From 07c95f33d63e18754fac5952aaea8d5cf8608d44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Jean-Fran=C3=A7ois=20Remacle=20=28students=29?=
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 16:58:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] clean up + fix bug in recurElement (gbricteux)

 Solver/SElement.cpp                           |  62 ++--
 Solver/SElement.h                             |  36 +--
 Solver/elasticitySolver.cpp                   |  97 ++++---
 Solver/elasticitySolver.h                     |  14 +-
 Solver/elasticityTerm.cpp                     |  87 +++---
 Solver/elasticityTerm.h                       |  18 +-
 Solver/femTerm.h                              |  36 +--
 Solver/groupOfElements.cpp                    |  10 +-
 Solver/groupOfElements.h                      |  38 +--
 Solver/linearSystemCSR.cpp                    | 268 +++++++++---------
 contrib/DiscreteIntegration/Integration3D.cpp | 178 +++---------
 contrib/DiscreteIntegration/recurCut.cpp      |  28 +-
 utils/api_demos/Makefile                      |   4 +-
 utils/api_demos/mainElasticity.cpp            |   3 +-
 14 files changed, 393 insertions(+), 486 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Solver/SElement.cpp b/Solver/SElement.cpp
index 5be09e28ca..8c9edcfd34 100644
--- a/Solver/SElement.cpp
+++ b/Solver/SElement.cpp
@@ -17,35 +17,35 @@ etc.
-simpleFunction<double> * SElement::_enrichement_s = 0,* SElement::_enrichement_t = 0;
+simpleFunction<double> *SElement::_enrichement_s = 0, *SElement::_enrichement_t = 0;
-void SElement::gradNodalFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3],double Grads[][3],
-				    simpleFunction<double> *_enrichement)
+void SElement::gradNodalFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3], double Grads[][3],
+                                   simpleFunction<double> *_enrichement)
   double grads[256][3];
   _e->getGradShapeFunctions(u, v, w, grads);
   int nbNodes = getNumNodalShapeFunctions();
   for (int j = 0; j < nbNodes; j++){
-    Grads[j][0] = invjac[0][0] * grads[j][0] + invjac[0][1] * grads[j][1] + 
+    Grads[j][0] = invjac[0][0] * grads[j][0] + invjac[0][1] * grads[j][1] +
       invjac[0][2] * grads[j][2];
-    Grads[j][1] = invjac[1][0] * grads[j][0] + invjac[1][1] * grads[j][1] + 
+    Grads[j][1] = invjac[1][0] * grads[j][0] + invjac[1][1] * grads[j][1] +
       invjac[1][2] * grads[j][2];
-    Grads[j][2] = invjac[2][0] * grads[j][0] + invjac[2][1] * grads[j][1] + 
+    Grads[j][2] = invjac[2][0] * grads[j][0] + invjac[2][1] * grads[j][1] +
       invjac[2][2] * grads[j][2];
   if (_enrichement){
     const int N = getNumNodalShapeFunctions();
     SPoint3 p;
     double sf[256];
     _e->getShapeFunctions(u, v, w, sf);
     // FIXME : re-use sf for computing coordinates
-    _e->pnt(u,v,w,p);
-    double E = (*_enrichement_s)(p.x(),p.y(),p.z());
-    double dEdx,dEdy,dEdz;
-    _enrichement_s->gradient(p.x(),p.y(),p.z(),dEdx,dEdy,dEdz);
-    for (int i=0;i<N;i++){
+    _e->pnt(u, v, w, p);
+    double E = (*_enrichement_s)(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
+    double dEdx, dEdy, dEdz;
+    _enrichement_s->gradient(p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), dEdx, dEdy, dEdz);
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
       Grads[i][0] = Grads[i][0] * E + dEdx * sf[i];
       Grads[i][1] = Grads[i][1] * E + dEdy * sf[i];
       Grads[i][2] = Grads[i][2] * E + dEdz * sf[i];
@@ -53,51 +53,51 @@ void SElement::gradNodalFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double invjac[
-void SElement::nodalFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double s[],
-				simpleFunction<double> *_enrichement)
+void SElement::nodalFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double s[],
+                               simpleFunction<double> *_enrichement)
   _e->getShapeFunctions(u, v, w, s);
   if (_enrichement){
     const int N =  getNumNodalShapeFunctions();
     SPoint3 p;
     // FIXME : re-use s for computing coordinates
-    _e->pnt(u,v,w,p);
-    double E = (*_enrichement_s)(p.x(),p.y(),p.z());
-    for (int i=0;i<N;i++){
+    _e->pnt(u, v, w, p);
+    double E = (*_enrichement_s)(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
+    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
       s[i] *= E;
-void SElement::gradNodalShapeFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3],
-					 double grads[][3])
+void SElement::gradNodalShapeFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3],
+                                        double grads[][3])
-  gradNodalFunctions (u,v,w,invjac,grads,_enrichement_s); 
+  gradNodalFunctions (u, v, w, invjac, grads, _enrichement_s);
-void SElement::gradNodalTestFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3],
-					double grads[][3])
+void SElement::gradNodalTestFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3],
+                                       double grads[][3])
-  gradNodalFunctions (u,v,w,invjac,grads,_enrichement_t); 
+  gradNodalFunctions (u, v, w, invjac, grads, _enrichement_t);
-void SElement::nodalShapeFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double s[])
+void SElement::nodalShapeFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double s[])
-  nodalFunctions (u,v,w,s,_enrichement_s); 
+  nodalFunctions (u, v, w, s, _enrichement_s);
-void SElement::nodalTestFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double s[])
+void SElement::nodalTestFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double s[])
-  nodalFunctions (u,v,w,s,_enrichement_t); 
+  nodalFunctions (u, v, w, s, _enrichement_t);
-int SElement::getNumNodalShapeFunctions ( ) const {
-  if (_e->getParent())return _e->getParent()->getNumVertices();
+int SElement::getNumNodalShapeFunctions () const {
+  if (_e->getParent()) return _e->getParent()->getNumVertices();
   return _e->getNumVertices();
-int SElement::getNumNodalTestFunctions ( ) const {
-  if (_e->getParent())return _e->getParent()->getNumVertices();
+int SElement::getNumNodalTestFunctions () const {
+  if (_e->getParent()) return _e->getParent()->getNumVertices();
   return _e->getNumVertices();
diff --git a/Solver/SElement.h b/Solver/SElement.h
index d921d4ff5e..49ac68d718 100644
--- a/Solver/SElement.h
+++ b/Solver/SElement.h
@@ -22,29 +22,29 @@ class SElement
   MElement *_e;
   // store discrete function space and other data here
   // ...
-  static simpleFunction<double> *_enrichement_s,*_enrichement_t;
+  static simpleFunction<double> *_enrichement_s, *_enrichement_t;
   // gradient of functions (possibly enriched)
-  void nodalFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double s[],
-			simpleFunction<double> *_enrichement);   
-  void gradNodalFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3],
-			    double grad[][3], simpleFunction<double> *_enrichment);   
+  void nodalFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double s[],
+                       simpleFunction<double> *_enrichement);
+  void gradNodalFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3],
+                           double grad[][3], simpleFunction<double> *_enrichment);
- SElement(MElement *e) : _e(e) {}  
+ SElement(MElement *e) : _e(e) {}
-  MElement *getMeshElement() const { return _e; }  
-  static void setShapeEnrichement(simpleFunction<double>*f){_enrichement_s=f;}
-  static void setTestEnrichement(simpleFunction<double>*f){_enrichement_t=f;}
-  static const simpleFunction<double>* getShapeEnrichement(){return _enrichement_s;}
-  static const simpleFunction<double>* getTestEnrichement(){return _enrichement_t;}
+  MElement *getMeshElement() const { return _e; }
+  static void setShapeEnrichement(simpleFunction<double>*f) {_enrichement_s = f;}
+  static void setTestEnrichement(simpleFunction<double>*f) {_enrichement_t = f;}
+  static const simpleFunction<double>* getShapeEnrichement() {return _enrichement_s;}
+  static const simpleFunction<double>* getTestEnrichement() {return _enrichement_t;}
   int getNumNodalShapeFunctions() const;
-  inline MVertex *getVertex(int i) const {return _e->getParent() ? _e->getParent()->getVertex(i) : _e->getVertex(i) ; }
+  inline MVertex *getVertex(int i) const {return _e->getParent() ? _e->getParent()->getVertex(i) : _e->getVertex(i);}
   int getNumNodalTestFunctions() const;
-  void nodalShapeFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double s[]); 
-  void gradNodalShapeFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3],
-				 double grad[][3]); 
-  void nodalTestFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double s[]); 
-  void gradNodalTestFunctions ( double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3],
-			        double grad[][3]);   
+  void nodalShapeFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double s[]);
+  void gradNodalShapeFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3],
+                                double grad[][3]);
+  void nodalTestFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double s[]);
+  void gradNodalTestFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double invjac[3][3],
+                               double grad[][3]);
diff --git a/Solver/elasticitySolver.cpp b/Solver/elasticitySolver.cpp
index 5b257e316a..0301f64de8 100644
--- a/Solver/elasticitySolver.cpp
+++ b/Solver/elasticitySolver.cpp
@@ -18,29 +18,30 @@
 #include "PView.h"
 #include "PViewData.h"
-PView* elasticitySolver::buildDisplacementView  (const std::string &postFileName){
+PView* elasticitySolver::buildDisplacementView (const std::string &postFileName){
   std::map<int, std::vector<double> > data;
   std::set<MVertex*> v;
-  for (int i=0;i<elasticFields.size();++i){
+  for (int i = 0; i < elasticFields.size(); ++i){
     groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = elasticFields[i].g->begin();
-    for ( ; it != elasticFields[i].g->end() ; ++it ){
+    for ( ; it != elasticFields[i].g->end(); ++it){
       SElement se(*it);
-      for (int j=0;j<se.getNumNodalShapeFunctions();++j){
-	v.insert(se.getVertex(j));
+      for (int j = 0; j < se.getNumNodalShapeFunctions(); ++j){
+        v.insert(se.getVertex(j));
   std::set<MVertex*>::iterator it = v.begin();
-  for ( ; it!=v.end();++it){
+  for ( ; it != v.end(); ++it){
     std::vector<double> d;
-    d.push_back(0);d.push_back(0);d.push_back(0);
-    for (int i=0;i<elasticFields.size();++i){
-      const double E = (elasticFields[i]._enrichment) ? (*elasticFields[i]._enrichment)((*it)->x(),(*it)->y(),(*it)->z()) : 1.0;	
+    d.push_back(0); d.push_back(0); d.push_back(0);
+    for (int i = 0; i < elasticFields.size(); ++i){
+      const double E = (elasticFields[i]._enrichment) ?
+                       (*elasticFields[i]._enrichment)((*it)->x(), (*it)->y(), (*it)->z()) : 1.0;	
       //      printf("%g %d \n",pAssembler->getDofValue(*it,0,elasticFields[i]._tag),elasticFields[i]._tag);
-      d[0] += pAssembler->getDofValue(*it,0,elasticFields[i]._tag)  * E;
-      d[1] += pAssembler->getDofValue(*it,1,elasticFields[i]._tag)  * E;
-      d[2] += pAssembler->getDofValue(*it,2,elasticFields[i]._tag)  * E;
+      d[0] += pAssembler->getDofValue(*it, 0, elasticFields[i]._tag) * E;
+      d[1] += pAssembler->getDofValue(*it, 1, elasticFields[i]._tag) * E;
+      d[2] += pAssembler->getDofValue(*it, 2, elasticFields[i]._tag) * E;
     data[(*it)->getNum()] = d;
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ static double vonMises(dofManager<double,double> *a, MElement *e,
   e->interpolateGrad(valx, u, v, w, gradux);
   e->interpolateGrad(valy, u, v, w, graduy);
   e->interpolateGrad(valz, u, v, w, graduz);
   double eps[6] = {gradux[0], graduy[1], graduz[2],
                    0.5 * (gradux[1] + graduy[0]),
                    0.5 * (gradux[2] + graduz[0]),
@@ -94,15 +95,15 @@ static double vonMises(dofManager<double,double> *a, MElement *e,
   double s[9] = {sxx, sxy, sxz,
                  sxy, syy, syz,
                  sxz, syz, szz};
   return ComputeVonMises(s);
 void elasticitySolver::setMesh(const std::string &meshFileName)
   pModel = new GModel();
-  _dim = pModel->getNumRegions() ? 3 : 2;  
+  _dim = pModel->getNumRegions() ? 3 : 2;
 void elasticitySolver::readInputFile(const std::string &fn)
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ void elasticitySolver::readInputFile(const std::string &fn)
     if(fscanf(f, "%s", what) != 1) return;
     // printf("%s\n", what);
-    if (!strcmp(what,"ElasticDomain")){
+    if (!strcmp(what, "ElasticDomain")){
       elasticField field;
       int physical;
       if(fscanf(f, "%d %lf %lf", &physical, &field._E, &field._nu) != 3) return;
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ void elasticitySolver::readInputFile(const std::string &fn)
       field.g = new groupOfElements (_dim, physical);
-    else if (!strcmp(what,"Void")){
+    else if (!strcmp(what, "Void")){
       //      elasticField field;
       //      create enrichment ...
       //      create the group ...
@@ -176,10 +177,14 @@ void elasticitySolver::readInputFile(const std::string &fn)
       if(fscanf(f, "%s", name) != 1) return;
+    else {
+      Msg::Error("Invalid input : %s", what);
+      return;
+    }
 void elasticitySolver::solve()
 #if defined(HAVE_TAUCS)
@@ -191,54 +196,54 @@ void elasticitySolver::solve()
   pAssembler = new dofManager<double, double>(lsys);
   std::map<int, std::vector<GEntity*> > groups[4];
   // we first do all fixations. the behavior of the dofManager is to 
   // give priority to fixations : when a dof is fixed, it cannot be
   // numbered afterwards
   for (std::map<std::pair<int, int>, double>::iterator it = nodalDisplacements.begin();
        it != nodalDisplacements.end(); ++it){
     MVertex *v = pModel->getMeshVertexByTag(it->first.first);
-    pAssembler->fixVertex(v , it->first.second, _tag, it->second);    
-    printf("-- Fixing node %3d comp %1d to %8.5f\n", 
+    pAssembler->fixVertex(v, it->first.second, _tag, it->second);
+    printf("-- Fixing node %3d comp %1d to %8.5f\n",
            it->first.first, it->first.second, it->second);
   for (std::map<std::pair<int, int>, double>::iterator it = edgeDisplacements.begin();
        it != edgeDisplacements.end(); ++it){
     elasticityTerm El(pModel, 1, 1, _tag);
-    El.dirichletNodalBC(it->first.first, 1, it->first.second, _tag, 
+    El.dirichletNodalBC(it->first.first, 1, it->first.second, _tag,
                         simpleFunction<double>(it->second), *pAssembler);
-    printf("-- Fixing edge %3d comp %1d to %8.5f\n", 
+    printf("-- Fixing edge %3d comp %1d to %8.5f\n",
            it->first.first, it->first.second, it->second);
   for (std::map<std::pair<int, int>, double>::iterator it = faceDisplacements.begin();
        it != faceDisplacements.end(); ++it){
     elasticityTerm El(pModel, 1, 1, _tag);
-    El.dirichletNodalBC(it->first.first, 2, it->first.second, _tag, 
+    El.dirichletNodalBC(it->first.first, 2, it->first.second, _tag,
                         simpleFunction<double>(it->second), *pAssembler);
-    printf("-- Fixing face %3d comp %1d to %8.5f\n", 
+    printf("-- Fixing face %3d comp %1d to %8.5f\n",
            it->first.first, it->first.second, it->second);
   // we number the nodes : when a node is numbered, it cannot be numbered
   // again with another number. so we loop over elements
-  for (int i=0;i<elasticFields.size();++i){
+  for (int i = 0; i < elasticFields.size(); ++i){
     groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = elasticFields[i].g->begin();
-    for ( ; it != elasticFields[i].g->end() ; ++it ){
+    for ( ; it != elasticFields[i].g->end(); ++it){
       SElement se(*it);
-      for (int j=0;j<se.getNumNodalShapeFunctions();++j){
-	pAssembler->numberVertex(se.getVertex(j), 0, elasticFields[i]._tag);  
-	pAssembler->numberVertex(se.getVertex(j), 1, elasticFields[i]._tag);  
-	pAssembler->numberVertex(se.getVertex(j), 2, elasticFields[i]._tag);  	
+      for (int j = 0; j < se.getNumNodalShapeFunctions(); ++j){
+        pAssembler->numberVertex(se.getVertex(j), 0, elasticFields[i]._tag);
+        pAssembler->numberVertex(se.getVertex(j), 1, elasticFields[i]._tag);
+        pAssembler->numberVertex(se.getVertex(j), 2, elasticFields[i]._tag);	
   // Now we start the assembly process
   // First build the force vector
   // Nodes at geometrical vertices
@@ -247,11 +252,11 @@ void elasticitySolver::solve()
     int iVertex = it->first;
     SVector3 f = it->second;
     std::vector<GEntity*> ent = groups[0][iVertex];
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ent.size(); i++){      
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ent.size(); i++){
       pAssembler->assemble(ent[i]->mesh_vertices[0], 0, _tag, f.x());
       pAssembler->assemble(ent[i]->mesh_vertices[0], 1, _tag, f.y());
       pAssembler->assemble(ent[i]->mesh_vertices[0], 2, _tag, f.z());
-      printf("-- Force on node %3d(%3d) : %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n", 
+      printf("-- Force on node %3d(%3d) : %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n",
              ent[i]->mesh_vertices[0]->getNum(), iVertex, f.x(), f.y(), f.z());
@@ -279,7 +284,7 @@ void elasticitySolver::solve()
     El.neumannNodalBC(iFace, 2, 2, _tag, simpleFunction<double>(f.z()), *pAssembler);
     printf("-- Force on face %3d : %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n", iFace, f.x(), f.y(), f.z());
   // volume forces
   for (std::map<int, SVector3 >::iterator it = volumeForces.begin();
        it != volumeForces.end(); ++it){
@@ -294,16 +299,16 @@ void elasticitySolver::solve()
       //      El.addToRightHandSide(*pAssembler, ent[i]);
   // assembling the stifness matrix
-  for (int i=0;i<elasticFields.size();i++){
+  for (int i = 0; i < elasticFields.size(); i++){
-    for (int j=0;j<elasticFields.size();j++){
+    for (int j = 0; j < elasticFields.size(); j++){
       elasticityTerm El(0, elasticFields[i]._E, elasticFields[i]._nu,
-			elasticFields[i]._tag,elasticFields[j]._tag);
+                        elasticFields[i]._tag, elasticFields[j]._tag);
       //      printf("%d %d\n",elasticFields[i]._tag,elasticFields[j]._tag);
-      El.addToMatrix(*pAssembler,*elasticFields[i].g, *elasticFields[j].g);      
+      El.addToMatrix(*pAssembler, *elasticFields[i].g, *elasticFields[j].g);      
diff --git a/Solver/elasticitySolver.h b/Solver/elasticitySolver.h
index eba195515e..10fa60f342 100644
--- a/Solver/elasticitySolver.h
+++ b/Solver/elasticitySolver.h
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ struct elasticField {
   int _tag; // tag for the dofManager
   groupOfElements *g; // support for this field
   simpleFunction<double> *_enrichment; // XFEM enrichment
-  double _E,_nu; // specific elastic datas (should be somewhere else)
-  elasticField () : g(0),_enrichment(0){}
+  double _E, _nu; // specific elastic datas (should be somewhere else)
+  elasticField () : g(0), _enrichment(0){}
 // an elastic solver ...
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class elasticitySolver{
   int _dim, _tag;
   dofManager<double, double> *pAssembler;
   // young modulus and poisson coefficient per physical
-  std::vector<elasticField > elasticFields;
+  std::vector<elasticField> elasticFields;
   // imposed nodal forces
   std::map<int, SVector3> nodalForces;
   // imposed line forces
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ class elasticitySolver{
   elasticitySolver(int tag) : _tag(tag) {}
   void addNodalForces (int iNode, const SVector3 &f)
-  { 
+  {
     nodalForces[iNode] = f;
-  void addNodalDisplacement(int iNode, int dir, double val) 
+  void addNodalDisplacement(int iNode, int dir, double val)
     nodalDisplacements[std::make_pair(iNode, dir)] = val;
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ class elasticitySolver{
   //  {
   //    elasticConstants[physical] = std::make_pair(e, nu);
   //  }
-  void setMesh(const std::string &meshFileName);  
-  virtual void solve();  
+  void setMesh(const std::string &meshFileName);
+  virtual void solve();
   void readInputFile(const std::string &meshFileName);
   PView *buildDisplacementView(const std::string &postFileName);
   // PView *buildVonMisesView(const std::string &postFileName);
diff --git a/Solver/elasticityTerm.cpp b/Solver/elasticityTerm.cpp
index 5b42a5227a..62351800c0 100644
--- a/Solver/elasticityTerm.cpp
+++ b/Solver/elasticityTerm.cpp
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@ void elasticityTerm::elementMatrix(SElement *se, fullMatrix<double> &m) const
   double Grads[100][3];
   double GradsT[100][3];
   e->getIntegrationPoints(integrationOrder, &npts, &GP);
   double FACT = _E / (1 + _nu);
   double C11 = FACT * (1 - _nu) / (1 - 2 * _nu);
   double C12 = FACT * _nu / (1 - 2 * _nu);
   double C44 = (C11 - C12) / 2;
   const double C[6][6] =
-    { {C11, C12, C12,    0,   0,   0}, 
-      {C12, C11, C12,    0,   0,   0}, 
-      {C12, C12, C11,    0,   0,   0}, 
+    { {C11, C12, C12,    0,   0,   0},
+      {C12, C11, C12,    0,   0,   0},
+      {C12, C12, C11,    0,   0,   0},
       {  0,   0,   0,  C44,   0,   0},
-      {  0,   0,   0,    0, C44,   0}, 
+      {  0,   0,   0,    0, C44,   0},
       {  0,   0,   0,    0,   0, C44} };
   fullMatrix<double> H(6, 6);
   fullMatrix<double> B(6, 3 * nbNodes);
   fullMatrix<double> BTH(3 * nbNodes, 6);
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ void elasticityTerm::elementMatrix(SElement *se, fullMatrix<double> &m) const
   for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
     for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
       H(i, j) = C[i][j];
   for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++){
     const double u = GP[i].pt[0];
     const double v = GP[i].pt[1];
@@ -55,57 +55,56 @@ void elasticityTerm::elementMatrix(SElement *se, fullMatrix<double> &m) const
     if (se->getShapeEnrichement() == se->getTestEnrichement()){
       for (int j = 0; j < nbNodes; j++){
-	//	printf(" GR(j) = %12.5E,%12.5E,%12.5E\n", Grads[j][0],Grads[j][1],Grads[j][2]);
-	BT(j, 0) = B(0, j) = Grads[j][0];
-	BT(j, 3) = B(3, j) = Grads[j][1];
-	BT(j, 4) = B(4, j) = Grads[j][2];
-	BT(j + nbNodes, 1) = B(1, j + nbNodes) = Grads[j][1];
-	BT(j + nbNodes, 3) = B(3, j + nbNodes) = Grads[j][0];
-	BT(j + nbNodes, 5) = B(5, j + nbNodes) = Grads[j][2];
-	BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 2) = B(2, j + 2 * nbNodes) = Grads[j][2];
-	BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 4) = B(4, j + 2 * nbNodes) = Grads[j][0];
-	BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 5) = B(5, j + 2 * nbNodes) = Grads[j][1];
+        //printf(" GR(j) = %12.5E,%12.5E,%12.5E\n", Grads[j][0],Grads[j][1],Grads[j][2]);
+        BT(j, 0) = B(0, j) = Grads[j][0];
+        BT(j, 3) = B(3, j) = Grads[j][1];
+        BT(j, 4) = B(4, j) = Grads[j][2];
+        BT(j + nbNodes, 1) = B(1, j + nbNodes) = Grads[j][1];
+        BT(j + nbNodes, 3) = B(3, j + nbNodes) = Grads[j][0];
+        BT(j + nbNodes, 5) = B(5, j + nbNodes) = Grads[j][2];
+        BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 2) = B(2, j + 2 * nbNodes) = Grads[j][2];
+        BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 4) = B(4, j + 2 * nbNodes) = Grads[j][0];
+        BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 5) = B(5, j + 2 * nbNodes) = Grads[j][1];
       printf("coucou AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH \n");
       se->gradNodalTestFunctions (u, v, w, invjac,GradsT);
       for (int j = 0; j < nbNodes; j++){
-	BT(j, 0) = Grads[j][0]; B(0, j) = GradsT[j][0];
-	BT(j, 3) = Grads[j][1]; B(3, j) = GradsT[j][1];
-	BT(j, 4) = Grads[j][2]; B(4, j) = GradsT[j][2];
-	BT(j + nbNodes, 1) = Grads[j][1]; B(1, j + nbNodes) = GradsT[j][1];
-	BT(j + nbNodes, 3) = Grads[j][0]; B(3, j + nbNodes) = GradsT[j][0];
-	BT(j + nbNodes, 5) = Grads[j][2]; B(5, j + nbNodes) = GradsT[j][2];
-	BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 2) = Grads[j][2]; B(2, j + 2 * nbNodes) = GradsT[j][2];
-	BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 4) = Grads[j][0]; B(4, j + 2 * nbNodes) = GradsT[j][0];
-	BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 5) = Grads[j][1]; B(5, j + 2 * nbNodes) = GradsT[j][1];
+        BT(j, 0) = Grads[j][0]; B(0, j) = GradsT[j][0];
+        BT(j, 3) = Grads[j][1]; B(3, j) = GradsT[j][1];
+        BT(j, 4) = Grads[j][2]; B(4, j) = GradsT[j][2];
+        BT(j + nbNodes, 1) = Grads[j][1]; B(1, j + nbNodes) = GradsT[j][1];
+        BT(j + nbNodes, 3) = Grads[j][0]; B(3, j + nbNodes) = GradsT[j][0];
+        BT(j + nbNodes, 5) = Grads[j][2]; B(5, j + nbNodes) = GradsT[j][2];
+        BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 2) = Grads[j][2]; B(2, j + 2 * nbNodes) = GradsT[j][2];
+        BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 4) = Grads[j][0]; B(4, j + 2 * nbNodes) = GradsT[j][0];
+        BT(j + 2 * nbNodes, 5) = Grads[j][1]; B(5, j + 2 * nbNodes) = GradsT[j][1];
-    BTH.gemm(BT, H); 
+    BTH.gemm(BT, H);
     m.gemm(BTH, B, weight * detJ, 1.);
-  for (int i=0;i<3 * nbNodes;i++){
-    for (int j=0;j<3 * nbNodes;j++){
-      printf("%g ",m(i,j));
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3 * nbNodes; i++){
+    for (int j = 0; j < 3 * nbNodes; j++){
+      printf("%g ", m(i, j));
 void elasticityTerm::elementVector(SElement *se, fullVector<double> &m) const
@@ -118,9 +117,9 @@ void elasticityTerm::elementVector(SElement *se, fullVector<double> &m) const
   double jac[3][3];
   double ff[256];
   e->getIntegrationPoints(integrationOrder, &npts, &GP);
   for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++){
     const double u = GP[i].pt[0];
     const double v = GP[i].pt[1];
@@ -129,9 +128,9 @@ void elasticityTerm::elementVector(SElement *se, fullVector<double> &m) const
     const double detJ = e->getJacobian(u, v, w, jac);
     se->nodalTestFunctions(u, v, w, ff);
     for (int j = 0; j < nbNodes; j++){
-      m(j) += _volumeForce.x() *ff[j] * weight * detJ *.5;
-      m(j + nbNodes) += _volumeForce.y() *ff[j] * weight * detJ *.5;
-      m(j + 2 * nbNodes) += _volumeForce.z() *ff[j] * weight * detJ *.5;
+      m(j) += _volumeForce.x() * ff[j] * weight * detJ * .5;
+      m(j + nbNodes) += _volumeForce.y() * ff[j] * weight * detJ * .5;
+      m(j + 2 * nbNodes) += _volumeForce.z() * ff[j] * weight * detJ * .5;
-  } 
+  }
diff --git a/Solver/elasticityTerm.h b/Solver/elasticityTerm.h
index ae826d930c..1c0292cf88 100644
--- a/Solver/elasticityTerm.h
+++ b/Solver/elasticityTerm.h
@@ -18,20 +18,20 @@ class elasticityTerm : public femTerm<double, double> {
   int _iFieldR, _iFieldC;
   SVector3 _volumeForce;
-  void setFieldC(int i){_iFieldC = i;} 
-  void setFieldR(int i){_iFieldR = i;} 
+  void setFieldC(int i){_iFieldC = i;}
+  void setFieldR(int i){_iFieldR = i;}
   // element matrix size : 3 dofs per vertex
-  virtual int sizeOfR(SElement *se) const 
+  virtual int sizeOfR(SElement *se) const
-    return 3 * se->getMeshElement()->getNumVertices(); 
+    return 3 * se->getMeshElement()->getNumVertices();
-  virtual int sizeOfC(SElement *se) const 
-  { 
-    return 3 * se->getMeshElement()->getNumVertices(); 
+  virtual int sizeOfC(SElement *se) const
+  {
+    return 3 * se->getMeshElement()->getNumVertices();
   // order dofs in the local matrix :
   // dx1, dx2 ... dxn, dy1, ..., dyn, dz1, ... dzn 
-  Dof getLocalDofR(SElement *se, int iRow) const 
+  Dof getLocalDofR(SElement *se, int iRow) const
     MElement *e = se->getMeshElement();
     int iCompR = iRow / e->getNumVertices();
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class elasticityTerm : public femTerm<double, double> {
     return Dof(e->getVertex(ithLocalVertex)->getNum(),
                Dof::createTypeWithTwoInts(iCompR, _iFieldR));
-  Dof getLocalDofC(SElement *se, int iCol) const 
+  Dof getLocalDofC(SElement *se, int iCol) const
     MElement *e = se->getMeshElement();
     int iCompC = iCol / e->getNumVertices();
diff --git a/Solver/femTerm.h b/Solver/femTerm.h
index 77ba2b55da..5c35bbe4c0 100644
--- a/Solver/femTerm.h
+++ b/Solver/femTerm.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class femTerm {
   GModel *_gm;
   femTerm(GModel *gm) : _gm(gm) {}
-  virtual ~femTerm(){}
+  virtual ~femTerm() {}
   // return the number of columns of the element matrix
   virtual int sizeOfC(SElement *se) const = 0;
   // return the number of rows of the element matrix
@@ -34,28 +34,28 @@ class femTerm {
   virtual Dof getLocalDofR(SElement *se, int iRow) const = 0;
   // default behavior: symmetric
   virtual Dof getLocalDofC(SElement *se, int iCol) const
-  { 
-    return getLocalDofR(se, iCol); 
+  {
+    return getLocalDofR(se, iCol);
   // compute the elementary matrix
   virtual void elementMatrix(SElement *se, fullMatrix<dataMat> &m) const = 0;
-  virtual void elementVector(SElement *se, fullVector<dataVec> &m) const 
+  virtual void elementVector(SElement *se, fullVector<dataVec> &m) const
   // add the contribution from all the elements in the intersection
   // of two element groups L and C
-  void addToMatrix(dofManager<dataVec, dataMat> &dm, 
-		   groupOfElements &L, 
-		   groupOfElements &C) const
+  void addToMatrix(dofManager<dataVec, dataMat> &dm,
+                   groupOfElements &L,
+                   groupOfElements &C) const
     groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = L.begin();
     for ( ; it != L.end() ; ++it){
       MElement *eL = *it;
-      if ( &C == &L || C.find(eL) ){
-	SElement se(eL);
-	addToMatrix(dm, &se);
+      if (&C == &L || C.find(eL)){
+        SElement se(eL);
+        addToMatrix(dm, &se);
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ class femTerm {
     elementMatrix(se, localMatrix);
     addToMatrix(dm, localMatrix, se);
-  void addToMatrix(dofManager<dataVec, dataMat> &dm, 
-                   fullMatrix<dataMat> &localMatrix, 
+  void addToMatrix(dofManager<dataVec, dataMat> &dm,
+                   fullMatrix<dataMat> &localMatrix,
                    SElement *se) const
     const int nbR = localMatrix.size1();
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class femTerm {
   void dirichletNodalBC(int physical, int dim, int comp, int field,
                         const simpleFunction<dataVec> &e,
-                        dofManager<dataVec,dataMat> &dm)
+                        dofManager<dataVec, dataMat> &dm)
     std::vector<MVertex *> v;
     GModel *m = _gm;
@@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ class femTerm {
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
       dm.fixVertex(v[i], comp, field, e(v[i]->x(), v[i]->y(), v[i]->z()));
-  void neumannNodalBC(int physical, int dim, int comp,int field,
+  void neumannNodalBC(int physical, int dim, int comp, int field,
                       const simpleFunction<dataVec> &fct,
                       dofManager<dataVec, dataMat> &dm)
     std::map<int, std::vector<GEntity*> > groups[4];
     GModel *m = _gm;
-    std::map<int, std::vector<GEntity*> >::iterator it = groups[dim].find(physical);  
+    std::map<int, std::vector<GEntity*> >::iterator it = groups[dim].find(physical);
     if (it == groups[dim].end()) return;
     double jac[3][3];
     double sf[256];
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class femTerm {
         int nbNodes = e->getNumVertices();
         int npts;
         IntPt *GP;
-        e->getIntegrationPoints(integrationOrder, &npts, &GP);  
+        e->getIntegrationPoints(integrationOrder, &npts, &GP);
         for (int ip = 0; ip < npts; ip++){
           const double u = GP[ip].pt[0];
           const double v = GP[ip].pt[1];
@@ -161,10 +161,10 @@ class femTerm {
-  void addToRightHandSide(dofManager<dataVec, dataMat> &dm, groupOfElements &C) const 
+  void addToRightHandSide(dofManager<dataVec, dataMat> &dm, groupOfElements &C) const
     groupOfElements::elementContainer::const_iterator it = C.begin();
-    for ( ; it != C.end() ; ++it){
+    for ( ; it != C.end(); ++it){
       MElement *eL = *it;
       SElement se(eL);
       int nbR = sizeOfR(&se);
diff --git a/Solver/groupOfElements.cpp b/Solver/groupOfElements.cpp
index 8fcaea61f5..e409dbc663 100644
--- a/Solver/groupOfElements.cpp
+++ b/Solver/groupOfElements.cpp
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
   elementFilterTrivial filter;
-  addElementary(gf,filter);  
+  addElementary(gf, filter);
 void groupOfElements::addElementary(GEntity *ge, const elementFilter &filter){
-  for (int j=0;j<ge->getNumMeshElements();j++){
+  for (int j = 0; j < ge->getNumMeshElements(); j++){
     MElement *e = ge->getMeshElement(j);
     if (filter(e)){
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ void groupOfElements::addPhysical(int dim, int physical,
   std::map<int, std::vector<GEntity*> > groups[4];
   std::vector<GEntity*> ent = groups[dim][physical];
-  for (int i=0;i<ent.size();i++){
-    addElementary(ent[i],filter);
+  for (int i = 0; i < ent.size(); i++){
+    addElementary(ent[i], filter);
diff --git a/Solver/groupOfElements.h b/Solver/groupOfElements.h
index eae4e9eb58..535861f0aa 100644
--- a/Solver/groupOfElements.h
+++ b/Solver/groupOfElements.h
@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@
 class elementFilter {
-  virtual bool operator () (MElement *) const = 0;
+  virtual bool operator() (MElement *) const = 0;
 class elementFilterTrivial : public elementFilter {
-  bool operator () (MElement *) const {return true;}
+  bool operator() (MElement *) const {return true;}
 class groupOfElements {
-  typedef std::set<MElement*> elementContainer; 
-  typedef std::set<MVertex*> vertexContainer; 
+  typedef std::set<MElement*> elementContainer;
+  typedef std::set<MVertex*> vertexContainer;
   vertexContainer _vertices;
   elementContainer _elements;
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ private:
   groupOfElements (int dim, int physical) {
     addPhysical (dim, physical);
-  }   
+  }
-  groupOfElements (GFace*); 
+  groupOfElements (GFace*);
   void addPhysical(int dim, int physical) {
     elementFilterTrivial filter;
@@ -39,38 +39,38 @@ public:
   void addPhysical(int dim, int physical, const elementFilter &);
-  vertexContainer::const_iterator vbegin () const {
+  vertexContainer::const_iterator vbegin() const {
     return _vertices.begin();
-  vertexContainer::const_iterator vend () const {
+  vertexContainer::const_iterator vend() const {
     return _vertices.end();
-  elementContainer::const_iterator begin () const {
+  elementContainer::const_iterator begin() const {
     return _elements.begin();
-  elementContainer::const_iterator end () const {
+  elementContainer::const_iterator end() const {
     return _elements.end();
-  size_t size () const {
+  size_t size() const {
     return _elements.size();
   bool find (MElement *e) const {
-    if (e->getParent() && _parents.find(e->getParent()) != _parents.end())return true;
-    return (_elements.find(e) != _elements.end()) ;
+    if (e->getParent() && _parents.find(e->getParent()) != _parents.end()) return true;
+    return (_elements.find(e) != _elements.end());
   inline void insert (MElement *e) {
     if (e->getParent()){
-      _parents.insert(e->getParent());      
-      for (int i=0;i<e->getParent()->getNumVertices();i++){
-	_vertices.insert(e->getParent()->getVertex(i));
+      _parents.insert(e->getParent());
+      for (int i = 0; i < e->getParent()->getNumVertices(); i++){
+        _vertices.insert(e->getParent()->getVertex(i));
-      for (int i=0;i<e->getNumVertices();i++){
-	_vertices.insert(e->getVertex(i));
+      for (int i = 0; i < e->getNumVertices(); i++){
+        _vertices.insert(e->getVertex(i));
diff --git a/Solver/linearSystemCSR.cpp b/Solver/linearSystemCSR.cpp
index 65d98a9e4c..3f83b68c98 100644
--- a/Solver/linearSystemCSR.cpp
+++ b/Solver/linearSystemCSR.cpp
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 #include "GmshMessage.h"
 #include "linearSystemCSR.h"
-#define SWAP(a,b)  temp=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=temp;
-#define SWAPI(a,b) tempi=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=tempi;
+#define SWAP(a, b)  temp = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = temp;
+#define SWAPI(a, b) tempi = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = tempi;
 static void *CSRMalloc(size_t size)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ static void *CSRMalloc(size_t size)
 static void *CSRRealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
   if (!size) return(NULL);
-  ptr = realloc(ptr,size);
+  ptr = realloc(ptr, size);
@@ -49,20 +49,20 @@ static void CSRList_Realloc(CSRList_T *liste, int n)
 static CSRList_T *CSRList_Create(int n, int incr, int size)
   CSRList_T *liste;
-  if (n <= 0)  n = 1 ;
+  if (n <= 0) n = 1 ;
   if (incr <= 0) incr = 1;
   liste = (CSRList_T *)CSRMalloc(sizeof(CSRList_T));
   liste->nmax    = 0;
   liste->incr    = incr;
   liste->size    = size;
   liste->n       = 0;
   liste->isorder = 0;
   liste->array   = NULL;
-  CSRList_Realloc(liste,n);
+  CSRList_Realloc(liste, n);
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ static void CSRList_Delete(CSRList_T *liste)
 void CSRList_Add(CSRList_T *liste, void *data)
-  CSRList_Realloc(liste,liste->n);
+  CSRList_Realloc(liste, liste->n);
   liste->isorder = 0;
   memcpy(&liste->array[(liste->n - 1) * liste->size], data, liste->size);
@@ -99,165 +99,165 @@ void linearSystemCSR<double>::allocate(int nbRows)
     delete _b;
     delete[] something;
   if(nbRows == 0){
-    _a = 0; 
-    _ai = 0; 
-    _ptr = 0; 
-    _jptr = 0; 
+    _a = 0;
+    _ai = 0;
+    _ptr = 0;
+    _jptr = 0;
     _b = 0;
     _x = 0;
     sorted = false;
     something = 0;
   _a    = CSRList_Create(nbRows, nbRows, sizeof(double));
   _ai   = CSRList_Create(nbRows, nbRows, sizeof(INDEX_TYPE));
   _ptr  = CSRList_Create(nbRows, nbRows, sizeof(INDEX_TYPE));
   _jptr = CSRList_Create(nbRows + 1, nbRows, sizeof(INDEX_TYPE));
   something = new char[nbRows];
   for (int i = 0; i < nbRows; i++) something[i] = 0;
   _b = new std::vector<double>(nbRows);
   _x = new std::vector<double>(nbRows);
 const int NSTACK = 50;
-const unsigned int M_sort2  = 7;
+const unsigned int M_sort2 = 7;
 static void free_ivector(int *v, long nl, long nh)
   // free an int vector allocated with ivector() 
-  free((char*)(v+nl-1));
+  free((char*)(v + nl - 1));
 static int *ivector(long nl, long nh)
-  // allocate an int vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] 
-  int *v;  
-  v=(int *)malloc((size_t) ((nh-nl+2)*sizeof(int)));
+  // allocate an int vector with subscript range v[nl..nh]
+  int *v;
+  v = (int *)malloc((size_t) ((nh - nl + 2) * sizeof(int)));
   if (!v) fprintf(stderr, "allocation failure in ivector()\n");
-  return v-nl+1;
+  return v - nl + 1;
-static int cmpij(INDEX_TYPE ai,INDEX_TYPE aj,INDEX_TYPE bi,INDEX_TYPE bj)
+static int cmpij(INDEX_TYPE ai, INDEX_TYPE aj, INDEX_TYPE bi, INDEX_TYPE bj)
-  if(ai<bi)return -1;
-  if(ai>bi)return 1;
-  if(aj<bj)return -1;
-  if(aj>bj)return 1;
+  if(ai < bi) return -1;
+  if(ai > bi) return 1;
+  if(aj < bj) return -1;
+  if(aj > bj) return 1;
   return 0;
 template <class scalar>
 static void _sort2_xkws(unsigned long n, double arr[], INDEX_TYPE ai[], INDEX_TYPE aj[])
-  unsigned long i,ir=n,j,k,l=1;
-  int *istack,jstack=0;
+  unsigned long i, ir = n, j, k, l = 1;
+  int *istack, jstack = 0;
   INDEX_TYPE tempi;
-  scalar a,temp;
-  int    b,c;
-  istack=ivector(1,NSTACK);
+  scalar a, temp;
+  int b, c;
+  istack = ivector(1, NSTACK);
   for (;;) {
-    if (ir-l < M_sort2) {
-      for (j=l+1;j<=ir;j++) {
-        a=arr[j -1];
-        b=ai[j -1];
-        c=aj[j -1];
-        for (i=j-1;i>=1;i--) {
-          if (cmpij(ai[i -1],aj[i -1],b,c) <= 0) break;
-          arr[i+1 -1]=arr[i -1];
-          ai[i+1 -1]=ai[i -1];
-          aj[i+1 -1]=aj[i -1];
+    if (ir - l < M_sort2) {
+      for (j = l + 1; j <= ir; j++) {
+        a = arr[j -1];
+        b = ai[j -1];
+        c = aj[j -1];
+        for (i = j - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
+          if (cmpij(ai[i - 1], aj[i - 1], b, c) <= 0) break;
+          arr[i + 1 - 1] = arr[i - 1];
+          ai[i + 1 - 1] = ai[i - 1];
+          aj[i + 1 - 1] = aj[i - 1];
-        arr[i+1 -1]=a;
-        ai[i+1 -1]=b;
-        aj[i+1 -1]=c;
+        arr[i + 1 - 1] = a;
+        ai[i + 1 - 1] = b;
+        aj[i + 1 - 1] = c;
       if (!jstack) {
-        free_ivector(istack,1,NSTACK);
+        free_ivector(istack, 1, NSTACK);
-      ir=istack[jstack];
-      l=istack[jstack-1];
+      ir = istack[jstack];
+      l = istack[jstack - 1];
       jstack -= 2;
-    } 
+    }
     else {
-      k=(l+ir) >> 1;
-      SWAP(arr[k -1],arr[l+1 -1])
-        SWAPI(ai[k -1],ai[l+1 -1])
-        SWAPI(aj[k -1],aj[l+1 -1])
-        if (cmpij(ai[l+1 -1],aj[l+1 -1],ai[ir -1],aj[ir -1])>0){
-          SWAP(arr[l+1 -1],arr[ir -1])
-            SWAPI(ai[l+1 -1],ai[ir -1])
-            SWAPI(aj[l+1 -1],aj[ir -1])
-            }
-      if (cmpij(ai[l -1],aj[l -1],ai[ir -1],aj[ir -1])>0){
-        SWAP(arr[l -1],arr[ir -1])
-          SWAPI(ai[l -1],ai[ir -1])
-          SWAPI(aj[l -1],aj[ir -1])
-          }
-      if (cmpij(ai[l+1 -1],aj[l+1 -1],ai[l -1],aj[l -1])>0){
-        SWAP(arr[l+1 -1],arr[l -1])
-          SWAPI(ai[l+1 -1],ai[l -1])
-          SWAPI(aj[l+1 -1],aj[l -1])
-          }
-      i=l+1;
-      j=ir;
-      a=arr[l -1];
-      b=ai[l -1];
-      c=aj[l -1];
+      k = (l + ir) >> 1;
+      SWAP(arr[k - 1], arr[l + 1 - 1])
+      SWAPI(ai[k - 1], ai[l + 1 - 1])
+      SWAPI(aj[k - 1], aj[l + 1 - 1])
+      if (cmpij(ai[l + 1 - 1], aj[l + 1 - 1], ai[ir - 1], aj[ir - 1]) > 0){
+        SWAP(arr[l + 1 - 1], arr[ir - 1])
+        SWAPI(ai[l + 1 - 1], ai[ir - 1])
+        SWAPI(aj[l + 1 - 1], aj[ir - 1])
+      }
+      if (cmpij(ai[l - 1], aj[l - 1], ai[ir - 1], aj[ir - 1]) > 0){
+        SWAP(arr[l - 1], arr[ir - 1])
+        SWAPI(ai[l - 1], ai[ir - 1])
+        SWAPI(aj[l - 1], aj[ir - 1])
+      }
+      if (cmpij(ai[l + 1 - 1], aj[l + 1 - 1], ai[l - 1], aj[l - 1]) > 0){
+        SWAP(arr[l + 1 - 1], arr[l - 1])
+        SWAPI(ai[l + 1 - 1], ai[l - 1])
+        SWAPI(aj[l + 1 - 1], aj[l - 1])
+      }
+      i = l + 1;
+      j = ir;
+      a = arr[l - 1];
+      b = ai[l - 1];
+      c = aj[l - 1];
       for (;;) {
-        do i++; while (cmpij(ai[i -1],aj[i -1],b,c) < 0);
-        do j--; while (cmpij(ai[j -1],aj[j -1],b,c) > 0);
+        do i++; while (cmpij(ai[i -1], aj[i -1], b, c) < 0);
+        do j--; while (cmpij(ai[j -1], aj[j -1], b, c) > 0);
         if (j < i) break;
-        SWAP(arr[i -1],arr[j -1])
-          SWAPI(ai[i -1],ai[j -1])
-          SWAPI(aj[i -1],aj[j -1])
-          }
-      arr[l -1]=arr[j -1];
-      arr[j -1]=a;
-      ai[l -1]=ai[j -1];
-      ai[j -1]=b;
-      aj[l -1]=aj[j -1];
-      aj[j -1]=c;
+        SWAP(arr[i - 1], arr[j - 1])
+        SWAPI(ai[i - 1], ai[j - 1])
+        SWAPI(aj[i - 1], aj[j - 1])
+      }
+      arr[l - 1] = arr[j - 1];
+      arr[j - 1] = a;
+      ai[l - 1] = ai[j - 1];
+      ai[j - 1] = b;
+      aj[l - 1] = aj[j - 1];
+      aj[j - 1] = c;
       jstack += 2;
       if (jstack > NSTACK) {
         Msg::Fatal("NSTACK too small while sorting the columns of the matrix");
-      if (ir-i+1 >= j-l) {
-        istack[jstack]=ir;
-        istack[jstack-1]=i;
-        ir=j-1;
-      } 
+      if (ir - i + 1 >= j - l) {
+        istack[jstack] = ir;
+        istack[jstack - 1] = i;
+        ir = j - 1;
+      }
       else {
-        istack[jstack]=j-1;
-        istack[jstack-1]=l;
-        l=i;
+        istack[jstack] = j - 1;
+        istack[jstack - 1] = l;
+        l = i;
 template <class scalar>
-void sortColumns_(int NbLines, 
-		  int nnz, 
-		  INDEX_TYPE *ptr, 
-		  INDEX_TYPE *jptr, 
-		  INDEX_TYPE *ai, 
-		  scalar *a)
+void sortColumns_(int NbLines,
+                  int nnz,
+                  INDEX_TYPE *ptr,
+                  INDEX_TYPE *jptr,
+                  INDEX_TYPE *ai,
+                  scalar *a)
   // replace pointers by lines
   int *count = new int[NbLines];
-  for(int i=0;i<NbLines;i++){
+  for(int i = 0; i < NbLines; i++){
     count[i] = 0;
-    INDEX_TYPE _position =  jptr[i];
+    INDEX_TYPE _position = jptr[i];
       INDEX_TYPE _position_temp = _position;
@@ -265,20 +265,20 @@ void sortColumns_(int NbLines,
       ptr[_position_temp] = i;
       if (_position == 0) break;
-  }   
-  _sort2_xkws<double>(nnz,a,ptr,ai);   
+  }
+  _sort2_xkws<double>(nnz, a, ptr, ai);
   jptr[0] = 0;
-  for(int i=1;i<=NbLines;i++){
-    jptr[i] = jptr[i-1] + count[i-1];
+  for(int i = 1; i <= NbLines; i++){
+    jptr[i] = jptr[i - 1] + count[i - 1];
-  for(int i=0;i<NbLines;i++){
-    for (int j= jptr[i] ; j<jptr[i+1]-1 ; j++){
-      ptr[j] = j+1;
+  for(int i = 0; i < NbLines; i++){
+    for (int j = jptr[i]; j < jptr[i + 1] - 1; j++){
+      ptr[j] = j + 1;
-    ptr[jptr[i+1]] = 0;
+    ptr[jptr[i + 1]] = 0;
   delete[] count;
@@ -293,17 +293,17 @@ int linearSystemCSRGmm<double>::systemSolve()
                 (INDEX_TYPE *) _ptr->array,
-                (INDEX_TYPE *) _jptr->array, 
-                (INDEX_TYPE *) _ai->array, 
+                (INDEX_TYPE *) _jptr->array,
+                (INDEX_TYPE *) _ai->array,
                 (double*) _a->array);
   sorted = true;
-  gmm::csr_matrix_ref<double*,INDEX_TYPE *,INDEX_TYPE *, 0>  
+  gmm::csr_matrix_ref<double*, INDEX_TYPE *, INDEX_TYPE *, 0>
     ref((double*)_a->array, (INDEX_TYPE *) _ai->array,
         (INDEX_TYPE *)_jptr->array, _b->size(), _b->size());
-  gmm::csr_matrix<double,0> M;
+  gmm::csr_matrix<double, 0> M;
   gmm::ildltt_precond<gmm::csr_matrix<double, 0> > P(M, 10, 1.e-10);
   gmm::iteration iter(_prec);
@@ -327,12 +327,12 @@ int linearSystemCSRTaucs<double>::systemSolve()
                 (INDEX_TYPE *) _ptr->array,
-                (INDEX_TYPE *) _jptr->array, 
-                (INDEX_TYPE *) _ai->array, 
+                (INDEX_TYPE *) _jptr->array,
+                (INDEX_TYPE *) _ai->array,
                 (double*) _a->array);
   sorted = true;
   taucs_ccs_matrix myVeryCuteTaucsMatrix;
   myVeryCuteTaucsMatrix.n = myVeryCuteTaucsMatrix.m = _b->size();
   //myVeryCuteTaucsMatrix.rowind = (INDEX_TYPE*)_ptr->array;
@@ -340,23 +340,23 @@ int linearSystemCSRTaucs<double>::systemSolve()
   myVeryCuteTaucsMatrix.rowind = (INDEX_TYPE*)_ai->array;
   myVeryCuteTaucsMatrix.colptr = (INDEX_TYPE*)_jptr->array;
   myVeryCuteTaucsMatrix.values.d = (double*)_a->array;
-  myVeryCuteTaucsMatrix.flags = TAUCS_SYMMETRIC | TAUCS_LOWER | TAUCS_DOUBLE; 
-  char* options[] = { "taucs.factor.LLT=true", NULL };  
+  myVeryCuteTaucsMatrix.flags = TAUCS_SYMMETRIC | TAUCS_LOWER | TAUCS_DOUBLE;
+  char* options[] = { "taucs.factor.LLT=true", NULL };
   clock_t t1 = clock();
-  int result = taucs_linsolve(&myVeryCuteTaucsMatrix, 
-                              NULL, 
-                              1, 
+  int result = taucs_linsolve(&myVeryCuteTaucsMatrix,
+                              NULL,
+                              1,
-                              NULL);                         
+                              NULL);
   clock_t t2 = clock();
-  Msg::Info("TAUCS has solved %d unknowns in %8.3f seconds", 
+  Msg::Info("TAUCS has solved %d unknowns in %8.3f seconds",
             _b->size(), (double)(t2 - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
   if (result != TAUCS_SUCCESS){
     Msg::Error("Taucs Was Not Successfull %d", result);
-  }  
+  }
   return 1;
diff --git a/contrib/DiscreteIntegration/Integration3D.cpp b/contrib/DiscreteIntegration/Integration3D.cpp
index 517334a52d..338dca15e4 100644
--- a/contrib/DiscreteIntegration/Integration3D.cpp
+++ b/contrib/DiscreteIntegration/Integration3D.cpp
@@ -63,12 +63,14 @@ inline double distance(const DI_CuttingPoint &p1, const DI_CuttingPoint &p2) {
 inline DI_Point middle (const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2) {
   return DI_Point ((p1.x() + p2.x()) / 2, (p1.y() + p2.y()) / 2, (p1.z() + p2.z()) / 2);
-inline DI_Point middle (const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2, const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi) {
+inline DI_Point middle (const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2,
+                        const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi) {
   return DI_Point ((p1.x() + p2.x()) / 2, (p1.y() + p2.y()) / 2, (p1.z() + p2.z()) / 2, e, RPNi);
 // barycentre
-inline DI_Point barycenter (const DI_Element *el, const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPN) {
+inline DI_Point barycenter (const DI_Element *el,
+                            const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPN) {
   double x[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
   int n;
   for (n = 0; n < el->nbVert(); n++) {
@@ -233,7 +235,8 @@ double qualityTri(const DI_Point &p0, const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2) {
 // Return the best quality for a quad cut into 2 triangles
-int bestQuality(const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2, const DI_Point &p3, const DI_Point &p4, DI_Triangle &t1, DI_Triangle &t2) {
+int bestQuality(const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2, const DI_Point &p3, const DI_Point &p4,
+                DI_Triangle &t1, DI_Triangle &t2) {
   int cut = 0;
   double qual11 = qualityTri(p1, p2, p3);
   double qual12 = qualityTri(p1, p3, p4);
@@ -448,7 +451,8 @@ int bestQuality (const DI_Point &p0, const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2,
 // computes the intersection between a level set and a linear edge
-DI_Point Newton(const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2, const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi) {
+DI_Point Newton(const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2,
+                const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi) {
   double eps = / ( -;
   DI_Point p(p1.x() + eps * (p2.x() - p1.x()), p1.y() + eps * (p2.y() - p1.y()), p1.z() + eps * (p2.z() - p1.z()));
   double pls = e->evalLs(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());
@@ -468,8 +472,10 @@ DI_Point Newton(const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2, const DI_Element *e, con
   return p;
-// compute the position of the middle of a quadratic edge (intersection between the bisector of the linear edge and the levelset)
-DI_Point quadMidNode(const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2, const DI_Point &pf, const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi) {
+// compute the position of the middle of a quadratic edge
+//(intersection between the bisector of the linear edge and the levelset)
+DI_Point quadMidNode(const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2, const DI_Point &pf,
+                     const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi) {
   // middle of the edge between the 2 cutting points
   DI_Point midEN((p1.x() + p2.x()) / 2., (p1.y() + p2.y()) / 2., (p1.z() + p2.z()) / 2.);
@@ -493,10 +499,10 @@ DI_Point quadMidNode(const DI_Point &p1, const DI_Point &p2, const DI_Point &pf,
   return Newton(midEN, pt, e, RPNi);
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// DI_Point methods ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DI_Point methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 DI_Point::DI_Point (double x, double y, double z, gLevelset &ls) : x_(x), y_(y), z_(z) {
   addLs(ls(x, y, z));
@@ -537,7 +543,7 @@ bool DI_Point::equal(const DI_Point &p) const {
   return (fabs(x() - p.x()) < EQUALITY_TOL && fabs(y() - p.y()) < EQUALITY_TOL && fabs(z() - p.z()) < EQUALITY_TOL);
-// DI_IntegrationPoint methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DI_IntegrationPoint methods --------------------------------------------------------------------
 void DI_IntegrationPoint::computeLs (const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset*> RPN) {
   int prim = 0; std::vector<double> Ls;
   for(int l = 0; l < (int)RPN.size(); l++) {
@@ -553,7 +559,7 @@ void DI_IntegrationPoint::computeLs (const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<cons
-// DI_CuttingPoint methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DI_CuttingPoint methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void DI_CuttingPoint::chooseLs (const gLevelset *Lsi) {
   if(Ls.size() < 2) return;
   double ls1 = Ls[Ls.size() - 2], ls2 = Ls[Ls.size() - 1];
@@ -565,8 +571,9 @@ bool DI_CuttingPoint::equal (const DI_CuttingPoint &p) const {
   return (fabs(x() - p.x()) < EQUALITY_TOL && fabs(y() - p.y()) < EQUALITY_TOL && fabs(z() - p.z()) < EQUALITY_TOL);
-// DI_Element methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-DI_Element::DI_Element(const DI_Element &cp) : lsTag_(cp.lsTag()), polOrder_(cp.getPolynomialOrder()), integral_(cp.integral()) {
+// DI_Element methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+DI_Element::DI_Element(const DI_Element &cp) : lsTag_(cp.lsTag()), polOrder_(cp.getPolynomialOrder()),
+                                               integral_(cp.integral()) {
   //printf("constructeur de copie d'element %d : ",cp.type()); cout << &cp << "->" << this << endl;
   pts_ = new DI_Point* [cp.nbVert()];
   for(int i = 0; i < cp.nbVert(); i++)
@@ -705,7 +712,8 @@ void DI_Element::clearLs() {
   for(int i = 0; i < nbMid(); i++)
-bool DI_Element::addQuadEdge (int edge, DI_Point *xm, const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi) {
+bool DI_Element::addQuadEdge (int edge, DI_Point *xm,
+                              const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi) {
   /*if(edge >= nbEdg()) {printf("wrong number (%d) for quadratic edge for a ", edge); print(); return false;}
   int s1, s2; vert(edge, s1, s2);
   bool quad0 = isQuad();
@@ -800,8 +808,9 @@ void DI_Element::mappingEl (DI_Element *el) const {
-void DI_Element::integrationPoints (const int polynomialOrder, const DI_Element *loc, const DI_Element *e,
-                                 const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPN, std::vector<DI_IntegrationPoint> &ip) const {
+void DI_Element::integrationPoints (const int polynomialOrder, const DI_Element *loc,
+                                    const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPN,
+                                    std::vector<DI_IntegrationPoint> &ip) const {
   std::vector<DI_IntegrationPoint> ip_ref;
   getRefIntegrationPoints(polynomialOrder, ip_ref);
   for (int j = 0; j < (int)ip_ref.size(); j++) {
@@ -819,7 +828,8 @@ void DI_Element::integrationPoints (const int polynomialOrder, const DI_Element
-void DI_Element::getCuttingPoints (const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi, std::vector<DI_CuttingPoint> &cp) const {
+void DI_Element::getCuttingPoints (const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi,
+                                   std::vector<DI_CuttingPoint> &cp) const {
   int s1, s2;
   for(int i = 0; i < nbEdg(); i++){
     vert(i, s1, s2);
@@ -1009,7 +1019,7 @@ void DI_Element::printls() const {
   printf("tag=%d\n", lsTag());
-// DI_Line methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DI_Line methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void DI_Line::computeIntegral() {
   switch (getPolynomialOrder()) {
   case 1 :
@@ -1055,19 +1065,8 @@ void DI_Line::getGradShapeFunctions (const double u, const double v, const doubl
     printf("Order %d line function space not implemented ", order); print();
-/*double ln_detJ1 (const double &x, const double &x0, const double &x1) {
-  return (-x0 + x1) / 2.; // detJ is constant in a linear line
-double ln_detJ2 (const double &x, const double &x0, const double &x1, const double &x2) {
-  return x0 * (2. * x - 1.) / 2. + x1 * (2. * x + 1.) / 2. + x2 * (-2. * x);
-double DI_Line::detJ (const double &xP, const double &yP, const double &zP) const {
-  assert(yP == 0 && zP == 0 && y(0) == 0 && y(1) == 0 && y2(0) == 0 && z(0) == 0 && z(1) == 0 && z2(0) == 0);
-  if(!isQuad()) return ln_detJ1(xP, x(0), x(1));
-  return ln_detJ2(xP, x(0), x(1), x2(0));
-// DI_Triangle methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DI_Triangle methods ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void DI_Triangle::computeIntegral() {
   switch (getPolynomialOrder()) {
   case 1 :
@@ -1102,7 +1101,8 @@ void DI_Triangle::getShapeFunctions (double u, double v, double w, double s[], i
     printf("Order %d triangle function space not implemented ", order); print();
-void DI_Triangle::getGradShapeFunctions (const double u, const double v, const double w, double s[][3], int ord) const {
+void DI_Triangle::getGradShapeFunctions (const double u, const double v, const double w,
+                                         double s[][3], int ord) const {
   int order = (ord == -1) ? getPolynomialOrder() : ord;
   switch (order) {
   case 1 :
@@ -1137,24 +1137,8 @@ void DI_Triangle::getGradShapeFunctions (const double u, const double v, const d
 double DI_Triangle::quality() const {
   return qualityTri(pt(0), pt(1), pt(2));
-/*double tr_detJ1 (const double &x, const double &y,
-                 const double &x0, const double &y0, const double &x1, const double &y1, const double &x2, const double &y2) {
-  return (x1 - x0) * (y2 - y0) - (x2 - x0) * (y1 - y0); // detJ is constant in a linear triangle
-double tr_detJ2 (const double &x, const double &y,
-                 const double &x0, const double &y0, const double &x1, const double &y1, const double &x2, const double &y2,
-                 const double &x3, const double &y3, const double &x4, const double &y4, const double &x5, const double &y5) {
-  return (x0*(-3.+4.*x+4.*y)+x1*(4.*x-1.)+x3*4.*(1.-2.*x-y)+x4*4.*y-x5*4.*y) * (y0*(-3.+4.*x+4.*y)+y2*(4.*y-1.)-y3*4.*x+y4*4.*x+y5*4.*(1.-x-2.*y))
-        -(x0*(-3.+4.*x+4.*y)+x2*(4.*y-1.)-x3*4.*x+x4*4.*x+x5*4.*(1.-x-2.*y)) * (y0*(-3.+4.*x+4.*y)+y1*(4.*x-1.)+y3*4.*(1.-2.*x-y)+y4*4.*y-y5*4.*y);
-double DI_Triangle::detJ (const double &xP, const double &yP, const double &zP) const {
-  if(!(z(0) == 0 && z(1) == 0 && z(2) == 0 && z2(0) == 0 && z2(1) == 0 && z2(2) == 0)) print();
-  assert(zP == 0 && z(0) == 0 && z(1) == 0 && z(2) == 0 && z2(0) == 0 && z2(1) == 0 && z2(2) == 0);
-  if(!isQuad()) return tr_detJ1(xP, yP, x(0), y(0), x(1), y(1), x(2), y(2));
-  return tr_detJ2(xP, yP, x(0), y(0), x(1), y(1), x(2), y(2), x2(0), y2(0), x2(1), y2(1), x2(2), y2(2));
-// DI_Quad methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DI_Quad methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void DI_Quad::computeIntegral() {
   switch (getPolynomialOrder()) {
   case 1 :
@@ -1236,32 +1220,8 @@ void DI_Quad::getGradShapeFunctions (const double u, const double v, const doubl
     printf("Order %d quadrangle function space not implemented ", order); print();
-/*double q_detJ1 (const double &x, const double &y,
-                const double &x0, const double &y0, const double &x1, const double &y1,
-                const double &x2, const double &y2, const double &x3, const double &y3) {
-  return (x0*(-1.+y)+x1*(1.-y)+x2*(1.+y)+x3*(-1.-y))*(y0*(x-1.)+y1*(-1.-x)+y2*(1.+x)+y3*(1.-x))/16.
-        -(x0*(x-1.)+x1*(-1.-x)+x2*(1.+x)+x3*(1.-x))*(y0*(-1.+y)+y1*(1.-y)+y2*(1.+y)+y3*(-1.-y))/16.;
-double q_detJ2 (const double &x, const double &y,
-                const double &x0, const double &y0, const double &x1, const double &y1, const double &x2, const double &y2,
-                const double &x3, const double &y3, const double &x4, const double &y4, const double &x5, const double &y5,
-                const double &x6, const double &y6, const double &x7, const double &y7, const double &x8, const double &y8) {
-  return (x0*y*(1-y)*(1-2*x)-x1*y*(1-y)*(1+2*x)+x2*y*(1+y)*(1+2*x)-x3*y*(1+y)*(1-2*x)+
-          x4*4*y*(1-y)*x+x5*2*(1-y)*(1+y)*(1+2*x)-x6*4*y*(1+y)*x-x7*2*(1-y)*(1+y)*(1-2*x)-x8*8*(1-y)*(1+y)*x)
-        *(y0*x*(1-x)*(1-2*y)-y1*x*(1+x)*(1-2*y)+y2*x*(1+x)*(1+2*y)-y3*x*(1-x)*(1+2*y)-
-          y4*2*(1-x)*(1+x)*(1-2*y)-y5*4*x*(1+x)*y+y6*2*(1-x)*(1+x)*(1+2*y)+y7*4*x*(1-x)*y-y8*8*(1-x)*(1+x)*y)/16.
-        -(x0*x*(1-x)*(1-2*y)-x1*x*(1+x)*(1-2*y)+x2*x*(1+x)*(1+2*y)-x3*x*(1-x)*(1+2*y)-
-          x4*2*(1-x)*(1+x)*(1-2*y)-x5*4*x*(1+x)*y+x6*2*(1-x)*(1+x)*(1+2*y)+x7*4*x*(1-x)*y-x8*8*(1-x)*(1+x)*y)
-        *(y0*y*(1-y)*(1-2*x)-y1*y*(1-y)*(1+2*x)+y2*y*(1+y)*(1+2*x)-y3*y*(1+y)*(1-2*x)+
-          y4*4*y*(1-y)*x+y5*2*(1-y)*(1+y)*(1+2*x)-y6*4*y*(1+y)*x-y7*2*(1-y)*(1+y)*(1-2*x)-y8*8*(1-y)*(1+y)*x)/16.;
-double DI_Quad::detJ (const double &xP, const double &yP, const double &zP) const {
-  assert (zP == 0 && z(0) == 0 && z(1) == 0 && z(2) == 0 && z(3) == 0 && z2(0) == 0 && z2(1) == 0 && z2(2) == 0 && z2(3) == 0 && z2(4) == 0);
-  if(!isQuad()) return q_detJ1(xP, yP, x(0), y(0), x(1), y(1), x(2), y(2), x(3), y(3));
-  return q_detJ2(xP, yP, x(0), y(0), x(1), y(1), x(2), y(2), x(3), y(3), x2(0), y2(0), x2(1), y2(1), x2(2), y2(2), x2(3), y2(3), x2(4), y2(4));
-// DI_Tetra methods ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DI_Tetra methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void DI_Tetra::computeIntegral() {
     integral_ = TetraVol(pt(0), pt(1), pt(2), pt(3));
@@ -1339,44 +1299,7 @@ double DI_Tetra::quality() const {
   return qualityTet(x(0), y(0), z(0), x(1), y(1), z(1), x(2), y(2), z(2), x(3), y(3), z(3));
-/*double tet_detJ1 (const double &x, const double &y, const double &z,
-                  const double &x0, const double &y0, const double &z0, const double &x1, const double &y1, const double &z1,
-                  const double &x2, const double &y2, const double &z2, const double &x3, const double &y3, const double &z3) {
-  return det3(x1-x0, x2-x0, x3-x0, y1-y0, y2-y0, y3-y0, z1-z0, z2-z0, z3-z0); // detJ is constant in a linear tetrahedron
-double tet_detJ2 (const double &x, const double &y, const double &z,
-                  const double &x0, const double &y0, const double &z0, const double &x1, const double &y1, const double &z1,
-                  const double &x2, const double &y2, const double &z2, const double &x3, const double &y3, const double &z3,
-                  const double &x4, const double &y4, const double &z4, const double &x5, const double &y5, const double &z5,
-                  const double &x6, const double &y6, const double &z6, const double &x7, const double &y7, const double &z7,
-                  const double &x8, const double &y8, const double &z8, const double &x9, const double &y9, const double &z9) {
-  return det3(x0*(-3+4*x+4*y+4*z)+x1*(4*x-1)+x4*4*(1-2*x-y-z)-x5*4*y-x6*4*z+x7*4*y+x9*4*z,
-              x0*(-3+4*x+4*y+4*z)+x2*(4*y-1)-x4*4*x+x5*4*(1-x-2*y-z)-x6*4*z+x7*4*x+x8*4*z,
-              x0*(-3+4*x+4*y+4*z)+x3*(4*z-1)-x4*4*x-x5*4*y+x6*4*(1-x-y-2*z)+x8*4*y+x9*4*x,
-              y0*(-3+4*x+4*y+4*z)+y1*(4*x-1)+y4*4*(1-2*x-y-z)-y5*4*y-y6*4*z+y7*4*y+y9*4*z,
-              y0*(-3+4*x+4*y+4*z)+y2*(4*y-1)-y4*4*x+y5*4*(1-x-2*y-z)-y6*4*z+y7*4*x+y8*4*z,
-              y0*(-3+4*x+4*y+4*z)+y3*(4*z-1)-y4*4*x-y5*4*y+y6*4*(1-x-y-2*z)+y8*4*y+y9*4*x,
-              z0*(-3+4*x+4*y+4*z)+z1*(4*x-1)+z4*4*(1-2*x-y-z)-z5*4*y-z6*4*z+z7*4*y+z9*4*z,
-              z0*(-3+4*x+4*y+4*z)+z2*(4*y-1)-z4*4*x+z5*4*(1-x-2*y-z)-z6*4*z+z7*4*x+z8*4*z,
-              z0*(-3+4*x+4*y+4*z)+z3*(4*z-1)-z4*4*x-z5*4*y+z6*4*(1-x-y-2*z)+z8*4*y+z9*4*x);
-double DI_Tetra::detJ (const double &xP, const double &yP, const double &zP) const {
-  if(!isQuad())  return tet_detJ1(xP, yP, zP, x(0), y(0), z(0), x(1), y(1), z(1), x(2), y(2), z(2), x(3), y(3), z(3));
-  return tet_detJ2(xP, yP, zP, x(0), y(0), z(0), x(1), y(1), z(1), x(2), y(2), z(2), x(3), y(3), z(3),
-                   x2(0), y2(0), z2(0), x2(1), y2(1), z2(1), x2(2), y2(2), z2(2), x2(3), y2(3), z2(3), x2(4), y2(4), z2(4), x2(5), y2(5), z2(5));
-/*void DI_Tetra::quad(const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi) {
-  mid_ = new DI_Point*[6];
-  mid_[0] = new DI_Point((x(0)+x(1))/2., (y(0)+y(1))/2., (z(0)+z(1))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[1] = new DI_Point((x(0)+x(2))/2., (y(0)+y(2))/2., (z(0)+z(2))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[2] = new DI_Point((x(0)+x(3))/2., (y(0)+y(3))/2., (z(0)+z(3))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[3] = new DI_Point((x(1)+x(2))/2., (y(1)+y(2))/2., (z(1)+z(2))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[4] = new DI_Point((x(2)+x(3))/2., (y(2)+y(3))/2., (z(2)+z(3))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[5] = new DI_Point((x(3)+x(1))/2., (y(3)+y(1))/2., (z(3)+z(1))/2., e, RPNi);
-  quad_ = true;
-// Hexahedron methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Hexahedron methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void DI_Hexa::computeIntegral() {
     integral_ = TetraVol(pt(0), pt(1), pt(3), pt(4)) + TetraVol(pt(1), pt(4), pt(5), pt(7))
               + TetraVol(pt(1), pt(3), pt(4), pt(7)) + TetraVol(pt(2), pt(5), pt(6), pt(7))
@@ -1461,30 +1384,6 @@ void DI_Hexa::getGradShapeFunctions (const double u, const double v, const doubl
     printf("Order %d hexahedron function space not implemented ", order); print();
-/*void DI_Hexa::quad(const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPNi) {
-  mid_ = new DI_Point*[19];
-  mid_[0] = new DI_Point((x(0)+x(1))/2., (y(0)+y(1))/2., (z(0)+z(1))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[1] = new DI_Point((x(1)+x(2))/2., (y(1)+y(2))/2., (z(1)+z(2))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[2] = new DI_Point((x(2)+x(3))/2., (y(2)+y(3))/2., (z(2)+z(3))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[3] = new DI_Point((x(3)+x(0))/2., (y(3)+y(0))/2., (z(3)+z(0))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[4] = new DI_Point((x(0)+x(4))/2., (y(0)+y(4))/2., (z(0)+z(4))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[5] = new DI_Point((x(1)+x(5))/2., (y(1)+y(5))/2., (z(1)+z(5))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[6] = new DI_Point((x(2)+x(6))/2., (y(2)+y(6))/2., (z(2)+z(6))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[7] = new DI_Point((x(3)+x(7))/2., (y(3)+y(7))/2., (z(3)+z(7))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[8] = new DI_Point((x(4)+x(5))/2., (y(4)+y(5))/2., (z(4)+z(5))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[9] = new DI_Point((x(5)+x(6))/2., (y(5)+y(6))/2., (z(5)+z(6))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[10] = new DI_Point((x(6)+x(7))/2., (y(6)+y(7))/2., (z(6)+z(7))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[11] = new DI_Point((x(7)+x(4))/2., (y(7)+y(4))/2., (z(7)+z(4))/2., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[12] = new DI_Point((x(0)+x(1)+x(2)+x(3))/4., (y(0)+y(1)+y(2)+y(3))/4., (z(0)+z(1)+z(2)+z(3))/4., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[13] = new DI_Point((x(0)+x(1)+x(4)+x(5))/4., (y(0)+y(1)+y(4)+y(5))/4., (z(0)+z(1)+z(4)+z(5))/4., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[14] = new DI_Point((x(1)+x(2)+x(5)+x(6))/4., (y(1)+y(2)+y(5)+y(6))/4., (z(1)+z(2)+z(5)+z(6))/4., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[15] = new DI_Point((x(2)+x(3)+x(6)+x(7))/4., (y(2)+y(3)+y(6)+y(7))/4., (z(2)+z(3)+z(6)+z(7))/4., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[16] = new DI_Point((x(0)+x(3)+x(4)+x(7))/4., (y(0)+y(3)+y(4)+y(7))/4., (z(0)+z(3)+z(4)+z(7))/4., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[17] = new DI_Point((x(4)+x(5)+x(6)+x(7))/4., (y(4)+y(5)+y(6)+y(7))/4., (z(4)+z(5)+z(6)+z(7))/4., e, RPNi);
-  mid_[18] = new DI_Point((x(0)+x(1)+x(2)+x(3)+x(4)+x(5)+x(6)+x(7))/8., (y(0)+y(1)+y(2)+y(3)+y(4)+y(5)+y(6)+y(7))/8.,
-                       (z(0)+z(1)+z(2)+z(3)+z(4)+z(5)+z(6)+z(7))/8., e, RPNi);
-  quad_ = true;
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // -------------------------- SPLITTING ---------------------------------------
@@ -1633,7 +1532,8 @@ void DI_Quad::splitIntoTriangles(std::vector<DI_Triangle> &triangles) const
   triangles.push_back(DI_Triangle(pt(1), pt(2), pt(3), lsTag())); // 123
-// Split a reference tetrahedron cut by a level set (defined in a hex) into sub tetrahedra and create triangles on the surface of the level set
+// Split a reference tetrahedron cut by a level set (defined in a hex) into sub tetrahedra
+// and create triangles on the surface of the level set
 void DI_Tetra::selfSplit (const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset *> &RPNi,
                        std::vector<DI_Tetra> &subTetras, std::vector<DI_Triangle> &surfTriangles,
                        std::vector<DI_CuttingPoint> &cuttingPoints, std::vector<DI_QualError> &QError) const
@@ -1662,7 +1562,8 @@ void DI_Tetra::selfSplit (const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const gLevelset
   int COUNT = 0;       // number of edges cut
   int IND[4];        // ids of edges cut
-  int tab [6][4] = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 2, 3, 1}, {0, 3, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 0, 3}, {2, 3, 0, 1}, {3, 1, 0, 2}}; // edges nodes and opposite edges nodes
+  // edges nodes and opposite edges nodes
+  int tab [6][4] = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 2, 3, 1}, {0, 3, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 0, 3}, {2, 3, 0, 1}, {3, 1, 0, 2}};
   // compute the intersections between the edges of the tetra and the level set.
   for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
@@ -2738,7 +2639,8 @@ bool DI_Hexa::cut (const gLevelset &Ls, std::vector<DI_IntegrationPoint> &ip,
   std::vector<const gLevelset *> RPN, RPNi;
-  DI_Hexa hh(-1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 8.); // reference hexa
+ // reference hexa
+  DI_Hexa hh(-1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 8.);
   std::vector<DI_Hexa> hh_subHexas;
   std::vector<DI_Tetra> hh_subTetras;
   std::vector<DI_Quad> hh_surfQuads;
diff --git a/contrib/DiscreteIntegration/recurCut.cpp b/contrib/DiscreteIntegration/recurCut.cpp
index 14cabddd82..e93eb2d90e 100644
--- a/contrib/DiscreteIntegration/recurCut.cpp
+++ b/contrib/DiscreteIntegration/recurCut.cpp
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ void recurCut(RecurElement *re, int maxlevel, int level)
     RecurElement *re0 = new RecurElement(&DI_Triangle(p1, p12, p13));
     recurCut(re0, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[0] = re0; re0->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re1 = new RecurElement(&DI_Triangle(p2, p12, p23));
+    RecurElement *re1 = new RecurElement(&DI_Triangle(p2, p23, p12));
     recurCut(re1, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[1] = re1; re1->super = re;
     RecurElement *re2 = new RecurElement(&DI_Triangle(p3, p13, p23));
     recurCut(re2, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[2] = re2; re2->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re3 = new RecurElement(&DI_Triangle(p12, p13, p23));
+    RecurElement *re3 = new RecurElement(&DI_Triangle(p12, p23, p13));
     recurCut(re3, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[3] = re3; re3->super = re;
@@ -87,22 +87,22 @@ void recurCut(RecurElement *re, int maxlevel, int level)
     RecurElement *re0 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p1, p12, p13, p14));
     recurCut(re0, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[0] = re0; re0->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re1 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p2, p12, p23, p24));
+    RecurElement *re1 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p2, p23, p12, p24));
     recurCut(re1, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[1] = re1; re1->super = re;
     RecurElement *re2 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p3, p13, p23, p34));
     recurCut(re2, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[2] = re2; re2->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re3 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p4, p14, p24, p34));
+    RecurElement *re3 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p4, p14, p34, p24));
     recurCut(re3, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[3] = re3; re3->super = re;
     RecurElement *re4 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p12, p14, p24, p34));
     recurCut(re4, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[4] = re4; re4->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re5 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p12, p23, p24, p34));
+    RecurElement *re5 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p12, p23, p34, p24));
     recurCut(re5, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[5] = re5; re5->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re6 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p12, p13, p23, p34));
+    RecurElement *re6 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p12, p13, p34, p23));
     recurCut(re6, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[6] = re6; re6->super = re;
     RecurElement *re7 = new RecurElement(&DI_Tetra(p12, p13, p14, p34));
@@ -140,25 +140,25 @@ void recurCut(RecurElement *re, int maxlevel, int level)
     RecurElement *re0 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p1, p12, p1234, p14, p15, p1256, p12345678, p1458));
     recurCut(re0, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[0] = re0; re0->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re1 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p2, p23, p1234, p12, p26, p2367, p12345678, p1256));
+    RecurElement *re1 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p12, p2, p23, p1234, p1256, p26, p2367, p12345678));
     recurCut(re1, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[1] = re1; re1->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re2 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p3, p34, p1234, p23, p37, p3478, p12345678, p2367));
+    RecurElement *re2 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p1234, p23, p3, p34, p12345678, p2367, p37, p3478));
     recurCut(re2, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[2] = re2; re2->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re3 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p4, p14, p1234, p34, p48, p1458, p12345678, p3478));
+    RecurElement *re3 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p14, p1234, p34, p4, p1458, p12345678, p3478, p48));
     recurCut(re3, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[3] = re3; re3->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re4 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p5, p58, p5678, p56, p15, p1458, p12345678, p1256));
+    RecurElement *re4 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p15, p1256, p12345678, p1458, p5, p56, p5678, p58));
     recurCut(re4, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[4] = re4; re4->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re5 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p6, p56, p5678, p67, p26, p1256, p12345678, p2367));
+    RecurElement *re5 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p1256, p26, p2367, p12345678, p56, p6, p67, p5678));
     recurCut(re5, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[5] = re5; re5->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re6 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p7, p67, p5678, p78, p37, p2367, p12345678, p3478));
+    RecurElement *re6 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p12345678, p2367, p37, p3478, p5678, p67, p7, p78));
     recurCut(re6, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[6] = re6; re6->super = re;
-    RecurElement *re7 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p8, p78, p5678, p58, p48, p3478, p12345678, p1458));
+    RecurElement *re7 = new RecurElement(&DI_Hexa(p1458, p12345678, p3478, p48, p58, p5678, p78, p8));
     recurCut(re7, maxlevel, level);
     re->sub[7] = re7; re7->super = re;
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ bool signChange (RecurElement *re, const DI_Element *e, const std::vector<const
     else {
       for(unsigned int p = 0; p < cp.size(); p++)
-      re->el->chooseLs(Lsi);
+      if (re->super) re->el->chooseLs(Lsi);
diff --git a/utils/api_demos/Makefile b/utils/api_demos/Makefile
index 0c1c04bbe8..5449a0e003 100644
--- a/utils/api_demos/Makefile
+++ b/utils/api_demos/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ OCC = /Users/remacle/SOURCES/opencascade/lib/libTKSTEP.a /Users/remacle/SOURCES/
 mainElasticity: mainElasticity.cpp
 	g++ ${FLAGS} -o mainElasticity ${INC} mainElasticity.cpp\
-          ${GMSH} -llapack -lblas -lm -L/Users/remacle/SOURCES/gmsh/contrib/taucs/lib -ltaucs
+          ${GMSH} -llapack -lblas -lm -lmetis -L/home/gaetan/develop/gmsh/contrib/taucs/lib/linux -ltaucs
 mainCartesian: mainCartesian.cpp
 	g++ ${FLAGS} -o mainCartesian ${INC} mainCartesian.cpp\
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ mainPost: mainPost.cpp
 mainLevelset: mainLevelset.cpp
 	g++ ${FLAGS} -o mainLevelset ${INC} mainLevelset.cpp\
-          ${GMSH} -llapack -lblas
+          ${GMSH} -llapack -lblas -lm -lmetis -L/home/gaetan/develop/gmsh/contrib/taucs/lib/linux -ltaucs
 	rm -rf mainSimple mainAntTweakBar mainGlut mainPost mainLevelset\
diff --git a/utils/api_demos/mainElasticity.cpp b/utils/api_demos/mainElasticity.cpp
index 543a73b312..03fb945db9 100644
--- a/utils/api_demos/mainElasticity.cpp
+++ b/utils/api_demos/mainElasticity.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[]){
   // globals are still present in Gmsh
   GmshInitialize(argc, argv);
+  GmshSetOption("General","Terminal",1.);
   // instanciate a solver
   elasticitySolver mySolver (1000);
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[]){
   // solve the problem
-  mySolver.solve();
+  mySolver.solve(); printf("problem solved\n");
   PView *pv = mySolver.buildDisplacementView("displacement");
   pv->getData()->writeMSH("disp.msh", false);