diff --git a/photonics/index.html b/photonics/index.html
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         Solar energy trapping with modulated silicon nanowire photonic crystals</a>.
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-    <li><a name="5"></a>G. Demésy,J.-C. Auger, B. Stout.
+    <li><a name="5"></a>G. Demésy, J.-C. Auger, B. Stout.
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         Scattering matrix of arbitrarily shaped objects: combining finite
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     <li><a name="6"></a>N. Marsic, H. De Gersem, G. Demésy, A. Nicolet, C. Geuzaine.
       <a href="https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1367-2630/aab6fd">
-      Modal analysis of the ultrahigh finesse Haroche QED cavity</a>.
+        Modal analysis of the ultrahigh finesse Haroche QED cavity</a>.
       New Journal of Physics 20.4, 043058, 2018.
     <li><a name="7"></a>F. Zolla, G. Renversez, A. Nicolet.  Foundations of
       photonic crystal fibres. World Scientific, 2005.
     <li><a name="8"></a>G. Demésy, A. Nicolet, B. Gralak, C. Geuzaine,
-    C. Campos, J. E. Roman.
+      C. Campos, J. E. Roman.
       <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.02363">
-      Non-linear eigenvalue problems with GetDP and SLEPc: Eigenmode
-      computations of frequency-dispersive photonic open structures</a>.
+        Non-linear eigenvalue problems with GetDP and SLEPc: Eigenmode
+        computations of frequency-dispersive photonic open structures</a>.
     <li><a name="9"></a>F. Zolla, A. Nicolet, G. Demésy,
       <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.02355">
-      Photonics in highly dispersive media: the exact modal expansion</a>.
+        Photonics in highly dispersive media: the exact modal expansion</a>.
       Opt. Lett. 43, 5813, 2018.