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Api geo polyline

Jonathan Lambrechts requested to merge api_geo_polyline into master

New api function model.geo.addPolyline to add polyline curves that do not force a mesh point on the extremities of each segment.

  • equivalent to Line(1)={1,2,3,4,5}; in .geo file
  • can be done with occ.addBSpline(...,order=1,...) but in my case occ is much slower than geo
  • can be done with a compound line but then I have to use a compound surface and the whole pipeline becomes more complicated, much slower and less robust
  • If this api already exists, I couldn't find it, so please tell me.

For some reason, running api/ triggered several unrelated changes in doc/texinfo/api.texi, I pushed them in a separate commit.

Merge request reports