diff --git a/Geo/GModel.cpp b/Geo/GModel.cpp
index e90923f2afb65e37763ec85766385d0fd6209193..aeab49b5053777aae8d9b17485947a47a5bb0c36 100644
--- a/Geo/GModel.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GModel.cpp
@@ -718,6 +718,7 @@ MElement *GModel::getMeshElementByTag(int n)
 int GModel::getMeshElementIndex(MElement *e)
+  if(!e) return 0;
   std::map<int, int>::iterator it = _elementIndexCache.find(e->getNum());
   if(it != _elementIndexCache.end()) return it->second;
   return e->getNum();
diff --git a/Geo/GModelIO_Mesh.cpp b/Geo/GModelIO_Mesh.cpp
index 3fa99f568fc8f59e3df74f200b24a31ee7b9683b..62802a05a72e1afb2f5c7fe1fb70010bbcfcf72c 100644
--- a/Geo/GModelIO_Mesh.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GModelIO_Mesh.cpp
@@ -84,10 +84,11 @@ static MElement *createElementMSH(GModel *m, int num, int typeMSH, int physical,
                                   int reg, int part, std::vector<MVertex*> &v,
                                   std::map<int, std::vector<MElement*> > elements[10],
                                   std::map<int, std::map<int, std::string> > physicals[4],
-                                  bool owner=false, MElement *parent=0)
+                                  bool owner=false, MElement *parent=0,
+                                  MElement *d1=0, MElement *d2=0)
   MElementFactory factory;
-  MElement *e = factory.create(typeMSH, v, num, part, owner, parent);
+  MElement *e = factory.create(typeMSH, v, num, part, owner, parent, d1, d2);
     Msg::Error("Unknown type of element %d", typeMSH);
@@ -126,19 +127,24 @@ static MElement *createElementMSH(GModel *m, int num, int typeMSH, int physical,
   return e;
-static MElement *getParent(int parentNum, std::map<int, std::vector<MElement*> > &elements)
+static bool getElementsByNum(int elemNum[], std::map<int, std::vector<MElement*> > &elements,
+                             bool erase, MElement *elems[], int nbElem = 1)
+  int i = 0;
   std::map<int, std::vector<MElement*> >::iterator it = elements.begin();
   for(; it != elements.end(); ++it) {
     std::vector<MElement*>::iterator itE = it->second.begin();
-    for(; itE != it->second.end(); itE++)
-      if((*itE)->getNum() == parentNum) {
-        MElement *p = (*itE);
-        it->second.erase(itE);
-        return p;
+    for(; itE != it->second.end(); itE++) {
+      for(int j = 0; j < nbElem; j++) {
+        if((*itE)->getNum() == elemNum[j]) {
+          elems[i++] = (*itE);
+          if(erase) itE = it->second.erase(itE);
+          if(i == nbElem) return true;
+        }
+    }
-  return NULL;
+  return false;
 static MElement *getParent(int parentNum, int type,
@@ -147,23 +153,39 @@ static MElement *getParent(int parentNum, int type,
   MElement *parent = NULL;
   case MSH_LIN_C :
-    return getParent(parentNum, elements[1]);
-  case MSH_POLYG_ :
-    if((parent = getParent(parentNum, elements[2]))) return parent;
-    if((parent = getParent(parentNum, elements[3]))) return parent;
-    if((parent = getParent(parentNum, elements[8]))) return parent;
+    getElementsByNum(&parentNum, elements[1], true, &parent);
+    return parent;
+  case MSH_POLYG_ : case MSH_POLYG_B :
+    if(getElementsByNum(&parentNum, elements[2], true, &parent)) return parent;
+    if(getElementsByNum(&parentNum, elements[3], true, &parent)) return parent;
+    if(getElementsByNum(&parentNum, elements[8], true, &parent)) return parent;
     return parent;
   case MSH_POLYH_ :
-    if((parent = getParent(parentNum, elements[4]))) return parent;
-    if((parent = getParent(parentNum, elements[5]))) return parent;
-    if((parent = getParent(parentNum, elements[6]))) return parent;
-    if((parent = getParent(parentNum, elements[7]))) return parent;
-    if((parent = getParent(parentNum, elements[9]))) return parent;
+    if(getElementsByNum(&parentNum, elements[4], true, &parent)) return parent;
+    if(getElementsByNum(&parentNum, elements[5], true, &parent)) return parent;
+    if(getElementsByNum(&parentNum, elements[6], true, &parent)) return parent;
+    if(getElementsByNum(&parentNum, elements[7], true, &parent)) return parent;
+    if(getElementsByNum(&parentNum, elements[9], true, &parent)) return parent;
     return parent;
   default : return parent;
+static void getDomains(int dom1Num, int dom2Num, int type,
+                      std::map<int, std::vector<MElement*> > elements[10],
+                      MElement *doms[])
+  int domNums[2] = {dom1Num, dom2Num};
+  switch(type){
+  case MSH_LIN_B :
+    getElementsByNum(domNums, elements[8], false, doms, 2);
+    return;
+  case MSH_TRI_B : case MSH_POLYG_B :
+    getElementsByNum(domNums, elements[9], false, doms, 2);
+    return;
+  }
 int GModel::readMSH(const std::string &name)
   FILE *fp = fopen(name.c_str(), "rb");
@@ -340,7 +362,7 @@ int GModel::readMSH(const std::string &name)
         for(int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
           int num, type, physical = 0, elementary = 0, partition = 0, parent = 0;
-          int numVertices;
+          int dom1 = 0, dom2 = 0, numVertices;
           std::vector<short> ghosts;
           if(version <= 1.0){
             if(fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d %d", &num, &type, &physical, &elementary, 
@@ -361,7 +383,12 @@ int GModel::readMSH(const std::string &name)
               else if(version >= 2.2 && j == 2 && numTags > 3) numPartitions = tag;
               else if(version >= 2.2 && j == 3) partition = tag;
               else if(j >= 4 && j < 4 + numPartitions - 1) ghosts.push_back(-tag);
-              else if(j == numTags - 1) parent = tag;
+              else if(j == 3 + numPartitions && (numTags == 4 + numPartitions))
+                parent = tag;
+              else if(j == 3 + numPartitions && (numTags == 5 + numPartitions)) {
+                dom1 = tag; j++;
+                if(fscanf(fp, "%d", &dom2) != 1) return 0;
+              }
             if(!(numVertices = MElement::getInfoMSH(type))) {
               if(type != MSH_POLYG_ && type != MSH_POLYH_ && type != MSH_POLYG_B)
@@ -379,13 +406,13 @@ int GModel::readMSH(const std::string &name)
             if(!getVertices(numVertices, indices, vertexMap, vertices)) return 0;
-          MElement *p = 0;
+          MElement *p = NULL;
           bool own = false;
           if(parent) {
             if(parents.find(parent) == parents.end()){
               p = getParent(parent, type, elements);
               if(p) parents[parent] = p;
-              else Msg::Error("Parent element %d not found", parent);
+              else Msg::Error("Parent element %d not found for element %d", parent, num);
             else p = parents.find(parent)->second;
             if(parentsOwned.find(p) == parentsOwned.end()) {
@@ -393,9 +420,15 @@ int GModel::readMSH(const std::string &name)
+          MElement *doms[2] = {NULL, NULL};
+          if(dom1) {
+            getDomains(dom1, dom2, type, elements, doms);
+            if(!doms[0]) Msg::Error("Domain element %d not found for element %d", dom1, num);
+            if(!doms[1]) Msg::Error("Domain element %d not found for element %d", dom2, num);
+          }
           MElement *e = createElementMSH(this, num, type, physical, elementary,
                                          partition, vertices, elements, physicals,
-                                         own, p);
+                                         own, p, doms[1], doms[0]);
           for(unsigned int j = 0; j < ghosts.size(); j++)
             _ghostCells.insert(std::pair<MElement*, short>(e, ghosts[j]));
           if(numElements > 100000)
@@ -436,7 +469,7 @@ int GModel::readMSH(const std::string &name)
               if(!getVertices(numVertices, indices, vertexMap, vertices)) return 0;
-            MElement *p = 0;
+            MElement *p = NULL;
             bool own = false;
             if(parent) {
               if(parents.find(parent) == parents.end()){
@@ -516,7 +549,8 @@ int GModel::readMSH(const std::string &name)
 template<class T>
 static void writeElementMSH(FILE *fp, GModel *model, T *ele, bool saveAll, 
                             double version, bool binary, int &num, int elementary, 
-                            std::vector<int> &physicals, int parentNum=0)
+                            std::vector<int> &physicals, int parentNum = 0,
+                            int dom1Num = 0, int dom2Num = 0)
   std::vector<short> ghosts;
@@ -527,13 +561,14 @@ static void writeElementMSH(FILE *fp, GModel *model, T *ele, bool saveAll,
         it != itp.second; it++)
-    ele->writeMSH(fp, version, binary, ++num, elementary, 0, parentNum, &ghosts);
+    ele->writeMSH(fp, version, binary, ++num, elementary, 0,
+                  parentNum, dom1Num, dom2Num, &ghosts);
     for(unsigned int j = 0; j < physicals.size(); j++)
       ele->writeMSH(fp, version, binary, ++num, elementary, physicals[j],
-                    parentNum, &ghosts);
+                    parentNum, dom1Num, dom2Num, &ghosts);
   model->setMeshElementIndex(ele, num); // should really be a multimap...
@@ -542,20 +577,18 @@ template<class T>
 static void writeElementsMSH(FILE *fp, GModel *model, std::vector<T*> &ele, 
                              bool saveAll, int saveSinglePartition, double version,
                              bool binary, int &num, int elementary,
-                             std::vector<int> &physicals,
-                             std::map<MElement*, int> *parentsNum=0)
+                             std::vector<int> &physicals)
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ele.size(); i++){
     if(saveSinglePartition && ele[i]->getPartition() != saveSinglePartition)
+    if(ele[i]->getDomain(0))
+      continue;
     int parentNum = 0;
-    if(parentsNum){
-      MElement *parent = ele[i]->getParent();
-      if(parent){
-        std::map<MElement*, int>::iterator it = parentsNum->find(parent);
-        if(it != parentsNum->end()) parentNum = it->second;
-      }
-    }
+    MElement *parent = ele[i]->getParent();
+    if(parent)
+      parentNum = model->getMeshElementIndex(parent);
     writeElementMSH(fp, model, ele[i], saveAll, version, binary, num,
                     elementary, physicals, parentNum);
@@ -625,21 +658,6 @@ int GModel::writeMSH(const std::string &name, double version, bool binary,
   // get the number of elements we need to save
   int numElements = getNumElementsMSH(this, saveAll, saveSinglePartition);
-  // get parent elements for lines, polygons and polyhedra
-  std::map<MElement*, GEntity*> parents[3];
-  for(eiter it = firstEdge(); it != lastEdge(); ++it)
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->lines.size(); i++)
-      if((*it)->lines[i]->ownsParent())
-        parents[0][(*it)->lines[i]->getParent()] = (*it);
-  for(fiter it = firstFace(); it != lastFace(); ++it)
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->polygons.size(); i++)
-      if((*it)->polygons[i]->ownsParent())
-        parents[1][(*it)->polygons[i]->getParent()] = (*it);
-  for(riter it = firstRegion(); it != lastRegion(); ++it)
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->polyhedra.size(); i++)
-      if((*it)->polyhedra[i]->ownsParent())
-        parents[2][(*it)->polyhedra[i]->getParent()] = (*it);
   if(version >= 2.0){
     fprintf(fp, "$MeshFormat\n");
     fprintf(fp, "%g %d %d\n", version, binary ? 1 : 0, (int)sizeof(double));
@@ -692,125 +710,104 @@ int GModel::writeMSH(const std::string &name, double version, bool binary,
   fprintf(fp, "%d\n", numElements);
   int num = elementStartNum;
-  std::map<MElement*, int> parentsNum;
+  //parents
+  for(eiter it = firstEdge(); it != lastEdge(); ++it)
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->lines.size(); i++)
+      if((*it)->lines[i]->ownsParent())
+        writeElementMSH(fp, this, (*it)->lines[i]->getParent(),
+                        saveAll, version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
+  for(fiter it = firstFace(); it != lastFace(); ++it)
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->polygons.size(); i++)
+      if((*it)->polygons[i]->ownsParent())
+        writeElementMSH(fp, this, (*it)->polygons[i]->getParent(),
+                        saveAll, version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
+  for(riter it = firstRegion(); it != lastRegion(); ++it)
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->polyhedra.size(); i++)
+      if((*it)->polyhedra[i]->ownsParent())
+        writeElementMSH(fp, this, (*it)->polyhedra[i]->getParent(),
+                        saveAll, version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
   // points
   for(viter it = firstVertex(); it != lastVertex(); ++it)
     writeElementsMSH(fp, this, (*it)->points, saveAll, saveSinglePartition,
                      version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
   // lines
-  for(std::map<MElement*, GEntity*>::const_iterator it = parents[0].begin(); 
-      it != parents[0].end(); it++)
-    if(it->first->getType() == TYPE_LIN) {
-      writeElementMSH(fp, this, it->first, saveAll, version, binary, num,
-                      it->second->tag(), it->second->physicals);
-      parentsNum[it->first] = num;
-    }
   for(eiter it = firstEdge(); it != lastEdge(); ++it)
     writeElementsMSH(fp, this, (*it)->lines, saveAll, saveSinglePartition,
-                     version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals, 
-                     &parentsNum);
+                     version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
   // triangles
-  for(std::map<MElement*, GEntity*>::const_iterator it = parents[1].begin(); 
-      it != parents[1].end(); it++)
-    if(it->first->getType() == TYPE_TRI) {
-      writeElementMSH(fp, this, it->first, saveAll, version, binary, num,
-                      it->second->tag(), it->second->physicals);
-      parentsNum[it->first] = num;
-    }
   for(fiter it = firstFace(); it != lastFace(); ++it)
     writeElementsMSH(fp, this, (*it)->triangles, saveAll, saveSinglePartition,
                      version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
   // quads
-  for(std::map<MElement*, GEntity*>::const_iterator it = parents[1].begin(); 
-      it != parents[1].end(); it++)
-    if(it->first->getType() == TYPE_QUA) {
-      writeElementMSH(fp, this, it->first, saveAll, version, binary, num,
-                      it->second->tag(), it->second->physicals);
-      parentsNum[it->first] = num;
-    }
   for(fiter it = firstFace(); it != lastFace(); ++it)
     writeElementsMSH(fp, this, (*it)->quadrangles, saveAll, saveSinglePartition,
                      version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
   // polygons
-  for(std::map<MElement*, GEntity*>::const_iterator it = parents[1].begin();
-      it != parents[1].end(); it++)
-    if(it->first->getType() == TYPE_POLYG) {
-      writeElementMSH(fp, this, it->first, saveAll, version, binary, num,
-                      it->second->tag(), it->second->physicals);
-      parentsNum[it->first] = num;
-    }
   for(fiter it = firstFace(); it != lastFace(); it++)
     writeElementsMSH(fp, this, (*it)->polygons, saveAll, saveSinglePartition,
-                     version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals, 
-                     &parentsNum);
+                     version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
   // tets
-  for(std::map<MElement*, GEntity*>::const_iterator it = parents[2].begin();
-      it != parents[2].end(); it++)
-    if(it->first->getType() == TYPE_TET) {
-      writeElementMSH(fp, this, it->first, saveAll, version, binary, num,
-                      it->second->tag(), it->second->physicals);
-      parentsNum[it->first] = num;
-    }
   for(riter it = firstRegion(); it != lastRegion(); ++it)
     writeElementsMSH(fp, this, (*it)->tetrahedra, saveAll, saveSinglePartition,
                      version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
   // hexas
-  for(std::map<MElement*, GEntity*>::const_iterator it = parents[2].begin();
-      it != parents[2].end(); it++)
-    if(it->first->getType() == TYPE_HEX) {
-      writeElementMSH(fp, this, it->first, saveAll, version, binary, num,
-                      it->second->tag(), it->second->physicals);
-      parentsNum[it->first] = num;
-    }
   for(riter it = firstRegion(); it != lastRegion(); ++it)
     writeElementsMSH(fp, this, (*it)->hexahedra, saveAll, saveSinglePartition,
                      version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
   // prisms
-  for(std::map<MElement*, GEntity*>::const_iterator it = parents[2].begin();
-      it != parents[2].end(); it++)
-    if(it->first->getType() == TYPE_PRI) {
-      writeElementMSH(fp, this, it->first, saveAll, version, binary, num,
-                      it->second->tag(), it->second->physicals);
-      parentsNum[it->first] = num;
-    }
   for(riter it = firstRegion(); it != lastRegion(); ++it)
     writeElementsMSH(fp, this, (*it)->prisms, saveAll, saveSinglePartition,
                      version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
   // pyramids
-  for(std::map<MElement*, GEntity*>::const_iterator it = parents[2].begin();
-      it != parents[2].end(); it++)
-    if(it->first->getType() == TYPE_PYR) {
-      writeElementMSH(fp, this, it->first, saveAll, version, binary, num,
-                      it->second->tag(), it->second->physicals);
-      parentsNum[it->first] = num;
-    }
   for(riter it = firstRegion(); it != lastRegion(); ++it)
     writeElementsMSH(fp, this, (*it)->pyramids, saveAll, saveSinglePartition,
                      version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
   // polyhedra
-  for(std::map<MElement*, GEntity*>::const_iterator it = parents[2].begin();
-      it != parents[2].end(); it++)
-    if(it->first->getType() == TYPE_POLYH) {
-      writeElementMSH(fp, this, it->first, saveAll, version, binary, num,
-                      it->second->tag(), it->second->physicals);
-      parentsNum[it->first] = num;
-    }
   for(riter it = firstRegion(); it != lastRegion(); ++it)
     writeElementsMSH(fp, this, (*it)->polyhedra, saveAll, saveSinglePartition,
-                     version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals,
-                     &parentsNum);
+                     version, binary, num, (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals);
+  // borders
+  for(fiter it = firstFace(); it != lastFace(); ++it) {
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->triangles.size(); i++) {
+      MTriangle *t = (*it)->triangles[i];
+      if(t->getDomain(0))
+        writeElementMSH(fp, this, t, saveAll, version, binary, num,
+                        (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals, 0,
+                        getMeshElementIndex(t->getDomain(0)),
+                        getMeshElementIndex(t->getDomain(1)));
+    }
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->polygons.size(); i++) {
+      MPolygon *p = (*it)->polygons[i];
+      if(p->getDomain(0))
+        writeElementMSH(fp, this, p, saveAll, version, binary, num,
+                        (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals, 0,
+                        getMeshElementIndex(p->getDomain(0)),
+                        getMeshElementIndex(p->getDomain(1)));
+    }
+  }
+  for(eiter it = firstEdge(); it != lastEdge(); ++it) //border lines after border surfaces
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->lines.size(); i++) {
+      MLine *l = (*it)->lines[i];
+      if(l->getDomain(0))
+        writeElementMSH(fp, this, l, saveAll, version, binary, num,
+                        (*it)->tag(), (*it)->physicals, 0,
+                        getMeshElementIndex(l->getDomain(0)),
+                        getMeshElementIndex(l->getDomain(1)));
+    }
   if(binary) fprintf(fp, "\n");
diff --git a/Geo/MElement.cpp b/Geo/MElement.cpp
index 1b45a659d19c58bfcee2c93570218a009835b201..3076ad52c8ecc496694879a5dd2fac1d284a4b26 100644
--- a/Geo/MElement.cpp
+++ b/Geo/MElement.cpp
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ double MElement::interpolateDiv(double val[], double u, double v, double w,
 void MElement::writeMSH(FILE *fp, double version, bool binary, int num,
                         int elementary, int physical, int parentNum,
-                        std::vector<short> *ghosts)
+                        int dom1Num, int dom2Num, std::vector<short> *ghosts)
   int type = getTypeForMSH();
@@ -469,6 +469,7 @@ void MElement::writeMSH(FILE *fp, double version, bool binary, int num,
   int n = getNumVerticesForMSH();
   int par = (parentNum) ? 1 : 0;
+  int dom = (dom1Num) ? 2 : 0;
   bool poly = (type == MSH_POLYG_ || type == MSH_POLYH_ || type == MSH_POLYG_B);
@@ -477,19 +478,21 @@ void MElement::writeMSH(FILE *fp, double version, bool binary, int num,
       fprintf(fp, " %d %d %d", abs(physical), elementary, n);
     else if (version < 2.2)
       fprintf(fp, " %d %d %d", abs(physical), elementary, _partition);
-    else if(!_partition)
-      fprintf(fp, " %d %d %d", 2 + par, abs(physical), elementary);
+    else if(!_partition && !par && !dom)
+      fprintf(fp, " %d %d %d", 2 + par + dom, abs(physical), elementary);
     else if(!ghosts)
-      fprintf(fp, " %d %d %d 1 %d", 4 + par, abs(physical), elementary, _partition);
+      fprintf(fp, " %d %d %d 1 %d", 4 + par + dom, abs(physical), elementary, _partition);
       int numGhosts = ghosts->size();
-      fprintf(fp, " %d %d %d %d %d", 4 + numGhosts + par, abs(physical), elementary,
-              1 + numGhosts, _partition);
+      fprintf(fp, " %d %d %d %d %d", 4 + numGhosts + par + dom, abs(physical),
+              elementary, 1 + numGhosts, _partition);
       for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ghosts->size(); i++)
         fprintf(fp, " %d", -(*ghosts)[i]);
     if(version >= 2.0 && par)
       fprintf(fp, " %d", parentNum);
+    if(version >= 2.0 && dom)
+      fprintf(fp, " %d %d", dom1Num, dom2Num);
     if(version >= 2.0 && poly)
       fprintf(fp, " %d", n);
@@ -511,7 +514,7 @@ void MElement::writeMSH(FILE *fp, double version, bool binary, int num,
                     1 + numGhosts, _partition};
       for(int i = 0; i < numGhosts; i++) blob[8 + i] = -(*ghosts)[i];
-    if(par) blob[8 + numGhosts] = par;
+    if(par) blob[8 + numGhosts] = parentNum;
     if(poly) Msg::Error("Unable to write polygons/polyhedra in binary files.");
     fwrite(blob, sizeof(int), 4 + numTags, fp);
@@ -953,7 +956,8 @@ MElement *MElement::copy(int &num, std::map<int, MVertex*> &vertexMap,
 MElement *MElementFactory::create(int type, std::vector<MVertex*> &v,
-                                  int num, int part, bool owner, MElement *parent)
+                                  int num, int part, bool owner, MElement *parent,
+                                  MElement *d1, MElement *d2)
   switch (type) {
   case MSH_PNT:    return new MPoint(v, num, part);
@@ -967,7 +971,7 @@ MElement *MElementFactory::create(int type, std::vector<MVertex*> &v,
   case MSH_LIN_9:  return new MLineN(v, num, part);
   case MSH_LIN_10: return new MLineN(v, num, part);
   case MSH_LIN_11: return new MLineN(v, num, part);
-  case MSH_LIN_B:  return new MLineBorder(v, num, part);
+  case MSH_LIN_B:  return new MLineBorder(v, num, part, d1, d2);
   case MSH_LIN_C:  return new MLineChild(v, num, part, owner, parent);
   case MSH_TRI_3:  return new MTriangle(v, num, part);
   case MSH_TRI_6:  return new MTriangle6(v, num, part);
@@ -982,7 +986,7 @@ MElement *MElementFactory::create(int type, std::vector<MVertex*> &v,
   case MSH_TRI_45: return new MTriangleN(v, 8, num, part);
   case MSH_TRI_55: return new MTriangleN(v, 9, num, part);
   case MSH_TRI_66: return new MTriangleN(v,10, num, part);
-  case MSH_TRI_B:  return new MTriangleBorder(v, num, part);
+  case MSH_TRI_B:  return new MTriangleBorder(v, num, part, d1, d2);
   case MSH_QUA_4:  return new MQuadrangle(v, num, part);
   case MSH_QUA_8:  return new MQuadrangle8(v, num, part);
   case MSH_QUA_9:  return new MQuadrangle9(v, num, part);
@@ -996,7 +1000,7 @@ MElement *MElementFactory::create(int type, std::vector<MVertex*> &v,
   case MSH_QUA_100:return new MQuadrangleN(v, 9, num, part);
   case MSH_QUA_121:return new MQuadrangleN(v, 10, num, part);
   case MSH_POLYG_: return new MPolygon(v, num, part, owner, parent);
-  case MSH_POLYG_B:return new MPolygonBorder(v, num, part);
+  case MSH_POLYG_B:return new MPolygonBorder(v, num, part, d1, d2);
   case MSH_TET_4:  return new MTetrahedron(v, num, part);
   case MSH_TET_10: return new MTetrahedron10(v, num, part);
   case MSH_HEX_8:  return new MHexahedron(v, num, part);
diff --git a/Geo/MElement.h b/Geo/MElement.h
index 69f675ff8d3132ff822f6b8a19f621207fc40d5f..3131ee236a41c6f04408e57a1c855ba8107a0c64 100644
--- a/Geo/MElement.h
+++ b/Geo/MElement.h
@@ -266,7 +266,8 @@ class MElement
   // IO routines
   virtual void writeMSH(FILE *fp, double version=1.0, bool binary=false,
                         int num=0, int elementary=1, int physical=1,
-                        int parentNum=0, std::vector<short> *ghosts=0);
+                        int parentNum=0, int dom1Num = 0, int dom2Num = 0,
+                        std::vector<short> *ghosts=0);
   virtual void writePOS(FILE *fp, bool printElementary, bool printElementNumber,
                         bool printGamma, bool printEta, bool printRho,
@@ -327,7 +328,7 @@ class MElementLessThanLexicographic{
 class MElementFactory{
   MElement *create(int type, std::vector<MVertex*> &v, int num=0, int part=0,
-                   bool owner=false, MElement *parent=0);
+                   bool owner=false, MElement *parent=0, MElement *d1=0, MElement *d2=0);
 // Traits of various elements based on the dimension.  These generally define
diff --git a/Geo/MElementCut.cpp b/Geo/MElementCut.cpp
index a0e0db0a9c5bce1be118ae65cca97057fad81828..a6921f408ab97fdd8846edf4e1cbe5744ac6f92c 100644
--- a/Geo/MElementCut.cpp
+++ b/Geo/MElementCut.cpp
@@ -824,6 +824,7 @@ static void elementCutMesh(MElement *e, std::vector<const gLevelset *> &RPN,
         // check for border surfaces cut earlier along the polyhedra
         std::pair<std::multimap<MElement*, MElement*>::iterator,
                   std::multimap<MElement*, MElement*>::iterator> itr = borders[1].equal_range(copy);
+        std::vector<std::pair<MElement*, MElement*> > bords;
         for(std::multimap<MElement*, MElement*>::iterator it = itr.first;
             it != itr.second; it++) {
           MElement *tb = it->second;
@@ -836,9 +837,11 @@ static void elementCutMesh(MElement *e, std::vector<const gLevelset *> &RPN,
           MElement *dom = (match == 3) ? p1 : p2;
           tb->setDomain(dom, (tb->getDomain(0) == copy) ? 0 : 1);
-          borders[1].insert(std::pair<MElement*, MElement*>(dom, tb));
+          bords.push_back(std::pair<MElement*, MElement*>(dom, tb));
         borders[1].erase(itr.first, itr.second);
+        for(int i = 0; i < bords.size(); i++)
+          borders[1].insert(bords[i]);
         if(eParent) {copy->setParent(NULL, false); delete copy;}
       else { // no cut
@@ -991,6 +994,7 @@ static void elementCutMesh(MElement *e, std::vector<const gLevelset *> &RPN,
         // check for border lines cut earlier along the polygons
         std::pair<std::multimap<MElement*, MElement*>::iterator,
                   std::multimap<MElement*, MElement*>::iterator> itr = borders[0].equal_range(copy);
+        std::vector<std::pair<MElement*, MElement*> > bords;
         for(std::multimap<MElement*, MElement*>::iterator it = itr.first;
             it != itr.second; ++it) {
           MElement *lb = it->second;
@@ -1002,9 +1006,11 @@ static void elementCutMesh(MElement *e, std::vector<const gLevelset *> &RPN,
           MElement *dom = (match == 2) ? p1 : p2;
           lb->setDomain(dom, (lb->getDomain(0) == copy) ? 0 : 1);
-          borders[0].insert(std::pair<MElement*, MElement*>(dom, lb));
+          bords.push_back(std::pair<MElement*, MElement*>(dom, lb));
         borders[0].erase(itr.first, itr.second);
+        for(int i = 0; i < bords.size(); i++)
+          borders[0].insert(bords[i]);
         if(eParent) {copy->setParent(NULL, false); delete copy;}
       else { // no cut
@@ -1202,7 +1208,7 @@ GModel *buildCutMesh(GModel *gm, gLevelset *ls,
   newVerticesContainer newVertices;
   std::map<int, int> borderElemTags[2]; //map<lsTag,elementary>[line=0,surface=1]
   std::map<int, int> borderPhysTags[2]; //map<lstag,physical>[line=0,surface=1]
-  std::multimap<MElement*, MElement*> borders[2]; //multimap<domain,border>[polg=0,polyh=1]
+  std::multimap<MElement*, MElement*> borders[2]; //multimap<domain,border>[polyg=0,polyh=1]
   DI_Point::Container cp;
   std::vector<DI_Line *> lines;
   std::vector<DI_Triangle *> triangles;
@@ -1229,6 +1235,22 @@ GModel *buildCutMesh(GModel *gm, gLevelset *ls,
     cp.clear(); lines.clear(); triangles.clear(); quads.clear(); tetras.clear(); hexas.clear();
+  /*for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+    printf(" - element type : %d\n", i);
+    for(std::map<int, std::vector<MElement*> >::iterator it = elements[i].begin();
+        it != elements[i].end(); it++){
+      printf(" elementary : %d\n",it->first);
+      for(int j = 0; j < it->second.size(); j++){
+        MElement *e = it->second[j];
+        printf("element %d",e->getNum());
+        if(e->getParent()) printf(" par=%d",e->getParent()->getNum());
+        if(e->getDomain(0)) printf(" d0=%d",e->getDomain(0)->getNum());
+        if(e->getDomain(1)) printf(" d1=%d",e->getDomain(1)->getNum());
+        printf("\n");
+      }
+    }
+  }printf("\n");*/
   for(newVerticesContainer::iterator it = newVertices.begin() ; it != newVertices.end(); ++it) {
     vertexMap[(*it)->getNum()] = *it;