diff --git a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
index 55e516e611643c546655fbcafbd1bc8314d35aa4..278273b0aaa6f73ec7e86bc05e2bee97d3b81d2f 100644
--- a/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp
@@ -464,10 +464,11 @@ bool GFaceCompound::trivial() const
 // For the conformal map the linear system cannot guarantee there is
 // no overlapping of triangles
-bool GFaceCompound::checkOverlap() const
+bool GFaceCompound::checkOverlap(std::vector<MVertex *> &vert) const
-  bool has_no_overlap = true;
+  vert.clear();
+  bool has_overlap = false;
+  double EPS = 1.e-2;
   for(std::list<std::list<GEdge*> >::const_iterator iloop = _interior_loops.begin(); 
       iloop != _interior_loops.end(); iloop++){
     std::list<GEdge*> loop = *iloop;
@@ -488,20 +489,33 @@ bool GFaceCompound::checkOverlap() const
 	SPoint3 q2 = coordinates[orderedLoop[k+1]];
 	double x[2];
 	int inters = intersection_segments (p1,p2,q1,q2,x);
-	if (inters > 0){
-	  has_no_overlap = false; 
-	  break;
+	if (inters && x[1] > EPS && x[1] < 1.-EPS){
+	  has_overlap = true; 
+	  MVertex *v1 = orderedLoop[i];
+	  MVertex *v2 = orderedLoop[k];
+	  std::set<MVertex *>::iterator it1 = ov.find(v1);
+	  std::set<MVertex *>::iterator it2 = ov.find(v2);
+	  vert.push_back(v1);
+	  vert.push_back(v2);
+	  return has_overlap;
+	  // if(it1 == ov.end() && it1 == ov.end()){
+	  //   ov.insert(v1);
+	  //   ov.insert(v2);
+	  //   vert.push_back(v1);
+	  //   vert.push_back(v2);
+	  //   return has_overlap;
+	  // }
-  if ( !has_no_overlap ) {
+  if (has_overlap ) {
     Msg::Debug("Overlap for compound face %d", this->tag());
-  return has_no_overlap;
+  return has_overlap;
@@ -548,7 +562,7 @@ bool GFaceCompound::checkOrientation(int iter) const
   else if (oriented && iter < iterMax){
     Msg::Info("Parametrization is bijective (no flips)");
-    printStuff(); 
+    //printStuff(); 
   return oriented;
@@ -622,8 +636,6 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
-    //parametrize(ITERU,CONVEXCOMBINATION);
-    //parametrize(ITERV,CONVEXCOMBINATION);
   // Multiscale Laplace parametrization
   else if (_mapping == MULTISCALE){
@@ -637,13 +649,10 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize() const
   else if (_mapping == CONFORMAL){
     Msg::Debug("Parametrizing surface %d with 'conformal map'", tag());
-    bool noOverlap = parametrize_conformal_spectral() ;
-    if (!noOverlap){
-      Msg::Warning("!!! Overlap: parametrization switched to 'FE conformal' map");
-      noOverlap = parametrize_conformal();
-    }
-    if (!noOverlap || !checkOrientation(0) ){
-      Msg::Warning("$$$ Flipping: parametrization switched to 'harmonic' map");
+    bool hasOverlap = parametrize_conformal_spectral();
+    if (hasOverlap || !checkOrientation(0) ){
+      printStuff(33);
+      Msg::Warning("$$$ Overlap or Flipping: parametrization switched to 'harmonic' map");
@@ -929,9 +938,6 @@ GFaceCompound::GFaceCompound(GModel *m, int tag, std::list<GFace*> &compound,
   MONE = new simpleFunction<double>(-1.0);
   for(std::list<GFace*>::iterator it = _compound.begin(); it != _compound.end(); ++it){
-    //EMI FIX
-    //if ((*it)->tag() == 3) _mapping = CONFORMAL;
       Msg::Error("Incorrect face in compound surface %d\n", tag);
@@ -1139,12 +1145,15 @@ linearSystem<double> *_lsys = 0;
 bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_spectral() const
 #if !defined(HAVE_PETSC) && !defined(HAVE_SLEPC)
-  Msg::Error("Gmsh should be compiled with petsc and slepc for using the conformal map.");
-  Msg::Error("Switch to harmonic map or see doc on the wiki for installing petsc and slepc:");
-  Msg::Error("https://geuz.org/trac/gmsh/wiki/STLRemeshing (username:gmsh,passwd:gmsh)");
-  return false;
-  parametrize_conformal();
+  //Msg::Error("Gmsh should be compiled with petsc and slepc for using the conformal map.");
+  //Msg::Error("Switch to harmonic map or see doc on the wiki for installing petsc and slepc:");
+  //Msg::Error("https://geuz.org/trac/gmsh/wiki/STLRemeshing (username:gmsh,passwd:gmsh)");
+  Msg::Warning("Slepc not installed: parametrization switched to 'FE conformal' map");
+  return parametrize_conformal(0,NULL,NULL);
   linearSystem <double> *lsysA  = new linearSystemPETSc<double>;
   linearSystem <double> *lsysB  = new linearSystemPETSc<double>;
   dofManager<double> myAssembler(lsysA, lsysB);
@@ -1244,18 +1253,28 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal_spectral() const
       coordinates[v] = SPoint3(paramu,paramv,0.0);
       k = k+2;
     delete lsysA;
     delete lsysB;
+  }
+  else{
+    Msg::Warning("Slepc not converged: parametrization switched to 'FE conformal' map");
+    return parametrize_conformal(0,NULL,NULL);  
+  }
-    return checkOverlap();
+   std::vector<MVertex *> vert;
+   bool hasOverlap = checkOverlap(vert);
+   if (hasOverlap){
+     Msg::Warning("!!! Overlap: parametrization switched to 'FE conformal' map");
+     printStuff(3);
+     return hasOverlap = parametrize_conformal(0, vert[0], vert[1]);
+   }
+   return hasOverlap;
-  }
-  else return false;
-bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal() const
+bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal(int iter, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2) const
   linearSystem<double> *_lsys = 0;
@@ -1273,8 +1292,8 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal() const
   dofManager<double> myAssembler(_lsys);
-  MVertex *v1  = _ordered[0];
-  MVertex *v2  = _ordered[(int)ceil((double)_ordered.size()/2.)];
+  if (!v1) v1  = _ordered[0];
+  if (!v2) v2  = _ordered[(int)ceil((double)_ordered.size()/2.)];
   myAssembler.fixVertex(v1, 0, 1, 1.);
   myAssembler.fixVertex(v1, 0, 2, 0.);
   myAssembler.fixVertex(v2, 0, 1, -1.);
@@ -1338,8 +1357,18 @@ bool GFaceCompound::parametrize_conformal() const
   delete _lsys; 
-  //check for overlapping triangles
-  return checkOverlap();
+  //check for overlap and compute new mapping with new pinned vertices
+  std::vector<MVertex *> vert;
+  bool hasOverlap = checkOverlap(vert);
+  if (hasOverlap && iter < 3){
+    printf("**********Loop FE conformal iter (%d) v1=%d v2=%d \n", iter, vert[0]->getNum(), vert[1]->getNum());
+     printStuff(100+iter);
+     return hasOverlap = parametrize_conformal(iter+1, vert[0],vert[1]);
+  }
+  else{
+    return hasOverlap;
+  }
diff --git a/Geo/GFaceCompound.h b/Geo/GFaceCompound.h
index 0d37acb896688eacac8a7bdb0d634447f88dbe44..74aef07aad073da7433d332211c2d9df4c72af7a 100644
--- a/Geo/GFaceCompound.h
+++ b/Geo/GFaceCompound.h
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ class GFaceCompound : public GFace {
   typedef enum {UNITCIRCLE, SQUARE} typeOfIsomorphism;
   void computeNormals(std::map<MVertex*, SVector3> &normals) const;
+  mutable std::set<MVertex *> ov;
   mutable GRbf *_rbf;
   simpleFunction<double> *ONE;
   simpleFunction<double> *MONE;
@@ -83,11 +84,11 @@ class GFaceCompound : public GFace {
   void buildOct() const ;
   void buildAllNodes() const; 
   void parametrize(iterationStep, typeOfMapping) const;
-  bool parametrize_conformal() const;
+  bool parametrize_conformal(int iter, MVertex *v1, MVertex *v2) const;
   bool parametrize_conformal_spectral() const;
   void compute_distance() const;
   bool checkOrientation(int iter) const;
-  bool checkOverlap() const;
+  bool checkOverlap(std::vector<MVertex *> &vert) const;
   void one2OneMap() const;
   double checkAspectRatio() const;
   void computeNormals () const;
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ class GFaceCompound : public GFace {
   SOrientedBoundingBox obb_boundEdges(const std::list<GEdge* > &elist) const;
   void fillNeumannBCS() const;
   /* double sumAngles(std::vector<MVertex*> ordered) const; */
   GFaceCompound(GModel *m, int tag, std::list<GFace*> &compound,
 		std::list<GEdge*> &U0, typeOfMapping typ = HARMONIC, int allowPartition=1);
diff --git a/Geo/GModel.cpp b/Geo/GModel.cpp
index 5c5cc990dffa19ca095fa21500333df34f34546c..52f66e430eda04a5f2eae9594fb1d190e00125ed 100644
--- a/Geo/GModel.cpp
+++ b/Geo/GModel.cpp
@@ -1815,16 +1815,13 @@ GModel *GModel::buildCutGModel(gLevelset *ls, bool cutElem, bool saveTri)
   for(int i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(elements) / sizeof(elements[0])); i++)
   for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
     cutGM->_storePhysicalTagsInEntities(i, physicals[i]);
-  double t2 = Cpu();
-  Msg::Info("Mesh cutting complete (%g s)", t2 - t1);
+  Msg::Info("Mesh cutting complete (%g s)", Cpu() - t1);
   return cutGM;
diff --git a/Geo/MElementCut.cpp b/Geo/MElementCut.cpp
index 2aac62c779178c122494dd77dd6b6c0acd0259c9..a438ffba8ae41220d227375428ff34ebf26bfd66 100644
--- a/Geo/MElementCut.cpp
+++ b/Geo/MElementCut.cpp
@@ -853,6 +853,7 @@ static void elementCutMesh(MElement *e, std::vector<const gLevelset *> &RPN,
         int lsT = triangles[i]->lsTag();
         int c = elements[2].count(lsT) + elements[3].count(lsT) + elements[8].count(lsT);
         // the surfaces are cut before the volumes!
+	//bool havePhys = e->
         int reg = getBorderTag(lsT, c, newElemTags[2][0], borderElemTags[1]);
         int physTag = (!gePhysicals.size()) ? 0 : getBorderTag(lsT, c, newPhysTags[2][0], borderPhysTags[1]);
         std::vector<int> phys;
@@ -1209,6 +1210,7 @@ GModel *buildCutMesh(GModel *gm, gLevelset *ls,
     return cutGM;
+  //CutMesh
   newVerticesContainer newVertices;
   std::map<int, int> borderElemTags[2]; //map<lsTag,elementary>[line=0,surface=1]
   std::map<int, int> borderPhysTags[2]; //map<lstag,physical>[line=0,surface=1]
diff --git a/Geo/gmshLevelset.cpp b/Geo/gmshLevelset.cpp
index c784cf167be50e7af291692cbdcb9a0e14d3aa47..bb30399dc748ce59139de59066682d6e4be8b5c1 100644
--- a/Geo/gmshLevelset.cpp
+++ b/Geo/gmshLevelset.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #include <queue>
 #include <stack>
 #include "fullMatrix.h"
-#include "mathEvaluator.h"
 inline double det3(double d11, double d12, double d13, double d21, double d22, double d23, double d31, double d32, double d33) {
   return d11 * (d22 * d33 - d23 * d32) - d21 * (d12 * d33 - d13 * d32) + d31 * (d12 * d23 - d13 * d22);
diff --git a/Geo/gmshLevelset.h b/Geo/gmshLevelset.h
index 9beef8585c70ec2d96d734c9a3b40636c0982878..e95e0091b991ce168b9c1f8470b856552f4c9842 100644
--- a/Geo/gmshLevelset.h
+++ b/Geo/gmshLevelset.h
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
 #define INTER     14
 #define CRACK     15
 class gLevelset
@@ -121,7 +120,7 @@ class gLevelsetSphere : public gLevelsetPrimitive
   double xc, yc, zc, r;
-  gLevelsetSphere (const double &x, const double &y, const double &z, const double &R, int tag) : gLevelsetPrimitive(tag), xc(x), yc(y), zc(z), r(R) {}
+  gLevelsetSphere (const double &x, const double &y, const double &z, const double &R, int tag=1) : gLevelsetPrimitive(tag), xc(x), yc(y), zc(z), r(R) {}
   virtual double operator () (const double x, const double y, const double z) const
     {return sqrt((xc - x) * (xc - x) + (yc - y) * (yc - y) + (zc - z) * (zc - z)) - r;}
   int type() const {return SPHERE;}
@@ -133,11 +132,11 @@ protected:
   double a, b, c, d;
   // define the plane _a*x+_b*y+_c*z+_d, with outward normal (a,b,c)
-  gLevelsetPlane (const double _a, const double _b, const double _c, const double _d, int tag) : gLevelsetPrimitive(tag), a(_a), b(_b), c(_c), d(_d) {}
+  gLevelsetPlane (const double _a, const double _b, const double _c, const double _d, int tag=1) : gLevelsetPrimitive(tag), a(_a), b(_b), c(_c), d(_d) {}
   // define the plane passing through the point pt and with outward normal norm
-  gLevelsetPlane (const double *pt, const double *norm, int tag);
+  gLevelsetPlane (const double *pt, const double *norm, int tag=1);
   // define the plane passing through the 3 points pt1,pt2,pt3 and with outward normal (pt1,pt2)x(pt1,pt3)
-  gLevelsetPlane (const double *pt1, const double *pt2, const double *pt3, int tag);
+  gLevelsetPlane (const double *pt1, const double *pt2, const double *pt3, int tag=1);
   // copy constructor
   gLevelsetPlane(const gLevelsetPlane &lv);
   virtual gLevelset * clone() const{return new gLevelsetPlane(*this);}
@@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ protected:
   // define the data points
-  gLevelsetPoints(fullMatrix<double> &_centers, int tag); 
+  gLevelsetPoints(fullMatrix<double> &_centers, int tag=1); 
   // copy constructor
   gLevelsetPoints(const gLevelsetPoints &lv);
   virtual gLevelset * clone() const{return new gLevelsetPoints(*this);}
@@ -198,7 +197,7 @@ protected:
   gLevelsetQuadric() : gLevelsetPrimitive() {init(); }
-  gLevelsetQuadric(int tag) : gLevelsetPrimitive(tag) {init(); }
+  gLevelsetQuadric(int tag=1) : gLevelsetPrimitive(tag) {init(); }
   gLevelsetQuadric(const gLevelsetQuadric &);
   virtual ~gLevelsetQuadric() {}
   double operator () (const double x, const double y, const double z) const;
@@ -208,7 +207,7 @@ public:
 class gLevelsetGenCylinder : public gLevelsetQuadric
-  gLevelsetGenCylinder (const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &R, int tag);
+  gLevelsetGenCylinder (const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &R, int tag=1);
   gLevelsetGenCylinder (const gLevelsetGenCylinder& );
   virtual gLevelset * clone() const{return new gLevelsetGenCylinder(*this);}
   int type() const {return GENCYLINDER;}
@@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ public:
 class gLevelsetEllipsoid : public gLevelsetQuadric
-  gLevelsetEllipsoid (const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &a, const double &b, const double &c, int tag);
+  gLevelsetEllipsoid (const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &a, const double &b, const double &c, int tag=1);
   gLevelsetEllipsoid (const gLevelsetEllipsoid& );
   virtual gLevelset * clone() const{return new gLevelsetEllipsoid(*this);}
   int type() const {return ELLIPS;}
@@ -226,7 +225,7 @@ public:
 class gLevelsetCone : public gLevelsetQuadric
-  gLevelsetCone (const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &angle, int tag);
+  gLevelsetCone (const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &angle, int tag=1);
   gLevelsetCone (const gLevelsetCone& );
   virtual gLevelset * clone() const{return new gLevelsetCone(*this);}
   int type() const {return CONE;}
@@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ class gLevelsetGeneralQuadric : public gLevelsetQuadric
   gLevelsetGeneralQuadric (const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &x2, const double &y2, const double &z2,
-                           const double &z, const double &c, int tag);
+                           const double &z, const double &c, int tag=1);
   gLevelsetGeneralQuadric (const gLevelsetGeneralQuadric& );
   virtual gLevelset * clone() const{return new gLevelsetGeneralQuadric(*this);}
   int type() const {return QUADRIC;}
@@ -246,7 +245,7 @@ class gLevelsetMathEval: public gLevelsetPrimitive
   mathEvaluator *_expr;
-  gLevelsetMathEval(std::string f, int tag);
+  gLevelsetMathEval(std::string f, int tag=1);
   ~gLevelsetMathEval(){ if (_expr) delete _expr; }
   double operator () (const double x, const double y, const double z) const;
   int type() const { return UNKNOWN; }
@@ -259,7 +258,7 @@ class gLevelsetPostView : public gLevelsetPrimitive
   int _viewIndex;
   OctreePost *_octree;
-  gLevelsetPostView(int index, int tag) ;
+  gLevelsetPostView(int index, int tag=1) ;
   ~gLevelsetPostView(){ if(_octree) delete _octree;}
   double operator () (const double x, const double y, const double z) const;
   int type() const { return UNKNOWN; }
@@ -417,7 +416,7 @@ public:
   //                         face normal to dir1 and not including pt : tag+4
   //                         face normal to dir1 and     including pt : tag+5
   gLevelsetBox(const double *pt, const double *dir1, const double *dir2, const double *dir3,
-               const double &a, const double &b, const double &c, int tag);
+               const double &a, const double &b, const double &c, int tag=1);
   // create a box with the 8 vertices (pt1,...,pt8). 
   // check if the faces are planar.
   // tags of the faces are : face(pt5,pt6,pt7,pt8) : tag+0
@@ -427,7 +426,7 @@ public:
   //                         face(pt2,pt3,pt7,pt6) : tag+4
   //                         face(pt1,pt5,pt8,pt4) : tag+5
   gLevelsetBox(const double *pt1, const double *pt2, const double *pt3, const double *pt4,
-               const double *pt5, const double *pt6, const double *pt7, const double *pt8, int tag);
+               const double *pt5, const double *pt6, const double *pt7, const double *pt8, int tag=1);
   gLevelsetBox(const gLevelsetBox &);
   virtual gLevelset * clone() const{return new gLevelsetBox(*this);}
   int type() const {return BOX;}
@@ -443,7 +442,7 @@ public:
   // tags of the faces are : exterior face :             tag+0
   //                         plane face including pt :   tag+1
   //                         plane face opposite to pt : tag+2
-  gLevelsetCylinder (const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &R, const double &H, int tag);
+  gLevelsetCylinder (const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &R, const double &H, int tag=1);
   // create a cylinder : pt is the point in the middle of the cylinder base,
   //                     dir is the direction of the cylinder axis,
   //                     R is the outer radius of the cylinder,
@@ -453,7 +452,7 @@ public:
   //                         plane face including pt :   tag+1
   //                         plane face opposite to pt : tag+2
   //                         interior face :             tag+3
-  gLevelsetCylinder (const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &R, const double &r, const double &H, int tag);
+  gLevelsetCylinder (const double *pt, const double *dir, const double &R, const double &r, const double &H, int tag=1);
   gLevelsetCylinder(const gLevelsetCylinder &);
   virtual gLevelset * clone() const{return new gLevelsetCylinder(*this);}
   int type() const {return CYLINDER;}
@@ -490,7 +489,7 @@ public:
   gLevelsetConrod (const double *pt, const double *dir1, const double *dir2,
                    const double &H1, const double &H2, const double &H3,
                    const double &R1, const double &r1, const double &R2, const double &r2,
-                   const double &L1, const double &L2, const double &E, int tag);
+                   const double &L1, const double &L2, const double &E, int tag=1);
   gLevelsetConrod(const gLevelsetConrod &);
   virtual gLevelset * clone() const{return new gLevelsetConrod(*this);}
   int type() const {return CONROD;}
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
index 11f2eb3caf2c668ef7253e0749102c2dcf3dca6f..45e91986f9dca4a9b3778d08bb244686314a790a 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFace.cpp
@@ -1910,7 +1910,7 @@ void partitionAndRemesh(GFaceCompound *gf)
   int nume = gf->model()->getMaxElementaryNumber(1) + 1;
   int numf = gf->model()->getMaxElementaryNumber(2) + 1;
   std::vector<discreteFace*> pFaces;
-  createPartitionFaces(gf->model(), gf, NF, pFaces); 
+  createPartitionFaces(gf->model(), elements, NF, pFaces); 
@@ -1952,6 +1952,7 @@ void partitionAndRemesh(GFaceCompound *gf)
     GFaceCompound *gfc = new GFaceCompound(gf->model(), num_gfc, f_compound, U0,
     gfc->meshAttributes.recombine = gf->meshAttributes.recombine;
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp
index 22b3c2d86ef37d7f76bc2b4055af65e92405fe45..a7f3ef941e81bfbad0bbf76b928919169888c40b 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp
@@ -1933,7 +1933,7 @@ void recombineIntoQuads(GFace *gf,
 void quadsToTriangles(GFace *gf, double minqual)
-  printf("COUCOU %g\n",minqual);
   std::vector<MQuadrangle*> qds;
   for (int i=0;i<gf->quadrangles.size();i++){
     MQuadrangle *q = gf->quadrangles[i];
diff --git a/Mesh/meshPartition.cpp b/Mesh/meshPartition.cpp
index 57717553ddf46e3d686ef3688a77268594e15039..341dcf042af3c11f3cb1c887d651f1c4841f1ada 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshPartition.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshPartition.cpp
@@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ int CreatePartitionBoundaries(GModel *model, bool createGhostCells)
   return 1;
-void createPartitionFaces(GModel *model, GFaceCompound *gf, int N, 
+void createPartitionFaces(GModel *model,  std::vector<MElement *> &elements, int N, 
                           std::vector<discreteFace*> &discreteFaces)
 #if defined(HAVE_SOLVER)
@@ -1314,29 +1314,20 @@ void createPartitionFaces(GModel *model, GFaceCompound *gf, int N,
   std::vector<std::set<MVertex*> > allNodes;
   int numMax = model->getMaxElementaryNumber(2) + 1;
   for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
-    //printf("*** Created discreteFace %d \n", numMax+i);
     discreteFace *face = new discreteFace(model, numMax+i);
-    model->add(face);//delete this    
+    model->add(face); //delete this
     std::set<MVertex*> mySet;
-  std::list<GFace*> _compound =  gf->getCompounds();
-  std::list<GFace*>::iterator it = _compound.begin();
-  for( ; it != _compound.end(); ++it){
-    //printf("tag compound =%d \n", (*it)->tag());
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*it)->triangles.size(); ++i){
-      MTriangle *e = (*it)->triangles[i];
-      int part = e->getPartition();
-      for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
-        MVertex *v0 = e->getVertex(j);
-        //printf("v0=%d part=%d\n", v0->getNum(), part); //returns part 0 ???
-        allNodes[part-1].insert(v0);
-      }
-      discreteFaces[part-1]->triangles.push_back(new MTriangle(e->getVertex(0),e->getVertex(1),e->getVertex(2)));     
+  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i){
+    MElement *e = elements[i];
+    int part = e->getPartition()-1;
+    for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){   
+      allNodes[part].insert(e->getVertex(j));
+    discreteFaces[part]->triangles.push_back(new MTriangle(e->getVertex(0),e->getVertex(1),e->getVertex(2))) ;
   for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
@@ -1344,6 +1335,7 @@ void createPartitionFaces(GModel *model, GFaceCompound *gf, int N,
diff --git a/Mesh/meshPartition.h b/Mesh/meshPartition.h
index 2f6caf2a2d19977f164fb88313a18cb5325fc42b..1e402ff0cac7c4b6ffd76d80bcef8c5dbc37c890 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshPartition.h
+++ b/Mesh/meshPartition.h
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ int CreatePartitionBoundaries(GModel *model, bool createGhostCells);
 void splitBoundaryEdges(GModel *model,
                         std::set<partitionEdge*, Less_partitionEdge> &newEdges);
-void createPartitionFaces(GModel *model, GFaceCompound *gf, int num_parts,
+void createPartitionFaces(GModel *model, std::vector<MElement *> &elements, int num_parts,
                           std::vector<discreteFace*> &pFaces);
diff --git a/Mesh/multiscalePartition.cpp b/Mesh/multiscalePartition.cpp
index f777360efc92d3b993ea283f1fe99c6134fdf675..a34d6987c989505dd7cee2214d03e86d06bbce8d 100644
--- a/Mesh/multiscalePartition.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/multiscalePartition.cpp
@@ -234,7 +234,6 @@ static void getGenusAndRatio(std::vector<MElement *> &elements, int & genus, int
   AR = getAspectRatio(elements, boundaries);
 static void partitionRegions(std::vector<MElement*> &elements, 
                              std::vector<std::vector<MElement*> > &regions)
@@ -325,7 +324,8 @@ multiscalePartition::multiscalePartition(std::vector<MElement *> &elements,
   partition(*level, nbParts, method);
-  totalParts = assembleAllPartitions();
+  totalParts = assembleAllPartitions(elements);
 void multiscalePartition::setNumberOfPartitions(int &nbParts)
@@ -365,15 +365,13 @@ void multiscalePartition::partition(partitionLevel & level, int nbParts,
     int genus, AR, NB;
     getGenusAndRatio(regions[i], genus, AR, NB);
-    //printLevel (nextLevel->elements, nextLevel->recur,nextLevel->region);  
     if (genus < 0) {
       Msg::Error("Genus partition is negative G=%d!", genus);
     if (genus != 0 ){
-      int nbParts = 2; //std::max(genus+2,2);
+      int nbParts = std::max(genus+2,2);
       Msg::Info("Mesh partition: level (%d-%d)  is %d-GENUS (AR=%d) ---> MULTILEVEL partition %d parts",
                 nextLevel->recur,nextLevel->region, genus, AR, nbParts);  
       partition(*nextLevel, nbParts, MULTILEVEL);
@@ -401,15 +399,17 @@ void multiscalePartition::partition(partitionLevel & level, int nbParts,
-int multiscalePartition::assembleAllPartitions()
+int multiscalePartition::assembleAllPartitions(std::vector<MElement*> & elements)
   int iPart =  1;   
+  elements.clear();
   for (unsigned i = 0; i< levels.size(); i++){
     partitionLevel *iLevel = levels[i];
     if(iLevel->elements.size() > 0){
       for (unsigned j = 0; j < iLevel->elements.size(); j++){
         MElement *e = iLevel->elements[j];
+	elements.push_back(e);
diff --git a/Mesh/multiscalePartition.h b/Mesh/multiscalePartition.h
index e55c24b9d99b084f5da3f1815406ad66866bfcd5..4438cd2bcc444f7ac7d129e9cc12296a8b8720f6 100644
--- a/Mesh/multiscalePartition.h
+++ b/Mesh/multiscalePartition.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class multiscalePartition{
   multiscalePartition(std::vector<MElement *> &elements, int nbParts, 
 		      typeOfPartition method, int allowPartition);
-  int assembleAllPartitions();
+  int assembleAllPartitions(std::vector<MElement*> & elements);
   void setNumberOfPartitions(int &nbParts);
   int getNumberOfParts(){return totalParts;}
diff --git a/Parser/Gmsh.tab.cpp b/Parser/Gmsh.tab.cpp
index 7f0a33fdd3d745b225bc91b4eb8f0dbdd86ea5ca..9a4eaec02dcdc2b81701680965c0ed367254166b 100644
--- a/Parser/Gmsh.tab.cpp
+++ b/Parser/Gmsh.tab.cpp
@@ -6371,7 +6371,7 @@ yyreduce:
         int t = (int)(yyvsp[(4) - (6)].d);
         GModel *GM = GModel::current();
         GM->buildCutGModel(FindLevelSet(t)->ls, true, true);
-        GM->setVisibility(0);
+  	GM->setVisibility(0);
       else if(!strcmp((yyvsp[(2) - (6)].c), "SplitMesh")){
         int t = (int)(yyvsp[(4) - (6)].d);
diff --git a/Solver/eigenSolver.cpp b/Solver/eigenSolver.cpp
index f594831c0b98769699de5414c2021f9fc8c4fcea..4bc489dde202c7e9e5156c658658d409e2ef6dae 100644
--- a/Solver/eigenSolver.cpp
+++ b/Solver/eigenSolver.cpp
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ bool eigenSolver::solve(int numEigenValues, std::string which)
   // set some default options
   _try(EPSSetDimensions(eps, numEigenValues, PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE));
-  _try(EPSSetTolerances(eps, 1.e-7, 20));//1.e-6 50
+  _try(EPSSetTolerances(eps, 1.e-7, 20));//1.e-7 20
   //_try(EPSSetType(eps, EPSKRYLOVSCHUR)); //default
   _try(EPSSetType(eps, EPSARNOLDI));
   //_try(EPSSetType(eps, EPSARPACK));
diff --git a/Solver/elasticityTerm.cpp b/Solver/elasticityTerm.cpp
index dc034b2a29458c572071b62e4f0b3615ddc5af69..0654e7e01f94f2b7cadf6699f384dcbae9158f98 100644
--- a/Solver/elasticityTerm.cpp
+++ b/Solver/elasticityTerm.cpp
@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ void elasticityTerm::elementMatrix(SElement *se, fullMatrix<double> &m) const
-      printf("coucou AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH \n");
       se->gradNodalTestFunctions (u, v, w, invjac,GradsT);
       for (int j = 0; j < nbSF; j++){
         BT(j, 0) = Grads[j][0]; B(0, j) = GradsT[j][0];
diff --git a/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.cpp b/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.cpp
index 97a73f904b65d982ae46b6af4553c0207cd9b954..a7e8d5e03655e7ccb67922070d5fd5ed8da4862b 100644
--- a/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.cpp
+++ b/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.cpp
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ struct compareRotatedPoints {
     angle = atan2(r.y()-l.y(),r.x()-l.x());
   bool operator  ( ) (const SPoint2 &p1, const SPoint2 &p2) const {
+    //sort from left (x=-1) to right (sin=0), cos(=1)
     double x1 = (p1.x()-left.x())*cos(angle) + (p1.y()-left.y())*sin(angle); 
     double x2 = (p2.x()-left.x())*cos(angle) + (p2.y()-left.y())*sin(angle); 
     if (x1<x2)return true;
@@ -51,6 +52,38 @@ struct sort_pred {
+static void sort_centers_dist(std::vector<std::pair<SPoint2,multiscaleLaplaceLevel*> > &centers, 
+			      const SPoint2 &leftP){
+  std::vector<std::pair<SPoint2,multiscaleLaplaceLevel*> > myCenters(centers);
+  std::vector<std::pair<SPoint2,multiscaleLaplaceLevel*> > newCenters;
+  SPoint2 lPoint = leftP;
+  //printf("size centers  =%d \n", myCenters.size());
+  while (!myCenters.empty()){
+    //printf("size centers loop =%d \n", myCenters.size());
+    double dist = 1.e6;
+    int numClosest = 0;
+    for (int i= 0; i < myCenters.size(); i++){
+	SPoint2 c = myCenters[i].first;
+	double distc = sqrt((c.x() - lPoint.x())*(c.x() - lPoint.x())+
+			    (c.y() - lPoint.y())*(c.y() - lPoint.y()));
+	//printf("distc =%g \n", distc);
+	if (distc < dist){
+	  dist = distc;
+	  numClosest = i;
+	}
+    }
+    //printf("numClosest =%d \n", numClosest);
+    lPoint = myCenters[numClosest].first;
+    newCenters.push_back(myCenters[numClosest]);
+    myCenters.erase(myCenters.begin()+numClosest);
+  }
+  centers = newCenters;
 static int intersection_segments_b (SPoint2 &p1, SPoint2 &p2,
@@ -68,6 +101,7 @@ static int intersection_segments_b (SPoint2 &p1, SPoint2 &p2,
   double QP2 = robustPredicates::orient2d(Q1,Q2,P2);
 static void recur_connect (MVertex *v,
                            std::multimap<MVertex*,MEdge> &v2e,
@@ -245,9 +279,9 @@ static void recur_compute_centers_ (double R, double a1, double a2,
   multiscaleLaplaceLevel* zero = 0;
-  SPoint2 PL (R*cos(a1),R*sin(a1));
-  SPoint2 PR (R*cos(a2),R*sin(a2));
+  double fact = 2.5;
+  SPoint2 PL (fact*R*cos(a1),fact*R*sin(a1));
+  SPoint2 PR (fact*R*cos(a2),fact*R*sin(a2));
   std::vector<SPoint2> centersChild;
@@ -286,7 +320,7 @@ static void recur_compute_centers_ (double R, double a1, double a2,
                                  (c.y() - p.y())*(c.y() - p.y())));
-       //check if the center has not been added
+      //check if the center has not been added
       bool newCenter = true;
       for (std::vector<SPoint2>::iterator it2 = centersChild.begin(); it2 != centersChild.end(); it2++){
         SPoint2 p = *it2;
@@ -307,8 +341,12 @@ static void recur_compute_centers_ (double R, double a1, double a2,
-  //sort centers
-  std::sort(centers.begin(),centers.end(), sort_pred(PL,PR));
+  //sort centers from left to right
+  //std::sort(centers.begin(),centers.end(), sort_pred(PL,PR));
+  //sort from distances
+  sort_centers_dist(centers, PL);
   centers.insert(centers.begin(), std::make_pair(PL,zero));  
@@ -325,25 +363,28 @@ static void recur_compute_centers_ (double R, double a1, double a2,
-static void recur_cut_edges_ (multiscaleLaplaceLevel * root,
-                              std::multimap<MEdge,MElement*,Less_Edge> &e2e,
+static void recur_cut_edges_ (multiscaleLaplaceLevel *root,
                               std::map<MEdge,MVertex*,Less_Edge> &cutEdges,
                               std::set<MVertex*> &cutVertices){
-  std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge> allEdges;
-  for (std::multimap <MEdge,MElement*,Less_Edge>::iterator it = e2e.begin();
-         it != e2e.end() ; ++it){
-    allEdges.insert(it->first);
-  }
   const double EPS = 0.001;
+  std::multimap<MEdge,MElement*,Less_Edge> e2e;
+  std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge> allEdges;
+  for (int i=0;i<root->elements.size();++i){
+    for (int j=0;j<root->elements[i]->getNumEdges();j++){
+      e2e.insert(std::make_pair(root->elements[i]->getEdge(j),root->elements[i]));
+      allEdges.insert(root->elements[i]->getEdge(j));
+     }
+   }
   std::vector<std::pair<SPoint2,multiscaleLaplaceLevel*> > &centers = root->cut;
-  for (unsigned int i=0;i<centers.size()-1;i++){
+  for (unsigned int i=0;i< centers.size()-1;i++){
     SPoint2 p1 = centers[i].first;
     SPoint2 p2 = centers[i+1].first;
+    //printf("*************** line p1p2 (%g %g) -- (%g %g) \n",p1.x(),p1.y(),p2.x(),p2.y());
     for (std::set <MEdge,Less_Edge>::iterator it = allEdges.begin();
          it != allEdges.end() ; ++it){
-      if(e2e.count(*it) == 2 && cutEdges.find(*it) == cutEdges.end()){
+      if( cutEdges.find(*it) == cutEdges.end()){//e2e.count(*it) == 2 &&
         std::map<MVertex *, SPoint2>::iterator it0 = root->coordinates.find(it->getVertex(0));
         std::map<MVertex *, SPoint2>::iterator it1 = root->coordinates.find(it->getVertex(1));
         if (it0 != root->coordinates.end() && it1 != root->coordinates.end()){
@@ -352,15 +393,14 @@ static void recur_cut_edges_ (multiscaleLaplaceLevel * root,
           double x[2];
           int inters = intersection_segments (p1,p2,q1,q2,x);   
           if (inters && x[1] > EPS && x[1] < 1.-EPS){
-            //      printf("%g %g -- %g %g -- %g %g -- %g %g\n",p1.x(),p1.y(),p2.x(),p2.y(),q1.x(),q1.y(),q2.x(),q2.y());
-            MVertex *newv = new MVertex ((1.-x[1])*it->getVertex(0)->x() + x[1]*it->getVertex(1)->x(),
-                                         (1.-x[1])*it->getVertex(0)->y() + x[1]*it->getVertex(1)->y(),
+	    MVertex *newv = new MVertex ((1.-x[1])*it->getVertex(0)->x() + x[1]*it->getVertex(1)->x(),
+					 (1.-x[1])*it->getVertex(0)->y() + x[1]*it->getVertex(1)->y(),
                                          (1.-x[1])*it->getVertex(0)->z() + x[1]*it->getVertex(1)->z());
             cutEdges[*it] = newv;
             root->coordinates[newv] = q1*(1.-x[1]) + q2*x[1] ;
-          else if (inters && x[1] <= EPS)cutVertices.insert(it->getVertex(0));
-          else if (inters && x[1] >= 1.-EPS)cutVertices.insert(it->getVertex(1));
+          else if (inters && x[1] <= EPS) cutVertices.insert(it->getVertex(0));
+          else if (inters && x[1] >= 1.-EPS) cutVertices.insert(it->getVertex(1));
@@ -368,7 +408,7 @@ static void recur_cut_edges_ (multiscaleLaplaceLevel * root,
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < centers.size(); i++){
     multiscaleLaplaceLevel* m2 = centers[i].second;
     if (m2){
-      recur_cut_edges_ (m2,e2e,cutEdges,cutVertices);
+      recur_cut_edges_ (m2,cutEdges,cutVertices);
@@ -384,10 +424,7 @@ static void recur_cut_elements_ (multiscaleLaplaceLevel * root,
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < root->elements.size(); i++){
     MVertex *c[3] = {0,0,0};
     for (int j=0;j<3;j++){
-      MEdge ed = root->elements[i]->getEdge(j);
-      //      if (cutVertices.find (ed.getVertex(0)) != cutVertices.end() &&
-      //          cutVertices.find (ed.getVertex(1)) != cutVertices.end() )theCut.insert(ed);
+      MEdge ed = root->elements[i]->getEdge(j); 
       std::map<MEdge,MVertex*,Less_Edge> :: iterator it = cutEdges.find(ed);
       if (it != cutEdges.end()){
         c[j] = it->second;
@@ -398,58 +435,73 @@ static void recur_cut_elements_ (multiscaleLaplaceLevel * root,
       newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0),c[0],root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)));
       newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(2),c[0],c[1]));
-      // FIXME should be done !!!!!!
-      //delete root->elements[i];      
     else if (c[0] && c[2]){
       newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0),c[0],c[2]));
-      newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1),c[0],root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)));
-      newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(2),c[0],c[2]));
+      newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (c[0],root->elements[i]->getVertex(1),root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)));
+      newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(2),c[2],c[0]));
-      //delete root->elements[i];      
     else if (c[1] && c[2]){
       newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(2),c[2],c[1]));
       newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0),root->elements[i]->getVertex(1),c[2]));
       newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (c[2],root->elements[i]->getVertex(1),c[1]));
-      //delete root->elements[i];      
     else if (c[0]){
       newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0),c[0],root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)));
       newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(2),c[0],root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)));
-      if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0)) != cutVertices.end())
+      if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0)) != cutVertices.end()){
-      else if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)) != cutVertices.end()) 
+      }
+      else if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)) != cutVertices.end()) {
-      else
+      }
+      else{
-      //delete root->elements[i];      
+      }
     else if (c[1]){
       newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1),c[1],root->elements[i]->getVertex(0)));
       newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0),c[1],root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)));
-      if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)) != cutVertices.end())
+     if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0)) != cutVertices.end()){
+        theCut.insert(MEdge(c[1],root->elements[i]->getVertex(0)));
+      }
+      else if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)) != cutVertices.end()) {
-      else if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)) != cutVertices.end()) 
+      }
+      else{
-      else
-        theCut.insert(MEdge(c[1],root->elements[i]->getVertex(0)));
-      //delete root->elements[i];      
+      }
     else if (c[2]){
-      newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0),c[2],root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)));
-      newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1),c[2],root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)));
-      if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0)) != cutVertices.end())
+      newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0),root->elements[i]->getVertex(1), c[2]));
+      newElements.push_back(new MTriangle (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1),root->elements[i]->getVertex(2), c[2]));
+     if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0)) != cutVertices.end()){
-      else if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)) != cutVertices.end()) 
-        theCut.insert(MEdge(c[2],root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)));
-      else
+      }
+      else if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)) != cutVertices.end()) {
-      //delete root->elements[i];      
+      }
+      else{
+        theCut.insert(MEdge(c[2],root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)));
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      newElements.push_back(root->elements[i]);
+      if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0)) != cutVertices.end() &&
+	  cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)) != cutVertices.end())
+        theCut.insert(MEdge(root->elements[i]->getVertex(0),root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)));
+      if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(0)) != cutVertices.end() &&
+	  cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)) != cutVertices.end())
+        theCut.insert(MEdge(root->elements[i]->getVertex(0),root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)));
+      if (cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(2)) != cutVertices.end() &&
+	  cutVertices.find (root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)) != cutVertices.end())
+        theCut.insert(MEdge(root->elements[i]->getVertex(2),root->elements[i]->getVertex(1)));
-    else newElements.push_back(root->elements[i]);
+  root->elements.clear();
   root->elements = newElements;
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < centers.size(); i++){
@@ -459,22 +511,26 @@ static void recur_cut_elements_ (multiscaleLaplaceLevel * root,
-static void recur_split_ (MElement *e,
-                          std::multimap<MEdge,MElement*,Less_Edge> &e2e,
-                          std::set<MElement*> &group,
-                          std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge> &theCut){
-  if (group.find(e) != group.end())return;
-  group.insert(e);
+static void recur_leftCut_ (MElement *e,
+			    std::multimap<MEdge,MElement*,Less_Edge> &e2e,
+			    std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge> &theCut, 
+			    std::set<MElement*> &leftSet){
+  if (leftSet.find(e) != leftSet.end())return;
+  leftSet.insert(e);
+  //printf("insert in left %d \n", e->getNum());
   for (int i=0;i<e->getNumEdges();i++){
     MEdge ed = e->getEdge(i);
     if (theCut.find(ed) == theCut.end()){
       for (std::multimap <MEdge,MElement*,Less_Edge>::iterator it = e2e.lower_bound(ed);
          it != e2e.upper_bound(ed) ; ++it){
-        if (it->second != e)recur_split_ (it->second,e2e,group,theCut);
+        if (it->second != e) recur_leftCut_ (it->second,e2e,theCut, leftSet);
@@ -496,7 +552,7 @@ static void recur_connect (const MEdge &e,
-static void connectedRegions (std::vector<MElement*> &elements,
+static void connectedRegions (const std::vector<MElement*> &elements,
                               std::vector<std::vector<MElement*> > &regions)
   std::multimap<MEdge,MElement*,Less_Edge> e2e;
@@ -517,6 +573,28 @@ static void connectedRegions (std::vector<MElement*> &elements,
+static void keepConnected(std::vector<MElement*> &goodSize, std::vector<MElement*> &tooSmall){
+  std::vector<std::vector<MElement*> >  regGoodSize;
+  connectedRegions (goodSize,regGoodSize);
+  if (regGoodSize.size()  > 0){
+    int index=0;
+    int maxSize= regGoodSize[0].size(); 
+    for (unsigned int i=1;i< regGoodSize.size() ; i++){   
+      int size = regGoodSize[i].size();
+      if(size > maxSize){
+        index = i;
+        maxSize = size;
+      }
+    }
+    goodSize.clear();
+    for (unsigned int i=0;i< regGoodSize.size() ; i++){   
+      if (i == index)  goodSize.insert(goodSize.begin(), regGoodSize[i].begin(),  regGoodSize[i].end());
+      else  tooSmall.insert(tooSmall.begin(), regGoodSize[i].begin(),  regGoodSize[i].end());
+    }
+  }
 static void recur_cut_ (double R, double a1, double a2,
                         multiscaleLaplaceLevel * root, 
                         std::vector<MElement *> &left, 
@@ -564,54 +642,8 @@ static void recur_cut_ (double R, double a1, double a2,
 static void connected_left_right (std::vector<MElement *> &left, 
                                  std::vector<MElement *> &right ){
   //connected left
-  std::vector<std::vector<MElement*> >  subRegionsL;
-  connectedRegions (left,subRegionsL);
-  int indexL=0;
-  if (subRegionsL.size()  > 0){
-    int maxSize= subRegionsL[0].size(); 
-    for (unsigned int i=1;i< subRegionsL.size() ; i++){   
-      int size = subRegionsL[i].size();
-      if(size > maxSize){
-        maxSize = size;
-        indexL = i;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  left.clear();
-  for (unsigned int i=0;i< subRegionsL.size() ; i++){   
-    if (i == indexL)
-      left.insert(left.begin(), subRegionsL[i].begin(),  subRegionsL[i].end());
-    else
-      right.insert(right.begin(), subRegionsL[i].begin(),  subRegionsL[i].end());
-  }
-  //connected right
-  std::vector<std::vector<MElement*> >  subRegionsR;
-  connectedRegions (right,subRegionsR);
-  int indexR=0;
-  if (subRegionsR.size()  > 0){
-    int maxSize= subRegionsR[0].size(); 
-    for (unsigned int i=1;i< subRegionsR.size() ; i++){   
-      int size = subRegionsR[i].size();
-      if(size > maxSize){
-        maxSize = size;
-        indexR = i;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  right.clear();
-  for (unsigned int i=0;i< subRegionsR.size() ; i++){   
-    if (i == indexR)
-      right.insert(right.begin(), subRegionsR[i].begin(),  subRegionsR[i].end());
-    else
-      left.insert(left.begin(), subRegionsR[i].begin(),  subRegionsR[i].end());
-  }
+  keepConnected(left, right);
   //assign partitions
   for (unsigned int i= 0; i< left.size(); i++)
@@ -621,6 +653,34 @@ static void connected_left_right (std::vector<MElement *> &left,
+static void printCut(std::map<MEdge,MVertex*,Less_Edge> &cutEdges,  std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge> &theCut, std::set<MVertex*> cutVertices){
+   printf("Writing points.pos \n");
+   std::map<MEdge,MVertex*,Less_Edge>::iterator ite = cutEdges.begin();
+   FILE *f1 = fopen("points.pos","w");
+   fprintf(f1,"View\"\"{\n");
+   for ( ; ite != cutEdges.end();++ite){
+     fprintf(f1,"SP(%g,%g,%g){1.0};\n",ite->second->x(),ite->second->y(),ite->second->z());
+   }
+   std::set<MVertex*>::iterator itv = cutVertices.begin();
+   for ( ; itv != cutVertices.end();++itv){
+     fprintf(f1,"SP(%g,%g,%g){3.0};\n",(*itv)->x(),(*itv)->y(),(*itv)->z());
+   }
+   fprintf(f1,"};\n");
+   fclose(f1);
+   printf("Writing edges.pos \n");
+   std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge>::iterator itc = theCut.begin();
+   FILE *f2 = fopen("edges.pos","w");
+   fprintf(f2,"View\"\"{\n");
+   for ( ; itc != theCut.end();++itc){
+     fprintf(f2,"SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){1.0,1.0};\n",itc->getVertex(0)->x(),itc->getVertex(0)->y(),itc->getVertex(0)->z(),
+          itc->getVertex(1)->x(),itc->getVertex(1)->y(),itc->getVertex(1)->z());
+   }
+   fprintf(f2,"};\n");
+   fclose(f2);
 static void printLevel(const char* fn,
                        std::vector<MElement *> &elements,
                        std::map<MVertex*,SPoint2> *coordinates,
@@ -847,62 +907,11 @@ multiscaleLaplace::multiscaleLaplace (std::vector<MElement *> &elements,
   //Compute centers for the cut
   int nbElems = 0;
   recur_compute_centers_ (1.0, M_PI, 0.0, root, nbElems);
-  //printf("CENTERS: elements =%d, recur nbElems = %d \n", elements.size(), nbElems);
-  //Partition the mesh in left and right
-  cut(elements); 
-  //---- Testing other cut for partitionning  ----
-  //---- cutEdges and connected_regions       ----
-//    std::multimap<MEdge,MElement*,Less_Edge> e2e;
-//    for (int i=0;i<elements.size();++i){
-//      for (int j=0;j<elements[i]->getNumEdges();j++){
-//        e2e.insert(std::make_pair(elements[i]->ge
-      //a1 = atan2 (m2->center.y() - centers[i-1].first.y(),m2->center.x() - centers[i-1].first.x()); 
-      //a2 = atan2 (m2->center.y() - centers[i+1].first.y(),m2->center.x() - centers[i+1].first.x()); tEdge(j),elements[i]));
-//      }
-//    }
-//    std::map<MEdge,MVertex*,Less_Edge> cutEdges;
-//    std::set<MVertex*> cutVertices;
-//    recur_cut_edges_ (root,e2e,cutEdges,cutVertices);
-//    printf("Writing points.pos \n");
-//    std::map<MEdge,MVertex*,Less_Edge>::iterator ite = cutEdges.begin();
-//    FILE *f1 = fopen("points.pos","w");
-//    fprintf(f1,"View\"\"{\n");
-//    for ( ; ite != cutEdges.end();++ite){
-//      fprintf(f1,"SP(%g,%g,%g){1.0};\n",ite->second->x(),ite->second->y(),ite->second->z());
-//    }
-//    fprintf(f1,"};\n");
-//    fclose(f1);
-//    std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge> theCut;   
-//    std::vector<MElement*> _all;
-//    recur_cut_elements_ (root,cutEdges,cutVertices,theCut,_all);
-//    printf("Writing edges.pos \n");
-//    std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge>::iterator itc = theCut.begin();
-//    FILE *f2 = fopen("edges.pos","w");
-//    fprintf(f2,"View\"\"{\n");
-//    for ( ; itc != theCut.end();++itc){
-//      fprintf(f2,"SL(%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g){1.0,1.0};\n",itc->getVertex(0)->x(),itc->getVertex(0)->y(),itc->getVertex(0)->z(),
-//           itc->getVertex(1)->x(),itc->getVertex(1)->y(),itc->getVertex(1)->z());
-//    }
-//    fprintf(f2,"};\n");
-//    fclose(f2);
-//   e2e.clear();
-//   for (int i=0;i<_all.size();++i){
-//     for (int j=0;j<_all[i]->getNumEdges();j++){
-//       e2e.insert(std::make_pair(_all[i]->getEdge(j),_all[i]));
-//     }
-//   }
-//  std::set<MElement*> leftSet;
-//  recur_split_ (_all[0],e2e,leftSet,theCut);
-//   for (int i=0;i<_all.size();i++){
-//     if(leftSet.find(_all[i]) == leftSet.end())right.push_back(_all[i]);
-//     else left.push_back(_all[i]);
-//   }
+  //Split the mesh in left and right
+  //or Cut the mesh in left and right
+  //splitElems(elements); 
+  cutElems(elements);
@@ -935,8 +944,7 @@ void multiscaleLaplace::fillCoordinates (multiscaleLaplaceLevel & level,
-void multiscaleLaplace::parametrize (multiscaleLaplaceLevel & level){
+void multiscaleLaplace::parametrize(multiscaleLaplaceLevel & level){
   //Compute all nodes for the level
   std::set<MVertex*> allNodes;
@@ -970,110 +978,87 @@ void multiscaleLaplace::parametrize (multiscaleLaplaceLevel & level){
     MElement *e = level.elements[i];
     std::vector<SPoint2> localCoord;
     double local_size = localSize(e,solution);
-    if (local_size < 1.e-6*global_size) //1.e-5
+    if (local_size < 1.e-5*global_size) //1.e-6
     else  goodSize.push_back(e);
-  //Only keep the connected elements vectors goodSize and tooSmall
-  std::vector<std::vector<MElement*> >  regGoodSize;
-  connectedRegions (goodSize,regGoodSize);
-  if (regGoodSize.size()  > 0){
-    int index=0;
-    int maxSize= regGoodSize[0].size(); 
-    for (unsigned int i=1;i< regGoodSize.size() ; i++){   
-      int size = regGoodSize[i].size();
-      if(size > maxSize){
-        index = i;
-        maxSize = size;
-      }
-    }
-    goodSize.clear();
-    for (unsigned int i=0;i< regGoodSize.size() ; i++){   
-      if (i == index)  goodSize.insert(goodSize.begin(), regGoodSize[i].begin(),  regGoodSize[i].end());
-      else  tooSmall.insert(tooSmall.begin(), regGoodSize[i].begin(),  regGoodSize[i].end());
-    }
-  }
+  //Only keep the connected elements vectors goodSize (the rest goes into tooSmall)
+  keepConnected(goodSize, tooSmall);
   //Add the not too small regions to the level.elements 
   std::vector<std::vector<MElement*> >  regions_, regions ;
-  std::vector<SPoint2> cents;
-  std::vector<double> rads;
   regions.clear(); regions_.clear();
   connectedRegions (tooSmall,regions_);
   for (unsigned int i=0;i< regions_.size() ; i++){    
     bool really_small_elements = false;
-    //  double totArea = 0.0;
-    //  SPoint2 center = (0.,0., 0.);
     for (unsigned int k=0; k<regions_[i].size() ; k++){
       MElement *e = regions_[i][k];
-//       SPoint2 p0 = solution[e->getVertex(0)]; 
-//       SPoint2 p1 = solution[e->getVertex(1)];
-//       SPoint2 p2 = solution[e->getVertex(2)];
-//       SPoint2 ec = (.3*(p0.x()+p1.x()+p2.x()), .3*(p0.y()+p1.y()+p2.y()));
-//       center +=ec;
-//       double q0[3] = {p0.x(), p0.y(), 0.0}; 
-//       double q1[3] = {p1.x(), p1.y(), 0.0};
-//       double q2[3] = {p2.x(), p2.y(), 0.0};
-//       double area = fabs(triangle_area(q0, q1, q2));   
-//       totArea  += area;
       double local_size = localSize(e,solution);
-      if (local_size < 1.e-8 * global_size) //1.e-7
+      if (local_size < 1.e-8*global_size) //1.e-7
         really_small_elements = true;
-    //center *= (1./regions_[i].size());
     if(really_small_elements ){
-      //cents.push_back(center);
-      //rads.push_back(sqrt(totArea/3.14));
       goodSize.insert(goodSize.begin(), regions_[i].begin(), regions_[i].end() );
-//   //EMI TEST
-//   //ensure that small elements are circular patches
-//   for (int i=0;i< regions.size() ; i++){
-//     SPoint2 c = cents[i];
-//     double rad = rads[i];
-//     for (std::vector<MElement*>::iterator it = regions[i].begin(); it != regions[i].end(); ++it){  
-//       MElement *e = *it;
-//       SPoint2 p0 = solution[e->getVertex(0)]; 
-//       SPoint2 p1 = solution[e->getVertex(1)];
-//       SPoint2 p2 = solution[e->getVertex(2)];
-//       SPoint2 ec = (.3*(p0.x()+p1.x()+p2.x()), .3*(p0.y()+p1.y()+p2.y()));
-//       double dist = sqrt((ec.x()-c.x())*(ec.x()-c.x()) + (ec.y()-c.y())*(ec.y()-c.y()));
-//       std::vector<MElement*>::iterator itp;
-//       if (dist > 0.5*rad ) {
-//      goodSize.push_back(e);
-//      itp = it;
-//      it++;
-//      regions[i].erase(itp);
-//       }
-//     }
-//     std::vector<std::vector<MElement*> >  connRegions ;
-//     connectedRegions(regions[i],connRegions);
-//     int index=0;
-//     int maxSize= connRegions[0].size(); 
-//     for (int j=1;j< connRegions.size() ; j++){   
-//       int size = connRegions[i].size();
-//       if(size > maxSize){
-//      maxSize = size;
-//      index = j;
-//       }
-//     }
-//     for (int j=0;j< connRegions.size() ; j++){   
-//       if (j == index){
-//      regions[i].clear();
-//      regions[i].insert(regions[i].begin(), connRegions[j].begin(),  connRegions[j].end());
-//       }
-//       else{
-//      goodSize.insert(goodSize.begin(),  connRegions[j].begin(),  connRegions[j].end());
-//       }
-//     }    
-//   }
-  //endTEST EMI
+  //check for convex small regions patches
+  for (int i=0;i< regions.size() ; i++){
+    std::vector<MElement*> &elemR = regions[i];
+    v2t_cont adj;
+    buildVertexToElement (elemR,adj);
+    for (std::vector<MElement*>::iterator it = elemR.begin(); it != elemR.end(); ++it){ 
+      int nbNeigh = 0;
+      MElement *e = *it;
+      v2t_cont :: iterator it0 = adj.find(e->getVertex(0));
+      if(it0 != adj.end()) nbNeigh += it0->second.size();
+      v2t_cont :: iterator it1 = adj.find(e->getVertex(1));
+      if(it1 != adj.end()) nbNeigh += it1->second.size();
+      v2t_cont :: iterator it2 = adj.find(e->getVertex(2));
+      if(it2 != adj.end()) nbNeigh += it2->second.size();
+      std::vector<MElement*>::iterator itp;
+      if (nbNeigh < 12) {
+  	goodSize.push_back(e);
+  	itp = it;
+  	it++;
+  	elemR.erase(itp);
+      }
+    }
+    keepConnected(elemR, goodSize);
+  }
+  tooSmall.clear();
+  for (int i=0;i< regions.size() ; i++)
+    tooSmall.insert(tooSmall.begin(), regions[i].begin(),  regions[i].end());
+  keepConnected(goodSize, tooSmall);
+  regions.clear();
+  connectedRegions (tooSmall,regions);
+  //ensure that small elements are circular patches
+  // for (int i=0;i< regions.size() ; i++){
+  //   SPoint2 c = cents[i];
+  //   double rad = rads[i];
+  //   for (std::vector<MElement*>::iterator it = regions[i].begin(); it != regions[i].end(); ++it){ 
+  //     MElement *e = *it;
+  //     SPoint2 p0 = solution[e->getVertex(0)];
+  //     SPoint2 p1 = solution[e->getVertex(1)];
+  //     SPoint2 p2 = solution[e->getVertex(2)];
+  //     SPoint2 ec = (.3*(p0.x()+p1.x()+p2.x()), .3*(p0.y()+p1.y()+p2.y()));
+  //     double dist = sqrt((ec.x()-c.x())*(ec.x()-c.x()) + (ec.y()-c.y())*(ec.y()-c.y()));
+  //     std::vector<MElement*>::iterator itp;
+  //     if (dist > 0.5*rad ) {
+  // 	goodSize.push_back(e);
+  // 	itp = it;
+  // 	it++;
+  // 	regions[i].erase(itp);
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  // keepConnected(regions[i], goodSize);
+ //}
   level.elements = goodSize;
@@ -1089,12 +1074,12 @@ void multiscaleLaplace::parametrize (multiscaleLaplaceLevel & level){
   //Save multiscale meshes
-  // std::string name1(level._name+"real.msh");
-  // std::string name2(level._name+"param.msh");
-  // std::string name3(level._name+"param_small.msh");
-  // printLevel (name1.c_str(),level.elements,0,2.2);
-  // printLevel (name2.c_str(),level.elements,&level.coordinates,2.2);
-  // printLevel_onlysmall (name3.c_str(),level.elements,&level.coordinates,2.2,1.e-15);
+   std::string name1(level._name+"real.msh");
+   std::string name2(level._name+"param.msh");
+   std::string name3(level._name+"param_small.msh");
+   printLevel (name1.c_str(),level.elements,0,2.2);
+   printLevel (name2.c_str(),level.elements,&level.coordinates,2.2);
+   printLevel_onlysmall (name3.c_str(),level.elements,&level.coordinates,2.2,1.e-15);
   //For every small region compute a new parametrization
   Msg::Info("Level (%d-%d): %d connected small regions",level.recur, level.region, regions.size());
@@ -1208,7 +1193,52 @@ void multiscaleLaplace::parametrize_method (multiscaleLaplaceLevel & level,
   delete _lsys;
-void multiscaleLaplace::cut(std::vector<MElement *> &elements)
+void multiscaleLaplace::cutElems(std::vector<MElement *> &elements)
+   std::map<MEdge,MVertex*,Less_Edge> cutEdges;
+   std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge> theCut;
+   std::set<MVertex*> cutVertices;
+   elements.clear();
+   recur_cut_edges_ (root, cutEdges,cutVertices); 
+   recur_cut_elements_ (root,cutEdges,cutVertices,theCut, elements);
+   printCut(cutEdges, theCut, cutVertices);
+   std::multimap<MEdge,MElement*,Less_Edge> e2e;
+   for (int i=0;i<elements.size();++i){
+     for (int j=0;j<elements[i]->getNumEdges();j++){
+       e2e.insert(std::make_pair(elements[i]->getEdge(j),elements[i]));
+     }
+   }
+   std::set<MElement*> leftS;
+   leftS.clear();
+   std::vector<MElement*> left,right;
+   recur_leftCut_ (elements[0], e2e, theCut, leftS);
+   for (int i=0;i< elements.size();i++){
+     MElement *e = elements[i];
+     if (leftS.find(e) != leftS.end()) left.push_back(e);
+     else right.push_back(e);
+   }
+   connected_left_right(left, right);
+   if (left.size()== 0 || right.size() == 0) {
+     printf("KO size left=%d, right=%d  not good (zero elems)\n", left.size(), right.size() );
+     exit(1);
+   }
+   elements.clear();
+   elements.insert(elements.end(),left.begin(),left.end());
+   elements.insert(elements.end(),right.begin(),right.end());
+   printLevel ("Rootcut-left.msh",left,0,2.2);  
+   printLevel ("Rootcut-right.msh",right,0,2.2);  
+   printLevel ("Rootcut-all.msh",elements, 0,2.2);  
+   //exit(1);
+void multiscaleLaplace::splitElems(std::vector<MElement *> &elements)
   std::vector<MElement*> left,right;
@@ -1216,22 +1246,22 @@ void multiscaleLaplace::cut(std::vector<MElement *> &elements)
   recur_cut_ (1.0, M_PI, 0.0, root,left,right);
   connected_left_right(left, right);
-  // printLevel ("Rootcut-left.msh",left,0,2.2);  
-  // printLevel ("Rootcut-right.msh",right,0,2.2);  
-  // printLevel ("Rootcut-all.msh",elements, 0,2.2);  
+  printLevel ("Rootsplit-left.msh",left,0,2.2);  
+  printLevel ("Rootsplit-right.msh",right,0,2.2);  
+  printLevel ("Rootsplit-all.msh",elements, 0,2.2);  
-  // printLevel ("Rootcut-left-param.msh",left,&root->coordinates,2.2);
-  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootcut-left-param10.msh",left,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-10);
-  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootcut-left-param12.msh",left,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-12);
-  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootcut-left-param15.msh",left,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-15);
+  printLevel ("Rootsplit-left-param.msh",left,&root->coordinates,2.2);
+  //printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootsplit-left-param10.msh",left,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-10);
+  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootsplit-left-param12.msh",left,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-12);
+  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootsplit-left-param15.msh",left,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-15);
-  // printLevel ("Rootcut-right-param.msh",right,&root->coordinates,2.2);
-  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootcut-right-param10.msh",right,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-10);
-  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootcut-right-param12.msh",right,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-12);
-  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootcut-right-param15.msh",right,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-15);
+  printLevel ("Rootsplit-right-param.msh",right,&root->coordinates,2.2);
+  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootsplit-right-param10.msh",right,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-10);
+  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootsplit-right-param12.msh",right,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-12);
+  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootsplit-right-param15.msh",right,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-15);
-  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootcut-all-param12.msh",elements,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-12);
-  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootcut-all-param15.msh",elements,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-15);
+  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootsplit-all-param12.msh",elements,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-12);
+  // printLevel_onlysmall ("Rootsplit-all-param15.msh",elements,&root->coordinates,2.2,1.e-15);
   if ( elements.size() != left.size()+right.size()) {
     Msg::Error("Cutting laplace wrong nb elements (%d) != left + right (%d)",  elements.size(), left.size()+right.size());
diff --git a/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.h b/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.h
index 46e0ab77c5f994819a848fcfa6f5cdb5a7e3c4c0..62f57cc8b974d1845d08803bb5fa0a566f25a03f 100644
--- a/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.h
+++ b/Solver/multiscaleLaplace.h
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ class multiscaleLaplace{
   multiscaleLaplace (std::vector<MElement *> &elements, 
                      std::map<MVertex*, SPoint3> &allCoordinates); 
-  void cut (std::vector<MElement *> &elements);  
+  void cutElems   (std::vector<MElement *> &elements); 
+  void splitElems (std::vector<MElement *> &elements);  
   typedef enum {HARMONIC=1,CONFORMAL=2, CONVEXCOMBINATION=3} typeOfMapping;
   multiscaleLaplaceLevel* root;
diff --git a/benchmarks/levelset/square.geo b/benchmarks/levelset/square.geo
index 69dfe29f3ca89032c13079fbbd8f3e5f254791b8..e51bf058f167ce1adbde9ae91fbe232dbab8bc55 100644
--- a/benchmarks/levelset/square.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/levelset/square.geo
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Mesh 2;
 Levelset Plane (1) = {0,1,0,-7};
 //Levelset Point (1) = {{0.1, 2, 0},{3,2,0},{9,2,0},{5,2,0}, {0.1, 2.2, -1},{3,2.5,-1},{9,2,-1},{5,2,-1}, {0.2, 2, 1},{3,2,1},{9,2,1},{5,2,1}}; 
-Levelset CutMesh {1};
+Levelset CutMeshTri {1};
diff --git a/benchmarks/stl/skull.geo b/benchmarks/stl/skull.geo
index 08a735d84ccb815fde2ecb6eab663970679c3f60..abd757bf369074f59174dd9f85a2aaf0740e4748 100644
--- a/benchmarks/stl/skull.geo
+++ b/benchmarks/stl/skull.geo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Mesh.RemeshParametrization=0; //(0) harmonic (1) conformal 
-Mesh.RemeshAlgorithm=1; //(0) nosplit (1) automatic (2) split metis
+Mesh.RemeshAlgorithm=2; //(0) nosplit (1) automatic (2) split metis
 Mesh.Algorithm3D = 4; //Frontal (4) Delaunay(1)