-- Resonant cavity test. See Pozar, section 6.3 for theory. ----------------------- --[[ Problem setup ]]-- sim.name = "test_maxwell_resonator" -- simulation name sim.dt = 1e-12 -- timestep size sim.timesteps = 501 -- num of iterations sim.gmsh_model = "resonator.geo" -- gmsh model filename sim.use_gpu = 0 -- 0: cpu, 1: gpu sim.approx_order = 3 -- approximation order sim.time_integrator = "leapfrog" postpro.silo_output_rate = 100 postpro.cycle_print_rate = 100 -- console print rate postpro["E"].silo_mode = "nodal" postpro["H"].silo_mode = "nodal" postpro["J"].silo_mode = "none" local epsr = 1.0 local mur = 1.0 materials.epsilon = function(tag, x, y, z) return epsr; end materials.mu = function(tag, x, y, z) return mur; end materials.sigma = function(tag, x, y, z) return 0.0; end function electric_initial_condition(x, y, z) local Ex = 0 local Ey = math.sin(math.pi*x) * math.sin(math.pi*z) local Ez = 0 return Ex, Ey, Ez end -------------------------- --[[ Validation stuff ]]-- debug = {} -- determine if we should do I/O local do_IO = (not parallel) or (parallel and parallel.comm_rank == 0) local c0 = 1/math.sqrt(const.eps0*const.mu0) -- Mode local m = 1 -- along x local n = 0 -- along y local l = 1 -- along z -- Cavity dimensions (must match sim.gmsh_model) local a = 1 -- along x local b = 0.1 -- along y local d = 1 -- along z local u = m*math.pi/a local v = n*math.pi/b local w = l*math.pi/d -- Compute resonant frequency local omega = c0*math.sqrt(u*u + v*v + w*w)/math.sqrt(epsr*mur) local resonance_f = omega/(2*math.pi) local resonance_MHz = resonance_f/1e6 local cycle_timesteps = 1/(resonance_f*sim.dt) -- Compute impedance local eps = epsr * const.eps0 local mu = mur * const.mu0 local k_sq = (omega*mu)*(omega*eps) local kc_sq = u*u + v*v local beta = math.sqrt(k_sq - kc_sq) local Zte = omega*mu/beta local We = eps*a*b*d/16 if ( do_IO ) then print("\x1b[1mANALYTICAL SOLUTION DATA:") print(" Resonance frequency: " .. resonance_MHz .. " Mhz") print(" Cavity impedance: " .. Zte .. " Ohm") print(" Timesteps for 1 cycle: " .. cycle_timesteps) print(" Expected energy " .. 2*We .. " J \x1b[0m") end function ansol(tag, x, y, z, t) local Ex = 0.0 local Ey = math.cos(omega*t)*math.sin(math.pi*x)*math.sin(math.pi*z) local Ez = 0.0 local Hx = math.sin(omega*t)*math.sin(math.pi*x)*math.cos(math.pi*z)/Zte local Hy = 0.0 local Hz = -math.sin(omega*t)*math.cos(math.pi*x)*math.sin(math.pi*z)/Zte return Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy, Hz end debug.analytical_solution = ansol --debug.dump_cell_ranks = true --if ( do_IO ) then -- fh = io.open("energy.txt", "w") --end --function on_timestep(ts) --local e = compute_energy() --local err = compute_error() --if ( do_IO ) then -- local tot_energy = e.Ex + e.Ey + e.Ez + e.Hx + e.Hy + e.Hz -- local energy_err = 100*(tot_energy - 2*We)/(2*We) -- fh:write(energy_err, " ", tot_energy, " ", e.Ey, " ", e.Hx, " ", e.Hz, "\n") --end --end --function on_exit() -- if ( do_IO ) then -- fh:close() -- end --end