t8.geo; duplicated line? and overlapped strings in view4.pos
It seems the IntervalsType line for View[v2] is duplicated;
--- t8.geo.orig 2023-03-21 17:13:23.000000000 +0900
+++ t8.geo 2024-05-06 18:36:40.551968803 +0900
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@
View[v2].Color.Axes = Black;
View[v2].IntervalsType = 2;
View[v2].Type = 2;
-View[v2].IntervalsType = 2;
View[v2].AutoPosition = 0;
View[v2].PositionX = 85;
View[v2].PositionY = 50;
Also, the second T2 line ({"First time step", ...}) is drawn over the first one and it would be better to shift one of the lines, e.g.
--- view4.pos.orig 2023-03-21 17:13:23.000000000 +0900
+++ view4.pos 2024-05-06 18:24:32.977887668 +0900
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
View "e" {
T2(10,-12,0){"File created on Fri Oct 18 23:50:20 2002"};
-T2(General.GraphicsWidth/2,-12,0){"First time step", "Second time step", "Third time step",
+T2(General.GraphicsWidth/4,-28,0){"First time step", "Second time step", "Third time step",
"Fourth time step", "Last time step!"};
T3(0.1,0,0,0){"This is a 3D string, defined in model coordinates"};
T3(0.1,0.3,0,0){"Test 1","Test 2","Test 3","Test 4","Test 5","Test 6","Test 7"};