diff --git a/DDM-Corner-Helmholtz-2D/README.md b/DDM-Corner-Helmholtz-2D/README.md
index b10af0fdecccee7551c0070e4cc69d198a3bcec2..eeb163520f2bce959d323e7f5f81472a88d076c8 100644
--- a/DDM-Corner-Helmholtz-2D/README.md
+++ b/DDM-Corner-Helmholtz-2D/README.md
@@ -57,27 +57,32 @@ The script returns the total field `u` in the waveguide.
 Here are the available options:
+- `GetDP`: The `Resolution` value:
+  - `MonoDomain`: Direct solver / Mono domain problem (every sub-domains are merged)
+  - `DDM`: Domain Decomposition Algorithm
+- `GMSH`: nothing
 - `DDM`: 
+  - `Order 2` (continuous auxiliary function), `Homog. Neumann` or (our) `Corner Correction`
   - `Corner Condition`: `Dirichlet` (continuous auxiliary function), `Homog. Neumann` or (our) `Corner Correction`
 - `Geometry`: 
   - `X-width` and `Y-width`: resp. X-length and Y-length of the waveguide
   - `Type of border line`: `Broken Line` or `Straight Line`
   - `X-coord of the pick point`: Move the middle (peak) point on the x-line
   - `Y-coord of bottom point`: Move the bottom point on the y-line. The top point is moved symmetrically
-- `GetDP`: The `Resolution` value:
-  - `MonoDomain`: Direct solver / Mono domain problem (every sub-domains are merged)
-  - `DDM`: Domain Decomposition Algorithm
-- `GMSH`: nothing
+- `Boundary Conditions`:
+  - `Incoming (left)`: the boundary condition of the left side of the square, where the incoming wave is sent. It can be either `Fourier` (dn u + iwu) or `Dirichlet`.
+  - `Outgoing (right, =0)`: either `Fourier` (dn u + iwu), `Neumann` or `Dirichlet`. The condition is homogeneous (=0) and set on the right side of the square.
+  - `Top (=0)`: either `Neumann` or `Dirichlet`, homogeneous in both case (=0), for the top side of the square.
+  - `Bottom (=0)`: either `Neumann` or `Dirichlet`, homogeneous in both case (=0), for the bottom side of the square.
 - `Input`: 
   - `wavenumber`
-  - `Type of Condition (left side)`: on the left side, `Dirichlet` or `Fourier`. Both conditions are such that the solution remain the same.
   - `Type of incident wave`: `Plane wave` (exp^{i*k*(alpha*x)}, alpha = `Incident angle`) or Fourier mode (with m = `Mode number`)
+  - `Incident angle`: for a plane wave, this is the angle of incidence (in rad.).
 - `IterativeSolver`
   - `Solver`: `Jacobi` ("Parallel Schwarz") or `gmres`. The `print` is only for debugging purpose and might not work on your configuration.
-  - `Tolerance`, `Max it` and `Restart` (for GMRES) are classical parameter
-- `Mesh`: `NLambda` is the number of discretization points per wavelength
+  - `Tolerance`, `Max it` and `Restart` (GMRES only) are classical parameter
+- `Mesh`: `NLambda` is the number of discretization points per wavelength. The quantity `h` is the diameter of an element.
 - `Output`: 
   - `Prefix for filename`: prefix applied to every saved file
   - `Output Directory` of the results
-  - `Print every phi`: print on disk every auxiliary functions
+  - `Print every phi`: print on disk every auxiliary functions
\ No newline at end of file