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Quasi-structured quadrilaterel meshing

Maxence Reberol requested to merge quadqs into master

This pull request contains a "clean" implementation of the quasi-structured quad mesher.

The initial implementation, which was used to generate the results in the quadqs supplemental, is in the branch quadMeshingTools. While it works very well in terms of results, the code was messy and too complicated. Robustness was often achieved by making backups and reverting when something was wrong (quality, or even mesh topology invalidity, which should not happen).

In this version (quadqs branch), I am doing a clean re-write now that the ideas are clear. Unfortunately, it has proven much more difficult than I expected to achieve feature parity with the previous version. For the moment, it is slower, and not as many irregular vertices are eliminated. But it "works" and most of the code will no longer change, so I think you can start testing and reviewing the changes.

I will continue to improve the cavity remeshing next week, ideally I would like to have results as good as the previous version on the Mambo dataset.

There is an issue with the Windows MSVC compiler, which does not support long raw string literals ... . I have a big one to store thousands of disk quadrangulations. I will have to split it into many small ones and do the concatenation at runtime, very annoying.

Below is a copy-paste of contrib/quadMeshingTools/ which contains more details on the code and quad mesher.

Quadqs behavior


  • in GUI: select "Quasi-structured quad (experimental)" in Mesh > 2D algorithm

  • in command line: gmsh -algo quadqs -clscale X ...

The mesh size is mainly controlled by the -clscale option.

General pipeline:

  1. generate initial triangulation
  2. compute cross field
  3. compute size map
  4. save as background mesh, background field, delete mesh
  5. apply curve quantization constraints (including transfinite) (not re-implemented yet)
  6. generate curve meshes
  7. generate transfinite quad meshes (not re-implemented yet)
  8. generate unstructured quad-dominant meshes with algo pack
  9. midpoint subdivision
  10. mesh simple CAD faces with patterns
  11. improve quad mesh topology with disk quadrangulation remeshing
  12. improve quad mesh topology with cavity remeshing
  13. geometry smoothing (also applied during the previous steps)


  • If triangulation available: start at step 2
  • If scaled cross field available: start at step 5
  • If scalar size map available: import it in step 3 (not implemented yet)
  • If quad mesh available: start at step 10

Content of contrib/QuadMeshingTools

  • Heat-based cross/asterisk field solver in qmtCrossField.h/cpp
  • Conformal scaling solver (least-square, for angles) in qmtCrossField.h/cpp
  • Size map tools (dist to curves, one-way smoothing) in qmtSizeMap.h/cpp
  • GeoLog: convenient wrapper around gmsh views for debugging, geolog.h/cpp
  • Disk quadrangulation remeshing, qmtDiskQuadrangulationRemeshing.h/cpp
  • Pattern-based cavity remeshing, qmtQuadCavityRemeshing.h/cpp
  • Various geometry smoothers (global UV Laplacian, Winslow/Angled-based local kernel, DMO UV kernel), in qmtMeshGeometryOptimization.h/cpp

Main changes to gmsh

  • Main files at Mesh/meshQuadQuasiStructured.h/cpp, to call the QuadMeshingTools functions
  • Add Eigen-based sparse solver in Solver/linearSystemEigen.h/cpp
  • Add robin_hood fast unordered_set/map hash maps, at Common/robin_hood.h, MIT license
  • Add libOL octree for meshing library at Common/libol1.h/c, MIT license
  • Add SurfaceProjector based on libOL octree, in Mesh/meshOctreeLibOL.h/cpp
  • Add background mesh datastructures, in Mesh/BackgroundMesh.h/cpp
  • contrib/domhex replaced by the version from quadMeshingTools branch (contains JF changes to algo pack)
  • Post/OctreePost.cpp: use larger bounding boxes. Required for the background field sampling
  • ALGO_2D_PACK_PRLGRMS_CSTR deprecated
  • Add implicit conversion from SPoint3/SVector3 to std::array<double,3>
  • Many Msg::Warning switch to Msg::Debug in CAD/Post projections
  • Special case for quadqs in bbox sizing in Post/OctreePost.cpp, should find something better


  • Support for user-prescribed size map
  • Add options in global context for better control
  • Ensure robustness (quality > 0) of each step, as in quadMeshingTools branch
  • Add raw quantization / transfinite on simple faces, as in quadMeshingTools branch
  • Faster cavity remeshing implementation, as in quadMeshingTools branch


  • The current version is able to successfully mesh the 114 models of the Mambo dataset. Two have negative quality (SICN -0.01 and -0.03), which I will investigate next week.
  • Negative quads were introduced by the curve/surface projection, there is protection now. The 114 models are meshed with strictly positive SICN.
Edited by Maxence Reberol

Merge request reports