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Supporting conformal meshing of hierarchical CAD structure. 2D meshes of upper...

walter steffe requested to merge fixedMeshIF into master

Supporting conformal meshing of hierarchical CAD structure. 2D meshes of upper level interfaces are used as masters in the meshing of the lower levels.

Example for usage of new functions (GFace::setFixedMeshIF GEdge::setFixedMeshIF) is given in code You may see how it works using the EmCAD code for the windows platform which can be found at A very simple test case is provided at

The command "Edit/Reload CAD" reloads the step file (defining the geometry, splits the parts using cutting faces defined inside that parts, makes an imprinting of adjacent parts of the assembly structure. After that it remesh the whole structure in a top down manner starting with the Part/part IFs defined in the assembly, then it meshes the subdomain IFs in the parts and finally it generates 3D meshes for subdomain volumes. In this test case only the second part (named CMP_waveguide2) is splitted in 2 subdomains. The other 2 are not splitted. The first time you have to use the command "File/Import /Geometry" to inform EmCAD about the location of the associated step file otherwise the command "Edit/Reload CAD" will fail.

You may navigate among the 3 hierarchical levels (assembly, part and subdomain) with the commands "File/Open Component or Subdomain" (Ctrl O) and "File/Close Component or Subdomain" (Ctrl U). When you are at a given level you may inspect the related mesh with command "View/Mesh View" but the location of gmsh executable must be stored in the PATH variable.

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