From 6c64980df30f6032bf8b47e5f68343cf26f8cf97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guillaume Demesy <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 00:42:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] rename

 .../grating2D_data_plasmonics.geo             | 127 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 127 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 DiffractionGratings/grating2D_data_plasmonics.geo

diff --git a/DiffractionGratings/grating2D_data_plasmonics.geo b/DiffractionGratings/grating2D_data_plasmonics.geo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61f5259
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DiffractionGratings/grating2D_data_plasmonics.geo
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// Author : Guillaume Demesy     //
+// grating2D_data_plasmonic.geo //
+nm       = 1000.;
+ep0 = 8.854187817e-3*nm;
+mu0      = 400.*Pi*nm;
+cel      = 1.0/(Sqrt[ep0 * mu0]);
+deg2rad  = Pi/180;
+pp0        = "1Geometry/0";
+pp01       = "1Geometry/01Stack thicknesses/";
+pp02       = "1Geometry/02Diffractive element dimensions/00";
+pp1        = "2Materials/0";
+pp2        = "3Incident plane wave/0";
+pp2b       = StrCat[pp1,"1Custom non-dispersive materials/6Custom anisotropic rods/"];
+pp3        = "4Mesh size and PMLs parameters/0";
+pp4        = "5Post plot options/0";
+close_menu = 0;
+colorro    = "LightGrey";
+colorpp    = "Ivory";
+colorpp2   = "Ivory";
+colorpp01  = "Ivory";
+colorpp02  = "Ivory";
+lambda_min = 600;
+lambda_max = 800;
+nb_lambdas = 5;
+  flag_Hparallel = {1   , Name StrCat[pp2, "2polarization case"], Choices {0="E //",1="H //"}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+	theta_deg      = {30  , Name StrCat[pp2, "1incident plane wave angle [deg]"] , Highlight Str[colorpp2], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  nb_orders      = {2   , Name StrCat[pp2, "3number of post-processed diffraction orders"] , Highlight Str[colorpp2], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"}
+  d           = {350 , Name StrCat[pp0  , "0grating period [nm]"]        , Highlight Str[colorpp]  , Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  h_sub  		  = {300 , Name StrCat[pp01 , "1substrate thickness [nm]"]       , Highlight Str[colorpp01], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  h_layer_dep	= {20  , Name StrCat[pp01 , "2deposit layer thickness [nm]"] , Highlight Str[colorpp01], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  h_layer_cov	= {15  , Name StrCat[pp01 , "3cover layer thickness [nm]"]   , Highlight Str[colorpp01], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  h_sup  		  = {300 , Name StrCat[pp01 , "4superstrate thickness [nm]"]     , Highlight Str[colorpp01], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  Flag_glue_rod_subs   = {   0, Name StrCat[pp02, "0glue rod to substrate?"] , Choices {0,1}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} ,
+  Shape_rod            = {   1, Name StrCat[pp02, "1rod section shape"]      , Choices {0="Trapezoidal",1="Ellipsoidal"}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} ,
+  N_rods   	           = {   3, Name StrCat[pp02, "2number of rods [-]"]     , Highlight Str[colorpp02], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},    
+  w_rod_bot   	       = { 200, Name StrCat[pp02, "3bottom rod width if trapz rod OR x-diameter if elliptic rod [nm]"]         , Highlight Str[colorpp02], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  w_rod_top	           = { 500, Name StrCat[pp02, "4top rod width if trapz rod [nm]"]         , Highlight Str[colorpp02], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  h_rod                = {  50, Name StrCat[pp02 ,"5rod thickness if trapz rod OR y-diameter if elliptic rod [nm]"]     , Highlight Str[colorpp02], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  dy        	         = { 250, Name StrCat[pp02 ,"6embedding layer thickness OR 'period' along y if number of rods >1, [nm]"]    , Highlight Str[colorpp02], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},    
+  Rot_rod 	           = {  30, Name StrCat[pp02, "7rotate rod [deg]"]       , Highlight Str[colorpp02], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  Flag_chirp_rod_angle = {   1, Name StrCat[pp02, "8chirp angle?"]             , Choices {0,1}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} ,
+  Flag_chirp_rod_size  = {   1, Name StrCat[pp02, "9chirp size?"]              , Choices {0,1}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} ,
+  Chirp_rod            = {  90, Name StrCat[pp02, "91chirp size factor [%]"]    , Highlight Str[colorpp02], Closed close_menu , ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  flag_mat_1  = { 1 , Name StrCat[pp1, "0Dispersive materials/0material substrate"]     , Choices {0="Air",1="SiO2",2="Ag (palik)",3="Al (palik)",4="Au (johnson)",5="Nb2O5",6="ZnSe",7="MgF2",8="TiO2",9="PMMA",10="Si",11="ITO",12="Cu (palik)",13="custom 1 (lossless)",14="custom 2",15="custom 3"}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  flag_mat_2  = { 6 , Name StrCat[pp1, "0Dispersive materials/1material deposit layer"] , Choices {0="Air",1="SiO2",2="Ag (palik)",3="Al (palik)",4="Au (johnson)",5="Nb2O5",6="ZnSe",7="MgF2",8="TiO2",9="PMMA",10="Si",11="ITO",12="Cu (palik)",13="custom 1 (lossless)",14="custom 2",15="custom 3"}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  flag_mat_3  = { 6 , Name StrCat[pp1, "0Dispersive materials/2material embedding rod"] , Choices {0="Air",1="SiO2",2="Ag (palik)",3="Al (palik)",4="Au (johnson)",5="Nb2O5",6="ZnSe",7="MgF2",8="TiO2",9="PMMA",10="Si",11="ITO",12="Cu (palik)",13="custom 1 (lossless)",14="custom 2",15="custom 3"}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  flag_mat_4  = { 2 , Name StrCat[pp1, "0Dispersive materials/3material rods"]          , Choices {0="Air",1="SiO2",2="Ag (palik)",3="Al (palik)",4="Au (johnson)",5="Nb2O5",6="ZnSe",7="MgF2",8="TiO2",9="PMMA",10="Si",11="ITO",12="Cu (palik)",13="custom 1 (lossless)",14="custom 2",15="custom 3"}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  flag_mat_5  = { 1 , Name StrCat[pp1, "0Dispersive materials/4material cover layer"]   , Choices {0="Air",1="SiO2",2="Ag (palik)",3="Al (palik)",4="Au (johnson)",5="Nb2O5",6="ZnSe",7="MgF2",8="TiO2",9="PMMA",10="Si",11="ITO",12="Cu (palik)",13="custom 1 (lossless)",14="custom 2",15="custom 3"}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  flag_mat_6  = { 0 , Name StrCat[pp1, "0Dispersive materials/5material superstrate"]   , Choices {0="Air",1="SiO2",6="ZnSe",7="MgF2",8="TiO2",9="PMMA",13="custom 1 (lossless)"}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  epsr_custom_1_re  = { 8.9     , Name StrCat[pp1 , "1Custom non-dispersive materials/0custom relative permittivity 1 (real part)"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]  , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  epsr_custom_1_im  = { 0       , Name StrCat[pp1 , "1Custom non-dispersive materials/1custom relative permittivity 1 (imag part)"] , ReadOnly 1, Highlight Str[colorro]  , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} ,
+  epsr_custom_2_re  = {-44.9757 , Name StrCat[pp1 , "1Custom non-dispersive materials/2custom relative permittivity 2 (real part)"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]  , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  epsr_custom_2_im  = { 2.9524  , Name StrCat[pp1 , "1Custom non-dispersive materials/3custom relative permittivity 2 (imag part)"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]  , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  epsr_custom_3_re  = { 3       , Name StrCat[pp1 , "1Custom non-dispersive materials/4custom relative permittivity 3 (real part)"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]  , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  epsr_custom_3_im  = { 0.3    , Name StrCat[pp1 , "1Custom non-dispersive materials/5custom relative permittivity 3 (imag part)"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]  , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  Flag_aniso              = {     0 , Name StrCat[pp2b , "0Enable anisotropy for rods? (overrides material rods above)"] , Choices {0,1} , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} ,
+  epsr_custom_anisoXX_re  = { 2.592 , Name StrCat[pp2b , "1 epsilonr XX re"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]                                    , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  epsr_custom_anisoXX_im  = { 0     , Name StrCat[pp2b , "2 epsilonr XX im"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]                                    , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  epsr_custom_anisoYY_re  = { 2.592 , Name StrCat[pp2b , "3 epsilonr YY re"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]                                    , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  epsr_custom_anisoYY_im  = { 0     , Name StrCat[pp2b , "4 epsilonr YY im"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]                                    , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  epsr_custom_anisoZZ_re  = { 2.829 , Name StrCat[pp2b , "5 epsilonr ZZ re"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]                                    , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  epsr_custom_anisoZZ_im  = { 0     , Name StrCat[pp2b , "6 epsilonr ZZ im"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]                                    , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  epsr_custom_anisoXY_re  = { 0.251 , Name StrCat[pp2b , "7 epsilonr XY re"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]                                    , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  epsr_custom_anisoXY_im  = { 0     , Name StrCat[pp2b , "8 epsilonr XY im"] , Highlight Str[colorpp]                                    , Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"} , 
+  h_pmltop                    = {lambda_max, Name StrCat[pp3, "0top PML size [nm]"] ,  ReadOnly 1, Highlight Str[colorro], ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  h_pmlbot                    = {lambda_max, Name StrCat[pp3, "1bottom PML size [nm]"] ,  ReadOnly 1, Highlight Str[colorro], ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  Flag_o2_interp              = {1         , Name StrCat[pp3, "2Second order interpolation?"] , Choices {0,1}, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  Flag_o2_geom                = {0         , Name StrCat[pp3, "3Second order mesh?"] , Choices {0,1}, Visible 0, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  paramaille                  = {10 , Name StrCat[pp3, "4nb of mesh elements per wavelength [-]"   ] , ReadOnly 0, Highlight Str[colorpp], ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  paramaille_scale_sub        = {1  , Name StrCat[pp3, "6Custom mesh parameters/refine substrate [-]"    ] , ReadOnly 0, Highlight Str[colorpp], Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  paramaille_scale_layer_dep  = {1  , Name StrCat[pp3, "6Custom mesh parameters/refine deposit layer [-]"] , ReadOnly 0, Highlight Str[colorpp], Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  paramaille_scale_rod_out    = {1  , Name StrCat[pp3, "6Custom mesh parameters/refine embedding [-]"    ] , ReadOnly 0, Highlight Str[colorpp], Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  paramaille_scale_rods       = {3  , Name StrCat[pp3, "6Custom mesh parameters/refine rods [-]"       ] , ReadOnly 0, Highlight Str[colorpp], Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  paramaille_scale_layer_cov  = {1  , Name StrCat[pp3, "6Custom mesh parameters/refine cover layer [-]"  ] , ReadOnly 0, Highlight Str[colorpp], Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  paramaille_scale_sup        = {1  , Name StrCat[pp3, "6Custom mesh parameters/refine superstrate [-]"  ] , ReadOnly 0, Highlight Str[colorpp], Closed 1, ServerAction "Reset GetDP/T0, GetDP/R0, GetDP/Lambda_step, GetDP/total absorption"},
+  multiplot    = {0, Choices{0,1}, Name StrCat[pp4, "Plot solution on multiple periods"]},
+  plotRTgraphs = {1, Choices{0,1}, Name StrCat[pp4, "Plot R and T"]}
+] ;
+d              = d            * nm;
+dy             = dy           * nm;
+h_sup          = h_sup  		  * nm;
+h_sub          = h_sub  		  * nm;
+h_layer_dep	   = h_layer_dep	* nm;
+h_layer_cov	   = h_layer_cov	* nm;
+w_rod_bot      = w_rod_bot    * nm;
+w_rod_top      = w_rod_top    * nm;
+h_rod          = h_rod        * nm;
+h_pmltop       = h_pmltop     * nm;
+h_pmlbot       = h_pmlbot     * nm;
+paramaille_pml = 0.6667*paramaille;
+PMLBOT   = 1000;
+SUB      = 2000;
+LAYERDEP = 3000;
+RODOUT = 4000;
+For k2 In {0:N_rods-1:1}
+  ROD~{k2}=5000+1+k2;
+LAYERCOV = 6000;
+SUP      = 7000;
+PMLTOP   = 8000;
+SURF_INTEG_SUP1    = 121;
+SURF_INTEG_SUB1    = 131;
+SURF_INTEG_SUP2    = 122;
+SURF_INTEG_SUB2    = 132;
+SURF_PLOT          = 141;
+PRINT_POINT        = 10000;