From 0ab97a6bf94d523ae4157593144f9dc179257b6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Francois Remacle <>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 14:42:56 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] *** empty log message ***

 Common/AdaptiveViews.cpp | 352 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 Common/Views.h           |  42 +++++
 Plugin/CutMap.cpp        |   6 +-
 Plugin/CutPlane.cpp      |  28 ++--
 Plugin/Levelset.cpp      |  17 +-
 Plugin/Levelset.h        |   4 +-
 6 files changed, 406 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Common/AdaptiveViews.cpp b/Common/AdaptiveViews.cpp
index d237d4db77..5b9b3d3c9a 100644
--- a/Common/AdaptiveViews.cpp
+++ b/Common/AdaptiveViews.cpp
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ std::set<_point> _point::all_points;
 std::list<_triangle*> _triangle::all_triangles;
 std::list<_tet*> _tet::all_tets;
 std::list<_quad*> _quad::all_quads;
+std::list<_hex*> _hex::all_hexes;
 _point * _point::New ( double x, double y, double z, Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexps) 
@@ -89,6 +90,18 @@ void _tet::clean ()
+void _hex::clean ()
+  std::list<_hex*>::iterator it =  all_hexes.begin();
+  std::list<_hex*>::iterator ite =  all_hexes.end();
+  for (;it!=ite;++it)
+    {
+      delete *it;
+    }
+  all_hexes.clear();
+  _point::all_points.clear();
 void _triangle::Create (int maxlevel, Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexps) 
@@ -100,8 +113,6 @@ void _triangle::Create (int maxlevel, Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexp
   _point *p3 = _point::New ( 1,0,0, coeffs, eexps);
   _triangle *t = new _triangle(p1,p2,p3);
   Recur_Create (t, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps) ;
-  printf("%d _triangle and %d _point created\n",(int)_triangle::all_triangles.size(),(int)_point::all_points.size());
 void _quad::Create (int maxlevel, Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexps) 
@@ -115,8 +126,6 @@ void _quad::Create (int maxlevel, Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexps)
   _point *p4 = _point::New ( 1,-1,0, coeffs, eexps);
   _quad *q = new _quad(p1,p2,p3,p4);
   Recur_Create (q, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps) ;
-  printf("%d _triangle and %d _point created\n",(int)_triangle::all_triangles.size(),(int)_point::all_points.size());
 void _tet::Create (int maxlevel, Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexps) 
@@ -130,7 +139,23 @@ void _tet::Create (int maxlevel, Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexps)
   _point *p4 = _point::New ( 0,0,1, coeffs, eexps);
   _tet *t = new _tet(p1,p2,p3,p4);
   Recur_Create (t, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps) ;
-  Msg(INFO, "%d _triangle and %d _point created\n",(int)_tet::all_tets.size(),(int)_point::all_points.size());
+void _hex::Create (int maxlevel, Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexps) 
+  Msg(INFO, "creating sub-elements");
+  int level = 0;
+  clean();
+  _point *p1 = _point::New ( -1,-1,0, coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p2 = _point::New ( -1,1,0, coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p3 = _point::New ( 1,1,0, coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p4 = _point::New ( 1,-1,0, coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p11 = _point::New ( -1,-1,1, coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p21 = _point::New ( -1,1,1, coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p31 = _point::New ( 1,1,1, coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p41= _point::New ( 1,-1,1, coeffs, eexps);
+  _hex *h = new _hex(p1,p2,p3,p4,p11,p21,p31,p41);
+  Recur_Create (h, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps) ;
 void _triangle::Recur_Create (_triangle *t, int maxlevel, int level , Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexps) 
@@ -250,6 +275,67 @@ void _tet::Recur_Create (_tet *t, int maxlevel, int level , Double_Matrix *coeff
+void _hex::Recur_Create (_hex *h, int maxlevel, int level , Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexps) 
+  all_hexes.push_back(h);
+  if (level++ >= maxlevel)
+    return;
+  _point *p0  = h->p[0]; 
+  _point *p1  = h->p[1]; 
+  _point *p2  = h->p[2]; 
+  _point *p3  = h->p[3]; 
+  _point *p4  = h->p[4]; 
+  _point *p5  = h->p[5]; 
+  _point *p6  = h->p[6]; 
+  _point *p7  = h->p[7]; 
+  _point *p01 = _point::New ( (p0->x+p1->x)*0.5,(p0->y+p1->y)*0.5,(p0->z+p1->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p12 = _point::New ( (p1->x+p2->x)*0.5,(p1->y+p2->y)*0.5,(p1->z+p2->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p23 = _point::New ( (p2->x+p3->x)*0.5,(p2->y+p3->y)*0.5,(p2->z+p3->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p03 = _point::New ( (p3->x+p0->x)*0.5,(p3->y+p0->y)*0.5,(p3->z+p0->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p45 = _point::New ( (p4->x+p5->x)*0.5,(p4->y+p5->y)*0.5,(p4->z+p5->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p56 = _point::New ( (p5->x+p6->x)*0.5,(p5->y+p6->y)*0.5,(p5->z+p6->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p67 = _point::New ( (p6->x+p7->x)*0.5,(p6->y+p7->y)*0.5,(p6->z+p7->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p47 = _point::New ( (p7->x+p4->x)*0.5,(p7->y+p4->y)*0.5,(p7->z+p4->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p04 = _point::New ( (p4->x+p0->x)*0.5,(p4->y+p0->y)*0.5,(p4->z+p0->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p15 = _point::New ( (p5->x+p1->x)*0.5,(p5->y+p1->y)*0.5,(p5->z+p1->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p26 = _point::New ( (p6->x+p2->x)*0.5,(p6->y+p2->y)*0.5,(p6->z+p2->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p37 = _point::New ( (p7->x+p3->x)*0.5,(p7->y+p3->y)*0.5,(p7->z+p3->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p0145 = _point::New ( (p45->x+p01->x)*0.5,(p45->y+p01->y)*0.5,(p45->z+p01->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p1256 = _point::New ( (p12->x+p56->x)*0.5,(p12->y+p56->y)*0.5,(p12->z+p56->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p2367 = _point::New ( (p23->x+p67->x)*0.5,(p23->y+p67->y)*0.5,(p23->z+p67->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p0347 = _point::New ( (p03->x+p47->x)*0.5,(p03->y+p47->y)*0.5,(p03->z+p47->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p4756 = _point::New ( (p47->x+p56->x)*0.5,(p47->y+p56->y)*0.5,(p47->z+p56->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *p0312 = _point::New ( (p03->x+p12->x)*0.5,(p03->y+p12->y)*0.5,(p03->z+p12->z)*0.5,coeffs, eexps);
+  _point *pc = _point::New ( (p0->x+p1->x+p2->x+p3->x+p4->x+p5->x+p6->x+p7->x)*0.125,
+				(p0->y+p1->y+p2->y+p3->y+p4->y+p5->y+p6->y+p7->y)*0.125,
+				(p0->z+p1->z+p2->z+p3->z+p4->z+p5->z+p6->z+p7->z)*0.125,
+				coeffs, eexps);
+  _hex *h1 = new _hex (p0,p01,p0312,p03,p04,p0145,pc,p0347);//p0
+  Recur_Create (h1, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps);
+  _hex *h2 = new _hex (p01,p0145,p15,p1,p0312,pc,p1256,p12);//p1
+  Recur_Create (h2, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps);
+  _hex *h3 = new _hex (p04,p4,p45,p0145,p0347,p47,p4756,pc);//p4
+  Recur_Create (h3, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps);
+  _hex *h4 = new _hex (p0145,p45,p5,p15,pc,p4756,p56,p1256);//p5
+  Recur_Create (h4, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps);
+  _hex *h5 = new _hex (p0347,p47,p4756,pc,p37,p7,p67,p2367);//p7
+  Recur_Create (h4, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps);
+  _hex *h6 = new _hex (pc,p4756,p56,p1256,p2367,p67,p6,p26);//p6
+  Recur_Create (h6, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps);
+  _hex *h7 = new _hex (p03,p0347,pc,p0312,p3,p37,p2367,p23);//p3
+  Recur_Create (h7, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps);
+  _hex *h8 = new _hex (p0312,pc,p1256,p12,p23,p2367,p26,p2);//p2
+  Recur_Create (h7, maxlevel,level,coeffs,eexps);
+  h->h[0]=h1;h->h[1]=h2;h->h[2]=h3;h->h[3]=h4;      
+  h->h[4]=h5;h->h[5]=h6;h->h[6]=h7;h->h[7]=h8;      
 void _triangle::Error ( double AVG , double tol )
   _triangle *t = *all_triangles.begin();
@@ -267,6 +353,11 @@ void _tet::Error ( double AVG , double tol )
   _tet *t = *all_tets.begin();
   Recur_Error (t,AVG,tol);
+void _hex::Error ( double AVG , double tol )
+  _hex *h = *all_hexes.begin();
+  Recur_Error (h,AVG,tol);
 void _triangle::Recur_Error ( _triangle *t, double AVG, double tol )
@@ -446,6 +537,39 @@ void _tet::Recur_Error ( _tet *t, double AVG, double tol )
+void _hex::Recur_Error ( _hex *h, double AVG, double tol )
+  if(!h->h[0])h->visible = true; 
+  else
+    {
+      double vr;
+      double v1 = h->h[0]->V();
+      double v2 = h->h[1]->V();
+      double v3 = h->h[2]->V();
+      double v4 = h->h[3]->V();
+      double v5 = h->h[4]->V();
+      double v6 = h->h[5]->V();
+      double v7 = h->h[6]->V();
+      double v8 = h->h[7]->V();
+      vr = (v1 + v2 + v3 + v4 + v5 + v6 + v7 + v8)*.125;
+      double v =  h->V();
+      if ( fabs(v - vr) > AVG * tol ) 
+	{
+	  h->visible = false;
+	  Recur_Error (h->h[0],AVG,tol);
+	  Recur_Error (h->h[1],AVG,tol);
+	  Recur_Error (h->h[2],AVG,tol);
+	  Recur_Error (h->h[3],AVG,tol);
+	  Recur_Error (h->h[4],AVG,tol);
+	  Recur_Error (h->h[5],AVG,tol);
+	  Recur_Error (h->h[6],AVG,tol);
+	  Recur_Error (h->h[7],AVG,tol);
+	} 
+      else
+	h->visible = true;
+    }
 static double t0,t1,t2,t3;
 void Adaptive_Post_View:: zoomTriangle (Post_View * view ,
@@ -503,12 +627,14 @@ void Adaptive_Post_View:: zoomTriangle (Post_View * view ,
-  if (plug)
-    plug->assign_specific_visibility ();
-  else
-    {
+  if (!plug || tol != 0.0)
+  {
       _triangle::Error ( max-min, tol );
-    }
+  }
+  if (plug)
+      plug->assign_specific_visibility ();
   double c3 = Cpu();
   itt  = _triangle::all_triangles.begin();
   for ( ;itt != itte ; itt++)
@@ -594,15 +720,15 @@ void Adaptive_Post_View:: zoomQuad (Post_View * view ,
     for ( ;itt != itte ; itt++)
 	(*itt)->visible = false;
-    }
+    }    
-    if (plug)
-	plug->assign_specific_visibility ();
-    else
+    if (!plug || tol != 0.0)
 	_quad::Error ( max-min, tol );
+    if (plug)
+	plug->assign_specific_visibility ();
     double c3 = Cpu();
     itt  = _quad::all_quads.begin();
     for ( ;itt != itte ; itt++)
@@ -704,12 +830,13 @@ void Adaptive_Post_View:: zoomTet (Post_View * view ,
-  if (plug)
-    plug->assign_specific_visibility ();
-  else
-    {
+  if (!plug || tol != 0.0)
+  {
       _tet::Error ( max-min, tol );
-    }
+  }
+  if (plug)
+      plug->assign_specific_visibility ();
   double c3 = Cpu();
   itt  = _tet::all_tets.begin();
   for ( ;itt != itte ; itt++)
@@ -749,6 +876,132 @@ void Adaptive_Post_View:: zoomTet (Post_View * view ,
+void Adaptive_Post_View:: zoomHex (Post_View * view ,
+				   int ielem ,
+				   int level, 
+				   GMSH_Post_Plugin *plug,
+				   Double_Vector & va2l,
+				   Double_Vector & re2s,
+				   Double_Matrix & XY2Z)
+  std::set<_point>::iterator it  = _point::all_points.begin();
+  std::set<_point>::iterator ite = _point::all_points.end();
+  double c0 = Cpu();
+  Double_Matrix xyz (8,3);
+  for ( int k=0;k<8;++k)
+    {
+      xyz(k,0) = (*_STposX) ( ielem , k );
+      xyz(k,1) = (*_STposY) ( ielem , k );
+      xyz(k,2) = (*_STposZ) ( ielem , k );
+    }
+  const int N = _coefs->size1();
+  Double_Vector val ( N ), res(_point::all_points.size());
+  Double_Matrix XYZ (_point::all_points.size(),3);
+  for ( int k=0;k<N;++k)
+    {
+      val(k) = (*_STval )( ielem , k );
+    }	        
+  _Interpolate->mult(val,res);
+  _Geometry->mult(xyz,XYZ);
+  double c1 = Cpu();
+  int kk=0;
+  for ( ; it !=ite ; ++it)
+    {
+      _point *p = (_point*) &(*it);
+      p->val = res(kk);
+      p->X = XYZ(kk,0);
+      p->Y = XYZ(kk,1);
+      p->Z = XYZ(kk,2);
+      if (min > p->val) min = p->val;
+      if (max < p->val) max = p->val;
+      kk++;
+    }
+  double c2 = Cpu();
+  std::list<_hex*>::iterator itt  = _hex::all_hexes.begin();
+  std::list<_hex*>::iterator itte = _hex::all_hexes.end();
+  for ( ;itt != itte ; itt++)
+    {
+      (*itt)->visible = false;
+    }
+  if (!plug || tol != 0.0)
+  {
+      _hex::Error ( max-min, tol );
+  }
+  if (plug)
+      plug->assign_specific_visibility ();
+  double c3 = Cpu();
+  itt  = _hex::all_hexes.begin();
+  for ( ;itt != itte ; itt++)
+    {
+      if ((*itt)->visible)
+	{
+	  _point *p1 = (*itt)->p[0];
+	  _point *p2 = (*itt)->p[1];
+	  _point *p3 = (*itt)->p[2];
+	  _point *p4 = (*itt)->p[3];
+	  _point *p5 = (*itt)->p[4];
+	  _point *p6 = (*itt)->p[5];
+	  _point *p7 = (*itt)->p[6];
+	  _point *p8 = (*itt)->p[7];
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p1->X );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p2->X );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p3->X );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p4->X );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p5->X );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p6->X );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p7->X );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p8->X );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p1->Y );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p2->Y );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p3->Y );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p4->Y );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p5->Y );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p6->Y );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p7->Y );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p8->Y );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p1->Z );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p2->Z );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p3->Z );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p4->Z );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p5->Z );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p6->Z );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p7->Z );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p8->Z );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p1->val );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p2->val );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p3->val );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p4->val );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p5->val );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p6->val );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p7->val );
+	  List_Add ( view->SH , &p8->val );
+	  view->NbSH++;
+	}
+    }
+  double c4 = Cpu();
+  t0 += c1-c0;
+  t1 += c2-c1;
+  t2 += c3-c2;
+  t3 += c4-c3;
 void Adaptive_Post_View:: setAdaptiveResolutionLevel (Post_View * view , int level, GMSH_Post_Plugin *plug)
     const int N = _coefs->size1();
@@ -847,6 +1100,59 @@ void Adaptive_Post_View:: setAdaptiveResolutionLevel (Post_View * view , int lev
 	printf("finished B %g %g %g %g\n",t0,t1,t2,t3);
+    else if (view->NbSH)
+    {
+	_hex::Create ( level, _coefs, _eexps );
+	std::set<_point>::iterator it  = _point::all_points.begin();
+	std::set<_point>::iterator ite = _point::all_points.end();
+	if (_Interpolate)
+	    delete _Interpolate;
+	if (_Geometry)
+	    delete _Geometry;
+	_Interpolate = new Double_Matrix ( _point::all_points.size(), N);
+	_Geometry    = new Double_Matrix ( _point::all_points.size(), 8);
+	int kk=0;
+	for ( ; it !=ite ; ++it)
+	{
+	    _point *p = (_point*) &(*it);
+	    for ( int k=0;k<N;++k)
+	    {
+		(*_Interpolate)(kk,k) = p->shape_functions[k];
+	    }
+	    (*_Geometry)(kk,0) = ( 1.-p->x) * ( 1.-p->y) * ( 1.-p->z) * .125;
+	    (*_Geometry)(kk,1) = ( 1.+p->x) * ( 1.-p->y) * ( 1.-p->z) * .125;
+	    (*_Geometry)(kk,2) = ( 1.+p->x) * ( 1.+p->y) * ( 1.-p->z) * .125;
+	    (*_Geometry)(kk,3) = ( 1.-p->x) * ( 1.+p->y) * ( 1.-p->z) * .125;
+	    (*_Geometry)(kk,4) = ( 1.-p->x) * ( 1.-p->y) * ( 1.+p->z) * .125;
+	    (*_Geometry)(kk,5) = ( 1.+p->x) * ( 1.-p->y) * ( 1.+p->z) * .125;
+	    (*_Geometry)(kk,6) = ( 1.+p->x) * ( 1.+p->y) * ( 1.+p->z) * .125;
+	    (*_Geometry)(kk,7) = ( 1.-p->x) * ( 1.+p->y) * ( 1.+p->z) * .125;
+	    kk++;	  
+	}
+	List_Delete(view->SH); view->SH = 0;  
+	view->NbSS = 0;
+	/// for now, that's all we do, 1 TS
+	view->NbTimeStep=1;
+	int nbelm = _STposX->size1();
+	view->SS = List_Create ( nbelm * 4, nbelm , sizeof(double));
+	t0=t1 = t2 = t3 = 0;
+	Double_Vector val ( N ), res(_point::all_points.size());
+	Double_Matrix XYZ (_point::all_points.size(),3);
+	for ( int i=0;i<nbelm;++i)
+	{
+	    zoomHex ( view , i , level, plug,val,res,XYZ);
+	}  
+	printf("finished B %g %g %g %g\n",t0,t1,t2,t3);
+    }
     else if (view->NbSQ)
 	_quad::Create ( level, _coefs, _eexps );
@@ -946,6 +1252,12 @@ void Adaptive_Post_View:: initWithLowResolution (Post_View *view)
       nbelm = view->NbSQ;
       nbnod = 4;
+  else if (view->NbSH)
+    {
+      myList = view->SH;
+      nbelm = view->NbSH;
+      nbnod = 8;
+    }
   else return;
   min = VAL_INF;
diff --git a/Common/Views.h b/Common/Views.h
index 3edaa691dd..4917c70a64 100644
--- a/Common/Views.h
+++ b/Common/Views.h
@@ -160,6 +160,43 @@ public:
   static std::list<_tet*> all_tets;
+class _hex
+  _hex (_point *p1,_point *p2,_point *p3,_point *p4,_point *p5,_point *p6,_point *p7,_point *p8)    
+    : visible (false)
+  {
+    p[0] = p1;
+    p[1] = p2;
+    p[2] = p3;
+    p[3] = p4;
+    p[4] = p5;
+    p[5] = p6;
+    p[6] = p7;
+    p[7] = p8;
+    h[0]=h[1]=h[2]=h[3]=0;
+    h[4]=h[5]=h[6]=h[7]=0;
+  }
+  inline double V () const
+  {
+    return (p[0]->val + p[1]->val + p[2]->val+ p[3]->val+p[4]->val + p[5]->val + p[6]->val+ p[7]->val)/8.;    
+  }
+  void print ()
+  {
+    printf ("p1 %g %g p2 %g %g p3 %g %g \n",p[0]->x,p[0]->y,p[1]->x,p[1]->y,p[2]->x,p[2]->y);
+  }
+  static void clean ();
+  static void Create (int maxlevel, Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexps) ;
+  static void Recur_Create (_hex *h, int maxlevel, int level , Double_Matrix *coeffs, Double_Matrix *eexps);
+  static void Error ( double AVG , double tol );
+  static void Recur_Error ( _hex *h, double AVG, double tol );
+  bool visible;
+  _point     *p[8];
+  _hex *h[8];
+  static std::list<_hex*> all_hexes;
 class Adaptive_Post_View 
@@ -196,6 +233,11 @@ public:
 		Double_Vector & val,
 		Double_Vector & res,
 		Double_Matrix & XYZ);
+  void zoomHex (Post_View * view ,
+		int ielem, int level, GMSH_Post_Plugin *plug,
+		Double_Vector & val,
+		Double_Vector & res,
+		Double_Matrix & XYZ);
 class Post_View{
diff --git a/Plugin/CutMap.cpp b/Plugin/CutMap.cpp
index e9ddd21212..0328397a78 100644
--- a/Plugin/CutMap.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/CutMap.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: CutMap.cpp,v 1.42 2004-11-25 02:10:40 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: CutMap.cpp,v 1.43 2004-11-26 14:42:56 remacle Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2004 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ StringXNumber CutMapOptions_Number[] = {
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "dTimeStep", NULL, -1.},
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "dView", NULL, -1.},
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "iView", NULL, -1.},
-  {GMSH_FULLRC, "recurLevel", NULL, 4}
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "recurLevel", NULL, 4},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "targetError", NULL, 0}
 extern "C"
@@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ Post_View *GMSH_CutMapPlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
   _valueView = (int)CutMapOptions_Number[2].def;
   _valueTimeStep = (int)CutMapOptions_Number[1].def;
   _recurLevel = (int)CutMapOptions_Number[4].def;
+  _targetError = CutMapOptions_Number[5].def;
   _orientation = GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::MAP;
   if(iView < 0)
diff --git a/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp b/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp
index 8531890932..532af71537 100644
--- a/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/CutPlane.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: CutPlane.cpp,v 1.38 2004-11-25 02:10:40 geuzaine Exp $
+// $Id: CutPlane.cpp,v 1.39 2004-11-26 14:42:56 remacle Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2004 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ StringXNumber CutPlaneOptions_Number[] = {
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "C", GMSH_CutPlanePlugin::callbackC, 0.},
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "D", GMSH_CutPlanePlugin::callbackD, -0.01},
   {GMSH_FULLRC, "iView", NULL, -1.},
-  {GMSH_FULLRC, "recurLevel", NULL, 4}
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "recurLevel", NULL, 4},
+  {GMSH_FULLRC, "targetError", NULL, 0}
 extern "C"
@@ -93,10 +94,10 @@ double GMSH_CutPlanePlugin::callbackA(int num, int action, double value)
   if(action > 0) iview = num;
   switch(action){ // configure the input field
-  case 1: return 0.01;
-  case 2: return -1.;
-  case 3: return 1.;
-  default: break;
+      case 1: return 0.01;
+      case 2: return -1;
+      case 3: return 1;
+      default: break;
   CutPlaneOptions_Number[0].def = value;
@@ -197,16 +198,17 @@ Post_View *GMSH_CutPlanePlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
   _valueTimeStep = -1;
   _orientation = GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::PLANE;
   _recurLevel = (int)CutPlaneOptions_Number[5].def;
+  _targetError = CutPlaneOptions_Number[6].def;
   if(iView < 0)
-    iView = v ? v->Index : 0;
+      iView = v ? v->Index : 0;
   if(!List_Pointer_Test(, iView)) {
-    Msg(GERROR, "View[%d] does not exist", iView);
-    return v;
+      Msg(GERROR, "View[%d] does not exist", iView);
+      return v;
   Post_View *v1 = *(Post_View **)List_Pointer(, iView);
   return GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::execute(v1);
diff --git a/Plugin/Levelset.cpp b/Plugin/Levelset.cpp
index 0a079c09fc..ecad0ae210 100644
--- a/Plugin/Levelset.cpp
+++ b/Plugin/Levelset.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// $Id: Levelset.cpp,v 1.19 2004-11-25 16:22:48 remacle Exp $
+// $Id: Levelset.cpp,v 1.20 2004-11-26 14:42:56 remacle Exp $
 // Copyright (C) 1997-2004 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::GMSH_LevelsetPlugin()
   _valueView = -1; // use same view for levelset and field data
   _valueTimeStep = -1; // use same time step in levelset and field data views
   _recurLevel = 4;
+  _targetError = 0;
   _orientation = GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::NONE;
@@ -339,13 +340,17 @@ Post_View *GMSH_LevelsetPlugin::execute(Post_View * v)
   Post_View *w;
   vector<Post_View *> out;
+  if(v->adaptive)
+      v->adaptive->setTolerance(_targetError);
   if (v->adaptive && v->NbST)
-    v->setAdaptiveResolutionLevel ( _recurLevel , this );
+      v->setAdaptiveResolutionLevel ( _recurLevel , this );
   if (v->adaptive && v->NbSS)
-    v->setAdaptiveResolutionLevel ( _recurLevel , this );
+      v->setAdaptiveResolutionLevel ( _recurLevel , this );
   if (v->adaptive && v->NbSQ)
-    v->setAdaptiveResolutionLevel ( _recurLevel , this );
+      v->setAdaptiveResolutionLevel ( _recurLevel , this );
+  if (v->adaptive && v->NbSH)
+      v->setAdaptiveResolutionLevel ( _recurLevel , this );
   if(_valueView < 0) {
     w = v;
@@ -626,7 +631,7 @@ static bool recur_sign_change (_tet *t, double val, const GMSH_LevelsetPlugin *p
 static bool recur_sign_change (_quad *q, double val, const GMSH_LevelsetPlugin *plug)
-  if (!q->q[0])
+  if (!q->q[0]|| q->visible)
       double v1 = plug->levelset (q->p[0]->X,q->p[0]->Y,q->p[0]->Z,q->p[0]->val);
       double v2 = plug->levelset (q->p[1]->X,q->p[1]->Y,q->p[1]->Z,q->p[1]->val);
diff --git a/Plugin/Levelset.h b/Plugin/Levelset.h
index 3e496954d8..7a88a39cf9 100644
--- a/Plugin/Levelset.h
+++ b/Plugin/Levelset.h
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ public:
   virtual double levelset(double x, double y, double z, double val) const = 0;
-  double _ref[3];
-  int _valueTimeStep, _valueView, _valueIndependent, _recurLevel;
+  double _ref[3], _targetError;
+  int _valueTimeStep, _valueView, _valueIndependent, _recurLevel;  
   ORIENTATION _orientation;
   double _invert;