diff --git a/Antennas/dipole.pro b/Antennas/dipole.pro
index cbf83b11e998f8f80fb74430409ceef2f07bae3a..cf022c8075069ac03b6c35f819661abbd370d1f4 100644
--- a/Antennas/dipole.pro
+++ b/Antennas/dipole.pro
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ Function {
   eta0 = 120*Pi ; // eta0 = Sqrt(mu0/eps0)
+  // FIXME: CG "Y[]" should be 0 in 3D !?
   dR[] = (Flag_3Dmodel) ? Unit[ Vector[Sin[Atan2[Z[],X[]]#1], Y[], -Cos[#1]] ] : Vector[0,0,-1] ;
diff --git a/ElectricMachines/driver.py b/ElectricMachines/driver.py
index 60660cf1f7df609b960c55a1a1e68c00d57076bc..9eb76903b5c75b364679a481829afccd904aba70 100644
--- a/ElectricMachines/driver.py
+++ b/ElectricMachines/driver.py
@@ -13,19 +13,24 @@ import onelab
 # create a new onelab client
 c = onelab.client(__file__)
-# get Gmsh and GetDP locations from Gmsh options
+# get Gmsh location from Gmsh options
 mygmsh = c.getString('General.ExecutableFileName')
-mygetdp = ''
-for s in range(9):
-   n = c.getString('Solver.Name' + str(s))
-   if(n == 'GetDP'):
-      mygetdp = c.getString('Solver.Executable' + str(s))
-      break
+# Either force GetDP location, or also get it from Gmsh options: adapt the
+# following line if you want to force the value:
+mygetdp = '' # '/usr/local/bin/getdp'
 if(not len(mygetdp)):
-   c.sendError('This appears to be the first time you are trying to run GetDP')
-   c.sendError('Please run a GetDP model interactively once with Gmsh to ' +
-               'initialize the solver location')
-   exit(0)
+   for s in range(9):
+      n = c.getString('Solver.Name' + str(s))
+      if(n == 'GetDP'):
+         mygetdp = c.getString('Solver.Executable' + str(s))
+         break
+      if(not len(mygetdp)):
+         c.sendError('This appears to be the first time you are trying to run GetDP')
+         c.sendError('Please run a GetDP model interactively once with Gmsh to ' +
+                     'initialize the solver location; or set the location by by hand ' +
+                     'in the python script' )
+         exit(0)
 c.sendInfo('Will use gmsh={0} and getdp={1}'.format(mygmsh, mygetdp))
@@ -45,17 +50,16 @@ machine_pro = c.getPath(machine + '.pro')
 angles = [0, 10, 20, 30]
 for angle in angles:
    c.setNumber('Input/21Start rotor angle [deg]', value=angle)
    # run gmsh as a subclient
    c.runSubClient('myGmsh', mygmsh + ' ' + machine_geo + ' -2 -v 2')
    # run getdp as a subclient
    c.runSubClient('myGetDP',  mygetdp + ' ' + machine_pro +
                   ' -msh ' + machine_msh +
                   ' -setnumber Flag_PrintFields 0 -solve Analysis -v 2')
    # retrieve the torque
    torque = c.getNumber('Output - Mechanics/0Torque [Nm]/rotor')
    c.sendInfo('Torque={0} for angle={1}'.format(torque, angle))
diff --git a/GetDDM/waveguide2d.pro b/GetDDM/waveguide2d.pro
index 4f444742890dde55289e9861cf3cbf41706227c4..8e6fc0b94aa823739d21f6c3f0170a83c7a83a8d 100644
--- a/GetDDM/waveguide2d.pro
+++ b/GetDDM/waveguide2d.pro
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Function {
   // OO2 Gander 2002, pp. 46-47
   xsimin = 0;
   xsimax = Pi / LC;
-  deltak[] = Pi;
+  deltak[] = Pi; // Ruyiang+Nicolas test Pi/0.06
   alphastar[] = I[] * ((k[]^2 - xsimin^2) * (k[]^2 - (k[]-deltak[])^2))^(1/4);
   betastar[] = ((xsimax^2 - k[]^2) * ((k[]+deltak[])^2 - k[]^2))^(1/4);
   a[] = - (alphastar[] * betastar[] - k[]^2) / (alphastar[] + betastar[]);
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ Group{
   For idom In {0:N_DOM-1}
     left = (idom-1)%N_DOM; // left boundary
     right = (idom+1)%N_DOM; // right boundary
     D() += idom;
     Omega~{idom} = Region[((idom+1)*1000+200)];
     GammaD0~{idom} = Region[{}];
     If(WALLS == 1)
       GammaD0~{idom} += Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+202) ];
@@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ Group{
     If (idom == 0)
       D~{idom} = {right};
       Pml~{idom}~{right} = Region[{}];
       PmlD0~{idom}~{right} = Region[{}];
       PmlInf~{idom}~{right} = Region[{}];
       Sigma~{idom}~{right} = Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+20) ];
       Sigma~{idom} = Region[{Sigma~{idom}~{right}}] ;
       GammaD~{idom} = Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+10) ];
       Pml~{idom}~{right} += Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+300) ];
       If(WALLS == 1)
@@ -101,20 +101,20 @@ Group{
         PmlInf~{idom}~{right} += Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+302) ];
       PmlInf~{idom}~{right} += Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+4) ];
       BndSigma~{idom}~{right} = Region[{}];
       BndSigma~{idom} = Region[{BndSigma~{idom}~{right}}] ;
       BndGammaInf~{idom}~{right} = Region[{}];
       BndGammaInf~{idom} = Region[{BndGammaInf~{idom}~{right}}] ;
     If (idom == N_DOM-1)
       D~{idom} = {left};
       Pml~{idom}~{left} = Region[{}];
       PmlD0~{idom}~{left} = Region[{}];
       PmlInf~{idom}~{left} = Region[{}];
       Sigma~{idom}~{left} = Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+10) ];
       Sigma~{idom} = Region[{Sigma~{idom}~{left}}] ;
@@ -128,27 +128,27 @@ Group{
         PmlInf~{idom}~{left} += Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+102) ];
       PmlInf~{idom}~{left} += Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+1) ];
       BndSigma~{idom}~{left} = Region[{}];
       BndSigma~{idom} = Region[{BndSigma~{idom}~{left}}] ;
       BndGammaInf~{idom}~{left} = Region[{}];
       BndGammaInf~{idom} = Region[{BndGammaInf~{idom}~{left}}] ;
     If (idom >= 1 && idom < N_DOM-1)
       D~{idom} = {left, right};
       Pml~{idom}~{left} = Region[{}];
       Pml~{idom}~{right} = Region[{}];
       PmlD0~{idom}~{left} = Region[{}];
       PmlD0~{idom}~{right} = Region[{}];
       PmlInf~{idom}~{left} = Region[{}];
       PmlInf~{idom}~{right} = Region[{}];
       Sigma~{idom}~{left} = Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+10) ];
       Sigma~{idom}~{right} = Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+20) ];
       Sigma~{idom} = Region[{Sigma~{idom}~{left}, Sigma~{idom}~{right}}] ;
       GammaD~{idom} = Region[{}];
       Pml~{idom}~{left} += Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+100) ];
       Pml~{idom}~{right} += Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+300) ];
@@ -162,11 +162,11 @@ Group{
       PmlInf~{idom}~{left} += Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+1) ];
       PmlInf~{idom}~{right} += Region[ ((idom+1)*1000+4) ];
       BndSigma~{idom}~{left} = Region[{}];
       BndSigma~{idom}~{right} = Region[{}];
       BndSigma~{idom} = Region[{BndSigma~{idom}~{left}, BndSigma~{idom}~{right}}] ;
       BndGammaInf~{idom}~{left} = Region[{}];
       BndGammaInf~{idom}~{right} = Region[{}];
       BndGammaInf~{idom} = Region[{BndGammaInf~{idom}~{left}, BndGammaInf~{idom}~{right}}] ;
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ Function{
     idom = ii;
     left = (idom-1)%N_DOM; // left boundary
     right = (idom+1)%N_DOM; // right boundary
     If (idom == 0)
       kPml~{idom}~{right}[] = k[ Vector[xSigma~{idom}~{right},Y[],Z[]] ] ;
       // Bermudez damping functions