From 7c600b086a06334bbedcb6ef338da77049d26f56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Ruth Sabariego (U0089683)" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 10:17:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Correcting Normal orientations for full wave

 Microcoil/   |  24 +++++++-
 Microcoil/microcoil.geo      | 112 +++++++++++++++++++----------------
 Microcoil/      |  98 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
 Microcoil/ |  23 +++----
 4 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Microcoil/ b/Microcoil/
index 5d1f7ab..d422eb4 100644
--- a/Microcoil/
+++ b/Microcoil/
@@ -272,12 +272,14 @@ Formulation {
       Galerkin { DtDtDof[ nu[] * ( Normal[] /\ Dof{a} ) /\ Normal[]   , {a} ];
         In SilverMullerBoundary; Integration I1; Jacobian Sur;  }
+      /* no contribution
       Galerkin {   DtDof[ nu[] * ( Normal[] /\ Dof{d v} ) /\ Normal[] , {a} ];
         In SilverMullerBoundary; Integration I1; Jacobian Sur;  }
       Galerkin { DtDtDof[ nu[] * ( Normal[] /\ Dof{a} ) /\ Normal[]   , {d v} ];
         In SilverMullerBoundary; Integration I1; Jacobian Sur;  }
       Galerkin {   DtDof[ nu[] * ( Normal[] /\ Dof{d v} ) /\ Normal[] , {d v} ];
         In SilverMullerBoundary; Integration I1; Jacobian Sur;  }
+      */
@@ -561,13 +563,15 @@ PostProcessing {
       { Name v ; Value { Term { [ {v} ]          ; In DomainC ; Jacobian Vol ; } } }
       { Name e ; Value { Term { [ -Dt[{a}]-{d v} ] ; In Domain ; Jacobian Vol ; } } }
-      { Name j ; Value {
+      { Name j ; Value {// j = sigma e - dt[d] = sigma e - epsilon dt[e]
           Term { [ sigma[]  *(-Dt[{a}]-{d v}) ] ; In DomainC ; Jacobian Vol ; }
-          Term { [ epsilon[]*(-Dt[{a}]-{d v}) ] ; In DomainC ; Jacobian Vol ; }
+          Term { [ -epsilon[]*Dt[-Dt[{a}]-{d v}] ] ; In DomainC ; Jacobian Vol ; }
       { Name d ; Value { Term { [ epsilon[]*(-Dt[{a}]-{d v}) ] ; In Domain ; Jacobian Vol ; } } }
+      { Name s; Value { Term { [ (-Dt[{a}]-{d v}) /\ (nu[] * {d a}) ]; In Domain; Jacobian Vol; } } }
       { Name I ; Value { Term { [ {I} ]   ; In SurfaceElec ; } } }
       { Name U ; Value { Term { [ {U} ]   ; In SurfaceElec ; } } }
@@ -576,10 +580,24 @@ PostProcessing {
 	  Integral { Type Global ;
 	    [ -sigma[]   * (Dt[{a}] + {d v}) * BF{d v} ] ; In DomainC ; Jacobian Vol ; Integration I1 ; }
 	  Integral { Type Global ;
-	    [ -epsilon[] * (Dt[{a}] + {d v}) * BF{d v} ] ; In Domain ; Jacobian Vol ; Integration I1 ; }
+            [ epsilon[] * Dt[ Dt[{a}] + {d v} ] * BF{d v} ] ; In Domain ; Jacobian Vol ; Integration I1 ; }
+      { Name Wm; Value { // Magnetic energy Wm = 1/2*L*I^2;
+          Integral { Type Global;
+            [ 1/2 * nu[] * SquNorm[{d a}] ]; In Domain; Jacobian Vol; Integration I1; }
+        } }
+      { Name L_from_Wm; Value { Term { Type Global; [ 2*$MagneticEnergy/SquNorm[$CurrentOfCoil] ]; In DomainDummy; } } }
+      { Name We; Value { // Electric energy We = 1/2*C*V^2;
+          // We = \int_D e*d dD = \int_D (-dt[a]-grad v)*epsilon*(-dt[a]-grad v) dD
+          Integral { Type Global;
+            [ 1/2 * epsilon[] * SquNorm[-Dt[{a}]-{d v}] ]; In Domain; Jacobian Vol; Integration I1; }
+        } }
+      { Name C_from_We; Value { Term { Type Global; [ 2*$ElectricEnergy/SquNorm[$VoltageOfCoil] ]; In DomainDummy; } } }
       { Name Cpos_fromEnergy ;
         Value {
 	  Integral { Type Global ;
diff --git a/Microcoil/microcoil.geo b/Microcoil/microcoil.geo
index da0376c..39fa563 100644
--- a/Microcoil/microcoil.geo
+++ b/Microcoil/microcoil.geo
@@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ Call geoBranch;
 Call geoBranch;
 If (nTurns > 1)
-For iTurn In {0:nTurns-2}
-Call geoBranch;
-Call geoBranch;
-Call geoBranch;
-Call geoBranch;
+  For iTurn In {0:nTurns-2}
+    Call geoBranch;
+    Call geoBranch;
+    Call geoBranch;
+    Call geoBranch;
+  EndFor
 dl = dl/2 -wWire;
@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ pointRef = p1;
 iBorderCoil++; lBorderCoil[iBorderCoil] = lta_Start;
 For i In {0:iBorder1}
-iBorderCoil++; lBorderCoil[iBorderCoil] = lBorder2[i];
+  iBorderCoil++; lBorderCoil[iBorderCoil] = lBorder2[i];
 iBorderCoil++; lBorderCoil[iBorderCoil] = -ltb_End;
 For i In {0:iBorder2}
-iBorderCoil++; lBorderCoil[iBorderCoil] = -lBorder1[iBorder2-i];
+  iBorderCoil++; lBorderCoil[iBorderCoil] = -lBorder1[iBorder2-i];
@@ -179,28 +179,28 @@ surfelecin  = allSurfCoil[0] ;
 surfelecout = allSurfCoil[ #allSurfCoil[]-1] ;
 For k In {0:#allSurfCoil[]-1}
-vol[] = Extrude {0, 0, wair} { Surface{allSurfCoil[k]}; Layers{lv[], bumpv1[]}; Recombine;};
-If(k==0 || k == #allSurfCoil[]-1)
-  volcoil[] += vol[1] ;
-If(k>0 &&k< #allSurfCoil[]-1)
-  volaircut[] += vol[1] ;
-If(k>0 && k<#allSurfCoil[]-1)
-  cutcoil[] += vol[5];
-  skincoil2[] += vol[0];
-  skincoil2[] += vol[4];
-  skincoil2[] += vol[2];
+  vol[] = Extrude {0, 0, wair} { Surface{allSurfCoil[k]}; Layers{lv[], bumpv1[]}; Recombine;};
+  If(k==0 || k == #allSurfCoil[]-1)
+    volcoil[] += vol[1] ;
+  EndIf
+  If(k>0 &&k< #allSurfCoil[]-1)
+    volaircut[] += vol[1] ;
+  EndIf
+  If(k>0 && k<#allSurfCoil[]-1)
+    cutcoil[] += vol[5];
+    skincoil2[] += vol[0];
+  EndIf
+  If(k==0)
+    skincoil2[] += vol[4];
+  EndIf
+  If(k==#allSurfCoil[]-1)
+    skincoil2[] += vol[2];
+  EndIf
-vol[] = Extrude {0, 0, wcoil} { Surface{vol[0]}; Layers{nl_coil};Recombine;};
-volcoil[] += vol[1] ;
-vol[] = Extrude {0, 0, wairtop} { Surface{vol[0]}; Layers{lv[],bumpv2[]};Recombine;};
-volair[] += vol[1] ;
+  vol[] = Extrude {0, 0, wcoil} { Surface{vol[0]}; Layers{nl_coil};Recombine;};
+  volcoil[] += vol[1] ;
+  vol[] = Extrude {0, 0, wairtop} { Surface{vol[0]}; Layers{lv[],bumpv2[]};Recombine;};
+  volair[] += vol[1] ;
 //air around
@@ -228,39 +228,51 @@ surfbox[] -= {allSurfCoil[], sAir};
 skincoil[] = CombinedBoundary{ Volume{volcoil[]};} ;
 skincoil[] -= {surfelecin, surfelecout};
-Physical Volume (COIL) = {volcoil[]} ;
-Physical Surface (ELECIN) =  { surfelecin } ;
-Physical Surface (ELECOUT) = { surfelecout } ;
-Physical Surface (SKINCOIL) = { skincoil[] } ;
+Physical Volume ("Coil", COIL) = {volcoil[]} ;
+Physical Surface ("Electrode IN", ELECIN) =  { surfelecin } ;
+Physical Surface ("Electrode OUT", ELECOUT) = { surfelecout } ;
+Physical Surface ("Boundary of coil", SKINCOIL) = { skincoil[] } ;
 Physical Surface (SKINCOIL_2) = { skincoil2[] } ;
-Physical Volume (AIR) = {volair[]} ;
-Physical Volume (AIRCUT) = {volaircut[]} ;
-Physical Surface (SURFBOX) = { -surfbox[], allSurfCoil[], sAir} ;
+Physical Volume ("Air", AIR) = {volair[]} ;
+Physical Volume ("Air cut", AIRCUT) = {volaircut[]} ;
+bnd_out() = Unique(Abs(CombinedBoundary{Volume{Volume{:}};}));
+bnd_out() -= {surfelecin, surfelecout};
+Physical Surface ("Outer boundary", SURFBOX) = {bnd_out()} ;
 // CutCoil
 Physical Surface (CUTCOIL) = { cutcoil[] } ;
 Physical Surface (SURFBOXONESIDE) = {allSurfCoil[]} ;
 linBndSurfCoil[] = CombinedBoundary{Surface{allSurfCoil[]};};
 Physical Line (CUTCOILLINE) = {linBndSurfCoil[{1:11:2,14}]} ;
 //For k In{0:#linBndSurfCoil[]-1}
 //Printf("%g %g",k,linBndSurfCoil[k]); EndFor
-Physical Point (POINTREFPOT) = {p1} ;
+Physical Point ("Ref. potential point", POINTREFPOT) = {p1} ;
+Recursive Color SkyBlue { Volume{volair[],volaircut[]}; }
+Recursive Color Red { Volume{volcoil[]}; }
+Recursive Color Blue { Surface{surfelecin}; }
+Recursive Color Green { Surface{surfelecout}; }
+// Hide{ Line{ Line '*'}; Point{ Point '*'}; }
+// nice_view[] = Boundary{ Surface{ skincoil[]};};
+// Show{ Line{nice_view[]}; }
-Color Red { Volume{volair[],volaircut[]}; }
-Color Red { Surface{ Boundary{Volume{volair[],volaircut[]};} }; }
-Color Gold { Volume{volcoil[]}; }
-Color Gold { Surface{skincoil[]}; }
-Color Red { Surface{surfelecin}; }
-Color Green { Surface{surfelecout}; }
+// Correcting Normals => necessary for Full Wave!!!
+// Getting surfaces with z=0, those are correct
+bb() = BoundingBox Volume {Volume{:}};
+sX = bb(3)-bb(0);
+sY = bb(4)-bb(1);
+sZ = bb(5)-bb(2);
-Hide{ Line{ Line '*'}; Point{ Point '*'}; }
-nice_view[] = Boundary{ Surface{ skincoil[]};};
-Show{ Line{nice_view[]}; }
+tol = sZ/20;
+cut_z0() = Surface In BoundingBox {bb(0)-tol, bb(1)-tol, -tol, sX, sY, 2*tol}; // 1/2, 1/4
+// Printf("",cut_z0());
+sur_reverse() = bnd_out();
+sur_reverse() -= cut_z0();
+Reverse Surface {sur_reverse()};
diff --git a/Microcoil/ b/Microcoil/
index f3d5d56..b5ca71e 100644
--- a/Microcoil/
+++ b/Microcoil/
@@ -35,12 +35,11 @@ Group {
     SurfaceGe0  = Region[ {} ] ;
-    SilverMullerBoundary = Region[ {SURFBOX} ] ;
+    SilverMullerBoundary = Region[ {SURFBOX, ELECIN, ELECOUT} ] ;
     DomainU = Region[ {DomainC} ]; // support Domain for the potential
-  EndIf
-  If(Flag_AnalysisType!=3)
-    SurfaceGe0  = Region[ {SURFBOX} ] ;
-    SilverMullerBoundary = Region[ {SURFBOX} ] ;
+  Else
+    SurfaceGe0  = Region[ {SURFBOX, ELECIN, ELECOUT} ] ;
+    SilverMullerBoundary = Region[ {} ] ;
     DomainU = Region[ {DomainC, DomainCC} ]; // support Domain for the potential
@@ -53,6 +52,7 @@ Group {
   Domain = Region[ {DomainCC, DomainC} ] ;
   DomainTot = Region[ {DomainCC, DomainC, SilverMullerBoundary} ] ;
+  DomainDummy = Region[{123456}];
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Constraint {
 Dir = "res/";
-ppo = "Output/";
+ppo = "{Output/";
 Include ""
 Include ""
@@ -147,10 +147,23 @@ PostOperation PostOp~{1} UsingPost MagDyn_av_3D {
   Print[ j, OnElementsOf DomainC, File StrCat[Dir,"j.pos"] ] ;
   Print[ v, OnElementsOf DomainC, File StrCat[Dir,"vs.pos"] ] ;
-  Print[ U, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format Table, SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"U_RL"], Color "Ivory", File > StrCat[Dir, "U_RL.dat"] ] ;
-  Print[ I, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format Table, SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"I_RL"], Color "Ivory", File > StrCat[Dir, "I_RL.dat"] ] ;
-  Print[ Z, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format Table, SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"Z_RL"], Color "Ivory", File > StrCat[Dir, "Z_RL.dat"] ] ;
-  Print[ L, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format Table, SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"L_RL"], Color "Ivory", File > StrCat[Dir, "L_RL.dat"] ] ;
+  Print[ U, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format Table,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"01Voltage"]{0}, Units "V", Color "Ivory",
+    File > StrCat[Dir, "U_RL.dat"] ] ;
+  Print[ I, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format Table,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"02Re(Current) RL"]{0}, Units "A", Color "Ivory",
+    File > StrCat[Dir, "I_RL.dat"] ] ;
+  Print[ I, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format Table,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"03Im(Current) RL"]{1}, Units "A", Color "Ivory"] ;
+  Print[ Z, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format Table,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"04R"]{0}, Units "Ω", Color "Ivory",
+    Color "Ivory", File > StrCat[Dir, "Z_RL.dat"] ] ;
+  Print[ Z, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format Table,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"05X"]{1}, Units "Ω", Color "Ivory"] ;
+  Print[ L, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format Table,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"10L_RL"], Color "LightSeaGreen", Units "H", File > StrCat[Dir, "L_RL.dat"] ] ;
 PostOperation PostOp~{2} UsingPost Electrostatics_a0v0_v {
@@ -158,20 +171,27 @@ PostOperation PostOp~{2} UsingPost Electrostatics_a0v0_v {
   Print[ v0, OnElementsOf DomainCC, File StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("v0_flag%g.pos", Flag_AnalysisType)] ] ;
   Print[ v1, OnElementsOf DomainCC, File StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("v1_flag%g.pos", Flag_AnalysisType)] ] ;
   Print[ e,  OnElementsOf DomainCC, File StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("e_flag%g.pos", Flag_AnalysisType)] ] ;
-  Print[ Ipos_RL,   OnRegion ElecCoil, Format FrequencyTable ] ;
-  Print[ Ipos_RLC,  OnRegion ElecCoil, Format FrequencyTable ] ; // all Ipos_wcapa
-  //Print[ Ipos_incapa, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format FrequencyTable ] ;
-  //Print[ Cpos_incapa, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format FrequencyTable ] ; // == Cpos_fromEnergy
-  Print[ Cpos_fromEnergy, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format FrequencyTable ] ;
-  // Print[ Cpos_fromEnergy[Domain], OnRegion ElecCoil, Format FrequencyTable ] ; //== idem previous line
-  // Print[ Cpos_fromEnergy[Domain], OnGlobal, Format Table ] ; //== idem previous line
-  Print[ Ipos_RL,  OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable, File > StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("IRL_flag%g.dat", Flag_AnalysisType)] ];
-  Print[ Ipos_RLC,  OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable, File > StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("IRLC_flag%g.dat", Flag_AnalysisType)] ];
-  Print[ Ipos_incapa, OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable, File > StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("Iin_flag%g.dat", Flag_AnalysisType)] ];
-  Print[ Cpos_incapa, OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable, File > StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("Cin_flag%g.dat", Flag_AnalysisType)] ];
-  Print[ Cpos_fromEnergy, OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable, File > StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("Ce_flag%g.dat", Flag_AnalysisType)] ];
+  /*
+  Print[ Ipos_RL,  OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable,
+    SendToServer StrCat[po,"01Re(Current) RL"]{0}, Units "A", Color "Ivory",
+    File > StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("IRL_flag%g.dat", Flag_AnalysisType)] ];
+  Print[ Ipos_RL,  OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable,
+    SendToServer StrCat[po,"02Im(Current) RL"]{1}, Units "A", Color "Ivory"];
+  Print[ Ipos_RLC,  OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"11Re(Current) RLC"]{0}, Units "A", Color "Ivory",
+    File > StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("IRLC_flag%g.dat", Flag_AnalysisType)] ];
+  Print[ Ipos_RLC,  OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"12Im(Current) RLC"]{1}, Units "A", Color "Ivory"];
+  Print[ Ipos_incapa, OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable,
+    File > StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("Iin_flag%g.dat", Flag_AnalysisType)] ];
+  Print[ Cpos_incapa, OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable,
+    File > StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("Cin_flag%g.dat", Flag_AnalysisType)] ];
+    */
+  Print[ Cpos_fromEnergy, OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format FrequencyTable,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"80C MQS+ES"], Units 'F', Color "LightSeaGreen",
+    File > StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("Ce_flag%g.dat", Flag_AnalysisType)] ];
 PostOperation PostOp~{3} UsingPost FullWave_av_3D {
@@ -179,12 +199,26 @@ PostOperation PostOp~{3} UsingPost FullWave_av_3D {
   Print[ j, OnElementsOf DomainC, File StrCat[Dir, "j_fw.pos"]] ;
   Print[ v, OnElementsOf DomainC, File StrCat[Dir, "v_fw.pos"]] ;
   Print[ e, OnElementsOf Domain,  File StrCat[Dir, "e_fw.pos"]] ;
-  //Print[ d, OnElementsOf Domain, File "d_fw.pos"] ;
-  Print[ U, OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format Table] ;
-  Print[ I, OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format Table] ;
-  Print[ Ipos, OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format Table] ;
-  Print[ Ipos, OnRegion #{ElecCoil}, Format Table, File > StrCat[Dir, Sprintf("I_flag%g.dat", Flag_AnalysisType)] ];
-  //Print[ Ipos[Domain], OnGlobal, Format FrequencyTable, File > Sprintf("I_flag%g.dat", Flag_FullWave)] ;
+  Print[ s, OnElementsOf Domain,  File StrCat[Dir, "s_fw.pos"]] ;
+  Print[ U, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format RegionTable, StoreInVariable $VoltageOfCoil,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"00Voltage"], Units "V", Color "Ivory" ];
+  Print[ I, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format RegionTable, StoreInVariable $CurrentOfCoil,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"01Re(Current)"]{0}, Units "A", Color "Ivory" ];
+  Print[ I, OnRegion ElecCoil, Format RegionTable,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"02Im(Current)"]{1}, Units "A", Color "Ivory" ];
+  Print[ Wm[Domain], OnGlobal, Format TimeTable,
+    File > StrCat[Dir,"Wm.dat"], StoreInVariable $MagneticEnergy,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"80Wm"], Units "W", Color "LightYellow" ];
+  Print[ L_from_Wm, OnRegion DomainDummy, Format Table,
+    File StrCat[Dir,"Lwm.dat"],
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"81L from Wm"], Units 'H', Color "Navy" ];
+  Print[ We[Domain], OnGlobal, Format TimeTable,
+    File > StrCat[Dir,"We.dat"], StoreInVariable $ElectricEnergy,
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"90We"], Units "W", Color "LightYellow" ];
+  Print[ C_from_We, OnRegion DomainDummy, Format Table, StoreInVariable $C_we,
+    File StrCat[Dir,"Cwe.dat"],
+    SendToServer StrCat[ppo,"91C from We"], Units 'F', Color "LightSeaGreen" ];
diff --git a/Microcoil/ b/Microcoil/
index 183dc00..8fba350 100644
--- a/Microcoil/
+++ b/Microcoil/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-pp  = "Input/1Geometric dimensions/0";
-ppEM  = "Input/2Electromagnetic parameters/0";
+pp  = "Geo. parameters/0";
+ppEM  = "EM parameters/0";
+ppEMm  = StrCat[ppEM,"medium/"];
 close_menu = 0;
 colorro  = "LightGrey";
@@ -13,15 +14,15 @@ c0   = Sqrt[nu0/eps0];
   nTurns = {2, Name StrCat[pp, "0Number of turns"], Highlight Str[colorpp], Closed close_menu},
-  wWire = {5, Name StrCat[pp, "1Width of wire [microns]"], Highlight Str[colorpp]},
-  hWire = {5, Name StrCat[pp, "2Height of wire [microns]"],  Highlight Str[colorpp]},
-  gWire = {5, Name StrCat[pp, "3Gap between wire [microns]"], Highlight Str[colorpp]},
-  Freq  = {1e8, Name StrCat[ppEM, "0Working Frequency [Hz]"],  Highlight Str[colorpp] },
-  epsilon_r = {5, Name StrCat[ppEM, "1Relative permittivity of medium"], Highlight Str[colorpp] },
-  c_medium = {c0/Sqrt[epsilon_r], Name StrCat[ppEM, "5Speed of light in medium"], ReadOnly 1,  Highlight Str[colorro] },
-  k_medium = {2*Pi*Freq/c_medium, Name StrCat[ppEM, "4Wave number in medium"], ReadOnly 1, Highlight Str[colorro] },
-  lambda_medium = {c_medium/Freq, Name StrCat[ppEM, "3Wavelength in medium"], ReadOnly 1, Highlight Str[colorro] }
+  wWire = {5, Name StrCat[pp, "1Width of wire"], Units "μm", Highlight Str[colorpp]},
+  hWire = {5, Name StrCat[pp, "2Height of wire"],  Units "μm", Highlight Str[colorpp]},
+  gWire = {5, Name StrCat[pp, "3Gap between wire"], Units "μm", Highlight Str[colorpp]},
+  Freq  = {1e8, Name StrCat[ppEM, "0Working Frequency"], Units "Hz", Highlight Str[colorpp] },
+  epsilon_r = {5, Name StrCat[ppEMm, "1Relative permittivity"], Highlight Str[colorpp] },
+  c_medium = {c0/Sqrt[epsilon_r], Name StrCat[ppEMm, "5Speed of light"], Units "m/s", ReadOnly 1,  Highlight Str[colorro] },
+  k_medium = {2*Pi*Freq/c_medium, Name StrCat[ppEMm, "4Wave number"], ReadOnly 1, Highlight Str[colorro] },
+  lambda_medium = {c_medium/Freq, Name StrCat[ppEMm, "3Wavelength"], Units "m", ReadOnly 1, Highlight Str[colorro] }
 um = 1e-6; // micron