diff --git a/benchmarks/extrude/vianew-rec.geo b/benchmarks/extrude/vianew-rec.geo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..104862e66e8934308849d7192a29f07af8a18e21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/extrude/vianew-rec.geo
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+// characteristic lengths for the domain:
+L = 0.25; // feature width
+A = 4.0; // aspect ratio
+// characteristic lengths:
+lcbot = L / 4;
+lclev = L / 4;
+lctop = L / 2;
+/*** Points: ***/
+// Points on surface level (z = 0.0):
+// points along x-axis (y = 0):
+Point( 1) = {0.0*L, 0.0*L,   0.0, lclev};
+Point( 2) = {1.5*L, 0.0*L,   0.0, lclev};
+Point( 3) = {2.5*L, 0.0*L,   0.0, lclev};
+Point( 4) = {4.0*L, 0.0*L,   0.0, lclev};
+// points along x = L:
+Point( 5) = {4.0*L, 1.5*L,   0.0, lclev};
+Point( 6) = {4.0*L, 2.5*L,   0.0, lclev};
+Point( 7) = {4.0*L, 4.0*L,   0.0, lclev};
+// points along y = L:
+Point( 8) = {2.5*L, 4.0*L,   0.0, lclev};
+Point( 9) = {1.5*L, 4.0*L,   0.0, lclev};
+Point(10) = {0.0*L, 4.0*L,   0.0, lclev};
+// points along y-axis (x = 0):
+Point(11) = {0.0*L, 2.5*L,   0.0, lclev};
+Point(12) = {0.0*L, 1.5*L,   0.0, lclev};
+// points in the interior:
+Point(13) = {1.5*L, 1.5*L,   0.0, lclev};
+Point(14) = {2.5*L, 1.5*L,   0.0, lclev};
+Point(15) = {2.5*L, 2.5*L,   0.0, lclev};
+Point(16) = {1.5*L, 2.5*L,   0.0, lclev};
+/*** Lines: ***/
+// lines along the outside:
+Line( 1) = { 1,  2};
+Line( 2) = { 2,  3};
+Line( 3) = { 3,  4};
+Line( 4) = { 4,  5};
+Line( 5) = { 5,  6};
+Line( 6) = { 6,  7};
+Line( 7) = { 7,  8};
+Line( 8) = { 8,  9};
+Line( 9) = { 9, 10};
+Line(10) = {10, 11};
+Line(11) = {11, 12};
+Line(12) = {12,  1};
+// lines along the inside:
+Line(13) = {13, 14};
+Line(14) = {14, 15};
+Line(15) = {15, 16};
+Line(16) = {16, 13};
+// lines connecting inside and outside:
+Line(17) = { 2, 13};
+Line(18) = { 3, 14};
+Line(19) = { 5, 14};
+Line(20) = { 6, 15};
+Line(21) = { 8, 15};
+Line(22) = { 9, 16};
+Line(23) = {11, 16};
+Line(24) = {12, 13};
+Line Loop(25) = {  1,  17, -24,  12}; Ruled Surface(26) = {25};
+Line Loop(27) = {  2,  18, -13, -17}; Ruled Surface(28) = {27};
+Line Loop(29) = {  3,   4,  19, -18}; Ruled Surface(30) = {29};
+Line Loop(31) = {  5,  20, -14, -19}; Ruled Surface(32) = {31};
+Line Loop(33) = {  6,   7,  21, -20}; Ruled Surface(34) = {33};
+Line Loop(35) = {  8,  22, -15, -21}; Ruled Surface(36) = {35};
+Line Loop(37) = {  9,  10,  23, -22}; Ruled Surface(38) = {37};
+Line Loop(39) = { 11,  24, -16, -23}; Ruled Surface(40) = {39};
+Line Loop(41) = { 13,  14,  15,  16}; Ruled Surface(42) = {41};
+// number of points on lines
+NPint = 4; // number of points on interior lines
+NPout = 4; // number of points on outside lines
+Transfinite Line {13, 14, 15, 16, 2, 5, 8, 11} = NPint;
+Transfinite Line {1,3,4,6,7,9,10,12,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24} = NPout;
+Transfinite Surface {26} = {  1,  2, 13, 12};
+Transfinite Surface {28} = {  2,  3, 14, 13};
+Transfinite Surface {30} = {  3,  4,  5, 14};
+Transfinite Surface {32} = {  5,  6, 15, 14};
+Transfinite Surface {34} = {  6,  7,  8, 15};
+Transfinite Surface {36} = {  15, 16, 9, 8};
+//Transfinite Surface {36} = {  8,  9, 16, 15}; causes swapping to fail in non-recombined case...
+Transfinite Surface {38} = {  9, 10, 11, 16};
+Transfinite Surface {40} = { 11, 12, 13, 16};
+Transfinite Surface {42} = { 13, 14, 15, 16};
+Recombine Surface {26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42};
+// number of layers:
+NLdn = 8;
+NLup = 3;
+// extrude down first:
+Extrude Surface {42, {0,0,-A*L}}{ Layers { {NLdn}, {9001}, {1} } ; Recombine; };
+// extrude up second:
+Extrude Surface {26, {0,0,L}}{ Layers { {NLup}, {9000}, {1} } ; Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {28, {0,0,L}}{ Layers { {NLup}, {9000}, {1} } ; Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {30, {0,0,L}}{ Layers { {NLup}, {9000}, {1} } ; Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {32, {0,0,L}}{ Layers { {NLup}, {9000}, {1} } ; Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {34, {0,0,L}}{ Layers { {NLup}, {9000}, {1} } ; Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {36, {0,0,L}}{ Layers { {NLup}, {9000}, {1} } ; Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {38, {0,0,L}}{ Layers { {NLup}, {9000}, {1} } ; Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {40, {0,0,L}}{ Layers { {NLup}, {9000}, {1} } ; Recombine;};
+Extrude Surface {42, {0,0,L}}{ Layers { {NLup}, {9000}, {1} } ; Recombine;};
+// wafer surface including surfaces that are extruded downwards:
+Physical Surface(1001) = {26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40, 51,55,59,63,64};
+Physical Surface(1009) = {73,95,117,121,139,161,165,183,205,209,227,85, 86,108,130,152,174,196,218,240,262};
+Physical Volume(2001)  = {9000,9001};