diff --git a/Graphics/drawMesh.cpp b/Graphics/drawMesh.cpp
index ea278a65e9f470f5950ae2ff9b039d5ef28a589b..ca45b85e73e695697538d0cfcf69d3e24cf0e644 100644
--- a/Graphics/drawMesh.cpp
+++ b/Graphics/drawMesh.cpp
@@ -119,11 +119,16 @@ static void drawVertexLabel(drawContext *ctx, GEntity *e, MVertex *v,
     sprintf(str, "%d", v->getNum());
-  if(v->getPolynomialOrder() > 1)
-    glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertexSup);
-  else
-    glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertex);   
+  if(CTX::instance()->mesh.colorCarousel == 0){ // by element type
+    if(v->getPolynomialOrder() > 1)
+      glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertexSup);
+    else
+      glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertex);   
+  }
+  else{
+    unsigned int col = getColorByEntity(e);
+    glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & col);
+  }
   double offset = (0.5 * CTX::instance()->mesh.pointSize + 
                    0.1 * CTX::instance()->glFontSize) * ctx->pixel_equiv_x;
   glRasterPos3d(v->x() + offset / ctx->s[0],
@@ -139,10 +144,16 @@ static void drawVerticesPerEntity(drawContext *ctx, GEntity *e)
       for(unsigned int i = 0; i < e->mesh_vertices.size(); i++){
         MVertex *v = e->mesh_vertices[i];
         if(!v->getVisibility()) continue;
-        if(v->getPolynomialOrder() > 1)
-          glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertexSup);
-        else
-          glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertex);     
+        if(CTX::instance()->mesh.colorCarousel == 0){ // by element type
+          if(v->getPolynomialOrder() > 1)
+            glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertexSup);
+          else
+            glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertex);
+        }
+        else{
+          unsigned int col = getColorByEntity(e);
+          glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & col);
+        }
         ctx->drawSphere(CTX::instance()->mesh.pointSize, v->x(), v->y(), v->z(), 
@@ -152,10 +163,16 @@ static void drawVerticesPerEntity(drawContext *ctx, GEntity *e)
       for(unsigned int i = 0; i < e->mesh_vertices.size(); i++){
         MVertex *v = e->mesh_vertices[i];
         if(!v->getVisibility()) continue;
-        if(v->getPolynomialOrder() > 1)
-          glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertexSup);
-        else
-          glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertex);     
+        if(CTX::instance()->mesh.colorCarousel == 0){ // by element type
+          if(v->getPolynomialOrder() > 1)
+            glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertexSup);
+          else
+            glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertex);     
+        }
+        else{
+          unsigned int col = getColorByEntity(e);
+          glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & col);
+        }
         glVertex3d(v->x(), v->y(), v->z());
@@ -181,10 +198,16 @@ static void drawVerticesPerElement(drawContext *ctx, GEntity *e,
       // vertex array for drawing vertices...
       if(isElementVisible(ele) && v->getVisibility()){
         if(CTX::instance()->mesh.points) {
-          if(v->getPolynomialOrder() > 1)
-            glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertexSup);
-          else
-            glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertex);   
+          if(CTX::instance()->mesh.colorCarousel == 0){ // by element type
+            if(v->getPolynomialOrder() > 1)
+              glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertexSup);
+            else
+              glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertex);   
+          }
+          else{
+            unsigned int col = getColorByEntity(e);
+            glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & col);
+          }
             ctx->drawSphere(CTX::instance()->mesh.pointSize, v->x(), v->y(), v->z(),
@@ -575,7 +598,6 @@ class drawMeshGRegion {
 static void beginFakeTransparency()
-  CTX::instance()->color.mesh.triangle = CTX::instance()->packColor(255, 0, 0, 128);
   // simple additive blending "a la xpost":
   glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); // glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD);
   // maximum intensity projection "a la volsuite":
diff --git a/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp b/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp
index 85b2f1b6fba7963950541cef620842d749194974..368fef636203c56387c778971e475d311ae167da 100644
--- a/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp
+++ b/Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp
@@ -1237,3 +1237,106 @@ void bowyerWatsonFrontalQuad(GFace *gf)
+// give it a try : add one quad layer on the
+  /*
+void addOneLayerOnContour(GFace *gf, GVertex *gv){
+, int nbLayers, double hplus, double factor){
+  // for each vertex
+  std::map<MVertex*,std::vector<MVertex*> >layers;
+  std::vector<MQuadrangle*> newQuads;
+  std::vector<MTriangle*> newTris;
+  std::list<GEdgeLoop>::iterator it = gf->edgeLoops.begin();
+  for (; it != gf->edgeLoops.end(); ++it){
+    bool found = false;
+    std::list<GEdge*> ed;
+    for (GEdgeLoop::iter it2 = it->begin(); it2 != it->end(); ++it2){
+      if (it2->ge->getBeginVertex() == gv || it2->ge->getEndVertex() == gv) {
+	found = true;
+      }
+      ed.push_back(it2->ge);
+    }
+    // we found an edge loop with the GVertex that was specified
+    if (found){
+      // compute model vertices that will produce fans
+      for (GEdgeLoop::iter it2 = it->begin(); it2 != it->end(); ++it2){
+	GEdgeLoop::iter it3 = it2; ++it3;
+	GVertex *gv = it2->getEndVertex();
+	GEdgeSigned *before,*after = *it2;
+	if (it3 == it->end()){
+	  before = *(it->begin());
+	}
+	else{
+	  before = *it2;
+	}
+      }
+      for (std::list<GEdge*>::iterator it = ed.begin(); it != ed.end(); ++it){
+	GEdge *ge = *it;
+	for (int i=0;i<ge->lines.size();i++){
+	  SPoint2 p[2];
+	  reparamMeshEdgeOnFace ( ge->lines[i]->getVertex(0), ge->lines[i]->getVertex(1),gf,p[0],p[1]);
+	  MVertex *vd[2];
+	  for (int j=0;j<2;j++){
+	    MVertex *v = ge->lines[i]->getVertex(j);
+	    std::map<MVertex*,MVertex*>::iterator itv = duplicates.find(v);
+	    if (itv == duplicates.end()){
+	      vd[j] = new MFaceVertex(v->x(),v->y(),v->z(),gf,p[j].x(),p[j].y());
+	      duplicates[v] = vd[j];
+	      gf->mesh_vertices.push_back(vd[j]);
+	    }
+	    else
+	      vd[j] = itv->second;
+	  }
+	  newQuads.push_back(new MQuadrangle(ge->lines[i]->getVertex(0), ge->lines[i]->getVertex(1),vd[1],vd[0]));
+	}
+      }
+      for (int i=0;i<gf->quadrangles.size();i++){
+	MQuadrangle *q = gf->quadrangles[i];
+	MVertex *vs[4];
+	for (int j=0;j<4;j++){
+	  MVertex *v = q->getVertex(j);
+	  std::map<MVertex*,MVertex*>::iterator itv = duplicates.find(v);
+	  if (itv == duplicates.end()){
+	    vs[j] = v;
+	  }
+	  else{
+	    vs[j] = itv->second;
+	  }
+	}
+	newQuads.push_back(new MQuadrangle(vs[0],vs[1],vs[2],vs[3]));
+	delete q;
+      }
+      for (int i=0;i<gf->triangles.size();i++){
+	MTriangle *t = gf->triangles[i];
+	MVertex *vs[3];
+	for (int j=0;j<3;j++){
+	  MVertex *v = t->getVertex(j);
+	  std::map<MVertex*,MVertex*>::iterator itv = duplicates.find(v);
+	  if (itv == duplicates.end()){
+	    vs[j] = v;
+	  }
+	  else{
+	    vs[j] = itv->second;
+	  }
+	}
+	newTris.push_back(new MTriangle(vs[0],vs[1],vs[2]));
+	delete t;
+      }
+      gf->triangles = newTris;
+      gf->quadrangles = newQuads;
+    }
+  }
+void addBoundaryLayers(GFace *gf)
+  if (backgroundMesh::current()){
+  }
+  // first compute the cross field if it is not computed yet
+  // start from a selection of edges and create points in the boundary layer
+  // connect everybody with delaunay 