic_cast<explicitHCDofManager<double>*>(&assembler); // remove this dynamic_cast
-  for (int i=0;i<nv;++i) tabV.push_back(e->getVertex(i));
-  if(!fullDg){
-    for (std::vector<Dof>::iterator itd=R.begin();itd!=R.end();++itd)
-    {
-      Dof key=*itd;
-      if (filter(key))
-      {
-        for (int i=0;i<nv;++i)
-        {
-          if (tabV[i]->getNum()==key.getEntity())
-          {
-            //printf("Fix dof number %d comp %d\n",key.getEntity(),key.getType());
-            dynass->setInitialCondition(key,value,whichC);
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  else{
-    for (std::vector<Dof>::iterator itd=R.begin();itd!=R.end();++itd)
-    {
-      Dof key=*itd;
-      if (filter(key))
-      {
-        for (int i=0;i<nv;++i)
-        {
-          dynass->setInitialCondition(key, value,whichC);
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-template<class Iterator,class Assembler> void SetInitialDofs(FunctionSpaceBase *space,Iterator itbegin,Iterator itend,
-                                                           const double &value,const initialCondition::whichCondition whichC,
-                                                            Assembler &assembler, FilterDof &filter,bool fullDg)
-  for (Iterator it=itbegin;it!=itend;++it)
-  {
-    SetInitialDofs(space,*it,assembler,value,whichC,filter,fullDg);
-  }
-// Function Numbering Dof for rigid contact (Create Three Dofs for GC of rigid bodies)
-template<class Assembler>
-void NumberDofs(rigidContactSpaceBase &space, Assembler &assembler){
-  // get Dofs of GC
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  space.getKeysOfGravityCenter(R);
-  // Put them into DofManager
-  int nbdofs=R.size();
-  for (int i=0;i<nbdofs;++i)
-    assembler.numberDof(R[i]);
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/nonLinearMechSolver.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/nonLinearMechSolver.cpp
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index 29a93217588ed29eb34cc1ef6c6a5b92e23f504c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/nonLinearMechSolver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1850 +0,0 @@
-// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2009 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-// bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-#include <string.h>
-#include "GmshConfig.h"
-#include "nonLinearMechSolver.h"
-#include "linearSystemCSR.h"
-#include "linearSystemPETSc.h"
-#include "linearSystemGMM.h"
-#include "Numeric.h"
-#include "nlTerms.h"
-#include "solverAlgorithms.h"
-#include "quadratureRules.h"
-#include "MPoint.h"
-#include "ipstate.h"
-#include "ipField.h"
-#include "timeFunction.h"
-#include "GModel.h"
-#include "explicitHulbertChung.h"
-#include "nlsolAlgorithms.h"
-#include "nonLinearMechSolver.h"
-#include "explicitDofManager.h"
-#include "unknownDynamicField.h"
-#include "MTriangle.h"
-#include "MQuadrangle.h"
-#include "energyField.h"
-#include "nlsolAlgorithms.h"
-#include "solverAlgorithms.h"
-#include "quadratureRules.h"
-#include "MPoint.h"
-#include "timeFunction.h"
-#include "unknownStaticField.h"
-#include "staticDofManager.h"
-#include "contactTerms.h"
-#if defined(HAVE_POST)
-#include "PView.h"
-#include "PViewData.h"
-// nonLinearMechSolver
-void nonLinearMechSolver::loadModel(const std::string meshFileName)
-  pModel = new GModel();
-  pModel->readMSH(meshFileName.c_str());
-  _dim = pModel->getNumRegions() ? 3 : 2;
-void nonLinearMechSolver::init(){
-  // Set the material law for each domain and the gauss integration rule
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator it = domainVector.begin(); it!=domainVector.end(); ++it){
-    partDomain *dom = *it;
-    dom->setMaterialLaw(maplaw);
-  }
-  // create interfaceElement
-  this->createInterfaceElement();
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator it = domainVector.begin(); it!=domainVector.end(); ++it){
-    partDomain *dom = *it;
-    dom->setGaussIntegrationRule();
-  }
-  // Split the BC between the different domain HAS TO BE AFTER DOMAIN INITIALIZATION
-  this->splitBoundaryConditions();
-  // initialisation of archiving force
-  this->initArchiveForce();
-  // find the domain associated to a physical slave number of a rigid contact interaction
-  // WARNING a contact interaction cannot be defined on two domains in the same time
-  // a physical group has to be define by domain
-  this->initContactInteraction();
-void nonLinearMechSolver::initContactInteraction(){
-  // find a common element betwwen slave group of element and the group of element of partdomain
-  bool flagfind;
-  for(contactContainer::iterator it = _allContact.begin(); it!=_allContact.end(); ++it){
-    contactDomain *cdom = *it;
-    flagfind = false;
-    // get first element
-    MElement *elementcont = cdom->getFirstElement();
-    for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom = domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-      partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-      for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator ite=dom->g->begin(); ite!=dom->g->end(); ++ite){
-        MElement *ele = *ite;
-        if(ele == elementcont){
-          flagfind =true;
-          cdom->setDomainAndFunctionSpace(dom);
-//          spaceManager->addSpace(cdom);
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if(flagfind) break;
-    }
-  }
-  // now init the contact boundary conditions
-  for(std::vector<rigidContactBC>::iterator it=allContactBC.begin(); it!=allContactBC.end(); ++it){
-    rigidContactBC &diri = *it;
-    if(diri.onWhat == nonLinearBoundaryCondition::RIGIDCONTACT){
-      for(contactContainer::iterator itcdom = _allContact.begin(); itcdom!=_allContact.end(); ++itcdom){
-        contactDomain *cdom = *itcdom;
-        if(cdom->getPhys() == diri._tag){
-          rigidContactSpaceBase *sp = dynamic_cast<rigidContactSpaceBase*>(cdom->getSpace());
-          diri.setSpace(sp);
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::splitBoundaryConditions(){
-  // loop on BC
-   // BC which are prescribed weakly (the interfaceElement has to be finded in vinter)
-   // to prescribed the BC
-   // Theta
-   for(std::vector<nonLinearNeumannBC>::iterator it=allTheta.begin(); it!=allTheta.end(); ++it){
-     nonLinearNeumannBC &neu = *it;
-     for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator ite=neu.g->begin(); ite!=neu.g->end(); ++ite){
-       MVertex *vv = (*ite)->getVertex(2);
-       for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-         partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-         if(dom->IsInterfaceTerms()){ // change this (virtual interface has to be defined on domain)
-           // Ok because 2nd degree min BoundaryInterfaceElement is created only for this vertex
-           dgPartDomain *dgdom = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(dom);
-           groupOfElements *gvi = dgdom->giv;
-           for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it_inter = gvi->begin(); it_inter!=gvi->end();++it_inter){
-             MElement *minter = *it_inter;
-             //loop on component of map_edge
-             int numvertexminus1 = minter->getNumVertices()-1;
-             if((vv == minter->getVertex(2)) or (vv == minter->getVertex(numvertexminus1))){
-               dgdom->gib->insert(minter);
-               break;
-             }
-           }
-         }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-  //Dirichlet
-  for(int i=0;i<allDirichlet.size();i++){
-    // loop on element
-    // map
-    std::map<partDomain*,std::vector<MElement*> > mapfind;
-    for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it=allDirichlet[i].g->begin(); it!=allDirichlet[i].g->end();++it){
-      MElement *e = *it;
-      // Loop on all Domain to find on which domain the BC is applied
-      for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-        // if Dimensions are the same the element can be find with a comparison to element
-        partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-        // otherwise the vertex must be identified separately
-        MElement *etest = *(dom->g->begin());
-        if( (etest !=NULL) and (etest->getDim() == e->getDim())){
-          for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it2=dom->g->begin(); it2!=dom->g->end(); ++it2){
-            if(*it2 == e){ // The Element is contained in the domain
-              mapfind[dom].push_back(e);
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        else{ // loop on Vertex identify the BC with first INTERIOR vertex of e degree 2 min OK ( border vertex are included in 2 elements)
-               // an element is included in one domain --> one vertex of Element is OK
-               // On interface the BC is put on the first met domain
-          MVertex *ver = e->getVertex(2);
-          for(groupOfElements::vertexContainer::iterator itv=dom->g->vbegin(); itv!=dom->g->vend(); ++itv){
-            if((*itv) == ver){
-              mapfind[(*itdom)].push_back(e);
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // now One BC is created on domain
-    for(std::map<partDomain*,std::vector<MElement*> >::iterator it=mapfind.begin(); it!=mapfind.end(); ++it){
-      if(it->second.size() !=0){
-        allDirichlet[i].g = new groupOfElements(it->second);
-        nonLinearDirichletBC *diri = new nonLinearDirichletBC(allDirichlet[i]);
-        it->first->addDirichletBC(diri);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Idem for Neumann BC APPLY ON FIRST FOUNDED DOM
-  for(int i=0;i<allNeumann.size();i++){
-    // loop on element
-    // map
-    std::map<partDomain*,std::vector<MElement*> > mapfind;
-    std::map<partDomain*,MElement*> mapelemtype; // need for gauss quadrature rule TODO Regroup with mapfind in a structure but no time benefit
-    for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it=allNeumann[i].g->begin(); it!=allNeumann[i].g->end();++it){
-      MElement *e = *it;
-      // Loop on all Domain to find on which domain the BC is applied
-      bool flagfind = false;
-      for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-        // if Dimensions are the same the element can be find with a comparison to element
-        partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-        // otherwise the vertex must be identified separately
-        MElement *etest = *(dom->g->begin());
-        mapelemtype[dom] = etest;
-        if( (etest != NULL) and (etest->getDim() == e->getDim())){
-          for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it2=dom->g->begin(); it2!=dom->g->end(); ++it2){
-            if(*it2 == e){ // The Element is contained in the domain
-              mapfind[dom].push_back(e);
-              flagfind = true;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        else{ // loop on Vertex identify the BC with first vertex of e
-               // an element is included in one domain --> one vertex of Element is OK
-          MVertex *ver = e->getVertex(0);
-          for(groupOfElements::vertexContainer::iterator itv=dom->g->vbegin(); itv!=dom->g->vend(); ++itv){
-            if((*itv) == ver){
-              mapfind[(*itdom)].push_back(e);
-              flagfind = true;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      if(flagfind)
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    // now One BC is created on domain
-    for(std::map<partDomain*,std::vector<MElement*> >::iterator it=mapfind.begin(); it!=mapfind.end(); ++it){
-      nonLinearNeumannBC *neu = new nonLinearNeumannBC(allNeumann[i]);
-      neu->g = new groupOfElements(it->second);
-      it->first->addNeumannBC(neu);
-    }
-  }
-  // Initial
-  for(int i=0;i<allinitial.size();i++){
-    // loop on element
-    // map
-    std::map<partDomain*,std::vector<MElement*> > mapfind;
-    for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it=allinitial[i].g->begin(); it!=allinitial[i].g->end();++it){
-      MElement *e = *it;
-      // Loop on all Domain to find on which domain the BC is applied
-      for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-        // if Dimensions are the same the element can be find with a comparison to element
-        partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-        // otherwise the vertex must be identified separately
-        MElement *etest = *(dom->g->begin());
-        if(etest->getDim() == e->getDim()){
-          for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it2=dom->g->begin(); it2!=dom->g->end(); ++it2){
-            if(*it2 == e){ // The Element is contained in the domain
-              mapfind[dom].push_back(e);
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        else{ // loop on Vertex identify the BC with first vertex of e
-               // an element is included in one domain --> one vertex of Element is OK
-               // On interface the BC is put on the first met domain
-          MVertex *ver = e->getVertex(0);
-          for(groupOfElements::vertexContainer::iterator itv=dom->g->vbegin(); itv!=dom->g->vend(); ++itv){
-            if((*itv) == ver){
-              mapfind[(*itdom)].push_back(e);
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // now One Initial Condition is created on domain
-    for(std::map<partDomain*,std::vector<MElement*> >::iterator it=mapfind.begin(); it!=mapfind.end(); ++it){
-      initialCondition *initC = new initialCondition(allinitial[i]);
-      initC->g = new groupOfElements(it->second);
-      it->first->addInitialCondition(initC);
-    }
-  }
-  // At this stage the BC contains in allDirichlet and allNeumann are not used so
-  // they can be deleted
-  allNeumann.clear();
-  allDirichlet.clear();
-  allinitial.clear();
-void nonLinearMechSolver::setTimeForBC(double time){
-  for (std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom = domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-    (*itdom)->setTimeBC(time);
-  }
-  // set time for rigid contact BC
-  for(std::vector<rigidContactBC>::iterator it = allContactBC.begin(); it!=allContactBC.end(); ++it){
-    (*it)._f.setTime(time);
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::fixNodalDofs(){
-  // Fixation (prescribed displacement)
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    for(partDomain::diriContainer::iterator it=dom->diriBegin(); it!=dom->diriEnd(); ++it){
-      nonLinearDirichletBC *diri = *it;
-      FixNodalDofs(diri->_space,diri->g->begin(),diri->g->end(),*pAssembler,diri->_f,*diri->_filter,dom->getFormulation());
-    }
-  }
-  // prescribed displacement of rigid bodies (CG)
-  for(std::vector<rigidContactBC>::iterator it=allContactBC.begin(); it!=allContactBC.end(); ++it){
-    rigidContactBC &rcbc = *it;
-    int physMaster = rcbc._tag; // for rigid BC tag == physMaster;
-    // Find the associated dom to create filter dof (Store in the BC to avoid search at each iteration !!)
-    FilterDof *filter;
-    bool ffind = false;
-    for(contactContainer::const_iterator it=_allContact.begin(); it!=_allContact.end();++it){
-      contactDomain *cdom = *it;
-      if(cdom->getPhys() == physMaster){
-        filter = cdom->getDomain()->createFilterDof(rcbc._comp);
-        ffind = true;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if(ffind)
-      FixNodalDofs(rcbc.space,rcbc._f,*filter,*pAssembler);
-    else
-      Msg::Error("Impossible to fix dof for rigid contact BC %d",rcbc._tag);
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::numberDofs(linearSystem<double> *lsys){
-  // we number the dofs : when a dof is numbered, it cannot be numbered
-  // again with another number.
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom = domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom)
-  {
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    NumberDofs(*(dom->getFunctionSpace()), dom->g->begin(), dom->g->end(),*pAssembler);
-  }
-  // NumberDofs of Rigid Contact Entities (Dofs for GC)
-  for(contactContainer::iterator it = _allContact.begin(); it!=_allContact.end(); ++it){
-    contactDomain* cdom = *it;
-    if(cdom->isRigid()){
-      rigidContactSpaceBase *rcspace = dynamic_cast<rigidContactSpaceBase*>(cdom->getSpace());
-      NumberDofs(*rcspace,*pAssembler);
-    }
-  }
-  // total number of unkowns to allocate the system
-  double nunk = pAssembler->sizeOfR();
-  // allocate system
-  lsys->allocate(nunk);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::addDomain(partDomain* dom){
-  // initialization of GroupOfElements
-  int dim = dom->getDim();
-  int phys = dom->getPhysical();
-  dom->g = new groupOfElements(dim,phys);
-  domainVector.push_back(dom);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::addMaterialLaw(materialLaw* mlaw){
-  maplaw.insert(std::pair<int,materialLaw*>(mlaw->getNum(),mlaw));
-materialLaw* nonLinearMechSolver::getMaterialLaw(const int num){
-  return (maplaw.find(num)->second);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::thetaBC(const int numphys){
-  groupOfElements *goe = new groupOfElements(1,numphys);
-  this->insertTheta(numphys,goe);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::setInitOrRestartFileName(const std::string fname){
-  initOrResartfname =fname;
-  _restart = true;
-void nonLinearMechSolver::restart(unknownField *ufield){
-  if(!_restart) // no file to restart
-    return;
-  // create a map between elem number and adress
-  std::map<long int,std::pair<partDomain*,MElement*> > allelem;
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom = domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator ite = dom->g->begin(); ite!=dom->g->end(); ++ite){
-      MElement *ele = *ite;
-      std::pair<partDomain*,MElement*> pa(dom,ele);
-      allelem.insert(std::pair<long int,std::pair<partDomain*,MElement*> >(ele->getNum(),pa));
-    }
-  }
-  // read data in file
-  FILE *f = fopen(initOrResartfname.c_str(), "r");
-  char what[256];
-  while(!feof(f)){
-    fscanf(f, "%s", what);
-    if(!strcmp(what,"$ElementNodeData")){
-      int nstring;
-      fscanf(f,"%d",&nstring);
-      int i=0;
-      char what2[256];
-      while(i<nstring){
-        fscanf(f,"%s",&what2);
-        i++;
-      }
-      int nint, n;
-      fscanf(f,"%d",&nint);
-      i=0;
-      while(i<nint){
-        fscanf(f,"%d",&n);
-        i++;
-      }
-      fscanf(f,"%d",&nint);
-      i=0;
-      while(i<nint){
-        fscanf(f,"%d",&n);
-        i++;
-      }
-      int elemnum,elemtype,ndofs,nvertex,ncomp;
-      i = 0;
-      int n2 = n; // because n is modified by fscanf(f,"%ld %d",&elemnum,&elemtype); WHY ??
-      while(i<n2){
-        fscanf(f,"%d %d",&elemnum,&elemtype);
-        //MElement *ele = allelem[elemnum].second;
-        //partDomain *dom = allelem[elem]
-        std::map<long int,std::pair<partDomain*,MElement*> >::iterator it = allelem.find(elemnum);
-        MElement *ele = (it->second).second;
-        partDomain *dom = (it->second).first;
-        FunctionSpaceBase *space = dom->getFunctionSpace();
-        std::vector<Dof> R;
-        space->getKeys(ele,R);
-        ndofs = space->getNumKeys(ele);
-        nvertex = ele->getNumVertices();
-        ncomp = ndofs/nvertex;
-        int j=0;
-        std::vector<double> disp;
-        disp.resize(ndofs);
-        //double temp;
-        while(j<nvertex){
-          for(int k=0;k<ncomp;k++){
-            fscanf(f,"%lf",&disp[j+k*nvertex]);
-          }
-          j++;
-        }
-        // set displacement in displacement field
-        ufield->setInitial(R,disp);
-        i++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  fclose(f);
-  ufield->buildView(domainVector,0.0,0,"displacement",-1,false);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::insertTheta(const int numphys, groupOfElements *goe){
-  nonLinearNeumannBC neu;
-  neu.g = goe;
-  neu.onWhat = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::UNDEF;
-  neu._tag = numphys;
-  neu._f = new simpleFunctionTimeWithConstant<double>(0.);
-  allTheta.push_back(neu);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::physInitBroken(const int numphys){
-  initbrokeninter.push_back(numphys);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::createInterfaceElement(){
-  // Compute and add interface element to the model
-  // Loop on mesh element and store each edge (which will be distributed between InterfaceElement, Boundary InterfaceElement and VirtualInterfaceElement)
-  // A tag including the vertex number is used to identified the edge common to two elements. In this case a interface element is created
-  // manage creation of interface between 2 domains
-  manageInterface maninter(&domainVector);
-  // loop on element
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom !=domainVector.end(); ++itdom)
-  {
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    dom->createInterface(maninter);
-/*    dgPartDomain* dom = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(*itdom);
-    if(dom->IsInterfaceTerms()){
-      for (groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = dom->g->begin(); it != dom->g->end(); ++it)
-      {
-        MElement *e=*it;
-        int nedge = e->getNumEdges();
-        for(int j=0;j<nedge;j++){
-          std::vector<MVertex*> vv;
-          e->getEdgeVertices(j,vv);
-          Iedge ie = Iedge(vv,e,dom->getPhysical());
-          unsigned long int key = ie.getkey();
-          const std::map<unsigned long int,Iedge>::iterator it_edge=map_edge.find(key);
-          if(it_edge == map_edge.end()) // The edge doesn't exist -->inserted into the map
-            map_edge.insert(std::pair<unsigned long int,Iedge>(key,ie));
-          else{ // create an interface element and remove the entry in map_edge
-            MInterfaceElement *interel =  new MInterfaceElement(vv, 0, 0, e, it_edge->second.getElement());
-            // Two cases
-            if(ie.getPhys() == it_edge->second.getPhys()) // Internal Interface
-              dom->gi->insert(interel);
-            else{ // Interface between 2 domains --> create a new domain if it doesn't exist
-              // find the domain of itedge
-              std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom2;
-              for(itdom2 = domainVector.begin(); itdom2!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom2)
-                if((*itdom2)->getPhysical() == it_edge->second.getPhys()) break;
-              manageDom->add(interel,dom,*itdom2,maplaw);
-              this->addInterface(interel);
-            }
-            map_edge.erase(it_edge);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }*/
-  }
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom = domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    int phys = dom->getPhysical();
-    for(manageInterface::IelementContainer::iterator it=maninter.begin(); it!=maninter.end(); ++it){
-      IElement *ie = it->second;
-      if(ie->getPhys() == phys){
-        dgPartDomain *dgdom = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(dom);
-        MElement* interel = dom->createVirtualInterface(ie);
-        dgdom->giv->insert(interel);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::createInterfaceElement_2()
-  // The contructor of dgGroupCollection create automatically the GroupsOfElements
-/*  _groups = dgGroupCollection(this->pModel,this->_dim,1); // TODO ?? Add parameter to model to store order
-  _groups.buildGroupsOfInterfaces();
-  // Affichage temporaire pour vérification
-  int nn = _groups.getNbFaceGroups();
-  printf("Number of group of faces : %d\n",nn);
-  for(int i=0;i<nn;i++){
-    printf("Group of face number %d\n",i);
-    dgGroupOfFaces *inter = _groups.getFaceGroup(i);
-    int nnn = inter->getNbGroupOfConnections();
-    printf("Number of connection group %d \n",nnn);
-    for(int j=0;j<nnn;j++){
-      const dgGroupOfConnections connec = inter->getGroupOfConnections(j);
-      printf("Connection's group number %d\n",j);
-      int nnnn = connec.getNbClosures();
-      printf("Number of closures %d\n",nnnn);
-      for(int k=0;k<nnnn;k++){
-        printf("Closure number %d\n",k);
-        std::vector<int> vec = connec.getClosure(k);
-        for(int kk=0;kk<vec.size();kk++){
-          printf(" %d ",vec[kk]);
-        }
-        printf("\n");
-      }
-    }
-  }*/
-void nonLinearMechSolver::initTerms(unknownField *ufield, IPField *ipf){
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom = domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    dom->initializeTerms(ufield,ipf);
-  }
-  // contact domain
-  for(contactContainer::iterator it = _allContact.begin(); it!=_allContact.end(); ++it){
-    contactDomain *cdom = *it;
-      cdom->initializeTerms(ufield);
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::solveStaticLinar()
-// init data
-linearSystem<double> *lsys;
-if(nonLinearMechSolver::whatSolver == Taucs){
-    #if defined(HAVE_TAUCS)
-      lsys = new linearSystemCSRTaucs<double>;
-      printf("Taucs is chosen to solve\n");
-    #else
-      lsys = new linearSystemGmm<double>;
-      lsys = dynamic_cast<linearSystemGmm<double>*>(lsys);
-      dynamic_cast<linearSystemGmm<double>*>(lsys)->setNoisy(2);
-      printf("Taucs is not installed\n Gmm is chosen to solve\n");
-    #endif
-else if(nonLinearMechSolver::whatSolver == Petsc){
-    #if defined(HAVE_PETSC)
-      lsys = new linearSystemPETSc<double>;
-      printf("PETSc is chosen to solve\n");
-    #else
-      lsys = new linearSystemGmm<double>;
-      lsys = dynamic_cast<linearSystemGmm<double>*>(lsys);
-      dynamic_cast<linearSystemGmm<double>*>(lsys)->setNoisy(2);
-      printf("PETSc is not installed\n Gmm is chosen to solve\n");
-    #endif
-  lsys = new linearSystemGmm<double>;
-  dynamic_cast<linearSystemGmm<double>*>(lsys)->setNoisy(2);
-  printf("Gmm is chosen to solve\n");
-  if (pAssembler) delete pAssembler;
-  pAssembler = new dofManager<double>(lsys);
-  std::cout <<  "Dirichlet BC"<< std::endl;
-  // we first do all fixations. the behavior of the dofManager is to
-  // give priority to fixations : when a dof is fixed, it cannot be
-  // numbered afterwards
-  // Fix dof to allow the numbering of Dof by dofManager
-  this->fixNodalDofs();
-  this->numberDofs(lsys);
-  // displacement field
-  unknownField *ufield = new unknownStaticField(pAssembler,domainVector,&_allContact,3,anoded,varcd);
-  this->restart(ufield); // CHANGE THIS
-  // Store stress and deformation at each gauss point
-  // IPState "declaration" reserve place for data
-  IPField ipf(&domainVector,pAssembler, pModel, ufield, vaip); // Todo fix this
-  ipf.compute1state(IPStateBase::initial);
-  ipf.copy(IPStateBase::initial,IPStateBase::current); // initialization of Bvector and LocalBasis
-  this->initTerms(ufield,&ipf);
-  // Now we start the assembly process
-  // First build the force vector
-  std::cout <<  "Neumann BC"<< std::endl;
-  this->computeExternalForces(&ipf,ufield);
-  this->computeStiffMatrix(ufield);
-  printf("-- done assembling!\n");
-  lsys->systemSolve();
-  printf("-- done solving!\n");
-  // compute stress after solve
-  ufield->update();
-  ipf.compute1state(IPStateBase::current);
-  // save solution (for visualisation)
-  ipf.buildView(domainVector,0.,1,"VonMises",-1,false);
-  ufield->buildView(domainVector,0.,1,"displacement",-1,false);
-  ufield->archiving(1.);
-  ipf.archive(1.);
-  delete ufield;
-void nonLinearMechSolver::computeExternalForces(IPField *ipf, const unknownField *ufield){
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end();++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    for(partDomain::neuContainer::iterator it=dom->neuBegin(); it!=dom->neuEnd();++it){
-      nonLinearNeumannBC *neu = *it;
-      Assemble(neu->_term,*(neu->_space),neu->g->begin(),neu->g->end(),*(neu->integ),ufield,*pAssembler);
-    }
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::snlData(const int ns, const double et, const double reltol){
-  if(whatScheme==StaticNonLinear){
-    numstep=ns;endtime=et;_tol=reltol;
-  }
-  else{
-    Msg::Error("Impossible to set data for Static Non Linear scheme because another is chosen to solve the problem");
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::explicitData(const double ftime, const double gams, const double beta, const double gamma, const double alpham){
-  endtime = ftime;
-  _beta=beta;
-  _gamma=gamma;
-  _alpham = alpham;
-  // depends on numerical damping
-  double omegas;
-  _rhoinfty = (alpham+1.)/(2.-alpham);
-  omegas = sqrt((12.*(1.+_rhoinfty)*(1.+_rhoinfty)*(1.+_rhoinfty)*(2.-_rhoinfty))/(10.+15.*_rhoinfty-_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty+_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty-_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty));
-    _gammas = gams*omegas;
-void nonLinearMechSolver::explicitSpectralRadius(const double ftime,const double gams, const double rho){
-  endtime = ftime;
-  _rhoinfty=rho;
-  _beta = (5.-3.*_rhoinfty)/((1.+_rhoinfty)*(1.+_rhoinfty)*(2.-_rhoinfty));
-  _alpham = (2.*_rhoinfty-1.)/(1.+_rhoinfty);
-  _gamma = 1.5-_alpham;
-  double omegas = sqrt((12.*(1.+_rhoinfty)*(1.+_rhoinfty)*(1.+_rhoinfty)*(2.-_rhoinfty))/(10.+15.*_rhoinfty-_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty+_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty-_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty*_rhoinfty));
-    _gammas = gams*omegas;
-void nonLinearMechSolver::explicitTimeStepEvaluation(const int nst){
-  numstep = nst;
-void nonLinearMechSolver::solve(){
-  switch(whatScheme){
-    case StaticLinear :
-      this->solveStaticLinar();
-      break;
-    case StaticNonLinear :
-      this->solveSNL();
-      break;
-    case Explicit:
-      this->solveExplicit();
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::displacementBC(std::string onwhat, const int numphys, const int comp, const double value){
-  nonLinearDirichletBC diri;
-  const std::string node("Node");
-  const std::string edge("Edge");
-  const std::string face("Face");
-  if(onwhat==node){
-    diri.g = new groupOfElements (0, numphys);
-    diri.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_VERTEX;
-  }
-  else if(onwhat==edge){
-    diri.g = new groupOfElements (1, numphys);
-    diri.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_EDGE;
-  }
-  else if(onwhat==face){
-    diri.g = new groupOfElements (2, numphys);
-    diri.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_FACE;
-  }
-  else Msg::Error("Impossible to prescribe a displacement on a %s\n",onwhat.c_str());
-  diri._f= simpleFunctionTime<double>(value);
-  diri._comp=comp;
-  diri._tag=numphys;
-  allDirichlet.push_back(diri);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::displacementRigidContactBC(const int numphys, const int comp_, const double value){
-  rigidContactBC diri(numphys);
-  diri.onWhat = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::RIGIDCONTACT;
-  diri._comp = comp_;
-  diri._f = simpleFunctionTime<double>(value);
-  allContactBC.push_back(diri);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::initialBC(std::string onwhat, std::string whichC, const int numphys,
-                                          const int comp, const double value){
-  const std::string node("Node");
-  const std::string edge("Edge");
-  const std::string face("Face");
-  const std::string position("Position");
-  const std::string velocity("Velocity");
-  const std::string acceleration("Acceleration");
-  nonLinearBoundaryCondition::location ow;
-  groupOfElements *gr;
-  if(onwhat == node){
-    ow = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_VERTEX;
-    gr = new groupOfElements(0,numphys);
-  }
-  else if(onwhat == edge){
-    ow = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_EDGE;
-    gr = new groupOfElements(1,numphys);
-  }
-  else if(onwhat == face){
-    ow = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_FACE;
-    gr = new groupOfElements(2,numphys);
-  }
-  else{
-    ow = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::UNDEF;
-    gr = new groupOfElements(2,numphys);
-  }
-  initialCondition::whichCondition wc;
-  if(whichC == position)
-    wc = initialCondition::position;
-  else if(whichC == velocity)
-    wc = initialCondition::velocity;
-  else if(whichC == acceleration)
-    wc = initialCondition::acceleration;
-  else{
-    Msg::Warning("Impossible to prescribed an initial condition %d",numphys);
-    //return;
-  }
-  initialCondition initc(value,comp,wc);
-  initc.onWhat = ow;
-  initc.g = gr;
-  initc._tag = numphys;
-  allinitial.push_back(initc);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::independentDisplacementBC(std::string onwhat, const int numphys, const int comp, const double value){
-  nonLinearDirichletBC diri;
-  const std::string node("Node");
-  const std::string edge("Edge");
-  const std::string face("Face");
-  if(onwhat==node){
-    diri.g = new groupOfElements (0, numphys);
-    diri.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_VERTEX;
-  }
-  else if(onwhat==edge){
-    diri.g = new groupOfElements (1, numphys);
-    diri.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_EDGE;
-  }
-  else if(onwhat==face){
-    diri.g = new groupOfElements (2, numphys);
-    diri.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_FACE;
-  }
-  else Msg::Error("Impossible to prescribe a displacement on a %s\n",onwhat.c_str());
-  diri._f= simpleFunctionTime<double>(value,false);
-  diri._comp=comp;
-  diri._tag=numphys;
-  allDirichlet.push_back(diri);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::forceBC(std::string onwhat, const int numphys, const int comp, const double val){
-  nonLinearNeumannBC neu;
-  const std::string node("Node");
-  const std::string edge("Edge");
-  const std::string face("Face");
-  const std::string volume("Volume");
-  if(onwhat==node){
-    neu.g = new groupOfElements (0, numphys);
-    neu.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_VERTEX;
-  }
-  else if(onwhat==edge){
-    neu.g = new groupOfElements (1, numphys);
-    neu.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_EDGE;
-  }
-  else if(onwhat==face){
-    neu.g = new groupOfElements (2, numphys);
-    neu.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_FACE;
-  }
-  else if(onwhat==volume){
-    neu.g = new groupOfElements (3, numphys);
-    neu.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_VOLUME;
-  }
-  else  Msg::Error("Impossible to prescribe a force on a %s\n",onwhat.c_str());
-  neu._f= new simpleFunctionTimeWithConstant<double>(val);
-  neu._tag=numphys;
-  neu._comp=comp;
-  allNeumann.push_back(neu);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::independentForceBC(std::string onwhat, const int numphys, const int comp, const double val){
-  nonLinearNeumannBC neu;
-  const std::string node("Node");
-  const std::string edge("Edge");
-  const std::string face("Face");
-  const std::string volume("Volume");
-  if(onwhat==node){
-    neu.g = new groupOfElements (0, numphys);
-    neu.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_VERTEX;
-  }
-  else if(onwhat==edge){
-    neu.g = new groupOfElements (1, numphys);
-    neu.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_EDGE;
-  }
-  else if(onwhat==face){
-    neu.g = new groupOfElements (2, numphys);
-    neu.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_FACE;
-  }
-  else if(onwhat==volume){
-    neu.g = new groupOfElements (3, numphys);
-    neu.onWhat=nonLinearBoundaryCondition::ON_VOLUME;
-  }
-  else  Msg::Error("Impossible to prescribe a force on a %s\n",onwhat.c_str());
-  neu._f= new simpleFunctionTimeWithConstant<double>(val,false);
-  neu._tag=numphys;
-  neu._comp = comp;
-  allNeumann.push_back(neu);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::pressureOnPhysicalGroupBC(const int numphys, const double press, const double p0){
-  nonLinearNeumannBC neu;
-  neu.g = new groupOfElements(2,numphys); // Always group of face ??
-  neu.onWhat = nonLinearBoundaryCondition::PRESSURE;
-  neu._f = new simpleFunctionTimeWithConstant<double>(press,true,1.,p0); // Use a SVector3 because it was defined like this in
-  neu._tag=numphys;
-  allNeumann.push_back(neu);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::blastPressureBC(const int numphys,const double p0,const double p1, const double plexp,
-                                       const double t0, const double t1){
-  powerDecreasingFunctionTime *pdl = new powerDecreasingFunctionTime(p0,p1,plexp,t0,t1,this->endtime);
-  nonLinearNeumannBC neu(numphys,5,pdl);
-  allNeumann.push_back(neu);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::archivingForceOnPhysicalGroup(const std::string onwhat, const int numphys, const int comp){
-  // get the node of the edge
-  std::string node("Node");
-  std::string edge("Edge");
-  std::string face("Face");
-  std::string volu("Volume");
-  int dim=0;
-  if(onwhat == node )
-    dim = 0;
-  else if(onwhat == edge)
-    dim = 1;
-  else if(onwhat == face)
-    dim = 2;
-  else if(onwhat == volu)
-    dim = 3;
-  vaf.push_back(archiveForce(numphys,dim,comp));
-  // remove old file (linux only ??)
-  std::ostringstream oss;
-  oss << numphys;
-  std::string s = oss.str();
-  oss.str("");
-  oss << comp;
-  std::string s2 = oss.str();
-  std::string rfname = "rm force"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-  system(rfname.c_str());
-void nonLinearMechSolver::initArchiveForce(){
-  for(std::vector<archiveForce>::iterator itf=vaf.begin(); itf!=vaf.end(); ++itf){
-    archiveForce &af = *itf;
-    std::vector<MVertex*> vv;
-    pModel->getMeshVerticesForPhysicalGroup(af.dim,af.numphys,vv);
-    std::vector<Dof> vdof;// all dof include in the edge
-    // shell element
-    // loop on domain (to find the domain where the force is applied)
-    for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-      partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-      FunctionSpaceBase *sp = dom->getFunctionSpace();
-      std::vector<Dof> R;
-      FilterDof* filter = dom->createFilterDof(af.comp);
-      if(!(dom->getFormulation())){  // Cg/Dg
-        for(groupOfElements::vertexContainer::iterator itv=dom->g->vbegin(); itv!=dom->g->vend(); ++itv){
-          MVertex *ver = *itv;
-          for(std::vector<MVertex*>::iterator it=vv.begin(); it!=vv.end(); ++it){
-            MVertex *vver = *it;
-            if(ver == vver){
-              MPoint ele = MPoint(ver,-1); // We don't care about element number it's just to have the vertex keys
-              // build the dof
-              sp->getKeys(&ele,R);
-              for(int j=0;j<R.size(); j++)
-                if(filter->operator()(R[j]))
-                  vdof.push_back(R[j]);
-              R.clear();
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else{ // full Dg
-        for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator ite = dom->g->begin(); ite!=dom->g->end(); ++ite){
-          MElement *ele = *ite;
-          int nbvertex = ele->getNumVertices();
-          sp->getKeys(ele,R);
-          for(std::vector<MVertex*>::iterator it=vv.begin(); it!=vv.end(); ++it){
-            for(int j=0;j<nbvertex; j++){
-              if(ele->getVertex(j) == *it){
-                vdof.push_back(R[j+nbvertex*af.comp]);
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          R.clear();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // keys = 10*numphys + comp otherwise no way to archive different components
-    int key = 10*af.numphys+af.comp;
-    aef[key] = vdof;
-    aefvalue[key] = 0.;
-  }
-  // force on prescribed displacement (needed to compute external work)
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom = domainVector.begin(); itdom!= domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    std::vector<Dof> R;
-    bool flag;
-    for(partDomain::diriContainer::iterator itd = dom->diriBegin(); itd!=dom->diriEnd(); ++itd){
-      nonLinearDirichletBC *diri = *itd;
-      if(diri->_f(0.,0.,0.) != 0.){ // f = simplke Function independant of position otherwise wext = 0
-        FunctionSpaceBase *sp = diri->_space;
-        for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it = diri->g->begin(); it!=diri->g->end(); ++it){
-          MElement *ele = *it;
-          sp->getKeys(ele,R);
-          for(int i=0; i<R.size(); i++){
-            flag = true;
-            for(std::vector<fextPrescribedDisp>::iterator it2 = _allaef.begin(); it2 != _allaef.end(); ++it2){
-              if(R[i] == (*it2).D){
-                flag = false;
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            if(flag)
-            {
-              fextPrescribedDisp fpd = fextPrescribedDisp(R[i]);
-              _allaef.push_back(fpd);
-            }
-          }
-          R.clear();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::archivingNodeDisplacement(const int numphys, const int comp){
-  this->archivingNode(numphys,comp,initialCondition::position);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::archivingNodeVelocity(const int numphys, const int comp){
-  this->archivingNode(numphys,comp,initialCondition::velocity);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::archivingNodeAcceleration(const int numphys, const int comp){
-  this->archivingNode(numphys,comp,initialCondition::acceleration);
-void nonLinearMechSolver::archivingNode(const int numphys, const int comp, initialCondition::whichCondition wc){
-  // no distinction between cG/dG and full Dg formulation. class Displacement Field manage it
-  std::vector<MVertex*> vv;
-  pModel->getMeshVerticesForPhysicalGroup(0,numphys,vv);
-  if(vv.size() == 1){
-//    std::pair< Dof,initialCondition::whichCondition > pai(Dof(vv[0]->getNum(),Dof3IntType::createTypeWithThreeInts(comp,_tag)),wc);
-    anoded.push_back(archiveDispNode(vv[0]->getNum(),comp,_tag,wc));
-    // remove old file (linux only ??)
-    std::ostringstream oss;
-    oss << vv[0]->getNum(); // Change this
-    std::string s = oss.str();
-    oss.str("");
-    oss << comp;
-    std::string s2 = oss.str();
-    std::string rfname;
-    switch(wc){
-     case initialCondition::position:
-      rfname= "rm NodalDisplacement"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-      break;
-     case initialCondition::velocity:
-      rfname= "rm NodalVelocity"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-      break;
-     case initialCondition::acceleration:
-      rfname= "rm NodalAcceleration"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-      break;
-    }
-    system(rfname.c_str());
-  }
-  else{
-    if(vv.size()==0)
-      Msg::Warning("No physical group %d So it is impossible to archive nodal displacement",numphys);
-    else
-      Msg::Warning("More than one node in physical group impssible to archive for now (no loop)",numphys);
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::archivingRigidContact(const int numphys, const int comp, const int wc){
- initialCondition::whichCondition whc;
- switch(wc){
-  case 0:
-   whc = initialCondition::position;
-   break;
-  case 1:
-   whc = initialCondition::velocity;
-   break;
-  case 2:
-   whc = initialCondition::acceleration;
-   break;
-  default:
-   whc = initialCondition::position;
- }
-  // find domain
-  partDomain *domf=NULL;
-  for(contactContainer::const_iterator it = _allContact.begin(); it!=_allContact.end(); ++it){
-    contactDomain *cdom = *it;
-    if(cdom->getPhys() == numphys){
-      int physDom = cdom->getPhysSlave();
-      for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom = domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-        partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-        if(dom->getPhysical() == physDom){
-          domf = dom;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if(domf != NULL){
-    archiveRigidContactDisp ar(numphys,comp,whc,domf);
-    varcd.push_back(ar);
-    // remove of csv file Linux only
-    std::ostringstream oss;
-    oss << numphys; // Change this
-    std::string s = oss.str();
-    oss.str("");
-    oss << comp;
-    std::string s2 = oss.str();
-    std::string rfname;
-    switch(whc){
-     case initialCondition::position:
-      rfname= "rm NodalDisplacement"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-      break;
-     case initialCondition::velocity:
-      rfname= "rm NodalVelocity"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-      break;
-     case initialCondition::acceleration:
-      rfname= "rm NodalAcceleration"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-      break;
-    }
-    system(rfname.c_str());
-  }
-  else{
-    Msg::Error("Impossible to archive displacement for contact number %d",numphys);
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::archivingNodeIP(const int numphys, const int ipval){
-  vaip.push_back(archiveIPVariable(numphys,ipval));
-void nonLinearMechSolver::contactInteraction(contactDomain *cdom){
-  _allContact.insert(cdom);
-// C++ Interface: terms explicit
-// Description: Files with definition of function : nonLinearMechSolver::solveExplicit()
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-double distanceMin(const double x1, const double x2, const double x3,
-                    const double y1, const double y2, const double y3,
-                    const double z1, const double z2, const double z3){
-  double dist1 = sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)+(z1-z2)*(z1-z2));
-  double dist2 = sqrt((x2-x3)*(x2-x3)+(y2-y3)*(y2-y3)+(z2-z3)*(z2-z3));
-  if(dist1 > dist2)
-    dist1 = sqrt((x3-x1)*(x3-x1)+(y3-y1)*(y3-y1)+(z3-z1)*(z3-z1));
-  else
-    dist2 = sqrt((x3-x1)*(x3-x1)+(y3-y1)*(y3-y1)+(z3-z1)*(z3-z1));
-  if(dist1 > dist2)
-    return dist2;
-  else
-    return dist1;
-double triangleCharacteristicSize(MElement *ele, unknownField *ufield, std::vector<Dof> &R){
-  std::vector<double> disp;
-  ufield->get(R,disp);
-  double x1 = ele->getVertex(0)->x() + disp[0];
-  double x2 = ele->getVertex(1)->x() + disp[1];
-  double x3 = ele->getVertex(2)->x() + disp[2];
-  double y1 = ele->getVertex(0)->y() + disp[3];
-  double y2 = ele->getVertex(1)->y() + disp[4];
-  double y3 = ele->getVertex(2)->y() + disp[5];
-  double z1 = ele->getVertex(0)->z() + disp[6];
-  double z2 = ele->getVertex(1)->z() + disp[7];
-  double z3 = ele->getVertex(2)->z() + disp[8];
-  return distanceMin(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,z1,z2,z3);
-/*  double dist1 = sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)+(z1-z2)*(z1-z2));
-  double dist2 = sqrt((x2-x3)*(x2-x3)+(y2-y3)*(y2-y3)+(z2-z3)*(z2-z3));
-  if(dist1 > dist2)
-    dist1 = sqrt((x3-x1)*(x3-x1)+(y3-y1)*(y3-y1)+(z3-z1)*(z3-z1));
-  else
-    dist2 = sqrt((x3-x1)*(x3-x1)+(y3-y1)*(y3-y1)+(z3-z1)*(z3-z1));
-  if(dist1 > dist2)
-    return dist2;
-  else
-    return dist1;*/
-// For quadrangle make the search for 2 triangle
-double quadrangleCharacteriticSize(MElement *ele,unknownField *ufield, std::vector<Dof> &R){
-  double hmin1,hmin2;
-  // first triangle node 1,2,3
-  std::vector<Dof> R2;
-  R2.push_back(R[0]); R2.push_back(R[1]); R2.push_back(R[2]);
-  R2.push_back(R[4]); R2.push_back(R[5]); R2.push_back(R[6]);
-  R2.push_back(R[8]); R2.push_back(R[9]); R2.push_back(R[10]);
-  MTriangle etri = MTriangle(ele->getVertex(0),ele->getVertex(1),ele->getVertex(2),-1,0);
-  hmin1 = triangleCharacteristicSize(&etri,ufield,R2);
-  R2[0] = R[0]; R2[1] = R[2]; R2[2] = R[3];
-  R2[3] = R[4]; R2[4] = R[6]; R2[5] = R[7];
-  R2[6] = R[8]; R2[7] = R[10]; R2[8] = R[11];
-  etri = MTriangle(ele->getVertex(0),ele->getVertex(2),ele->getVertex(3),-1,0);
-  hmin2 = triangleCharacteristicSize(&etri,ufield,R2);
-  if(hmin1 > hmin2) return hmin2;
-  else return hmin1;
-double quadrangle2orderCharacteristicSize(MElement *ele,unknownField *ufield, std::vector<Dof> &R){
-  double hmin1, hmin2;
-  // make 4 simple quadrangles
-  std::vector<Dof> R2;
-  R2.push_back(R[0]); R2.push_back(R[4]); R2.push_back(R[8]); R2.push_back(R[7]);
-  R2.push_back(R[9]); R2.push_back(R[13]); R2.push_back(R[17]); R2.push_back(R[16]);
-  R2.push_back(R[18]);R2.push_back(R[22]); R2.push_back(R[26]); R2.push_back(R[25]);
-  MQuadrangle equad = MQuadrangle(ele->getVertex(0),ele->getVertex(4),ele->getVertex(8),ele->getVertex(7),-1,0);
-  hmin1 = quadrangleCharacteriticSize(&equad,ufield,R2);
-  R2[0] = R[4];  R2[1] = R[1];  R2[2] =  R[5];  R2[3] = R[8];
-  R2[4] = R[13]; R2[5] = R[10]; R2[6] =  R[14]; R2[7] = R[17];
-  R2[8] = R[22]; R2[9] = R[19]; R2[10] = R[23]; R2[11] = R[26];
-  equad = MQuadrangle(ele->getVertex(4),ele->getVertex(1),ele->getVertex(5),ele->getVertex(8),-1,0);
-  hmin2 = quadrangleCharacteriticSize(&equad,ufield,R2);
-  if(hmin1 > hmin2) hmin1 = hmin2;
-  R2[0] = R[8];  R2[1] = R[5];  R2[2] =  R[2];  R2[3] = R[6];
-  R2[4] = R[17]; R2[5] = R[14]; R2[6] =  R[11]; R2[7] = R[15];
-  R2[8] = R[26]; R2[9] = R[23]; R2[10] = R[20]; R2[11] = R[24];
-  equad = MQuadrangle(ele->getVertex(8),ele->getVertex(5),ele->getVertex(1),ele->getVertex(6),-1,0);
-  hmin2 = quadrangleCharacteriticSize(&equad,ufield,R2);
-  if(hmin1 > hmin2) hmin1 = hmin2;
-  R2[0] = R[8];  R2[1] = R[6];  R2[2] =  R[3];  R2[3] = R[7];
-  R2[4] = R[17]; R2[5] = R[15]; R2[6] =  R[12]; R2[7] = R[16];
-  R2[8] = R[26]; R2[9] = R[24]; R2[10] = R[21]; R2[11] = R[25];
-  equad = MQuadrangle(ele->getVertex(8),ele->getVertex(6),ele->getVertex(3),ele->getVertex(7),-1,0);
-  hmin2 = quadrangleCharacteriticSize(&equad,ufield,R2);
-  if(hmin1 > hmin2) hmin1 = hmin2;
-  return hmin1;
-double quadrangle3orderCharacteristicSize(MElement *ele,unknownField *ufield, std::vector<Dof> &R){
-  // 5 quadrangles of 1st order + One second order quadrangle
-  double hmin1,hmin2;
-  std::vector<Dof> R2;
-  R2.push_back(R[0]);  R2.push_back(R[4]); R2.push_back(R[12]); R2.push_back(R[11]);
-  R2.push_back(R[16]); R2.push_back(R[20]); R2.push_back(R[28]); R2.push_back(R[27]);
-  R2.push_back(R[32]); R2.push_back(R[36]); R2.push_back(R[44]); R2.push_back(R[43]);
-  MQuadrangle equad = MQuadrangle(ele->getVertex(0),ele->getVertex(4), ele->getVertex(12), ele->getVertex(11),-1,0);
-  hmin1 = quadrangleCharacteriticSize(&equad,ufield,R2);
-  R2[0] = R[4];  R2[1] = R[5];  R2[2] =  R[3];  R2[13] = R[12];
-  R2[4] = R[20]; R2[5] = R[21]; R2[6] =  R[19]; R2[7] = R[28];
-  R2[8] = R[36]; R2[9] = R[37]; R2[10] = R[35]; R2[11] = R[44];
-  equad = MQuadrangle(ele->getVertex(4),ele->getVertex(5),ele->getVertex(13),ele->getVertex(12),-1,0);
-  hmin2 = quadrangleCharacteriticSize(&equad,ufield,R2);
-  if(hmin1 > hmin2) hmin1 = hmin2;
-  R2[0] = R[5];  R2[1] = R[1];  R2[2] =  R[6];  R2[13] = R[13];
-  R2[4] = R[21]; R2[5] = R[17]; R2[6] =  R[22]; R2[7] =  R[29];
-  R2[8] = R[37]; R2[9] = R[33]; R2[10] = R[38]; R2[11] = R[45];
-  equad = MQuadrangle(ele->getVertex(5),ele->getVertex(1),ele->getVertex(6),ele->getVertex(13),-1,0);
-  hmin2 = quadrangleCharacteriticSize(&equad,ufield,R2);
-  if(hmin1 > hmin2) hmin1 = hmin2;
-  R2[0] = R[13];  R2[1] = R[6];  R2[2] =  R[7];  R2[13] = R[14];
-  R2[4] = R[29]; R2[5] = R[22]; R2[6] =  R[23]; R2[7] = R[30];
-  R2[8] = R[45]; R2[9] = R[38]; R2[10] = R[39]; R2[11] = R[46];
-  equad = MQuadrangle(ele->getVertex(13),ele->getVertex(6),ele->getVertex(7),ele->getVertex(14),-1,0);
-  hmin2 = quadrangleCharacteriticSize(&equad,ufield,R2);
-  if(hmin1 > hmin2) hmin1 = hmin2;
-  R2[0] = R[14];  R2[1] = R[7];  R2[2] =  R[2];  R2[13] = R[8];
-  R2[4] = R[30]; R2[5] = R[23]; R2[6] =  R[18]; R2[7] = R[24];
-  R2[8] = R[46]; R2[9] = R[39]; R2[10] = R[34]; R2[11] = R[40];
-  equad = MQuadrangle(ele->getVertex(14),ele->getVertex(7),ele->getVertex(2),ele->getVertex(8),-1,0);
-  hmin2 = quadrangleCharacteriticSize(&equad,ufield,R2);
-  if(hmin1 > hmin2) hmin1 = hmin2;
-  // second order quadrangle
-  R2.clear();
-  R2.push_back(R[11]); R2.push_back(R[13]); R2.push_back(R[8]); R2.push_back(R[3]); R2.push_back(R[12]); R2.push_back(R[14]);    R2.push_back(R[9]);   R2.push_back(R[10]); R2.push_back(R[15]);
-  R2.push_back(R[27]); R2.push_back(R[29]); R2.push_back(R[24]); R2.push_back(R[19]); R2.push_back(R[28]); R2.push_back(R[30]);  R2.push_back(R[25]);  R2.push_back(R[26]); R2.push_back(R[31]);
-  R2.push_back(R[43]); R2.push_back(R[45]); R2.push_back(R[40]); R2.push_back(R[35]); R2.push_back(R[44]); R2.push_back(R[46]);  R2.push_back(R[41]);  R2.push_back(R[42]); R2.push_back(R[47]);
-  MQuadrangle9 equad2 = MQuadrangle9(ele->getVertex(11),ele->getVertex(13),ele->getVertex(8),ele->getVertex(3),
-                                     ele->getVertex(12),ele->getVertex(14),ele->getVertex(9),ele->getVertex(10),
-                                     ele->getVertex(15),-1,0);
-  hmin2 = quadrangle2orderCharacteristicSize(&equad2,ufield,R2);
-  if(hmin1 > hmin2) hmin1 = hmin2;
-  return hmin1;
-// dont use previous function change this ?
-double triangular3orderCharacteristicSize(MElement *ele,unknownField *ufield,std::vector<Dof> &R){
-  std::vector<double> disp;
-  ufield->get(R,disp);
-  double x0 = ele->getVertex(0)->x() + disp[0];
-  double x1 = ele->getVertex(1)->x() + disp[1];
-  double x2 = ele->getVertex(2)->x() + disp[2];
-  double x3 = ele->getVertex(3)->x() + disp[3];
-  double x4 = ele->getVertex(4)->x() + disp[4];
-  double x5 = ele->getVertex(5)->x() + disp[5];
-  double x6 = ele->getVertex(6)->x() + disp[6];
-  double x7 = ele->getVertex(7)->x() + disp[7];
-  double x8 = ele->getVertex(8)->x() + disp[8];
-  double x9 = ele->getVertex(9)->x() + disp[9];
-  double y0 = ele->getVertex(0)->y() + disp[10];
-  double y1 = ele->getVertex(1)->y() + disp[11];
-  double y2 = ele->getVertex(2)->y() + disp[12];
-  double y3 = ele->getVertex(3)->y() + disp[13];
-  double y4 = ele->getVertex(4)->y() + disp[14];
-  double y5 = ele->getVertex(5)->y() + disp[15];
-  double y6 = ele->getVertex(6)->y() + disp[16];
-  double y7 = ele->getVertex(7)->y() + disp[17];
-  double y8 = ele->getVertex(8)->y() + disp[18];
-  double y9 = ele->getVertex(9)->y() + disp[19];
-  double z0 = ele->getVertex(0)->z() + disp[20];
-  double z1 = ele->getVertex(1)->z() + disp[21];
-  double z2 = ele->getVertex(2)->z() + disp[22];
-  double z3 = ele->getVertex(3)->z() + disp[23];
-  double z4 = ele->getVertex(4)->z() + disp[24];
-  double z5 = ele->getVertex(5)->z() + disp[25];
-  double z6 = ele->getVertex(6)->z() + disp[26];
-  double z7 = ele->getVertex(7)->z() + disp[27];
-  double z8 = ele->getVertex(8)->z() + disp[28];
-  double z9 = ele->getVertex(9)->z() + disp[29];
-  double dist, distmin;
-  distmin = distanceMin(x0,x3,x8,y0,y3,y8,z0,z3,z8);
-  dist = distanceMin(x3,x9,x8,y3,y9,y8,z3,z9,z8);
-  if (dist < distmin) distmin = dist;
-  dist = distanceMin(x9,x3,x4,y9,y3,y4,z9,z3,z4);
-  if (dist < distmin) distmin = dist;
-  dist = distanceMin(x4,x5,x9,y4,y5,y9,z4,z5,z9);
-  if (dist < distmin) distmin = dist;
-  dist = distanceMin(x4,x5,x1,y4,y5,y1,z4,z5,z1);
-  if (dist < distmin) distmin = dist;
-  dist = distanceMin(x5,x6,x9,y5,y6,y9,z5,z6,z9);
-  if (dist < distmin) distmin = dist;
-  dist = distanceMin(x6,x9,x7,y6,y9,y7,z6,z9,z7);
-  if (dist < distmin) distmin = dist;
-  dist = distanceMin(x7,x8,x9,y7,y8,y9,z7,z8,z9);
-  if (dist < distmin) distmin = dist;
-  dist = distanceMin(x7,x6,x2,y7,y6,y2,z7,z6,z2);
-  if (dist < distmin) distmin = dist;
-  return distmin;
-double nonLinearMechSolver::criticalExplicitTimeStep(unknownField *ufield){
-  // evaluate the critical time step carachteristic length = hs
-  // criteria = distance min between 2 nodes
-  double hs;
-  double dtmin=1.e100; // Initialization to infinity
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    double hsmin= 1.e100; // Initialization to infinity
-    FunctionSpaceBase *spdom = dom->getFunctionSpace();
-    std::vector<Dof> R;
-    // As time step is compute on element the dom is not an "interface domain"
-    // so getMaterialLawMinus() == getMaterialLawPlus()
-    materialLaw *mlt = dom->getMaterialLaw();
-    double celerity = mlt->soundSpeed();
-    double scaleTimeStep = dom->scaleTimeStep();
-    for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it=dom->g->begin(); it!=dom->g->end(); ++it){
-      MElement *e = *it;
-      // nodal displacement
-      spdom->getKeys(e,R);
-      // Unfortunally, computation of characteristic length depends on the element type
-      // Element are cut in several triangles of degree one
-      // ADD THIS FUNCTIONS directly in gmsh (method of MELEMENT)
-      switch(e->getTypeForMSH()){
-       case MSH_TRI_3:
-        hs = triangleCharacteristicSize(e,ufield,R);
-        break;
-       case MSH_QUA_4:
-        hs = quadrangleCharacteriticSize(e,ufield,R);
-        break;
-       case MSH_QUA_9 :
-        hs = quadrangle2orderCharacteristicSize(e,ufield,R);
-        break;
-       case MSH_QUA_16:
-        hs = quadrangle3orderCharacteristicSize(e,ufield,R);
-        break;
-       case MSH_TRI_10:
-        hs = triangular3orderCharacteristicSize(e,ufield,R);
-        break;
-       default :
-        // default criteria area/(degree*perimter);
-        Msg::Warning("Use a invariant time step predictor because rule for time step computation is unknow for this element type");
-        hs = MInterfaceElement::characSize(e);
-        hs/= e->getPolynomialOrder();
-      }
-      if(hs<hsmin) hsmin = hs;
-      R.clear();
-    }
-    double dt = 0.5*scaleTimeStep*hsmin/celerity;  // WHY 0.5 ??
-    if(dt < dtmin ) dtmin = dt;
-  }
-  // Delta t of contact
-/*  explicitHCDofManager<double>* dynass = dynamic_cast<explicitHCDofManager<double>*>(pAssembler);
-  // filter because one component is needed (same mass in all direction)
-  DgC0ShellFilterDofComponent filDof(0);
-  for(nonLinearMechSolver::contactContainer::iterator itc = _allContact.begin(); itc!=_allContact.end(); ++itc){
-    contactDomain *cdom = *itc;
-    DgC0rigidContactSpace *csp = dynamic_cast<DgC0rigidContactSpace*>(spaceManager->get(cdom));
-    double penalty = cdom->getPenalty();
-    for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it = cdom->gSlave->begin(); it!=cdom->gSlave->end(); ++it){
-      MElement *ele = *it;
-      // get mass
-//      int nbdofs = csp->getNumKeys(ele);
-      int nbvertex = ele->getNumVertices();
-//      int nbdofsGC = csp->getNumKeysOfGravityCenter();
-//      int nbcomp = (nbdofs-nbdofsGC)/nbvertex;
-      std::vector<Dof> R;
-      std::vector<double> vmass;
-      csp->getKeys(ele,R);
-      std::vector<Dof> Rfilter;
-      filDof.filter(R,Rfilter);
-      dynass->getVertexMass(Rfilter,vmass);
-      double Mmaster = vmass[nbvertex];
-      for(int i=0; i<nbvertex; i++){
-        double dt = 10000.*sqrt(0.5*Mmaster*vmass[i]/penalty/(Mmaster+vmass[i]));
-        if(dt < dtmin ){
-          dtmin = dt;
-          Msg::Info("Dtc is fixed by contact");
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }*/
-  return dtmin;
-void nonLinearMechSolver::setInitialCondition(){
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    for(partDomain::initContainer::iterator it=dom->initCBegin(); it!=dom->initCEnd(); ++it){
-      initialCondition *initC = *it;
-      SetInitialDofs(initC->_space,initC->g->begin(),initC->g->end(),initC->_value,initC->_wc,*pAssembler,*initC->_filter,dom->getFormulation());
-    }
-  }
-  // Eventually read file with initial position
-/*  if(initOrResartfname != ""){
-    // loop on all elements on all domain
-    FunctionSpaceBase *sp; // to create the dofs
-    std::vector<Dof> R;
-    std::vector<double> val;
-    for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom = domainVector.begin(); itdom != domainVector.end(); ++itdom){
-      partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-      sp = spaceManager->get(dom);
-      for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it = dom->g->begin(); it != dom->g->end(); ++it){
-        MElement *ele = *it;
-        // create dof of element
-        sp->getKeys(ele,R);
-        // clear
-        R.clear();
-      }
-    }
-  }*/
-void nonLinearMechSolver::solveExplicit(){
-#if defined(HAVE_PETSC)
-  Msg::Info("Explicit Data: endtime = %lf beta=%f gamma=%f alpha_m=%f",this->getEndTime(), this->_beta, this->_gamma, this->_alpham);
-  //init
-  this->init();
-  // Creation of system
-  if(nonLinearMechSolver::whatSolver!= Petsc)
-    Msg::Warning("Explicit scheme uses Petsc only!");
-  explicitHulbertChung<double> *esys = new explicitHulbertChung<double>(_alpham,_beta,_gamma);
-  // dof Manager
-  if(pAssembler) delete pAssembler;
-  pAssembler = new explicitHCDofManager<double>(esys);
-  // time initialization
-  double curtime = 0.;
-  // Fix Dof
-  this->setTimeForBC(curtime); // otherwise BC which depend on time are put to t=1; and initial value are wrong
-  this->fixNodalDofs();
-  this->numberDofs(esys);
-  // System is allocated by numberDofs
-  // so now initial condition can be given to system
-  this->setInitialCondition();
-  // definition of ufield and ipfield
-  unknownField *ufield = new unknownDynamicField(pAssembler,domainVector,&_allContact,3,anoded,varcd); // 3 components by nodes User choice ??
-  unknownDynamicField *dynufield = dynamic_cast<unknownDynamicField*>(ufield);
-  this->restart(ufield); // CHANGE THIS
-  IPField ipf(&domainVector,pAssembler,pModel,ufield,vaip); // Field for GaussPoint
-  energeticField efield(esys,&ipf,ufield,pAssembler,domainVector,_allaef);
-  ipf.compute1state(IPStateBase::initial);
-  ipf.initialBroken(pModel, initbrokeninter);
-  ipf.copy(IPStateBase::initial,IPStateBase::current);
-  this->initTerms(ufield,&ipf);
-  // compute mass Matrix (outside loop)
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator it = domainVector.begin(); it!=domainVector.end(); ++it){
-    partDomain *dom = *it;
-    AssembleMass(dom->getBilinearMassTerm(),*(dom->getFunctionSpace()),dom->g->begin(),dom->g->end(),
-                 *(dom->getBulkGaussIntegrationRule()),*pAssembler);
-  }
-  for(nonLinearMechSolver::contactContainer::iterator itc = _allContact.begin(); itc!= _allContact.end(); ++itc){
-    contactDomain *cdom = *itc;
-    if(cdom->isRigid()){
-      rigidContactSpaceBase *rcsp = dynamic_cast<rigidContactSpaceBase*>(cdom->getSpace());
-      AssembleMass(cdom->getMassTerm(),rcsp,pAssembler);
-    }
-  }
-  // masse OK
-//  double mas = esys->getSystemMass();
-  // initial forces
-  this->computeRightHandSide(esys,pAssembler,ufield,&ipf);
-  esys->nextStep();
-  long int step=0;
-  double timeStep;
-  while(curtime<endtime){
-    // compute time step and current time
-    if(step%numstep ==0 ){
-      timeStep = _gammas * this->criticalExplicitTimeStep(ufield);
-      Msg::Info("time step value: %e",timeStep);
-      esys->setTimeStep(timeStep);
-    }
-    curtime+=timeStep;
-    if(curtime>endtime) curtime = endtime;
-    esys->systemSolve();
-  // new forces
-    // Update Boundary Conditions
-    this->setTimeForBC(curtime);
-    this->fixNodalDofs();
-    dynufield->updateFixedDof(timeStep);
-    ipf.compute1state(IPStateBase::current);
-    // eval fracture
-//    ipf.evalFracture(IPState::current,curtime);
-    this->computeRightHandSide(esys,pAssembler,ufield,&ipf);
-  // Archiving
-    if((step+1)%nsba == 0){
-      Msg::Info("Archiving view at time %e",curtime);
-      ufield->buildView(domainVector,curtime,step+1,"displacement",-1,false);
-      ufield->buildView(domainVector,curtime,step+1,"velocity",1,false);
-      ipf.buildView(domainVector,curtime,step+1,"VonMises",-1,false);
-      ipf.buildView(domainVector,curtime,step+1,"sigmaxx",0,false);
-      ipf.buildView(domainVector,curtime,step+1,"sigmayy",1,false);
-      ipf.buildView(domainVector,curtime,step+1,"tauxy",3,false);
-      ipf.buildView(domainVector,curtime,step+1,"VonMisesMax",4,false);
-      efield.buildView(domainVector,curtime,step+1,"total",-1,false);
-    }
-    ufield->archiving(curtime);
-    ipf.archive(curtime);
-    efield.archive(curtime);
-    // Edge force value;
-    FILE *fp;
-    for(std::map<int,double>::iterator it=aefvalue.begin(); it!=aefvalue.end(); ++it){
-      std::ostringstream oss;
-      oss << (it->first)/10;
-      std::string s = oss.str();
-      oss.str("");
-      oss << (it->first)%10;
-      std::string s2 = oss.str();
-      std::string fname = "force"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-      fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"a");
-      fprintf(fp,"%e;%e\n",curtime,it->second);
-      fclose(fp);
-    }
-    // next step
-    ipf.nextStep(curtime);
-    esys->nextStep();
-    step++;
-  }
-  delete ufield;
-  Msg::Info("Explicit OK");
-  Msg::Error("Petsc is not available and so it is impossible to solve the problem. Please install PETsc correctly");
-// C++ Interface: terms Quasi Static
-// Description: Files with definition of function : nonLinearMechSolver::solveSNL()
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-// Function to compute the initial norm
-double nonLinearMechSolver::computeNorm0(linearSystem<double> *lsys, dofManager<double> *pAssembler,
-                                     unknownField *ufield, IPField *ipf){
-  double normFext,normFint;
-  // Set all component of RightHandSide to zero (only RightHandSide is used to compute norm
-  lsys->zeroRightHandSide();
-  // fext norm
-  // compute ext forces
-  this->computeExternalForces(ipf,ufield);
-  // Contact forces
-  this->computeContactForces();
-  // norm
-  normFext = lsys->normInfRightHandSide();
-  // Internal forces
-  lsys->zeroRightHandSide();
-  // compute internal forces
-    this->computeInternalForces(ufield);
-    //norm
-    normFint = lsys->normInfRightHandSide();
-    // archive
-    return normFext+normFint;
-// compute Fext-Fint
-double nonLinearMechSolver::computeRightHandSide(linearSystem<double> *lsys, dofManager<double> *pAssembler,
-                                    unknownField *ufield, IPField *ipf){
-  lsys->zeroRightHandSide();
-  staticDofManager<double> *pA2 = dynamic_cast<staticDofManager<double>*>(pAssembler);
-  pA2->clearRHSfixed();
-  this->computeInternalForces(ufield);
-  // save Fint component to archive ( write in file when Fint = Fext)
-  pA2->getForces(aef,aefvalue,_allaef);
-  // compute ext forces
-  this->computeExternalForces(ipf,ufield);
-  // compute contact forces
-  this->computeContactForces();
-  return lsys->normInfRightHandSide();
-void nonLinearMechSolver::computeInternalForces(unknownField *ufield){
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end();++itdom)
-  {
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    dom->inverseLinearTermSign(); // Because rightHandSide = Fext - Fint
-    Assemble(dom->getLinearBulkTerm(),*(dom->getFunctionSpace()),dom->g->begin(),dom->g->end(),
-             *(dom->getBulkGaussIntegrationRule()),ufield,*pAssembler);
-    if(dom->IsInterfaceTerms()){
-      dgPartDomain *dgdom = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(dom);
-      // Assembling loop on elementary interface terms
-      Assemble(dgdom->getLinearInterfaceTerm(),*(dgdom->getFunctionSpace()),dgdom->gi->begin(),dgdom->gi->end(),*(dgdom->getInterfaceGaussIntegrationRule()),
-                        ufield,*pAssembler); // Use the same GaussQuadrature rule than on the boundary
-      // Assembling loop on elementary boundary interface terms
-      Assemble(dgdom->getLinearVirtualInterfaceTerm(),*(dgdom->getFunctionSpace()),dgdom->gib->begin(),dgdom->gib->end(),
-                 *(dgdom->getInterfaceGaussIntegrationRule()),ufield,*pAssembler); // Use the same GaussQuadrature rule than on the boundary
-    }
-    dom->inverseLinearTermSign(); // Otherwise Fint has not the right sign
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::computeContactForces(){
-  for(contactContainer::iterator it = _allContact.begin(); it!=_allContact.end(); ++it){
-    contactDomain *cdom = *it;
-    Assemble(*(cdom->getForceTerm()),*(cdom->getSpace()),cdom->gSlave->begin(),
-            cdom->gSlave->end(),*(cdom->getGaussIntegration()),*pAssembler);
-  }
-void nonLinearMechSolver::computeStiffMatrix(const unknownField *ufield){
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=domainVector.begin(); itdom!=domainVector.end(); ++itdom)
-  {
-    partDomain* dom = *itdom;
-    // Assembling loop on Elementary terms
-    Assemble(*(dom->getBilinearBulkTerm()),*(dom->getFunctionSpace()),dom->g->begin(),dom->g->end(),
-             *(dom->getBulkGaussIntegrationRule()),*pAssembler);
-    if(dom->IsInterfaceTerms()){
-      dgPartDomain *dgdom = dynamic_cast<dgPartDomain*>(dom);
-      // Assembling loop on elementary interface terms
-      Assemble(*(dgdom->getBilinearInterfaceTerm()),*(dom->getFunctionSpace()),dgdom->gi->begin(),dgdom->gi->end(),
-                 *(dgdom->getInterfaceGaussIntegrationRule()),*pAssembler);
-      // Assembling loop on elementary boundary interface terms
-      Assemble(*(dgdom->getBilinearVirtualInterfaceTerm()),*(dom->getFunctionSpace()),dgdom->gib->begin(),dgdom->gib->end(),
-                 *(dgdom->getInterfaceGaussIntegrationRule()),*pAssembler);
-    }
-  }
-  // Contact
-  // little particular because it the term itself which know (via its linked linear term) the element
-  // where there is contact and so a bilinearterm != 0 as to be computed
-  for(contactContainer::iterator it = _allContact.begin(); it!=_allContact.end(); ++it){
-    contactDomain *cdom = *it;
-    contactBilinearTermBase<double> *sterm = dynamic_cast<contactBilinearTermBase<double>*>(cdom->getStiffnessTerm());
-    Assemble(*sterm,*(cdom->getSpace()),sterm->getContactNodes()->elemBegin(),
-                    sterm->getContactNodes()->elemEnd(),*(cdom->getGaussIntegration()),*pAssembler);
-    sterm->clearContactNodes();
-  }
-// Newton Raphson scheme to solve one step
-void nonLinearMechSolver::NewtonRaphson(linearSystem<double> *lsys, dofManager<double> *pAssembler,unknownField *ufield,
-                                    IPField *ipf,const double Mtime){
-  // compute ipvariable
-  ipf->compute1state(IPStateBase::current);
-  // Compute the norm0 : norm(Fint) + norm(Fext) for relative convergence
-  double norm0 = this->computeNorm0(lsys,pAssembler,ufield,ipf);
-  // Compute Right Hand Side (Fext-Fint)
-  double normFinf = this->computeRightHandSide(lsys,pAssembler,ufield,ipf);
-  // loop until convergence
-  int iter=0;
-  double relnorm = normFinf/norm0;
-  printf("iteration n° %d : residu : %lf\n",iter,relnorm);
-  while(relnorm>_tol){
-    iter++;
-    // Compute Stiffness Matrix
-    this->computeStiffMatrix(ufield);
-    // Solve KDu = Fext-Fint
-    lsys->systemSolve();
-    // update displacement
-    ufield->update();
-    // update ipvariable
-    ipf->compute1state(IPStateBase::current);
-    // new forces
-    normFinf = this->computeRightHandSide(lsys,pAssembler,ufield,ipf);
-    // Check of convergence
-    relnorm = normFinf/norm0;
-    printf("iteration n° %d : residu : %lf\n",iter,relnorm);
-    lsys->zeroMatrix(); // here otherwise if it has been in computeMatrix the first iteration is very low HOW ??
-  }
-// For now no initial displacement
-void nonLinearMechSolver::solveSNL()
-  Msg::Info("SNL Data : nstep =%d endtime=%f",this->getNumStep(),this->getEndTime());
-  // init
-  this->init();
-  // Select the solver for linear system Ax=b (KDeltau = Fext-Fint)
-  linearSystem<double> *lsys;
-  if(nonLinearMechSolver::whatSolver == Taucs){
-    #if defined(HAVE_TAUCS)
-      lsys = new linearSystemCSRTaucs<double>;
-      Msg::Info("Taucs is chosen to solve\n");
-    #else
-      lsys = new linearSystemGmm<double>;
-      lsys = dynamic_cast<linearSystemGmm<double>*>(lsys);
-      dynamic_cast<linearSystemGmm<double>*>(lsys)->setNoisy(2);
-      Msg::Error("Taucs is not installed\n Gmm is chosen to solve\n");
-    #endif
-  }
-  else if(nonLinearMechSolver::whatSolver == Petsc){
-    #if defined(HAVE_PETSC)
-      lsys = new linearSystemPETSc<double>;
-      Msg::Info("PETSc is chosen to solve\n");
-    #else
-      lsys = new linearSystemGmm<double>;
-      lsys = dynamic_cast<linearSystemGmm<double>*>(lsys);
-      dynamic_cast<linearSystemGmm<double>*>(lsys)->setNoisy(2);
-      Msg::Error("PETSc is not installed\n Gmm is chosen to solve\n");
-    #endif
-  }
-  else{
-    lsys = new linearSystemGmm<double>;
-    dynamic_cast<linearSystemGmm<double>*>(lsys)->setNoisy(2);
-    Msg::Info("Gmm is chosen to solve\n");
-  }
-  // Creation of dof manager. The Dof where the displacement is prescribed are fixe to zero
-  // for initialization and numerotation of Dof (t=0 at initialization --> prescribed displacement =0)
-  if (pAssembler) delete pAssembler;
-  pAssembler = new staticDofManager<double>(lsys);
-  // we first do all fixations. the behavior of the dofManager is to
-  // give priority to fixations : when a dof is fixed, it cannot be
-  // numbered afterwards
-  // ATTENTION The BC must be rewriten to take into account different fields (CG/DG and fullDG field for exemple)
-  // Fix dof to allow the dofManager to number the dofs
-  this->fixNodalDofs();
-  this->numberDofs(lsys);
-  // iterative scheme (loop on timestep)
-  double curtime = 0.;
-  double dt = double(endtime)/double(numstep);
-  unknownField *ufield = new unknownStaticField(pAssembler,domainVector,&_allContact,3,anoded,varcd); // 3 components by nodes User choice ??
-  this->restart(ufield); // CHANGE THIS
-  IPField ipf(&domainVector,pAssembler,pModel,ufield,vaip); // Field for GaussPoint
-  energeticField enerfield(lsys,&ipf,ufield,pAssembler,domainVector,_allaef);
-  ipf.compute1state(IPStateBase::initial);
-  ipf.initialBroken(pModel, initbrokeninter);
-  ipf.copy(IPStateBase::initial,IPStateBase::previous); // if initial stress previous must be initialized before computation
-  this->initTerms(ufield,&ipf);
-  for(int ii=0;ii<numstep;ii++){
-    curtime+=dt;
-    printf("t= %lf on %lf\n",curtime,endtime);
-    this->setTimeForBC(curtime);
-    // Update prescribed Dof displacement
-    this->fixNodalDofs();
-    ufield->updateFixedDof();
-    // Solve one step by NR scheme
-    NewtonRaphson(lsys,pAssembler,ufield,&ipf,curtime);
-    if((ii+1)%nsba == 0){
-      ufield->buildView(domainVector,curtime,ii+1,"displacement",-1,false);
-      ipf.buildView(domainVector,curtime,ii+1,"VonMises",-1,false);
-      ipf.buildView(domainVector,curtime,ii+1,"sigmaxx",0,false);
-      ipf.buildView(domainVector,curtime,ii+1,"sigmayy",1,false);
-      ipf.buildView(domainVector,curtime,ii+1,"tauxy",3,false);
-      enerfield.buildView(domainVector,curtime,ii+1,"total",-1,false);
-    }
-    // Archiving
-    ufield->archiving(curtime);
-    ipf.archive(curtime);
-    enerfield.archive(curtime);
-    // Edge force value;
-    FILE *fp;
-    for(std::map<int,double>::iterator it=aefvalue.begin(); it!=aefvalue.end(); ++it){
-      std::ostringstream oss;
-      oss << (it->first)/10;
-      std::string s = oss.str();
-      oss.str("");
-      oss << (it->first)%10;
-      std::string s2 = oss.str();
-      std::string fname = "force"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-      fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"a");
-      fprintf(fp,"%lf;%lf\n",curtime,it->second);
-      fclose(fp);
-    }
-    // next step for ipvariable
-    ipf.nextStep(curtime);
-  }
-  delete ufield;
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/nonLinearMechSolver.h b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/nonLinearMechSolver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ee0deea760f11070b922fc02ccc0fd61aeb11cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/nonLinearMechSolver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-// Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2009 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-// bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-#ifndef SWIG
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include "SVector3.h"
-#include "dofManager.h"
-#include "simpleFunction.h"
-#include "functionSpace.h"
-#include "MInterfaceElement.h"
-#include "groupOfElements.h"
-#include "partDomain.h"
-#include "explicitHulbertChung.h"
-#include "contactDomain.h"
-class PView;
-class groupOfElements;
-class binding;
-class unknownField;
-class unknownDynamicField;
-class IPField;
-template<class T1,class T2> class DgC0BilinearTerm;
-template<class T1> class DgC0LinearTerm;
-struct archiveForce{
-  int numphys;
-  int dim;
-  int comp;
-  archiveForce() : numphys(0), dim(0), comp(0){}
-  archiveForce(const archiveForce &source){
-    numphys = source.numphys;
-    dim = source.dim;
-    comp = source.comp;
-  }
-  archiveForce(int np, int d, int c) : numphys(np), dim(d), comp(c){}
-  ~archiveForce(){}
-struct archiveDispNode{
-  int _vernum;
-  int _comp;
-  initialCondition::whichCondition _wc;
-  int _tag;
-  archiveDispNode(const int vernum, const int comp, const int tag,initialCondition::whichCondition wc) : _vernum(vernum), _comp(comp), _wc(wc), _tag(tag){}
-  ~archiveDispNode(){}
-struct archiveRigidContactDisp{
-  int _physmaster;
-  int _comp;
-  FilterDof *_fdof;
-  initialCondition::whichCondition _wc;
-  archiveRigidContactDisp() : _physmaster(0), _comp(0), _wc(initialCondition::position), _fdof(NULL){}
-  archiveRigidContactDisp(const int nphys, const int cmp,
-                          initialCondition::whichCondition wc, partDomain *dom) : _physmaster(nphys), _comp(cmp), _wc(wc)
-  {
-    // change this HOW
-    _fdof = dom->createFilterDof(cmp);
-  }
-  archiveRigidContactDisp(const archiveRigidContactDisp &source){
-    _physmaster = source._physmaster;
-    _comp = source._comp;
-    _wc = source._wc;
-    _fdof = source._fdof;
-  }
-  ~archiveRigidContactDisp(){}
-struct archiveIPVariable{
-  int numphys; // physical number of the node
-  int ipval;   // num of the component to archive // must be defined for each ipvariable
-  archiveIPVariable() : numphys(0), ipval(0){}
-  archiveIPVariable(const archiveIPVariable &source){
-    numphys = source.numphys;
-    ipval = source.ipval;
-  }
-  archiveIPVariable(const int numphys_, const int ipval_) : numphys(numphys_), ipval(ipval_){}
-  ~archiveIPVariable(){}
-struct fextPrescribedDisp{
-  Dof D;
-  double val;
-  fextPrescribedDisp(Dof D_) : D(D_), val(0.){}
-  fextPrescribedDisp(const fextPrescribedDisp &source) : D(source.D){
-    val = source.val;
-  }
-class nonLinearMechSolver
- public:
-  typedef std::set<contactDomain*> contactContainer;
- protected:
-  GModel *pModel;
-  int _dim, _tag;
-  dofManager<double> *pAssembler;
-//  dgGroupCollection _groups;
-  std::vector<partDomain*> domainVector;
-  contactContainer _allContact;
-  // contact
-  // neumann BC
-  std::vector<nonLinearNeumannBC> allNeumann;
-  // dirichlet BC
-  std::vector<nonLinearDirichletBC> allDirichlet;
-  // initial BC
-  std::vector<initialCondition> allinitial;
-  // neumann BC theta (weak enforcement of rotation) regroup this with allNeumann
-  std::vector<nonLinearNeumannBC> allTheta;
-  // dirichlet BC on rigid surface (prescribed the motion of gravity center)
-  std::vector<rigidContactBC> allContactBC;
-  // set with virtual interfaceElements used to prescribed BC put this in an other place ??
-  std::map<int,groupOfElements> mapvinter;
-  // vector with material law
-  std::map<int,materialLaw*> maplaw;
-  // physical entities that are initialy broken
-  std::vector<int> initbrokeninter;
-  // map to archive force
-  std::map<int,std::vector<Dof> > aef;
-  std::map<int,double> aefvalue;
-  std::vector<fextPrescribedDisp> _allaef;
-  // std vector to archive a node displacement
-  std::vector<archiveDispNode> anoded;
-  // std::vector to archive a force (info musy be store before creation because functionSpace are not initialize)
-  std::vector<archiveForce> vaf;
-  // std vector to archive ipvariable
-  std::vector<archiveIPVariable> vaip;
-  // std vector to archive rigid contact disp
-  std::vector<archiveRigidContactDisp> varcd;
-  // specific data
-  int numstep; // Number of step not used for StaticLinearScheme and number of step between time step evaluation for Explicit Scheme
-  double endtime; // final time not used for StaticLinearScheme but it is not necesary to derive class because (small useless data)
-  double _tol; // relative tolerance for iteration not used for StaticLinearScheme but it is not necesary to derive class because (small useless data)
-  int nsba; // number of step between 2 archiving (=1 by default)
-  // specific data for explicit scheme
-  double _beta, _gamma, _alpham, _gammas, _rhoinfty;
-  // File name for restart or initial value
-  std::string initOrResartfname;
-  bool _restart;
-  // Function to initiate the solver before solve
-  // (create interfaceElement and link the materialLaw and dgLinearShellDomain)
-#ifndef SWIG
-  void init();
-  void initTerms(unknownField *ufield, IPField *ipf);
-  // Split Boundary Condition Between the different partDomain
-  void splitBoundaryConditions();
-  // Function used by non linear solver
-  void NewtonRaphson(linearSystem<double> *lsys, dofManager<double> *pAssembler, unknownField *ufield,
-                     IPField *ipf,const double time);
-  double computeNorm0(linearSystem<double> *lsys, dofManager<double> *pAssembler, unknownField *ufield,
-                      IPField *ipf);
-  double computeRightHandSide(linearSystem<double> *lsys, dofManager<double> *pAssembler, unknownField *ufield,
-                                    IPField *ipf);
-  void computeStiffMatrix(const unknownField *ufield);
-  void computeExternalForces(IPField *ipf, const unknownField *ufield);
-  void computeContactForces();
-  void computeInternalForces(unknownField *ufield);
-  void fixNodalDofs();
-  void numberDofs(linearSystem<double> *lsys);
-  void insertTheta(const int numphys, groupOfElements *goe);
-  double criticalExplicitTimeStep(unknownField *ufield);
-  void setInitialCondition();
-  void setTimeForBC(double time);
-  void initArchiveForce();
-  void initContactInteraction();
- public : //protected with lua ??
-  enum solver{ Gmm=0,Taucs=1,Petsc=2};
-  enum scheme{StaticLinear=0, StaticNonLinear=1, Explicit=2};
-  solver whatSolver; //  Solver used to solve
-  scheme whatScheme; // scheme used to solve equation
- public:
-  nonLinearMechSolver(int tag) : _tag(tag), pAssembler(0), numstep(1), endtime(1.), _tol(1.e-6), nsba(1),
-                             whatSolver(nonLinearMechSolver::Gmm), whatScheme(nonLinearMechSolver::StaticLinear),
-                             _beta(0.), _gamma(0.5), _alpham(0.), _rhoinfty(1.), initOrResartfname(""), _restart(false)
-  {} // default Gmm and static linear scheme
-  virtual ~nonLinearMechSolver()
-  {
-    if (pAssembler) delete pAssembler;
-//    for(std::map<int,materialLaw*>::iterator it = maplaw.begin(); it!=maplaw.end();++it){ delete it->second;}
-    // I can't delete or problem at the end since swig.
-//    for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator it = domainVector.begin(); it!=domainVector.end(); ++it){delete *it;}
-  }
-#ifndef SWIG
-  int getStepBetweenArchiving() const{return nsba;}
-  int getNumStep() const{return numstep;}
-  double getEndTime() const{return endtime;}
-  scheme getScheme() const{return whatScheme;}
-  virtual void solveStaticLinar();
-  virtual void solveSNL();
-  virtual void solveExplicit();
-  virtual void createInterfaceElement();
-  virtual materialLaw* getMaterialLaw(const int num);
-  // create interfaceelement with dgGoupOfElement from dg project doesn't work (segmentation fault)
-  virtual void createInterfaceElement_2();
-  // functions for lua interaction
-  void loadModel(const std::string meshFileName);
-  virtual void solve();
-//  virtual void addDgLinearElasticShellDomain(dgLinearShellDomain* dom);
-//  virtual void addInterShellDomain(interDomainBetweenShell *dom);
-  virtual void addDomain(partDomain *dom);
-//  virtual void addDomain(dgLinearShellDomain* dom);
-  virtual void addMaterialLaw(materialLaw *mlaw);
-//  virtual void addLinearElasticShellLaw(linearElasticShellLaw *mlaw);
-//  virtual void addShellLinearCohesiveLaw(shellLinearCohesiveLaw *mlaw);
-//  virtual void addLinearElasticOrthotropicShellLaw(linearElasticOrthotropicShellLaw *mlaw);
-//  virtual void addshellFractureByCohesiveLaw(shellFractureByCohesiveLaw *mlaw);
-  void Solver(const int s){whatSolver= (solver)s;}
-  void Scheme(const int s){whatScheme=(scheme)s;}
-  void snlData(const int ns, const double et, const double reltol);
-  void explicitData(const double ftime, const double gams=0.666667, const double beta=0, const double gamma=0.5, const double alpham=0.);
-  void explicitSpectralRadius(const double ftime,const double gams=0.666667,const double rho=1.);
-  void explicitTimeStepEvaluation(const int nst);
-  void stepBetweenArchiving(const int n){nsba = n;}
-  virtual void thetaBC(const int numphys);
-  virtual void displacementBC(std::string onwhat, const int numphys, const int comp, const double value);
-  virtual void displacementRigidContactBC(const int numphys, const int comp,const double value);
-  virtual void initialBC(std::string onwhat, std::string whichC, const int numphys, const int comp, const double value);
-  virtual void forceBC(std::string onwhat, const int numphys, const int comp, const double val);
-  virtual void independentDisplacementBC(std::string onwhat, const int numphys, const int comp, const double value);
-  virtual void independentForceBC(std::string onwhat, const int numphys, const int comp, const double val);
-  virtual void blastPressureBC(const int numphys,const double p0,const double p1, const double plexp, const double t0, const double t1);
-  virtual void pressureOnPhysicalGroupBC(const int numphys, const double press, const double p0);
-  virtual void archivingForceOnPhysicalGroup(const std::string onwhat, const int numphys, const int comp);
-  virtual void archivingNodeDisplacement(const int num, const int comp);
-  virtual void archivingNodeVelocity(const int num, const int comp);
-  virtual void archivingNodeAcceleration(const int num, const int comp);
-  virtual void archivingNode(const int num, const int comp, initialCondition::whichCondition);
-  virtual void archivingNodeIP(const int numphys, const int ipval);
-  virtual void physInitBroken(const int phys);
-  virtual void setInitOrRestartFileName(const std::string fname);
-  virtual void restart(unknownField *ufield);
-  virtual void contactInteraction(contactDomain *cdom);
-  virtual void archivingRigidContact(const int numphys, const int comp, const int wc=0);
-#endif // nonLinearMechSolver
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/staticDofManager.h b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/staticDofManager.h
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index 99950b79f09faddc073f6466f8322df87d481ecc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/staticDofManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: dofManager for non linear system (rewritte of assemble(fullMatrix) no contribution for fixed Dof
-//              The contribution is taken into account in the assemble(fullvector) of RightHandSide
-//              More add functions to archiving force can be placed in dofManager but I put it here to not pollute gmsh code
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "dofManager.h"
-#include "nonLinearMechSolver.h"
-template<class T>
-class staticDofManager : public dofManager<T>{
- protected :
-  // map to retains the force of fixed dof (needed for archiving) the other RHS value are accessible in RHS
-  std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> RHSfixed;
- public :
- staticDofManager(linearSystem< typename dofManager<T>::dataMat > *l) : dofManager<T>(l){
-//    for(int i=0;i<varchdof.size();i++)
-//      RHSfixed[varchdof[i]] = value;
- staticDofManager(linearSystem< typename dofManager<T>::dataMat > *l1, linearSystem<typename dofManager<T>::dataMat> *l2) : dofManager<T>(l1,l2){
-//    for(int i=0;i<varchdof.size();i++)
-//      RHSfixed[varchdof[i]] = value;
- // this function is replaced to avoid a double contribution in right hand side for fixed dof
-  virtual inline void assemble(std::vector<Dof> &R, const fullMatrix<typename dofManager<T>::dataMat> &m)
-  {
-    if (!this->_current->isAllocated()) this->_current->allocate(this->unknown.size());
-    std::vector<int> NR(R.size());
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < R.size(); i++)
-    {
-      std::map<Dof, int>::iterator itR = this->unknown.find(R[i]);
-      if (itR != this->unknown.end()) NR[i] = itR->second;
-      else NR[i] = -1;
-    }
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < R.size(); i++)
-    {
-      if (NR[i] != -1)
-      {
-        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < R.size(); j++)
-        {
-          if (NR[j] != -1)
-          {
-            this->_current->addToMatrix(NR[i], NR[j], m(i, j));
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            typename std::map<Dof,  typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::iterator itFixed = this->fixed.find(R[j]);
-            if (itFixed == this->fixed.end())
-              assembleLinConst(R[i],R[j],m(i,j));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < R.size(); j++){
-        assembleLinConst(R[i],R[j],m(i,j));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //
-  // Function to fix dof (Create the key in RHS fixed too)
-  inline void fixDof(Dof key, const typename dofManager<T>::dataVec &value){
-     if(this->unknown.find(key) != this->unknown.end())
-      return;
-    this->fixed[key] = value;
-    this->RHSfixed[key]=0.;
-  }
-  // function assemble(vect) is rewritten to archiving rhs if needed
-  virtual inline void assemble(std::vector<Dof> &R, const fullVector<typename dofManager<T>::dataMat> &m) // for linear forms
-  {
-    if (!this->_current->isAllocated()) this->_current->allocate(this->unknown.size());
-    std::vector<int> NR(R.size());
-    // Archiving
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < R.size(); i++)
-    {
-      typename std::map<Dof,  typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::iterator itR = RHSfixed.find(R[i]);
-      if (itR != RHSfixed.end()) itR->second += m(i); // add of contribution set to zero when the value is by a function FIX it
-      else NR[i] = -1;
-    }
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < R.size(); i++)
-    {
-      std::map<Dof, int>::iterator itR = this->unknown.find(R[i]);
-      if (itR != this->unknown.end()) NR[i] = itR->second;
-      else NR[i] = -1;
-    }
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < R.size(); i++)
-    {
-      if (NR[i] != -1)
-      {
-        this->_current->addToRightHandSide(NR[i], m(i));
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        typename std::map<Dof,DofAffineConstraint<typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> >::iterator itConstraint;
-        itConstraint = this->constraints.find(R[i]);
-        if (itConstraint != this->constraints.end())
-        {
-          for (unsigned i=0;i<(itConstraint->second).linear.size();i++)
-          {
-                  std::map<Dof, int>::iterator itC = this->unknown.find((itConstraint->second).linear[i].first); // lin dep in unknown ?!
-                  this->_current->addToRightHandSide(itC->second, m(i)*(itConstraint->second).linear[i].second);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // zero for RHSfixed
-  void clearRHSfixed(){
-    for(typename std::map<Dof,typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::iterator itR = RHSfixed.begin();itR != RHSfixed.end(); ++itR)
-      itR->second = 0.;
-  }
-  void getForces(std::map<int,std::vector<Dof> > &aef, std::map<int,typename dofManager<T>::dataVec> &data,
-                 std::vector<fextPrescribedDisp> &allaef){
-    for(std::map<int,std::vector<Dof> >::iterator it = aef.begin(); it != aef.end(); ++it){
-      double Fint =0.;
-      for(int i=0;i<it->second.size();i++){
-        // look in RHSfixed
-        typename std::map<Dof, typename dofManager<T>::dataVec>::iterator itRHS = RHSfixed.find(it->second[i]);
-        if(itRHS != RHSfixed.end())
-          Fint -= itRHS->second; // as internal forces are computed with a minus sign in computeRightHandSide;
-        else{
-          typename std::map<Dof,int>::iterator itunk = this->unknown.find(it->second[i]);
-          if(itunk != this->unknown.end()){
-            double ff;
-            this->_current->getFromRightHandSide(itunk->second,ff);
-            Fint -= ff;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      data[it->first] = Fint;
-    }
-    // needed to compute work of external force external => fixed ??
-    for(int i=0; i<allaef.size(); i++){
-      allaef[i].val = - RHSfixed[allaef[i].D];
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/timeFunction.h b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/timeFunction.h
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index c2d94dabfb13ae441053a0bbdbca834d0698b092..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/timeFunction.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Derivate class of SimpleFunction to include a time dependency
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "simpleFunction.h"
-template<class scalar>
-class simpleFunctionTime : public simpleFunction<scalar>{
-  protected :
-    double time;
-    bool timeDependency;
-  public :
-    simpleFunctionTime(scalar val=0, bool td=true, double t=1.) : simpleFunction<scalar>(val), time(t), timeDependency(td){}; // time=1 by default to avoid set time for Static linear Scheme
-    ~simpleFunctionTime(){};
-#ifndef SWIG
-    virtual scalar operator () (double x, double y, double z) const { if(timeDependency) return time*this->_val; else return this->_val;}
-    void setTime(const double t){time=t;}
-    void scaleVal(const double fac){this->_val*=fac;}
-#ifndef SWIG
-template<class scalar>
-class simpleFunctionTimeWithConstant : public simpleFunctionTime<scalar>{
-  protected:
-    scalar _b;
-  public:
-    simpleFunctionTimeWithConstant(scalar val=0, bool td=true, double t=1.,scalar b=0.) : simpleFunctionTime<scalar>(val,td,t), _b(b){};
-    ~simpleFunctionTimeWithConstant(){};
-    virtual scalar operator () (double x, double y, double z) const { if(this->timeDependency) return this->time*this->_val+_b; else return this->_val;}
-class powerDecreasingFunctionTime : public simpleFunctionTime<double>{
- protected:
-// _val = p0  const double p0; // minimal pressure
-  const double _p1; // maximal pressure
-  const double _a;  // power exponent
-  const double _t0; // if t < t0 p = p0
-  const double _t1; // if t0 < t < t1 p = p0 + (p1-p0)*(t-t0)/(t1-t0)
-  const double _tf; // if t1 < t < tf p = (p1-p0)*(tf-t1)^-a*(tf-t)^a + p0
- public:
-  powerDecreasingFunctionTime(double p0, const double p1, const double a, const double t0,
-                              const double t1, const double tf) : simpleFunctionTime<double>(p0,true,1.),
-                                                                     _p1(p1), _a(a), _t0(t0), _t1(t1), _tf(tf){}
-  ~powerDecreasingFunctionTime(){}
-  virtual double operator () (double x, double y, double z) const{
-    double p0 = _val;
-    if((_t0<time) and(time<_t1))
-      return p0 + (_p1-p0)*(time-_t0)/(_t1-_t0);
-    else if ((_t1<time) and (time<_tf))
-      return (_p1-p0)*pow(_tf-_t1,-_a)*pow(_tf-time,_a)+p0;
-    else
-      return p0;
-  }
-//  void setTime(const double t){time=t;}
-/*  static void registerBindings(binding *b){
-    classBinding *cb = b->addClass<powerDecreasingFunctionTime>("powerDecreasingTime");
-    cb->setDescription("Function power decreasing in time. Three parts: First one t<t0 value=cste=p0 , Second part t0<t<t1 value= (p1-p0)*(t-t0)/(t1-t0)+p0 Third part value = (p1-p0)*(tf-t1)^-a*(tf-t)^a+p0");
-    methodBinding *cm;
-    cm = cb->setConstructor<powerDecreasingFunctionTime,double,double,double,double,double,double>();
-    cm->setArgNames("p0","p1","a","t0","t1","tf",NULL);
-    cm->setDescription("power decresing law. See class description to see how it has to be used");
-    // use to validate
-//    cm = cb->addMethod("setTime", &powerDecreasingFunctionTime::setTime);
-//    cm->setArgNames("t",NULL);
-//    cm->setDescription("set time t");
-//    cm = cb->addMethod("get", &powerDecreasingFunctionTime::operator());
-//    cm->setArgNames("x","y","z",NULL);
-//    cm->setDescription("get value");
-  }
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownDynamicField.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownDynamicField.cpp
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index 967dfdf5a2fe55287e2988c06a62204c425ca081..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownDynamicField.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class with the displacement field for a dynamic system
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "unknownDynamicField.h"
-#include "nlsolAlgorithms.h"
-unknownDynamicField::unknownDynamicField(dofManager<double> *pas, std::vector<partDomain*> &vdom,
-                                                   nonLinearMechSolver::contactContainer *acontact,
-                                     const int nc, std::vector<archiveDispNode> &archiving,
-                                     std::vector<archiveRigidContactDisp> &contactarch, const bool view_, const std::string filen) : unknownField(pas,vdom,acontact,nc,archiving,
-                                                                                                                                                  contactarch,view_,filen)
-  // to avoid constant dynamic cast
-  dynassembler = dynamic_cast<explicitHCDofManager<double>*>(pAssembler);
-void unknownDynamicField::update(){
-  Msg::Warning("The update of displacement field is unnecessary for a dynamic scheme");
-void unknownDynamicField::get(Dof &D,double &udof) const {
-  this->get(D,udof,initialCondition::position);
-void unknownDynamicField::get(Dof &D, double &udof, initialCondition::whichCondition wv) const {
-  dynassembler->getDofValue(D,udof,wv);
-void unknownDynamicField::get(std::vector<Dof> &R, std::vector<double> &udofs) const {
-  this->get(R,udofs,initialCondition::position);
-void unknownDynamicField::get(std::vector<Dof> &R, fullVector<double> &udofs) const {
-  this->get(R,udofs,initialCondition::position);
-void unknownDynamicField::get(std::vector<Dof> &R, std::vector<double> &udofs, initialCondition::whichCondition wv) const {
-  double du;
-  for(int i=0;i<R.size(); i++){
-    this->get(R[i],du,wv);
-    udofs.push_back(du);
-  }
-void unknownDynamicField::get(std::vector<Dof> &R, fullVector<double> &udofs, initialCondition::whichCondition wv) const {
-  double du;
-  for(int i=0;i<R.size(); i++){
-    this->get(R[i],du,wv);
-    udofs(i) = du;
-  }
-void unknownDynamicField::get(partDomain *dom,MElement *ele, std::vector<double> &udofs, const int cc){
-  // -1 or 0 = position
-  // 1 = velocity
-  // 2 = acceleration
-  initialCondition::whichCondition wv;
-  if (cc==1)
-    wv= initialCondition::velocity;
-  else if(cc==2)
-    wv= initialCondition::acceleration;
-  else
-    wv= initialCondition::position;
-  FunctionSpaceBase *sp = dom->getFunctionSpace();
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  sp->getKeys(ele,R);
-  this->get(R,udofs,wv);
-void unknownDynamicField::get(partDomain *dom,MElement *ele, fullVector<double> &udofs, const int cc){
-  // -1 or 0 = position
-  // 1 = velocity
-  // 2 = acceleration
-  initialCondition::whichCondition wv;
-  if (cc==1)
-    wv= initialCondition::velocity;
-  else if(cc==2)
-    wv= initialCondition::acceleration;
-  else
-    wv= initialCondition::position;
-  FunctionSpaceBase *sp = dom->getFunctionSpace();
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  sp->getKeys(ele,R);
-  udofs.resize(sp->getNumKeys(ele));
-  this->get(R,udofs,wv);
-void unknownDynamicField::get(partDomain *dom,MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs){
-  this->get(dom,iele,udofs,initialCondition::position);
-void unknownDynamicField::get(partDomain *dom,MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs, initialCondition::whichCondition wv){
-  this->get(dom,iele->getElem(0),udofs,wv);
-  if(!(iele->getElem(0)==iele->getElem(1))){// Virtual interface element
-    this->get(dom,iele->getElem(1),udofs,wv);
-  }
-void unknownDynamicField::get(partDomain *dom1, partDomain *dom2,
-                                   MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs){
-  this->get(dom1,dom2,iele,udofs,initialCondition::position);
-void unknownDynamicField::get(FunctionSpaceBase*sp1, FunctionSpaceBase *sp2,
-                                   MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs){
-  this->get(sp1,sp2,iele,udofs,initialCondition::position);
-void unknownDynamicField::get(partDomain *dom1, partDomain *dom2,
-                                   MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs, initialCondition::whichCondition wv){
-  this->get(dom1,iele->getElem(0),udofs,wv);
-  if(!(iele->getElem(0)==iele->getElem(1))){// Virtual interface element
-    this->get(dom2,iele->getElem(1),udofs,wv);
-  }
-void unknownDynamicField::get(FunctionSpaceBase *sp1, FunctionSpaceBase *sp2,
-                                   MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs, initialCondition::whichCondition wv){
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  sp1->getKeys(iele->getElem(0),R);
-  this->get(R,udofs,wv);
-  if(!(iele->getElem(0)==iele->getElem(1))){// Virtual interface element
-    R.clear();
-    sp2->getKeys(iele->getElem(1),R);
-    this->get(R,udofs,wv);
-  }
-void unknownDynamicField::updateFixedDof(){
-  Msg::Warning("Impossible to update the fixed dof because the time step is not passed in argument");
-void unknownDynamicField::updateFixedDof(const double timeStep){
-  dynassembler->updateFixedDof(timeStep);
-void unknownDynamicField::archiving(const double time){
-  FILE *fp;
-  double u;
-  for(std::vector<archiveNode>::iterator it = varch.begin(); it!=varch.end();++it){
-    Dof D = it->D;
-    dynassembler->getDofValue(D,u,it->wc);
-    // write in File
-      std::ostringstream oss;
-      oss << it->nodenum;
-      std::string s = oss.str();
-      // component of displacement
-      int comp = it->_comp;
-      oss.str("");
-      oss << comp;
-      std::string s2 = oss.str();
-      std::string fname;
-      switch(it->wc){
-       case initialCondition::position:
-        fname = "NodalDisplacement"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-        break;
-       case initialCondition::velocity:
-        fname = "NodalVelocity"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-        break;
-       case initialCondition::acceleration:
-        fname = "NodalAcceleration"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-        break;
-      }
-      fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"a");
-      fprintf(fp,"%e;%e\n",time,u);
-      fclose(fp);
-  }
-void unknownDynamicField::setInitial(const std::vector<Dof> &R, const std::vector<double> &disp){
-  for(int i=0;i<R.size();i++){
-    dynassembler->setInitialCondition(R[i],disp[i],initialCondition::position);
-  }
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index 7314d996fd618729665e2d6a62ae7a579ab9f7a8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownDynamicField.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class with the displacement field for a dynamic system
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "unknownField.h"
-#include "explicitDofManager.h"
-#include "explicitHulbertChung.h"
-class unknownDynamicField : public unknownField{
- protected:
-  explicitHCDofManager<double> *dynassembler;
- public:
-  unknownDynamicField(dofManager<double> *pas, std::vector<partDomain*> &vdom,
-                           nonLinearMechSolver::contactContainer *acontact,
-                                     const int nc, std::vector<archiveDispNode> &archiving,
-                                     std::vector<archiveRigidContactDisp> &contactarch, const bool view_=true, const std::string filen="disp.msh");
-  virtual void update();
-  virtual void get(Dof &D, double &udof) const;
-  virtual void get(Dof &D, double &udof, initialCondition::whichCondition wv) const ;
-  virtual void get(std::vector<Dof> &R, std::vector<double> &disp) const;
-  virtual void get(std::vector<Dof> &R, fullVector<double> &disp) const;
-  virtual void get(std::vector<Dof> &R, std::vector<double> &disp,initialCondition::whichCondition wv) const ;
-  virtual void get(std::vector<Dof> &R, fullVector<double> &disp,initialCondition::whichCondition wv) const ;
-  virtual void get(partDomain *dom,MElement *ele, std::vector<double> &udofs, const int cc= -1);
-  virtual void get(partDomain *dom,MElement *ele, fullVector<double> &udofs, const int cc= -1);
-  virtual void get(partDomain *dom, MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs);
-  virtual void get(partDomain *dom, MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs, initialCondition::whichCondition);
-  virtual void get(partDomain *dom1, partDomain *dom2, MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs) ;
-  virtual void get(FunctionSpaceBase *sp1, FunctionSpaceBase *sp2, MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs) ;
-  virtual void get(partDomain *dom1, partDomain *dom2, MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs,
-                   initialCondition::whichCondition wv= initialCondition::position) ;
-  virtual void get(FunctionSpaceBase *sp1, FunctionSpaceBase *sp2, MInterfaceElement *iele, std::vector<double> &udofs,
-                   initialCondition::whichCondition wv= initialCondition::position) ;
-  virtual void updateFixedDof();
-  virtual void updateFixedDof(const double timeStep);
-  virtual void archiving(const double time);
-  virtual void setInitial(const std::vector<Dof> &R, const std::vector<double> &disp);
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownField.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownField.cpp
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index 027aa8baded286bfc48185c89aababf54f419aed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownField.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class with the displacement field
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "unknownField.h"
-#include "nonLinearMechSolver.h"
-#include "nlsolAlgorithms.h"
-#include "MPoint.h"
-// constructor
-unknownField::unknownField(dofManager<double> *pas, std::vector<partDomain*> &vdom, nonLinearMechSolver::contactContainer *acontact,
-                                     const int nc, std::vector<archiveDispNode> &archiving,
-                                     std::vector<archiveRigidContactDisp> &contactarch, const bool view_, const std::string filen): pAssembler(pas),
-                                                                            domainVector(&vdom),
-                                                                            _allContact(acontact),
-                                                                            elementField(filen,100000000,nc,elementField::ElementNodeData,view_)
-  pAssembler->getFixedDof(fixedDof);
-  std::vector<bool> alfind;
-  for(int i=0;i<archiving.size(); i++)
-    alfind.push_back(false);
-  long int totelem=0;
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=vdom.begin(); itdom!=vdom.end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    bool fullDg = dom->getFormulation();
-    FunctionSpaceBase *sp = dom->getFunctionSpace();
-    std::vector<Dof> R;
-    totelem += dom->g->size();
-    if(!fullDg){
-      for(groupOfElements::vertexContainer::iterator it=dom->g->vbegin(); it!=dom->g->vend(); ++it){
-        MVertex *ver = *it;
-        MPoint ele = MPoint(ver,-1); // We don't care about element number it is just to have the vertex keys;
-        sp->getKeys(&ele,R);
-        // make dof for archiving node
-        for(int i=0;i<archiving.size();i++){
-          if( (alfind[i] == false) and (ver->getNum() == archiving[i]._vernum)){
-            FilterDof* filter = dom->createFilterDof(archiving[i]._comp);
-            for(int j=0;j<R.size();j++){
-              if(filter->operator()(R[j])){
-                alfind[i] = true;
-                varch.push_back(archiveNode(R[j],ver->getNum(),archiving[i]._comp,archiving[i]._wc));
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        R.clear();
-      }
-    }
-    else{
-      // loop on element (entity of formulation)
-      for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it=dom->g->begin(); it!=dom->g->end(); ++it){
-        MElement *ele = *it;
-        sp->getKeys(ele,R);
-        // loop on vertex element (for archiving node)
-        int nbvertex = ele->getNumVertices();
-        for(int j=0;j<nbvertex;j++){
-          MVertex *ver = ele->getVertex(j);
-          for(int i=0; i<archiving.size(); i++){
-            if((alfind[i] == false) and(ver->getNum() == archiving[i]._vernum)){
-              // get the comp of the archiving node
-              alfind[i] = true;
-              int comp = archiving[i]._comp;
-              varch.push_back(archiveNode(R[j+comp*nbvertex],ver->getNum(),comp,archiving[i]._wc));
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        R.clear();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // increment the total element with rigid contact and add archiving if necessary
-  for(nonLinearMechSolver::contactContainer::iterator it = _allContact->begin(); it!=_allContact->end(); ++it){
-    contactDomain *cdom = *it;
-    if(cdom->isRigid()){
-      totelem += cdom->gMaster->size();
-      int pMaster = cdom->getTag();
-      for(int i=0;i<contactarch.size(); i++){
-        if(contactarch[i]._physmaster == pMaster){
-          rigidContactSpaceBase *sp = dynamic_cast<rigidContactSpaceBase*>(cdom->getSpace());
-          std::vector<Dof> R;
-          sp->getKeysOfGravityCenter(R);
-          for(int j=0;j<R.size(); j++)
-            if(contactarch[i]._fdof->operator()(R[j]))
-              varch.push_back(archiveNode(R[j],pMaster,contactarch[i]._wc));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  this->setTotElem(totelem);
-// Add contact archiving
-void unknownField::buildView(std::vector<partDomain*> &vdom,const double time,
-                              const int nstep, const std::string &valuename, const int cc, const bool binary){
-  if(view){
-    // test file size (and create a new one if needed)
-    uint32_t fileSize;
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "r");
-    if(!fp){
-      Msg::Error("Unable to open file '%s'", fileName.c_str());
-      return;
-    }
-    fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END);
-    fileSize = (uint32_t) (ftell(fp));
-    if(fileSize > fmaxsize) this->updateFileName();
-    fclose(fp);
-    fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "a");
-    // compute the number of element
-    if(binary) Msg::Warning("Binary write not implemented yet");
-    fprintf(fp, "$%s\n",dataname.c_str());
-    fprintf(fp, "1\n\"%s\"\n",valuename.c_str());
-    fprintf(fp, "1\n%.16g\n", time);
-    fprintf(fp, "3\n%d\n%d\n%d\n", nstep, numcomp, totelem);
-    std::vector<double> fieldData;
-    if(type == ElementNodeData){
-      for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=vdom.begin(); itdom!=vdom.end(); ++itdom){
-        partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-        for (groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = dom->g->begin(); it != dom->g->end(); ++it){
-          MElement *ele = *it;
-          int numv = ele->getNumVertices();
-          this->get(dom,ele,fieldData,cc);
-          fprintf(fp, "%d %d",ele->getNum(),numv);
-          for(int i=0;i<numv;i++)
-            for(int j=0;j<numcomp;j++)
-              fprintf(fp, " %.16g",fieldData[i+j*numv]);
-          fprintf(fp,"\n");
-          fieldData.clear();
-        }
-      }
-      // loop on contact domain
-      for(nonLinearMechSolver::contactContainer::iterator it=_allContact->begin(); it!=_allContact->end(); ++it){
-        contactDomain *cdom = *it;
-        if(cdom->isRigid()){
-          for (groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = cdom->gMaster->begin(); it != cdom->gMaster->end(); ++it){
-            MElement *ele = *it;
-            int numv = ele->getNumVertices();
-            rigidContactSpaceBase *spgc = dynamic_cast<rigidContactSpaceBase*>(cdom->getSpace());
-            std::vector<Dof> R;
-            spgc->getKeysOfGravityCenter(R);
-            this->get(R,fieldData);
-            fprintf(fp, "%d %d",ele->getNum(),numv);
-            for(int i=0;i<numv;i++)
-              for(int j=0;j<numcomp;j++)
-                fprintf(fp, " %.16g",fieldData[j]);
-            fprintf(fp,"\n");
-            fieldData.clear();
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    else if(type == ElementData){
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vdom.size(); ++i)
-        for (groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = vdom[i]->g->begin(); it != vdom[i]->g->end(); ++it){
-          MElement *ele = *it;
-          fieldData.resize(numcomp);
-          this->get(vdom[i],ele,fieldData,cc);
-          fprintf(fp, "%d",ele->getNum());
-          for(int j=0;j<numcomp;j++)
-            fprintf(fp, " %.16g",fieldData[j]);
-          fprintf(fp,"\n");
-        }
-    }
-    fprintf(fp, "$End%s\n",dataname.c_str());
-    fclose(fp);
-  }
-  else Msg::Warning("No displacement view created because the variable view is set to false for this field\n");
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownField.h b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownField.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e15255dc5d5dba7931070c6982e55476fd30ae46..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownField.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class with the displacement field
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "dofManager.h"
-#include "PView.h"
-#include "PViewData.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "elementField.h"
-#include "nonLinearBC.h"
-#include "MInterfaceElement.h"
-class contactDomain;
-class elementField;
-struct archiveRigidContactDisp;
-struct archiveDispNode;
-struct archiveNode{
-  long int nodenum;
-  Dof D;
-  int _comp;
-  initialCondition::whichCondition wc;
-  archiveNode(Dof R, int n, int comp,initialCondition::whichCondition wv=initialCondition::position) : nodenum(n), D(R), _comp(comp), wc(wv){}
-  ~archiveNode(){};
-class unknownField : public elementField{
- protected:
-  dofManager<double> *pAssembler; // To access to component of equation system template this
-  std::vector<Dof> fixedDof;
-  std::vector<archiveNode> varch;
-  std::vector<partDomain*> *domainVector;
-  std::set<contactDomain*> *_allContact;
- public:
-  // update all displacement value
-  unknownField(dofManager<double> *pas, std::vector<partDomain*> &elas, std::set<contactDomain*> *acontact,
-                      const int nc, std::vector<archiveDispNode> &archiving,
-                      std::vector<archiveRigidContactDisp> &contactarch, const bool =true, const std::string="disp.msh");
-  ~unknownField(){}
-  virtual void update()=0;
-  virtual void updateFixedDof()=0;
-  // get Operation
-  virtual void get(Dof &D,double &udof) const=0;
-  virtual void get(std::vector<Dof> &R, std::vector<double> &disp) const=0;
-  virtual void get(std::vector<Dof> &R, fullVector<double> &disp) const=0;
-  virtual void get(partDomain *dom, MElement *ele,std::vector<double> &udofs, const int=-1)=0;
-  virtual void get(partDomain *dom, MElement *ele,fullVector<double> &udofs, const int=-1)=0;
-  virtual void get(partDomain *dom, MInterfaceElement* iele, std::vector<double> &udofs)=0;
-  virtual void get(partDomain *dom1, partDomain*dom2, MInterfaceElement* iele, std::vector<double> &udofs)=0;
-  virtual void get(FunctionSpaceBase *sp1,FunctionSpaceBase *sp2, MInterfaceElement *iele,std::vector<double> &udofs)=0;
-  virtual void archiving(const double time)=0;
-  virtual void setInitial(const std::vector<Dof> &R,const std::vector<double> &disp)=0;
-  virtual void buildView(std::vector<partDomain*> &vdom,const double time,
-                const int nstep, const std::string &valuename, const int cc=-1,const bool binary=false);
-#endif // _UNKNOWNFIELD_H_
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownStaticField.cpp b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownStaticField.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f3a58cd50eb3130dd7a9449233aa36519194421..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownStaticField.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class with the displacement field
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "unknownStaticField.h"
-#include "nonLinearMechSolver.h"
-#include "MPoint.h"
-unknownStaticField::unknownStaticField(dofManager<double> *pas, std::vector<partDomain*> &vdom, nonLinearMechSolver::contactContainer *acontact,
-                                     const int nc, std::vector<archiveDispNode> &archiving,
-                                     std::vector<archiveRigidContactDisp> &contactarch, const bool view_, const std::string filen
-                                                                         ) : unknownField(pas,vdom,acontact,nc,archiving,contactarch,view_,filen)
-  // build umap
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom=vdom.begin(); itdom!=vdom.end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    FunctionSpaceBase *sp = dom->getFunctionSpace();
-    std::vector<Dof> R;
-    for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it=dom->g->begin(); it!=dom->g->end(); ++it){
-      MElement *ele = *it;
-      sp->getKeys(ele,R);
-      for(int i=0;i<R.size(); i++)
-        umap.insert(std::pair<Dof,double>(R[i],0.));
-      R.clear();
-    }
-  }
-  // insert rigid contact Dof in umap
-  for(nonLinearMechSolver::contactContainer::iterator it = acontact->begin(); it!=acontact->end(); ++it){
-    contactDomain *cdom = *it;
-    if(cdom->isRigid()){
-      std::vector<Dof> R;
-      rigidContactSpaceBase *sp = dynamic_cast<rigidContactSpaceBase*>(cdom->getSpace());
-      sp->getKeysOfGravityCenter(R);
-      for(int i=0;i<R.size(); i++)
-        umap.insert(std::pair<Dof,double>(R[i],0.));
-    }
-  }
-  this->buildView(vdom,0.,0,"displacement",-1,false);
-void unknownStaticField::update(){
-  double du;
-  for(std::vector<partDomain*>::iterator itdom = domainVector->begin(); itdom!=domainVector->end(); ++itdom){
-    partDomain *dom = *itdom;
-    FunctionSpaceBase *sp = dom->getFunctionSpace();
-    std::vector<Dof> R;
-    if(!(dom->getFormulation())){
-      for(groupOfElements::vertexContainer::iterator it=dom->g->vbegin(); it!=dom->g->vend(); ++it){
-        MVertex *ver = *it;
-        MPoint ele = MPoint(ver,-1); // We don't care about element number it's just to have the vertex keys
-        sp->getKeys(&ele,R);
-        for(int i=0;i<R.size();i++){
-          pAssembler->getDofValue(R[i],du);
-          bool in=false;
-          for(std::vector<Dof>::iterator itD=fixedDof.begin(); itD<fixedDof.end();++itD)
-            if(*itD==R[i]){in=true;break;}
-          if(in) umap[R[i]] = du;
-          else   umap[R[i]] +=du;
-        }
-        R.clear();
-      }
-    }
-    else{
-      for(groupOfElements::elementContainer::iterator it=dom->g->begin(); it!=dom->g->end(); ++it){
-        MElement *ele = *it;
-        sp->getKeys(ele,R);
-        for(int i=0;i<R.size();i++){
-          pAssembler->getDofValue(R[i],du);
-          bool in=false;
-          for(std::vector<Dof>::iterator itD=fixedDof.begin(); itD<fixedDof.end();++itD)
-            if(*itD==R[i]){in=true;break;}
-          if(in) umap[R[i]] = du;
-          else   umap[R[i]] +=du;
-        }
-        R.clear();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void unknownStaticField::get(Dof &D,double &udof) const{
-  udof = umap.find(D)->second;
-void unknownStaticField::get(std::vector<Dof> &R, std::vector<double> &disp) const{
-  double du;
-  for(int i=0;i<R.size(); i++){
-    this->get(R[i],du);
-    disp.push_back(du);
-  }
-void unknownStaticField::get(std::vector<Dof> &R, fullVector<double> &disp) const{
-  double du;
-  for(int i=0;i<R.size(); i++){
-    this->get(R[i],du);
-    disp(i) = du;
-  }
-void unknownStaticField::get(partDomain *dom, MElement *ele,std::vector<double> &udofs, const int cc){
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  FunctionSpaceBase *sp = dom->getFunctionSpace();
-  sp->getKeys(ele,R);
-  this->get(R,udofs);
-void unknownStaticField::get(partDomain *dom, MElement *ele,fullVector<double> &udofs, const int cc){
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  FunctionSpaceBase *sp = dom->getFunctionSpace();
-  udofs.resize(sp->getNumKeys(ele));
-  sp->getKeys(ele,R);
-  this->get(R,udofs);
-void unknownStaticField::get(partDomain *dom,MInterfaceElement* iele, std::vector<double> &udofs){
-  this->get(dom,iele->getElem(0),udofs);
-  if(!(iele->getElem(0)==iele->getElem(1))){// Virtual interface element
-    this->get(dom,iele->getElem(1),udofs);
-  }
-void unknownStaticField::get(partDomain *dom1, partDomain *dom2,MInterfaceElement* iele, std::vector<double> &udofs){
-  this->get(dom1,iele->getElem(0),udofs);
-  if(!(iele->getElem(0)==iele->getElem(1))){// Virtual interface element
-    this->get(dom2,iele->getElem(1),udofs);
-  }
-void unknownStaticField::get(FunctionSpaceBase *sp1, FunctionSpaceBase *sp2,MInterfaceElement* iele, std::vector<double> &udofs){
-  std::vector<Dof> R;
-  sp1->getKeys(iele->getElem(0),R);
-  this->get(R,udofs);
-  if(!(iele->getElem(0)==iele->getElem(1))){// Virtual interface element
-    R.clear();
-    sp2->getKeys(iele->getElem(1),R);
-    this->get(R,udofs);
-  }
-void unknownStaticField::updateFixedDof(){
-  double u;
-  for(std::vector<Dof>::iterator itD=fixedDof.begin(); itD<fixedDof.end();++itD){
-    pAssembler->getDofValue(*itD,u);
-    umap.find(*itD)->second=u;
-  }
-void unknownStaticField::archiving(const double time){
-  FILE *fp;
-  double u;
-  for(std::vector<archiveNode>::iterator it = varch.begin(); it!=varch.end();++it){
-    Dof D = it->D;
-    this->get(D,u);
-    // write in File
-      std::ostringstream oss;
-      oss << it->nodenum;
-      std::string s = oss.str();
-      // component of displacement
-      int comp = it->_comp;
-      oss.str("");
-      oss << comp;
-      std::string s2 = oss.str();
-      std::string fname = "NodalDisplacement"+s+"comp"+s2+".csv";
-      fp = fopen(fname.c_str(),"a");
-      fprintf(fp,"%e;%e\n",time,u);
-      fclose(fp);
-  }
-void unknownStaticField::setInitial(const std::vector<Dof> &R, const std::vector<double> &disp){
-  for(int i=0;i<R.size();i++){
-    umap[R[i]] = disp[i];
-  }
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownStaticField.h b/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownStaticField.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 16efbea2225dfa673b8e03e4c255a7669ced9f95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/nlsolver/unknownStaticField.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: terms
-// Description: Class with the displacement field
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#include "dofManager.h"
-#include "PView.h"
-#include "PViewData.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "elementField.h"
-#include "contactDomain.h"
-class unknownStaticField : public unknownField{
-  protected :
-    std::map<Dof,double> umap; // One Entry by Dof allow to manage more than 1 domain
-  public :
-    unknownStaticField(dofManager<double> *pas, std::vector<partDomain*> &elas, std::set<contactDomain*> *acontact,
-                      const int nc, std::vector<archiveDispNode> &archiving,
-                      std::vector<archiveRigidContactDisp> &contactarch, const bool =true, const std::string="disp.msh"
-                                                    ) ;
-    // update all displacement value
-    virtual void update();
-    virtual void updateFixedDof();
-    // get Operation
-    virtual void get(Dof &D,double &udof) const;
-    virtual void get(std::vector<Dof> &R, std::vector<double> &disp) const;
-    virtual void get(std::vector<Dof> &R, fullVector<double> &disp) const;
-//    virtual void get(MVertex *ver,std::vector<double> &udofs); // works only for cG/dG (TODO fullDg case)
-    virtual void get(partDomain *dom, MElement *ele,std::vector<double> &udofs, const int=-1);
-    virtual void get(partDomain *dom, MElement *ele,fullVector<double> &udofs, const int=-1);
-    virtual void get(partDomain *dom, MInterfaceElement* iele, std::vector<double> &udofs);
-    virtual void get(partDomain *dom1, partDomain*dom2, MInterfaceElement* iele, std::vector<double> &udofs);
-    virtual void get(FunctionSpaceBase *sp1,FunctionSpaceBase *sp2, MInterfaceElement *iele,std::vector<double> &udofs);
-    virtual void set(Dof &D, double &val){
-      umap[D] += val;
-    }
-//    virtual void getForPerturbation(FunctionSpaceBase &sp,MInterfaceElement* iele, const bool minus, Dof &D, double pert, std::vector<double> &udofs);
-    virtual void archiving(const double time);
-    virtual void setInitial(const std::vector<Dof> &R,const std::vector<double> &disp);
-//    virtual void buildView(std::vector<partDomain*> &vdom,const double time,
-//                  const int nstep, const std::string &valuename, const int cc,const bool binary);
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/space/CMakeLists.txt b/NonLinearSolver/space/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e6e8449eb3c7f6acf13114c9608e93e2ef06f45..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/space/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2010 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
-# See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
-# bugs and problems to <gmsh@geuz.org>.
-  functionSpaceType.h
-append_gmsh_src(NonLinearSolver/space "${SRC};${HDR}")
diff --git a/NonLinearSolver/space/functionSpaceType.h b/NonLinearSolver/space/functionSpaceType.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c0f8448eeb9549cfadee18957dc214fd922cd4e8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/NonLinearSolver/space/functionSpaceType.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// group for interface element
-// Description: Choose a function space. Can be integrated in functionSpace.h
-// Author:  <Gauthier BECKER>, (C) 2010
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-// Enum that allow to choose a function space
-class functionSpaceType{
- public :
-  // To chosen the space type
-  enum whichSpace{Lagrange, Inter};
-  functionSpaceType(){};
-  ~functionSpaceType(){}; // rewrite to delete object