///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Resolution for contour integral method. // // Transforms Beyn random source into a divergence free one. // // Warning, the master file should include "cimParameters.pro", // // and should also define "FormulationCIM" the formulation to use. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Resolution{ { Name Solve; System{ { Name A; NameOfFormulation FormulationCIM; Type ComplexValue; } { Name B; NameOfFormulation Source; Type ComplexValue; } } Operation{ // Divergence free source If(imposeRHS) Generate[B]; CopyRightHandSide[b(), B]; Solve[B]; PostOperation[Source]; EndIf // Beyn (source given by dSrc) Generate[A]; If(!doPostpro && !doApply) Solve[A]; CopySolution[A, x()]; EndIf If(doApply) CopySolution[x(), A]; Apply[A]; CopySolution[A, x()]; EndIf If(doPostpro) CopySolution[x(), A]; PostOperation[Post]; EndIf } } }