diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 234ab35fa445684d12698162b5f42878845ac2d6..5e8f9c2ed1b299679ce9fc060314abb0fa278ca3 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -48,8 +48,10 @@ else()
       message(FATAL_ERROR "GMSH not found")
       set(LINK_LIBS ${LINK_LIBS} gmsh)
-      include_directories(${GMSH_DIR}/include)
-      link_directories(${GMSH_DIR}/lib)
+      set(GMSH_INC "${GMSH_DIR}/include")
+      set(GMSH_LIB "${GMSH_DIR}/lib")
+      include_directories(${GMSH_INC})
+      link_directories(${GMSH_LIB})
diff --git a/doc/compile.md b/doc/compile.md
index 3083e37b95265f07905ce1f2c491dbf81c775efd..8eda26e582f04b6fb768532ef66bc26b9212140c 100644
--- a/doc/compile.md
+++ b/doc/compile.md
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 # Compile instructions
-- You need a C++20 compiler. This code is tested on GCC 10 and Clang 11. GCC 9 is known to *not* work. The code does not use (yet) fancy C++20 features, but it relies on the correct support of the spaceship operator.
-- The code does not have many dependencies. It essentially requires Eigen, Lua and SILO. On Debian they are installed with `apt install libeigen3-dev libsilo-dev libsiloh5-0 liblua5.3-dev`.
+- The code does not have many dependencies. It essentially requires GMSH, Eigen, Lua and SILO. On Debian they are installed with `apt install libeigen3-dev libsilo-dev libsiloh5-0 liblua5.3-dev`. GMSH is usually installed from sources, and the build system expects to find it in `/opt/uliege/gmsh`. The GMSH from Debian should also be detected by the build system and work.
 - The code uses CMake to handle the builds.
diff --git a/share/examples/yagi/params_yagi.lua b/share/examples/yagi/params_yagi.lua
index 5e545ec6b0d0dafdc54e5699593c265dbc8c1648..8953a65b7c03583d3919daec27d4df351e1f131f 100644
--- a/share/examples/yagi/params_yagi.lua
+++ b/share/examples/yagi/params_yagi.lua
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ for i,v in ipairs(pmc_bnds) do
 local freq = 3e8
-function interface_source_7(tag, x, y, z, t)
+function interface_source(tag, x, y, z, t)
     local Ex = 0
     local Ey = 0
     local Ez = math.sin(2*math.pi*t*freq)
@@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ end
 bndconds[21] = {}
 bndconds[21].kind = "plane_wave_E"
-bndconds[21].source = interface_source_7
+bndconds[21].source = interface_source
diff --git a/share/examples/yagi_rad/params_yagi_rad.lua b/share/examples/yagi_rad/params_yagi_rad.lua
index 2090af836ae781570502060765f3167ca696f10d..5f2e912bab2f6e81dc4530cd4d0bbc433136e826 100644
--- a/share/examples/yagi_rad/params_yagi_rad.lua
+++ b/share/examples/yagi_rad/params_yagi_rad.lua
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ sim.dt = 1e-13                      -- timestep size
 sim.timesteps = 50000               -- num of iterations
 sim.gmsh_model = "yagi_rad.geo"     -- gmsh model filename
 sim.use_gpu = 0                     -- 0: cpu, 1: gpu
-sim.approx_order = 2                -- approximation order
+sim.approx_order = 1                -- approximation order
 sim.time_integrator = "leapfrog"
 postpro.silo_output_rate = 500      -- rate at which to write silo files
 postpro.cycle_print_rate = 10       -- console print rate
diff --git a/share/validation/params_test_maxwell_resonator.lua b/share/validation/params_test_maxwell_resonator.lua
index 3745583a90a4e4ba93a91a27575b48a6a1049376..6943e4b69511e79dc8d185641bcdb3da16f62f43 100644
--- a/share/validation/params_test_maxwell_resonator.lua
+++ b/share/validation/params_test_maxwell_resonator.lua
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ function on_timestep(ts)
     if ( do_IO ) then
         local tot_energy = e.Ex + e.Ey + e.Ez + e.Hx + e.Hy + e.Hz
         local energy_err = 100*(tot_energy - 2*We)/(2*We)
-        fh:write(energy_err, " ", tot_energy, " ", err.Ey, " ", err.Hx, " ", err.Hz, "\n")
+        fh:write(energy_err, " ", tot_energy, " ", e.Ey, " ", e.Hx, " ", e.Hz, "\n")